HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-15, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODKRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1892. 5 THE ANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE HEAD OFFIO*, TORONTO. µ MAIM IPP) SIX MILLION DOLLAR e E. WALKER, UgIstRAL MANAoiiR. • s oro ooe. $1.000,000. GODERICH BRANCH. gfjENIRAL ear.NNa etla.Ngas TRANSACTED. FARNCRIT NOTI DianoutoTTf' Darn NOM PAVAN.' AT AL, rPOINT• IN CANADA. AND TIDEM PNCIIAL crriEu MI fl UINrto STATES, OieLer BNITAItt, FRANKS. e&RMUDA, ss. SAVIORS BANK OCPARTWIENT. pc,OSITS OF $I-00 AND Wooer • RECEIVED, AND CURRENT NATES OF INTI TEST sitOwfD. ,NTppT A••E• TO TNS /RINOIPAL AT THE END OF MAY AND Fe SLR IN EAOH YIAR. Speedo! Attention Owes to the OsUNotMo or Cewrw.retsr waster. gal Fnrm•rs' theles Nertss. COUNTY CURRENCY. &east& : F. K Setae has • cherry It.. silk blossoms a in his orchard. gyeNd.: The rate el taxation in Brussels *NM is 2 caste on the ddku. Sssfortb : Wm. Ballantyne, License la. h . been on the ,ick list for several Worth : 1). I). Wilms hes sent his two root thoroughbred balls to the Indus- trie peter ; -John Hooper boa recovered ksa his attack of paralysis and is able to M about- _ Solomon y e t Fetter: JohKageton on Tar&. where the teepurchaaaed • butchering btoisssa Hulka : Bert Grsy leaves next Monday yr ('o,ls Sam's domain, when be eaten woo the study of electric segiaesriag. Wroxeter : The apple busies= wetted ben u booming Our cooper, Mr. Thomson, ho orders for over 10,000 apple barrels. Tuckers/loth : The Cyrus Turner farm, str occupied by John Ru has baso sold to John Diehl, of Ste y, for ri,2oo. Exeter : The collections at both sorrier the Trivitt Memorial Church, on Inst ((,bbath, amoantd to nearly two hundred idlers. Fitter : While coining down stain the e ther morning Jas. Digaan tripped sod lalling; to the bottom, 'praised his arm severely. tt'mgham : Charles Smyth, d Hamilton, PI well knows here, having kept the Kx• change hotel, died sddanly in Hamilton oa Wednesday. Freer :—Thom•a Russel of the "River - ed,` farm has takes his herd of Shorthorns sal several thorn' bred hogs to the Ind.. - trial Exhibition, Torooto. Hallett . Mier Aggi. Riddle has in her poaoeenon • fuchsia plant which has 520 Lads and blos•ome at present; this is a very bares number for one plana wingham : H. ('lark, who hes been run- ning the W ingham pump works for a cumber of years. left on Wedseaday eiorn- mp• for St. Lous, where his son Harry re - ales. Tuckersmitb : The many friend's of Fletcher Turner, eon of K. Turner, Tucker - moll, will regret to learn of his death. The deceased had been living at Dubuque, lows, for some time, bat taking bleeding of R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. the bangs, be cams to his home in Tucker - smith, about two months ago, where be died ea Monday sight. (listen : The wife of Rev. Mr. Shilton bas goose to Toronto, taking their eon with her, who is going straight on to Belleville, to attend the deaf and dumb institute tuts.. Eater Jonathan Manning who has been clerking in J. P. Clarke's general store ben, leaves for British Columba an the 2Dtb of this month, where he hes secured • lucrative position. Ssaforth : Thomas. Ihckeoo, of this town, left on Wednesday for Uteb, taking with him • oar load of very superior thorough- bred sheep, which he will sell to the datives of that State. W iagham : Wm. Knapp, of this town, re applying to the U. .. Government for pss.lon, he having hese disabled in the war m 18151 so as to be suable to return to the ranks in 1864. (linter : Out of Dearly forty candidates who wrote for 3rd class at Clinton, only seven were .uoceefuL Three out of these seven were the children of clergymen. Whet about the old proverb Brussels : The ladies of the Missionary Amputee' of Knox church, have this week forwarded • box of clothing to Rey. Mr. McKay. of Round Lek*, Asea., N.W.T. It has been valued at $75. Clinton . On Monday evening, while Mrs. Wilson, Albert 8t., t.ortb, was reeling by a lamp it exploded, .b•tteriag the whole lamp to atoms, and, strange to my, no other damage was doss. Walton : Mr. Love has sold his 50 acre farm on the Grey side, near here, for $2,200 and has purchased the Engel feria, on tits 12th oos'emios of Grey, near Crasbrook, which contaimi 100 none. Ssdorth : Alexander Wilsoa, of the well- known firm of Lml.den ! Wilms, has again takes • position on the Haley teem, standing fifth on the list This will be the seveeth time IIIc. Wilma has bees a member of the team. Lucknow : Three valuable prism will be gives at Use Locknow Fall fair for bicycle contests. There will also be $110 in prism tor speeding in the ring, the four events being a free-for-all, gran trot, three year- old and two -year -cid races. Seefortk : A. ('.rdso apple buyer, .tats that all f.11 apples Should be picked by the 20th lana and winter apOes by the 10th of October. Also that all apples should be Ladies, we invite you to call and see our FIRST IMPORTATION of Fel Cogs and Heir Jactgls Our selection is choice, each garment warranted perfect fitting, beet workmanship, and of style the later` To introduce this new Department in our business, the prices of all Lamas' Jackirre we have placed exceptionally close and very much below what established mantle houses are asking. FRENCH DRESS GOODS ! We have in stock the largest and finest range of high-class materials for Costumes and Dresses ever before shown in Goderlch Latest trimmings in Fur, Silk Effects, Feather, Astrachan, Buttons and Shot Silks, to match all our goods. MANTLE CLOTHS—Larger stock than we have ever shown before. New Cravenette Cloths in Greys and Black, for Waterproof Cloaks. EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. ARMSTRONG & COMPANY, W. ACHESON & SON. 5 per cent. Discount on all Cash purchases allowed. having bought at a great sacrifice the Stock of JOHN ROBERTSON, will close the store until Saturday morn- ing to make preparations for a great re -opening on that day. We will add OVER FIFTY CASKS AND BALES of the NEWEST FALL GOODS in the market, and in order to introduce ourselves as favorably as possible, we will make the Biggest Slaughter in Prices ever known in Goderich. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. packed carefully in barrels lead placed under Dover to insure preservuon. Ssaforth : At the meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union on Wednesday ahernoes the following romantics was peeved : "That the members express their thanks to Mars. Ogilvie and Co. for their donation of 820 given by T. 0. Kemp in their beball. Clinton : A few days ago while Alex. Ewtng was riding with a friend behind a spirited team, the horses took fright et an umbrella being put up, and ran away, throwing Mr. Ewing out and breaking • coupled his nbs. His many friends will be anxious to bear of his speedy recovery.' 1 Exeter : - -TM Exeter lacrosse team, bad- ly handicapped by the absence of three of its bast players, went over to Mitchell to play the return match with the teem of that town. The score resulted 4 to 0 in favor of Mitchell The Exeter team report first-rate treatment 01 the hands of the 11 itchellites. Seafortb : Mrs Maggie Belt, of this p1•oe was presented by the R T. of T. on Monday .,soles with a plush toilet came, and on Wednesday evening the officers and teachers of SL Thomas' church Sunday S chool meet at Mr. T. 0. Kemp's residences and prompted her with a dressing an.., as . Sall toksus of their aaeetios. Mies Belt will reside in Detroit in future. Wroxeter : Anthony McDonald and Mr. Glom had the misfortune to fall from the scaffold of the .burcb twildnun1gg on Saturday morumg Iasi Mr. McDonald broke his leg just above the .akle and hurt his beck. Mr. Gauss was also badly hurt in the beck .ad otherwise badly shaken. It will be some time before eitMe one of them will 1e able to be around. Both the injured men were taken to their homes. Seeforth : The trustees of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute Board have iged Mr. Manns, at present d the K' ins High I School, as science master for the Seefortb Collegial. In titnte,to take the place of Mr. �who recently resigned. The salary is 0 per year and the new teacher is expect- ed to •mime his duties about the first of next month. Mr. Munn" is an h000r grad- uate of Toronto University ,is as experisoed teacher end Doanes very highly rooms - minded. Heiman : IL McLean, wbo for several yearn has bees engaged in the agri- cultural implement business in Hensel], has gone to the other aide, where he uemployed by a large manutacturingg stabli.hmemt ,n Syracuse, New York State, ea • special agent to tray.dt in the North and Western States, at salary of 81,600 • year and .x - proses. Mr. McLean's many old friends in this vicinity will unite with us in .ongratn- I.ting him on his trod fortune, and also in wishing him mucn prosperity to his new field of labor. Morrie : Leat Sunday evening Jamas Johnston, of Palmerston, died alter • some- what prolonged illness. About mix months ago he was operated upon, at Toronto, for the removal of • minor but the operatics did cot prove .uoowful mad be geadaally declined until his eyes clotted in death. The deosaesd was • resident of Brunel* at .ae time, and was a brother to George Jam - ton, of Morris township. He had been married twice and by the Beet wife bad five children. The funeral took ylaos on Mon - da,. Mr. Johnston was 56 years of nae. Tmckenmith : The Berm farm, on the 9th ooaoeesion of Teckeram th, says the Ex- positor, at prcasnt 000upid by 8. Heater, wee sold at auction by W. G. Duff, eae- tiomeer, at the Royal hotel in this town an Saturdaylast. The farm was purchased by Donald cLaughlin, of Hibbert, near Cro- marty, for the Sam of $6.660. 'Mk is cam of the best farms in T.ok.rwaith and Mr. McLaughlia is to be ooagratalated on hie purchase as be has got • pent b.reain. It costaias 150 aces o7 encs lsat lead and has on it a good brisk home, beak b.ra ..d other good ontbaildinp, and is in • plea - did neighborhood- A few years ago it would have bas considered very cheep at $8,000 and would, perhaps, have brought a • thoue•ad more. it M under lease to Mr. Hunter for fear years from stet April. which, so doubt, had a *dreg to keep down the pries somewhat, but even with this i.emmkr.eoe it is very sheap.md shows Wr that un values are net I i'oviaa. KINTAIL- iPte= Ser sera se*empsdenL n A borate Cowen has deposed of one d him bi Mier Amain Yard IVY waiting et M. Whitty's last week. Maohie..gent Thomas Brown,.f Mesa, was through the seetis last week on bud. ama 1). Madmen is busy bedding . beams fir D. Meekay. W. impost M her ef mine - shift whoa she balms is infshuL Jeha (irlfi, .ss el our .reds irks., mads some sales daring the wash to a Rip- ley de.br, brig Iwwty head d haMM.' tomb Si $711 ; ten had a expert wide at $flu pr 1 at SOB pir lira; �; the tanmag s .f $1,g L *WS Omer" .d 0. H.e*i.. 01 TsrsM.. the =pat rases. will trJae did w.seaeid the bard _seri we h_.ps that hs w$l .�ma1�y web the head that hs =Ill .o hent /ram .n th r asemer.•d••L Itagtbss easmi hMt+Rhsg .tee r wars was OEe prela.l.g. driver has ben brae& We want to gain your confidence. We want you to know that we can give you Goods at the smallest possible advance on cost of production. We want you to know that it is in your interest to trade with us. We want to quickly turn a big pile of Dry Goods into cash. With these ends in view, we will give you SUCH BARGAINS AS YOU NEVER SAW NOR HEARD OF. The knife will be put into EVERYTHING. Blankets, annals, Tweeds, Underclothing, Prints, Cottons, Dress Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, and everything in the store will be marked in plain figures at prices which must produce the desired results. iso rigs tritely. They ought to be more oareful ; what do you think, Joe Threshing is Ssding employtteot for many of the hunters now. T. S. Kennedy has gime to parchase his winter stock. Diss Mary and Ketie Ktechtel loft here Monday for Toronto. We wish them • good time. Mary will shortly return to ve- lead. A merry group of young people were Fathered at the house of Mr. Knechtel on Wednesday evening where • most enjoyable time was spent in dancing and other amuse - manta. As the beautiful old moon shone brightly they did not depart until an early hour, carrying with them light hearts and reports of • good time. Toronto to We purpose doing business on the real cash basis ---- Everything strictly cash. This rule is positive, and will be adhered to. You know that this means to you the sav- ing of the big profit necessary to the doing of business on the credit system. Don't neglect this opportunity to make dollars by saving them. M T 'D Y MiRNIN or as soon after as you can. ARMSTONG & CO., Seam ace to JOHN ROBERTSON. GOO. AUH=8ON'S Oii Mood. Fagged Out!! BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, $12,000,000. 6,000,000. A Saving Detartment has been opened in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at cuvrent rates. • GEO. DR UMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. BELFAST. From our own correspondent. Apple packing will start in • few days. Our new echoul house le nearing comple- tion. Most of the farmers eo this part finished sowing their fall wheat last week. Two of our young men, Stephen Mothers and Homo, Mullin, left last week Inc Matti - Lobe. We wish them success in the Wast. Mrs. Wyatt and two children, of Stsat- ford, •pant last weak visiting in this neigh- borhood. They left oo Monday to visit relatives i. Goderich. One of our respected young farmers, A Rutherford, took unto himself a wife last Tuesday. The fortunate young lady was Him Salkeld, of St. Helens, sister of Mrs. R. Miller, at whose residence the ceremony was performed. The happy oouple left for • trip Fist We wish them happiness and prosperity. THAT tired. worn - out tolling. of which so many women complain after a day's washing. 1s dome away . with by those wbo use that gnat Sarin • �\ SOOP • •• %deb maks the Dht drop out Without Hard Rubbing Without Boll ng Without Waalting; Powders Try the sae. elean and economical way—the ipit Sunlight wfueray of illaswhing,notb. and wdie appointed. OUNLIOHT SOAP having no equal for Parity. you may use it with comfort and delight Inc .very household purpose. • • • • • ttplmtm• PT. *URUOMT LMR SIMS. L.e.tee MAR mMaarsaAD Toao0TO DUNLOP. From oar own cer mep.ndes'. Him Maud Quaid enjoyed • pleasant visit to the circular town. Mr. Whitely is vesting in Goderich this week the gust if Mrs. R Carr. Mr. and Mts. Robt Quaid gave Port Albert • transient visit this week. 1N 42 Mixt-mi.—(N late years it has often been remarked that girls in rural sec - time have been spoilt in their walking powers sirs boggier and rod carte came into gees& use, and that the city or town maidens could out -walk them at any time. The other day ane of our fair maid- ens, her age only one score, walked out from the Organ Factory, Goderich, via th. Cambria road, to near the Dunlop post office in the time noted above, e • few minutes to talk to a Saltford damsrl. R. B. HOLLAND DUNGANNON JUST TO HAND t tt the route she did not take the short cut around the hill at (las. Morris,but came by the longer road used by teams. The dfs- canoe is three miles. Any city or shag. maid that can out -do thi/ tine we would like to hear from. BLVTH. /From oar owe correspondent. Miss Mcljuarrie is indisposed at pr. ant but is slowly recovering. A. J. Holloway,wife and cbild,uf Clinton' were visiting friends here last week. A large number from here took in the Caledonian games in Luckuow on the 14th. E. Watson shipped two car loads ut fire cattle from bore on Monday last for Mont- real We regret to learn that Mies Maggie Mc- Lean is indisposed at present Her many friends hope for her speedy reaovory. That bachelor on the Std con., Mores, who lately put up• fine house her evidently .. ins to the conclusion that •'11 ie not good ' for nun to be alone," and will take unto himself • life -partner for better or worse on Wednesday the 21st A young fellow from %Vinghem was driv- ing around oa Sunday last • little faster than the law "Sows, when he was collared by Chief Davis, who let him go after giving him some good advice A few hours in the "cooler" would do some of those gentry good - The "gypsy social,', under the auspices of the "Hopeful (:leaner" of St. Andrew's Church, was • grand satoes.. The prooeede amounted to $35.00. The ple•aants% feature of the entertainment were the two bonnie busies who stood at the gate to welcome venom. Morris : Mier Hagan has Eon.- to Saginaw, Mich., I. Mo(;arvey, to Lauder, Man., and Mrs. J. Nichol, to Port Moody, N.C. Another consignment of Engliah Tweed. and Worsteds, suitable for Ladies' Jackets and (lents' Suiting*, quality unsurpassed. ODD LINES and SUMMER GOODS Market down away below the regular prices to clear out and and make room for New Fall Stock. BETTER THAN EVER 1 have Sn.t returned from Toronto with • lam end well -assorted stock of the Latest Styles in Hats, Bonnets, Fancy Feathers and Ribbons AL O IMES' O11DEBCLOTHINU and CHILD11U1 PINAFORES. i BL TRR AND 1008 TA K*N IN TRADK. MISSES YATES. Boots and Shoes BARGA.INs For the residents of Huron in the sale of the L ATE .I AS. SAUNDERS' STOCK. In this Department 1 have a large and well -selected stock, di- rect from the best manufacturers, benne I can guarantee the brat possible value for the least mon- ey—quality considered. DINNER and TEA SETS in choice patterns and Al qual ity, Cheap. AI.o a lot of Travel len' Samples, and odd lines in Glassware, eta, which i have se- cured at a hatpin, and will nail away below their actual value. Full liner in Family Groceries. A fall supply of all kinds of Paints and Qils kept ooerl0.ntly oo hand. Patent Medicines a specialty. P. B. HOLLAND, GENERAL MERCHANT, DUNOANNON. BASKETS' FItOJI Jt. CP. KNIVES & FORKS 75c PER I)(1ZEN UP. SILVERWARE Napkin Rings, Fruit Dishes, Butter Coolers, Cake Baskets, etc., etc. JEWELERY Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, ler Rhtgn, Brooches', Neck Laces, etc., etc. CADDY & TOM We Buy for (hah and Ball for CNA. MoLBAN'B BLOOK.