HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-15, Page 7TKE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1892. t JOHN T. ACHESON + + + + + + + t dem to call the attention of our Costomen to oar new Moak of Black and C9o!i Kid --G loves Imported direct from the makers. Every pair is guaranteed. t claim to have the best $1.00 Kid Glove ever shown in Ooderich. + + + + + + + STOCK IH ILL DEPIRTIEITS 10! 00IPLBT1. ISPECTION INVITED. JNO. T. ACHESON. -, ' VERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES :ST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. 'ELEG-R�iPH 1=7-.0=E51—= PARLOR !ONTO BRANCH -89 Front-st West. MONTREAL BaiNCH-318 St. James -et MAMMOTH W oaxs--Hull, Canada a b 12. ei • 0 g 3Ca Vc z J 0 2 14 ♦ venom aeasea rasa.+ leather still bloom bravely on the G.11- iy Hills, but thirsty shepherds recall tinily the days whoa it wee tae to *thing of more potent value then hooey. e ancient i'ictish secret of brewing cher ale is lest, and the tomer of losing s recorded in • local levied. The Picts I.alloway, it is said, were herd pressed their ancient foes,the Soots of Dahi.ds. 'P by step they retreated before superior mbars, till at last, there remained alive t three braves father and two seas. eY were the last of the family to whom, t ie among the Picts, was keowe the prior a tenet of hrevrines heather cls. Swim - the narrow sari fortified utak of kid rnenecte the Mall of Galloway, the ' therntr..s% point of Scotland with the iinland, they made fearful havoc woos' ar amolaata. T'he 8eottlek seem..der. 'crying of Nosing his bees warners welt+M, called • parley sed allured .,ter to the Pictish cafe[ wad bin mews, *Indium that they would neon their "'dhan secret. rI seeing► year air,' nd the talker t ' kat nese oft y wee most P einem to an betrayal. There/era be- n i speak east m sows into o sea. It ts dews as he deiced Itwed then the Sects web read the old erre, wiwg M her. Medmms recipe. But ha,ki isg bele ,le4 rummies to • p&_..4 -- . everh.1i es �+W, 'New 1 hn.w than see 's' eh„ nae honey .sr least r rinds a Mr* hie W date the diem e palready pinied. k is very imprsaet that M shb lige d vas* syrunen p a ad w•remedyd Mere Oman sad ioaM►y i• le be ss L Peseseneg them e=b-. Syrup of lira se me west eon sins d nolle kerma A OKGANTIO WILD MAN- . wane ■W Nem Meer Tem Were Qaillto•ae se bleated et the ante monk of the lastben river. end is wee e. the . girth Masa which seems dews hem lake Erma. end Moat ninny sidles weer of the pert that we got isle the line emenery. We were the. 1. the ember, of a dad . seed Wens. who .steed to supply es with pre- visions for eiibtss mate' worth .1 powder • dye. This wee • pretty fair Agars lee forty- two teem, bet the i.tarior of Africa is • sheap piece to eve i.. W• had so sooner re•ebed the hrush" groauds thea Week's h ien told es • queer story. Tiny bad mss .sat down my captives Ear a Meg thee, •.d the reason of it was that a smug ed asksswe missal bad iat.mtl Bred with thea They bad captured two lice., hyenas. deer sad as ooa.swa•' rlimmaros or buffalo.. Men were detailed to watch during the day sad Irigktes back the ani mals. The lien seldom moves aboat by day, and oar object was to keep the pita for Wt up to sundown. We had killed • kid jest at meadows mad ttrithe body .ver ike oovrug of the pit, e sees reveled .ear by until they hseed a Indes roar about half a mile away, and it wase doubtless that fellow wbo got tato trouble. The pit, wee may half • mile from oar ramp, and half u boor after the sees ones in we kaiser by the roan of the Ids that he was • captive. Wh.a daylight came sad we wast to the pit we made • dimovery which was far hem pleasant. We bad captured • mmgnidssst male lion. but he was dead. The troche of the straw stems, were to be mew all .roved the pit, ..d lying ea the pelted were two el bis weapons. Thee wino pol.@ eb.at es large as • mens Rd ad eighusa or sweaty feet long. The and had been sharpeoed and them harassed by tiro, and the creature bad snood above 1M pit .d prodded the hon till he killed hie A gonlla can beadle • clab, bet I wee sasird%d tb.t .o me bas . one essSd maks ass of sock . pole.1a�d.d, the feet d the pole's Warr ar birdman by tiro was proof sufficient that • mu was engaged in the work. After boidi g u maned with three or four d my bet M we stared out in parties of tea to frust doers the wild clan. Bach of my mss bad • sheep English musket and knew bow tow it, ad the sass, was 18 fin at the maw at eight. To brace up the mange of the ..tives 1 offered • reward of 910 to whoever should fin the lucky abet. The fear parties took different directions. Tie me 1 beaded went to the north, where there was • Loo stretch of dews impregn- able thicket. with various paths traversing it in different direction We Md turned back, aad the haat mea bad just fallen into 1i.. whoa I bear • shot sad a cry of alarm. The three natives men behind ate dodged soder my one ad made off down she path, while the others were .o egret that is took me three or fear minutes to ._cervie what had happened. Tice wild man bad been mama led behind • big tree sear tee path. He leaped oat, .d struck the last maw • blow with his dub, which killed him ea the spot, sad be was swinging his wee pow to hit the screed sena when the third man find at him. The wild seas was sot twenty fest away. bat be was bit, ad i. • .cooed or two was oat of Qp'QT. A R. ROFITgBLE THREE P's IN ONE POD. THE PRICES ARE POPULAR I THE GOODS ARE PLEASING 1 TRADING WITH ME IS PROFITABLE A Vemetemneaa lett fnervaeat. Mr. Blank ea eminent and wealthy R..g- li.b coal dealer, called one ol hia oldest drivers into the office the other naming sd tendered him quite • lame sum of 112°1111•17ime is this for V' asked the ••tonishd driver, "Merely • token of appreciation for ser. vice n.dered," replied Mr. Black kindly. "Bet, ir, you've always paid me enough.' "There is more them that in it, .lobe," mistimed the dealer. "I really owe you the money. don't mde sed." "Let mm ell you," mid Mr. Black—and Ire dropped his voice to • whimper. 'You have boss with tee for 90 years, working J00 days every year, ..d avenging three loads • day t that isakes 18,00D loads,— You weigh about 160 pound•, John, amid we have acre, failed to weigh you in with eves load of our superior oo•l : That makes 2,700,000 peed•, or, say 1,900 toe That .t 90.. per tet. Joan repre.smta 1190, or 10 pr stmt, whir& we think i• ours by right. er We ars bene* n. Jahn ss. we don't d.. ire to debase any eau out of what la ►b." teeny in bowed is bumble rabeimica, and is now anxiously welting for the .est divid- ead. ALECK SAUNDERS, STREET Has all kinds of Novelties for the Kitchen, And will procure New Things as fast as they appear. GRANITE 1 IRONWARE CLEAN, HEALTHFUL, DURABLE. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK TO HAND IN SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PANS, PRESERVING KETTLES, Etc. THE NEW WHITE -WARE ▪ t. hew mew had seen him sod all agreed that he was a native but the biggest mac they had ever sees. He w.. perfectly sat- ed and armed only with a club. We picked the dead man up and bore him to the camp, and as the other parties came on and heard the story their courage took night They would help me to capture lions, but they wanted Do more of ern bunt. When 1 let it be known that 1 was going out in the after.00s to look for the Terror_ the whole crowd indulged in lamentations and predictions of disaster. There was a single exception. He was • young man of twenty and the bravest of the lot. We left the oamp &bout 2 o'clock in the afternooe.heading to the East. Just beyond where we captured the bon three paths crossed eaoh other. W. took one running to the Northeast,which traversal mon open ground than t)ie others. On this path we had three pita about a mile apart. A. I did not know their loca- tion the young man took the lead. I. uses we sees the wild man face to face he was to Sr. sed then drop to the earth and give mer • show. About three miles from camp and as the path amended a ridge my companion halted pointed, at a broad tree on the lett and whispered : "Master do you see that his hoose is there among the branches ! " I mold make out • plebeians of sticks sad breaches, and I now took the dveoes. My weapons were n rifle and • revolver. We crept cautiously forward until right leader the platform, and after • few seconds both of ss made out • black foot and leg haegi.g between the poles. The wild mem was .t home. but the nest thing was hew to deal with him. 1 had more fear of his point awry them 1 bad of his hurting us. 6ma( ly posted myself to the West, believing he would make for the thicket in that direc- Moe as soon as disturbed, ad at • igaal the young man fired at the nest. The report of his gun was followed by • moss uosertbly yell, and it was yet raging in my eon whoa 1 saw a dark objent ddrop- plae off the plsttorm to the earth. It was the wild man. The yo•ng mu stood where he had find, and before he meld realise what had happeoed the moaner was upon him. He ww picked up end Ming almost at ray feet, and as he landed he called to Handsome for the Table, Durable for Cooking, Chemically Pure. HAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE Is SELLING FAST ser: " I am not macb hurt, mater ! Be mere that you kill him, for be is a tenibiy *reap fellow The man didn't seek safety t. flight. Oa the contrary, he picked op a limb, broke d • part of it for • dab. and slowly advanced his lila teeth t� sad is d his hoe mpremiag . I had my rifts to my fees, •d I let him some within tea Met briars I find. He was Met butwns the eyes, • od he fell dank so dead that ler n eer moved • lager. Wbes we eases to esamime his we tot trikhesd. Him height was sena bet bythe atape lice, and he seemed to be .1I w eed A shower of tuts fel a* Mann Joy. Pa, r neatly. The royal tihada-d at Pini Y • Mask - smith's .pre.. A burled dip bre bee dissevered .ser Iroutes. Chia The p iiMat depth of the Admen vee. b 97,itk bat. Among the ashiwy .1 1. jell 21 per cat have w chiles. 1. Mstaweaeem lrtlish Csleehl• thea w finny 1.000 wad Mem WORLD'S FAIR NOTES. Nothing like it has ever bean sold in the town. I have it in all lines. THE ONLY PLUMBING SHOP IN THE TOWN. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING A. B. CORNELL 1 —2211 VrT�ERT A Tt'�'•R McLeaa's Block—On the Square—McLeaa's Block, STILL OONTINURS TJ CONDUCT I►UNERAL8 ATIRIS USUAL LOW PRICES. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to ggllve•him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ;NO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. To the Front so 'Usual. 8acraeoses, Oil.. will make .s the Wears lair •w ..►blot illmAratMg iter postal ..wigs Prem she dye of Nes to the present Mesa As efkr of 1190,000 ia sash hes hem made fat the melody* prlvibp of ening ptewh et the Weddle �Tsir. _ My wile end ami W deadruff end lets d it, s.wenpaeid by •heves* .etlhneal %sh- ine of the scalp. Asti-Deadrut . thdy rel!asd as free beth aemoyawams sail we think it the Mint prepeediem hese n to rims set Dadrat, twee tib bar ed het Si • ersd.g *lame Ovine •a mesterei .p- 1~ I. W. Kwowvrne, Ossidestor C. F. R. between Smarmed & Newport Vt. 9084 NOTWITHSTANDING the loud -toned aclvertise- menta to be seen in our local papers from time to time, dltd the now stock-phra.o : " I buy all goods for cash," all goods are supposed to be bought for cash, and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of goods. Those who are in a position to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my SPRING PURCHASES And will have full lines in ail departments a few days hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to none. I am not afraid of competition Strictly one pi ice. A_ �NRO_ Draper and Haberdasher. U N D ERTAKERS WHY Does GTO. BARRY, the Gotlerich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And how is it that he can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE J_ 331:11.0P1-13Erir At BON Hide sided to their preesst helms' one of B. J. Noah'. Latest Style Olty Heaths, sift the fined line of funeral furnishings in the county, .sed ars sew prepared to eoedoet funerals ru prioes reasonable. dspeeeneet will be strictly amended to by his eon William, whq in the shy .1 the late D. (Gordon for the past tan quark has a knowledge el the bndn.w, aid by prompt *Mention hope to share part d re public patronage. Hemeesber the plash—Weetet, on your way to the pest dim . (inert us a hail. J. BROPHEY & SON. He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re. turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a cull before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Patronise True Competition. To OO*sA pectstc Rtr.:11:1:04: prm111.. rete11sn a vies vhS rate and p It Ie ee.wdei oa i.slmts prlwslpl+ •.set lb patrons. serract re of may Mea wbe eilaillenteridatr ormr .calm Ormas wires to New rile t. laarwlne. lt/dt Leml Mmallith e.rm4k