HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-22, Page 8rim ova clualreVirat TEE !'Oet1.1O Ia01/ TILE PHARMACY. • 110LNETAT10M 1� P nodi p�hWe an vitriol te here toss be bedews Yea ear andeovor to de • of to ttlbeei.dpreeist time our ~more e l t ichtierweed knew teM.em with every e• on these�jrt.dgj ne salad to bathe seed lurid !•r r1rW+eMae doper toast le oto .em i'Me always her. made • epochs d, we clans le have the menet nese s iArpo..my 1a tab of the o.ustr7• Dtw't.g the past we have / • good there of the local and • large pereealrgd d the green trade as •cosset of beim hll equipped with the venose aew m- ien used aepecialls by dq •.d Agte1erb•a pimientos& Thie stare hoe always ven a ,Sr.esl.te to doctor. la the pm& although • Smiles pereenteee than sem" ethers se ao tlm.t of our •-tag •.z/oes to keep dews p 4... sad he.... a give our customer. their ppe/1euse .4 .. reaeo.Mle • theme as poodb1.. t atm we are Myles an percestsite at an to ton and tbe,ef.re will give you the •d taasaae. mud will d'spense your pr'racrlptwae for Gheee percent. lefor cub than our regular chargee before. and 25 per coot. lees the• the meal ct•rtice of the other storm whir% give • prroentage. This is the most .weettec pan of our business. rued the one ,rat all our training le doenned to fit sad &altttyy us for. aid we meta to ever =the nes Mammary the best •cad loading Mapes eery Is Oedertcb. We w Ill coitieue to do . wo have also as• done. •• mat is" use the beet Drtyt. and •Iwas• put in what le nrdered. Our More is open at all hours daring the dal, sad h oe merit attendance. is never wtlhout • seemeteat hand te charge. All your Wei Wan for the prescription whoa be ult. or •'k h im to kave It et The Pharmacy sod it will he ailed weh •courses and delivered pea,ply. GEO. A. FEAR, ttoetlper to Cleo. Rhino.. OODER11 a. A Art ART. x x x x R. CRo('KETT, A WAid•ner, marine and porgo t Wetly In oil and water e• CLASSES O. Tturse'a711. from m A.Y. to o'clock r.m F and Saturdays. 1 k. and from2to5 Architectural sad taeeLenioel dr.wiy. Drawing. for pot ante, et,:. •!I DIO:-Netl�*al.tlz.tbeet f.ssIMfllpare Column. 1TT IS i FACT. Hy increasing business has oW:t,d the e. targe Into more commodious premises, and having rooted the two soma to Unbbe Block. 0.1110 E. leonine& oboe store. 1 will have arge docile to display goods. The lad south of F Downings will be ocyapied the Ft -PP tyres AN it I:peto aT.R, Nm de- panmeet. where a ewe and complete sleek of Otter, thing in the Furniture line of the bed makers will be kept. and at pri ee TO 9r IT ALL rockers. 1 guarantee to eel you any article of Forswears from Ire to ten per cent. lees thee Toronto prices. ,amt kind end quality. and PAY rxgwIIT 10 ANY 1'VINT 150 MILD; enon Oot.zuut n. Call and be one. 'lured. figures tell, and everybody delle fig. .tee. The other Mote SMITICrI BAZAAR will be occupied by our Wall Paper. School Supplies. Fancy Geede. Stationery and Toy depanmeats, where a full and endless variety of new and elegant goods will he placed. SPECIAL. For the next two weeks I will give .pedal discount. off all lines of furniture to save the trouble and cwt of storing it. l'ell early sad seem* a bargain and tell your oeighbore where you got it. 1aM1r1673 BAZAAR & FURNITURE STORE. NEW PLANING MILL -- S ash and door factory. Hsvio • eery large Mock of lumber on hand I wi b to reduce my stock to make room for Win er Iona. 1 am prepared to slaughter prices In all grades* woodwork. flooring, siding. eta., for the next three months. And will take :x3 tans hay. 10,000 cords heading, 10.000 cords wood. 100.000 ft. lore. 10.000 cords seer bolts in payment thereof. Build your home. out of yourown forest. 51.4 plan+ of houses to select from. 7417 JOSEPH KIDD. Phone. 1:. 17 Britannia -et. OHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- !,Uonoer, land releasor. loin and insurance agent. Sale. attended 1n all parts of the ooun- % _C CorrNespondencesolklteel. Address JOHN f0i sgsbrid4e. Orders lett at THA. Bs.NAz. Oe1ce promptly attended to. 55.11 OHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- timeer sad Land V.Itsstor. Ooderkeh. 1. Having had oo.tdenbie experience 1a •ucttoneenngQtrade- he 1. in • position to 4lecharge with ti.5054h .tiefacUon alt coca inkneone entrusted to him. Orden lett et n • Hotel. or and by mail to hie addnsm, ch P. 0., carefully attended to JOHN OX. Conte A sotim.eer. MO EL•si<amAtite ImAttate. (1ODERICH MECHANICS' INSTI- vvi[ TUTE LIBRARY AND RLADINt ROOM, nor. of a Seat street sad 44re (up Open from te" 6 rat_ sad from 7 to 10 ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. L.adsog Maly, Weekly and Ildwtrated Papyri M zirsea, .te., on lite. 1g1MBEit8HI1' TiCKIT, ONLY `i.M, eAetteg free nes of Library and Road lase RoomAppBostbes ter Mrwahip received by L ibeeria%, le roots. IgD. SHARMAP , 010. 11'TIVEN, residesL 0ederlch March MN NM SecratarY' $palm Nogsos. T Q. WARD, OONVLYANG'ER, e/ . te.. asd ommmiemieuo for taklimagr and re- alving rereogaasao." of bal4 add•vlu oe .drmatlons. depositions or solemn declare- 1g1p.r.�s� in or concern 14 557 salon. suit a Deo - in 0sunag the HUIr Court of Jethro. the d Appel fur eerie. or Is .ay .'o0517 er Inele1oastlCouurt. All tee cUone caret .eatery-D.aana:.00ntR eehlesiseSl tand f NEW CHOPPING MILL. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of grain chop Wm shortest notice. Mill le running at all I have rhe latest snit bed Improved m.erlmery for dispatch sad efitchrocy. Prime swa...n.M Nodelsy In mettins your chop home with lea KiDD. lV Uleritimaiest. Rota UNION HOTEL, OODERICH. - Thie well k.ewn general sod tarsen' el has been taken psesssston .f by Smelts stud toothed is every wpea making ome d the neettet sad quietew Loess 1e the Nice localise. Esrenest .1�.111ryg mederwse. SAIILT', OROS_ 11141 THs HURON HOTEL, THIS well -tram haImes caner 4. 5.•e Ica quality se - bet .laza sadlamto dnew e entoo"sesor for the I.veYlar p.M*". tfild �IN�tor. w.Ya todevi h i'1 THE SIGNAL : tiu1)IIRI011, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTERIBER 22, 1892 Lost or I meted. FOUND. ` -A BING= IND --Us �,.OIAR_D L. es.,s sr~oartal i !1. a mtea sear /.P leg ter 11le wad vesw serer Mitoolleos \realist /100D ORNRRAL SRRVANT WA=- H,0 �LtA chin. le ems, ca. GENtEtALSERVANT WANTICKg.- woa.Mow11m#71l.rYak /poodle grduIe1. 50,000 B OPL'B D. CANTILON, et weals MAIM barman Pall sad Isar -Yr wWeh w .bess. ,market =will MM. nom year L A' 4Tai414.�omCM.i ••• • er 754 u ANIMUS for Male 1 IME FOR SALL--GOOD FRESH / mato kept e.estastly e■ heed .t the 11Ws llee•rve limy UN. AU orders for delft s� r -y7 will be p omp4 elteeded to. X. B&ICHL LtVR BALE, -TWO 18 IN. OAST • putWe-4i le. Nem 111-N la. ben. or can far bored se et Lamer .batt. Oood .s new. W. be mid u • reasonable figure. Apply et THE IIIIAL8es Ho71 ,.• Printing sea Property lbr gale or fbr Rett. FARM FOR SALE. -THAT VALC- •his farm known .north start of lot Sit Lake [aw& a.beetd. comprising 971 acre& at present occupied by l'. Stews 1, well cleared. It le situated about a mile from ell lege of Kintell. close to church •ud e.:ltool. There a neat dwelling, and • good large been on the premien§ : alio • 70055 ore sad • nothing arrant ..0 the lot. 1.ec.1 good. Terme 9000 ooh, sad b•Laoe in w teen bearing Interest 5 per omit. For further par- ticulars apply to 8. SL4.)ANE. Ooderiob. 1975 FOR SALE. -N. f LOT SI, SND CON - cession. rad W ew•nosh, i.e acres. Tits Is a aretclas. farm. Also town lot *78, God. - rich. also lot CO. Goderich tows. on width there le • good brisk cottage. Apply 'to PHILIP HOL1. ale-tt, FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT oo.nnwdio.s building m 1 1.4.1, Bruin ride, at present occupied os • p•iat-ehop A7 Wm. Strait is on sale. Term 011112. A ppl to F. a H 81)O, Brussels 7'. 0. 0611 Dentistry. MNICHOLSON, LD.B.-DENTAL . remits opposite the new Pod Odes. Weetet, Ooderlc$. 20116-17 TR. E. RICHARDSON, L D. 8., Le rumen' dentist. Oes •od vitalised air administered for painless extracting of teeth. tipegel attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. 0mee-Up stain, Greed Opera House flock. entrance on Wein- St.. Goderich. 5141-1v MedleaL DRS. WHITELY a suNrg t. Odce--Orand Opera Hem., (Wtrkt►. dM DR8. SHANNON & SHANNON, lJ Ph�dtlans. surgeon, Aoeo.eher.. tc. lLe0. • ler. Sb.noon'. residence, near the Peel Goderic%. O. C. SHAvrott. J. 1t. SHAN- NON. 1761 Legal. ' N. LIMB:, BARRISTER, PROC- 0114e for in Maritime Court" of Ontario e -South Colborne hots. 1513 XI 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 191 solicitor. oommimioaer. ta:. Loan& collections and real .date transaction care- fully attended to. ()mcg -Cor. Handicap and St. Aodr.w'.-st.. (oderich. Ont. te65-1y) JOHN DAVISON, BARRIBTItilt, Solicitor, Coaveiaaoer, Ste. ; Moor, to lend. Orbe over fast-Od, c Goderich. 6641 CAMPION, BARRISTER, /. Solicitor. Notary Public, e t ee. (Lew -Over Jordan's Drug etae, the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. Y?R C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, tic. . Oe1o.. tans of Square and Wes rarest, Oorlenoh. over telegraph odor. Pri- vate Funds to Teed at 6 per unit - C_1 ARROW ent. GARROW & PROCDFOOT, BAR- risten Attorney"� Solicitors. tc.. Gode slob. J. J. Germs. Q.C., W. Proudloot. GAMERJN, HOLT • HOLMES, B•r"istere. Repast. la Cb•aoery tc. Oodencli. M. C. Osmere.. Q.C.: P. HoltDudley Rabat% Loans and 1n$uPanO•. V J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND m •asMwt Insurance agent ; at lowest nerd dd Oe --Cor. North.et. and Square. GM- 11- MONEY TO LEN D. -A LA ROE 1vj &motet of perste and other fund. at lowest rates on productive town and tam sty. Special terms of repayment to molt the war. -No oommiwiun. -Call or web M. 0. JOHN8rON (iodeench. Se 01-11 4600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO SP 'PcAYRaoii BOL[ & H0LYi8, fish MONEY TO LEND.! -A L A R G 11 amount of Private Funds for investment et lowest rates os entcla. Mortgagee. Appb Io'ARROW & PROUDFOOT. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. Os the security of Cultivated tivated Arm. later. era. di per cent., payable .soapy Any par tion of Use Wardle' may be raid at any time the borrower wishes. 111 expenses paid the County, No pontos except the Couse Auditors allowed to gee mortgagee or t o know to whom mosey le lowed. tiely to W M. aTP.suu Geden1 oh. attg, air. 618 Os Tremont... 9741 R. RADOLIFFE, OENERAL IN. eenume, Real i.t.ts sad Messy 1,s•alag Aaest. Gell first -elm oe..pembe represented. Money to Lead ami slrelgh bans. •t tate lowest rate of Iatereetgotag, V any way to eels the torrowee. Oleg- guy ea door treat 84nre. Hem Guderioh - SoeIMtUM. flANADIAN ORDER OF 11011E Cierlohrcles. AItasttthirdMonday each nInhe hall over 1 Ni .wNAt cam. epeeist I5450.msn4 le loteuraoos and desk bese.te. D. CALBICIL RILeader,_ � CHA5UHON: eSeeman Treasurer I TTL Ham' RC"r '1R a Me..s makes I g n l s et Root beer. sletas MARQUAND'S FRECKLE LOTION. Ma. $L► *ALT for the Rath, !lo. poi. RATH AND RUGBY SPONGR1f. HKLMTROPF. TOILET SOAP. lee Amy omega( et empty cowls butes at Min J. w uo.•1t Tutee ntMr Dates /s1.. Eklligo 10 Ormiltara NuTWil TO ONAD1TORS. ht las meaty of Nerew. {y �,�wads .N.tf "(w,a Mat tie .Me.l.. .4 W Mw• .,4 y. .ii 1• trues l r the an kle twee o< w endeatt.re et the mid mases steb7 eoaveed mod will be held is the My . of 01►mese. McNair & Matters. Lon Ian a A` ea Thursday the 11th dal et 8eptewli.r� las Opdatss,.t.ts sonedon. s.4eek ht the •ne� .for 010m msd with retessmo. to the 411111146 ei aU s. or db is et aha said setae. are hereby t• waked to 81e their Nelms with se Mebane.% Gthibe WNW't Muller%. ! tss dkr rete. by the said 8.tuel cam Wore the day of esti .m"ti.g. Ager October 5111 s.0 1 shell proceed to dietrlbate the said tewe., tete, teg.4 mill to such Saler as I= . notice el. sad i shall ate be rerpo..lbie ter the assess et the said mem. sr say part Iherwf. may verso& or peruoas whom date or aWess shall act beer beta Med. Dated the 1th day of September. a. D. ►Qe. 0DIMON8. Mtn AB t MULUCKS. RelNuers ter erodes Lesbos. ri>N PHILIP POCOCK. tr sues. N°TICS TO OREDLl ORS. In l ter of tAr estate M ase Daniel (er. deresee Notice Is hereby give. pursuant to revised statutes of Ontario ISS. chap. 110. sea 36, that all creditors and other persons '.ting claim Was. the entew of Itautel tertian, lige of 11.e town of Gederioh, in the county of Huron. oab*aoteseksr. wbo died os or about the elate day of Peerusry, A. U. heft. are on or before the third day or October Ida required to send by poet prepaid or deliver to Albert M. Pol- ley. OMeriob pat oaoe, administrator of the negate of the said Heald pardon or to the un- dersigned solicitors. • statement to wrens cocooning their gamer. addresses. de.crip time and full perti,•ulere of their Anima, sad the nature of the securities tit n%t he{d by them. and the weld administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amtoa5 the pestes entitled thereto, biasing re award only to the claims of which he shall have notice. and 11.st be will nut be heel. for the assets so d tst n beteg.'. or ens pert thereof. wool person or persona ut whose debts or claims he shall not then have &.dice. Dated ag Goderich this 6th day of dept. I. OARHUN t PROCDFOOT. Of the Town of Goderirh, lluliciters for the said Administrator. 1-77 Administrator's Notion ADMINISTRATOR'8 NOTICE TO CR.DrTORa in the metferoythe ,slate of William Iwddst. tele alike esw&.Aip of Hint R'o,oa&o. Ie lite roamity of Marton. 910mae. deer awed. Punuaat to the revised statutes of Ontario. chapter 110. make is hereby given that all tor. sons having ed•iw upon or against the estate of William Ledd)-,late of the township of Wart Wewan.sh, in the county of Huron. yeoman. deceased, who died oe or about the land day of April. lift. ere on or before the Is day of October, ite2, to send by poet prepaid. or de livered to ube undersigned, solicitor for 1f, Corrigan. edminiurwtriz of the said emote. • statement in writing of their nemea and ed- driesma and the particulars of their claim.. and the nature of all securities lit any beim by them. A5d notice ie hereby farther elven that atter the said let day of October, 1efff, the said Mnttnidrartz proceed to distribute the se - seta of the said deceased among the pesona entitled thereto. ha rem regard only to the claim" of which de wt11 then have &once and this the mitt tdminletratri, will not be liable for the proceed" of the estate or any pan thereof eo distributed to ens portion of whose claim the said admtnietrarix has no notice •t the time of distribution of the said estate or any port thereof. 7411 H. MORRISON. Solicitor for 1dmi5irar5tnx. MIL text at Lwacknow this 111th day 5t Augur, TOWN OF GODERICH. TiREABt,RICE'S BALK OF LANDS 901t TAXES. PtovlNcs or ONTAWo, ) By virtue of a Thand of the Max or yor the Towr warrant og Oodetich end the teal of the @aid corporation, have• dem. 25th day or June. IM:. to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lairds in the following list of arrears of lazes due thereon, that unless the amid tants, tnsether with all theta. are sooner pall, i &hall proceed to sell the said lands by public entice, ase cant thereof . may M moth -lent for the pe meat of the taxes and cow N HALL. in the TOWNereonOF OOI)ERit Hat the wo5 Frtdey. the 26th day of November. Ise!. at the Lour of two o'clock. T1.f-'Meg.elets eregat@ei.d. pan of 54. tet + Iateer �epllI I M! Ruaafy N.. 1t li 9 16 3 M to EL „ ,. 141MM5aip1N Ile „ ., 14151af7e.lit 14, ill nil Li, M 1540 M,' W Woe's dme7 14010 4 ! 1 >a 6 10 6g*5y�,Reset• 8u1.oy �1L�61 I16i IleM 12 II6 5c r Matt Read 14i 1 52 >6 6 TO 10I „ 141 1361 35 6 7. 14 4 1615 36 670 1st Cypress 8ueet 14 56 1 5 e.,2 5 M dell 1.1411 5SIR X 5e. W. 4 GORTON, 17-11 Tows Treasurer. 0oderiek. Jean 5'. 185, TEETH EXTRACTED WITIIOST PAIN ▪ If Tila l'e. OP AT DR. R. EICHARDSOWS MLSTal. PA RUM&, t1P181 NOUS/ 11t01E. Ifl1-ST11fT, 0OD23120=, ONT. It affords me unlimited .tlefaetl.&, after a tb.ro5rh heat, resetting In the meet entalrea► tic &eparnhtion of delightful sad mtheis ted patrons. to submit that 1 have the oaty and exol.lve right to see le Ooderleh, the latest mientiOe discovery. which 1" warranted Never le cute the levet pelts during the extremism of teeth or dump. of ..y kl.d, is mea dy sooty emom, mm/ wry 11tele palm 1m the most orients* e se% ALN TI -ME WPM Pp7DN ib • treat .5.eihetie .that ..ver awe.e the slbstw %ammo and emd known es teeth me mei the both nem-sssmitlye ts pale. l'aileete •More gas It le P.sltvety merte5me. he ells 15,.... 1T,wvalea et the nateral teeth a weetaltr. All deat.1 twenntioas web mid uhsltts y deem My pathless' interests em mime. DR. E. RIOGARIMOlt1. 81447 Our Fall Stock of Canadian mono - featured Goode is now complete, std oar Steak of imported Goods will be complete in a few days. Our custom. en am depend on our prices always being the lowest. We are in a posi- tion to moat any and all competition no matter front what source it comely chime oto, Wens bankrupt stook. er or hha� ve $ few lines of Hummer Goods still unsold which we are of- fering about half price. These will go quickly. Cell early. Thehhest price pard for good Butter and Eau. JAMBS A. RKID. Jel.amry week. Goderin& esp. Mk MIL T soiling Guide. MAAR» TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arrive sad depart at tiioiteiai . tot low. : mann lie peon. Mall amid 1zpreen ....MMret. Mixed...... ttM•0.mm Mixed ...... _ -. ....... :.......i.55 p.m. Amstion Asle. AUOTyON SALE OF HOUSEHOLD .seas mrd k h .... at the reti4eees .t Mrti H. C.cok, lfvP erat M Thunder 0s.. Joh6th at ore o' ey . Kaon. Auctioneer. Terms cosh. No reserve 14 BOARD AND IA/DG INGS.-VI HST - chase aOeommodatioo for a few boarders. ladies ur gentlemen. Would suit higl.school student. well. Situation good, back from the Part Hoene, on Wellingtoeran Apply to MRS. A. McKKNZiK or .t Tel toast. Aloe. 7621. E<srtga/s /ale. MORTGAGE SALE VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Notice ie hereby given - that under and by virtue of the powers, of sale ewat.i.ed in cer- tain registered mortsyga, which will be pte- duwl at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction •1 Martin'' hotel. in the town of Uodench. by Joh. Knox. auctioneer, on daturd.7. the 21tj, ds1 ur September, 11112. et the hour of wet\ a o'o'lock noon. the following property. namely : Lot 78 u the torn of Liodericb. is the county of Huron, rpm which le erected a two story frame house K>l with kitchen• sleo storehouse 50x31. The south westerly Loaf of lot 006 in the said won of thsdench, on which Ili situated three shops under one rout 30,40, two scrim high fitted above for living rooms. And lots 31. X and 36 in the village of Bride. mot Place to weld count of Huron. on which is erected a 11 story bone unmet ahem 24,30 with kitchen• all which said build- (ngs are in a fair .tate of repair. The properties will be orbred for tale sub- ject to reserved bide. and to the Inchoate right to dower of the monster. wife. Terns of sole : le per cent. of purchase money at time of We. and (he balance within two weesa thereafter. For further particulars and terms and roe dittoes apply to 51. O. JOHNSTON. JOHN KNOX, Vendors' 80iielw,. A.81.1.1*, Augur. M. Iger 76at Notiss to Crontlnastora. NOTICE TO CONTRACT088. Sealed tenders will be received el this De- partment until nom ofTbunda7. the Twe fly Math 897 et September lostent, for 11) work. in connection with flew Aaylem •4 Meek. ruse. and 13 FJreetrsr and this. Fixture. for Legislative Chamber and Main Entnnoe and Vestibule of the hew P.rutegsea*.5asellege Scaled deaden will alas be received at this Department until moo of Thunder. the Tweet)+elead Drs, of September lament. fora) State mod Marble Tile .. oak of entrap. oxo, etc.. of Stew Parliament aellds.p e (3 Aimee Ilselvly, Furnishings, etc,. of Main Library In Sew Parttease.* Mild• lege t to (.eSutayrgee at 4.s4.e Asylum t 11) 6e►k-up at gad bnry t W Lett -.p at Frracb River. and ul Addttles se Leet.ap at never Midis► Pana. 510. m be teen at Council (lum- bers, Brookville. at Loudon Asylum, at Sud- bury. at ilr oebrtdee and Her Pre.oh River Lock-up at Parry :bund, and ahs at this De- partment and printed speclees:f0u and tie form et traders. to the works can be o reed at these place.. Tenders are to be addressed t e the under- signesL and omoloe.d In the term aha manner est forth In the sperlal spectIoPUoss In that behalf, A11 blanks 1■ the special form of tender are to be property gild up : a•d feeders moat. as to form. sureties .ltd otherwise. 00.5+17 with the term. set forth in the 'peelttoatlosa aceepted order oft undersigned.k crepe. payable to the for the amount mer timed In the epecleeatiosa of the special work tendered for, mod, sebloot to and upon the oondltiose meaio.ed In the epeclfoatloss, em. tornpaa7 each tender. Parties tendeeeing for more than 0ta oe the mal2 works, most, se to each of :he work& remit a aepsnte cheque for the amtwant saesttosd la she special specifics - Hone relating to each much work, Security for the tnletlesent of any contract entered foto 4. b be intros as slpwlatsd la the mpeci005Uoae : but the Ifepert.seat win rid en lamed to •o•ept the b dyed or say teadr. C. F. FRAag& CommWloser, Eta Deportment of Prhlie Works ter Oaten.. T.ee•t& e'b September, tint 71.11[ THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. Addeo amen. pe. MAW real Ali feels UV 55551 it. F. J Pridham. the peoples elathier. sae you with ovary kind d We main a 11 suit. His sults cora lee. than the ether kind sad always. ere better .stldaag.s to all pard.. When you core to the great Northwesters Air ext week mate up your rated M have your photo take at R. K rais.wl euelo. Kwwrvt M;g la right, the work le et the hem and rates rwesoeable. FINE TAILORING. -- Fal. sad Winter rrhe In rem vaineN at the Mirage Rows. emelt. You ram have v• srbet sod trIy, re reed este tied et at rmma litre R. RUNAWAY A.win.NT. - peter McKeon has hese gemmed to his 1.m• ea0@.tbri.-ass slam Thursday lam, tones to Injuries re- mind by bong throws from his boggy wb(b W hone was mania" awry. Foam&tet_ -The boy. at the Rest gad have oepml.d • Osier teethell .tab and mega lar pact{se every evesi•g on the old plume are esipseined Wend the prustiese. A Moots rue sialanou --Aver the ensoeedi4 exhibit's,* the art departase.t at the Weems Fair. held .5 Lade. Nem week, we anti.. that Yrs Celts Campbell. Wostot., n....d • ratmber of prior. Iter p•i.tiy. i. dL Whey Sums P.grsga.-Om time 17th i..►, Mi. Jambes 85,..t made .. erase Axing the time of trial ler the peYYea .gainer the return d Ser J. C. 1'Mw.s ter the 19th d Den., st the O.rti.ss., Ooderiok, at 3 r. a. Ae Kacousfy Asounse.-The l0awrth League et Quietism E.dmar er (� .- .eot.oa with North* Methodist oberd, wen favoured with an addrem from Fred Fatah, e. "The Thee Grapes" Friday evening l..&, whisk wee very i.tereatioi. All are wellness to them meetiyp.. Has Rauszcsu TUB Arru1NTrsgit.-Mies Ali. Spree has bow appointed pri.oilal of the shorthand academy reoent17 eetab- lheel at Leese. 1t is • branch of the Lo.- dou academy, from which the yosag lady graduated, .ad the appointment speaks well for bar •1hty. We oeagr.Lulate her. Cuter or Tall Lupteit.z demean. -The dal nesting of the Harm Larnaca Club was held last Monday evened. The limon cul steamiest wee read and period, and a unauloeoue vote of thanks was &corded the president, R. S. Witasts, fur the interest be as. shown to the club during the essao. Cowes Myon: -We have rewired • oopy of "I am Thfu2iog of Thee, Alice," wbtcb has jest been published by A. sad S. Nordheiaer, Toromto. The word. and music ars by fires- Nines Sktneunge, of Godenoh, sad have already made an im- prove on Iho *oven of music throughout the Menton l ,Rgrt•ssru. -Mrs. R. 11 South haa been away during the past coupled weeks, visa. hag the leading noes In tet seat, tad buy- ing the leading novelties le 'haps and fauoy dry goods, notions, et,:., for the Fall trade Mrs. Smith will hold her Fall millinery opening uo Saturday, February 94th, when her large stuck d parchment will b. on exhibition. Don't foil to make a nun of the date sad call. R. T. or T. -The Boyd Template an having very interesting meeungs every Monday evening. An excellent program of vinyl and ioatrun,eotal sneak, reading., etc., are provided by an ethcient 0ommitos alter the regular order of busaee, has been dis- posed Of. They expect to re-oo..leaoe the Sunday alteri000 gospel t u.p rwsw mem - iap soon after the clime of the Hunter and Cromley meetings. A BSSLAVklt FAlIG-T.- Mr. and Mrs Jamieson Reid, have 'maimed • gist lues in the death of their daughter, Jens, from diphtheria. She wee a brept, promising girl u1 sixteen end of • gentle, amiable die position. She took 111 on Tuesday week and died on Monday last. She was buried on Tuesday, Rev. Mr. Howell officiating. Much sympathy uexunded to the family in their bereavement. ('ANA,,t AND THI CANADIAN 14AXI vIux. - The abient Rork on the r0atioa of Canada to Britain and to the United States is " Canada and the Cr.adien Question by Prof. Goldwin Smith. No man is io a position to di•cues the question of Canada's future who hair not read the gest humeri cal work concerning the land id which we live. Fot sale at the bookstores in paper coven, price 50 on* Ft...re/noes(,. T. R'r. Attract Weersax ro CHICA6o, Dyson, ETC.-Ram5Sber the coming date., Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 2i th end aith, (sot Sept. 30th and Oct. 1st . stated to lest week'" paptr, and which was incorrect.) Detroit and Port Huron only $3.00: Chicago, Cincinnati aid Milwaukee, 98.00 ; Saginaw ani Bay City, 96.00: C'Ieeelaod, 96.50 ; Grand Rapids, 17.00. All tickets good until Oct. 14th. Now is the time to vitt the World'. Fair City and Columbian oelebrsttoo - train' Kart 7.06 A. M. , 210 r. H. and 4.06 1.8. each day, Sept 97th and 98th. (let your teems ..d all information from H. Armstrong, town ticket agent G. T. R, (,odericb, Clot Tickets, telegrams and express, to .1) parts of the world ; agent Allan, Dominion, An- chor, Cunard, Atlantic steamers. All cor- respondence promptly attested to. W Asti nUlla 's Ciao -While not to be compared with the crowds attracted by Barnum, there was a large number of pro. ple on the streets to -day, to witness the parade given by Washburn's circus coot - ale,Besides the usual chariots with d. there wee the calliope, a lone pro- teesiom of performers, cowboys, and the regulation clown. Then was a great at- tendenoe at the .1Wruooa performance and there will undoubtedly be • crowded tent this evening. A feature worthy of special mention is the flying trapeze act 01 tke Vernon Brothers. One of the brothers from a perch Dear the top of the teat makes s dying lump Into the air, and turning two summersaults, is taught by the hada of hie brother, who hangs 'impended by his 5.k - les from •'winging tr.pe.t. T1s cowboys and the other (moues give genteel satis- faction. atfa tion. Times, Hartford, Conn. Duro or Li.* -r. Cot. ALAN. -O. San day morning Limit -C.1. D. H. Allan for many years • well-known public man, de- ported this life. He was • prominent figure is legal, political sad military th- eta For some yew F. was an editorial writer o. The Globe. For a considerable period ba acted as ssrM•ry to the Toronto or. Association. He w. also ideasi- fid with the Queen's Owe Rifles of this city. He served iw the North-west rebel - Bre as motor major under Lieut. -Col. Mil- lar. tater he succeeded CoL Millar in the oomaand of the regiment, which M bald for three years, when Lout. -Col Hamilton a.ueed the oolooelsbip Two years .go he was stricken with paralysis of the brain and was compelled to retire Ines public Yfe. It was this deems that resulted in w dm*. D.e.m.d was the sided eon 01 the fab Rev. 0. Allan, of Nath Fresthop., and brother of or lemmas A. Melt. and J. Speen Allan He was 40 years of age mid ter. married. -Taranto Empire. A MAoi.inatier Arraww rtos. - The London Advertiser has the following re- mark. about the performance of the cele- brated Boade Compssy, which will appear M the (Ioderioh Felr es Sept 27th ad Mkt : A distinguished 1rNnpam of specialty artists gave • lerthy .zhibi ntkm da ptat.ssties ret • varied dscriptite good view of the grand stands, "Redac," who is styled prises• of eg.ilihri.u, gave • wonderful performance on • trapeze, the cross her of whist, wee • awned with • warp sago Het e5oceeoled i4 Weaning himee f m • r placed ie ruts. positing. or the sword and in perforating numerate other feces thr1111eg het entertaining. Richert! White W. pnmemed of wonderful flexibility ef body. 8ererwl times he Mood with Ws THE WEEKLY MARKET "E r aeaseel► room. • ��• � an : w:« •••••••••••••• 5 Mr . • t"Ig •IM...» «...... ..y9IIlelret 11 �. e.....«..,. U 8leggg me u • was...- II14 ,, ale10 estel tiro. e M�4 essenos im Chaos Ism Irish - -- a�ti»,:::: n7yeHidesWoods Wool .-_ re/ M hri•Otia msH11 •ewt4...•....-.,�; e Oat 1 hands mad feet together, kis body beat kat{ word. He also balanced himself in veins poaitloem, •nmsti.es 011 05" heed and both on two hands. He is a weeder is hlmeeli Jolla Wood, in kis �y� White sod Wood, oe give 5. iaweming eetertainatemt. Ie the Japan. expert sad 'fit, ewao.eed od in taking off all his outer prmay while balancing ht.aif es este foot us • win stretched between two poles, Frig M threw aside his hat and wig. Oen kis eat vest, necktie, collar, shirt and treg„ti He them walled forward sad backward es Moe wire, cat and bud down on it, kat , it, and balanced himself in various petneas, without getting of the wire glees. u somewhat of • down and ellerdeds good deal of .1005 ont Other member+ o1 the company are pally entertaiaeg PERSONAL PARAGRAPH& P. Kelly, of Blyth, was in tum u this w„ Ossa Stewart lett Monday last for h. ab. WW1 A Spence lett on Saturday tet Mise Rsbartww returned from Tune, Mmday. Mrs. 1). Uuttelon is whiting IrLtsrta Guelpk. Mtn Capt. (,iboen and Mims t:ibeon is London Mn. Wm. Roes returned home from auto *medal. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister, of IYyt►, is town let week. :Comity Hays, Isrrist r, of Seaford. in town this week. Mrs. Robert Jei.sto. and 4. gh* , are visiting at Climes this week. Mien Form, of Britaasia road, is visits. the Western Fair at London. Master Montague Colborne eared Ire • visit to Toronto on Monday. Mr. cod Mrs. W. Pridham retarded e Jloday from • trip to Toronto. R. K. 841ows, who has been up the lsso for • holiday, returned home Saturday luu_ Mr. Suffern, of Intienapixlinu rtnt,y at the reediest* of Mr Henderses, fond. A. M. Todd, of the Cliatm New. Rea. - paid Tus SIGNAL • fraternal nett Wok day lest. Frank and Mi. Limo McLean reser:. • home on Mdeday after • vett w Tera., and Hamilton_ Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Millar lett ca Si, day last, per etre United Empire, ire home in ley, Minn Mica Annie Watson, of Stretford, n- • few day. in Galarioh last week, tb. `. of Mrs. John Watson. Mrs. Heard, of Detroit, arrived is '. on Tuesday to attend the funeral et Iter ter, Mees Jennie Reid. Mrs. A. M. Shephard and the lime Manna and Helen Shepherd hare roan.' from • two week.' trip on the lake lora A. Chry.W and her sister, Yr Mary Fd1ot4 left for . visit to Taranto lie weak. Mims Meet tweeds rwamasieg or aorne time. (ilia McTavish, wbo bas hem sri.tur Lis father in the furnitaro beanie at L. towel during the Pest msermth, a ape at 111 poet is Jas. Reid. store. Mies Marie Watson, of 9tradw4, ea, has beta visiting her sumer-i-law, Yrs John Watson, Lighthouse -et, for the pen six weeks, returned home east week. Metra Sounders mad Catlett, el tau Goderich Organ Co., are at the Worn Fair, London, when the company is no ing an exhibit of their organ. Rev. J. 1i Nowell, Y.A., who was bid up with • heavy odd hest week, W re- covered covered sutliciently to be able to tate lot regular work Sunday last, and also .min Ups S. 8. review in the afternoon. Harry Beton the root Saginaw buyer will be in town daring fair week for the prprs of buy(mg heavy horses for work r Ile lumber woods. Hooses maser. weigh (fes 1,500 to 1,600 lbs. and be mead ..& peat LOCAL BREVITIES. I)r. M. Nicholson, the W.st+t do* makes the pt•..ervation of the acetal trek • specialty. G. administered from 9 a for the psalms extraction of teeth. Geo. W. Thomson is local agate ler 1t1 tl••. • notesa s, swag ieslintair.. attendee. All d i$ beet, sad at net bottom prism. Now i the time 4. Fr sheet Visitornt to the grebe Northweren 11 Whiten don't fail to end porches' .. d thane be•atifd m enufaoturd h the Goderich Organ Highlytomer needed by the hat mamiei.nm uOhm& • mooed Re nose made on the ce.tirist G. W. Tbeim en will be piw.d to take yaw ardor. it hot home proved to the mti.Motim ad hundreds that book can be erose ed y lb' pentane pro.* usimg a.ti-t.r" pd► Don't be deceived by having the weer treatment The one is barmen whilst alt other is vary dangerous. U yes wrest sit right treatment eta it (Imm.d Open Home BMok s YM Own we esu Moen Of • diesel 112554. This i. emfn.etiy tet ease with Po54 . NsrviHa., and gest Pett Dors. It r an fines erreseed for ft J fain the .est phworf.i, p�tttti�e .est erWn ppe.�e eebd.i.g reete to .dioal .ot(.. . It 40 besot. Nr M 4"' all B claims to do. Lt la howeek berm•' it 40 11.beet 1. the world. it e.iy sew 96 meta to try it. and you out bel a ...bead' .5.y dreg cera Nwilho 4ur5' Imsih .n m.orsgia,*. trek sd4 pr...ptIy re1Mv I tq ► Nervilinma __.. Gey : the rely? *Ad tea 2754 rid suers to Joh. ytela The 5.bsmi. ease h • mrd were about 90 feet *part A bolt d Why 611114 plowed • dr Iso hole mart •,seer doer r' rig dee lip deadly sego es en. d Be tl6esg.,