The Signal, 1892-9-22, Page 4THE SIGNAL : ()ODERICH, ONT. TH f TRSDAY SEPTEM BER 22, 1892.
the �igaal,
m ntaumrsa
ST O. ieaILYC 11.
Mee of I ubttc•tiss- P tad M Borth -street
Dederick Ontario.
Teems .( eeeswyMee t
One cresta, a seesaw. .1 12
dais shush*, v. r.., 33
One year, 1 W
U credit is asset tike pile per yewwill be 1 SO
AdveeSMly tame
La oI and other casual advenhameate, 14o,
ter floe for drug insertion. mad 3 reale per tae
ter each subsenueat insertion. Measured by
$ weat+areil scale.
Business Darts of six lines mod under. tt3 per
Advenlsemente of Lost. Found. Htrsyod,
iituations Vacant, 8itastloas Wasted and
Business Chances Wanted. mot exceeding $
lines nonpareu, 31 per mouth.
Houses on sale and Farms um Hale. not to
sacred !t Ifni.. 31 fur first month. 30c. per sub-
e pyueot utw.tb, larger advts. la proportion.
7 special .once, the object of which is to
promote the pecuniary benefit of any oedi-
*1dual o company, to be considered an ad
vertiseoteat sed charred aocrordloaly.
Local notices in nonpareil type one coat per
word. no notices hes than 2ec.
Local notices in ordinary reading type two
orate per word. No notice for ass than 20c.
Notices for churches and other religious and
benevolent institutions half rate.
Cemm.rrlat contract Advertisements.
A limited number of displayed advertise
mean will be inserted at the Wallowing totes
Per Inch. one insertion. SO 40
four tn.ertlans... 1 00
" three mouth& .... ° 00
six months 3 00
one yarr 6 M
No adven4ememt leen than two Inches in
length will be calculated on above bask. 6
per rent. discount allowed for ash payments
on three months' contract; 10 per nasi. es wiz
months. and 13 per cert. on a year's. These
conditions will be strictly enforred.
About "Tim $ens- u" Delivery.
seem -roars who fall to receive Tae aPSNA1
regularly, Tither by carrier or by mall. win
cooter • favor by acquainting ws et the tact at
as early • date as poslble.
Leek senear label.
Your la6e1 is a standing reosept ell tb• date
to which you are paid op. 8e. that It M not
allowed to fall into arrow.
ti -hen ■ change of address is desired. both
the old and the new address should be given
Rejected manuseripte cannot be returned.
Corrspoemenos mus be wrfttesloa one side
of paper only.
PebUaser'• lister,
J . ('. Le Teasel. of •Ooderich. has hese cep
petntev! Local Travelling AMU" to the town-
ships of Dederick'. Colborne. Aahiteld and Wa-
lvis nosh.
Leal postmasters over the district are .iso
empowered to receive subscriptions to TUX
AU communications must be addressed to
Telephone can 70. �oederleeb.tOst
The subscriber is open to offers for
the purchase of the Newspaper and
Job Printing Office of
One of the hest equipped offices and
best paying country newspapers in
Western Ontario.
Satisfactory reasons for selling.
Ad dress
t e3thi ?T T16 Met rout,.
The Reform party of the Dominion in the
early days of ('=federation was d atioguish-
ed for its aggreesivenees, and the downfall
of the Macdonald I:overnment on the Pacific
Scandal °)targe@ was expected to be the be-
ginning of • long era of Liberal ascendency.
How its strong parliamentary majority
melted away and the Mackenzie administra-
tion came to en early defeat need not he re-
ferred to at length, but it to a matter of
history that, not withstanding the Tory dec-
laration of a determination to carry out a
policy of protection even though British
connection disappeared as the fruit thereof,
no Tory of high or low degree shrank from
striking • blow at the Reform Government,
though its chief organ and most eminent
p•rlianientarians made heavy drafts on the
pro -British sentiment of the land, and ap-
pealed to the electorate not to imitate the
example of the United States, but to cleave
to the fiscal policy of the Empire. In short,
the Tories eddreeaed the people through the
channel of their pocket nerve while the Re-
formers wasted a lot of their energies on
grandmotherly referenose to British loyalty,
duty to the old lend .04 devotion to Eng-
land's Queen. In that memorable campaign
the British loyalty cry failed most sugnally,
while the expectation that protection would
bring good times in its wake, furnish work
for the unemployed end build rep the country
generally,trinmphed,•red since the Waterloo
of 1878, the Reform party has not been able
to plant its banner on the flovsrenental
citadel We merely refer to the move me-
fiiet to .how that where the financial automat
ef the people ie ranged on one tide and
mawkish loyalty on the other, the former
will prevail,for thin gsseraticm M a practical
gee and not mock gives to merino• iia own,
Its chi dres's and its country's welfare in
d.teremos to any 1 44O4i...
At the last gemoniI teethes a mew issue
wee placed before the pimple whit*
le mews .stent brake dews old party linea,
suety Oeaservaeives volimg for the Darty
+tgMiidmg with the piney sit Cores.
ilej kd Twee with eke United Santee,
ebbe • qst•knelt of timid Reteemere veiled
view* hear ......ted., faring thee
urs savor week it edea ms. lr
w.�l .`hese
set to Political Union. 'Me heavy Seas-
oar aid of the llovsamest oustawwn
secured a Tory 'majority, bat so small, diet
It was felt by many that the result of the
bye 'leases' would be the detest of the
Mtui.try. The resources et the Gover.
est, however, were too potential to the
opposition to enooss fully oupe 40114 and
the cad was miss long lute of liberal de-
feats. Thee ocatasesore' meaty played se
small part in the bye .leotioar will be
readily believed, asd that pruntiaee of rail-
way b=uss, harbor grana, pet iflltve sad
the like were important factor., will
warmly ne disputed ; but .11 these sges-
cnes combined, together with the most per-
fect o eg.ntratioo, would not have succeed-
ed had the electors been otlstied that
reciprocity with the Republic was obtain-
able and that a Reform Government .loos
could obtains it.
We are very sure that the leaders of
Reform party firmly believed that the
est and freest trade relations with the
ted States, was waiting an affirmative
dict of the Canadian Electorate, as did
of the great body of the people, but a
iuouseidertble portion of our citizens
impressed with the ides that reciproci
with the States was not obtainable by
.da while politically separated from the
public, and, as a consequenoe, either v
Tory, on local or persona! grounds, or lac
the seal which only springs from • firm
11e1 in the soundness' of the political
and the possibility of attaining the
for which the contest was invoked.
With an unbroken attachment to the
form party, as 16e nue whose principlescarried out, would give our country hon
government and much useful legislation,
would not be dealing justly by our read
did we not say that our belief is that w
we remain outside the Republic we
have to force our way into the market's on
by paying the duties on our produce accord
tag to the gospel of Mc-Kest/Y. In of
words, we hove lost faith in the ability
any (;overnment, be it Tory or Reform,
obtain a treaty of reciprocity which w
admit our agricultural products into
United States free, and we think
sooner the Reform leaders deal frank
with the people and declare their policy
beCoat inental Free Trade et all coeta,or
the subject, the better ; for barking .t
moon is • profitless occupation. We wan
to see the Liberal leaden take the peopl
into their oonfidence and give such eviden
of proof as they possess that a full
of reciprocity with the States I. oars'
ANLL are The people asurely entitled
this, and don't want to be fed on faith elope
We don't expect that our open exprsn
of honest doubts and desire for honest and
manly treatment for the people will find
much favor in the Grit camp. but we are
sure that what we now say to the Reform
chieftains is the general sentiment of the
people on whose support and sympathy
they must rely in all future contests.
Dodging pain testes won't pay, sod the
humiliating spectacle of Reform stomp-
speaker'parading as the apostles of
British loyalty may as well be ended, for
there's neither truth nor profit in pro-
claimhlg such. If the Reform leaders
w:ut the people to harken to their voices
hey must be candid and fear not to pro.
laim their honest sentiments on this great
Can -
, if
q ustion.
We do not advocate that Canada shall
capitulate to the States or that she shall
be merged into the Republic as the outcome
of the tramp of armed mea ; or that Union
shall follow threats. Far from it ; but we
dee ley that (ands should week to effect
['num on terms alike honorable to
both peoples and generous to us.
This is the only avenue by which
our farmers oma obtain entry into
the markets of the Republic and bring about
the .lay of profit to the tiller of the soil and
all within our gates. We have our old love
for the Reform 'ostlers in undimuhed toroe
and we hope for their day of triumph, but
the miserable farce of hearing mem spouting
British loyalty on platforms, who privately
express very different opinions, had better
Deese and let honesty and courage prevail.
The advocacy of Continental Union con-
veys no dislike for the Old land, but rather
• love for our own, and the party that fails
to recognize its fall duty to the people and
act with courage does not deserve success,
n or is it likely to secure it. Liberal leaders,
like Tory leaden, dwell in an stmosphere
tet officialism which is inimtcal to the growth
of finest sentiment end selfishly nppered
to reform* which may endanger its preroga-
tives and privileges.
In such quarters 4'ontinental Union finds
no favor,but they who must toil to live are
very much more concerned in the gnat
problem of how to make both ends meet,
with barley at 40c per bushel, horse@ unsale-
able .xo opt at ruinous priors and all kinds
of produce reduced in selling value, than in
eomwdering whether the policy of (Inmetriet-
ed Reciprocity would end in Annexation no
scot. What they want is the freedom of ths
beet meek/ft in which to sell and buy, and
nays/deg short et this will not satisfy the
et.Raads el our farmers or give to them .ad
theirs the sewer. of well deieg their Wee -
my and i.Omllig see entitles them tat
AbRMiw nay be mid of the Tory
Polar ma Pl.. M ampalg• 4. 157
M sea see trst4fdly may that rt asked
betas, and the eewwe emht_
jtwl0ed the eattm.te the 'Try Chieftain
mode of the people being more cone.aed is
their malarial welfare that in the imp riel
appeet. Oswego and • knowledge a buena
natant and its woo in 1878,
wise arrayed egaiw.t ImperWiem, and
would win more &ygwlly today. Set the
ase esoe thee amid now w just this : The
Tory Maden were not afraid to Mad, while
the Ketone men in ooam•ed ate waiting
ger the people to lead Nem. Ohs mut •
party win,or duce it deserve even respectful
Worst ion
Tits rkmta't'T1O* or M. C. Cauaus NA*
finally ceased.
Tun !n•.i9DALNONOae. OOT IT iN TNI
Reck during the week.
Weo rt:tliD IraWIWS ON TNI ultAND
Jury to buck the enquiry' It wee sot does
by Mr. Casinos or his friends.
"C*ow ! IAT. 11.ver 41110&, wnuouT
gravy!" Tooth Bos llanoN ()144.1., Q. C.
1T *MENS To at SA81Ma To "114" A e:0AND
jury with a few political heelers than to
work upon • petit jury with • good lawyer.
Hose. Jou, HAtA4MAT, AN A WITNxw,
aubpraed in the interest of social purity,
was toe of the prominent occupants of the
"seri circle" in the courtroom on Tuesday
newspaper men during the weak. One
editor was found guilty of libel and crawled
under the tarn to dine on crow ; another
editor was frescoed in a scrap= the Square
by a Loudon medico, and • reporter •e•
cdentally ran his nose against the list of a
bailiff at the R. R. station on Wednesday.
It was rocky all around.
grand jury this week becomes half of its
number would not care to have it spread
brcedcaat that they were members of it, and
were responsible for its finding in the case
of the Queen v. Maclean. The action
of the last grand jury for the
county of Huron is another argument
in favor of the abolition of this relic of
anoweas rrT.
The crush of advertisements this week
has crowded mint a large quantity of Dews
and editorial matter.
Mr. Justice Street has made an order ex-
tending till Dec. 15 next the time for trial
of the Fast `irnooe Dominion Election Peti-
tion. The 14th December will be the data
of trial.
It is understood that Hon. A. A. C. fa-
Rivter., M. I'., is not seeking the Manitoba
Senatorship rendered vacant by the ate
Hon. Mr. Girard, but that the position will
probably be filled by T. A. Bernier. barris-
ter, of St. Boniface, Manitoba.
Hamilton Herald. 'tory : If Caron were
innocent, Mr. Edgar'• accusations should
be investigated just es they were made,
and the fact that • roundabout methal of
investigation was adopted after the charges
had been carefully pruned and fined up was
prima facie evidence with most people that
Corea.' shirts were not as clean as
they might be. If everything was all
tight why was it necessary to do any
Toronto Telegram, Ind ('on.. Sir
Adolphe Caron may lave the court with*
out a stain on his character, because there
is not enough of his character left to carry a
stain. It cannot be as hard to frame a
charge against an accused letter -carrier as
it is against • suspected Posttn/tater (;eneral.
Otherwise the penitentiary would have as
few terrors for the blue -coated expropriator
of money letters as for the exalted head of
the department.
London Advertiser, Ref.: Caron may be
whitewashed as • result of the so-called in-.
castigation into charges trumped up to re-
place the serious aescuwations made upon the
floor of the House of Commons by .1.
I). Edgar, M. P., who still expresses will-
ingness to prove them if he is given the op
portunity. Rut no verdict which may be
rendered on this emasculated itdictmsnt,
drawn up by the accused himself, will con-
vince the public of Caren's innoosooe.
rub oaregrapsa Prepaved Oar seeders e(
From our owe correspondent.
TorICS ov THE DAY Exhibitions, apple.,
county aestaso minion are the topics o the
WV-ATHnt.-On Tuesday of i..t week it
rained steadily the whole day, Icing thus
far the wettest day this se•eoa.
W uTp1Ya. ---Weather, which has been for
eight or ten days past unsettled, is, at the
time of writing,more rattled and is .Fleedid
for picking and shipping apples. tall ap-
ple shipping hereabo.lts is about finished.
HONK Ae1AIN.-4)nr citfx.m111 who last
week took in the industrial Kzhibition have
returned home, and report so far as they
had ae opportunity of taking in the eights,
etc., that they were well pleased.
Cor•Nctl. Merriest -The municipal oo*n
cite of the municipality of Ashheld end
West W.wanosh will meet in their mere
five meeting halls on Saturday the 24th
Inst. All ooncerned will take note .cooed.
Pus 1Nnrarar.-Our. popular grocer (1.
W. Roklin reports having done a reales*
business in plume daring last week, also
that he is amstantly adding fresh goods to
hie stook, so se to meet the wants of his
numerous patroae .ed others.
FeelanA'erMA1.-The of the
Lord's supper will be di.peeeed to arnmunt
cans on next Sabbath, the 26th, in Rem
kine chorea here. Service, 1). V., arnmwa•
cm et the ess.l hour. Preparatory ..n1•
in commotion therewith win be held on Fri.
day, 23rd inst., nominees -mg at 2 o'oloek ►.
Hoes AOAn. ---dor popular atil1ew,
Mrs. Wilton, who has been es an extended
visit for elmi tea weeks past to her eon M
Rherteville, amid friend, h Mexiee, New
York State, arrived home es Ratorday
ewnistg Mot. She reports havisg a pia•s
ant time ret it se is ev{need by her tmpeoed
e ppeeraime in health helm Nene vlgoreu.
sat robust them whoa elm Bea Aero.
V Master Thomas Tremble, ter.
n ewly of it... men and .ew wt Reughees,
Mlehli m, anted hes es Weimar,
trwf� d kat week to visit hie parents,
Mr. an4 Mz.. Tremble, ether mauves *ad
harmer •mot at•a fide Sam's thesis
amen to agree with hies es be leek* the
pintas of enjoriat sad pam*misg eawU-
eet health. We pewee that he will enjoy
lite risk ea ail who visit here des W are
pleased to learn that be i• doing well in hie
new location
IN: mull NUN Katt.-The fell exhibition.
which takes piece at Ihsagansion ea the 13th
•.d 14th tad October, weather being favor-
able, to view of the great preperttteae Co-
urse.* of prism list, mines expected and
geed waseagement on the part of the eom-
mdtee of management, it is anticipated to
.xo*l any previoue extols, loo mote it be.
The oommittee is determined to Imes the
hall, ground*, ecu., weather permitting, in
brat -cls*• order s• to soeommodati=, coo-
vesi ase sad •11 wo6 11k.
()N Kesi'eec.--Alex. Stobie, who is well-
known and respected in this and surround-
ing neighborhood, passed through our
villajm during Iaet week on • business trip.
Mr. S. for • number of years euoducted the
egg business for D. 1). Wilson, Ssfurth, said
durinv which time by his geutlern.aly de
meaner and the transaction of bemuses in
his line in an upright inamaer,gsined for him
self • hat of friends He, we understand,ie
oertducting business for Mr. W. to another
part of the county, where be will, we pre-
sume, gain the esteem of •11 with whom he
transacts boeineea
FIT(' KU or CANADA. -Th• remarks and
suggestions of the Attorney -Gassed of Now
Scotia on the Future of ('sands, as given in
your last issue, neem to attract great atten-
tion, even by supporters of both aids of
politiea His method of logic, and his ap-
peal for candid discussion 0o tb• question
at issue is, we presume. sensible, and preg-
nant with . good deal of winos Of course
his ideas may not and probably will not
meet with the approval of .11 ; however, he
solicits distwwioe in & very impartial man-
ner, irrespective of p.rtylon end for the
best interests of Canada.
From our own oorreepondent.
Apple picking is the "go" now.
Walhee is visiting at J. S.Timmins'.
John McIntosh u off work with • were
Alex. Anderson is visiting fri sds in
Mies S. Spence, of Howiok, is visaing at
Jas. Timmins'.
Mrs. Alex. is visiting her mother
Mrs. J. Mesmer.
Rev. A. Y. Hartley is attending the Pan,
Presbyterian Council in Toronto.
Mrs. Robert Duncan haw returned trees
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Tom Weirt.
Rev. Mr. Geddes will occupy the Presby-
terian pulpit mixt sandal in the &estoo• of
Rev. Mr. Hartley.
The Kluevele I. O. G. T. intend holding
an open lodge on Friday, 23rd of Sept,
Fine program expected.
Frau our own correspondent.
The rains of last week supplied the creeks
and ditches w1th a surplus of water and
hindered the farmers from doinv much out-
side work
Miss Addie Forrest, of the sewed line,
got a tomo cut from her shoulder by Dr.
kfcKelvie, of Brussels. it was • very pain-
ful operation, req uinng her to be under the
influence of chloroform for forty-five
On Friday, the 9th., Lizzie, the two year
old daughter of Nelson Thornton, suocumb-
ed to the same disease. She aim, was
buried in Kluevle cemetery. The greatest
of sympathy is felt for the bereaved famil-
ies and friends of those hy the neighbor-
hood. It is to be hoped we will not have
to chronicle any more such from the same
School section number 10 have secured
the services of ,los. Smilie of the first
line of this Township for 1893 at • salary of
43336. He passed the Junior Leaving Exam.
at Harri■ton this year and is now attending
the Model School at Clinton. His brother
Robert who also passed the same exam this
year intends going oil to the high school to
prepare dor the senior laving exam.
o:rim monster Death armed with that fell
disease of agony, membraneous croup, en-
rered the Meme of Arthur Shaw and
snatched away the first born of the house-
hold, Jams Freer, who succumbed to it
shortly after five o'clock on Thursday. H.
was seven years and seven mom .hs old .ad
was • unlvereal pet. His remains were in-
terred ie Bluevale cemetery on Friday after-
fternoon. Rev. Mr. Pring coodectimf the ervice.
The regular meeting of the Town Council
was held in the Council Chamber on Friday,
Sept. 16, 1892. Present, the Mayor,
Reeve, Deputy Reeve,Conncillon Cantelon,
Muroey, ( amps=, Thompson. Reid, Nafte),
Pridham, Humber, lades, 'Wilson, Dunlop
and Nicholson.
His worship the mayor in the chair,
Minutes of the last regular meeting read
approved and signed.
Repot from Thos. Hood, sextan of Malt
and cemetery, in regard to the slaughter
house near the cemetery. Moved by the
reeve. seconded hy councillor Pridham, that
report be referred to cemetery committee.
Ccmmunioation from Thos. Sturdy, ask-
ing leave to lay the pipes at his oven ex-
pense to lot 74, on condition of his getting
• relate on the water. Shoved by Hureey,
seconded by Pridham that it be refound to
waterworks ecelmittee with power to act,
,4 'owned.
('ommunication from Pace. H. Roberta,
of Clinton,aeking for • license for • bowling
alley in town. No action was taken.
Communication from H. Spence, asking
leave t s speak at the council meeting in ref-
erence to ameeernent of South half of lot
906, Hamilton -et. Moved by Pridham,
seconded by Winton, that Mr. Spence be &l-
iewed to address the ousel. (.arced.
The eminent.' of Brooks' Manufacturing
Co., 470.00 ; .doe. Williams, $18.68 ; Stew.
owe ft Bursa, 312.46 ; N. Dement, 464.76 ;
C. Crabb, 369.94 were referred to the Fift-
eens Committers.
/1NANOI t3011111ITT0I unroll?.
GENnEMSN, - Tour oernmittee has ex-
amined the following accounts and resent -
mend their payment
Stevens soil Berm 8.90
1. Hillier 1175
J. Kidd 18.00
D. C. Rtr.ahmm 17.56
B Graham ,.. , , , . 6.26
W. Elliott &1b
liederteb Star . 21.00
Ja. Thorne. &76
V. 15
W. retewmend that the 4 n.egier ke i
'treated be Aerie is hi boles the ems of
4630 to ratify error le winding op spesiat
Ws. Pommesas,
1I y Te.pam w1Oby M
Aeil e
R. f ympains.
Fraser h Porgy
. ma that the report be takes up clause by
date. llarr4 d.
104 clause. Moved by Theorem scud. by
Pridb.ui that 1st clause be adopted (1r.
Moved by Tbewpsee,'rotmded by Mar
h ey, 414.1 1240 error an venal ao.eia% be
refined to Menne. Maoism and Halls to
audit and 'report 4r the comet . Carried
Report of market, cumwtttee, eying that
the market soak" were not eu badly st a
repair as expected, but they rw�airedtanew
to.udatioa sad rivalries • little, •ad
recommend the ou5.tructico of • &billable
fetes for the males. .time that the market
bsildwg needed shingling badly.
Mored by Pridham, searaded by Nate'
that report be adopted. Carried.
Mored by the neve, seconded by Nichol
nn, that the street electric light circuit be
.carted earlier, &.d to run anti! 12 r. ..
Also th et tkc private circuit be Marled
earlier 1b•a at parent. Carried.
Moved by the reeve, seconded by Nichol-
son, that the health officers of the town
cause au tnvsugatioe to be made to .0.0.'.
tain, ifeo sible, the taws of Diphtheria in
the south part of the town ; and also that
the requirements conducive to the health
of the luhabltaute be strictly usforoel. ('ar-
Moved by the reeve, seconded by Nichol-
son. that the street inspector heed.' the
West aide of Waterloo *t, from West -tit. to
Quebec-st. and from Elgin w Britannia
Read. tarried.
Moved by Pridham, mounded by the
seers, that the mayor's oommuoiatioo in
reference to dynamo be referred to Water-
works and Electric Littriernittee to re -
Dot to the council.
Belgravia : Jia. Tyner has sold his
mill to K Livingstone.
lirueeeele : J. 1). Ronald is petting the
candescent light tato his residence.
Brussels : J. D. Ronald shipped • lar
wised fin steamer to Winnipeg last wee
Brussels : Owing to the heavy rains
MaNwd river raised over 5 feet this wee
Heafryn : Silver Corwin cheese fac
sold the August stake a cheese for 10c.
Morris : John Johnston bas leased t
farm of Mr. Robs Johnston, 2nd oonose
sion., for a term of five years.
Exeter : It is feared Mr. Jae.
will have to have use of her eyes
to save the sight of the ocher.
Wroxeter: -Mr. Humphries left for M
real on Tnwday evening, where he intends
to parses hie studies for the mmatry.
Ctintoo : T. Turnbull, of Berlin, eon
ea. Turnbull, late of this plasm, was mer
rt ed last week to • Mies Crawford, of Bow
Clinton : The officers and teachers
t. Paula Sabbath School pareses
red Alomok with • coke basket
Belgrave : Mr. Van Norman hos d'
o hu trotting horse, " Little Jim,"
me parties trom Auburn for •
Exeter : Messrs. Snell Roos. & Co. dim
of their butcher business this week to
Maters. Ford, of Stephen, wen knows i
Winghsm : Stanton Agnew,of Wiogham
gone to Evanston, 111. where he pre
studying with the ides of becoming
Morris : A
weskit) has purchased
m near Walton, paying
,300 for it.
Clinton : W. Robb brought to town las
week • *tock of corn pulled on hu son'
m, in Tuckerumith, that measured 1
t, 7 inches.
Tuckersmith :-dams (summing w
-appointed collector of taxes for the y
and will start on his rounds oe th
h of October
1V roaster : -A. Maodon•ld, who bad
e misfortune to break hu 1 at the church
progreesiag favorably and will noon be
bre to be about again
Henfryn :-Wm. B.wtiaheimer went
wn to Tomato on Monday of this week
th • car Mad of fat stock. Ile reports
markets very doll.
Post : W.H. McCracken will go to (:ode -
h Fair to judge the vegetables. What
•c. doesn't know about garden " saes " is
ly worth bothering about.
;Baton : Last week the Commercial hot -
passed into the hands of Thos. Bell and
Mason, of Hallett, who will conduct it
der the name of Mason & B•1L
�l:..ter Times : The oo•1 ring has been
ken and opal will now be mold for 44.25
ton. Those who contracted for 46.10
ton will consider themselves out • good
m'. ' e�
lorrieP Will Ashton left last week
attend Albert ('olle`e at Belleville.
Richard Ratan, of 11 roister, scour/t-
him intending to attend the saute
;erne : Frank Devtdesn, of the
el Farm, realised 41i bushels of wheat
two bushels of sed of the Red
wson vanety. This is • very good
limon : Alex. Ewing, who • few
s ago had the misfortune to get a couple
u rebs broken by & horse running &way,
ill ooeIsed to hos room, and augers oon-
'alton : Wm. Kerney has been engaged
principal of nor public school for the next
year at $37b per annum. Mies Kirkhy, the
t teacher, has ise. re-engaged for
year at 8250.
Layfield ;--On Friday filth while Rev F-
ant and daughter, 4 Bayfield, were
ening from (.oderioh, their horse took
t and thaw them out of the beam
v escaped without any serious mtery.
ors -
from Stanley
the McDougall
the neat sum of
s at
1'ea, but feed it with Scotty EmuJ4on.
Feeding the cold kith it, and no one
can afford t.. have • cough or cold,aciite
and leading to cemwmptlom, lurking
around him.
Of pear Nwrareoluw Glad liter
Ott sad Ilypovitesplablea
•trvngthens week Limtggi, checks all
waalktR Di.eame and le • romufkaldr
Posh Producer, Aimee es NNW@ as
Ila.rwpee. ..try ae.K. cheese.. Duee.aa.
r ter miostsrrarssat �.
d olaat hid, Psrwrantnt
Cern Peden lareeeiella.
�y�eemm et Ohu1.4. mei, . t.V
e@lemrl.ia..r bre:euoolft mom v1
.... h lt�v .1
Lb+ w tau.* • .A
lb nesse. • Walls ot 11..1.
teal• Ire* 1.
be wird Is Yam
. res. i. a1. Calan 2, 44
n ..Y mtWaetW '•
MU ,
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest Cul Tobacco Nraaojaa
boom 170 Canada.
Cati20c. Reg. I4 .
Universally acknowledged
to be superior in every res-
pect to any other brands in
the Market, kItiuys reli-
able, an has been fully dem-
i,nstrated by the millions
that are sold annually and
the increasing demand for
them, notwithstanding an
increased competition of o'-
er On* Hundred and Twen-
ty-five Factories. This fact
speaks volumes. We are not
cheap Cigar manufacturers.
MONTRi & r -
Largest and Highest Grade Cigar
Manufacturers in Canada.
From ottr own correspondent.
Tho*. Goode has got his lima -kiln is
working order cane shoe.
M. Phramer'e mill, under the
of Mr. F.04Ba, M doing a good bnise.s.
Rruseele : Mr. Brent left Brow & kr
RuAalo last Friday where whe win live with
her daughter, Mrs. Reuben Weems. no
Council psroh.sed • ticket for how sad
paid the freight on a few household are
Ethel : The new township hall will be a
brick structure no a stone fonneatinn it
will be 30.60 feet with 15 foot walla The
material is being got oe the ground end work
will bep= •t • lively rate so se to here
it oomplet,•d by Nov. Lt.
(llemfarrow : Josie McPherson, .Ideet
daughter of William McPh.n-n, pulsed
illy away to her eternal home. s
ard.y, 3rd inn, after a lingering Mot"
of onn•.rnptien, which r•yeltod from a
several attack of la grippe.
Brussels: in Primus Albst,oa Wedsesity
Aeg tike 31st, as intervtlng aeronomy we.
periormd M the reideme. of R. Owy* S.
when Alaimo H•Idesby,t.rtmerly of
d Mime Margaret Jens Cowie were edpeede
i• mmrrisge by Rev. Mr. tick.
Brussel@ : late Friday • • lisle ez-
eit•mwemt wee em•meles•d es 7 vm carry et1Me
b7 Philip Asawt'a ash remain away. '11e
dlmft. were brek•s al the read oars 00i1
after the seim.l ted it op the midewulk ter
a piece h wee smirk awoke Ons. Them'
�ti�rteeery. Kr. Atese'e leg woe AO*
MOM 11114
Whew the.yeeem i tea des* a
biomes es way FeyM (a'ssemmlp 1 or
flarefais Wry wle.hie home are weed W
what Illenere E. Yes se eels re a de4enaa
4 -
*n Il
bt e'
11 n