The Signal, 1892-9-22, Page 3e. Yi THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1812, ':x41;'. J^�: ..�.$.• AYER'S ko Cherry Pectoral ao equal for the prompt relief od speedy c u re of Colds, Coughs, oup, Hoarseness, Loss of Vie, Preacher's Bore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe, apd other derangements oofa the throat and lungs. The best - gown cough -cure in the world, it is recommended by eminent physicians, and is the favorite preparation with singers, actors, preachers and teachers. ltsoothes the inflamed membrane, loosens the phlegm, stops coughing, and induces repose. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral taken for consumption, in its early stages, checks further progress of the disease, and even in the later stages, it eases the distressing cough and promotes refreshing sleep. It is agreeable to the taste, needs but small doses, and does not interfere with digestion or any of the regular organic functions. As an emergency medicine, every household should be provided with Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral er,oral in my family for many years, I can confidently rem it for all ,h,• rompiaints it is claimed to cure, It. +ale ss increasing yearly with me, and my customers think this prepa- ration has no equal as a cough cure. - S. W. Parent, Qu. en.hury, N.B. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral Prepared o, lh J. C. Ayer & t:.,.. Lowell. Mans. S ,t .0 two., s. Prim *. ; .s bottle.. $t Prompt io state aura to cure GEMS OF THOUGHT. etmen '. udme.t lar sate mere we're. (iearostty wrongly placed beoomos • vice. Silence discloses the method of the world, bat nig its cause. Whet we know is link, what we an ig- n orant of is itaaeam. To tolerate toleramoe h the beet lessee of tolerance we have to Mara. There are same people who aro busy but It D. ace Domltian was, catching flies. We shall be judged hereafter mot by what we have felt, but by what we have dome. That strength which has its roots to faith shall have its dew bad its fragrance in love. 1t you would not have any afHictioa visit' you tams, lista at cue to whet it temehea Only what we have wrought into oar character darntr life can take away with as We believe that we hate flattery when ell that we hate is the awkwardness of the flat- ten'. • All ages and conditions of people may use Easeful Pills without injury and with great benefit lm The greatest evils of life often arise iron things thought of too little imporLoce to be attended to. To tell a falsehood is like the cut of amb- er ; for though the wound may bed, the soar wnll remain. He who makes others glad by the service of his hand, will quicken his owe heart hate a more joyous life. Every good thing can afford to be small, because it is so greet, itis an element and agent in the world's immensity. He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pans himself ; for every nen has seed to be forgiven. He s happy whom determination snits his temper, but be is more excellent who can snit his temper to the circuastaooes. The mon we practise virtue the dearer it becomes, as two friends love each other the more, the more they know each other. Purity of Iagredteots and socurmey of compounding, make Milburn's Aromatic (luintoe Wine the criterion of excel• len... 1m Not to speak what • man knows is some- times discretion ; hat to speak ad sot te know, ie always folly, and .•mstame dk- nomeety. All human knowledge is only piecework ; we only possess pieces of .eko.e, for sem here is able to preaeut each soiene is the .alae light intellect, however great, without moral - sty is • curse, whether in • Bocce, a Napo- leon, a hank forger, • premolar, • mer- chant or prince. The poorer place in which the Mesosphere is more homelike, is as • eawgoeoso, more heavenly than the west beautiful, even where law sad order are the demeate sup- reme. Firmness, d.odinees of prinipls, a jud 'moderation, sod an anoosqusssble peess►er- saes are the virtues the piastre of whisk is most likely to oared whatever le wrong in tie oosstit.tion Of the social system. Don't live your life alone without frwod- ship mad love, you were nude ler it, .ad other natures seed you. Yoe are robbing yourself, you are robbing others, if you 118m a hermit Therefore go oat into God's world and live your life for others. Rel foresightso.siste in reeerviag our own Neese if we labor with •axi•ty about the future we destroy that strength which will 55.81. a to meet the future. If wo take more is hand than we can do well, we break up sad the work is often broken with ea. Asa general rale, it in bet net le cermet costiveness by the w of mine et &sol e maljeines. When • purgative le needed, Ike most prompt, eSeetiv., and beneficial is Ayer's rile. Their tendeaeT in to resters, sad not weaken, the mama ashes el the breeds 1 MISSING LINKS. Loll.,. r an active serve teak. (lm•ehopper green is a new tint at 1M tmlUia.r'a The W tlkesb•rre t Lha) Time hes • sail- earthed- um►earthed- who has paid for the pater IDS ram ha advisee. Over twenty patents were hewed Mab month leer iteprovemeat• in the Merge er mese of its ettasheeata A noted lif•.•ver is Captain Nickeke Murphy, of Hogue. la thirty•6ve years he hes saved over 100 pereuw from drown - Innkeeper Heald, of Turk's Head, Went Cheater, N. Y., bus • way ward goat that shows tobacco with marked appretbatioa and reimh. Aa asylum for s..ahern-in-law is being built te Austro by a wealthy Austrian wo- man, and provision has teen wade for tial occupants A Pittsburg justice decides that it ie legal for any householder, from kis own presumes, to throw water on an organ grind- er who refuess to tndve .M. Of fourteen first eke' racers now on the Atl•atic four are german built, one hail. from France, six fres the Clyde, two from Ilelfa.t met nee from the Merey. The Indian Dame Michigan means"great lake- -the mine name that the hitter -day inhabitants apply to those large inland bodies of water, of shio-h NIichigau is one. The Chinese have a kitchen god, which is supposed to go to the (,binese Ismael' at the beginning of each year N. report .pus the private life of the families under his care. Then is a .'stain island in the Baltic sin to whose inhabitaau the hex!y of the sun is clearly visible in the morning Isere st rises, and likewise in the evening before it seta. Paris hes a "freak" in the way of • little girl who, though but five years old, can write French history by the yard, sad is "a perfect walking encyclopedia" in torrent French htersture. Tine °antral tethers registers a mean of 87 degrees in July. Central Australia boasts of 94 degrees in January --a mean which is attained in South Carolina and inner Arabia in midsummer. Tokio, the principal city and capital of Japa.. was formerly known Y Tol.l°. It is • very old city. and Aug. Jig, IMO. the people of this city celebrate! the 3110th anniversary of its founding. During Captain Parry's polar expedition co oar ootasioo a onnvenattoo was carried on at • distance of one and a quarter miles between two persons separated by $ frame sheet of water. Rhode island, the smallest .tete in the union, has two capital'', which no otber state has, and confers arca her governor the odictai title of "Captain general of Rhode Island and Providence i'lanutioos. Between Jan. 1, 18S(1, and June 30. 1801, 7,180,380 silver dolma were coined in the Uaated States estate. The total value of the production of silver in the Baited 8tetee from 1581 to 1880 inclusive, was $481,033,000. The total work performed by the human body daring five hours of mountain climb- ing is equal to I,t26,000 foot-pounds, not counting other forces exerted, which l)v. B.cbeister says will stn the grand total up to 1,380,000 foot-pounds. The Silver King mine on Toad mountain, British Columbia, his leen sold for te2,0al,- 000. The treasures of this mountain were discovered by • half-breed Rained Hell, who p�hap had never owned $10 ell •t awe be Iors in hu life. A lady of Detroit originally had black eyes and hair, but in the course of time, when *be had attained the age of 70 yeses, her hair turned pare white. This sees ex- , but about • year ago bee hair began darkening and is now as black as jet In the regalis roan of the Scottish kings in Edinburg castle, one can still see, among other valuable relics, the coronation crown of the greet Robert Bruce. It is • plain eirclei of gold, heightened with four spikes having trefoil heads A valuable goblet has been purchased for the sum of 31..000 franc. by • member of the Frankfort branch of the Rothschild familJ The goblet is of exquisite work- o•aship and is said to have formed part of the municipal treasures of Osnabruck, in Germany. Chicken. have been acting as gold col- lectors for J. A. McConville, of Batt+, Mont. In one chicken's crop .Rd gizzard he found some golden nuggets. He, therefore, killed the remainder o hie brood, thirty. one in number, and fount in them gold to the amount of $387. cit.LETT PURE POWDERED HAV. YO BACK -ACHE 00005 KIDNEY PILLS PUREST .TIOMoeaT, SUT. Lapirsewitt,Mtits.=2/ tit 1.11 W Aa Cross.. esd )wear+. w. 411141ZeleSSIMe W. m.... THE SAVIOUR'S CRUCIFIICTION. a Seemed singes Mee figured retahs Eames Soy. dhow tae Pklladelpble Orem. That tbe time of n be crucihction of Christ Easy la approximately demutstr•ted by me- tronomnal omlculatien, after paying des honors to vee historical data we poems. concerns* test most importanttraneactios, has be. a'. .til positively proven by ansm- inent Unite' States Supra me Court Justice. Judge Joseph P. Bred.. The asthma te,iste is this tench oostr...ertaxl questa.• •, c these : 1. The time must be brought witbiu the reign of Ponsus Pilate. 2. li must be after the fifteenth year of the reign of the Emperor Tiberius. and after the thiru.th year of Christ's nae. 3. It must occur on the 1&h day of the Jewish mouth Nims, sad o. 18e sixth day of the week, or Friday. After • great deal of laborious research. Mr. Bradley deduced the following interest- ing coeclt.ions: There were only three years between the year A. 1). 21 sod the year A. 1r. 36, both inclusive, in which the let of Nisan, sad consequently the 15th of Niemen happened un • Friday. These were A. D. 27, 30 and 33, tbe last ).ung very doubtful. I:ut the arucifiction could not have ha rd befo. a the year A. I). 28 and pt obsbly sot later then the year A. D. 31. Therefore the year 30 ie the only one which satisfies all the cooditions of the problem. It satisfies them bemuse it gives opportunity for Jesus to teach publicly for about three years end toattend three pesaoversduring his ministry, or four, according as it wrnmonced os or before April 3 A. 1). 27. Now, since in A. D. 30 the 1st of Rime fell on Fridayy, t he 34th of our March, the 15th fell on Friday, the 7th of our April. Therefore, Friday, April/ of the year A. D. 30 was the day of the crucifixion. Tout Ones M'ii. Prem Qot.los Dara Dhs•t mail say Meter metal yea w mire that it . eneri•eely and properly addres- sed. haat fail to prop the stamp is the upper 'teased ember. t piste the address ow that there will be so roma for the postmark. Deet fail, is the hurry of buasma, to write the same el the Mate yes intend sad OK your ow. a very eswmam erre. Deal 7142 rater until yes me mere y stomped. that it is pro Deal seal er wrap paresis 1. web a moa - mor that tier o•atwb tag los M esdy examined. 'e ias.mene 011119110 gesrar. Am. . The oo•tlieat paintin;s of modern time are Meiesosier's "1814 and Millet's "The Angelus." M. Cha.ch•rd gave 8170,000 for "1814" and $160,000 for The Angeles." Henry lithos. in 1887, paid 506,1100 for Meissosier's "Friedl 1507," and pre- sented it to the Metropolitan Museum of Axys, of New York. A long tunnel near Paris bas been lighted in a novel way. Reflectors throw the light hog many electric lamps sixteen feet above thelaik to the sides of the tunnel, whore it is again reflected by burnished tin, covered with glee, into the coaches, making • soft . sd •gres•ble light. The trains automati- cally tem the current on and of in entering •.d Leaving oke twaeL A .wry was told Lbs other day of • Sime who discovered • onbw.b and Nen, see • spider emerge from it, called out : tM oob run ' How fast the rob read" As a matter of fact .he bedded better than . he knew, for cob or cop is, according to the dictionaries, the name somaeties.5 given to • spider : whams the wad cobweb, which is, strictly speaking, oopwebCep - in this done is probably an abbreviation of the Anglo-Saxon •tteroopp•, • spider. The America purple will expend ow o 811,000,000 for tenni.• tea le 1811-911. Of Nis vast mem the planters will reesive ss,• 000,000, the tradesmen and home dealers 53,500,000, and forsiguer• with an intermit in America or China, the handsome balance of 55,500,000. Why cannot we have soma of it ? The is the dame laid here to -day as in the time of Lew, OrismsIl, Howled end Troia, when we were the owners of tka Aim trade Why do not oar balms= ✓ take dvatags of the opportunity Home tans age an eminent (Imbued pbysieiao mid: 'When I been the practise of medicine • yeas men wham e.astite- tksn was even more powerful iia my owe d arted in the practice with =a Nis pr theory was that • man sedan', hew ten much fresh air, that be wasted W hase 16 cirrnl•te inside said eat.hte of hin body, sed 10 that end wain kW rigors d winter mane en 8. @pursed thick elothtwg, whir* i heisted en wearing. If we reds together, 18. heavier garment k. 8.d ea uses a ssdiney seek Boat. I were mala. .ad a geateoat buttoned tip to the dna Y7Z young and amhitiee. partner 8*. oseup(ad • warms Isomo is the minatory • maulprod then . fee • .ad painful years,wtte with now sotptiem H. sleek to his thin cl.Ning and b.mmm • martyr to hie pd theory. ✓ b iii eek my heavy weather demanded it, steel I think the ward Is • geed stay years hem ma AN ENGLISH ELECTION STORY. Is. Thal 11 Appear. flat 58. rens Kept Open twee From the Pan Mall Gazette. The best story of the general election cease from Ireland, and is told by the Bel- fast Telegraph on "most reliableauthority." In the Newton -Stewart district of North Tyrone, in which Lord Frederick Hamilton, brother of the First Lord of the Admiralty, and also of the Duke of Aberoorn, defeated the Rev. Professor Dougherty by only forty - eine votes, it was ascertained at 6 0o the ,b evening of the polling day et two invalid Unionist voters were unpolkd. Every avtuhible vehicle suitable for the purpose had been premed into service and Lord Frederick's agent was in • dilemrua, know- ing that the fight would be an extremely close one. At length it was decided to send • mes- ssoger to Bercuaourt, where the Duke an.l Ihnches of Aberoorn are at present i maAffter considering the situation Her G race, re with • woman's adiae+. of resource, mug• gested that the two farm bones, plowing m a field close by. should be requisitioned,and the great stage ooach,used by the late Duke when Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, should osrn. 1 into service. The howere roogbt in. the coach wheeled out, and then it was disoovered that then was no harness. Woman's wit, however, again cause to the remise, sad, with the silver mounted stets harness, which ornamented the mantelpiece th of ooe of the principal apartments in e castle, the equipage was ready to start. But all the difficulties had mot been sur- mounted yet There wee no one but the Duke to dnve and the law was too n on the subject d peen taking part in . one. The law, however, said nothing about peer- esses, and the Duchess, seeing the .tate d 8.re affairs, at once volunteered services, ff, mounted the dickey said drove o, amid the assembled of the sembled servants. The first Tall vim polled 6.50 o'clock and at 7.57 the second man, although be lived over four miles distant from the polite; dation, Y wbrought into the booth and hes vote re oorded. TM Mese QMse eries of tmaraer. e WILL CURE YOU "Iaebaaba mesas the kid- n.yi era le Vary Pillsglue • 7 of is Afro e...ed bid d/sordand - IIgbt as wall try to mu. a healthy elty w/thent *.n/a' aood ge, mltb whoa the Mldn.y. Or• clogged, they are the of O 18. a y la sop fou:Cr bed traria.* resign In lad ilood, Liver Cora 1st and the most dan- gerous of all. Bright' Disease, Diabetes and Dropsy." a/1,1 able* Alvan* caamrt ar/at arbor• Dodd's Kidney Pills are and Sold by all dealers or .ret by smiles ismmeilt of price pe caws. per hos or as far Dr. L. A. Smith a Co. T,x,see, Weis Mr bwk died !Lida, Tac. ropcif ; :_ i then :a:.... .. __ornach. ' Liver. eoi-.`•›,vols. unlocks theSr:tr:.:!:•e::: i.trl:: sthe 1Uooe. are-; . ' :oven ell im- purlt:: t . :.^pie to thew-:-st •:s Sore. nt t^.. oYsFc1- : , ;' ONST:PAT...... SALT !:Ae_:.:Jr. ri0FULA. HEART z.'_:3:r;. ' .si.' , . TO OIZZINE.: S. Er-tOPSY :, RHEUM':' ' yt 111S EASE rig OODLRJOH Stearn Boiler Works. (ESTABLISHED 1I110.1 A. S. CH RYSTAL, The truest criterion of • man's character sad conduct is invariably to be found in the opinion of hs nearest relatives, who, having daily and hourly opportunities of forming • judgment et bias, will not fail in doing sig It is • higher tt tlmony in his favor for him to swam the .deem and leve of • few in- dividuals within the privacy of his owe home that the good opinion of hundreds is his immediate ssighberhood, or that of ten times the somber residing at a disuses. In fact, next to • ekes and impartial self - scrutiny, no question mom so seer the truth se for • man to sok himself, "Wirt is thourht of ms by the familiar Ord* of ray owe Breads ! " Would that all remembered Nin' DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOKS BEST FRIEND INININI• Modem Army Ar . ATE NTS PAttritezteN:. vie* nem. $citittifc pintas .n1're. Item -- r. Successor to Carrara d• Mack. Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright et Tubular 3:3O�i Vs Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Upright and Horizontal Slide Valve lteittin•s• Aotemmtic cut -or Zealots a p.ci•lty. All slaw of pipe and ripe -fitting constantly on band. Ltlm• ee furnished on sem : .odea. Repairing promptly •treaded to llt-►y P. 0. )fox x. Ooderich. )tet. Worts-0ppssite 0. T. R. Station. Goderlch PLANING MILL £STAIILISMEO 1866. Buchanan & Son, aaNur*CTU*IOa SASS, DOOR and BLIP:', Dealers In all blade of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's m terbal of every deseriatim .1 ty 1, ii #; School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL -0f- BER GOODS LATEST STYLES. Rsmasnss to be Mewed d abowy Medea aa H. DUNLOP, Tb. W.nalit. fisc. MoLEOD'S }l# SYSTEM RENOVATOR Awa ors Term anemia, Specific and Antidote for 1 st t }# i jq •I #)#, l t"# i; olborne Bros. NEW FALL GOODS We have already in stock a full assortment of New Fall Goods in DRESS GOODS and MA NTL E CLOTHS. We ha'.'e a fine assortment of New Dream Stuffs in the latest • tt:.,i; iris in fancy stripes and checks, Crepon Cloth, Melange Twills, Barged, Cheviots, Estemane.,, Cash- merettes and plain Henriettas, Wool Tartans and Plaids. About 300 yards of Colored Cashmeres, worth 50c., for 35c., a big bargain. We carry the finest range of plain and fancy Mantl- ings we hate ever shown, in black and colors. LFAII Mantle Cloths bought from us will be cut free of charge. Our Tweed Stock is complete. Suits trade to order. 5 per cent. allowed on all Dry Good purchases of one dollar and over. A first -clams Dress and Mantle Maker in our store, up stairs - We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs and Mats, Oil Cloths, and Linoleums ever shown in the County by one house. Over 300 Sets of Lace Curtains to select from, di- rect from the makers in Scotland. 1 COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse 1 J of the County. J I. 40 m 11 1. #i f.1 #, #j 1{ ll 4 #4 }1 ik it 1 Were fen. We Key. I wouldn't be &shamed to do right, any- where. I would sot do anything that I would not be willing for everybody to know. I wouldn't o onclude that I knew more than my father before I had h..e fifty miles away from home. I wouldn't go in the company of boys who used wouldn't et language. the sulks and pout when- ever 1 ot1onsuggldo t have my own way about everything. i wouldn't let any other boy get ahead of me is my studies. 1 wouldn't abuse little boys who had no big brother for me to be afraid of. I would learn to he polite to everybody. I wouldn't cry for anything when mamma or papa told m. it Lias not good for me. I would try to se if 1 couldn't get people to like use, by being civil to everybody. I would never make fun of children be- cause the are not dressed nice. I would try to learn something useful every da , and whenever I mw men mak- ann.. ak- ann;lig, tting I would watch to see how they I would keep my hands and face clean, and my hair brushed without having to be told to I would be respectful to old people, and behave so that my parents would not be ashamed of me. I would be in earnest about everything When i had to work I would do it with •11 my might, I would study with •11 my =tight, sad I would play with e11 my might I would rend books and papers that would make tin want to know something, and do something that would benefit other people. I would have as good • time as l could in this world, eat I wouldn't tell lies, nor Meal, nor be meso to anybody. I would my my prayers every day, ad I would sink .Jesus to make me • good boy, sad show me how to go to heave& lepere, weak and impoveeinhed blood, dye. paper, abaplesaws, palpitated' of the heart, liver complaint, meralgia, lees of memory, braoohitk, ooawmpt'OnpH ut6... jaundice, kidney sad urinary diseases, 8t. Vitas' dance, female irreg- ularities and rimers' debility. LIBORATORT, CODERI`B, ONTARIO. J. M. MoLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Moliseea neer= Rarovevem eau be ked Nom all lraaRMm 1. lwtowmmap&astir well se frees an the drillielaSsdemi sad oath. .ia,Durbban sad Ter 117.17. PATENTS 1 CHUM �TTAAG& SAMS (1151 PIPTIM NTS v et�t.M and sin barla pI•L.RnUse � T in le trea bs. those remote•hem fi►A JJJNO tW S.tehlya MPS Ea.4 M0DirI. 011 DRI PriN�(7y. rpWe� ad- Mee es VG OM al wetigruderpaMea to u» P*atmaoMrefam�sltwef Iia ere y rosea v to aA end shoats 10 ys 7stru 1 w Owe v e write to C A NNW b.. cse.w 1NMona 011eallreeldnotea.D.0 A Utak 5111. • Kistler. While canoed over on Oak Creek 1 was an eyewitness to am d the most novel of combats, says • writer in Forest and Stream. At noon one day Y I Ina Doming down from the mine for dinner I spied • skunk shifting itself •hoot in a strange manner. Thinking he was performing some sets that were un- usual and not becoming to one of his race I sat down stud with my powerful marine glee 1 soon found the reason. Before the skunk on the ground Ly • huge rattleenake coiled up for 'nsinem, his massive fat head pre- senting • most mv-•ge &spect. Now and then misuse his head as the skunk would Dome within reach he struck it again and again. The skunk, as if anxious to ocotmos the duel, would pounce epee the back of 18e .Dake until driven off by the powerful swaying to and fro of its body. This wY repeated again and again, until finally erith one heroic spring the skunk landed upon the snake and in the twinkling of an eye almost had bitten the head from the body, save • shred of skin wbieh held together. Being .atiefied with the result, i hastily picked up • rock, and, throwing it. at the skunk, routed him, leaving me in full possession of the field. On .xanivation i found the hide of the rattlesnake uninjured, save where the skunk ,tad given it its death cut in the sack. The same evening, and for ix con- secutive evenings, i saw the .kink, and on the seventh evening shot it aper it had scampered around for that length of time. This satisfied me Must rsttl a bites do tint materially retard the progressive life et • " polecat," to my nothing of proving fat- al thereto. The snake was three fed ix inches is length, with nine rattles. The smaki. hide 1 kept till remedy ; wore it out as • hat bud. The rattles I still have. The skunk is the only animal, to my know- ledge, that will not succumb to the deadly bite of the " rattler " online medical aid is invoked. DO YOU LIKE .A. cYtXP OF GOOD TEA ? Try our Brands of " MONSOON " and "TAMILKANDE," the Finest Flavored Teat; in the world. Do you want Fresh Groceries. « " « Fresh Canned Goods of all kinds. « M " Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. M " « Choice Confectionery. M « A Good Cigar or Glass of Soda Wats!. If you do, ell fM Ar7 '7 7'77-tw o$-'s� P ? ` '744 u. ZD. OAtt1IG31 011113C12 £SD 0011FI11T10 fER, Oor. Montreal -et and Square, Ir 'Telephone (;aonediorn. • { i 1 r t