The Signal, 1892-9-29, Page 4r • TH1 SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1891. Ike of5igaal. m sv.ammo AVERY THURSDAY MORNING 01 pST�D.flDT. �.s R.wtei♦Ontteerte rrt M. .h.te+.t, rest,. er 0lt...yMea t Ltemonth. is odium? I d 1 1.U1 t!e r was& be ease !r pMe 1 N A4vevteeng Moses sad her eaeasedadveniesmeuts. leo. der mem and innerties, and II came per Ire tier each sab.esr►eet laeertlon. Measured by a goau Derek ccc its et six lines nail ander. ge per year. BAces ?Is of Leet, fomd. Bashed Meatless Variant. Biteation. Wanted sad Budnsss chasms Wasted not exceeding 3 Rase so.p.reU, 1 per month Houscm Sale . e and Terme ea Bale. sot to rased a lines, Pi for drat Nnwtd M. per sub- osat month. larger dvis. is properties. pre Any the pecuniary mike the bets si et mof ay a Indi- vidual or .-ompsay, a W ds+d as al- voAisseent sad Marred Local mottoes Is nonpareil type one Dant per wort so mottoes lege than 11so. Local notices in *raillery reading type two ensu per word. No notice for Ire then len Notices for churches and other religious and bwevolest iescltute.s b•If now cueese*Mt contract u..trtf emme.em A hash=ed number of dl,pMiad .tveetl.e masts will be mesiad at the flIsHe +Ing sates Per tech. one iasesgs.. pe t0 four ineertisas. 1 0s. " tbree months1 OD " alt months *MIN 3 00 one year t Ot No advertisement lane than two high= 1n length will be cakul•ted o* above bask. 6 per Beat. discount allowed for Dank = mem ea three martial' contract ; 10 per est ea dx mwtk.'..nd IS per Beat oa • rear's. 'flume sSsdltlons will be strictly soferoed. east "The slpal" •emvery 8utecrit ems who tall to receive Ten atssaL reeularly, either by arrler or bp mall. will Monter • favor by aogsatsting as et the 1.ot at as early • de=em possible. Leek at Time Label. Your label is • standing mode at the dors to which you aro paid up. See that It 1• sot allowed to fail Info arrest. When • chance of address la dedrad. bock the old and the new address abouts be gives. Relected manuscriptscannot be returned. Cornwpoettenes stat be wrieese s am .16. M paper only. rubs sbeV• Ieasee. J. C. Le Toone. of Ooderkh, has been ap pointed Local Travelling Atte..= for the tows - ships of Ooderieb, Colbor.e, Athlete' and W- waneah. Local postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tan Won AL. All communications. suet be addressed to D. MaGILIJCUDDY. '!tis diarist, lhlepbose can it. eoderteb. Oat OODMRICH, THURSDAY. OWL IR Mia FOR SALE. FOR THE SIGNAL " NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINTING BUSINESS. The subscriber is open to offers for the purchase of the Newspaper and Job Printing Office of THE GODERICH SIGNAL, One of the best equipped offices and best paying country newspapers in Western Ontario. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Address D. McGILLiCI; I) DY, Proprietor. sv MUTER hi>tILLr DOWN A eat The Star last week outdoes all its previ- ous efforts at foolishness, and that is trying • great deal. The editor of (.bat charming- ly consistent journal says in referettos to the verdict in the (.ase of the Queen v. Mit- chell : "The court has now pared on the matter adversely to The Star, but we remain unal- terably of the opinion then expressed." That is real nice in the hoe of the fact that the editor had to get down on his mar- row bones lied sign an abject apology to save himself from going to a felon's Dell. In that apology " Truthful Jilt= " Nays : " It was found by soused that IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEAD JUSTIFICA- TION OF THE ARTICLE. The evidence in support of the charge •gated Mr. CAH- saoN that he had seduced en Lances was heed to be wholly unreliable. We regret .zss.dingly the publication of the art.icl e in gwsetion,aud apologize to Mr. CArrao, and Ms family for the pain which the UNJUST ACC'USATiON must have caused them." In other words that prsgon of the Christian virtues and oast grand master in Sunday school work Nays in effect : it is true I signed • fat -bottomed apology to Mr. Ce =hoe and his family for the "pain which the unjust aamsatioa must have mused them," in which I stated that my " counsel had found it was impoe•ible to plead ju.i8mtien et the article,.. bat 1 didn't meso it ; I was heard almost to death with Isar that i world be sent to preen ; 1 felt in my boom that the judge would give me my deserts•, ad I'd do any- thing rather than gut them at hie hands. And se I argued the apology. I lid when 1 did it ; I know I was lying, but I wanted to save my hide sad i lid as any unmiti- gated liar world lie under the eiroum- uanoes. We have seen • eur =man and =marl at the hsel• or • passer-by ; sad we have ase el boot d the paeer.by samslimse =telt the our befarm it bad there to trawl ander the goo ; nerd we have heard the car bark again whin It was on the other aided tae )oats, but the bark was adulterated with whirs, sad both the paserr-by and w or ham it bad bran kicked. That's what's the tetter with Reuther Mnotom., end kis opines bereate r will carry very little weight is thio seed easAsmans WPM ea /ATese TS realm. A very important readable' whish may law ea.ap•n the mades el may ei the remises of Ten AxrwAt. gens paned at the aes.nal iosstater it the Demeiea Leber os. - yam, held ter Tomes daces the enhibiblsa week. Asee.g the gabled@ debated was Me tariff. The emammaee of epees m- premd was that the tariff was • greed le - jury to the lebeetag men, inamsedi as is does sot increase kls weffm, bat does' very materially tearooms the asst elide living. as almost everything that • boasskesper seeds —whether wes#ingm•a er capitalist — e melt higher is tame thea in the United Steam The resolution declaring the magma to be in sympathy with tree trade wee carried without opposition, and soak reeolattos Mr. 1NURAr, the Tory workingman, who re- prse•nu Kul IClgia, should be asked to lay before his meets= at Ottawa upon the re •asswblung of Parit•mmt duriag the eon- ing 1Vinter. As • natural and logical e.quees* ol thou e xpression of opiawn upon free trade and promotion, the question of Canada's Pierian oamhe up for discus ion The initiative was taken by • Mr. NT. Pumas, from the Province of Quebec, who owed • remota. tion declares it to be Use opinion d the e igre= that (.Loads could sot develop her greet wears' resources until her oompea legislative isdependeaoe enabled her to make suob treaties with other oosatries, prttcalarly the United States, as would guarantee us • market for whet we might produce in lumber, emends, tarn produce, etc. When the resolution acme ap for demo - stow. Mr. Aureola Jesy, one of the most effective labor speakers ia teased•, moved an srieduaet declaring that while de agreed with the proposition in Mr. 9r. Tissue's resolution as to Canada's inability to progress under present 000dites', it was inopportune to carry • resolution in favor of Comdian tndepemdence, booms. of the uncertainty in the minds of the people as to the beet future for Camila, and asking that the four following alternatives be stab- emitted admitted to • popular vote by ballot : 1. Remain as at present 2 Canadian independenos. 3. Imppernmdl Federation. 4. Panties! Union with tae Caned Stats In moving hie .madmen= Mr. Jury made • powerful speech in favor el Political Union with the United States, admitting that Canadian indepemdenoe would Bait him sen- timentally better than any other feature, but pointing out its weak spot. --as they have been pointed out in THE SIGNAL—that financially it would be • failure, and, even if suooaesful in that particular, an unneos•- •ry burden upon us, when right beside us, willing to let ne in on generous terms, is • great natie whose progress is the marvel at the world, with the very form of Gov- ernment we would be obliged to adopt if in- dependent The amendment was carried by an over- whelming vote --a circumstance which is of greater import lima appears at first sight The carrying of • motion of any kind advis- ing an orepwic change in Canada is in itself an admission that the congress considered • change necessary end inevitable. The carrying of the amendment abundantly prove. tee • majority of the delegates favor- ed Political Union with the Staw,otberwise Ube British oonnectionuta would have united to vote down an amendment .o pregnant with danger to their cause. Indeed. Mr. JURY has stated that be feel• certain that • majority,and a large majority, were in silent sympathy with him in wishing Polito.! Union. He gives an instance of one man, • delegate who sat next him, who &id to hint that be himself favored Political Union, but would vote far the original mo- tion in favor of Independence because, being an Orangeman, representing a lodge of Orangemen, he felt that some of =.hem might call hen to teak if he presumed to commit bis society to Continental Union without their especial permission. We believe this Orangeman little understood his fellows. The Orangemen who are opposed to neon are such men as N. CLAIM WALLA, a, who hopes to get into the Cabinet became the Conservative party believe he leads the Orangemen as he plewee, and Mr. Bos BianieenAx, who is in reosipt ot • large salary that he could not otherwise earn, be- cause be, too, makes the leaders of his party believe that when he says "Come !" Orange- men are obliged to come, and when he says " Go!" go they must. The O angemee are not • u*it by any means against Unioe. They have to hake a living by the sweat of their face, and now they are awaking to the fact that the BIamieeHAes, the WAu.ArEe, the Were= and other self-seeking gentle. mw, have simply need them as stepping stones to serve their own selfish ambition. Let us have • submiesioi of the question of oar future to the popular vote of an in- telligat people, and if the Political Union- ists, afar fair di•oowion, are ranted, they will then hold their pesos. Mr. isome, Um Labor member for Kaet Elgin, will likely have an interesting time of it at the Doming session d Parliament The labor men having moved Tato line, the Patrons of lsduetry another intelli- gent body d age should Dopy their splen- did example. mwreev wails LTaear. 1n our hew ot last week we otalled at- tention to the neatest of 1878, wherein the eye Tories woe by appe•Ung to the material interests d the people, and the Remus s coat by owing ammonite all . trougly spiced with Reitish koyIty wadi - meets. it has bow said that the Rourboie severer leaned it forret anything, and the Reform leaders SOME to lave contracted that iatal demos is addition to the afflic- tion of eowardhos. le the days immediately prsu..dies the deekratioe el American indepsede.- the erten of the thirteen easels* were the man= devoted el all Britain's wbjsNe and al writers agree that eves im w city of Reston . ion- ..et in the revolution --pulpits were filed with obsequious pro-Rritish preachers, while both Aurelian sail publie meetings either baps er ailed with the anthem : "(led Save the King" —Mat as 1. er day d• ptherisp reelt en the levees w ee behalf Of Quos Vicomte. At the pew te Mesh we refer toewly all the sews - papers were an fall of 1ueams okvfmhisem te dsYmd and K ghod's prdlpes king as are the They and Ralson poses .t (mei esiy ea kryalg to the "doer aid YMh.rl•ad." and snob papers as Agee net M p1I ib myespbanbl. tae W M keep soue er everybody thourkt everybody elms wan " loyal" aid heed lila M whir per • word la fever el their own America as agate= the aataoriy of Royal Gamma The mamseabe genre= held in the dry et Thilad.lphia had only two or its mem- bers bold ..reg► to densm im favor el In- dependence at the early sittings of that body, and the courage el the delouses was lrj,'nly if not entirely due to Jon= ADAMS and Parsee Hagar. Whet the word went forth that magma had resoled to facie the daggers and toile el war, mem sad women Mood aghast, and it does mem that the esio.i . rather drifted into the war d tadsp.adun°, than aowpted it hewipnpers is the early days of the war reviledete mca •. ho were laying the founda- tion of their gent naw, pulpits belobed forth timeasiateces d the men who dared to strike • blow at the good Sing's author- ity, and embmbeiou M Britain's unjust un- pin en tie colonies was proolaiu.d M be • most solemn duty. Every oAo.-!older and placamsa .sered at the dirty rebels and vowed exterminates to the vermin ; bat the patriots won, and they who had been most ofeneive m their references to the national party and cause became most submissive std cringutg to the rulers of the new Ratios jest as the Tory loyali•te of Canada today sad their Grit brethren would bosoms the very first to ey to the banner of the Ultioniet cause in this ooen- try as soon as the triumph was re•.osslly assured - to not with the Tories we wish particularly to deal, for their position is • very intelligent onerod easily understood, Mt we do feel it our duty to call the .t tenon of !be Reform party to its present unhappy position and point out the only remedy to save it from extiogui•hmest The Unrestricted Recip=rocity osmpaiga was an educational one, and led the minds of our fellow citizens to We consideration of the requirements of our country and the fruit of the discussion i. • very hogs addl. w to the number of those who look for re- lief from trade and agricultural depression to mesion with the United States, and to that •loss. It is claimed by some good souk that the Retorm party would have won had it avoided • oameut with the pro - British sentiment and confined the cam- paign to slander and " Torn the Rascals Out" We do not think so, but are strong- ly of opinion that, lacking the cry of the market of the States for our produce, the Reform party would •earoay have bad a decent following, aad we may go further and esy that HA o Nor CADYWntoIIT ADory.n one Uxssenticrsti Reciprocity dry prompt- ly the Reform ram IN ries Horan or CoH- N ON• WOC1.D Warn uZLTID AWAY. Boldly sad courageously did he firb., and had his spirit been more gem.ral the end would have been very different ; bat he could not fight oo0tncton' money, Government influence, the Canadian Pacific Railway power, and, worse than all, ILL-OONCSa.ED TIIAt7ISYy amine. And yet atter a manly contest, with all the above tomes arrayed against it, the Reform party was nearly successful and would undoubtedly have been had it *01 been for the governmental promisee to do all possible to secure Reciprocity from the United Stats. Had Sir John Macdonald declared he was either hostile to such • policy, or that his government could at ob- tain it, no combination of money or influence could have saved the administration from overwhelming defeat We are now at this page that our farmers are shot oat from the American market ex- cept by paying very heavy tribute money, and they see on one side of the line agricul- tural produce selling for very much higher rates than on the other, with other substan- tial advantages belonging to the farmers sad cltuzems of the Republic, from which ours are deprived, and is it strange or un- n atural that discontent is rife in the land. We could stead all thie and remain unmov- ed if our people were wealthy, err IN CAN- ADA, WHERE MINI 1874 net 1890 the mort- gage indebtedness to the 71 Loan Compan- ies making returns to the DominionnGovern- ment tncreaned more them seven fold, the people cannot possibly bs u000acered in say policy that promisee with absolute cer- tainty to give them relief. British loyalty is purchased at • big pries when fathers and mothers have to give for its retention their sons and daughters, who in thousands are flocking to the Re- public. le our Reform leaden think that men who are distressed raising the money to pay the interest on their mortgage debt have any special love for. debt -laden con- dition or do they think that Canadian term- ites want to pay forty cents per bushel on beans, thirty Dents on barky, four dollars • ton on hay, five cents per Ib. on poultry and thirty dollars per head on horses, in order to prove their loyalty to Britain sad their disloyalty to themselves and their house- holds' We stated last week, and we again repeat it, that that the Rdorm platform speakers diegraoe themselves by publicly proclaiming their love for British 000ns ion, whale privately they =prams very different mote a sate, and Reform newspaper mw are not fres from this debased practice of writing loyalty to the poliUosl system which they kaow ie impoverishing the people obits is their free momenta they have ..otter dory lo tell and other hopee for their country. That Canada is eaguishing while the Re- publfe ls drives ahead needs a greed from a Our land Is geed, oar rtes and woman thrifty. industrious, Iatelligeat, lawabkbisg sad moral, but they are working i. • Moe lees rat and their only memo seem to be to ease ehildra for the United Matte. Mod rr.b and asap up enough to mad the ee- moaads of the liar oeespa.ise Rmeipe.Mly would sere this akappy Mee but wa caw - me own= rr Wn11J gel Rattans slma3aTam rerJT eeze• ram That iliartmem. Political Ude. abase eau ewer* Mae, sod all grsek remedies should b. teemed se in. caping to ger katelligaas and hendulent i• their every belonging. A bold piney, seem if Mehemet. may we bet • pesky ihee is beth meta app sewn toast via Aad an the pu.rbWty d ebWaiss reelprus►y from the amen au longer esiei, at remains to be semi whether the Liberal leaders lame the requisite qualities is them M iumssily re- mota* ermannite the sitem on and amt their part 1. des gsidaaes of the people towrds the fal- filmed ad that day portrayed by Jobs Bright, when there shall be ea this peat ewtaawt w satin and efts flag and ease 1001.1'' _ - 'has twee sew at T*• doss Was mat- tes up lest week by • Fox mad • Geese A BOOT AND SHOO SAN Of $raATTtsur ILA. bees doers to Terme*, he says, to gat the "newest novelties." He meat be reload to the clap who attends taming obsequies. Tag Tosurro Serums le is sorsa tsar in the creat of Sir Vannes Haacopmt beteg nimble to oostiam in public Iih, owing to failing eyesight, Lard Rn.gsray will drop into the 1 a of •eooemion of the Liberal IwMrsbll The Empire"dimly loves • Ties ST -A LAW wglx CLAMED THAT Tis judge rated out certain testimony that MIT- t•ssu. was prepr.d to submit, but The Star, as usual, lied. minima. ruled out the evidence himself when he declived to plead ioeti&oation. He thought by so doing he would tic Mr. Ctnsaott's hands, and was very muds surprised when the rule worked both ways. A WASHINGTON DOOTOM HAS OOLLLu.TID seventy oases d mem who have died sodden- ly, in the last tee years in that city, (romp running afar street cars. If the medical gentleman will now furnish as with the number wise Imre died soddaly in Wash- ington during the mea period, and who did not run after street cars, we will be able to determine whether chasing street oars is or is net • healthy recreative. The r.splsb Mame Emma There's a sound el swelling waters, There's • voice from oat the 1)1.., When the Mester His arm is revealing.— Lo ! the glory of the morning Lights the forehead of the New. And the towers d Old Time are reeling. There is doubt within the temples Where the gods are bought and sold, They are leaving the false for the true way; There's • cry of eossternetion When the idols made of gold Are melting in the glandes of the New day. Chorus. Lift high the banner, Break from the chain. Wake frusta the thraldom et story, Like the torrent to the river, Ths river to the mein, Forward to liberty and Glory ! Them is tramping in the cities, Where the people march along, And the trumpet of Justice is calling ;— There's • crashing of e helmet On the forehead We of the Wrong, And the battlements of Babylon are ta11- 0 ' the master of the morning, How we waited for his light In the old days of doubting and fearing,— How we watched among the shadows Of the long and weary night For his feet upon the mountains appear- ing. Chorus. He shall gator in the homeless, He shall set the people free, He shall walk hand in hood with the toiler ; He shall reader back to labor From the mountains to the ma The lands that*" bound by the spoiler. Int the lightening tell the story To the sea's remotest bands Int the camp fres of freedom be flamiin.g While the voices of the beauty Join the chorus of the lands Whieb the children of .tea 'Oma pro- claiming. Chorea M. C. CAMERON'S VINDICATION Sarnia Observer : Mr. Mitchell, of the Doderieh Star, was found guilty of criminally libelling Mr. M. C. Cameron, at the Coda riob arises, and would have got • term in prison bat for the interposition of Mr. Cam- eroon who accepted an apology and r•tr.o- tion and the lightest sentence the Judge could give. Yr. Mitchell was fined 96 DO and ordered to pay all the now of the trial The apology and retraction signed by Mr. Mitchell contained a complete exoneration of Yr. Cameron from the charges. Toronto Globe : The Doderich libel suit her ended in Mr. Mitchell of The Star mak ing an absolute retractiou of the libel@ published in that paper oo.naraing Mr. M. C. Cameron. la 000ideratiom of Mr. Mitchell's retraction and apology Judge Street, wbo stated that he had ded nh in- flicting • term of imprisonment, imp • merely nominal fie meta sad the eta o the ease. Mr. Cameroe's Weis.cy in accepting an apology in Ileo of • more signal punish event cache to draw hoes hie foes more Renames treatment than he has received. Mr Cameron has bean is public his for many year& He bas given the comatry much faithful and useful service.. He has friends all over the Ibmlaioa, sod they will rejoice, not that a newspaper has bean put to costa and forced to anbut at the withdrawal of the c=harges kid against Mr. Cameron and at the failure of lus mousers to aeeompbmb his destruotio.. Swarth Kxpositer : The results of these trials should •Qsotuslly satisfy the public mind as to Mr. Cmerea'e ioaoses, and should forever dimes the bars and tead•- tioslem charges which have Ises to freely emulated ages= him ; for if there hod bees the slightest uesabeee of evidence to *city them=, it is too mask to suppose that he to world mot, have heated it up sed breuOt it oat This mrmplete breakdew., whieh is the remelt of the Meer diadem. is whet nearly every penes =- piloted, mod, eomesgmently, it is .ot is.... eery M mograt date Mr. Csmeres em the remelt Hiawlf and handy have, however, been unhjeated to • greet deal el Wombie, anneyases end unplsasa.toem, sod those who were the ewes of it all are Aeserviag el the severest public peer Mltebell has been se Ugter Ins pass en the bat there are ethers who we rear to einem es.* pithy time her who swap= mese free H.milw Times : Jame Mid.1.11, pro- preer d the GalerW Star, was Mod gutty at w Mares maim yesterday orf etri.Hnally libellee Mr. 11. C. (,lamer*., .s -M. P. is tame' fee amesee,, Mr. Cir. Mt. Oito me's ewa.J, asked that a samlmel dee may be imposed tepid= wqh tie ousts of Min pso mostiea L eoourdamee with this request. J Seem deed the defends.' sad astir. The dele.dast will dee alebagte w Mr. Orman= through TM Bear, eves amens other Neap " TIDO evidsam 5 wpywt of w =aryls rt Hr. Cameron that he bad oedema leek. was rased be be wholly aera- liabis. We regeei eaawdiegly the Fabler tion tat the sit i $s la pommies and apologia. to Mr. ()egesta ad his family fur the pais white the meat aimeatiuu a question meet bare sassed them." Justice Street declared that if reparation had at been mode M would have bum obliged to have eatemed klitsisll to • terra of imprims- mese The grind jury found a bill •0 the age ul tic Ceesri .s. W. F. Maakio, of The Toronto Warta, aid b. threatens to see Mr. Caaanws lee fake meat Wily get ort el abs serape very handily, nod he bad better keep ,out of it. Landau Advertiser : The despsoable at tempt to blades the character of Mr. M.C. Cameo a, ex -M. P. for Went Huron, wag Sl - tingly •:posed and cosiJemoed at the Dods rah Aesixes a Tuesday. Mr. Ca/emcee has bees traduesd and misrepresented is privies and w public, and there is reason to believe that tie sooandrelly tactics were idled cbidly to mount his defeat at the poll. This hitting below the belt Mr. Camoroa stood for • time,but when the Conservative ewe paper at (laterick voiced the cruel .lenders assiduously t:ircaleted te has detriment L the riding, he promptly took antioa. The result of the trial shows how foul was w libel, for thepprroopprriiae d the paper has not cal bean ed is all costa d the trial, but mn t he has signed aa apology sad made oompkte withdrawal et ell charges, which the court has decreed meet be pad laked is two suoosesive numbers of his paper It 1- too had that the aasoruptlous mega whos-o ra si=p cerlsted the moonysuer ndcoati not be got at as well. They are the wore- °treaders .steed all that is fair in political warfare. The exposure of their tactics is now complete. The Goderrich Star : With referee* M the mike in The Star of the 16th July, 1889, headed, " Justine Beelked Apie," it in de to M. C. Cameron, Q. C., to make the following statement : The article in question woe founded upon erroneous information received in good faith by this page. Ups preparing our defame to the true billo! iad for libel at the recent amen a rigid examination was mase d •!1 the =i- deates which could be gives in ead the plea of justification et w libel ed. It was tread by aimed that it was *ibis to plead justification of the e►riiols. Ths evidence in support of the charm* atatnst Mr. Cameron that he had seduced Ellen Lomas was !bund to bs wholly unreliable. We rooter exssadiegly the publication d the article is posed= sad apologize to Mr. Cameros and his family for the pain whiob ehe asked aeeaaatioa in question most haw awed thee neerwsMe.—Asdcgp. The following eer*etepe.dsnae sp.ske tom Wolf : Dederick, Oat., Sept. 22nd, 1892. Sim I have bunss informed. oe autborit' that I cannot doubt, that to -day you mrd to • gentleman u town "I beard that Cameras sad his frieads have again balked the en- quiry into the sductioo of Ella Lomas." For the last six mouths i have had brought W my notios a may things that you, • public man.• by the people of this oousty, have said me, and cch6aarrggesee reeds against me by • low gang of town'I'ories, et which you are • conspicuous ornament Now, unless you within 90 boars give me the name of your iatormant, the nuts who told you that i sad my friends have again baulked the enquiry into the seduction of Ellen Lomas, and mikes you apologize for repeating the slander, I propose giving you • chanes of proving what you said, an d of dining, as others have dose, ea crow, plus the feathers but mimes the gravy. I shall belad to know the name of your lawyer on whom I can serve the usual pro - ossa Years, he, M. C. Queened. Joist K. Too, Esti., School Inspector, Gederieh, Ont., Sept 23rd, 18®2 Y. C. Ceiseme, Bah. ('roderich. Sts.—If I made use of any language to Wm. Ione or any other person reepseaaft the cuss d the Queer, v. McLean and Questa v. Mitchell resecting is any way on your 000duct and character I regret it, and Isere - by withdraw it and apologiasb j su for the same- �A I have resod over the apo &4 by James Mitchell in the case of usa v. ..t chill, sad from that apology and other which have simoe corse to my knowledge I am satisfied that times never were any grounds for the cannibalise and publication of the slanders against yea J. L Toe. a.as.ly Aw fetg.egn gee mph. The " Sunlight " Soap Co., Tomato, offer the following prises every math till further notice, to boys and gilre under 16, residing in the Provia? of Ontario, who send the meat.= number of " 8uaiight " let, 910 ; 9sd, 96 ; 314. g3; 4t1, it ; bib to 14th, a handsome book ; sad • pretty picture to those who sand mot Ism than 19 wrappers. Send wrappers to " Saalight " not later Soap Office 43 theed each mouth, aid marked Cos+petitiaa " ; aro give toll manse, ad - drew, age, and number of Wie- ser's names will be pablished in Termite Mail our dna Saterd•• in each madth. ly Consumption is oftentimes absolutely cured in its earliest stages by the use of that won- derful Food Medic Scott's ` ' Emulsion which is now in high repute the world over. ! me�arssrn.rrm rHm Term aftell 11%44 irram tarutyw h1211.1" e: �re � �� o•r1 a�a+a aracum met▪ loss sl end agareallak res eeeme,tty Who r iul slits d�kWelalor hll►aa .121 lt .� aur. Teta �jltb"d EvERT itsY et.ba n�� ▪ dwy eisa nssums ..R. uiI�t� TMTM �t'.ti w 4et . yuu had and o�ie woIF.o . tweuiar. p.. sale kr W da -u ,, er wi'1 be.eat sits thia 31e�t d pw(iim per box), by cddre,alne MN 11. WII-wit x rr r. -r'. ra br.% t.,::.. Dat OldChwn (CUT PLUG.) OLD G11UII (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cat Plug and Plan Tobacco. Oldut Gid ?lutist. ,wnrel/ee• SorenCYS J - x MONTB$ML. (fit Pie& 1 lb �,111k. l0e. • —T1-110— RECOGNISED STANDARD BRAIDS Mungo, Kicker, Cable. universally acknowledged to be superior in every res- pect to any other brands in the market. Always reli- able, as has beers, fully dem- onstrated by the millions --that are gold annually and the increasing demand for 'them, notwithstanding an 1 competition of ov- er iSM,Hundred and Twen- ty-five irtintories. This fact speaks volnd►es. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturer& S. DA VIS & SQ,4VS MONTREAL. Largest and Highest (rade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada. 744 PORT ALO2RT• prem war *we esereepeedest. ]i elm j wended t r Albert the pale baLimbers a Presbyterian Are a Sash, Arthur Bennett, of Massa is Limn oaaa, r and ether frier& r Lim visisity. An artist of Duagsaa ie wbur ase w Mod to ern teak viewed the interior el oho kpi..o1..u.. obereh Iter+ ? Maid: t..d y !mat P. S I. Tome 4 hI..SmlaI visit ea at seheel a Manaay Isaf He etrpe'su.sd kis self an be4eg wall with tie n�ito' d ib..ebesi, ggrrv. it as lei. spm"' that the troste eoald not d bbstw thus reams the pry very netYslsdey Rev. MT. Karla, d %yaks. IA* alb slob vasennyis was iimmegiihea Arca here, sassed by iho 11 d Swim- JoM (Janis, 1014 a bsrvad bene .ervw foo lay I..L TINeeer d w shed as bs•ufifufy sisf. ta std wished gene. trim'� lowers A silver gesseeaie mnendiel abed M) wan warmup as the iesri� aervism The AM _ _pKtn.tn 1t�re erms mrwieeate _Abe-•—,ieHbir—>zukes• ed m shem S er► ata Menem m el *be Gospel of 81 fait Via.... era est Jem.a, irws Mas Aria $l ws saf>mmlad M tM .emirs Ass.