HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-6, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1892. 3 Best Cure For of disorders at the Throat and Liege is Ares awry PssltnaL k ye no equal as a cough cure. pronchltle •When 1 was a boy, Ihada �b4 cb sl webs d each a Mah- on �kthat wallow* r, the doctor pro- owed ru- pc d it incurable with ordinary bat recommended me to try `harry iPectoral. 1 did sowad t gesbte c iured me. For the last intern j."''I have used this preparation with PIAOC( whenever 1 take a bad cull, knew of number of people who Ijep ht in the bonee all the time, not it safe to be without it."- 1 C. P.M., Forest Hill. W. Va. cough "For num than twenty -Mrs ywars, 1 „as a sufferer from lung trouble at - leaded with coughing so severe at tassel r to ..use hemorrhage, the paroxysms frequently) Lasting three or four hours. 1 eat induced to try Ayer'. Cherry Pee.. nral, and after taking four bottles, was thoroughly cured."- Frans Hohiitag, Clan Centre, Kans. La Grippe •• Last spring i was taken down with le gnppe. At times I was completely po►traced, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast seemed as if cea6ned in an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayers Cherry Pectoral, and so sooner had I began taking it than relief fidkee ed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the care so complete."- W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dak. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Newell ry Dr. J. C. Aper & Cs. Lew/. Mar. s,,.I is alt Drua,yta.a. Prior ii ; sic WSW. is - Prompt to wet, sore to dime d;LENCARRY MIRACLE. Mr James Bands' Wonderful Restoration to Health. etre Three leers of r...yets. IneematMt- tir. and 1sHe.seese. Me Tells this Tate .f na eles.verp sea !,hewed west r. one world - ma easy as Told a Free Pre.. aeneeeer. rep 1M Ft111 flee • whits, sea dad met I row feel o well as i. .Ply. Y u ma am. am 1 Vs gotta se domed en IsemrlJ. You ole was cattETT m whisk wee withered, i• new Ill fights" art lir. Beads eireMhd cwt a PURE ms.oalar limb, widish w*sM PURhave hen. .eidit to s Weei utiitd_ la 1. W a �gewrl1e.rr Mr. Sande said he POWDERED i.nbib had bees beagbt eta threw ex- posure to the weather. 'I am esepktely •adobe_ " ad h.. "that it b sWdy te Dr. Willmad Ptak PUL that I owe my womdertd reat,r.tisa. Besides the wadi - eel treestatent i had tried electricity and patent eedieines both internal sod es- teems!, but without the slightest ayail. After beginaing Pink PtW 1 began to mend, amid theyL.ve made • naw man d ma" 'Me newspaper meg then called an Moms Ostrom Bean l Co.. widely knows drug- gists ,...d interviewed Heir representative, Mr. 8eitk asst his kaowledse of the case. Mr. !Smit:e was fully oouvers^st with the taota wed vouched for the story told by Mr. Ards, and further amid, that his hopeless case and remarkable reoevery are know. throughout (lle.garry County. In reply to the query if mealy et I. Wtlliam's Pick Puns are sold, Mr. Smith replied that the sale was remarkable and that in his es. penmen he had sever haodled • remedy that bold so wen, es love each general sates. tactic's to dome using them, u everywhere glowiag reports are herd of the excellent results following their wee. Dr William's Ptak Pills ate not a patent medicine in the seise that word i. undrst.r,.l. They are the remit ot year, of eaperieuce and care- ful arocul inveargatios They are not a purgative medicine, bat set directly epos/ the blood and nervesying those oonetotueet• re - geared to aeric the former and stimulate wad restore the Letter. For all diseases depeoding upon • vitiated oosditioa of the blood, or shuttered serves they are an unfailing remedy. Such dis- eases as thew speedily yield to their treat- ment. L000motor ataxia, partial paralysis St. Vitus' dance, neuralgia, rrbeomatiae, sciatica, nervous prostration. nervous head- ache, dyspepsia, oh,vsic erysipelas, scrofula, etc. They are • specific for the troubles peculiar to females, correcting irregularities and restoring the functions and in the case of men affect • radical cuter in •11 meet arising from overwork, mental worry or ex- cesses of any nature. lm fact it may bs said of them They come as a boom and • bleeding to men, Restoring to health, life and vigor again." Tbsss Pills are tnaoulsctured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Coopaay, Brockville, Out., sad Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold in boxes (sever in loose form by the donee or hundred and the public are cautioeed est numerous imitatio.s sold in this ipb1 at 50 omits • box, or six boxes for SS 50, .ad may be had of all druggista or direct by tn.il from Dr. Williams' Medicine from either address. The price en:aro• Fre friss. The town of Alexandria, some 56 miles mouth of the city of Otsv., on the ('armel& Adriatic Railway. bei been completely as- usisbad, remedy, at the marvellous exper- ience of a young mac, who, after having been bed -ridden for nearly twelve mouths, mod hos ease pronounced incurable by Mont- real and Alexandria doctor, u now restored to complete health and strength. Mr. neem Sands is . young teamster, well known and extremely popular through• out the country .iib, and his Hinson and wnderfsl recovery haw bees- indeed still are t he chief topics in the town and neigh- bnrb n„1. The story of his mirbcalous our* havtsrt reached Ottawa, a member of The Free Press staff journeyed to Alexandria mad sought out Mr. Sande for the purpose of ascertaining the truth of the statements made roger ling his recovery. Mr. Sands u • slimly built, hot wiry-leoki.g young mea of about 32 years of .g., and wham lost by the oewepa{her man the doom o/ health was co his cheek and his whoie frame showed sons of unimpaired vigor and vitality. The newspaper mem told Mr. Sands the object 04 his visit. and the latter expressed Ms perfect wilitognem to give all the fans connected with his cot I wan," mid Mr. /Mods. "a complete wreck, given wp by tb doctors, but oow I am well and etrwg again, and gaining strength every day. 1 was born to Ianommter is 1860, and up to three years ago I wan always healthy and strung, living in the open air and Isis well- known throughout tis whole aunty of Gkngarry. 11 was in the water d 1>ie8-88 that 1 first felt signs of inciniwt paralysis 1 war thee teamster tor the [rami mad dear (actor> heir, and had bot kind' of weather. I ties violent twisting cramps ia my band. I wee in Cornwall that winter this first stroke fell, and rem•ia.d tare kr three day. before I knew .syb.dy at all. A medical nap was called in but meld do so- tktng for m.. After that I camw beam mad appeared to get all richt for a time, but after a few days the old trouble began Minn. my band continuing to twitching snit cramping that had preceded the stroke. Cp to twelve months •go them twitching is were the only .Jqmptce. 1 amfbr*d from. Then in August, ilial when I was in Hunt - amine village 1 sustained • ...Sad stroke, telt renained unconscious for about .even Was A doctor attended me mad I re- covered sufficiently t be brought home. After my return home to paralysis stesdlly Hamed no me, and I (bat, to tae of my right arm and 1eg entirely ; ey ri t vyy war distorted and my ttaamtggss.b al) red 1 w pte.crih..for em Lao' a - dos phase -bus whose treatment I ~shift foltosed, but it had no enact I still got steadily sorsa, sad about • menlh Were Christmas haat, I went to the Sagihh hos- pita! at Montreal. Prof. Stuart • a •li the darters name ar*u .d me, en .ice was • eerier, rue, and the professor treated me. All the doctors nonld give me soeaWa.tio.. sad did net appear b understand my east gwtioned .rime of them. but they told tee it sae a hopeless carve I ttemdrted the hssptel • month, without the least lm- irevement, wad w then broagbti sad remained in my bed until May dd�t�y i W constant medical advice, but onatianed %u grow worse d worse. My right ar vllkersd arm and 1 grew so wenk and a.elee the i meld not tan myself in hod- Mesa - lieu i Aad tried all awn of patent midi - dam without the Last effect in May I sem s rdverti.e met of Dr. Williams' risk RIL in the papers. and said 1 would try them u s last resort I had beard of the *o^d.rfnl '.ares worked by Pik Pills, aced twidmy 10I1. to pt me snow 1 Aad act M"` them long m - when I towed myself h pteriag, and thiilletermisod me to con - Nemo their use My etseytb gradually re' braid, the meeelea d my arm became h- 'iPra sea xtroneer, tend i wen ad. te .p I ,till evatlsaed talose the P11b mad piai• etnegth, as•Y .t bat I was able te w Sere M thhe Sub wed Ser Saally le may. I 6 y •t w icb these pills ars sold snake a coarse ot treatment comparatively inexpensive as compered with other remedies or medical treatment. /re Tebdsss. Sloe-11wish i could sketch like The oafs thing i n draw is • ho.. . H-Yhones.ou ought to go m the stags you. • Fussily ihtdod, Stas,-- 1 have used l)r leowkr'. Extract of Wild Strawberry in my familyfor years aced can highly recommend it fr Summer complaint, diarrhea, cramps. etc. Mas. (its Warr, 2 Henterills, Oat. gms axgtnsntlsn Raredcs-" How does it happen duet you baye.'t a gray hair in your head, while your mustache is full of them Weldon -" My friend, there isn't • form of hipudddiaipation cos earth that that mus- tache haa.'t dipped into." PURIST OTORIOROT. eialerbiaaaVatib W air aa seers Ira fissura us. we sossaimpts- int sissos. OR*P AND CASUAL. Inner 15 lis s.$ N cite Maar H.,sssar. Bailro•i a in Russia run twenty-two miles an hour. Statistics show that American are the greatest travellers. Japer bis 2,000 newspapers. Tweat,- 6re years ago cher• use only one. The exact physieacl eosin of the United States is • ornetery at Fort Riley, Kan. ., Athlete " is informer', ,' •t the either of " The 11ill on the Flom " 1. not coaaider ed au suthori.y on prim brbting. Satoh Bernhardt had to substitute Cam- ille for Cleopatra at Lille because the cies tuning fur the latter had to bs fumigated. Victoria Carbolic Salve is a woederfsl besLug vxempound for cute, wounds, bruises, burn., scalds, boils, piles, pimples, &e. lin Commissioner Peck once edited • Deem - orate' paper in Nuuda, and Iaat week some of his ibusocretic friends there rent him a terve muscle. Milburn's Aromatic quitting Wiw for• tide* the .ydtem against attacks n( chills, bilious fever, dumb agate and like troubles. lm New Jersey coots have decided that oys- ters are cot reel estate, but personal prop- erty. The oyster will appreciate this dis- tinction ietinction as it is being forked out of is half shell. The Supreme Court of Indiana has decid- ed tient he who lies occasionally le not a liar any more than be who takes a dram Is a drunkard. This most be indefinitely con soling to the prevailing Democratic cam- paign prevaria•tars lbs formula of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is well known to the medical profession, and nni verbally approred. The reputation of the firm guarantees excellence mod uniformity in the inedicine, and the world's experi- ence for 'early half . century has fully de- monstrated is vase. 1 Web nom i.Ning. This delicious ooulectios is cicely calculat- ed to prodsob dyspepsia, heartburn, bilary troubles and headache. Burdock Blood Bitten is equally well calculated to oars these troubles and bah proved its power in hundreds of cases B. B. B. regulates and purifies the entire system. 2 Ai Pre ..era. "L that the ballet coining is sow r asked Mrs. Grimm. "It is," replied her husband. A bard n.d detetmi^ed expr seim omme into the lady'. face. "'Then hand me them open glasses." She said. • aeneta.e Waal Would use Hemp's Balsam for the throat and Imes It is curing more cases of coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung baubles, them any other medicine. The proptietor has authorized gpy do st to give yea a aunple red ismo you si merit al thisgreat remedy. Urge bottle Larla bettiesties 60s and $1. (1.ow Sd new Se eel east et is. Mrs Ohmmeter -" Josiah, last Saturday was my birthday, and you forget all about it !" Mr. Cb.gwatr-Why, Samantha, my o dear, ttime pause -h m --se swiftly in your society that your biirtbdaye- er--ooe. rased Were i know it" ur theaism m Wetmore. Osart Iii. -Fr twenty yeses 1 suffer- ed from Raumattes. D,.p.p.i., Poor Ap- petit, els., sad revolved M benefit from the many medians I tried, bat after tab - iap five bottle of 11t B. B. I earn eat heart- ily of any food sad am stamp sad smart I• le • grand medione sad has made • was Awful ,-&sage is my health. Man. W. H. Lee, Harley, Oat. Trines et Freesd,rt.. Ta. " in 'vine respect. Miss Whackseer highly gifted young woman. At school, I remember, eh. excelled is eathemmtlo.. In a large clue in geometry she was eailIy the firer. Miss Lagoa Kajo.es-" Yes, the soar girl always was so- en aerator, yes knew. " GEMS OF THOUGHT. Tie true basis at cheerfulness is love, hope and patience. A mark of common .sass and good breed- ing ie absence of pretence. By macre, some command and obey ; that all may en nay safety. To give heart -felt praise to noble actions, is, in some measure, mating them our own. Navy u 6.ed only on merit, and, like a sore eye, is offended with everything that is bright. Ther are people who drew their bodies in the height 04 fashion, and let their minds go to rag.- Humility agaHumility is almost serviceable as an un - dr -garment, and should never be worn as as overcoat. We could all be great men 11 we could be meesnred by the great things we iatend to do tomorrow. The euvions girl is an enemy to herself, for her mind is always occupied with un- happy thought& It does not depend on es to avoid pover- ty, but it does depe.d oot us to make that poverty respectauje- A bloc report does not lett long, and the life oar leads is always the best apology of that which Ona hes led. It is error that dwarf. the i• t• C0,1, oar rows the range of thought, pneues the mor al feeling* and corrupts the lit.. In controversy, the instant •• r h h 1 angry we hare already exceed nn-.:*,! for the truth, and begin striving, for .,.,...ices Let as live like those who . a1. of to die, sod than we .hall find that w. .-w • . d death only bemuse we were um. t::..:•, rd with some HAV A.' BACK -ACHE 7000L KION Pi PILLS WILL CURE YOU le my endorsement of Anti.Dasdreff i etas say .osen ping that I raver cowl 1 be- fore, whisk Is that this preparation is • par- apet renewer et Dendrite net only in the first Maim bis even Misr* the plague las he - some damn mad lies merged itself nee a dieease. Years of experience as a hair droner, derma whisk time I ase expert- mented with wary reemom.rdd prapesa- 11a..., mot doe ham (ear 1 selebt My, then 11111 together) eves the eatiefactina thee Ani-Disidrelf Ira it pprtt.ee*� remorse Desai di It seeps klieg of ib. Asir. it .sob the bead. tt [makes ea etegaat heir dre.slag without tearing . trees rel is .ss i me it daily in 4 Mir dreesis plane, at Balenew•1 Hates, and have yet te fed the first eoaeamer who wee sot plimsoll with it. 1 J. T. FowTaraa, Proprietor berhr Asp Hnbaral Hon!, $estre•l, P. O. ggrga.a'e sadssed essen Lin 55 - it. To live for others is greater than to live ter sell; • benefactor is greater thin a de- posit ; integrity is better than gnl.i ..r gee- ats it is • wall -established truth that ea ownos of keep-yonr-mouth-shat is better them d • • pousd of explanations after you have Pen he•rteinees gives is last finish to in- telligence, is hue of healthfulness, ita mat of pertains to even speech on the oomnton- ..t topic. A true man's allegiance u given to that which is highest in his own nature. He re- verences truth, he loves kindness, de re - specs justice. Better the chases of shipwreck on • voy- d&of high pomade, than expand life in pad- iopomade, hither and thither .n • shallow stream to no purpose at all Newer allow the bowels M amain eared• paced lent sariss evil emu e. National Pills an nawrpsend as a re.n.dy tor .usetips- no.. lm AT ENTS thrEPA rintreste*". #c►rntiiic Asturias Te :" "Iaehaehe amiss f w ilk soy• are la It idney N a prompt per seat. of Ileums 1. Jrstsawed log dfsenffered W 'Night as well Ery to haw a healthy .Ity ar/tiost euro.. :zoos good Ms/th trier. the hIdaoya are slogged, Sa dealers mom by melee sem* of price is oasts. pr boa a is i.,aa., Mp Talk. ss. i for took called the Me a"Delay 1. torelThdal Hop tremble. rose 1. Rad i1...' Jet, and threr the west dew gerbils o all, Arfyits nam Diabetes and Oro "Tie a6..• diseases swot •Plat trher. Dodd's Mollify; ash. Polls are c Lhcr., '. tt.hs 3 c tacit;'• itlood n u • purit ca•• thaw• -r•.. i • . r. ►_OfTleletr, •bei!:. tar.bcks ear::'eathe •. rnt••e-G till lrn- r-t a T'rni!c to f • • t C Sore. • DYSf • O1JST7- SALT F -1=r • HEA►:T t ' 012711,"::: RHGt:r•\I' 10 • . a.OA.CHE ' :TomAc i1 a=l.SE.t OODEBTOH Steam, Boiler Works. ti8TABLIBHZD 11tlp.) A. S. O H RYSTA L, aeteraesr to CMFetel ! Black. Manufacturers of all kinds ..f Station - s/7 Marine, Upright & Tubular =01MS Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Alen dealer In Upright end Horizontal Slide Valve Eagtsea Automatic Cut -Off Engines a p.elalty. All sites of pipe and pipe-etu•g esset•aUy es band. ileciunatss furnished on snort notion. Repairing promptly attended to llrl-1y P. O. Box x. Ooderich. Werke -Opposite O. T. R. rite tics, Ooderlob PLANING MILL ESTAILISIIED Itis. Buchanan & Son, era MUT ACTt'axne SASH, DOOR and BLIIQ'`, Dealers in all bled* of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And builder's materiel of every description School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL -or- SUMME . GOODS LATEST STYLES. ltemtaam to be cleared out, Perfect end dhow) .West H. DUNLOP, The West -et. Teller. MoL.EOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOLt AND OTgtnt TarrWt asranttta. Specific and Anridote for ;li i1: Itnpuis. weak mad impoverished blood, dys- .epkomms.., palpttatios of to gt, fTeietr�comtp�tlaainnt, neuralgia, lose a me aery, boonmconsumption, gen stases, jaundice.idney ^oaf k urinary Amass, At. Viten' dams, female irreg. amities sad .easel debility. LI11OIATORT, IODERII9, ONTARIO. J. M. McLEOD, Prepieter and M...faetCurer. Mcl.aoN. grimy, Ranvavos ca be bad from all eiriseo in tow a, as well am fees all the dries between liven 8.sa,d sad 8esfortb, Br7ssals. Durham and Teretses, PATENTS! ME/TM, DIME HMS Ale COiYIIUITI 1(I }1 7 Colborne Bros. NEi1'/ FALL GOODS We have already in stock a full assortment of New Fall Goode in DRESS GOODS and MANTLE CLOTHS. We have a tine assortment of New Dress Stuffs in the latest designs in fancy stripes and checks, Crepon Cloth, Melange Twills, Serges, Cheviots, Estetllanes, Cash- merettes and plain Henriettas, Wool Tartans and Plaids. About 200 yards of Colored Cashmeres, worth 30c., for 33c., a big bargain. We carry the finest range of plain and fancy Mantl- ings we have ever shown, in black and colors. !arm' Mantle Cloths bought from us will be cut free of charge. Our Tweed Stock is complete. Suits wade to order. 5 per cent. allowed on all I)ry Goods purchases of one dollar and over. A first-class Dress and Mantle Maker in our store, up stairs. We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs and Mata, Oil Cloths, and Linoleunts ever shown in the County by one house. Over 300 Sets of Lace Curtains to select from, di- rect from the makers in Scotland. COLBORNE BROS., GODERIOH. Great Carpet Warehouse of the County. 1• 4 1 -f i`t r1' 1 leed.sad .0 b1410P9 t. >>iP ester atte.i11 set the U. A ant Oi- liest ten..w.t•� � ytlm. lief DBL t�osw of r7. a aa�a- w M l R mA ig51 R DNLW wi QL W Yt re�a�br�t��o11 .. M ata Fi*t U. M- Petest OSss. 'Per elrwl.i, •rti.ytm..m. earme sena. t+rwMesss a ats.sl .Mees, is poor sera Mase se O.aMy. wrna M e A MSW stile.. Anisette PAM 011eariitilaines.D.0 you Wat Dry G oods1 We Want Cash I 1,61i In these times every dollar counts. We recognize this fact and give you goods on the it hard pan" basis. Here are some of our prices : Beautiful Striped Shaker Flannel, Wide White Yard Wide Grey Cotton, Heavy Canton Flannel, New Pattern Ashton Prints, 1212c. quality, Grey Flannel, u low u Heavy Union Tweeds BestQ�nsllty Cotton Shirting, New Drew Goods, 5c. ' of Heavy White Blankets, $2.19 A e Bed Coinfol-tllble, 89c. Men's inter Weight Shirts and Drawers, 21c. each Three pairs Men's Heavy Socks for 25c. liens pure Bilk four-in-hand:Ties, 2 for 25c. Men's 4 -ply Linen Collars, turn -down and stand-up, all sizes, 10c. Eleven colored -border Handkerchiefs for 25c. Men's Heavy Rubber Coats, quality guar- anteed, a special bargain, $1.75 ti 44 5c.p�per yard 8c. tt 441=c. 6c. 8'!c. 9c. 22c. 1.1c. u tt tt tt u Special drives in Black Cashmere, Colored Dress Goods, Gloves, Hos- iery, Corsets and Ladies' Underwear. Everything at rock -bottom prices. You can make the most possible out of every dollar by trading with us. We mean business and do as we advertise. STRICTLY CASH AND ONE PRICE. AD►MSTROIq'G & 00., Socos ia°, to JOHN ROBERTSON, (fro. Aehspoa's Old Stand.