HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-15, Page 88 LETTER � �Clnitaingt TIE !MEM iNNS TME PHARMACY. A SOLICITATION W !71st PI1EEKIRIPiIQI We an pawed to nava rows le bedew Ur, Ile ns the present tsur aepear endeavor t~ straightforward hewn bWaws with every rete,• ad we awe to India .p .sed hold oar t(4. uo �tbWe eee prisicipien end e Wis. Tae Dlepea•t daps tness' 1. oar bushes has always been .lade • ep•o)a• of. sad we claim lie hove the wont compete Iliepeaeury i■ tale part of tee country. During tee poet we have enjoyed • sued share of the local preecriptiu. [lade sad • large pero..t se of the rhea Or .ower. trade as wombat et being thoroughly equipped with the redoes sew n• medics used wpeeuuy by dry .ad Anemias* pblmelaas. 'rhes more Ws always Mees • prosaism to doctors 1a tie pew. although • .mallet paoultmg. than .Date others on at een1.1 0( our `..leg uatous to keep dew [ricer and be: o Wv. our customers their eaedlmw at se . ..Doable a charge es pu.su bet but no a we aro . t v tog in percentage at W to doeta* end th•refare wtll glue 7011 tbei sdvan. fen teir.and w ill Mamma. your rtpilass Mime Den emit. ler "foe tree" than our mauler Waren Lef•re. .ad M per rat. ler than the [red charge -s d the ether moria which give a peror.ta4 The Is the most riritllic par• of our Wines*. and the car that all our trainer/ is designed to At sad qualify tee for, and we menu to .ver make The t'barat•. yr the beet tied leading Dienes - eery in liuderich. W. will weenie . do as we hate alums done. " that us"sir the beam *)rugs and slwaye put in what 1. twdered. Our More is open at all hours during the da). .ad has night altesdwve. Is netrr without a competent band to charge Ark your Most 0451. for the preacrept(on ween he salla or oak aim to este it at The Ph..rm•c} and it will be llkd with swum/ and delivered prompt/. • GEO. A. FEAR, 8u«tieeeor to Geo. Reyna OOI►ERlt'II A!t ART. x R. CROCKETT, Almal. X x x Lmrd.cspr. marine sad . portrslt palates in oil and water colon. oLAS:•F1 O. Tbur.d$L. Fridays sad Saturdays. frost v A v . to 11 erects. sad from 210 o'clock r M. Architectural and mechanical drawing. Ursa in. , for ia...1e• etc. 1111T1-: 010 :-- \orth.t. ant doer from the Sgn@re The Psoole'Is Column. 1T IS A FACT. key 1etasing business hes nhlikead me . mos. into mon oomruodloas urem4.ee and bottom ret.ted the two mores in Crabb. Block. e. et. S. Down/nils shoe store. I wilt have t:, sir taree dotes to display goods. The 2nd don tenth et FL Denning'. will be °coupled ew the F't NNITreut ♦NU ('ilitiLiTxal]a d. ptartaient, where a Ane and complete mock- of ever}:king in the Furniture line of the best maker. will be kept. and at prices 1p at rt ALL reeetrta. 1 enantee to sell yea any article j mof Furniture from dye to ten per cont. lees than Toronto price, same kind and onallty. and 1•$Y yogr611T TO ANY 70151 ISO mikes ',Noll (lot.at*MN. ('alt and be o,n- rtocd. Astir* tell. .ad everybody one fig urea The other store S]11TS'S BAZAAR will be occupied by our Wall l'aper. School Supplies. Fancy Gocds. Stationery and Toy departments. where • fall and endless verba'} ef stew and elegant goods will be plan*. S PEC I.1 L. For the next two weeks I will gine speuul discounts off all lines of furniture to save the trouble and cost of moving it. !'all early and .erure a bargain and ten yuur neighbors where you got tt. SMITH'S BAZAAR & FURNITURE STORE. tem lis Crabb! (Hock. NEW PLANING MILL. Sash and door factory. Having a very large *tock of lumber on hand i wish to reduce my stock to make roan for W i:.'w .tock. 1 am prepared to slaughter prices la all geld•. of woodwork. flooring, siding. et . for the next three months. And w(11 take 900 tons hay. I0.000 cord. beading. Io,oJO cords wood, 100.000 ft. log.. 10.000 curds stare bolts in payment thereof. Build your hooves oat of your own forest. 310 p1•.r of hums. to select from. 7,1 lis JOSEPH KiDD. Phone. 17. 17 Britannlaat. Auettoss a tier. TORN GRIFFIN, COUNTY AUC - t1 flower. land valuator. loan and insurance sweat. Rats attended In all parts of the cwun- yy 1orreepondence•oiclted. Address JOHN GRIFFIN, Kingsbridge. Orden lett at Tax Bar, • L Ofce promptly attended to 1s44 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AEC - ewer and Lead Valuator. Goderleh, Oat. Having had considerable experio.*e In W nuctluoa•enng trade. he is le a position to discharge with thorough satisfaction all coo, e ns efone entrusted to him. Orders lett at Martine lintel. or sent by Im•11 to hie address. eh 1`. 0., carefully &Deeded to. JOHN OX. County Auctioneer. MVO il..eialnb.. IhEsiitste. C(ODEItICH MECHANICS' INSTI- .Y TUTS LIBRARY AND READINu- a�OIO, oar. of Rest street and Square rep Open from 1 to d r. r.. s.d from 7 to 1. r. e. ABOUT 2000 VOL'8 IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weekly and iUs.trdted Papers Magazines, etc., on Pile. MSMBEi!IBHiP TICKET. ONLY `Lim tAasttng free use of Library and Reatinvt- Applltlofor mmeem ces. beraklp raptured by Libraries. I n now. an. SHARMAN, .BO BTIVES. Presldin t. 8.orsury.. Roderic\ March nth N>M. •pssIa1 Mottoes. T G. WARD, OONVEYANUEk, tl . ta. and ostnmlrloner for takle.ag and re ..ruing reoo0isantw of ball. alnda, lee c singular". depoeltboms or solemn declare. s.& in or concerning any action. emit or pet,- ..nmiaddtog In tee High Court of Justice. the Ooan of Appeal for Ontario. or in any ('minty er reivu.is-hnDatonrt. traassetlos. earn ally P.O. aanOrt t; NEW CHOPPING MiLL. 1 am prepared to dna!' kinds of grain rhop pins no shortage aerie. *111 le toning at all Wore . 1 bar- tee latest and beet Improved a*chtnery for dispatch and rale -racy. Prime essnii.hle• No delay In getting your chop how with you. J0& KiDD. Oily 17 Bre mis-et Motel USION HOTEL, GODEKICB - Tbe well -know. seuend .ed (•ratan' I 1 has been takes pomemion e7 by Weals as4 refitted i;,. cies,' rw7ea ..kl sgt MN of the neatest sad quietest we la be W1.de. Sloe h.nattoa. Envenom* staidhers Slates m.derare, SA ULT' S EROIiers... ataf THE HURON HOTEL, - THiS wail-ku.w. •.d peso Ione Mem rellltts.d. seemed sadimprovedrowdy ofd is new second toas 'e Is quMltyof �d ver the travail�^llm. ties her De • THE SIGNAL : 6IUDERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEP/I'IIM BF R 15, 1892. seed Orman. __________ SEED W SKATfI - BARU' RW aareme •ad Amsrtad Brown. 9..45- .0 tad Moet ovumwise& grows ,m the eandamsWorthy t et ltl the eeedemem us. ( /pM/RM ArtielM. 50,000 R pRRtII AP P L 18 WANTED. U. CANTELO'4 of (*Mallen. wasw l4. barrels Fell and W1a.r apples tear which mks twatmarketprim will be p• 4. Hold year nI(TEL le. Correa •1d save saw. L • Aitisies1� Bab I IMI FOR SALL-GOOD FRESH J (1.. hop[_ 0545' 1b as toad at the ra11. Reserve lime 5Ym All orderojar dui v w W be p omptly attended to. s. 8 k. ma Oit BALE -TWO 11 IN. CAST u•Id ta. beta, or w•m Uer.d as new. Apply at Noreh•se, t14tf. reelMy.- le Is. few, be bored to At larger WW be add 1• Tan Seeemisiwai Ooder.5. prepa.'b Far Sib or Far Rust 10ARM FOR 8ALR.-THAT VALU able farm km era as west bait of Mt No. 1 is the '.th con. township of Ashf.ld, W. U.. cow &Leis 30 amen .111 he sod by suet los at Martin's Hotel on Saturday. Sept, lath. at 12 o'clock aeon, elle 4. • good fam with about au seres clearedbus a good intim/A. is well (untied. •a1 tomtit/art about seven mile. from pLL..�ructtk{enow, • good market torr Fee thither HOLISM OO4II Cb CAMICRON, H1((l77T t FARM FOR HALE.- -THAT VALC- t.keable Range. A.beeld, ow. rp north se pee (',oi(acrres. et meow occupied by C. Stewed.. well reared. It L situated about • mile from oil lege of Kneel. Wm to church and Wool.There • neat dwelling, and a goodlarge barn on the pnmaw l ; also • roust001cbard and a running stream o. to lot. Land good. Terms 11300 trekt and Wane. in ten man bearing Caws per cent. For further pa tleulus apply to 8. 8WA\E. Ooderiwk, 11.76 FOR SALE. N. ! LOT 31, 2ND QON- oewlom Nast Wawanoak. 4* acme. This is • drat class farm. Also taws let 47d. Dede- rick. alio lot 21111. Dederick' tows. on whleb there la • good break cottage. Apply to PHILIP HOLT. LLtf. L1OR BALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT commodious building ea Kiamet„ Brun eels, .t prosiest oocupled as a paiseshop by Was. With t', is on sale. Terms easy. to F. S. SCOTT. Memel. P. O. Dentletry. ,(sNICHOLSON, L.D.B.-DENTAL rooms cppodte the new Pont OMoo. \\-,stat., (;oderice. Wiely Ii". E. RICHARDSON, L D. ti„ cayenne dentist. Das and vitalised air ►d011btered ter minket extracting of teeth. Mtastion wives to the pteeervat1oa :eettli natural teeth. Osice--Up stabs. od Hour Block. Writhes ea Wen- dt. Goierick. ESI -11 Med$sst. �IRrL WHITELY A HUNTER. lLJ O81e' -Grand Open House. Goderr,b, 96 u TA Rik SHANNON & SHANNON, Physicians, l00Jc, &1 D . ch&c. mason's 'endow, war the asci Goderick. O. C. Sassetes, J. R. S.AN 50x, 1751 LeeliaL N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- tor in M*rftlwe Courts of 7a.rlo mt Oce-8South Colborne hotea, 1613 O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 111. eolIcltor, eommi.moner, Le. Lc.n.. collections and real estate transactions. care- fully attended to UNus-Cor. Hamilton aid St. Andrew's -et. Godericb, Ont. 11M6 -1y) J()tJN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. Conveyancer. &C.; Mouey to lead. Olke over Poet -!)tine, Ooder(ob. 63 if 141 CAMPION, BARRISTER, /. Solicitor, Notary Public, e t e. Omax-Over Jordan'. Drug Store, the ramie formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. rats 1�. C.ce, HAYSof W , SOLICITOR, etc. h 1 GA1cotter Square eer .eel. Ouderich, over telegraph otand foe. Pre rat. Bunds to lend at 6 Der 00111. 2' e - ('*ARROW A PROCI)FOOT, EAR. Vf rider*,Attorneys. Sdt ic(ters, c., O.de rtob. J. arrow, 0.C.. W. Pro.dtoot. CAMERON, HOLT A HOLMES, Barristers. Solicitors la Chancery, to Goderieh. k1. C. Cameros, (W.; P. rot ; Dudley Holmes. --Lola= ana imsurshneo. LI J. T. NAFTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND • t Laevo.., sweat ; at lowest arerlok -Car. Norch.m. and Square_ God- .' - MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE &moat of pirate and *tear hone at lowest rates ue productive town and rum property. Special terms of repayment to met the borrower. -No commission, J}stl or write. M. O. JOHN:iroN, Uudrrloh. 23 01st( 600,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO CAMERON 1101,r ft HOLMES. (snide. rick, BTM MONEY TO LEND. -A LA R GI [mount of Petrels reads for lave.tawt et lowed retro on 41nb-*Iiia Mortgage.. Apply so *ARROW & PRO1 DFOOT. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Forma oInter- est. six per Dent., meet, annually. As) 1 - tion of the principal may be paid at any t me the borrower wishes. A11 expellees paid the County. No perms except the Countyy Auditorsallowed tore mortgages or to know . whom .honey is loosed_ A poly to R M. Hf'LMBB. Ooder:ob. Agus. lith, 1001 Co. Treasurer. 37 t RRADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN- . emaeos. Read Estate end Money Loaning Agent Only fnl.dar comps.!.. .'presented. Money to Ir.d on weigh loan., at the lowest rate of Interest� gwoo aa. n sae way ..all tea eorro.er. Om.. Rep. middoerreit fro. w. Street, . Square. Wan Set, God 2116.1 ROM'tiM. 1ANADfAN ORDER OF HOME third Ma y of eaGadget* ecircle.sn a hall over 114. dvotl•L edict.. la echo I.ducemente la Maumee. and .ick benefits. D. ('ALRIrK, Leder; R. J. ACHIIiON, Treasurer; S. a) MICHARIItN. tleeretare Il-lyr H IRE'S . • R4' . Btum A line 5.111., makes 5 gallons of Rest Baer, • delicious Hammer drink. MARQ1'ANDTI FRECKLE (.01101/. ase. EEA SALT pus to Doh. Ms Bax. BATH ASD NUOOT SPONGE& H[LtOTROPE TOILET MMOAP, Ise Aram enema et empty Mattes et Meta W Lson'r Filmarrnis hat Blaen Natio* to Op'editoi - -=--s-- - �.-�--� N TIO$ To OREDITORB. b t`4 `t��w ■r�/ � Aftfia of ft r .�t�, JL��i� -� . 4 f4s wawt� ri 111tireef %V: here!.=... Med 1 be item. iso sed the tam elupset its, a G.. NIL lW ewes sad edema la tram lar tae a •11 hi. onnitt'r.. e - A mneu.g of the eredtton of the said ratale is hereby unarmed and will be held 55 the law do 1 0ibbesek MoNali t Makers. Le.- the tate daoe September. A- L. lam ate &!o'clock in the a1teraoon, ter to spootatemat of twosomes sad the Orbit elsaid d ieo��tntassttw with est/[ wos to tae &speed WI All meditate of the said .nasio are hereby re gutted to els their chums with my S.ildtors. Ulbbona, McN.b t Mulkey&, London, .e dir- ected by tee said naatutel on or before the day of suck meeting. After Ootuber 31st seas I that/ Drown to dldribau the saidhavsest51ahaestsesll,, uch claims ae 5*sssnnotir�rl ad notice M. s1oiliall not be reposed&. for the asset. of the said estate at any part thereof. u1 aur person or pewee oboes edam or claims Well not have hese died. Dated the bib dal of September, A. D. Ilii GIBBONS• McNAB* MULES/AN. Welter* fur Inman Loudon A >k PHILIP PQ4OCK, -- ---- --- - ------tree*.., N°TICE TO CREDITORS. lie the m.t:sr W the rafal, of Dear! Cordes, deceased. Notice is hereby- Kit en punnet to evened statutes of Ontario lrM7, oboe. 110, sec, at, that all creditor,. tad other parson„ essiag claim .....net th. estate of Daniel t.ordos, late of the town of Gaderich, 10 the county of Huron. cabl.tniaker. wl:o deed on or about the dnta da) of tebroary• A. D. 1t2, are on or before the third day of October MK requited to seed by post prepaid 04' deliver to Albert 11. Poi, ley. Guderieb pm.' cele,, adml'u.trator of the estate of the soul t►anici Gordon or to the un- der.tgued auctions. 5 statement le welting costatufllr thole looses, addressee. dower tion. and lull particulars of their alarms, ..d the wee of the securities ((*174 hold by them. and the said administrator will proceed to distribute the atxcte of the estd door&.r4 •ino05 the sanies entitled thereto, he rlpg r - hard only to the alarms or which be neat! 11av e were, and that he will not be bade !er the awe so distributed. or atm part tharew( RATpure.,n or rwreoas of whose debts or We shall shall Dor then have melee. Dated at Uoderich Wank ltk dal of Sept. ISM. OARROW t PRO( UFl►OT, Of the Town of (ioderioh, Solicitors Mr the .aid Admintetr.:tor. 1(47 Administrator's Notion. ADMINIBTLITOR'B (NOTICE TO mit CRSDIT0R8. iw lir neatterof the estate of W4lhdam Leddy. tate of the t int.. .fp of West Waloamwh. in the county of Hama. yeoman deceased. Pursuant to tt a revi.•e.l statute. of Ontario. chapter 110, notice Is hereby Irveepp that all per • 5044. Merle( claim, upon or alatist the erste cf WiliSam l.eddy,lateof the township of West Waamiable to the county of Hurter, yeoman. AAprioor of l. Int are on or before 15, (.1 day f October, ISy2, to send by post prepaid, or de- livered to the undersigned, solicitor foe K. Corrigan. admitttstmtriit of to said estate. a statement to writing sit their Dames sad ad- dressee end the porticulars of their claims, and the nature of W securities of Amyl bels by them. ier after And .olid lu day of October, IB given- that -4 &dmuuse-immix proceed to distribute toe as- sets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto. baring regard malt to the data. of which She will then have Dodos, and that die said •dmmtetr•tnx will not be liable for Ume proceeds of the estate or any parr thereof .o distributed to ani person of whose hal no notice at thhe time of dire the said istribution ofix the said areae or soy part thereof. :bit H. MORRISON', Solicitor for Adminharatrtx. Dated at Luckuow this Beth day of August, 1938. TOWN OF GODERICH. TitZABCRER'S BALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. Psaorsere or ONT•kle, ! By virtu of a Towx or Umentice. . warrant under the bared of ch., Mayor of the Town of Ooderich *ad the seal of to said corporation. having date. Nth day to June. lift, 10 me directed. cononsandtug tete 40 le v7 upon the leads in the following let of arrears of taxes due thereon, that unlet the said taxes toleate• with ell owe are roomer paid. 1 shall proceed to sell the van lands by public auction. or as much thereof as may be *ancient for the payment of the taxes and corer thereon. at ten TOWN H tLL. to the TOWN OF OO4SR1CH. ea Friday. the 16th day of November. 1Mf, at the hoer of two o'clock. f The%uotriteo tete sprit pa(eded. te.[eat Rabies Nom 1a , 111 70 10 m 8. pt. 97S " 14 fa 44 3 a 13 44 W. lib " 14 Ill 216I1 71 11410 1 IMO .. 11 i 3 Ib M e 442 111 1211 en et of WUeon's Haney It& 1 75 B 35 10 HOReed's Survey14le tai 60 1 16 42 15 " 4.41 U A N 1 4ei 14 l Malt Rend 1 1.4 1 361 a. 70 16 I.1 / M 70 11 14 l *2>d 70 11114Cypronlittetel 1.4, 3 4111 i, IN Si 141 1 N1d MI! t W. L HORTON. 117 Llt Dederick. J. Is, lilt Town Treasurer. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN NT ria LU Or •T DR. B. RICHARDSOF'S levee I. PAULA**. OPERA NOUSE NOCK. WEST -STOUT. QODE (CIE, OXT, 11 Minds me unlimited entfefa.wlos, after a tbor'oegh tem, resulting In dm .nem metatrtaa. 11e .ppredatlnn of delightful and satonbh.d patron.. to outran that 1 bare the only and amino rlgtnt to use 1. (ialerlch, the latest wienllIk dlerovery, %Melt Is warranted serer . ere.te the We pals miring abs extrwUon of teeth •t 510017• of any Mad, la nearly extreme wed eery RUM pal. is the mese 1e. N TZ -N 110 NV' P0Rl.tq, L • lento •asstheue Abet never attests the the I1. (he st'.St. 1s hanaren ea water, aad knew' en earth to eremite the teeth nus imago•e to pain. P.t1asn ..ease M It is re atiVaiy 00.rvelws 1. Prerarv&/ew of tla sutural tont • ANatalN•r'trate wen and rumen, 4... �[F laala.Y' .terms are DR. 1L RICHARDSON. 1111841 nu, owlet . Oar flail fllock of Canadian >!a. t.otur.d Goods is bow eolnpplete, and oar Stock d imported Ooo�tle will be complete in • few days. Our custom ars can depend on oar prices always being the lowest We are in •pod Am) to meet any and all competition no (natter from what entree It comps, change of business, bankrupt stooks or otherwise. We have a few lines of Bummer (lads still unsold which we are of- fering about half price. These will go quickly. Call early. Thehest price pard for good Butter ander. JAWS/4 A. RAID.. Jeep alt risk. er ses& Tle/Wlas Card.. DRAM/ TRUNK RAILWAY: Tease arrive and depart at Hefter\ ea fel- lows kattl•M. Mail •red ......................LAO nen. Mead .......•• 1 p.m. Mixed ......_.. "«•••••:••'••U Ma.m. «......7,M Rat. -.5-. Yell•nlEfjii�j .. •.•-.•......... 7.I•.m. !fixed..........•:«:::::«.......teep.a.. E ospd NFT. BOARD AND LODGINGS. -FIRST. 1.)ores �orimeo od.tlfee • few boards.•. adioseentlemea, Would salt Mgt .wheel *rodents well. Bivuatioe bund!, beak from the Park Ho.:. on Wellington -et. Apply to Mite. A. He K1NZI4 sir at Tea Hlux*L office. 7alt. ( l.ortta`e Bal. MORTGAGE BALK VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Notice le hereby given that under sad by virtue of the powers of sale contained In ter tafn registered mortgagee, which w111 be pro. duped at the time of Wet, thole will be offered ter sale by public *action at Martin's botch la the town of Dederick, by John Knox, auctioneer. on Saturday, the 14th dal oi September, le92. at the hour of twelve *dock noon. the MI/wing property. namely: Lot 7711 in the town of Ooderich, la the county of Hutto, upon which b erected a two gory frame house 31rt3a with kltohea, also • atorehouae The south westerly half of lot 906 in the sabl town of Uoderich, on which 1s sewed three shops under 005 root 511010, two storks Mgt .teed above for living rooms, And lots 31. M and 36 la tie village cf Bride end Place in ,old county or Huron, on which is erected a If .tory bonne irritate •beet 74410 with Meshes, all which .Md build - Ins are la • fair mate of repair, 1'ie properties will be offered for We sub- ject to reeerred bids. and to the inchoate right to dower of the mortgagee, wife. Terms of We : 10 per Drat of purchase tmooey at time of sok. and the bel.uce withto two ween. thereafter. For further particulars and termi and ow - dittoes apyiy to M. 0. JOHNSTON. JOB.\ KNOX, Vendors' 8o11ettar. Ana Ood.rrch, Aug. 2l !tat 3>t 3 be - tweet, elb, o.ei., era" The worle Issitod-ep d •Wier. We " ti.dd hear knew. "moots"' MIA Owes a diAteoe Myna= M lie mulenr . Haman ram Karma. --Harry Date., the well-known ymtpmaw be. .bsyer ►•. pmr- abas.d • largo aamtbsr of hones elle eemsos, ad will shortly ship them to the lumber camp. of Mlahlsaa rad *hese.&. Te wreha s were priaalp•lly made in Heron sad Perth, .ad the •1101•!s are good mead horses sed mama, ranging tram 1.500 to 1,800 ItiaLelibt. About wveety et them are pow al to reds of the Asrialtnnl Park, and 'mks an eneeedist1y One dL- illa,- OSAMUa or Bt'.tetlm-deka Robertson the wail -known dry grade man W disposed of his ba4.ms t. C. Ora. Arem.roatg, of Luer dam, an enterprising .ad pua►i-ig business mea of that city, sad to *suer takes immediateon. We an in- formed that Mr. rA osstroo1 is • tbonrtsghh competent w sad owe. to 4:ederieh will • straight benisons record and • weed ex. perieneve His amnousee0ent appears ee1 the fifth pap Mr. Robertson, we moder- ated will h.ralfter reside in [Meas, N.Y. Ooou Ao'Lem An e*cnmge say.- -look over year paper before yon opine to town and do your burnous with men who adver- tises. ) ou will get better bargain@ and cheaper goods. The bumn@.s man who can't afford to let you know what he bae for sale is not well posted and will not, mor trent sell to you ea cheap as one who does. If he thighs the farmer never reads an advertise- ment, it i5 very likely he never roads oma Mangle and the tan who does not. wades s- not keep posted in the ries and fall et goods mid i. .Ew•ya behind the times. A Ft's UvTrtr.--During to past week a handsome rig rad •.pa1kiag teem hes bee, dotng this eratiom of to oorntry•, ad few et to looah bom.swivm but have base called upon by the driver of the awaveya1ce and hie saeo.Ltea The volatile a to Morel - Mg wagon of the Parker Dye Works, Tor- onto, and ws. in charge of G. N. Scott, who was not only taking orders for to firm, but was also mak"ig • gratuitous distribution of a poetical gem ee(Ued, " We Dye to Lira." The dye works of If. Parker t Co,, Teton. to, have made themselves • rants " fsmiii•r as • household word " in this ...tion. t:. T. R. Butt'4001tp. - Western Fair London. Slagle fares Sept. lbth to 28rd 51.90, .xc.r ion days Sept. 1915 and 21st U 81.45, . tickets goxl until Sept. 216th. look out for grand chomp excursion to Port o Huron, Detroit, Chicago. Cincinnap, Mil- waukee. and points Wert, . Friday sad Saturday Sept 30th and Oct. 1st Wait l: for st. Trains leave oderkb 7.06 a.m., 2.10 p.m., 4.05 p.m. if .leepin• car mime- neodntioa required, apply early. Get your tickets and N ieform0os from H. Arm- strong. town ticket agent 4 T. R., t:oderioh (at, tt:.k..s. telegrams avid express, to all pointe of the world ; agent Allan, Warn - MO, Anchor, Cunard. Atlantic steamers. w All corresponle.promptly &ateuded to A FORMICA I:.tulal.'Il MAN. -- Our Monthly, A Toronto journal devoted to life and accident insurance, un the front page of its August issue hada tine portrait of W. It Miller, • forgoes resident of I:oderich The portrait was accompanied by an i.• teresting biographical sketch of Mr. Miller. who, since leaving our town has s000seded in achieving • front phos amongst the live the -5, Murano. mem of lemae. He i5 now Vette' Manager of the Manufacture Life with headquarters at %Vinnlpag, and has been su«xaeful in placing it amongst the go vernaneut companies an that growing field. Mr. Miller is en enthusiast is hie 00(44.44, and shows his faith by his works to such an extent :hat he carries *20.000 on his own life. H'i many friends in this *ration hope he will long oxotlnu• to pay premiums upon tie straight life portion of hs ivuurauwe invwdmenL fl H1ia-gree(! a.ox-At 4.30 Wed nestlay af.rnoa,Sept. 7th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Milton-st., Stratford, 51W Mary Belle, daughter of Mr. Alex. Macpherson, was united in marriage to A. Milton Humber, M. i)., of West tie City, Mich. Rev M. L Leitch. pastor et Knot church, performed the ceremony. The bride wee attired in a pretty costume of cream silk. and was attended by Mies Ag- gie Humber, of 1Mderich, toper of to gnxxn The bridegroom, was suppor.d� by Mr. W. T. Eldridge, of West liay. City. Mr. and Mrs. Humber (eft on the evening train for Toronto and Montreal. On their return Dr. Humber will visit with bin hritle .t (:rand Rapids before 'vaunting his profes- sional duties in West Bay City. Dr. Hum- ber is a moo of our towns[ aa, Mr. C. A. Humber. Amongst the wedding gsuuest. wet Mrs. D. Smith sod daughter, Rare town; Mrs. Langdon nod daughter. Low dem ; Mr. A. C. Macpherson wife, Win- nipeg ; Mr. sod Mrs. Humber and .ante, of (;od•rich. The pre.eat. were .tutenyw, suitable and wetly, sad inoladed • well. Elle! starer from lbs pmts.ta of the groom. Dr. Humber and his amiable p•rteer have the otmgr$tulation@onf their nemero.1 friends is this section. Avernus ANUWCAA CaviC11 WO5IAfrm AN SUNDAY 84.500,. CoNvexrtoN. - Although to 8al arrangements for to chum workers ad Sunday school lea ration f the diocese of Hermes, to be held at Sinn ford on the 11th and 12th of October, are still incomplete, enough bne already ins. doe. to provide • program that is oertau be be both attractive and i.teresting. Among to contributors to to diso.eni.n of Ly work in its various aspects will b., we are given to adent•rei, Dr. L. H. David- son, Q.C., of Montreal, one of the eeeret- area of to provincial uynnd,ad me old sad eeth.siastis church worker The mimed of the Brotherhood of 8l Andrew will be represented by • gentle.lan of ability, who will particularly address hi.n.elf to to claims of the church on her young amen. A. H. Dynao.1 will dioses the duties of the icy Representative and how a does for dose not) perform them. The Rev. G. B. gage, pastor of 8t. ( Lowden West, wi11 red a paper entitle." The Church beef Her Young People," dealing .ep51nally with the *abject of pentane] ennociatio.s. On to Sunda echoed side ret to dwnventioe'a labors will, it is hoped, be an address by the Hoa H. H. Blake, (J C. The Rev. Al- fred !frown, B. A. will .peak os " The Sunday %.hoot ad to church," while the then. *f the Rev. J. C. Garrett, ort 8t. - Mark's, Nliecara, will be ' The Sunday Wheal h Matins to the Family and (larch." Th. Re v. a A. D. powdery, will supplement of Howie Ca-npenitos by �n wiitth R um - day Schonl Work." S .east intoresties feature of to prno .diage will he ea illus- trated widows en ' The Model Teacher,' by Jasper (!olden, of K iib, • veteran Rebirth Wool towhee of years' stead- the *1*. daimon.. es whisk will he led by Wows.sFt et Ar.meterd. Bever.l other well -knows workers in to dioser have premised . to dieemmiese a tbs lupi. Mau.sed. The Dike of Hr- Notfos to CotnthetoN. NOTICE TO OONTRIOTORB. Sealed tellers will be received at fhb le- oartae5t until noon of Thursday, the Tweedy. M1.th Nay d e .seer natant. for all wont. in cossecti00 with New Anyhow at Mork - rile, and to =merit and Ca. Fitter's for VVaetilative bute of the Chamber Forlttaand anneNetranoe and awldiam Smiled tenders will also be received at this Department Until n000 of Thursday. the Twenty-second aiv of September instant. for ill Mate and Marble Tile "ort of esti ora. etc- of flew rarna .est 5Nldl.gs t (2) Alegre $beltttag, r.rnlyt.g.- et.., of Main Libre -y in .%ew rarI40.. am/N• lam t 131 Cottage al Wades Asylum t 111 Lerk..p as nrdb.ry t obi Lsrk..p •• Mew* River, and di Addition a Lerk-ep at Nr.ee- bridge, Pens, eta, ma be awn at Cowell ('nm- BroekvIBe, oR London Asylum, at Sud - 1 os . opt5t wrbrldge .tad Icor French River Parry Send. and .Iso at this D. pertinent; and printed 5yeclticaeton and the sppeeccsl form of tenders ae to the works can be obtalnerl at Diem p4. Toners aro to n5 a.dreseed t, the oader- •imUK and enclosed la the form and manner net tone In the mem& 'pecificatfous la that behalf. All blank* In the special form of tender are to be properly ailed ep; sad tenders most, Si to forms. sureties tad otherwise, oomply with the terms eel forth In the epecl8catemst„ An eque. mumble to the melee o(15. undeT•11rnhank �ed for 14*. &moan men- tioned in the specido•tlos• of the special work tendered for, most. subject to and upon the conditions mentioned In the specifications. ac- company each tender. Parties tendering for more than one of to sail works. MUM. as to eons of the worker, remit • separate cheque for the •mount Meat Maid in tke spent& epeclfles- tion. renting to each such work. Severity for the retaliation% of say peetraet mitered Into b to begiven as stipulated la the specifications: but tb. Deportment will net se boned to accept the lowed or any tender. C. F. FitASElt, soMr�m.et or P.Nb Werke for UOtory Tmwtw Ah Mpis , 11* Mit TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of cheeses mast be left at this Office not later than Saturday MOIL Tbe Copy for changers must M, left not later than Mon- day nam. Casual Advertisements accepted) up to noon Wednesday of each week. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. A dera as.wy ss. Makin' welea, w.' faith hlfl prat ae. FINS TAMORiNO. - Pair and Wittier rb•t. Is gnat variety at the Chleam Hees. Wstat You ase hare • bhr chores amid rely on geed Nyle aid dt u very moderate ca., B. Miert :orman, Mgr. There's • deelded *bill 1. the Mr, .ed the wise man +I11 sow think about ordarl.w Wistar mit. Tb. bent geode the (he bed ti. Sad the best wort 1n the emetics ass be got at 1. .1 1 tdham'e. New Ie the t1.* se get the Infest wrestle le eboncgmOhl *ad at 711oen . ail. C.0 at K kk.. ttaallb.w. ".d.. foe. Mw1r.M« ad NUM) sad you OSA w W law Ownetawwt of dries m tae wintry Coun.'no,. --IR • published rteNmsak by R h WQIi•ea0 Meal '$airy d the Neat et Ce..eree, ham week, $ prime's Nus a11Aai. hri. ally t 'elle laee ..5tai..d et n b or THE WEEKLY MARKET Sow ..�....: rein.. 2.4444, tea ........................... ." horned °PEW Z�i� .......'ab tworewer��j�jjj` �Mbv w.sas.ta .. ........ `, Nle v 11111 1.11 .. • 116.11116114 AC. • rad IS a wool •Mb. ee M b awed Pelts. _ sees.. - ............ Mbm le.mWal Mis Eseet learesea e 12. - Then were .bout 450 beat butcher's rattle, 6e calves and hop net orators °Eerett at the Seat Foal Ahatiou day. Trade was slow aid prices eat„ materiel *nage sine bet Theron!, err, ing for prime castle, which were tet: •tarty, sad Plea 01 the $drm..4 •t one quarter Mint per Ib. The best nam sold at about 41e per Ib., bat vet) I few brought over a a d pretty good could be got for &boat 340 per Ib, ()tad dry cows ..ed thrifty yoeug tattle odd from 2154 to 3 and many of the beasts, old uad y oung, could not M [bid much over 20 per lb. It u probable the, eouralter.hle number will eot be sold rod. Calm% were in good demand at prigs nn tog I .m $3 to 12 each Mutton aril are lather dull of ask, saceptinp the Iambs which are in good doomed r tra Oki sheep sell •t from 60 •ooh, and lambs at from $2 bolt Fat bops are not or plentiful as ley w last week and prios are improving o. t: its to tm.rly 64.. per 15. A tow flip.. stockers were bought hen today at ala Sic per Ib. to ship to Iirtt&i.. ow, who will pls0l le at the sittings of O*mvesi i.a, will preach at the service to held in Si. Jameschurch on the evening the 11th, and it has, we believe, bras 14 grated diet the w of lay help in eseee- kion with Ow services of ti. uharcb .. he exemplified by to ransta061 of two three laymen beteg invited a that ooe..t. The 1:. T. R. and ('. P. R. oamp•ni. he offered the usual reduced ret. -a fare eal third for the round trip. The Rev. 6. Demolish, ii A. of Stratford, n *areand eecretery of the local hospitality mate., .ed it in desirable [has theorist intending %indters should be neat 1. without delay. PERSONAL PARAGRAPH& 1114 4:. Struthers is visiting is Thoma.. Maes Reherteon is vesicles relent, Torwto. Mn. W.. Petra lg.n s •Leung is onto this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Petitions loft for res 011 tis edready. Misr Downie, of Simons, hers bees s ing Mrs. G. Black. Mies Kate Johnston left for Detroit week on to l'ity of Windsor. Charlie Yamamoto left per sty. City Windsor on Tuesday Mr Detroit. Mr. and Mrs..iohn Reid returned from their trip to Xingetor last week. Mrs. A. Stratton orad Miss Nellie Stein are the week visiting in Clinton. Mr. and Mm, McIntyre with tbglr George left on Mo.dity far Tomato. Mrs. S. McLean left for Torten. en Wed medley to visit relatives and friend, Miss Fti Aua.brook left oe Tonehr w attend to Ontario iod..' College at E' Mia Jeanie Hale r'.toru.d to Ilnatird on Tuesday attar • visit to her mess town. Mi. Raves sad Master Moa to bores left os. Monday lest on • to N Tw onto. Miele tuts froon Darer where she has bbeen look--toopthe istrt a millinery .tyles Mrs. Ross, with her doaghter, lira Hartley, of Wyoming, paid • weeks vier to her tetra, D. Roes Mrs. J. Breckenridge sad w taw re- turned from their visit to frla.d. n•ctscat and Chicago. Mr. and Mra J. W. Yeo and family who have been visiting trie& km this vkiitty, returned home to Toronto. Mrs. B. Rerkholder. of Port Hates, n turned borne on Saturday awe a week's ee it in town, the guest of Mr.. H. Hai. We are plemed to learn that Fred Raw, who hes wow Lid up with a bad hod for the lap three weeks, is programa hvor.bly toward. recovery. AIL. Seager, .o. of C. Seger, d tip tows, has bora preaching aooeptehly at N. Stephen's dari.g tae pet month. lit Sunday there wee • large 000grtngatao., rad quite • embed were pr....t from t.we LOOAL BREVITIES. Dr. M. I111andaoa, the Weed-st. dnW4, makes the pee.ervmtioe of the sision 1 trod • 'p'dslty. Ga..dinefst.red from 9 el. far to o.i.los. extraction of teeth. (.aa W. Thome. in coil apat f5r Doll Mo�'aa+, ;nowise, organs, navvies mashie, Mao! e, violins, 8. &ad said r *sadism. All of tie Lunt, ad st nrk bottom prise. Now iso ttime to 151 Vlsitors to the great Northwester' gr• Libitiom don't fail so gen and purchase em of those beautiful orgies ma.ufactard h the God.rieh Organ On Highly reale mended by the best nrabieian. in Canals ei mood to mom made o. the .cntesei f. W. Thomann will be pissed to take Tar order. We mama my as leo mash for A Po bar 4k Co., the well-known Over. et Tow to. As .o Lotter throe could be b...d for all our readers to look Brough their wa4 robe amid have ,hair Need er faded fr men.,t,a�,m c,erl laed .R to hoe like sow (Acs , at h Mimes i.t' millinery Am' The " MCI " gay. of Prhtr% Dye Want. Toronto : " No longer is it be ary p'' i away or sell fee • trilling enesert Hao pttN7 ware yes & wiles they one he abroad w dyed so me to pre,s-et` .W_ rrrd 5r apP6• as wow and lass decile tie time trey otherwise do. Th& hairs crw a ! from caber and her meet meet 4ysZmetalreputation ..id .re bee work they term mt.'.1 1t hes horst proved b tie m4lpfac$Mn husidred. that teeth w be roes ted b r' pieta= proem., ming a.tt1-serve - Deal he d•seived by bevies the a same treatment Te see is heeeseos algal' rr other ie very d uge dna uyes wean dr richMew t treatmentyea can M m R LieherofMs. Opera