The Signal, 1892-9-29, Page 2Off* scacioves Both the method and results when Syrupof Fife is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver sadliowald, cleanses the sys- tem effeeiv Il,, dispels colds, head- aches lad fevers and cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable b the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its manyexecllentqualitiescom mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fie is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. .Any lia:,lo dru est t, bo may not have it on halal will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., matt rsamols00, 11417n I..l.T., --Y. 21= t oAiL, I, le Geo. A. Faso, Aoa rr AT GODS/ CH. THE POETS CORNER. Write Tana a lamer Ymetaat. Don't go to the theatre, lecture or ball, Bat stay in your room tonight ; Deny yourself to the friends that Dell, And a good lona letter write -- Write to the ad old folk at home, Who sit when the day is done, With folded hands and downcast eyes, And think of the absent one. Write them • letter tonight. Don't selfishly oitribble : " Excuse my haste, I've scoroely time to write." Lest l k wandering brooding thoughts go wandeng To many • by -gone night., When they lost their needed deep and rest, And every breath w. • prayer That (,od would leve their delicate babe To their tender love and care. Write them • letter tonight Don't let them feel that you've no mon need Of their love and counsel wise ; For the heart grows strangely senative When age has dimmed the eyes. It might be well to let them believe You never forgot then quite - That you deemed it a pleasure, when far away. Long letters home to write. -Then- Write them • letter tonight. Don't think that the young and kiddy friends Who make your pastime gay Have half the anxious thoughts for you That the old folk have today. For the sad old folk at home, With locks fast turning white, Are longing to bear of the abesat one - Oh, write them • letter tonight ! -Exchange. BARGAINS. Awful sacrifice ! Tremendous bargains, in order to close out, everything going for I. than half cast price ! Fine ten -button kid gloves, fifteen cents a pair -all shades, elegant, full -made stockings, feat collars, ten cents : handkerchiefs, all linen, three dente : dress goods -your choice ot half • million pieces, fourteen Dente a yard. "Oh'" cries little Mrs. Pearl, in rapture, "can't you let me have • little money, Hiram, and i'll just run down ! Do." "Well, my dear, I don't often refuse you anything you auk," responds Hiram, "but I don't believe in bargaiuw. In my line of business, now, you pay the market value for decent guoda. Cheap and nasty go to- gether. how, for instance- -" "But • grocery store, here in Sleepy Vil- lage, isn't like an enterprising New York dry gouda store," says Mrs. Pearl. ' Ory goods fluctuate and times are sort of bard ; �twenty-five dollars goes a Tong way in "Very well," says Hiram Pearl, solemnly, "Take the five -and -twenty, Netty, and em how it turn. out " Upon which the thankless Mrs. Pearl desserts her husband at the' breakfast table, telling him to "call Bridget if be wants more griddle cakes," and flies upstairs to put on her ulster and travelling hat, and catch the first morning train. Early . it is the ear is quite full. Mrs. Pearl Is not the only person wbo tikes • New York paper. She interchanges nods with • dozen neighbors, . she looks for a seat. Most of them are figuring away wi th a little black lead pencil on • tiny tablet, or in • small plank book. She has bar end of posed and small tablet, too, and ens Neuss away until she hos spent the twenty-five spin.deltas over and over spin. "(:loves Brit," t he says to herself, " because you oan't get anything under • dotter and a half that you m wear ; and at fifteen osta, twelve tar would be • dollar eighty. So .he writes down : " A dozen gloves, amoral Wades" Then, " stockings, tee Dent•, het colors, too. And three cents for hamikerehief, all the family might be provided •saint mile - sum • for the most inooemderable sem" So she Ones on nail New York se reached ..d the big sial roof is over her bead ; lad with bee neighbors she slakes • rash street- carward. A vert crowd of women AU the more to which she resorts. They elbow e.oh other .ad trend no ..db other's tom Some of the men domestic oitia.a..m have brought their market baskets with them ; and to any one who bee ever had • market beused am sone sad be said. Y a .r.., se Alen tam •gigsrea wirewoman large ond r t s. li that er be New York, alto, attired is an unser el Meek bogies, with big disees�sedtsgis her wn makJambe WOO haw her way w** Ma hrew& ori. $ -throe. . THE SIGNAL: GODRRICH, ONT. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1892. Gook at sheep, and "wedges" .seer wows away from the water without ouMolag theca However, the oeeo ry lady tae :eve t, oesstry •a lenand Worms the eprl hUms y dael in • gulden Mathsthat sshhee will take • d.s el theses tee -betas glove' u Mess Dente, assorted dark oatorm. • Whet .amber ? " asks the dowel "tiu," says Mrs. Pearl. " I csa wear e ve and three q mart crs ; still, d May are lower. " "We oily have number eight, and they •re ad orange odor," the saleswoman answers. "N.ober emit •" asks Nn. Pearl. "Hays •plait "" the girl inquire& Mrs. Pear .hakes her head. Whet'ooeld We du with number eight, orange oolor,t o but!Gn gloves ! She roes whither .he is poked, and grab* eomethtng for support. 1t proves w be • strip stooktug, exhibited op a shepelt woo em limb. The stocking mentor thank Heves ! " Show nae those neo -went stocking*, regn. lar made, feet oolong," .he gap& A could youth answer., " Yee, ma'am." And the stockings aro-well, pert• a, not ell she expected, bet very good. ' I will take • doom in stripes," .he la" Very sorry, ma'am," responds the mild youth, " but our orders is not thrall ,Wore. OW pair to no lady. Thr ladies takes it harts, but 'tien't m7 do&.. I don't own the store. 1 only wish I did. Have • pair!" Mrs. Pearl tikes a pair, lad waita hall En hour for the change and bee paroel, and then starts in march of dress roods. There is • mounter full of thew Bar gains ? Why, yes, indeed ; woadertul bar- gains ! But, alas the goods are in lengths of • yard, or, at the more., two The very thing for you, muum :f you are making a crazy quilt," says the oblig- ing middle-aged salesman. But Mrs. Part is not making • crazy quilt, though she beginsto feel that she wee crazy areal when she deserted her spouse at the breakfast table to hunt bar gums. She Enda none anywhere, and her husband's words occur to her with each ex- perience. She will go home. She will my to Hiram . "You were right, aa uauaL" So she is pushed, and poked, and beaketd, and elbowed to the street, and, for the sake of the fresh air, walks to the depot. Then she meete other ladies, some angry, some bewildered, some with parcels, some with- out : and .he puts her hand into her poc- ket for her pocket -book, in which her ticket Tres side by side with her money, but then is no pocket book there, no h•.dker- ohief,no tableteand pencil In tact,no pocket. It boa been cut out. She remembers too late that placard pre d up high, at the entrance of the store which bare the warning : "Beware of pickpocket. ! " She retires to the dressing -roots in tors, but happily finds • neighbor then who offers the heartfelt sympathy of a fellow - sufferer and the loan of the price of a ticket Aad the forlorn little lady returns to the boom of kit family, where she is comforted and cowled, and where she lists.s deferentially to a long lecture upon trade, and bargains, and woman folio", and city shop keeper', and solemnly resolves never to do se any more. Still, who knows! A was i'rees reese.tes. A Georgia judge bee decided that • mule is a deadly weapon. Tlssaly Wisdom. Great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry on hand. It ham no equal for cholera, cholera morbus, diarrh.ra, dysen- tery, colic, cramp. and all summer com- plaints or loosense of bowels 2 A Cannibal Case... "The caucus bolted the regular candidate last night." "They did, did they! Weill thought they would bolt him, for they were mad enough to eat him up when I left" edsetlea•I Work. The work of educating the public to a thorough knowledge of the virtues ot Bur- dock Blood Bitters . a cure for all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, and blood, hes been completely successful The remedy is now known and used in thousands of homes where it always gives great satisfaction. 2 11 ■ OM gte erg er Lola. "I can give you some cold mutton," mid the housewife. "I thought from the look of this house," said the tramp in disgust, "that I would get the cold shoulder hen." serewara d M r'errar.ed. Many of the worst attacks of cholera morbus, cramps, dysentery, colic, etc., Dome suddenly in the night and speedy and prompt means must be used against them. lir. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it at hand for emergen cies. It never fails to cure or relieve. 2 kis Their Vault. Cobble—I was looking over • lot of my verses in my desk the other day. and I fund the 000krojchee had been at them. Stene - Don't blame the cockroaches. They can't read. eregrese. It is very important that in this age of vast material progress that • remedy be pleasing to the tate and to the eye, easily taken, aooeptable to the stomach and healthy in ite nature and effect. Possessing these quuli tis, Syrup of Firs is the has perfect laxa- tive and most gentle diuretic known. 1m Thee Twenty May gewassatls. Riven -The cholera bacillus, it seam., is shaped like • anima. Banks -Yes, and the President hes knocked Ate tail off sad brought it to • full stop. s Te state. Feats, statistics, information, t.hi use fel to know, the biggest and hest be et of knowledge, reliable and up to date will be found it • new publto•tion, "Facts and figures," just ,'seed by Melees. T. Millburn R Co., of Tomato, (lot. Our readers can obtain it by addressing the above firm and esotosig • three oast stamp 2 This lea ulna. A current news item tell. of • printer wbo Imaged himself with tive Mho* Lowed. It is probably antra& if a printer washed to commit wade alta Use office towel he weld he obliged to dab him.slf to death. new. Abase Taws. it is tis current report about earn that 1Gmp's B•harn for the threat .lid lungs is snaking same renierkably cures with penpl. wnt ho lee treahled with roughs, ewe ll,rva- t, asthma, bronchitis and at.eeu.ptleu. Any druggist will gi.. yea a ilial heaths free el wet It le guaranteed to reliant and ansa The large bottles are 50.. and $1. (Stow) Asetesf-_.•eases eseee.aft Mamma (enthu ' ow i w we could afford to send Nellie abroad • few 6nishiug touches to her musical ed cation ! Papa (so carter music)' --If 1 ooeld bay the hntah without the touches, I'd paws the furniture. Even an all round man ought to be square 1• kis dealiaga The gold care puts the drtaker on W metal, as it were. Wben• man IS hopelessly baton it great- ly increase hie sigh& A man is called a confounded liar when n othing that be says is confirmed. "Mamma," said little Johnnie,"it I .wal- lowed • thermometer would I die by de- g, r• No one oars blame the epee' for not W owing his appreciation of th. fall open. ing. "Much .due about nothing," remarked the summer boarder when his bill w. pre - seated. The mea wbo marries his own typewriter is pretty likely to do moat of Ws dbtat'mg -Amor to marriage. The mosquito bill Is one of the oesgares which goes into effect immediately after its peonage. Theyhave "potato .00ials" in Kansas. The name may he from the fact that young folks go then to pare. Little Johnny thick. it • good deal nicer to be tanned at the seashore than to be tanned in school "A m may be drove to drink," said OAier YcCobb, "bet to git 'ie' away from it 1 And he h. W be pulled." From the manner in which Samson's ene- ma amea depended on his hair, it ha beset in- ferred that he was no banjo player. "I'm to debt. You cost imagine bow it worries me." "'@.t's nothing. Think of the worrying your crditon are doing." Johnny -I'm real sick and tom won't let ago to school Wallis (with marked envy) -Weir did you find out woo sintums to lane. Date and Barly.-Father-No appetite this evening eh t What is the matter ? Late lunch ! Little Boy -No sir, early app(. "Charles is too timid to propos, aad she is too timid to help him os." I should think each • timid pair could easily shrink to one.' The opening of the -r.d.bird season brings misstep nearer to the solution of that old problem, the extermination of the spar- row. Ethel -Why don't you put your cane in the hall rack, George ? George -1 doe't want to putanything in your father's way to tempt Shrewd Girl -Jemnie-Ib yon believe in fate! Bessie --Yes, but I believe in giving fate a helping hand by doing • little judi- cioms flirting. I winked at you t fair maid, r llm cgs ma helpless the y don't y ; h : It meal have looted ay Yourdaoiing beauty mete•me R. "So you sew Charley Smithere yestsr- city ?" said one girl. "Yes," replied the usher. "Was he on horseback !' "Y -Ye' Amooed orsoat•time." Secreta Nibbee Did you discover any irregu)arit� in the Red Tape Bureau =ties Four of the em- ployes were hard at work. She- What is that awful noise! He - Guess it's the clambake over on the island. She --Poor thing ! How the clams must be tortured to make them screech like that. "They say he is a literary man, and per- haps he is. He talks rapidly. but, upon my word, I can't sake head nor tail of what he talks about" "He ! Perhaps he is • maga- zine poet." Eve -Addy, m dear, I'm going shopping this morning. Can you let a have • hun- dred dollars ? Adam -Great heavens, Eve! You seem to believe the report that I'm made of dust ! "Her taste in music is improving wonder - full " said r young woman. 'Why ?" repliou ed the other, 'tike never plays or sings now." 'sir.," was the rejoinder 'that, is how I know." "Don't you think Mr. Twiddles is very absent-minded !' said a young woman. "No," replied Mia Psppsrtou. "He dis- plays admirable caution. What little be has he always brings with him." Maisie -What do you suppose that boa ribte Mr. MoCbubb 1 was engaged to at the beach has done? I:Iadis--hive tt up. Maisie -He had the impudence to call on nee when I got back to town. • Rowley--Conosited sten hen their w in the world. Surface -What is it ? Rowley -They keep men wbo are really important humble by the patronizing wa is wbieh they address thew ---N. Y. Reralt PHILOSOPHY or Ott TL OsndlWass Waw nee.iosse W Mond sea ae QWttlee.1 a ■erten. If w. is (,10.e4a esti lampreys . a' s to famish better good., the will he to dimpled* other predate e1 other sees ries, highea�'Me for Ger own ani gat *carol o the .a.rk/l' Thg aqua lar VII Der own markets 10,1.104...' Wien from buyers. te i•ptev.q..Uty�ri, . far . parable ben, to avoid competition between producer& New let me Wow yes again ; Tuns Brown .ad Julia Bbwk have produced fifteen pounds o1 better seek, the local markets .t their village will take tea p.sn.ls from each masa bulb mea have a surplus to .end u►awbere else. Tben.tbeee dve pueade of butter fruss each, uaees elec. where is eo.petitiva They are *ape mg ag•io et the other end where these Ave p0unds go If by any mea. Tom Brown tauproude amber market for He, Ave p oewii ut kis owe sake, or the fire (founds for of John Black's make, so that it will not u- meet his is competition, ewe displaus is the market any other Ave pounds wheal can meet his in uospetttwa, it will Yrs. Nifst --Well, Mrs. Clover, i reckon you saw • heap of the noise and beetle of the cit " Mrs. Clover -Yea, then . w • del of .Diss, but the bustles was Mob little mites yce ooulds't hardly em Rowse de Bout-WLt did your wife my when you get home kat night, (ham Chris Oar -First tell me how much tea you have to spare. Rowse de Bout -About tea minute. Chris Croce- -Thea I owl tau you Penelope—I understand, Yr. Vaykgat, thatou wen the famous nae of your year. Yr. Vykeat--Ya., that's ea Perdlta-- In what way, Yr. Valuate Mir. Vykst -I w. the Daly feUith whim graduated k+bt is use calm Jasper- Though he is • bower be is • very clever tether. Jnmpappe-f[ts favorite subjects seem very dry to ase.-J.sp.r- Osrteialy. That is where ►ie eleven.m comes is H. brings up gabfest' that will s ggest dtiaka Yr. Hall B Be'.o-Ds you bay year Yrs ped Haateseg ? ti the Yse' ; whyt Yr. Ha ag clay ll A. would humbly supra that in future yes sliest • bateher 'bop . little same roans hem that ihssile. tie. Reis Nettie' sewn ftardleigl,gloat you ass dad platy el 'l. right hen ..a .fake. yea meek thee I mad.Yea het Ise eat *5111 jai the ria d mi'am .IL Yee ass y self Aim be to the advantage of all predigests of bet- ter. If any mem wbu produces can get ea elusive metro! of • market, it will be easier for him to get the highest priori wbtub the market will afford. Natia.s mg in their collective capacity, are to he considered as aggregaticos of individuals, Johu Browse aid Tom Bleck., and d you will • principle that will apply successfully to the bailees of John Brown under given 000dltio.a, it will apply suooss.fully to the bemuses of the biggest nation on earth under like cos dip{oma A principle is like a taw o/ the universe, It dues not adjust itself to indi- viduals and nationiftkataccommodate them- selves in conduct to right ples will f ouri•h best. Let me • y • few prin- ciple* to markets, and I wil apply them to nations and measure the wisdom of their means, according to their conformity to them principle'- Nations, like individaule, sed oat eters who want to nes as ultimate consumers the surplus of goods whish they have to sell la the market we look for and impost Detain things . 1st. Acorabillity to customers. I have es aversion to tons ou the way to market. It bothers a when I have to tike oat my pocket book ou mold and wet days to pay them; it is dls•gresable . well . expen- sive. If then w. • market at the sad et • road with a toll on it, and another market at the sod of •mother road with so toll on it, I would go to the market that was reached without • toll Yoe can toll any- thing you like, but it steads between ms and my customer, and takessomething from me and my customer. end. I want in the maek.t • psrmanancy d adequate demand. Commutes is always shy, she is shy of smarten muketa Cum- arce, like girls, is very coy, and wann/ sow coaxing always. 3rd. Then, I want a fair chance in cum• petition In the market. loth I want discruuiusti.,a se to the quality of goods If I think my goods are better than another man's I w11l get • batter pries, so . to .nomnrage me to go on and do that style of amines in pre- dation. Aooessibility by good roads-reilw•y •mi steamship lines included -no tolls tf you can help it ; permaseacy of &dogmata de mend, so as to avoid the irritettou that comes from uncertainty i • fair chance to compete with other goods in the market ; diecrimin•tinn of quality that will asa.oe each seller to go home and do better nest tic --these ars the qualities that you want in the market to which you take or send your product& The buyer in • market ias particular wants, •ud, if I do not look after them I will be • fool, for it is he whom 1 want to please with my goods. The regeiremeeta of as available market must be studied. If • man went to Ireland to sell badges on the occasion of any public festival, and had the badge all of • red Dolor or blue color, he would not sell may, even if they were of good material and cheap but d he had them of green he would sell freely. lag world be required to study the wants ot his custom- ers, or the prejudice of his easterners, or the preferf.oe of kis customers, and cater to their metes. If you do not do that you cannot keep any market, even after you have obtained it The market must be studied and suited to be kept It takes time to get • demand ; it pays to study to create a demand, to overcome prejudice, to win a preferenos, which is always a decided advantage. I went into • shop In Scot- land a geed many years ago in which Scotch cheddar cheese was re- tailmo at sixteen oats per pound, and Canadian cheddar cheese w. retailing at twelve cents per pound. By all the rules and standards of nourishing qualities, whole- someness, tate and appearance, the ohed- der cheese from Canada was worth four amts more than the other, but the preju- dice of the people made them willing te pay four Dents • pound mon for an inferior quality. We have reversed that sow in some insurers and have we' • preference for our good& It is • bigb lam • preference ie your favor, annd it is • bad thing to have • prejudice against you.- Jas. W. Robertson. Dairy (.mmnimiomer. Jottings from Fanners. -There seams to be a variety of opinions &bout the best way to use the after fed ; whether to turn in stock, cut and put in the bun or let it rot upon the ground. Most farmers prefer the first may . being the most profitable. Brother farmers, strive to sake the boas farm • home in the tallest sends of the word. Surround it with all the attractions that you well can. (lire it an appropriate tame end let it be • place of pesm ami plenty, where eout.tment dwells. A fanner should be contested because he is independent. I would rather sit on • pumpkin and have it all to myself, thea be crowded en • velvet caehinn. Children brougit up in the reentry, devote pe the higher forms of manhood. Not cies d as the presidents was born in the city. The fanner and hie family should be the meet ooatented workers is all this broad land because thecan have pureair, pure water and, for the e most pati, fresh medal bleatedfood whish, coupled with the healthy ezercime of farm life, grows the st+ongest men and women both metal and Play ly. The children are r from the amtamisatiag andante of the dew dive and the imam The tree farm hems is an ind.p sad..t mosareky when all area Mere •wi nose sbjecta The creamery has now over 10 Irvin made • gond g•i• this seemneir, but the oo.pasy suffers inenuveeiee•e basses sense are unwilling to has stook in it •ad so help to put it ea • gond besisess bask This ie the tree way to ee-operate, and not 1..ok to far • get d ethers data. spirited emus have married (uric paha haw seesed.d la eal•bliikng eha • hew the e kir.ers is the Healy canal afsrd b Ism The batter brleip tubo tap .lid e......�k�beta.' le k tam es lawsJ 4mir10 llrE LICHTNINC! HVY TSS LIO TM22gt3 F'tuu JAR The best in the market. --- 0 A .L-2.—�' LOAD OF SUCAR ARRIVED TO -DAY. — C. A. -- N airn's. —OIT con AND wood YARL. Coal, Wood and Kindtint dsI vered to all parts of foww with quickn despatch, al= 00AL. Beet quality chests*, case W egg IOC constantly as hand. 901T OOAL Best Ah•wnee lump cod far me la grates, stoves, furnaces, etc. Rest quality amnia Blseburtth smith- ies cod sow ou bad. Special attention elven t000estry trade. WOOD. 1 have tow qct my machinery In opera - on for sawing and splitting wood, til and split wood ready for tore always in stock. any Rise you west mart forest that I am eeLleg wood, cot tad qts, . cheap. you can bay Iota weed as the market. All my w. .d le seal In the cord of lit fest or bail cars be'; id lead or jag bestow about it. XIIPDLIbG WOOD. Pine end hemlock, t tett loss. or ase and split any lewttk. Ovrtcli, YARD AND COAL. Serene in old drill shed, Nelson -et, foot of Ham- ilton -et., three minutes walk from Court House Square. Orders lett et my residence. No. t Ne meat., tear flmltk's tannery, will rseelve prompt nation. THaaa JOHN 8. PLATT, Pro ly► FREE TRADE re I�YJtJ�l l fYrvil�[>Q The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to Bell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the moat satis- factory manner and beat market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and beat Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at T Tamale Cash Ste P. &jam,,, lanae''. The Signa ease more salts atteatrea lo me Job Pliant whisk are arm. passed outside the citfor the pr a,ot and proper oleosuss of all claws of printing. A Formal ce this an•ouoes- meat may suggest ao.stbisg you way be is need of, and in wok mopmopwe soli nit quer leat. o ewill f* our snorts t o� please will wet with the •pptoval of our patron. X.ittte.r 'itae.s In this line we have a very largo stock of fine writing papers suit- able for every clans of business represented in this locality, cool• praing laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, sale,' or unruled, .s may be required. ZIott %%mat. This useful nice is kept in **hill hili range of qualities same an bent �a heeds. While lwtt to. \to.ds are not so generally mel, erg ill an important pleas hi o.mttoereisl correspondence. Bee what we've got under the above heads. $AA. iitae.s If the " pa-ae-you-go " plan was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great ; but there are some mea who get so many Banners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present oar stock is cos plate in this line with four sine. Good paper and neat ruling. 46tatesuciAs Both single and double dollars anil cents columns. They ,rams cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after • delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round - sometime. Vis% WA.ol►en Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the demand for them we keep a large stock on hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will rear from 75c. tc $2.00 per M. Vee handle coo meroiel and legal Sianee:dusivdw C ou vtlteremak P rvr<Aat has already been partially enum- erated in some of the heads above There is, however, a vast amount of work under this heed that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tee SIGNAL Z hbatat%ons, to an "At Dome" or a wedding require considerable taste in selsc' tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and best samples to be had. Call and res. C'areu‘ars We aim to excel in all the differ. eat kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy paper suitable for all requirements. of entertainmenta and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with oord and pencil attached. Cards arae. T•atets This head covers a large range d work, from •abread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or denary admission ticket to • tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. °stews m=" Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is done by us. This line also in- cludes oelLve which our three fa.t.running job presse are able to turn out in • surprisingly short time. iON& $tAgi belong to the poster department also, ant! we make a specialty of thein. -promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of sale will appear in Tne AIOXAL free of charge when bills for same ire get here. I\AX iGlne.s oS VAT oak do thefeel printing list can be deartrpoR Amid*.. establishment in an expeditious and artistic manner and OMr V'rafts ve:AX lot Sowiut tl,tV% rtasosusb'e. We extend our thanks for pest fly- ers and solicit a eontinualaoe of the 'C% %A(11iAZA. Ugs ccs.