The Signal, 1892-9-29, Page 7_____440,011111111_11 THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERI 29, 1892. 'JOHN T. ACHESON Ke des11e to call the attention of our Customers to our new stock of Black and Colored Kid G10ve8 Imported Threct from the makers. Every pair is guaranteed. ►c claim to have the best $1.00 Kid Glove ever shown in Goderich STOCK IN ILL IMPARTMENTS NOW OWLETS. NSPECTION INVITED. JNO. T. ACHESON. :VERYBODY USES EDDY'S 1_ MATCHES \ EST QUALITY. II j SURE LIGHTER. SONTO Basscu-29 Front-st.. West. MONTREAL BRANCH -818 St. WHOSE DIME WAS IT. ammo env. he two got on together at Cloud Court, two dears began • friendly spar r wbo 'Meld pay the fare of the other. ea dos condactor reached them they r still at it. Now ocisdnotoe, if you take her dime I hate you." If you take hers 111 report you to company for Malting me," cried the Y. the time each was endeavoring to p dime into the rapacious Mad of the lector. The reeuh woe that the stem ch a wicked boy hied put epos the rad a minutes before aimed • little ries of a !el and • lurch et the oar tint made both nen give • squeak and drop their Mille ▪ the floor. After much groaning sad otial swearing the °inductor found the salver and with • very red faoe he gave angry mile tit his peach. Theo he ex- iled his hand with me of the remaining ice in it. '111 not take it. It's yours," mid one. Tain't. It's yours. You take it." '111 never do it's loog's I live," cried one h great decision. 'It may stay there until the eadof time," !elated the other. "Didn't I ask you to down town with me!" 'Yes, and didn't I sak you to. You'd ter keep it. I'd be jest the niesseet, tefelest thing in the whole world if I k it." ' I should be ashamed to me my face in glass, if I took it." 'Well, ladies, I °met stay here all day waiting for you to Settle the matter. ere it is," sad be placed it on the seat ' Now, Ramie, deal be stubborn, dear. ION don't take it afraid I'd Dot meek you any nom." ' yours. I'm generally very Wing, but in this I'm very firm." rims they proceeded ad nasseme. Now 1 is the difference between women and ander ouch oirousintaneas. The use opts his change out first nays " Two "Three." as the case may be, aad the " regards it am a usenet of course Bet in &sways will make a great fees over is these too kart They talked aad 7 talked -in feet, until Twesty-second set wee reached, where the car Girt est Arab to take he the si=lells—ead money, all so ,pliCkly that he WS/ up 1 ell and sway before the women recover- 'Iwir breath. when both raised their est - Gas aloft frantically and vociferated in iliest key " Cent' him Catch him I He stole my ' " scrawled MIL rNID•I him! Shoot bier sobbed the other. de's stele my money." rhea they limed the eandsetor, rtho be good the diAcieney__---ei used he promptly deolimed to meet. noe on of their wrath burst. They took him oho. sawed is wee ao rentleenan sad trvly damnified fin his peshies. Their shams had polls, anon men sad they eter twenty -feet hones tssigmr.--Obblesto 14TIO• NA dying for seine tersends. Toto Any se to pallbearers d mow Freeemaileal Tiede wit the pretenses es &wiles! BMW Sem moo ',skies tar a ears kw eon- • d▪ oseashia sr Wise it the true sore. and hes :2181= Ail had mimed all other Irsatmaat ENGLISH PLUM -PUDDING; A Oki SO die Lord et slie nieses Every good English housekeeper vs about her Chritimas pudding by this time, for she Winks it improves with zee— the proper age beim trom three months to six weeks. The following recipe im warranted to be • (mune Christmas plum -pudding, and she who has the patience to assist in its com- position will feel herself duly repaid. espe- cially if she sees it come to the tabie with • sprig of holly stack in the top and &name with the beet of burning brandy : man, 2 pounds ; finest "moist" liner broad crumbs, 1 pound ; flour, 1 pouted ; beef suet, 2 pounds ; mixed candied peel, j posed ; 16 eggs, well beeten the rind of two lemon' grated or chopped very fine ; ground nutmeg, 1 ounce ; ground cinnamon, 1 OUDOT ; bitter almond (powdered), ounce; brandy, j pint ; old brown ale, I pint. Put the flour and bread criunbe into • large pan aud thoromehly together, them pot in the suet and do the same. The raisins being snood cut them across with • knife on the chopping board (do sot chop the stove with • little sug,ar them), and throw them into thapense After the currants hare been washed them oo led over thorn, throw them into the pen and ens •11 well together edding the sugar. Cut up tho peel into fine slices and add with the nut, n ow, cinnamon and lasnon peel Fftir all the ingredienta well together, tbeo beat the put them into the paa, add the ale and brandy and beat ties whole paddies for any length of time— four hours is none too long, for on this depeads the sitcom of the poddiag. Shosid it be boil- ed in • cloth, dip the latter in boiling water spread it on • largetino:, bettor and flour it and tie it up t. Let the paddies. boil sight hours vri t esmation. When boded in a mould be mare that the latter is quite fulL When • padding is to be put by for • time hang it up in a cloth so tUt it will not rent upoe asaything and the air will mot reach it MEM ALL MIRACLES DO NOT OCCUR AT The whets town of Onion, Out., knows of • cure, by the eminence of Minard's Liniment, to • partiany paralyeed arm, that equals anything that has transpired at Deal Wrap Deb, Tee Weimar. A physiens who boa devoted himself to a study of ribikirea sad their diseases de- clare@ that as s rale Andros are too warmly end, and that whde cam Mould In taken to protect these meant Geddes changes of nasperature, they Meold be mach more lightly dremed thas they usually are He strangle retemmends placing a baby as • hair mattress out of a drained. White it hi warm, with nothing ea bet • tittle shirt wad grAssie • hamI, .41, letting him roll about and teeny himself for an hem or mere sash A 'baby breathes through its parse Ise ereS as through its Mugs, sad these bevath- modem In the sumenim tame limb's won seeks and • low-neeked marine temed te the air is meek mere hardy sad loss sesonnible to ammess the Ow Gels essrperliers sear Tills, Ohio Powell* if year adol la ailing, feverish ee fretful. lin fleet street mit seigleber:-ood ia Lades have bean visited of late by • plops in the foam of emequitoss. At the castle of Sismastaa, Italy. there is an murk in the budding when re-eohoes a penal snot sixtpoise tones A trial 01 speed betwese English shad Aisi• aa▪ d stool feeteire of the %Vuel,Te Fair. Nulty of legrediente and accuracy of corapoundieg, make Milbere's Aromatic Quinine Wins the criterion of mod - lows. ha An enter manager of • benehaU club in T , io, has determined to give the chimes of that town bombed by electric light. It has °sly bees eighty -cine years since the lint tameless were introdnoed into Am- e rica. The original plant me cultivated ma • vegotabie cariosity at Salem, Masa. If the atmosphere pressure is fourteen pounds to the steam inns se esually reck• med. the elan of average aim is oesisteadly subjected to • primmer° of 28,000 pomade Dr. Hammond, of Washington, has col - looted seventy cense which have oonarred in that city dunag the last ten years of lain dying eaddealy from muting alter street MAW An esitassi physician believes that sav- age races hem better color perception than civilized. Of 100 Indian boys he fouad ma* color bind ; soother group of 250 had bat two, while nom of the girls were nand So be color Wind. la ea age of fraud and sidulteratioa, it ia entinaly gratify's* to know that loch an ezteamively mod preparation 11/1 Ayer's Sareeparilla may be implicitly relied apes. It mover varies either is quelity, appear- ance, or effect., bat ia alwaye up to the wasted die assmier. Anther (of sim play in far Western theatrol—"Hark ! What's that queer ▪ Wertore Maneger—"Comme from the "Rh ! Is that their style of applauding ?" "No. It's the of revoivers. I think they are getting ready to call for the auther."—New York Weakly. Use Rom ed mosey. The devil has • tight grip on the man whose god is money. The love ot mosey kiLbs more people than the cholera. The money -lover is never contested. ho man who loves meaey alone can ever be made rich. When • men levee moor/ with all hie heart, he will break all the commeadments in the deeslogne to get it. The love of money is mother name for the love ot the devil The snore people lore messy the lees there that they wiU ever live in Some one who believes in teaching by ex- ample has coroocted • Immo in the use of two little words which have beem a swarm of inorttlication aad trouble to many well- meaning persoos. A man, or woman either, can set a hen, although they cannot sit her ; neither caa they set an her, although the ben might sit oa them,by the IIIONZ if they would allow it. A MAD cannot met on the wash -bench, but he oould *et the basin on it, and neither the basin nor the grammarians would object. He oould sit ea the dog's tail if the dog were willing, or he might set his foot on it. Hat if he should set m the aforesaid tail, or sit his foot. there, the rims as well as the dog would howir,ITienraphorically at And yet the man might set the tail aside and then sit d. gm, and be &trailed neither 17 the dog nor by the grammarierui.-- ILL 4 Precedents. FAitor—That was • small report this morning on the tenemeat home fire. We didn't have the names of boo the victims, Assiannt —There wern't enough composi- tors to see them up. Editor—What were they doing ! Assistaat—fietting up your editorials on " Diagnose Firetraps." All arm and coaditions ot people may um Netional Pills without injury and with great R. B. HOLLAND DIINGAIIINON JUST TO HAND Another consignment of English Tweeds and Worsteds, suitable for Ladies' Jackets and Cents' Suiting*, quality unsurpassed. ODD LINES and SUMMER GOODS Minket down away below the regular prices to clear out and lied make room for New Fall Boots and Shoes In this Department I have a large and well -selected stock, di- rect from the brat manufacturers, hence I can guarantee the best possible value for the least mon- ey- --quality considered. DINNER and TEA SETS m choice patterns and Al qual- ity, Cheap. Also a lot of Travel- lers' Samples, and odd lines in Glasswam, Mc., which I have taw cured at a bargain, ousd will sell away below their actual vides * Full lines in Family Groceries. A full supply of all kinds of Paints anti Ms kept constantly on band. Patent Medicines a specialty. R. B. 11OLLAtaTrog GENERAL MERCHANT, L.A.S1:1\TC31-CES a ROPIT_AABLM TIM PRICES ARE POPULAR I LTHE GOODS ARE PLEASING 1 TRADI/4G WITH ME IS PROFITABLE 1 ALECK SAUNDERS,j;v4i2TETI,j Has all kinds of Novelties for the Kitchen, LP' And will procure Nem Things as fast as they appea.rj THREE P's IN ONE POD. IRONWARE DURABLE. GRANITE) 11 pitaiinq.i.,7, P".-"' ANOTHER LARGE STOCK TO HAND SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PRESERVING KETTLES, Etci THE NEW WHITE -WARE .L -, Handsome for the Table, Durable for Cooking, Chemically Pure. HAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE Is SELLING FAST Nothing like it has ever baba sold in the town. I have it in all lines. r" -- THE ONLY PLUMBING SHOP IN THE TOWN.) SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. A.' B. CORNELL! .7.7=nizi..6.= —MI LEADING — licLean's Block—ft the Spare—licLean's Block, srna. °OUTWIT= Ta CONDUCT FUNERALS ATOLLS USUAL LOW PRIORS. Remember, NO 2 first-class hearses. ZNO CHARGE 14116-117 HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. FOR :MAUER. FALL TRADE 1892. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. ErThe FaII Season is now upon us, and, as a matter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are in re- ceipt of a fine line, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fully supplied. Fine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed will be a marked feature, while all the other lines—too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest otock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. 5 MIR CRNT DISCOUNT FOR CASH. STRICTLY ONR PRIOR WHY Does GEO. BARRY, t▪ he Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies! And how is it that he can sell so cheap I BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long ran. His motto it : " Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Oive him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Kr=mi eels- 3:47711S0 10S4 Draper and RaberLabor. UN D ERTAKERS 3374.401*X-21:12rr etc SON Nave added tu their present business one at 11..1. Nash's Latast Style of Olty Hearses, also the finest line of funeral furnishings in the coaaty, and are now prepared to 000duet foiterale at prices reasonable. This department will be strictly attended to by his son Williams, who, in the employ of the late D. Cordon tor Ote past ton years, has a knowledge of the business, and by prompt attention hopes to ahem part csI public patronage. Remember the place- -Wristet., on your way to the post J. BROPHEIY & SON. Patronise True cz=3° Competition. Tun CANADIAN PACITTO RAILW•T 021, beds ementehed se give piddle s &stoles serene snit Gar asd Ger- wisest eramettrien. It in imeened ea basses priaelpiem sisl blir widen dessaisleb see alb Yaw eseseeting with ell new ater1== 1141,1 soisileed wires teamilliate: Siemble end Weer sa. Lod Mawr" 0,1101011