The Signal, 1892-9-29, Page 81 PIN LITTER OUR CUV o 11 AN() TSN PUBLIC/ IN OINKRAL 1111011 TRU PHARMACY. A SOLICITATIONRADE SI PRBBORIPTIO ��Wg(e aro pleased le ham moth to beaky, MyMoopp~ tedd present time soar a �M& drdgktferward loosest beei•eee with every see.•e,, . ed we lams to belie op cad held . trade on these prinotpkes and ilea halals. The a DI•frled department la oar ao.plm - has always been made • specialty M, ad we deist M hate the meet complete Diassaaor7 Is tab pari of the awltatry. During the peM we hove enjoyed and largo rspeorfcte6se� et the vieproweripws' ,r all comers trade es aee,et of befog thoroughly equipped with the various mew re - needles used mpeeell, by city and Americas physicians. This stare tae always gives • prosat•we to doctors la tbe pam, although • smalkt tare than some others on ae- coast Or star ' ^'ug anxious t0 keep does psioes cad be o give our caWmers their seedlcure at as is asoab)e • Merge as Mos Ma het sew we are Maths no percentaiet et all to donors. •5e therefore will give you the ad - yammer. and will dispense your presoriptlose for ahem per teat. tam for cash' than our regular charges before. and S per coot lees than the nrual charger of tie other stores who give a perastage. This is the goat scientific part of our bssimees. and the one that all our (raising le deemed to fit sod gustily ne for. and we mess to ever make The Pharmacy the best aad trochee Dspa- o twy Oodencn. Ws will continuo to do OA we have al era) s dose, "tato" use the beet loots and ..wiyd put le what is ordered. Our store is open at all hours doting the dao end has undo attendants. is sever without • oompetat hand in charge. A.k your pbyut offs for 11.. prescription ellen he calls or.ek him to leave it at The Pharmacy and it will be filled with accurst) and delivered promply. GEO. A. FEAR, nucce.sor to Geo. Rhynes, GODEitIr'H. ART, x x x x R. CROCKITT, unease. Laudeeape, manne and prteelt painting la oil and water color.. CLASSES On Thin -Moots. Fell.)3-• and Saturdays, to or 11 A.a , to 12 o'clock, $Let from 2 to 5 rx Ambito rural and mechank'sl di•wini. 1i. w iiKs for patents, a tis. BTC DI0 : Northat.first door from the Square The Peoals'o Column - IT IS A'FACT. My inertast.g bushier, hasoblined mo to mote into more commodtoue premises and having rented the .wo Mores in Crabb • Block, P i It to K. Downings oboe store. 1 veto hero four targe floors to dlsp;ay goods. The Sod dour moth of K. Iiowsieir'e will be occupied by the Fi'i ii-rt"ug ANP t'emoLerCRIN, de- part went. et here a fine and coneplete stock of ever) thing mu the Furniture line of the best makers will be kept, and at prices To rel IT Au. P0(KFTM, 1 'guarantee to •e11 ytat any article of Furniture from ave to ten per eat. lees than Toronto prices. sante kind and ,amity. and tot rmltnclll To Ain yolvT 150 MILYI, rn11N OonERt( H. ('a11 lied be con- noted. figures te11, and everybody tells fig- ures. The other more SMITH'S BAZAAR will be occupied by our Wall Paper. School Supplier. tam) Outdo. stationery and Toy departments, where a full and esetWw variety of new sad eleg.ut goo,:s will be plated. SPLI IAL. For the next two weeks 1 will glee special discounts nit all lines of furniture 10 ears the trouble and met of moving it. fall early and 'entre a batyain mud tell your uelgltbore where you got u, 13MiTH'8 BAZAAR Lt FURNITURE STORE, iC.7K ly Crabb', Block. SPECIAL NOTICE. To reduce Stock 1 wall sell dressed (.umber. FLOOIIIN,) AND SIDING •t 11100 per thousand. B ASH AND DOORS at proportionately low figures Cash or it. equivalent 00.17 J1 $KPH KiDi), Phone. i7. 17 Britannia -et. AustIoneernia. JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- tionter.land valuator. loan and ttsurance ut teaks attended in s11 parts of the uoen- l'urespondrnresoliclted. Addrese JOHN NRIFFIN. Kingsbridge. Orden left at Tuo Bmv*e, (Mlle promo. ly attended to 3111 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL ACC- Boater and Land Valuator, Ooderlch. Ont. *lacing had considerable experience in theauetioueering trade. he is in a position to discharge with thorough satisfaction all cola miesiono entreated to him. Orders left at Martin's Hoot. or lout by mail to his ^Admen? Rederich I'. 0., carefully attended to. JOHN NO X. Coantt Auctwooer. II11117U PEsebaales' IlaisilWts. T NODEItiCH MECHANICS' INSTI- TUT! LIBRARY AND READiKO- M, tor. of Ked street and Square (up Mala. Open from I to SPAS,. sod from 7 to 10 beast. ABOUT 2000 VI)L'S IN LIBRARY Leading [oily, if-rrk/-v oast IUwfr"ted Papers, Magasines, eta, on Fife. MEMHERSIIIP TICKET, ONLY Otos, re g.0use an ag free e of Library dReactive- Room. Application. fro membership received by IAbrsrtan, in room. RD. SHARMAN, OEO. STI VKN. Presid0l. fiemrteary. 0 4.rlch Marek 11th lal0. Special Plotless. G. WARD, OONVEYANtER, el • to., and commlestoser fog taking and re tit leg rcrosrniaancs of hall- &Rdarn, oat aOrmattons, depcaltion., or solemn declare Monsto or concerning 007 arrtimi. suit or pro - seeding i• eke High Cuert of Justice, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, or In any county De Ins Mos Court. All tea..aetins carefully sod promptly .uocted. Rsddenre and P.O. address- nes, Out. 900- 11 *TRW CHOPPING MiLL I ani prepared to dealt kinds of graln chop pima on shorted notice. Mill is running at all boom. 1 have tie MOM and heel unproved .aa'hlnery for dispatch sad e0cleocJJ Prices e.aanahl.. No delay le setting your amp home with you. .108. KIDD, 00.17 17 111rl1a..Mr. Hotel AaeoraisedaUss. UNiON HOTEL. GODERICH.- Tbl. well-known reseal end fathoms' howl has been taken possession of by ,fauns Boot here mot refitted in every re.psot making ass of 1he nesl.et cad quietest howl In the Insole. Niko loi alien Rerellewt .taMi�tuya Mates moderate. SAULT$ BROS., Prepile. .ora116-1 f Tes HURON HOTEL, - THIS wM4kmowe sad p.p.kr hot has beam WVrested 0Mreed u l Ila ved r.essdy 1• mow seethe to ease Is quality e( of eglasrm. 40U0 for the ttsre..ventelt rwb. pW.s�d CRAIG. SPr...i.be. tho''/ee Aodeetrh t Lost SNP P)1e11ad. THE SIGNAL : GODKR.ICH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21:, 1992. C(B A WL LAST. -A BOUT THE Sib t1.) .1 Uu 6. Adrift Adrfern ••d GM* McGhee shaw Th. leader w salted, rewarded 1e MavL lag It at Tom tlensisi..fess, `is L'OUND.-A MOND MD BOARD r1. kal..s�t�g• .yew !\s o'.••r aa• by fat We arty kr a 100 llesxu, •ad A.; tttosiimaE Vacant. OODGPt1*WL$IRVANT WAN- W.-lr x10 pia CAPT. ONNP- li�a.+A.aC•_ _ v7r GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. - Geed wagai to eoxpetatAt Ap- ple 1 odissely to MR1t Ml'Ol ICLUD7, T7 W54 -.L 12-70 !Weenie Alydsiee. 50,000 BAPRI10 APPLES WANTID. bends 1111114 W i.t.t whl.4 the bed merket prim will 'inssas MOOD HW year Y Artistes 11111' Salle L"OR SALE -LARGE SAFr;, TWO r Mrp "kg' •tore and "her 000. ter- n i10ro. it JOTS. WILLIAMS, ems/ Ogee Meek. 1 IME FOR ,A..E.-GOOD FRIIISH / lime kept 00as1a5 W' on hand at the Falls Reserve Ilene tile. All orders fordeureerryy will tie p meetly attended to. X. BAECHLEI. esus L"OR SALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST be bored to fit teiarer lihaft. la. meow, Will be sold a• reasonable daunt. apple at TB tmhsAL111Mm P.M* Hemsilederio 'Property 1dr Bast or idr Rest. i OO ACRE FAR%1 FOR SALK-THE t old homestead of the late Jaw Como day, of the tuwos, ip of Kant Wswanoah, be- ing last half of lot 0, 000mesla 1. on the gravel read that Made from Goderich to Wing - ham iugham, Itis situated about ISO rode frau Aub- urn. a thriving village with four churches and a school near at Land. A comparatively new frame honer w Ith seven large rooms and cellar with other con gleno..., and stood bask barn and about MO large bearing fruit trees aro on the premi.ea. About fie acres are dewed. The soil M of the bast. Norther fmterlmai.. trim MRS CAt18ADAY, Auburn P.0. tt.00 AOR SALE. -N. j LOT 31, 2ND 00N- 11' cession. Etat Wawanoeh, Macros. This is • drat -class farm. Also tows lot 170, (lode - ✓ ich. also let VIS. Ooderich town. on which there M • good brick cottage. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. ii10R SALE AT A BARGAIN.-T11AT 11 commodious bslWlag.. KIngot., Brus- sels, at present occupied as • p.lutabnp by W. 8mttF is on sale. Terms OW.•yelto F. 8. 8CYYrl'. Brume. P. 0. tl Dentistry. MNiCHOLSON, L.D.S.-DENTAL . roots t pposlte the new Peat o0.e, West st et.. Ooderich. 90iS-lS 1111, E. RICHARDSON, L D.3„ 1.1 theme dentist. Oa *sod %leased air administered for painted, extracting of teeth. Bp.cW attention given to the prservetios of the oaural teeth. Oa.o-Up stale, aderieh• dO s House Block. the oat Wed - nits. WHITELY & HUNTER, llor 0411oe-43r•.d Open Hooso tioderloh. 16 tf DRB. SHANNON & SHANNON, PhyOolane 8nrs,on., A000aehers. kc. Ofi)c. at Dr. Sh•aeoa's r.Md.oce, near the gaol Oodericb. O. C. BWNxew, J. it. SeAn- Mox, 1701 Lepel. FN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- A. for In Maritime Court. of Ontario Office -South Colborne hotel. 1113 II O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. Oil. solicitor. oamml5oncr, Ro. Lens. collections and real estate tranesetlon• care- fully ale tended to. ( mane- Cor. Ilamlitos and HL Andrew's -et.. Godertcb, Ont (1*i-ly) JOIN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Conveyancer. Re.: Mosey to lend. (Once over list-OOee, Oedorloh. 66-11 CAMPION, BARRISTER, F. Solicitor, Notary Pubic, e t 0. Mee -Over Jordans Drug Store. the room formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 7DC8 C. HAYS, SOLiCITOR, &c. R. Ogee, ,caner et Sgme, and West street Dederick, over telegraph ooe. Pri- vate F 61 Funds to lend at 6 per cent. i4• ('(ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- Vf tillers Attorney, Solicitors. to, Gods rich. J.T. arrow, C.. W. Proudtoot !'1AMER.)N, HOLT dr HOLMES, .J Bar -Asters. Bolloiton la Chancery, aro, Ooderich. be. C. Cameros. Q.C. ; P. Holt ; Dudley Holmes. LOa0111 111114 insurance. V J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND ▪ • a0Odat Inewra.ce sweat • at lowed rates. OOce-Cor. Norther. and tigeere, God- erkb. 74- kl ONKY TO LEND. -A LARGE • amount of private and other Tends a .. low. rotes M nottve town and farm pr'opsrty. 8pecl&l terms of repayment to silt tie borrower. --%o oom.Wba. -0.11 ser write M. O. JOHNSTON Uudwich. 11 01-1 el100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO w CAMKR0 Mar lk HOLMES God. - rick. its, MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G 1 •meant of Private Pm& ter i.vsstmeat Olathe( rates on fistclms Mortgagees Mein seOARROW t I'ROUDFOQT. ! NOUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Farms. later est, six per ,eat., payable annually. Any per tion of the principal may be paid at any time the borrower wets**. All expensee paid ty the ('oustrr No person (moethe Comity slushier, to the mortgagee er t o know to whom roomy 1l loaned. Apeyto HOLM%lt. Ooderich, Aug. elh. ale, Co. Treseersr. 1141 RADCLIFFE, OKNERAL iN• 5515000, RMI !Mate sad Mosey I.esniag Anent. Orly 0,104.100 companies represented. Mosey to Lad on &traigh loans. at the lowest rat.- of Interest rang. la clayIat t!. Strewn. Mee- 8.,e• .54 from Square. W00 BVosI, Gale >Af 6•tf DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS, Amy AWesst of empty Cathy Bottles 1a Sleek. N enols seek. Leek eat far our new Steck of Perfumes Is Bottler anal Hulk to be opened is • &or or tart. J. W 1Laog's Pftescarpmy NOM Stela FAIT. DRY (J000s .4 eatsi o.diaery low prices. We are ao the beat value In all lines of Fail Dt7 Goods that has ever baso shown in We menton hero only a few d our low prices. Deese Goods boo 3c. per yd. up to $1.95. A special line of Ladies All Wool Hyg tato Vests at 75c. ; (i•kint re Hose and Mores trop lbo per pair up ; Grey Flannels tram tic. per yd. See oar great line of all Wool Grey Flannel at ileo. per yd. ; nothing like it in town. Blankets all wool 45c. per Ib. in .11 Sian and weights ; Bed Condoners large Mao $Ac. ; Yen's Winter Shirts and Draw- ers from 20c up, all wool from 40c. ; 3 pair Heavy Wool Socks for 25c. ; Grey Cotton from per yd. up. We shall open this week a bale d yard wide Grey Cotton et 4c. per yd. We fear no iomQetition, our prices aro the lowest, V1 a only handle reliable Gook which we show with pleasure wh;ther you purchase or not. J AM IL`4 A. REID. Jorda•'. Block. Cleierlch, Sept lath, i00L UM- wwtiea Salla. A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD t . mode and turns ore •t the residence..of Mrs. H. Cook, Norte a oat Thursday Oot. 114 M the o'clock by Jolla Maim. 0001400.,. Terme ash. No reserve. B Renee to O sdtts rli- N fn'Ia11 TO ORtDITOR8. !w tkr wafter of Mao* 8. Crosier o/tbr forth Cloderf*A, i. Mee County of I/rt s1 Hynes, MU - neer. Notion in hereby given that the above named Maggie H. Crysler nes made an as•lgntoent to John bestrode, of c he cit! of Brantford- under the provisions of chap. Ifs It. 4. 0. 1007. and amending acts. of all her estate and effects 1n true for the benefit of all her creditors. A suceting of the creditors of the said estate is hereby convened and will 4r held at the ,(- fire of Heyd. Ilan•fonl R Lennox- Manning Arcade. in the eity of Toronto. on Tuesday.tbe Ph day of Iktoh.r, 1005, .1 the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon for the appointment of inspectors and the giving of dire flop a to the disposal of the said estate. All creditors of the maid 5401.0re hereby re- quired to file their claims with the raid as- signee or his .ollcttore ignored as directel by sold Matelot on or before the day of such meet- ing. After the 1st day of November. 1004. the .let ar)gnee shall proceed to distribute the said estate having regard odlr to such claims as be shall have meth- of, and he well cut be respoo- e:hle for the ethers of the said estate or any pare these( to .r j co -sou 01 persons whose CLAMPS I14141 toot here Dies blud. Dated this 11th day of slept ember. 1.1 JOHN MU IIIG)DE. HEED A HUiRHK O D. Assignee. tiolicltcre fur tm(gnee. Kotlo0 to COntra.otol►e. NOTICE TO CONTI:1CTOR8. Sealed tender.' will be received at 0 is De- partment until awe of Thursday, the Twenty. %li.o Bay el September instant, for 111 works in cool:walNo with Sew Asylum et 0roelo vHk, and ti'1 Lle.lrie and Las "1.1.,e. for Legislative ('lamher and Main Kntrance and Vestibule e.f the tiew Parliaments Itneldlegm /Mated tenders will also be received at this Department until noon of noonday. the Tweaty-serome any er September instant. for 4I, Slane and fear'hle The work of esteem; tee• etc.. of !Sew rareas5e51 Beeldlelga 121 A1.eve Abele leg, Fural.ht.g•. ole., o Main Llbrar. in \.'w Parliament 0.11d- Sas.1 131 Cottage al Leaden Sayan. t eel Leek -.p at 0adhsr5 t r. Lark -q at Fresco B iter, and 161 0444(1•ss to tee...p.4 Braee- br$dge. Plane. etc., ran be sten at ((*asnvil Cham- bers. Brookville, at Loudon Astlom, at Sud- bury, at Hrae bridge and 'for French River Lock-upt at Parry- Hound. and also at this De- portment ; and printed specifics' ion and the spp.sectel forst of tcaders es to tie works can lea ot,*alned at these ptaoea Tenders aro to ba• .ddreese,l 1.. the under- signed, and enclosed iia the form and manner set forth In the spacial specifications in that behalf. A11 blanks in the special form of tender are to he properly filled up ; and tenders must. as to form. sureties and otherwise, comply with the terms set forth in the specifications. An *tweeted bank chegne, payable to the order of be undclmgned, far theamount mem Bored in the sperillcnttloos of the opeeal work tendered for. mutt, subject to and upon the conditions mentioned in the specifications, ac- company o-company each tender. Parties tendering for more than one of the mit works- mast, as to era b of the works, remit • tepar.techeque for the amount facto tumid in the •pedal specifica- tions relating to each sneh noble, 'kooMty for the fnlftlment of any coronet entered into is to he ist eu as stipulated in the specifications: but the Department will not se bound to accept the lowest or any tender. C. F. FRASER, Commissioner. Etc. Department of Public Work. for Ootarto. Toronto. 6 h September, 1d& 70.11 TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN Hl TIIC 1'MY. „e .T DR. E. RICHARDSON'S s•LtTIL P401Od . 01111 f. )b 1 WEST -STREET, OOD:I;SOE, OxT. It salmis ms naHmltea mUM•c'fon. after • thorough test, methane In OM 01001151505105. tie appreelatlnn of delightful and 5400lebed moron& to aohmit that I have the only and exrintrr right to ase he Iluderieb, the latest scientific discovery, ..Melo le wrra.tsd serer to create the tont pain deriver the eatr.etMe of teeth or wimps of any tied. la nearly every yeas, and very 11,4*. pale 1n the meet extreme .-ease. ALTO TI-N$RVID PORI N< le • lord anaesthetic that norm oillbete the patient In 11.e *lightest. le harmless as water, wad the bent method Lavern on earth to render the tooth .o.-ra•itive to pals. Patients inure me It is retlUvely •araeteea to H. 031.54*. Pre.errsiltw, of the nal oral teeth ■ spr,�yiIy A11 dater o.ralom well and eklllfnlly deli. My patients'toreros* are mine. DR- 1. RICH ARDSON. Bo01.4.40a, !'1ANAD1AN ('RDER OF HOME V Cloaca Oederieh Ciente, No lee neer, lhled 1/10111OST .f Berk 5.05(8 in the hall over Tins 0sw.L oats. Seed•l ueteot.ate b 15.5ranos sad seek heads CAI.BICL, intkrAjulsokt. . AMS(sraery min! TIINIV•11lat ,.ltd. • GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, Thinks canqat 0 oe and d.et .Ii.Mk es lei..... aseris Kiti iii ..... ............... Neu TO ADVERTISERS. Natio, of ohaages meat be lett at this Duos not kyr than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes meat be lett not later the Mon- day noon. Casual Advertieeosenta accepted up to noon Wednesday d each week. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. I cleisis ammeg K MAW metes. Am' forth hal prem/ N. The acrobats did SOWS dour tumbling at the Fair Orousda during the week. but it tris t a circumstance to Om way prices aro tumbling at F... Pridbaru'. Clothlag House la &auofpa- tloe of Fall and Winter reeds. The crowd of p5004s at tie Northwstere Far es Wedne.dar was • aloe 1tio• and would have made • Ng group if Mellows kiwi (tae to tette It, but he w.r so busy witb fedi • vldua4 that he could nue •OSS the chasm to take the crowd. Aleck Saunders has taken 1n • partner In the person of James A. McIntosh. end oe taking stook end that they have about two thomi n tc dollars too much on head, ..d to reduce It will sell at absolute cost for Mini days In or- der to clear out • lot of 11ns• Bee their ad- vertisement meet week A Nun or Aer.ov 0*. -T8. News -Re- cord, the leading Conservative journal of the oouoty, approves of the pro.ecutiom of Gore by Mr. (...menu. NSW AMAIN A Ins. -Mrs. R. B. Smith will open out on Saturday, O.'t. 1St, male of the very wryest styles in dress fabric, that that lave yet been imported to Godricb. adv't. A Got►saI.-H Hina Smoot. Pi'rtl. To TOIL FRONT : -Ewen MacKenzie B. A. • former put 1.1 ..i the Goderich High School bee been appointed Lecturer In intim •.d Greek in the Presbyterian College, Montts.l. Tar .rAlleit --J. (:ream and Ernest Arnold were cited before the Mayor, Tues- day morning charged with trspaseiug on the premises of Mr. Attrtll they were dis- mimed with • warning on payment of costa. Trsp••sers foual om the premises will be strictly dealt with. Goya TO ANN Amos-OnMonde last Robt. L.Touoel, eldest son of J. C. Le - Towel, of this town, lett for Ann Arbor College, Mioh., for the purpose of eked]me for an M. D. He hee been n member of St. George's church choir fur several years and was • general favorite in musical circles. %,e wish the young tram a prosperous career in the profession of his ,;hoice. Tea NooTswcgn*N Fera -The North- western Fair is in fall blast se we go to pew. It opened on Tuesday bet the et- tendance on the evening of that day was not a large as on some previous oc condone. The number present on Wdnes. day Lite: noon was large, the weather was delightful cad the exhibition fine. The fair will be dealt with in -detail net week. Arcrto* SATs OF Horstnol.n F1-1e- NRritc t.•. --A public auction will be held on the premier of Mn. Henry Cooke, North-st., when there will be offend for sale, the neat and commodious house, • buggy, cutter and est of tingle harness, a quantity of household furniture, three hives of bees and • lot of other articles too numerous to mention. The sale will he without reserve as Mn. Cooke is !sarins town. Terme Dash. A Beearrr CoNciurr.-We understand arrangements are being made by the friends of Mies Jennie Cook, the well known musician, who foe a number of years bas given musical services voluntarily to the people of Goderich, to give that young lady • benefit concert on the eve of her departure from this town. Mies Cook is well known to the people of Goderich and vicinity and we feel aesur,d her friends in the section will take pleasure in aiding the cososrt by • bumper home. TIM MSTHODI'T Menem:vs roe OCTOBER, 1892. --Ors of the most notable articles in this number ie a biographical amount by Mr. Iiladatoae of "Sidney Gilchrist Thom- as," • very remarkable and successful in - venter --a sketch thrown oft in the crisis of the lite election struggle. A portrait of young Gilchrist is given. Another striking article is that by Archdeacon Farrar on " General Booth's Social Reform Scheme," with several illustrations The editor coo - times his copiously illustrated articles on " The Land of the Pharaohs," and M r Cin. gives the last of his sketches for the year on India. Rev. J. S. Roes, M. A., matinees his minable p•pan on " The First Hu.dr.d Years of Modern Missions." Then are Orme capital short stories by Mrs. Bars and Mia Simeon, also • typical sketch of arab life among the slums of Leaden, by • River- side visitor, and several articles of quota! Canadian interest, as "The Newer Parte of Cyd.." Fake. "Discovery of America," • review of Parkmian'e "Half Century of Comlict,' and an illustrated editorial on the Colombtan an01151 •bey sad other admir- able papers. CLIrvORD-BRAN.-At soon yesterday at the PlymouthMetbodi•i church, Mies Min. nig F.IizaSeth Clifford and Cyrus Prenties Bao were united in marriage by the Rey. A. W. Haves. The church win comfort- ably felled with val.-bag store .Then the we.iliing 'Arty et:toral. 0lss(.'liford, est aline au with her work, Themes Clifford. of Chicago, wore • travelling dress of golden brown with velvet trimmtg and bat to match. The ushers were Jan.:. Beam. of Bxta0a, Myra R. Street, Hugh R. Mon role and Thoma Hill, jr. The best Stan was the grelines brother, Clarence A. Bean. Amongst the trete were Mr. and Mrs. I&+wart wed John and Mies Kae Reil, of (lederieh, and Mrs. leek, of Seltfnrd. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs D.•s held e a isfermel reogt in. la the church parlors. Refers the embitter, the bridal party and • few friende were entertattad at sem early breakfast a the home of Mrs. Martin, of 7th stteet. Sweet peas gaily trimmed tie table, about which 12 guests est Mr. and Mrs Hear are .nw to their roadie, jeer - my and will beet home after November 1st. at No. 176 Herkimer steak--B.ile Re- n ew Hem►wm'. W.mwt.v, publiehed September 7t8, has • frost -page pnrtrait of (4eorr, William Curtis, for thirty yrs ib editor. Mr. Curtis's life sod work years are the aheset of extended totwrw,est, W. U Hew.11s os.. tribeting • sympathic distant Corin," Iia the great eltiewk dlseswd by Camille PellNwy, s0541 flgm Wsst1atj.r 5emap.sy the text A illArgag0 scrim ek lehes ef lie added" twremet .t the Debieh Army a. Ala.eh.. M slew. b Prede51 k 0.mil gbs. who aim .e.trtkeM/ a deseri*Wm d the meat. " A Peel. Boom wSeeder te the smhj.st a fall pyo &wing by T. AO Thai sup. and hank 0. Small is the actin' of • /py•g++ of . 4.tehe. Weelrathig (JMttoss larb 1.&54k s of its two handfed sad fiftieth a.dvereary. TM Botha of the .umber hadmi s " Aouty'e Day Off." by lielert 0. V. Meyers, sad "Old Beak, sad 0..je's Mak" a sista is dialect. Other I.t.r.eti.g ani- ons a tee .amber are " The Brow. Seg- mental Win Gest,' by LM.to..M Fred d. T. (loth, 1•to of the Frame navy ;F ' ()M - al -Tows Stations" of the New York Yeeht ll.4, by Lieutenant J. 1). Jerrold Kelley ; The Crescent Athletic club " of Ikea - lye ; 'Oymeka.• Rama et Rockaway"; and Madame B1.vstak y's 8hriw ` Howatt.-Hai.uca. - Agate last night ib. Plymouth Methodist church was decked with palter and flied with wedding rasa•. this time for the marriage of Mrs Flame Isabelle Howell and Alfred Harding H•1 leek. The bride, who came le with 8.r father, Mr. Harvey Howell, won • waite ssttn princes@ gown with full court trsia A long tulle veil Beta caught to her hair with rosebuds, and is her hand ser carried • bunch of bride roma. The mud of hotter, Mins Minnie Acheson, of Goderich, 0.t, and the amide, Miss Belle Iialleok and Mies Grace Wood', wan gowned alike in white moueseline-d.-.ode set off by • yellow girdle and slippers. In place of helmets they car - white fans tied with bag y.-ilow ribbon ends, the gifts of the groom. The ushers were Edward Reed, Willis Adam. J. U. Morris and Edward Cox. Renja.nin Dyer was the best man. After the wedding cent - many, performed by Rev. A. W. Hays as- sisted by the Rev. 1)r. J. E. Wdlums, a reception was Mild at the bride's home, which was transformed into a bower of flow- ers. The gusts, coming in the aide door, .-ern received in the broad hallway, the front veranda beim eucl.u.d and turned O- M • conservatory. Over 200 guests cat down to the wedding supper. Amoowat the out-of-town soma were : Miss Moate Green. of Toronto ; Albert Betimes. and sis- ter, of I)mda., Omt, ; Miss Gertrude Buck, of Palmer, ; George t'ryier, Galt ; ,lohn Reid and aider and Mr. and Mrs. Gm Stewart, of Goderich ; Mica Calan Shorts, Frank Spaulding, of Springville : Miss Kate HLil.ck, of Amsterdam, and Mies Perry, of Rome $ever•l entertaumcnb were giv- en for the bride and her maid.. On Mon- day evening Mrs. J. W. Caudell gave • y.1 - Mw tea. On Tuesday evening Mrs. J. ('. Maclay entertained the bridal party at din oer, which was followed later by • reoep• tion and supper at the home of Mrs. Arthur Woods. Mr. awl Mrs. Halleck are .ow on their weddiug journey, and will be •4 home after October 12th at No. 312 Pe...ylvania street. - Buffalo Ez res& LOCAL BREVITIES. lir. M. Nieholso., the West-st, dentist, makes the pre•ervatioa of the natural teeth • specialty. Gas administered from 9 e. w. for the painless extraction of teeth. Geo, W. Thomson is to& agent for Bell pianos, piceettes, organa, sewing machines, acyoles, violin flutes and musical nnr- chandise. All 0 the bent, and at rock bottom phos. Now is the time to pr. Mane. Visitors to the great Northwestern Rx- hibitiou don't fail to see and purchase one 01 those beautiful Strom manufactured by the Godenck Organ Co. Highly recom- mended by the best musicians 111 Canada as second to none made os the continent. 0. W. Thomson will be pleased to take year order. It has been proved to the satisfaction of hundreds that teeth can he extracted by the painless promise, wing anti -nerve pons•. Don't be deceived by having the .,»sine treatment. The one is harmless whilst the other is very dangerous If you want t right treatment you can hare it at es deft+ sal recess, Goan Opera House Hloo r•"14. Richr Loo. v A correspondent sends in 1Ibg1v'161lewing computation, which is of im yt1bst now retails a $2.26 pr, -hundred. The wholesale price to dealeo/ in $2 and lam Bakers can p rcbue'alI the floor they want at 11.80 per h.6drsd. Each hundred of flour turns out-folne sixty-six two -pound leaven of bread, which at five oats per loaf amounts to $3.30. It should be • pretty good payibg businem when • man can work up the raw material at little expense and double the money invested: Say that a baker has an output of only one thousand leaves a day. Ile would consume abou 1,500 pounds of flour, which supposing that DO Onsntal flour or other substitute is used in connection, with the flour, at $1.80 per hundred, would coat hum 127. At 5 cents a loaf on the output would realise 160, a profit of 123, not including expenses. Al- lowing • liberal sumfor wages and expenses, in the conducting of • 1,000 loaf • day bus- iness the baker is making • clear profit of 113 to 116 per day. T** sea KLA T Wpm oesicsfarams 8- pilea�.. • 4MM4 • It et telt to asp p hank -- •tee»t0 sl torr • •Mem a li t. t g 010 Me is sin •••••••• M e0 toll M e ANist •`e�''_..••••••..... . iw%itr �Y.�t.frur____-t-yam ..,. Wo,j 4.ss.. �".�. S if le t u Mto4b Hiles r••••».....» i$ tot sew. le tell 4 e.ad M:...�•..•.w" i W e Y Mks L. Adams hes renamed flew an ti wedge visit be triad. at Hay City, West &s.ob, a.d other points. Ed. $.*18, d the Gm of Geo. South t dealers i■ Jerre tat nary :3•... y tattle, c was the guest et A. !d. Polley during the week. Mrs. W. 1, Clarke, d Um tow., and lea d•a¢ter have gems on a short visit to lee emit. She is •eeenpa.lied by her ea. Mrs. Hewkfm., d l3MHardiest, and lar SOS. GAS FOR FUEL. Nes Pvehtees w 4700 310.1 bear the Peep. Solved M Leer. Ws clop the following from The timed Rapids Leader of Sept 848. 1892, which refers to the gas project i. which ('aptoi. Dewey, of this town, u interested. 1t u tie 104501im of the promoters to put plant iw Goderoh for the purpose of evepot nowt salt sad supplying all omrumers oral with fuel gm, the some a Natural gas, if •rrw.gemwte now in proems to that cud cm be oomtpletud. It is claimed that by this promise salt can be evaporated is mei iter down the gas fur piping, the value of the gas cot being dimiatshed sad the cost of feel now seed to evaporate ash Letag saved. Th. being so it will no doubt re ,o10tss.ize the .Lit industry of this country For the past week throe who have crusted Pearl street bridge .t night have sees a Bamiog lissom es the wait river beak Mt south of the Valley City flouring meth Through • nix inch pipe a great burst .f flame by bee. seen streaming up Into the • illunuwung the surrounding scene, and reminding one of a natural gas well n Indian• or Ohio. Near tie ground b•. ales. noticed •'atelier lame emerging apiarist. ly from the ground. The beam,s and the ground jet is eke Wr. plum gee manufactured by the Nickles Fuel t Kee company and for which then u not 7].t sufficient demand to use for tion profitable purposes.Enough beg-•,• is wear In an bout to keep a rood sloth factory ma. sing all day. fie waste of a moil.. night would supply half • doom factories NM fuel. The beams serves to guide the stria gr to the fuel gee plant, and makes Me river look pretty, but it is too good (eel te 540010 - With bis soiled overalls and oily -gloves, and with • grimy, tight fitteur ca led head, amid the roar of machinery &ad the busing of steam Mart Itourimat was forth Mt night sitting ea an eS1Eieet box, mo tentedly chasing the alt a • haft bursa cigar and looking eel the machinery. lie seemed estileoe41 himself, kis •urr..d- inga and the generally, and lea greet- ing was as s tel and hearty as u other days wh was not an appreat a to the gee . Hs took the sew per Ira undo. r arm and showed him throug k ter e/rllbliehtneot, explaining everything .s N *tett tikfeot along, using termite! phrases ail terns and Tong words that would parry. • dictionary, ami the big words rolling fro. his Kips as smoothly and glibly as there oiled for the purpose. And be did it ed as a shouting basis, the .ojas of the machinery repairing • ten dory voice ter get above tt The operatiow interpreted into ordtasn. every day language are to the nn.opks booted visitor very Maple, and patented Coal is dumped into • cupola, and then burned under • cyclone pressure, the r being forted in by • pump d trensadsm power. The gas, r.oke and •u passes fns the cupola into what looks like a bigm oink. The tank is thickly limed witisfn brick, and within the brie& walls is din pabeOI d apparatus. From the first tank the gas pulse this" • mooed, which is also thickly had with brick, sod which she contains the pste.ted apparatus. The second tank completes the operatic., .ad I fixed gas is he result. Somewhere 1$ the proem petroleum &ad steam is 201.04d 5, and this combines with the fames from the mai and the air to make the r.. r p•"e.. tbrouah m•ih• into the Miter e'erm of tie skeane Might works adjsleing. 5 meed for fuel in keeping up .team. Who the gee emerges from the ethos& it r h eated to s 2,000 degree tem re, ssl itis not much cooler when it u isle as intensely hot same under the boilers. use the gas laics none of its vit•litrr by 0oohat From the works runs • main dews into the river. Through a long coil, Over which the waters low, the gas is ped mtil thorsmgk ly cooled, oo.i then it les cwt bock iota • holder or, nsarvoir befit for eke prtrPsr to show that the pa is just as M • super beat. It is free the the flame near the gtoend ,clans, •• ••r' from the bridthe ge. 'Thi .041 gee as it pests then dthrougoe" the �ord so a heats w 1' fl •la18, nest th. Cis wt*: wbiah ell arc b fatmllier, ,slyas i4 has .04 1 ' same illlum�inate% power, had it is eilsiawl �Thuss tar the comp.y has bow a7M thewers electric Vett weeks 084. ••1 lo eves running at the Iowan podehie 141.14 the product is more (bah doable 1p• mese . oeeseery,aad the morph ~epee as is hems iota the sir. The Street Railroad cemP•1 and the Ethos. Eleotrie Light company •I' 8046 talkies mievely of having the P' piped semis the river o their des•► piwts to be used fee fuel bcasd d est► tile ihetituti0tss while large amounts of oohl for feel are WWII, of Solar 1411 h000. Ser The 8tioh.ga• Feel (las oempany hes ib ot6orm Preddwt had g1sar0 51 l ' L Aredse. of Chusge; vies presidesR( J. F, Dyer of (1t' weer tart'. J- Thoenpase, Min lie ` treasurer. Aad Smith, Aleosa., MeeI., sad directors tis' (yarning sed Jett.. R.rk•y of thiscity.be roes.tl Memais Mlhhei•Hy intensld is A Mart M ate &moistest '•pee bta.d•.t hat ea1M ►�mcOH •h •pp"� •set isMewlyi.g 18. presses •het k,ar.isg J ib mystrtai wits@ IM view of ►.viol ab•r1' of wormier an the Peelle coast A pleat in bebg beets in lAi••P eserud i..xiste..., to aegw•MI the with the rewrite .f the mer wiles hal flit mewps'T yet 16.870.4•11. .555'• r leo powtaat Meter is this eiqq's *w_,l,strid W tomes as ie seems to wtlgitM•Ry •• ganks. el • lap fah PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Jas. A. Reid was in Loudon last week. G. N. Davis was i. Metes, Wedaenday lad. Mn. D. Ferganas is visiting i. Detroit shoe week. Mrs. Sallow" is at pr,ssst visiting Mead. in Walkerville. Richard m.ador. Wt ler Marton ea Wednesday lest Miss M. Colvin, of Twewstar is visiting relatives in town. Miss Naomi Swafbeld is viitiag friends in Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Jae. Bailey, of Weedmtook, was virt- fag in town last week. Mies Bence returned hese e. Tuesday from • trip to Taranto. Mies L Fisher, of Walt•n ie veliwg her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Jackson. Mrs. Nolan, of Milwaukee, is viiY.g trued. In town this week. Mica Maggie Stowe left tetra Tuesday last to visit hi•ode in Detroit H. D. Arnold Spat • few days is own last week, guest of Mr. Boonany. Maitland Berk well, of loado n, is im town this wast visiting old aegeaintanee. Charlie and Hies Joel. Shannon anima Mate on Saturday from • visit to Alpena Jack Raid with besieger Min Kites arrived home em Saturday from a visit o BuSelo. Dr. Odium, of Wodetnek, was fa tows dories the week, attewding his .orb. '. funeral. We are pleased to state diet Mrs. L J. Ferguson le recoveries frees her memo seven Moms. Will ami Miss Jewie Sharkey left ea Wednesday few M. visit he relative 1■ Mil - "settee, Wis. Mies Alien Raid left en Meeday oma vie% to her mister, Mea H. T. Menu foam, at Greed Rapids, Mieleigw. Mrs. C. L M.1.tM8 and e811dra left ea IlLtaidor 81. spending Paul, Liter sping the Sat le that