HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-6, Page 4I
Ike $ignai,
to rosamiessi
OSce of 1'ua-.s s- ad K North street,
• Testis e1 nwka- vlattea 1
raeoolh, In adI0011113.11.I0011113.11.p ,B
n seot,
rear, .. 1 00
credit 1, aimed. the prise Mr 1~
will be 1 het
Adve.eWag Ursa
instal wad other oaaual adfor
tar Ilse for first tnsertiue. rid 3 dente per Ilse
for each sobaoeusut iwertlue, Messured by
• nonpareil scan.
liminess cards of six lines and under. its Per
Advertlaewents of Inst. Pound. Unyed,
Situation Vacant. Situation* Wanted wwaadd
business ('h..... Wanted. not exoerlrug i
nonpareil. 1 per month.
Houses on Sale avid Panne on Sale. no to
exceed $ liseo, la for Ont nsoeth. 500. per sake
s.queu t month. Larger advt.. in proportlo..
Any special notice. the object of which Is to
promote the pecuniary breed' of any nadl-
vldual or company, to b. combined aa ad-
vertisement and charted a000rdingle.
Local motion in nonpareil type one moat per
word. no notion less than iSc.
Isocal notices in ordinary reading type two
cents per word. No mouse for let than KM.
Notices for churches and other religious and
benevolent lestitutloms half rata
r'eeaateretcl ruiners Advertisements.
A limned number ofisp�Ia ed advertise
menu will be inserted at the *following mates :
Per inch. one insertion. ..... .
four insertions .. g1 00
" three months .................... 00
x .oaths OMB. 100
" ors year. ... 500
No aevertlaenent less than two Inches in
length will be calculated on above beats t
per cent. discount allowed for dash payments
on throe months' contract ; 10 per oeot. on en
month:. and 15 per cent. on a year's. These
condition, will be strictly enforced.
Abest "The Miguel Waives y.
Subscriber,' who fail to receive Tux BwwaL
rent/arty. either by carrier or by mall. wW
cooter a favor by acquainting us of the fact at
M early a dateas sensible.
Leek al Tear label.
Your label is a standing receipt of the date
to which you are paid up. Bee that it la not
allowed to fall into arrear.
When a charms of address is desired. both
the old and the new address should be given.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned.
Correepondence must be writtenion ono side
of paper outy.
Pub leber's Media,
.1. C. Le Touxel, of (loderich, has been ap
pclotad Local Travelling Agent for the tow. -
ships of Uoderich, Colborne. Ashfeld and Wa-
Local postmasters over the district are sono
empowered to reoelve subs. • iptious to Toa
tiro' At_
All oommunications our be eddre od to
Teta 81 *.!,
Telephone Call r, Bederbh- Oat
f11ODSRICM. THI7138DAT. OCT. 11. ire.
The subscriber in open to offers for
the purchase of the Newspaper and
Job Printing Office of
One of the beat equipped offices .nil
beat paying country newspapers itt
Western (Ontario.
Satisfactory returns for gelling.
The days of the fell show are upon us an i
the exhibitor at the fair is now working
overtime in a wild endeavor to secure the
largest possible bunch of red tickets.
The fall show is • joyous outing to the
spectator, and may be welcomed with great
joy by the exhibitor, but the newspaper
!sten looks upon it with feelings akin to
horror. He gets no prizes for anything he
does in connection with the show, and if he
changes the initial of an exhibitor or omits
to mention the aged and infirm lop cab-
in quilt that has braved the vicissitudes of
exhibitions from time immemorial he receives
more than his share of blankety blanks.
This week the big fall show of the West
Huron Agricultural Society has the right of
way, and the editor takes • hack seat.
All parties getting their sale bills printed at
this oMee will have a free notice inserted
in this list up to the time of We.
Auction sale of farm stock and imple-
ments on Tuesday Oct. 11th 1892, con,
mooing st 1 o'clock p.m., at lot 9 coo. 13
W. D. Ashfield. R. MC'Iiarles, Auction-
eer. .lames McDonald, Proprietor.
Auction Side of household furniture on
saturdey I let. 8th 1892, commencing at 1
o'clock p.m., at the furniture mems, Ilode-
rich, nearly opposite Post otfioe. A. M.
Polley, Atlminutrator. John Knox, Auc•
r iooeer.
Auction sale of farm stock and imple-
meats of the estate of the late Nicholas Mor-
rish, rrh, on Thursday, October 13th, 1892, at
lot 3, concession 4, Colborne township, at
1 o'clock P. w. No Reserve. Richard Jew-
ell and James Jenkins, Administrators
John Knoll. Auctioneer
A Trying Massa.
The variable weather of letober is an a1
most remain fcrernnner of mold in the heed
and catarrh, but to Nasal halm the sufferer
has • remedy that speedily relieves anal per
rrsarsently cur the worst cases. A bottle
of Nasal Halm should he kept in every
household. Sold by all dealers or sent,post•
age paid, oar receipt of SOc. for small or ge
for large size bottle, by addrtteong 1;. T.
Penned R 4 o., Brockville. Ont.
Illy Temlbeebe !
Is an exeivimatiou heard every hour in the
day. Tooth.che is the most oommoe ail
meat of your and old, and in the argrerate
inflicts more suIering than perhaps any
other mingle complaint- A one mantas cure
is j.K what every annum desires to maims.
Nerylltne nerve psis etre tem almost
.atantli to reheyi.g the stony, and a
.stink Tw•tele affords a quantity sufficient
ler 100 apllinatio.s 10 nate Ails the bill.
Pel..'. Wervili.e is the only porno. rem
sty l.r torha . and MI err p'i'th. Raid
by ill darer i. semberie. 1
It le said That Mame T\.aeaad YIP
iMOdere ere tale sal Them Wee new
Infill at Wok Aro ea Ghost Ttme -
Uraperl K.vo.. IM Lead.. Tett.rivi0
1/aeer t\e Deairama tet
Lumpur', Out. S --Thr labor outlook in
the large manufacturing &p.1 ship budding
mitre of Great Britain is very throated'
tag. A crisis u probable in the manta trade
that promisee to have more widespread re-
sults than any of the peevlous trouble
which have occurred between the meters
aed opsrauve, and in the ship budding
trade of the Clyde only taus -third of the
bertha are occupied and no ewer orders are
Is band.
11 u rid that 13,000 heads, who were
employed in various minicar* about the
yards, are idle, and those who ars still at
work are working on short time. To maks
matters worse for the employe the mastale
have uow decided upon • general redecUoa
in wage, and have announced that en-
gineers, iron founders and ship-butldaw
III ilI henceforth receive 10 per int less
money tor their labor than heretofore. Tide
reduction u to take effect on Oct 10.
The Clyde miner1 h.w* also been slel�d
that their wages will be reduced sinews
per day oar and alar Oct. 10.
on the Verge .1 rallarw.
Lawson, Ors. & -Ruiners have bees in
circulation for several days past that •
large drapery hour i. the Wet End el
Loldoo is hopelessly involved. Coeama.t-
ing upon these rumors Monday The St
James Gazette says that several great d
firms are tottering under the seven
depreaaioa, which has affected all ranks e1
This depression was badly felt last CkrKi-
mM time, when some of the largest drapery
rope in the West End did not for days He
rive a single customer. Many firms 1* de-
spair dutasantled their windows and packed
their fancy goods away with a view to bid-
ing them over until next December.
The betrothal of the Duke of Claims
and Avondale and Princess May created s
new style of goods, which was no MYR
produced than all demand for it was hklgt-
ed by the death of the Duke, and the
dealers were left with thous&pds of airs
of finery on their hands. The absence of
• l,oaeseason added to the troubles.
The greater houses found it necessary
to extend the credits of the smaller dealers
in order to prevent them from becoming
bankrupt. This extension of credit was
overdose, and unless trade revives b�
('brisunas • colleges will be inevitable. If
rose big hoc goes it will ..Ing others with
The Gazette conclude by saying it u te
be hoped that royalty will set the ball of
Prosperity reUi.g. An announcement that
the Duke of York was about to marry
would have • magical effect epee trade.
Bleyeltst Fondly Hart.
New Bevan, Chan., Oct. 5. - W. Richard
Norman, treasurer of the Connecticut Cycle
Co., was fatally hart by his bicycle
colliding full tilt with a dump cart in Shel- i
la Deep.lr He Tries to K111 Rlm..tt end
RI* bite.
Brnsto, Oct. 5. -John N.utnaon, one
of the Lake Shore switchmen who went oat
on the strike last August. has been trying
to get back to his old position. Fatting in
ahs lei went crazy yesterday and attempted
to kill his wtfe and himself.
His wife banded him some medicine in a
glass, when he grabbed it and .truck her It
the face, cutting her badly. He also tried
to cut his throat with the broken glass,
mangling himself badly.
Baty -Two Heed !fraught Nearly Sse,.s•,
Ureal Prime Ihlag Paid.
New 'iota, Oct. S - Half Ire Four
Hundred at least were gathered yesterday
in the 'Tattersall sale banding •1 Fifty -fifth -
street and Seventh -avenue, when Aue-
tioneer William Easton ascended his roe
trum and gave a preliminary tlourish to his
ivory gavel. The occasion was the usual
sale of Mr. W. 1). Grand's Canadian horses,
and sixty-two head of the Test and most
carefully selected hunters, jumpers,carriage
ir. and eagle bot•... came under the
Sixty-two head brought nearly f�'e1,O00, an
average of almost 14.10. Such figures need
no comment.
Me. 0. H. P. Belmont was present and
Incidentally bought a four in -hand team for
it7350 after a sharp competition with an
other well-known gentleman. The team he
secured is of rare beauty anti ezc.11ence.
Ex Secretary W. 0'. {Whitney was another
interested spectator, &pd in the crowd were
Messrs. A. J. ('assatt, Amami J. Parker,
J. H. Roosevelt, Alez&pder Taylor, jr.,
A. W. Powell, R. Hooglaod, T. C. Patteson
of Toronto, .1. B Moove, R. Wallach, Fred.
Hoey, .1. Arthur, Captain Fnzell, F. D.
itse Menne Peet r de r ekes W Omar
Lopoow, O.t. Ih-A telegram nowt bra
Haelewo re at 11 p.m. says.
Lord Troyer is quite prostrate 1t i
not likely that he will survive the eight.
Th. (joules has telegraphed Haalsmere
at brief 'Intervale eaqutring as to Lord T.w-
oyso.'s tradition.
urns Tbb Mereineg
Loewe, Oct 5.-.A despair from lime
lamerw, Gent at 4.15 aa. Saye that W
ooaditioa of Lord Tinnier is % uekaaged,
A rwelg\t 11..1e testi.. a Crowded
Memo Oar
Cincinnati, Oct & -A switch eager
backing well with three loaded oars of
treight on the Cincteueti, Weenies
ton and Baltimore road at Harrimu-kvhi.e
Iasi might struck a John -street horse cer,
killing two people and wounding fiee,badly
shaking up 23. The •witch..a
at the crossing permitted the street
oar to attempt to crus. the track, and the
height ears struck the rear platform, os
Thies ware seven perilous, cutu.g off the
Sad of the car as smoothly as if with •
senor. Two of the seven on the platfoeta
were killed, doe and perhaps iwa
Mere fatallyinjared and all the
Wier* were dangerously hurt. The dead
ere Johu Fries, aged tf, thrown ander rail-
'rad care and cut in two. John I_ Mar
I V .'crushed chest and spine, died on amy-
�•ly injured are: Barney
Fltxpetrick, back and spice injured
dangerously ; William Howard Johnson
d Fairmont, skull fractured, the
sight leg broken, probably fatally
hurt; Jacob Dedham, s 15 -year-old boy,
} left leg crushed, very serious. The dig btI
lijured are: Jacob Hermann wad Ja
Mallen lesteed or Religion stared awed
ties ceagregette..
FVLron, Mo., Oct. 5.-- -Three y segs i
ikilled, . wom.n fatally wounded and IBR
.e&1 persons shot, bat not mortally wo.ad-
ed, at a colored revival meeting at Ste
I chess Stone, • small town 20 mule north
meet of here, on Sueday evening.
On Saturday• colored youth, Mike Tsr-
Der, whipped &pother negro boy. The
latter swore vengeance and on Bandty I
afternoon he entered the meeting and draw -
mg a revolver began to fire at T . Hie
fins shot pierce1 the abdomen of a colored
worms named Keys and his second atortally 1
wounded her hushesd. Serer•l of those
present drew revolvers and took aid.. for
and against the boy who started the shoot-
leg. The women screamed and fieri in all
directivs•, while the men were braisg
•way at each other. When the smoke
cleared away two men were dead and
several wounded. Keys died yesterday,
and Mrs. Keys caanot live. Its lsstad
that or of the Degree was eat to pima
AIM Y Emissary rresa the Pepe reae.
i Leek l.1. et
Cste*oo, Oet 3. -Pope 1..0 r .eodtn a
"delegate apostolic to to !sus country, ME E.
Sarni, president of what r known at the
Veucan as the Academy for Noble EecI-
.iastic, a celebrated training school for
ecclesiastical diplomats. Mgr. Batolit's
object will be to obtain reliable statistics of
the Catholic population in the United
Sates and to inform himself as to the
growth and influence of the church here.
It r said by thaw who know whereof t
they .peva, bow ever, that the apostolic
delesate, who is to leave Rame forthwith,
has been invested 'with other powers than
1..�ie requisite for the fulfilment of them
simple duties
in this connection it is pointed out that
the meeting of the American archbishop., ,
which was fiefdoms ume ago to take piece
in New York early this month, has been
postponed until November.
Th. school question is the mein issue to
be discussed at the archbishops'confereoce,
and the divergence of views is regarded at
en marked M to render desirable the pre-
sence of an authorized agent from Home.
w.e le reessmstw of a stet.. swept .
and reared se saea dm saps .re
•Onelret•1 O. the Urals t -be $Nae
t►m Obey lead sled eke Leeman, as
Toaopeo, O.t. 5. -Et tier A. K.ewlaad,
Id years of age, and employed as air -
roger bo) by the Impel la! Bank, commit-
ted amide by shooting himself to the cellar
of tin bank at about 9 a clock yesterday
He wM tumid by Caretaker Graffiti at the
north sad of the cellar, while ))et alive,
with a bullet bole in his teatple. H. linger-
ed for about au hour, but was to as un -
resinous madame.
On the wall written oa a piety of wrap -
Nag paper won found the moorage:
th* 41
1'o *0. it of *Ar haprrwJ bans ..d ear
rearm 1 kayo for drier' le because 1 a.
mined up Is • Weide affair. 1 bops ". met yo0
I W Y hones.. Cloud bya Maw tali arty
lttwlhsr, *'aloe 1.aur..o. t pent'. 1.saJsr
1 i�r.vee. the payltm tells'. rwvcher 1 lea.. toy
bye for ay Ito -tart )Twat. Ib not roti my
mo(her. 1 haus d wW eagle her death 1 ns
iPelta atntgbt a bears; yes, 1 as going bums
Ley It from my mother. t A Milan-uo.
I gee. tit. Breaker oe. t M.wa
His brother, Frank Knowlaad, who u
employed in W. A Badenacb s office, reach-
ed bar pros of employment at 9.15 and
found the following letter waled had ad-
dressed in lead peacil:
bun F..nx.
!amain/6g to /mama suicide bseats.. 1 bares
got mixed up n • bicycle .map.. tleod-e�..
i:..nd Wee you 1 bots to nw/t yaw ra Heaven.
Dont teal mmina F.. A. Ksowusu.
The letter bad evidently been written .t
home and shoved through the letter dip as
Leis went down to the bank at 8.30.
eeribbled in blue pascal on the eaveloppee,
�111ently at the last moment, were tli
wards :
'Ilse Mr wells of Una !Mark O/mpaay anent
fiiila '
Frank immedrtely ram with all speed to
Charles Stark d Co.'s to find out about it,
net realising that his brother might kill
himself at the bank He saw Mr. Wells
and heard that toiletries story, which indi-
cates the cam of the boy's taking his life:
The Nary of the aseyele.
Or Sept 7, a Black Prism bicy le, with
Lmktos tire, belonging to Mr. Bruce Rob-
inson, was stolen from the hallway of
Charles Stark t Co. The matter was re -
at police headquarters, and I).a.e-
e Slemin took charge of the case. It
M•1d not be located until on Sunday of
Mow, Mr. W. J. Wells, an employe
dtark•s, who set every bicycle wbr
��.aannee�� through their hands, Diet Ernest
1[•owrnd riding the wheel in Que..
✓ ea.t. As there are my one or two su
wheels in the city be made w boats ahem
A Bets..e rlltrtwane tsar ruse eastatelie
O*• break
Morrow, Oct. .t-Thtlty thouu:nd pd.
p000hate started from tie Ktemdto ref
tat, to oeleblats zilc .5001 it auto ,eraary
ed the death of S.. Sergtus. nay ate I.
ooml.nuied by IWO of the , lergy Lew, lis
smiled symbols and image The pile inns
pass*I Mon !.y ought in the villain u( %lb
ahamhtj iu the igan at•. Their heravews
lamio reveal.,l a relyd erne. For three
miles along the tuu.l the pilgrims vers
huddled togotl.rt iu group., sleeping o•
sacks of bra:•keu bread. The *bole die testes
L W miles. 1t is expo: ted 1011,11110 p:lgntns
rill saruthisa* Got Trott as m-n.-r,.ry.
Cos..ok regitaentire lead.ttg tet! g..
tag the prca'cs i..n St Sergio' *a• the
die( actor to the 11011 . entury straggle be
throw off the Tartar coke.
i l..... i rout iinwb..g
LAC, tm.o . Ilet 5 .1c..ur.ling W The Stan -
lord'. Itrrnburg correspondent Hamburg's
choler. figures tor Tuesday are. N,.s arses
49, .?e..ths 11, t,urials 131, patients i.
hospitals 813.
hiveg one on ltelte.d.
.\111nTaapA1, 0.-t 3. There pees Meta
reported in Hotrod yesterday 10 new cases
of cholera sad apses ♦setba.
Dr. II.yee Predate
D1Tata1T, Mich.. Oct. 5. -Lir. Bryce el
the Octane Board of Health attended •
mssti.g of the local board here yesterday.
He expressed indignation that immigrants
•besId be quarantined a1 Windsor. as it
was a great hardship to them end also &p
injustice to Casuist. He further intimated
that Ontario might adopt retaliatory
nws.res if its jest protests were disre-
garded He said %bey sold refuse Mtchi-
SSY-buuibl .n.ml rants.dmisetu0at Niagara
Falx Th.c local board voted to acompt otw-
ildeates (root Quebec, but said that the
Kate wee responsible for the prese•t system
of insp•ctiva.
lilto\wK Rleesed Governer by a alajesiiy
st 18,0.0
JAcaso ovtt.t.a, Fr., Oat. 5. -The vote el
the States lordly as heavy as expected.
This is accounted for by tha fact that
the poll tax re.luiremeats kept dews
the aggregate of qualitioatior in all par -
Net At 71 p m. reports had been received
from every ooanty in the state, end from
actual retorts, coupled with careful coo-
•.rvtive estitoateathey show that NItudi.0
(D.E has a majority in all ranging
from 3000 in Hillsborough Or home county)
to 20 in Baker County, when. the third
hoped tet a victory by 1l10 inalorir-
ler; a footings of the estimated majorities u -
of , dtcate that Mitchell's majority in the
ch state will be tot far from t.1,f00 Ho vote
will prof ably run to 31.000 .Ind il•.' o e
' win not exceed SOW.
intsmegatioj K owl&pd as to when be
Set it He told a straightforward
tale to the effect that he had it on trial
Std was going to purchase it, paying $10
down and iestalments of 85 per moat►
until paid for. Mr. Wells was 'seined to
believe the story, except that the boy said
he knew nothing of the owner of the wheel,
neither hr name nor address, but thought
he lived in Markham -street. Ho told
Knowland that it would be worth his while
to find the man who wanted to sell Ism the
wheel, and at 5.10 on Monday evening
KInow1&pd telephoned to Wells Ibat hei
would call on him that crewing. He had
001 come.
Frank Knewlaad at once horned down
o the bank to sae i1 his brother was then
and found that his life was already takes.
Pgrlar 1. the wank.
Ernest Knowland's duties were throe of
messenger boy, and he had to regis-
ter the time that every employe
came in the mornings. He was
fey popular among the bank officials.
He was a stocky -built English boy of fair
complexion and small for We ace. He was
ormerly in the employ of the Great North-
western Telegraph Company.
His mother is a widow, now in the hos-
nal, and up to a short time ago the
brothers had boarded together. on hep..
15, however, Ernest went to board with
n. Lizzie Aldridge of 51 Trinity-.gaare.
Mrs. Aldridge was assnb) • re -
poster last evening and stated that she
became acquainted with Ernie through hie
rI.nd.hip for her son George, a boy
a the employ of the Queen's Hotel
be two were almost inseparaDie
d she had got to look o.
roast es her own. He had had
bicycle for several months, she had
ace asked George bow Ernest cern, by it,
d he said that the officials «0 the bank
had given it to him- Long before be ours
board with bee he had been in the habit
leaving his bicycle at her house when he
d not have It .t the bask.
Abouta month ago Ernest rode up to
e house one day and asked how she liked
new wheel. He said he had graded
the old one sad got $5 to knot; she gats
ata dight rebuke for selling what had
bea present from the gentlemen at the
k. Ernest took off the iron guards over
be wheels d the tool hag, which are sew
The Prwdeet of Otte Cal.orsLF a 0.
Ilse. MEvolution.
COLIw.t•s, O., Oct. 5. -Dr. W. H. /Ms1. t
esideat of the Ohio State Unarmed*, ; s
sant • letter to the Methodist Coster.`• 1
once at Portsmouth withdrawing from the E
conference and returninghis letter of or-
dination. He does so. he say., bed... of a
chapel at length to -day upon his action. He
explained that he had left the church be- t.h
ruse he did not believe in its Write as to kis
method of creation, he loading rather eiti ogr
the evolution theory.
i hi
Fifty -are Rases liereed
Brown and • btilliant array of ladies in the boarding stable in 7letsteeet yesterday `
The beet price of the day, VOW, was
paid by Mr. Belmont for the beautiful bay
mare, Canadian Belle, by Ryshawk.
has swept the board of prams wherever ex-
hibited, and will be a terror to all compe-
titors at the coming horse show. Mr. Bel-
mont also secured for 81400 the bay MATO
Blue Ribbon, • very perfect match he
Canadian Belle.
The sales for 8600 or OVID!' were MD Is&
Canadian b 0. R. I'. Delman $111111
Adoiaidv and nay Boy, bay pair 0. H. P.
Belmont. IOW
lvelyn mid Masa, crosematebed pair. J.
Telford 1130
itorden and titeakey, brows pair, K Meet.
land 1100
Dudley and Hilaelta hay sale, 1. Awe- OE
Th. laird, ex Mr. As veins Powell
Vonsausht. hr Banat
Oyster. le r. wawa
Wasiebontor, elajii, M. a.
loam ell e. Osseral A
lunlatan elf like Thad lidelleb.
PAIL•AILYSIA. OCA. the 11111191
rigirenion started is tri bat again this era.
ay of two wirier with 81 rune. Ail
big in their first imams of third mid
deending match with All rhilarielphin
Whim the tenth man was tholly
oat the visitors had enemoded in putting
-Philadelphians thee went in The lose et
four wickets for II rasa demoralized them.
and when stamps were drawn for the &I
sie MO wen est for enly 47 runs.
Tell ruder a Trate
of th• is pro* is stimpios trews the hewer 1
aim of the tram front New Vert =It
hefer. the train had s
swam under the track =we wbeab
passed ewer hie. meting Mir ia toe.
burned op 52 horses. Two firemen were ill
seriously injured- Loss 912,000.
been received here of the sudden death of 't
Joel Reitman, member of the Cabinet of the m
Northwest lagisIsture. He ware the oldest
member of the House and prominent in all `:"
the room he used to occupy.
On Saturday night Ernest had bought a
w merge suit, and George had done so,
. The bays had takes the bicycle off ta
• afternoes for a ride and did not bring
back. Oe Monday two gesitie-
en had called at the horse to
the wheel which they wanted to bay.
Monday night, the oleo before his dear,
was unusually quiet Lod in reply to lira
Aldridge's quarrels said he meant to
the wheel for PO. He waa accustomed to
read Lb* paper reed hm, bat did met de
and mons/ very quiet, but when he
to bed he wont le •sid talked to her
for • while. At breakfast yesterday
retrain; he was quiet, bot seemed in good
*Ms; bf ra Aldridge urged hire to try
ease bone to dimmer at nor. H•
be would mew th•t de.y. It wee
omaiting te Mrs. Aidridge that he should
love written the letter to his brother
Prank. which he must hare done before he
mune down to brirktast. He got her sen
Walter, a little boy of 11, to accompany
him part el the way to the oar sad ka
It71• while for him.
his watch upon him. asking him te
A reporter was afforded • view
the room where arson smile the
vs of loading his life. It was wait mid
good sir A aumber of books aad
=.4te read in bed There
nes were there, which it waa kis
mil ems dime amyl, bet all th•
some Mete ter adventure. Oss was • prs
mot fern Mr. J. H. Liar an offirial
et the bank; mother from Williamme
Os., Irbil kook at this Isaporid. He areas
lerecoys"11(rwo Paper Ooting showed
the trend et hie Aright&
Manoger Wilkie said Ism eirsaimg that
las ma memos el • horde having bees
given es the bee by the buili
It leeks se it theirs was loam third party
wise trim primarily rompeasiblis ler tai
bier& sisal smoothened sheen
Tbe Beverly Whippeag ease
Ramittilp (kit. & -At the Police Coors
veeterdartise magistrate gave judgment. 85
in the adjourned case against Mo-
Niebol. the young Beverly wheel teacher. ••Y•
tried on Saturday 0111 the charge of assault-
ing ens of his pupils, Adelaide Arnold. The
defendant was found guilty of the sessalt.
the trate holdin that ths blows """"
which t • girl rend the ises and
arms were in excess of the psnisimissit
lee of 1110 aad casts oe
lowed hy the School Act and iallselesz
t bow item ensousted to $11`29.
Tsar. Tess., Oot. & -Three hundred id
let beet citizens eif Dirtied No. 7 lest sight
leek Ale d Hall
. rote
easels having him in custody, homed hini nmot
and riddled him body with Iselletta HO was 4
storied with Om attempted raps of • white
Baseball a mosamat lees
New Tone, OM IL -It is harmed that
the baseball magnates haws donded apse
• 12 gluts ashesmo for next memo.
hem agreed also to ask for so eztesoiserh3
es all notes rem by them. The
Meese ismanally this ewes are said to he
Ottawa, Oel & patina el Aide.
= Teas is raised to the Meehan'
essmaitlee ed the Coma with lb JAR
Thesewsea se diabetes.
Address Dm Mksetarg.
W,•oosseem, 3. -Mr. iridium truth
addressed • public seating yesterday
is the Town Hall at loserklp cm freedom
of speech. James Anderson, reeve of kiwis -
ship and presidium of N -oh Oxford Reform
Association. acted as dour .mn. The at-
tendance was thaa 200. but was of a
Woodstock politicians were present mil
the prevent was carried Mit without any
friction, although from the character of the
meeting it might well be termed a political
Mr. Sinith spoke about 20 manatee, Bair-
ruagly condemning Sir Oliver Mowat for, as
he alleged, attempting to interfere with
frm discussion of Canada's future.
Elgin Myers of Orangeville also spoke. de.
lending his position ead chunking equal right
as the part ot aoy canon, whether County
Attorn y or private iadi•idual. to discuss
Criadian reLatione with other countries.
W. McGregor of Toronto also epoke.
Andrew Patton*, editor of The Seidler -
Review, requested • Imariag and III the
worse of half an hour's speech warmly
resented the annimatiois sentimmt of the
previous speakers.
Finally this resolutioa was carried: "Re-
solved, that this meetang protests against
any intorforettos with freedom of iipeech in
regard to the question of our neural
future now before the Canadian people."
Preen our own cierreepond”nt.
The apple packers ere going their rounds.
Hugh Johneton wee visiting at t.oderich
last wesk.
Mies lieorguta Domain is visiting friends
sear Brussel&
Mos Tillie Roes, of Detroit, is %Mating
her father, Wm. Hoak
Arch. Patterson had • very sore eye. hav-
ing got something in at.
hi asses Stevenson and Mitchell, of Moles
worth, muidayed at Hey. A. I.. Hartley'a.
-lames McHardy, who has been laid up
with • lame foot, es able to be around
The harvest home festival held to the
Methodist church on Moaday night was
quite • emcees. Addresses were given by
Reuss Stafford, Harry, Green and Leech.
Music wee rendered by tha choir.
Council met on Saturday, Sept. 94th,
member absent, 41ty reeve Bowers,
and oounoillor Todd. The minutes of for-
mer meeting were read and approved The
tremor's's report tor A showed hal.
lance and reosipta, .14 anti expend'
tare, $285.89, leaving 1/169.26 to September
account. William iloAllistor apphed to
indeed i• he whose blood Is poor,
who has lost his appetite and his
flesh and Sallrilit to be in a rapid do -
Of Port Initio Cid Um II
also sae risa Need. and se gabs blei ernes
asil parr Areal Ns. wan eseghs. delft
welt." ""61---r.atec C 0 I
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity In
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest at Tobas-ro ovarrojet-
bows is Camas.
Cut Plug, 10c. i Ito Pteg, 10c.
to be superior in every res-
pect to any other brands in
the market. Always reli-
able. as has been fully d...1,-
,,nstrated by the
that are sold annually and
the increasing demand for
them, notwithstanding an
increased competition of o% -
er One Hundred and Twen-
ty-five Factories. This fact
speaks volumes. We are r,,:t
cheap Cigar manuracturers.
Largest and Highftst Grade Cigar
Manufacturers in Canada.
have • deg Anon off tbe roll. No seise
was taken. The claim of Samuel Kerr fer
damages for @beep killed by dog was laid
over until next martini. Tlie 1111111 31•50
waa refunded to Lutheran church, Mooches
ter, for statute labor improperly collected.
Moved by Mr. (libeco, seconded hy lir.
Medd that the reeve and clerk he impower-
ed to soospt the collector's bond when ex-
ecuted, if satisfairery. --Carried. The fol-
Iowa/4 amounts were paid - W. A. Grist'
son. for two days work shovelling firsvol•
**Foltest, WM; Thos. McKenzie, repair-
ing culvert, 80.50 ; Wm. Maker, feecteg
Quillan, piping ammo road, lia 00 ; Mime
Jarvis, culvert, oonowasioas 12and 13,12.01k
Thos. Lott, crayoning opposite 22. C0"I.,,n
Moe 10, 1110.00 ; railieg os bride. c°41-
ff3,00 repairing bridge between 18 and 19,
emoresicie 10, 47.00 -- 220.00; Lothella
church, reread notate tox, 81.50
nos **devisee, 12 rode gravel to gravel
see, equalising wheel asetiene and arbors -
Liao, MOO. eased] adjoused wed fo
Saturday, November 12th.
ma today. inewboes all pressen Meows
Jen Goewelly
iklia=lidmIlwe Se mimeos thew hens fro,
highway Were the Sot day d
November : Ihredleld, Jobe KO.
the folliewhig asenent he paid. /ix • P216.
(16611111001. ballad trismemist. $34.4
Neesentear. Wien Arrays.