The Signal, 1892-9-29, Page 3igna
1 aMe.ttes to fie
p WWI* ale les u
far the peemet
d all classes of
d�atlL�ia eueouw,s
m akeum you may
math case wefeenaa
ims Minims( with
lave a Crory large
tang papers suit -
dam of business
his locality, eve,_
id wove, Buena,
her papers, ruled
ay be required.
is kept in the full
r tame as letter
illy used, they Ell
toe in commercial
See what we've
ove heads.
'at -go " plan wee
day the deinsad
w would not be
we are some Oar
ay dinners nkat
se stock will ever
met intend it to,
ar stock is cos.
with four sires.
neat ruling.
I double dollars
ins. They come
1 heads, anti ars
to send after •
a month.
h him 'round -
be hand to get
aand M
he errand tar
large stock ot
re now about a
td in stock, aid
ane from 75c. to
R e handle con
sines exclusively.
partially Mlle
the heads above.
a vast amount
nos head that to
more than take
ace occupied by
do it all at Tog
" or a wedding
ale taste in seise -
tout we make it
by keeping is
latest said best
L. Call and pea
n all the dame
k we turn oat,
this, and keep
and meetings
oat, from the
he most elegant
full attached.
large range of
El or milk ticket
awl, from an of
icket to a tasty
a handsomely
ip ticket.
tuning out this
rideoced by the
t bulk of it i
is line slop in -
list -running job
I turn out in.
• specialty d
being our aim
notice d sale
RUEeAt free of
w same are gee
1 printing IMO
and •rtatie
rib. Mtbeigyiehrret
remits -be hes received
r• regular use of Agait tie
opt " 1 was sick and tired and
egil•O•eil 1
iowed dlest to o give me relief the old bile IAynere's
pga, 1 leave taken only think b es,, but ors
eal Wm a new wland away to take of
,aa leg I — wed, Cciar so Andy
__ ,,,.fwd that eves a child win take
ow d urge upon all who are
In Need,'
d a laxative to try Ayers Ps." —
goo ,bay (Me.) Rq iskr.
•' Between the ages of Ave and fifteen,
liras troubled with a kind dealt-n.eum,
op/option, chiefly confined to the kegs,
sad especially to the bend of the knee
above the calf. Mere, running sore*
booed which would scab over, but
world hreak immediately as moving; the
kT, 711t mother tried everything .he
c dd thunk ol. but all was without avail.
Uthough a child, 1 read in the papers
,t. -..t the beneficial eft.-: a of Ayers
NI., and persuaded my mother to let
sir tr. them. With no great Atitk lo
result, she procured
Ayer's Pills
sad I began to use them, and soon -
wnuced an improvement. Encouraged
M this.l kept on till I took two boxes,
Shen the sores disappeared and have
reser trout, d me since.—H. Chipman,
kaki L'tatc Agent, Ko..oke, Va.
'• 1 suffered for years from stomach
end kid Loy troubles, causing; very severe
pans in v.riws parts of the. None
the t eedics 1 tried aff ruled me any
•cowl until i began taking Ayer's Pills,
ind. as cured."—Wm. Goddard, Notary
Publi:. Five Lakes, Mich.
r•. owed Dr. J. C. Ayer a Ce*. Loewe. Mar
Soo by .1 Drumm Itserywba..
Every Dose Effective
taaw neo■ret. Ab.N Sas Mellen whtrh
Mot Set Ser. Made ffbfere
see \ ork World.
All epidemics are destined to die. h tray
be ...diol skill which wields fisc 'intim or
a try be Father Time, but Use moving is
.c- mplished. Virulent diseases have •life
ei well as huinaa beings, but they are so
soli like that they eat themselves when no
O W .t tractive material is at bander mouth.
Is other words, • disease which is a disease
et germs is • disease which will perish in
ease. The kttgth of time is not to be dr-
ummed by any scale which scientists have
At this moment, when it has been alleged
that oboists—plague, pest, epidemic tad
deatroyer of nations, whore life, so far as
n aitary matters aro concerned, is negative
-s said lo be in our vtcinity,it may be well
to besr fm maid that the disease is tot
"catching," that it u not destined to Aonr-
ssh in the United States and that there is pro
mono to be afraid.
in some countries cholera has • mortality
ef 90 per cent.; others show a mortality of
10 per cent. There is here • stnkiag eon -
nest, and the Atuabiaas aid the bast intel-
ligent of the Slavic moss are Use ewe white
taw up the bath spark of death. So away
eases of cholera occur in mild form that they
are not brought to public notice, and were
they recorded and used in fixing an avenge
the deaths from the pan epidemic cholera
would not exceed in great degree the deaths
from dysentery and tliarrb nal diseases is
iew of what has been stated, and
there is no speculation included to this, a
midget of New York can rest with the
maze degree of composure and with the
same sense of security shut would prevail at
the same saeson of any other year.
During periods wboa epidemics are not is
rogue an attention to diet often provisoes
disrrit ,-al troubles, sad then is no reasoe
why the sane precautions should not he ex-
erawe.i et this time, wbee there is a preva-
lence of a diaper.. which ' "saga in this
clue. The honeewifw may find it to her
advantage to avoid all maid goods other
than these which may have eo.vimio.d her
d their reliability. may be extra careful in
ss1irtiag fruits, vegetables and ••lad., as
well as ►11 other foods which she knows by
e xperience may have an effect on the organs
sf dagestins.
A little device is the way of making an
uetpeo.ive filter for water need In 000king
and for drinking cousins of • muslin cloth,
filled with small pieces of charcoal. This
say 1. tied •ho.t the ,rotas tap or pmt
Veer • bonnet ohm the watt is drawn in •
bucket. It will wave to takeorgaa�c mat-
ters out of the water and oaks healthy
what might have an lajurious e%et.
It u cow quite time for cholera to dime
pear in places when it has need as an epi-
demic One may imagine its undertaker ell
pavpsrsg to bootee the lid of its coffin. At
the wane time teat nary tontgs mations are
mestriag to ahead its teasel with brass
heeds earl other exponents a joy w. any
cVagr•tulate omrselvw in knowing that we
Isere sot had the epidemic tad ia reseiag
marvel in the belief that was e•aaot have
ruesitiir watt
Twewt .11lkm ear el Me lard et the
Hailed &otos ere held by PURE
Berlls's 1,316 600 pupae have only 11111k-
000 dwelling,. Shy people levies in gash
The drive well, ere of the aimplad d osis
tre*tlor, hes yIddsd ltsbeveotw,2,000,000
to royalties.
Aa Asiebiese, Mo., wo.•u has married a
man t years ago, helped to lyaeh h
first hothead. thad.
The Watkin tower, at last decided to be
bails at WembleyPork, England, will be
130 feet hither tthe PCiffel tower.
The mkrvtoper a my that • seempl1e
bas twenty-two “teeth" in the end of it•
1411 --eleven above and tie same umber
A team 500 miles long of wire aettla .
separating the coleuses off New South Wales
and gearaelasd, m use 4 the wooden' sd
Awetrslk► It is designed to beep the rab-
ahbit. eat.
The average length of lite i• greater fa
Norway than in any other country co the
globe. Tris is attributed to the fact that
the temperature isooul amid uniform through-
out the year.
An Aoerangtoa (hnglanrll weaver pet •
turpentine plaster .m bis stomach btr liver
oompla,aL Stone time afterwards he struck
• match to examine the plaster awl se; at
on fire and was burned to death.
By order of the German emperor there
has just been placed in owe of tie cabins of
his yacht a plate recording the fact that
"Marshal vow Moltke" lived ker. from the
3d to the 1116 of September, Inlet.
The latest novelty at the wielding el •
member of parliament consists of "election
brooches." The bridegroom presents each
bridesmaid with • brooch formed of the fig-
ures which compose his election majority.
The following advertteeniest appeared in
the Birmingham Daily Post: "New Religion
—Young gentleman is founding •new reli-
gion, which is sure to beo,,nie p,pul•r, and
desires a lady of meanie to assist him in the
work. Address-
There lately appeared an advertisement
in an English paper for an editor of • first-
class journal, it being expressly stipulated
that "he mud be • practical man of the
world. No one who has gral,tate.l et Ox-
ford or Cambridge need apply.'
The largest tuning -fork ever mamietfao-
tareed was one reoewUy made at Hams for
Me Physiological institute at Leipeia, and
weighs twenty-seven kilogrammes, or •
little over aeveety-two pounds, amid gives
fourteen double oscillations • wood.
About four millions and • half sterling re
spent on hunting a Great Britain and Ire-
land, iadepersdrt of the expenses of car-
riage horses, covered hacks, and travelling
ex Tier• are 330 peeks of bounds,
amid about 100,000 horses are required to
follow them.
A bas in London meta SW to build ; is
ten weeks is buildi.g ; has twelve costa of
paint ; has two roofs ; weighs 30 cwt. when
empty and over two tons rhea full ; lives
twentyears ; earns 16 cents (avenge)
every mile it rune for hire and runs sixty to
eighty miles • day.
A locust tree at Rockville, Md., was
struck bylightning tome weeks ago. The
leaves of tile tree died and left the tree with
the appearance of being deed also. Much
to the •sU»uhment .•f people in that vicin-
ity the tree is now "covered with the meet
fragrant blossoms."
In liellavista, near Portico, Italy • mall
colony includes more than twenty peopie
who are over 80 old, headed 6y a hater
n ter aged 106, who still works in the fields.
They are all natives, and have lived with
hardly any neat in their diet and drinking
only reinw•ter'from a cistern.
The name' d era Mme We.
The Presbyterian Record ' The secret
of the honest life te which there has base •
universal tribute frees all aiam•es•aderesds,
sere in the followise lweidsat, never be-
fore pnhh.hed tie of or .iai•bes was
"moms 1►r. Thnmp•o.. of Sarni, at the
a ensertom Driving to • weigkbering da-
tlne to preach in the afternoon Mel her..
1.4 sway and the misddr WWI badly hurt
lie me Lr4�oagght Seek to the hoses of the
Ilea .\!.carder Meekeasie, where he lay
fpr weeks, nursed wink the tenderest
esau.�, 1►ering that time Mr. Mackensee was
a pnint' held Premeittieier. Owe day Mrs. Mae
letter was handed to her. the read by the let hod when
�•••. while • quiet tear stalls flews her
eeeel The mutat asked if there sew• my
M se"s. Without • word she handed
met NIP letter. it was front her hweh•n4,
R her of his •ppeieta.SSt, renaihas all
the "sag h which they bed been led throeigh
k(e. sad «king her ,s pray far him now
that i1s night he kept eight amid the*
leap al lone foie difficulties at hI. reapressibie
A Ceiv,q,g ir.ti1er. Harmless, of
••attire. andha taken Mrha.rsmY., Ayer% Hair Visor
r.wk antes' toilet articles
Tics Prepares too seethis, weak hair to
ss.. ass•• abundant, stem., nod healSky, aid
"11" rale 1T'7 to hs migheel calor. 1
...w.h.Liort s eaYtf.PI2mate •
Sete by An Craws aid Is.wsslhtas_.
W. otsa.:.saati Wearesseame
Toe. elerernesaaee that siseed the Aataies
le weer te.
Mr. Clark Ru.aell rives the fullowieg
canine narative of the way he carne 10
Write the famous novel, "The Wreck of the
Grosvenor," which has had such • wide
chanced one day that • big ship with a
"'oath -ad nuke, tellutr of trouble ou board,
lel g., her anchor to the ' e awn. I then
lived in • Lown which . erleoka these
waters. The crew' of the ship had mutinied;
the y had carried the vessel hall w•] d oeu
the Gemmel, when, dieooveriag by that time
whet sort of prvvisiosu had bein shipped
tax them, they lotted the ouster to shift
his Lehr for the inward mums.
'1'b.4 crew of 13 or 14 hairy, queerly at-
tired fellows, iu Scotch caps, divers adored
..:forts, dungaree breeches ..tufted into half
tt'ellumgtwse,were brought before the maga-
The beach consisted of an old se* captain,
who had lost a ship in his day tbrrugh the
.11 conduct of his crew, and whose hatred of
t he forecastle hand was strong and peculiar;
parson Mho knew about as mach
f the is. as his wile, • general
medial praotitioser earl • schoolmas-
1 e pr.►ant and listened to the men's
el.tees , awl I also beard the captain's
story. •sples of the food were produced.
A pemeun with whom 1 had some soluaint-
.tom f. and u.e an opportunity to examine
.i.d twee samples 01 the forecastle provis-
isa° of the ship whose crew had mutinied.
Nutting mors atrociously nasty could
1. found among the neglected putrid
sweepings of • blather's back premises.
Never thelcas the crew, 13 or 14 men, for
relaying to sail in the vessel unless /resb
f remota stores were shipped were seat
to jail for terns ranging from three to six
I could not help thinking that the shore-
suic;; menace of the sailor's life did not lie
merely iu overloaded ships, and in cr•sy,
Ehull. Mutinies war, incessantly
ah peening in 000sequenoe of the lo•thua.e
food shipped for sailors' use, and many
dreadful disasters attended these outbreak.
When I cease away from the magistrates
court. Stier hearing the men sentenced, 1
found my mind full of that crew's grievance.
1 reflected upon what Soothe] Plimsoll bad
done, and bow much of the hidden porta of
the sea life remained to be exposed to the
public eye, to the advantage of the sailor,
providing that the subject should be dealt
with by coe who had himself suffered, and
very well understood what be sat down to
write about.
This put into my head the idea of the tale,
which I afterward called "Tbe Wreck of the
Grosvemor." I said to myself, " I'll fou..l
a story on • mutiny at sem, ocoasioaed en-
tirely by the shipment of had provisions for
the crew."
Two or three young ladies who lin in •
suburb of Loudon have started a carrier
pigeon post tbemsalve.. They have
each a couple of 'rola and mend notes to
each other irrespective of the pet or tele-
psph of iose. In this way they oui arrange
impromptu tea pasties, etc., without any
"Bridal outfits on hire" is the legend
over • bright -looking bijou of • shop in one
of the t•shionnble Parisian street. A little
French woman is the proprietor, and, al-
though the business is new as well as novel,
she mays teat she is doing nicely. Outfits,
from the satin show to the wreath and
veil, may be obtained then at • nominal
The e.pwier at China is the =preens
bead of his subjects, and is supposed to re-
ceive his instruction as to the nraagearat
d the vast territory committed to his
charge by decrees from heaven. He is con-
sidered by his subject.. as beiug mooed cls
to the Almighty God, and to be the a. -
sooting liak between themselves and the
In the report of Her Majesty's Inspector
of expleeives for the put year, two samples
of gaeootten were referred to, one of whale
k•d been under water for sixteen years
while the other had bees buried under
ground for twenty years. Both thea sena
piss were is fine oo.ditioe, end as reedy
for their work won the day of their mans.
trete re.
The manufactured an artificial ladies -
rubber has lately been protected by patent
The oo.poemit parte of this oomprit os.
are .soda gem, .enzioe, bitumen and
resin oil. It in amid that the product de-
b.t•ised floes careful obviators anti special
treatment of the* materials giros a sub -
stenos which posmesse all the elasticity.
solidity sad appienme of the finest Mdse.
A singing net has mule its • is
Valdosta, (3. Several people have heard
its musical notes on numerous oemelse .
The strange little rodent makes Its head -
meters in W. 11. Briggs a Sous store ea
street, and ooamdonally dtrtag
the day it will appear on tie shelving sing-
ing like • Mrd. 11r Messrs. Briggs. Mr.
Harris, who clerks for tie., and President
Ashley, of the National broil', bar. heard It
d eg sail testify to the tru.tefnl.s s of lois
A novelty invented by a Pere firm flee
the bons/t of the dilettante bothers M
Trosville is described es • touch formed td
• sheet of canvas stretched upon • very
light metal fru.., aed provided with a
savvy to prefect the eyes of the occupant
troyes tis sem. Th. bed is kept afloat by
.sur of forge hollow metal tubes filled
with air. Oa this it is possible to reelies
at sees Sousa. spas the water in eat.
weather. A moan medal of the coetrivawse
h as attracted erowds of peers to the wb-
d.w of the abet in the Faubourg St. Denis,
where it la exhibited.
The sew -tarn fly, et buffalo -hors fly. es
i$ is ot.teti.m galled, has been very Saao)-
lag this sages he* sows northern Slates .ad
i• Owed. it is so caned became it w
tidies flesh te tie reeds of the bergs M
Caws se torr•eeted km their app
▪ is and give Mae milk. The •ppliatirm
d lard to the parts affected is mid to he . . . ♦ y�g .
chased,, int he.ors , eeudd« N �nentific ►t! nira2
tee �e!e�� HMN. «.sod,
rwusarfor that there'. • gewat.say .start. Mmptdgktad lianwses 11 ! h fediMregistries
A~~tiwtrthig. flies withdews is aeier ,yamtrreed a MMb..rn .slew
vee *este Mao Above our Freeedtees.
A little personal pique, • bit of wounded
vanity, • sudden flame of sneer, often an -
don the most substantial and faithful work
and nullifies the moat intelligent sed wise
action. It is one of the painful things in
experience that effort is often defeated by
these small, purely personal, an.l often
momentary feelings, which Are geoerally
unintelligent and unwise. /, fe would be
freed from some of its moat ponce! f steres
if men always acted to each ooh t .'.. is bait
of real judice awl intelligri .- . .,'.d left
their small personal feelings sus- 1..• jousts
oat of sight A man's wort ..t " is be
indeed by itidf and for eta. ! r •• .e, and
the strength of • mads posit t... 4b1 to
red solely upon what be is alt .• . And
yet most of es Sr* oeastaatls r• •.• .listing
the bed work of others been.• is net
done in oar way, and am cove-. • :ailing
to do justice to others bemuse of .m.11
pommel prejudices "Against thea. The
really strong, clear-sighted man is ,.hi. to
pat himself oat of the question and 1.. judge
others by what they really are .ad do, not
by Weir relations to his. In this working
world then is neither time nor strength to
be always coddling oar .mSU vanities Std
.tUI smaller trejudios.
Truth sem rw..u.
Deas encs,—I have bees afflicted with
Chronic Rheumatism for swore! years, and
have ad numerous patent medicines wits -
oat metes. Bot by wing six betties d
Bsrdesk Blood Bitten I wee entirely owed.
King St, Kinpto., Out.
Nora —I am acqu•imited with the above
mowed lady and ave certify to the cornot-
eem of this statement.
Haase WADS,
2 De.gisl,Kineptoi, pit.
Name`% YNme l maw MaesnR
May far
44 4
mesas the Mi-
n oys are /e
b-oabla Dodd's
Kidney Pills glue
Priv relief"
J 7!
oFitt ors .d by
disortkred h/d-
• I/yht as well
try b have a
healthy city
without sewer-
eweraye, as good
health when the
hldeoy• are
clogged, they are
l ee t'ed h/dlay Is
troubles res.It
In sad t/eet&
Dyspepsia, Quer
Complaint, and
the most des -
Lights .erre.
Diabetes Gad
•'The above
diseases usaaot
•rlst where
Dodd's Kidney
Pills are need.
Sold by all dealers arra by mace reesis
of pricer mat. pr boa or ria kir Sass.
lbo cast MiraTalk Wessling
UaIocbu all Me °logged avenues of the
n and Liver, o.reylas
Off gra ally without weakening the gas-
ags.6 , all the impurities and foul hansom
et the secretions; at the same tame Cor-
recting Acidity of the Stomach,
miring Biliousness, Dyspepsia.
BBadsehes, Dizziness, Heartburn,
Constipation. Dryness of the Skin.
Dram, Dimness of Vision, Janne
dies. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro-
fula, Fluttering Of the Heart, Ner-
vousness, and General Debility a• ll
these and many other similar Complaint°
fwd to the hhaappppy� s flumes of BU$$DOC,((
Por Bale by an Dealers.
?. IIIt1Ilil 8 CO., Prcipelllm, T::-04
Steam Boiler Works.
Bucceeserto (.'kryatal & Math,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marine, Upright de Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also deaden to Upright and Herboatal Slide
Valve Kosice. Automatic Cut 41 Fe:m Ines a
prelalty. All else of pipe and pipe-Sttine
oons'mtl on hand. g.iimarfurnished on
ay., notice. m Repairing promptly attended to.
*0 -Ly P. O. kW: A. Ooderlch. Ont.
Works-Oppoette 0, T. It. Station. Dederick
Buchanan & Son,
Dealers In all kinds of
Awl benders .atert.l of every dee sipties
School Furniture a Specialty.
ficnnuter to (a ,'teatv.l out, l'esfeat
as -1 ...n.: ,. et-,.
Tlsw *TIse.a. Taller.
400 OTO Tn/17D a.rsmos,
Specific and Antidote for
Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye-
=pepwi•, sleeplessness, palpitation of the
liver complaint, neuralgia, lose of
memory, bronchitis, consumption, gall
swiss, jaundice, kidney and 'ternary
sitasaeee, St. Vitus' dawoe, female irreg-
ularities and gsueral debility.
Proprietor and MMwhaeturrr.
McLane,* Overeat Rawnv.Tna elan be had
from all ditit 1s teen. es well a. nom
mh. d eis het Akw..asl•. sewers Oows, and
Ob.eiw ad. and all bwelsose la the U A. Poem
Q0....... attended to at MODIR/ Fl Ts .
Oar otic. Moppesite the U. a, Pettiest Of -
es., and w • sae a Patents 1n lam flat
has twee •.motes eye. WA8HINOTOJV.
D ead JMODRl. O DkA WINO. We .d
vies am to patersisaMty tree 54sharpie and
we make NO (11141tM/I MDR VNLAMg R"di OW
W. racer, b ehe commutator. the Sept.
if M sirdar Div.. and to ea,•Ials of tl e
U. a. Flate.I DiMe. Por etreaNT, .deter.
and Mervw.rin te Manu la Isar
ewe Stas. er (legate. wrbste
a • strew a oleo
f pampa Most OOB.. •eM,g
olborne Bros.
We have already in stock a full
assortment of New Fall Goods in
We have a fine assortment of New Dress Stuffs in
the latest designs in fancy stripes and checks, Crepon
Cloth, Melange Twills, Serges, Cheviots, Etitemanes, Cash-
tnerettes and plain Henriettus, Wool Tartans and Plaids.
About 800 yards of Colored Cashmeres, worth 50c.,
for 35c., a big bargain.
We carry the finest range of plain and fancy Mantl-
ings we have ever shown, in black and colors.
FAIL Mantle Cloths bought from us will be cut
free of charge.
Our Twoeo Stock is complete. Suits made to order.
5 per cent. allowed on all Dry Goods purchases of
one dollar and over.
A first-class Dress and Mantle Maker in our store,
up stairs.
We carry the largest stock of ' Brussels, Tapestry,
Wool and inion Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs and Mata,
Oil Cloths, and Linoleum ever shown in the County by
one house.
Over 300 Sets of Lace Curtains to select from, di-
rect from the makers in Scotland.
Great Carpet Warehouse}
of the County.
A. Arises& aattlesanke ret..sed by a
ries Is a sumer. Parket.
From The San Francisco 1'bronlele.
On lad Sunday morning a well-known
prospector, who stands u: feet in his stock-
ings, and wearing • No. 13 boot, was enjoy.
iag the genial sunshine of • hill in the Tip.
Top country when he stepped on the tail of
a monster rattlesnake, which was also en-
joying • sen bath.
The first intimation the prospector had of
the wake's was • sharp, angry
hiss, quickly followed by • swishing sound,
aa the great snake threw itself in a whiplike
semicircle through the air, dashing Oa head
against eke prospector's left top vest pocket,
which contained • large, square plug of
*hewing tobacco, into which the snake sunk
iia fangs, and from which it was unable to
pull them through the doth vest, and then
the snake hung, with iia tail fast under the
prospector's boot and ita bead within • few
Inches of his mouth, threshing its body
=et his overalls with the sound of
Brea hotel chambermaids beating • oar -
Pet prospector stood like one mesmer-
ized, Inhaling the sickening odor which
rose from the mouth of the hissing snake,
with his eyes fastened on the beadlike orbs
of the enraged reptile. But the snakes
struggles grew weaker as the tobacco -color-
ed venom oozed from the sides of its mouth,
the tob&con making it sick, and in a short
time it hung limp, d& filing from Wes pro-
sypectors vest like • great rawhide rope.
The tobacco bad made it deathly sick ; •
film pawed over its eyes : the charm was
broken ; • spasmodic movement ..t the pro-
spectorb arm and the reptile's head was
crushed against the plug of tobacco, when
the karrtied prospector fell over ono•u-
sdon•, where he was moo afterward found
by • companion all
dead snake. He was
to cooscionsnees and
tobacco, cut off and
green pPie.. from the
chew from the corner
the above story.
tangled up with the
disengaged, restored
felt for hu plug of
throw away a bnght
middle of it, too •
of the plug and told
Twe ratstlas.
Probably the smallest painting ever made
was the work of the wife of • Flemish art-
ist. It depicted • mill with the sails bent,
the miller mounting the stairs with • seek
of grain on his back. Upon the terrace
when the mill stood was • cart sed horse,
and on the road leading to it several peas-
earante were shown. The picture was beauti-
fully finished and every object was very
distinct, yet it was ea amazingly shall that
its surface, so the story goes, could be
covered with • grain of oorn.
In contradistinction to this the lamest
painting—e:chisive of frescoes and panor-
amas, is Tintoret(o'. " Paradise." It is
hung in the grand calm of the Doge's pal-
ace at Vanes, and is 84 feet wide and 34
feet high. Michael Aegelo's fresco in the
Sistine Chapel of the Vatican completely
coven the wilted roof, which measures 133
fest in length sad 43 feat in width. This
painting delineates the creation of trao, hie
fall and the early history of the world, with
• tef.reaoe to areas final redemption and
Peek N. 5e ..s Apls.
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Try our Brands of " MONSOON " end
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Do you want Fresh Groceries.
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F�1..t~M � +told .e.::�/.�.i•4