HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-22, Page 5ALM NEMEI CAI( c *AA P YwC radon /erJs C .Nair., Ol d w eft NJ drew '"'0."tweak .r si.nk..' .aell= I N w�.e,e r u....rtyx 4., t4 .:17=1"%1" 1" era to .L4 W▪ eell 'IR°Oi,'S.1 4 N TARRH Id�bum CUT PLUG.) iD CIIUI1 (PLUG.) No other brand of bacco has ever en. ed such an immense e and popularity in same period ae this tnd of Cut Plug and Lit Tobacco. art Gil! Tobacco .raa. j. . Snows ie Canada. MONTRIZA1,. t toe. tb a �.?hG Ping. IDMeg, roc. x MO STANDARD STANDARD BRANDS fungo, Kicker, Cable. ersally acknowledged ouper)or in every res - .o any other brands in uarket. Aleuyy reli- ne ha+ been fully dem- tted by the millions are sold annually and ncreasing demand for notwithstanding an Merl competition of o% - Hundred and Twen- e Factories. This fact s volumes. We are not Cigar manufacturers. l ,VIS & SONS ¥ONTRSAIJ. ad Highest Grade Cigar afaeturers in Canada. 744 BENMILL.R. m oerte.pa.dset. d. ha. Rot his iime-kilo is • w osoe more. w's mill, ander the management s, is doias a good buaisess Mrs. Brent left Brussels for 'r'id•y when she will live with , Mrs. Reuben Watson. The Aliened • ticket for her and ight on • few household ar e new township hall will be a re on • atone foendation It feet with 15 foot walla Tbn line got no the ground and work 1 et • lively rate toes to hare by Nov. 1st. Jeanie McPheroort. .Neat William Meffloo -a, plumed ✓ ay to her Sternal home ca 1 feet., after • lin illness fee, which retorted (toss • of la grippe. i Prince Albart,os Wedueldny an intervenes esrewesy Tee the resident's of R. Owyars win faJean of Are..lr, Jean Casae ware ..i r Rev. Mr. (Lak& amt pal, evening • littlesr- os.a- 1.s Tere6rry sties* / We telt rennins away. The elms Of the reed s1 Med it Igo the sidswlk /r ie empeelite Oft. Thew Mr. roma lies was d1jM4 MOM Ep. nem h ism 4110Limke4416•0 of prey M ay vvsahle Eves aro saved N tesnYw as ossa r • � d ssr.. THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THUBSIAAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1892. THit CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE LETAEthielMie WT. HEAD OFFIO■. TORONTO. •o. ftp) SIX NILLN■ DOLLARS . N.e■L•ON► • sl,000,000. • desk em• s eluM-aa TA*w*crluo. FaaMaas' NoiU OIMlotaivto. owe mow PAY Mal AT Al.. PONITS 1N CANADA, ANO THE PRINCIPAL amp w Tear UNITCD STATES. GMAT Oa1TAM1. Pianos. BERMUDA. as RAfr1MD DANK IMPARTMENT. pe,oerTo or tI11.00 ANO UPWARDS NECE1VEO. ANO CURRENT RATES Of INTERIM „oto iNTSRSST ADDSO TO TM ►RINOIPAL AT TMS SND Of MAY ASM seem IN EAO/t TSAR. spoolal afhaflea gives to Hut Oollootlon of Pea.rnerelal Popov. rd /as mere' sales Rohs. H. E. WALKER, Oiwaaa&. MANAoto. fiODERICH BRANCH. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. C,11 -N' A The Canadian Qutioo. -HY P�;OF. COLDWIN SMITH-. -ll'- i11L, L?eat work on Canada and Wade's Future is now on sale at all Book stores. It should he read k every Canadian, and is specially valuable to all who take an in- terest in the great question of POLITICAL UNION 'Anila anil the United States. Price in paper, - - 50 cents. LEEBUHN. Itoes our own conawpondea4 Our itompel fossil's evening � attended at ib. hall of T.I.O. G. T. No. 213. TheL 1).,S. B. William. in the chair introduced the speak- er J. McMatk, of Goderioh, who remarked that he we. not • stranger to .11 present, but ft was the tint time he had spoken to • Leeburn audience. The addrom given was At the clow be brought before the how to treat fallen members who had broken th. pledge. Ladies in lodges oould always use • good iollueoce to get members Ick. The nest .meeting wiU be co Sunday at 7 p. in. As we go to press we have not yet heard who will be the speaker, but it may be L Allen, near Renmiller, who spoke at a temperance meeting last winter. N.rr A0A174.-- Sweetly yet deeply rang the incoming summons of the church bell so the bear(o of many here who for nearly the past five months have listened to God's counsels from the teachings of J. 1). Ander- ems, B. 1) , student in charge here, who as Sunday lost preached his Crowell ..radion before a Targe000gre ties. His theme was from Hebrews 11 ; Chap. 13. With deep earnennesa he pointed out the warn- ing* arminge of God, yet how many workers in his otiose tried to lead to the door of the ark of safety, yet did not try to eater in. Two choices were before ea, • broad path and a narrow one. To the latter all must strive to seek. At the close of the eerviae he said this had been his first charge se a works is the harvest Aoki Fall Millinery j MISS cox, Who has recently visited the leading markets in the East, has now in stock complete lines in all The Latest Styles of Millinery, suit- able for Fall and Winter Trade. And respectfully invites an early inspection of the same. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton -amt. T,79- you :a} You Want Drv_G00 1 W_Want C ash I In these times every dollar counts. lVe recognize this fact and give you goods on the " hard pan basis. Here are some of our prices : Beautiful Striped Shaker Flannel, 5c. per yard Wide White /e u 8c. " Yard Wide Grey Cotton, Heavy Canton Flannel, 5c. New Pattern Ashton Prints, 121c. quality, 81c Grey Flannel, as low as 9c. Heavy Union Tweeds, 22c. Best Quality Cotton Shirting. llc. New Dress Goods, 5C. A of Heavy White Blankets, 00 $2.19 A Large Bed Comfortable, 89c. Yen's Winter Weight Shirts and Drawers, 21c. Three pairs Ken's Heavy Socks for 25c. Men's Pure Silk four-in-hand;Ties, 2 for 25c. Ken's 4 -ply Linen Collars, turn -down and stand-up, all sizes, 10c. Eleven colored -border Handkerchiefs for 25c. Ken's Heavy Rubber Coats, quality guar anteed, a special bargain, $1.75 Special drives in Black Cashmere, Colored Dress Goods, Gloves, Hos- iery, Corsets and Ladies' Underwear. { Everything at rock -bottom prices. •i You can make the most possible out of every dollar by trading with us. We mean business and do as we advertise. $T$ICTLT CASH AND ONE PRICE. d his 136ns, tied he mood .ask to the people kelt les the Madame .ad eoee.ty.- reast they had given kis. H. cow .oven We tie by re$srsisg to hie .whoa Sad t. a M .era yeas will beams as active and dally worker with the easy who tell of that better had where all ie brigkteme sad the troubie d this weary world of .are is ler- the eaaahbe of His who he. amid, My burden ie baht sad !f y yoke s.q to bear. In the &aday .ok.,.J tees Mr. Aa- d.e000 bade farewell to the inhalant of three weapoaa w meet lib's mala, via, ek.diesee, faith awl lore. Dviy his pas. teedh the church has beam improved by hal' Leg r. -painted ..d mai. changes .sd. ler Nie, sL. oelereganes is out of debt and with the prayer mamties weekly the attend- ance bam be.s verygood notwrtketandieg the busy period of labor is • farming oom amsaity. Barrios os Sudsy at the usual time. A. Mah.sy, a! Port Albert, will conduct the .mica Clinton : We regret very much to learn that Rim J.cksoo, well known for ber long connection with Mr. Papist's book .cure here, had • very serious operation, involving great risk, performed at the Woman's bow pilaf, Tomato. es Tuesday Iota F.veryose will with Mess hokum • quick reoovery and • weimmo MOM b tows. AN BAST WASH SIMPLE AND CLEAN e LEON "*'. ASHBURN'S ENORMOUS CI:.•cr<. tiAiLti�A� SHOWS Constellation of Circus Cele- breties, Royal Roman Hippodrome and Realistic WILD WEST 'cooE��a.001.13( se�oauu. k 00., Shoetree - to JOHN ROBZRTAON, (iso krsbsaar's 0111 Blond Without Hot Steam and Jowell Without washing Powders Without ?lard Rubbing Without dors Hands TOM Aa5ANTA00 Art OUTAinep M IMMO SuoIigI Which has been awarded T 0old Medan toePsdq and Exeeel Coe. Its UNEQUALLED QUALITY has given in t world. SOAP it the largest tale You can nee •• Sunlight " for all pur- poses, and in either hard or soft water. Don't use washing powders ae with other soaps. '.Sunlight- is better without. WOOLS : PT..C1tLIoBT LIMNS MOS. Lar1T.D MAO eomrma•a TOMMY) The Lariat 25c. Show 011 Earth. 5OSIMIED PERFORSERS50 A Troupe of Western Cow Boys A Stud of Handsome Horses. 510,000 S41111 CALLIOPE, Beautiful Lady Aerial Artists. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY: One 260. Ticket Admits to all. BURON'S GREATEST FAIR �t0 T=E EST .RN AT GODERICH, Sept. 27, 28 and 29. The management of the Great North-Western Fair at Goderich have this year secured as one of their attrac- tions THE CELEBRATED Bondo Company, -OF- JAPANESE TUMBLERS, Acrobais, Eillibns and Coll1ofliollists, BANK OF MQNTREALL BAR CA PITA L, - $ 12,000,000. REST, - .K: ___., ;- ;,. 6,000,000. A Saving Detarlmext has been opened in CAW rection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. .,..�,;e4toi GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. W. ACHESON & SON. AHEAD WITH NOVELTIES_FOR FALL THOSE STYLISH AND PERFECT -FITTING LADIES' COATS & JACKETS We opened in stock a week ago, gain the favor of all buyers. Our last lot now opened oL C9umes and Scotch Suitings FOR DRESSER, Places US now with the Largest Selection of High -Class Dress Goods in Ooderich, and with correct Trimmings for all. FANCY AND FLAIN FLANNELS of all the best makes now in stock at Closest Prices. KID GLOVES --Josephine and Rouillon's best French -just opened. Each pair warranted and returnable if ansstisfactory. EARLY INSPECTION INVrr D. W. ACHESON & SON. One of the Greatest Platform Exhibitions ever presented to a Canadian audience. They will give an evening performance on Tuesday, Sept. 27th, and an afternoon and evening performance on Wednesday, Sept. 28th. _ Good_Band_Music DURING THE ENTIRE SHOW. BETTER THAN EVER! I have lust retained from Taranto with a large .ad wWaesesbd.teek et ter Latest Styles HMs, Bonnets! Fancy Feathers and Ribbons ALSO We have not time to prepare for a special Fall opening but MO Ladies of Cioderioh and vicinity are cordially invited to call and in- spect our stock. The Fair this year already promisee to .urpeas all previous ef- fort& The Great North-Wlvltern is the Big Fair of the Huron Tract. (bine and get the benefit of the Big Show, the Orest At- tractions and Popular Priers JAS. CONWOLLY � `a ` JAS. l[ITCHELL, Secretary. President. MISSES YATES. WE LEAH THEM ALL 1 FOR ONE WEER COMMENCING Monday, Sept. 26th, WE WILL SELL CUPS ANO SAUCERS 20c. and 25c. for 10c. 35c., 50c. and 60c. for 25c. $1.00 and $1.25 for 50c. SEEING IS BELIEVING CADDY & TO PURCHASERS OF TIIE LATE JAS SAIINflERS' STOCL MoLEAN'S BLOCK. r 7CaS ! ,d _