HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-15, Page 44
Slit $ignal,
la rl.'alaran
aT s. meignamo MT.
Mot or Ibtrlt.4 { r t ieeehwr.ak
gess reruns ee«tek Nan s
Tune m"tota w advisees g a
Me U credit eased. ls eased, the Ivies per You
tt 1
will be __ 1 M
Adve.tlmYig rase
Lown mad 'mer assail Goons amasb, lis.
far see for Int Isssrtlea. melt r games peeling
ger each agbseouest lews. Ilas
• scala
=Us cards of slinos
z Its and ceder. 53 per
•••veneememte of Lost, round. etrayd
Mulattoes V.c. t. Situation. Wanted and
Bestow Chane. Wanted not exceeding
s re
Itnonpareil. 51 per meant.
Hou.ew on gale and Farm. on Oslo. sot to
exceed Sheen, tan stet tltonth, 9pc. we sus
seq•en1 mouth. Larger .dots. pi
In oporttos.
Amy special amity, the oq)eot of which le to
tw'mote the pecuniary helmet of say udl-
ev':elasWtu ee esmp ooy� s to .d
tit amilr nonpareil type one oast pa:
wawa, molten Istat then leo
the(eieetor Ma
Is rem"' tnn tw
�io.. for arch= and other lees
benevolent teettudess half rata
Cessi.eieltl ooSeeret Adverse....eate.
A limited somite of de advertise
swats will be Inserted at Melhnawlas rates
Per inch. one Insertion. to 40
four(nsertioa. ..sees,
" throe remiss
" d: mantic
1 00
No advertisement lers than two Inches Is
length will be entedsted en above bens. t
per cent. discount allowed for cash payr'ests
on three months' contract; 40 per oeot. e6i
months'. and IS per cent. on • year's, T1ese
conditions will be strictly enforced.
Anent "The signal" Deaver,.
Subscribes who fall to receive Tam inewAL
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confer a favor by acquainting es of the foot u
se early a date as possible.
Look s1 Tene label.
Your laser 1s a standing receipt of the data
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allowed re fail into arrear.
When a change of address ls desired, tots
the old and the new .ddreee should be given.
ReteetM manuscripts cannot be returned.
Corn'+ponnence must be writtenpn ow side
of paper ou1J.
rwou.her a settee.
J. 1•. Le Tomei. of Goderlch, hag been age
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town-
ship. of l)odrrich, Colborne. A.hdeld and W-
L o.Lw1 postmasters over the district are also
empowered to receive subscriptions to Toe
A11 communications must be addressed to
Telephone Cull N. Qodertch. Ont
OODRRICH. THVRe1HAT. aiPT.15.11111,
The subscriber is open to offers for
the purchase of the Newspaper and
Job Printing Office of
One of the best equipped offices and
best paying ciwntry ,'newspapers in
Western Ontario.
Satisfactory reasons for selling.
squeezed lemon.
NexT %%ERA PtuiMI.tu TO se A WEAK Or
surprise to the scandal. mongering frat-
pave the way to the Premiership for Sir
JOHN THoMPsoN, but it is a sharp curve for
some of them to take.
Tilt TIVI. Or Tilt AIINokMAI. l'rerKIN
and the mammoth squash is at hand, end
the prize lists will occupy a goodly space in
some of the country newspapers.
are having a pleasant controversy on the
question of Canada's future, in the oolumns
of our esteemed local comtemportry.
that .Jo i' L. SI'I.Li'AN's next battle will
be with King ALCOHOL- If that is the came
John L friends can look upon their man
e n likely to be knocked out to • dead
certainty. --- -
loyalist prem are attributing disloyal
motives to Prof. GoLDwl:t Morro. The
Professor has hu own views upon every
question, and it would be • peculiar mea
who would attempt to agree with him upon
every question, but his worst enemy dare
n ot .y that he ever accepted the " dirty
shilling " for advocating whet he did not
honestly believe.
THE !MATH or .JAms• Thaw, ax-M.P.,
of South Perth, renrovee one of the beet
known of Ontario'. politicians. Notwith-
standing that he had for years filled the
onerous and at times not pleasant position
of ohief whip of the Liberal perliament.ry
party, he was amongst the most pope sr of
men peteosmlly on either side of the House.
Many of the politicians in this section,
Grit aid Tory alike, give sympathetic .:-
premien. of regret over the death of the
well-known and universal y liked •' Jilt
Twat RerissrnNosavrLATet woe inverse
ewe the het that daring the Ant taro aasihe
of the prawn heal year the ('awwdiee
renames exceed' that of Last year. Welll,
let es A down to this leeks of the areek,aad
am where the erica reedpls ewes frees h
ween% fished cwt of the big inked lake, ;
slither was 10 der hem war mine, : nr
Ince from ter few' s ; nor get frees the
inereasen pries of psis. 011 se ;
iesply t
abstri,v>• the potpies'
W hem
at the enetuse how by the writ Amid
The Rmpit..hakes Hermit paw, eeetepberi-
wry, ever the stash
Some moots. age wham Tim Sat NAL bs/an
to diagrams the farms of (Almada, there were
not a few is this section who qusntiussd the
ant any, several went so far as to demount*
the act as trsa.omebie u the eztreme, and
the writer was held up to sown as a tracer
of the traitors, fit only for public .00rn amid
Shortly afterward EIIIIN Mynas, Q.C., el
Orange. iU.,aed l'oumty Attorney of Dt.B.rin,
in company with the editor of TiiSiuNAt
was invited to •ddren • public meeting at
the city of %gimletr. The ntsetlmis was duly
held,and.o su000mful was the onto..., se far
as giving an impetus to the matimest is
tarot of Continental Cities that Mr. /Areas
Wall requested to forward his resignation to
the Atty. -Gene rel'. Depernesst. Our readers
know the upshot of the matter. Mr. Mout',
cotaaoas of the het that he had contravened
no haw in advocating the betterment of the
condition of his shrive laid, declined to be •
party to the condemnation sought to be
placed upon bim, and refused to resin'.
After • delay of several weeks another
County Attorney was appointed for
The &aria' by the Government sgminet
Mr. Myws was arbitrary in the extreme.
He had transgressed no law of the land ;
he had been • faithful incumbent of the
Oboe ; his conduct had been open to the
light of day, and no word of his had been
successfully chaItewged. Nevertheless he
was treated as no crimes' has ever been
treated in Ontario; no investigation of hill
eaec vee made ; he was merely asked to resign
without adequate cause, and failing to re-
sign and by .o doing give countenasx to
the absurd contentions of his sot -miens, he
was superseded in office without even the
formality of • decennia.
Cauada is made up of a number of provin-
ces and in every province there is an Attor
nay -Generate Department- There is • head
of the department in every provinoe, Gnu it
is satisfactory to note that every head does
not take the same view of Mr. MAK...:'
action that was taken by the chief of the
Department of the Province of Ontario.
!Metter*, it is said differ, and fortunately
Attorney. -General •Iso vary in their opin
ions. Through the oourtesy of the publish
ere of the Lake Magasine, one of the latest
and hest monthly publications in Canada,
we are enabled to lay before our readers the
opinion of Hoa J. W. L '.uix*, Attorney -
General of Now Scotia, not only anal the
MTAns case, bet upon the whole subject in
controversy, regarding the Future of Can-
The article will well repay perusal. It is
the candid opinion of an honorable gentle-
man holding high office under the State,
and hears the impress of careful research and
deep thought upon • subject which should
be of the deepest interest to every loyal
Canadian. Hon. Mr. G...:I.E' is to be
congratulated upon the ability with which
he handles the subject, and The Lake
Magazine deserves Soccer for its enterprise
in getting • deliverance on so important •
subject from such an undoubted authority
as the Attorney -General of the moat in-
tensely British Province in Confederation.
TUE rage►Lt WAIT rat.
It has often been asked : Why do news-
papers publish the record of prize fghte in
their columns! And as often the answer
has been given : Because the readers want
to see all about it, and to get the fullest
"'Tis true 'tis pity; and pity -tut tis true,
but the average man and woman -and the
hulk- of the people on this continent is made
up of average men and women --have a mor-
bid mental craving for reading anything of
an exciting nattier, and what is more excit-
ing descriptive writing than the particulars
of • prize fight'
True, we all vote the exhibition a brutal
display, and sigh for the day when such •
public show shall be tabooed by respectable
people, and thus lose i1. hold upon the pub -
lie ; nevertheless we are .11 anxious to know
how many times the favorite " landed his
right " on his opponent's nose, or "took him
on the wind with • vicious jab with the
The daily newspaper that failed to give
the particulars of the hattle between ('oa.
HATT and Srtut. A.N last week would have
been looked upon as • back number, and
would have been quickly substituted by one
of i1. more " enterprising " contemporaries.
To illustrate the craving of the public for
sensationalism it is only necessary to state
that oo tVdneedey and Thursday of last
week the greet morning dailies of New York
L ed other large cities all hal an increased
demand for their current issues, and floe
journal printed over half • million copies on
each of the days mentioned.
We may preach and philosophise as well
and wisely as it is possible to do, but the
stubborn fact remains that this is an era of
een.atiorali.m, end the people as • clam
want to have their anxiety for ee'aalion
pandered to by the press.
London Advertiser: Under the new ar
rangement., it will he • eonpan0ively easy
thing for any of our young farmer. to mi-
tead the Agrsoiltural Colley. •l Gaelph.
and equip himself with the ads then pro-
vided for stoking scimitars a better pay.
ing burins No entrance examination is
sow required. ,id to residents of this pro-
viso, then is so charge for Wiliam. The
asly paym..i required by the college will
be one of LB foe incidental expenses : and
bevel in the neighborhood of the college or
Le the oily of Guelph will oast from 53 to
pia pr week. As cosily 1,0 rteden1. owe
he tsssivsl in thin coarse the first year,
sew .esdesu will be received in the order
of appnsatus. Pnnilset Mille is rehiring
.van the bright n.tleek of the college sew
presented It is rapidly paleisg
esmialeeee of farmers es Pro-
ashes*? we WantaaAts
Lame Res hem n A pas mss who
nein his vote at; ebotle. tan Y denaseool
as a •eseedtd, sed liable to
WO the wally teas who .Jn fie a tit✓
•' nih.nee le it p.YWJ pasty is erase is
preens a abMay he W minim, a cus-
pated, ora tori/ whin win •sa41.
hint to ;leader or charge •x -
prime kw nitrite goads. f.
of em s highly patient canna. This how
the rule d " ase law for all - operate. in
&1LUMT oe UIL AT Maio/A&
Sarnia Observer : L the psMnMsm tis,
in the opines of Cabinet Miaistees, se in-
defensible and tta resulting benefits se is-
sienleint, that they were usable to say •
weed is praise of the one or in oorgrstula-
tie over the other' This is the way is
which the fatal *ileum of the speakers will
he viewed by the general public, and the
on men, lasted of as they hoped boosting
their bu.inese and strengthening their posi-
tion as beoefloieries of the tariff, will here
beought irreparable injury on their cause,
•ad placed an argument in the bands of
their opponents that will be difficult toovee-
T112 1Aamms'e MASKS!
Toronto ((lobe ; The British market is
free to the world, and If the Canadian
farmer W gained noses to it with los
cattle, hie cheese and hls apples, it has been
by his own hard work. He hits been no fav-
orite of the Government. The N. 1'. has
done nothing for him except to increase the
cost of production and diminish the return
from his crops. He b.s been compelled to
compete in Great Britain with the farmers
of the world, and especially with those of
the United Stats, who pay lees for such
necessaries as .cal oil, aortas., iron and
steel, bindieg twine, etc, and who have
preferential treatment in • number of mar-
kets in both continents, as well as a home
market thirteen times as great as our own.
rosy raragr'aNs rvepaev'd fee leader. of
Tree nasal.
Y.om our owe correspondent
RATS. -NOM that the Fall exhibitions are
being held,the weather seems to have settled
down for • wet spell for some time at least.
ANAv Vierneo.-Mel Rogers, wife of
Rev. D. Rogers, pastor of Dungannon cir-
cuit, left here last week to visit relatives
north-east of here vu llelmore. We hope
. he will have an enjoyable visit and safe
Faou Uv.• t.. S.vc'x DOMAINS -On Fri-
day last Master 1). Whyard and his sister,
Miss Polly, returned home from an extend-
ol visit to relatives at Detroit and other
point& ThR1 report having enjoyed them -
seizes immensely.
U. A Vlortixu Tor a. -During the latter
part of last week H. Welker and T. Wig-
gins left here to visit relatives at (:orris and
other points. A pleasant vial anti safe re-
turn is the wish of their numerous !Hands
and acquaintances.
Toeuvro KiHiit.-Quito a number of our
prominent residents left here on Monday
yin (:oderich, en route for Toronto to take
in the sights, etc., at the Industrial Exhibi-
tion. We lush them a pleasant and profit-
able trip and safe return.
Weenies,. On Friday night we had •
beavy storm of thunder and lightning, be-
ing accompanied with rain and hail. The
ocoasiowl showers of rain with which we
are being favored for some time, are of incal-
culable benefit to root crops, pasture, etc.
(hiMOON. -We forgot to state in rear last,
that Mi.. Kva Mallough, daughter of J.
Mallougqh, hotelkeeper, left here with Miss
A. McMatb, to whom reference was made
in last week's inane on a visit to friends in
Detroit. We hope the young lady will have
• pleasant time and safe return to her
Fos Ton Wren -Mr. R. Clemdenning re-
turned home on Mooday last after having
visited relatives and friends at Winghmm,
Holmesville and other pointe. He report*
having had • good time during his visit'ng
tour. 1f any person a capable of enjoying
himself or herself on such oocseione, Mr. C.
can do it
Suirrgn. - Hugh Garvin, the popular
dealer in stock, sheep, etc., on Monday
last passed through our village with • large
drove of excellent iambs, ea route for the
market, via I.ucknow. We wish him sac
cess. He is a good buyer and is therefore
very popular among the farming commas
nye, etc.
CoN v ALL* •r.NT. --It will be pleasing to the
many friends anti •omerous acquaintance.
of S. Young, who has been recently laid up
for a few .lays owing to imdupasition, to
know that he is better and u ale to resume
his dune!' as formerly. Mr. Y. is the pope.
lar assistant of R. B. Holland, merchant,
successor to .J. M. Roberts.
Hoer. A.: vise - -Rev. R. Fairbairse and
family came home last week after about two
week& visiting relatives and friend,. He
reports crops In the localities in which he
has been visiting (viz. in the county of Grey)
good, but that harvest operations were not
as far advanced as in thio neighborhood.
On Sunday last the reverend gentleman re-
sumed his ministerial duos in his own pul-
Ker tateiAarri.•A1--- Rev. Mr. Newton, in-
cumbent at Hayfield, on last Sabbath, in
purstasoe of previous intimation, conducted
divine service in the Episcopalian church
here, on which °ce sion the holy communion
or sacrament of the Lord's supper was ad-
ministered. His admonitory and instruc-
tive disoourse was founded on the words as
contained in i'aul-. epistle to the Sphesiene,
4th chapter and 30th verse : Grieve not the
Holy Spirit, etc.
SeomswnoN.-Would it not be more in
keeping with the scrednem M the Sabbath
day, as also the religious exercises enraged
in, were some persons, when the
tion ug dismissed, to lave the church quiet-
ly and le good order, and not in such a man-
s as it they were geeing from • house as fire,
or were Wooed out of the church. We re-
gret to have to state that such rode behav-
ior on the part of some is carried on in sem
of the congregation..
INNrs.AN.-r MEm.o. On Tuesday the
6th in.t, the ~al monthly meeting of the
dirsetors of West Wawmnc.h Mutual Fire
Inear.na. Company was held. All the
members were proem, the venerable presi-
dent, C. Garvie, in the chair. After
the meal routine of bwaneen was transacte,l
fern claims were presented, two of which
were promptly settled. The remaining two
were laid over until sett m-etisg. Further
programs of the ocmpeny was repotted.
Vterroww. -Mrs. J. Nichol. of L.ek.ow,
..d recently of Dengas.on, dm kat
week f of Mr. amid diarist.
JenWalk ofth'ets, mind whilst Nen
.he took oeaain. to visit
relatives and for-
mer &a mo niuness is this village a.d
violin She left here Therstlay swan-
ks Wiest on t weak far emehiseh Phased with
her visit..... Mrs. Adair, of pWoih, mid
her sheer. Mrs. livery, d On Olt , aid
fermorly ofDengsse u me visiting
mod Ismer arwesisiseest. are miners
wan of homes hams �J T�tr11s el the
It le shoot iyewsyss rates A
Wes P. Bleak), left kers. She stows that
♦ (:toss iLY. --()r Wthilsosla IllissLowsiosisse as
A. Limiter. with W wits awl ithe , teles g'o
tarsus hoom .ksseh, the sight heklif
,.ry darkrn from
his a hid. ears is eMfrst wIlelb
snakier .envepamiee sa 145.tin EI the
Nis* Mile river. shied sat far fres
Demeamsea ih
Mr. L. his waod were
throws oat of no hgg es the bridge, had
they bass thrown ewer it they weld mot
have gimped being killed, but feetas0M07
we Imre that they were only slfgh r
jered. The party with whom they eollidod
drove oe and did ski leve the deosmoy w
reader assieloimi , es the night was so dark
tbey could sal be rseoga sed.
Soso Sssvica--Os Monday evestsg the
fon net , there wee held under the mise se
of the= Loae in ounneetioa with
theLoom.ohurok here, • very inteseet-
iug ,cid we trust a profitable sung surto, in
the Methodist church, on which utmasruu
addresses were given by the pastor, Revd.
D. Rosters, and R. tiendetioiug. The sub-
ject of the former's address was Cooper.
'Hymn of I'rovidenoe," and of the latter
"Jesus Lover of MySoul,"bother which were
highly appreciated by the awliesoa The
muetcss s.Lecttow rendered were in every
respect appropriate with the address.
Mess Anna Anderton and Bertha Pest -
land along with Mrs. D. Hackle sed Mn. 1.!.
Pentland rendered dnette with ped offset.
Id rt. Rogersentertai ted theaudiemieswith the
sok, T`he Sinner and the Song." whieh
she sang with great pathos. The MNimip
of this society are being so interesting tied
attractive that quite • number of new mem-
hers are being added to i1. ranks.
RKT4 a'mLD Home -11n Wednesday eve -
ung, the 7th inst. Dungannon's disciples of
Nimrod, .port.men and touru1., who some
time ago left hare on a pleasure trip to
Iron'. Head and vicinity,leturned, after bav-
ingspent about ten dayi aportasdenjoyment
in general. They report that the localities
in which they travelled are rough aid unat-
tractive with to recommend it lint
beautiful scenery, is sot moselessss
but varied_ Fish. deer, rocks, eta, are to
be seen in abundance. On the tray thither
they met with several of their aogsaintas-
cm, who formerly resided at and in the vic-
iutty of Dungannon. They are loud in their
praise of one, Mr. Paoey, who some
ears ago lived i. Nest 1Vawanosh and oleo
In I)nneannon, for his hospitality to them,
they having been entertained at his resi-
dence for • day or two. Mr. P. is summed.
ing well in his new location, which is about
nue mile South of Lion's Head, he having a
good farm, on which there ere good out-
buildings and residence. The farm is well
stocked, etc., and his crops were good but
not .o far advanced as here. Ae the close
season for shooting deer had not expired,
they in consequence had not tbe freedom to
engage in hunting in that line. However,
on the whole they report having had • good
gleam our own correspondeac.
Very showery weather.
" Annexation " u most assuredly an issue
in our village.
John Ruddy. who has been seriously in.
disposed for several weeks, is convalescing.
A '-ery heavy hailstorm pared over this
section on Friday evening but little damage
was done.
Mime Violet Wightman, of Clinton, has
been visiting friends m this vicinity for
some time past.
The harvest of 1892 is • thing of the past
and now farmers are busy threshing and
finishing fall wheat seeding.
Communion service were conducted on
Sunday in Calvin church. On Saturday a
preparatory service nese held, when six per.
sons joined the church. Rev. R. Y. Hart-
ley, of Rluevale, prea:hed an able sermon,
as he did also oo Sunday afternoon and
at the thanksgiving service Sunday even-
From our own correspondent.
Murdoch McKenzie. of (:alt, is visiting
friends in Lochalsh.
Robt. McAdams, of this berg, -has been
engaged by the McInnis thresher, for thug
seamen we believe.
Miss Maggie Angus, of Chatham, Ont, is
the guest of Mies Maggie .Jane Murray of
('oral Wreath ('entre.
We believe that Mrs. McKay, who was
visiting friends in this place,. has returned
to her home in Chatham, ( hit.
We understand that the month of August
cheese nate in the Paramount cheese and
Mittel factory mold for 101 cents per pound.
Mrs. John (:appall and family, who had
been visiting friends in Coral Wreath centre,
have returned to their home in Ray City,
Thou Matthie and John Hornell, of Luck•
now, pad their gist ers and brethren of Dew-
drop Lodge in Paramount a flying visit last
1 ridav evening.
DKvtorce.-1)mr vii seemed almost
forsaken last VV• y Sept. 14th.,
nearly all the people having goes to Luck -
now to take in the Caledonian games and to
see the strong man Cyr.
A NARRow K'e-APL-We are glad to mote
that Henry Pritchard, of Clever valley, who
was badly shaken up in • runaway scrape
in Ripley is recovering. We believe that
Mr. Pritchard had • very clone call.
Mrs. Hoke, nee Nis Jean Murray, of
('hicag°, formerly of Lucknnw, Ont., who
was visiting friends in Luoknow, Pr
mount, ('oral Wreath and Pine Riree was
returned to her home in Chicago moon'.
pealed by her mister, Mis Maggie Murray.
A Qreay. --The farmers of this anotias
have finished seeding. We believe that the
most of them have put in • much Larger
plot this year than they awl to in former
years. I wonder what were their reasons for
mo deka!! L it herons. the pries, are se
low the year, that they have to have •
crater amount of wheat to pat e' the
market to realize the sane .mount of dol-
lars they amid to get is yeah gone by !
Prom war owe norrspend ern
Mien Sass Foley Ira retuned to Uredos.
Mims Grimm, of Kt gsbndge, has been the
(neat Of Miss Charlotte Corey hr some
days kat weak.
Donald Fraser, of Wisdom.. gave ear berg
• transient peep es roots to ase relatives at
blopp•rdtoa lase week.
During this week Jobe Horton end kin
we Hillary will go to Tomato tows the ex`
biathlon ; alto Jas. Linklater.
Reim has costs at lest and is weloemed by
everybody, as it was mesh seeded, ..d caw
man or bes.1. woe't Md too dry ler • theta
A farewell soeW to J. D. Aedrsoe with
• will be held insight, wether
favermbls Tea will be served esker is the
epee air frost 6 to 7 P.M., end leer ais the Tempersoes hall will be
Fby to kraal ttal.mia that
to else e.
rdm d G.e-
irimb, eni F. Ma
Intim sear Lbtail. will assist
Tiekete te tea sed esterteiest.et iOsts.
Is the lotJ Fees of OedrY we reed
with phone* et Mr some paapmiteaami to
ear old (meed sad o nestle Is Lathers
years ass, R. K. Brow' who taught the
easel there Lw ewers' years. Severe* of
the senors he prepared for the sires.,
essen wheat here, b.ve man a geed reseed
with their mediae et the high sabwi, mad we
h.ps the scare .eons' will attend the
whaler et Mr. Wowu's ached who have
��ssessesmi�e1,ly� presented hum with a Lukes el we
iesmbrsmtti fur hr priaslaklag here i•
preparing thew to get through, whit* 'bows
that his teaching led Nen user the frost
among so uoeny wmpetltiesa
The gospel '!'«ap'rasse Sunda mosthyg
es Suo.1.y .re iii g last in the hall was ad
Mowed by H. L rkraog H.A-, of Goderioh
Collegiate Institute. who eve an able ad-
dress .att Temperance. lie said fi. teaohiage
should he tasgbt by parents to their
obiltlrea se is, ..f their mein studs in
early life. Pref. F B. Linfield an old mem
bar of the L. O. (1. T. No 213, was chairuw
He ease • few of his experiences in ooi-
section with hotels during hie tour with the
travelling dairy of the Agricultural College
of Guelph. Our neat meeting at 7 rem.
Sauday will he addr.a.el ley James Mao -
Math, of Gudericb. We hope to see asgood
• turnout a. at previous meetiip, whittle
silo* o 1 by their mttewlanus that le Let
i.ern people are skosgiy in favor d tem -
migk wheel Csere.ee taassWtea.
'IKLs*TIoN. roe, LIT.LTL'aa --1893.
Lme V. Pictures of Memory.
Isms X. Th. Barefoot Boy.
Losse. XIX. The Death of the Firings.
Immo. XXIV. Th. Face Against the P.m.
Loewe XXIV. From the Deserted Village.
Leases XXXV. %ingestion.
Lewes XL Rine Out, Wild Bells.
Low XLIL Lady Clare.
Lass LII. Janis. s Cs/Use.
Lemmas XCL Robert Barna
L..... XCIL Rdinbsrnb after Fioddea.
Lentos XCV1II. National Morality.
Leeson C. Shakespeare.
Lemon CII. The Merchant of Venice -
First Rending
Limon CIV. Th. Merchant of Venice --
Snood Reding
!ltUtl.TlliNs 0111 WKMORINATION. -- roURTR
1. The Belo of Shaidon, pp. 51.52.
2. To Mary in Heaven, pp. 97-98.
3. Ring Out, Wild Bella, pp. 121-122.
4. Lady Clare, pp. 198-130.
5. L..ad, Kindly Light, p. 145.
6. Before Sedan, p. 199.
7. The Three Fishers, p. 220.
8. The Forsaken Merman, pp 298-302
9. To • Skylark, pp. 317.320.
10. Klee. written in • county churchyard,
pp. 331-336.
Also see.eetioe 22, circular No 7, of new
" coon. Of .tidy " for public schools of
county of Horan.
rnMM pose.( ewvingsod leritlaary Stamm
sittse 1o4N run twin. TCKK. -1893.
Lemon III. The Trial Scene in the " Mer-
chant of Venice."
Leeson V. To Daffodils.
Lemma X X. The Bard.
Lesson XXIX. The Land o' the Leal.
Lesson XX XI. To • Highland Girl.
Lemon XX XIV. The Well of St. Kerne.
Lassen XXXVL (.o when Glary Wait,
Leeson XXXVIL I).ar Harp of My Coos
XX XVIII. Come, ye Disconsolate.
Leeson X id. The Cloud.
Leeson Xi EI. On first Looking into Chap -
man's Homer.
Lemon XL ill. (►n the t;rea.hopper and
the Cricket
Leeson XLVI. The Bridge of Sights
Lessen XLVII. A Parental (Me to my Son.
Lemon XLIX. Indian Summer.
Lesson L To Helen.
Leeson LI. Horatian
Leman LVIII. Foch .nd AU.
Lemon LX. The !hoer.
Lesson LXVII. The Hanging of the Casae.
Lemmas LXXIX. The Lord of Burleigh.
i....on LXXX. Break, Break, Break.
Lentos LX X X I. The " Revenge."
Lemon i.XX XiX. The Old Cradle.
Lemon XC. Rugby Cbape1.
ENI: LieII Pei.tt_ --I. English composition
the examiner will allow a choice of subjects,
some of which must be based on the follow
tog, with which the candidate is expecte,:
to familiarize himself by careful reading : -
1893. Sturm, The Talisman.
A rat.i0ed.
To tt a Editor of Ten SloNAL.
Sit;-VViU you please insert in your
widely circulated paper the following ex
planation in reply to • letter which ap-
peared in last week'. Stc*.u. over the
signature of Gee A. Feer, who in trying to
clear himself makes statementa which ere
false and grossly misleading.
Mr. Fear had many opportunities to in-
terview me about this affair during the last
two months, but failed to do no up to the
time that I had two teams and several men
shipping my goods. I then told him that
as Boom as 1 was through shipping I would
gine the matter my attention. Only once
did he approach me, be says twice, there-
fore this is lie No. 1.
The reason this matter was deferred until
&fterl was shipping was became any state-
ment he would make would not be contra -
dieted on amount of my absence.
If the advertsenemt which he complains
of, was inserted in the Toromtaipapers, Geo.
A. Feu or some other individual Inuit have
inserted it, became i o.n prove that &either
directly nor indirectly did I insert it which
in lie No. 2. I bad no corr spond.ise
wbateyer with 1)r. Bull, and never heed of
him until his shingle was hang out at Mr.
Fee's door. No doubt Mr. Fear can ex-
plain how the doctor was induoed to loo te.
admit that i in..rtsd an advertisement in
• business way, to effect the sale of my
property, bit .t miss one he refers to
I wield
Imre, but I fear that
I bare encroached too musk ae your valuable
space saw.
Should any one wish to tee it, I shall be
pleased to thaw it, hoping that Mr. Fear
will And seine better meas@ ofbow up
his retorting f re-
n nin.wara,
Jowawrnie CAssy.
Tap Sea King and Arcadia have retuned
frees Swathamptos.
The dredge was not working yesterday
meleg to bad weather.
Oche. O.tare lelt an Teethe fav Colli.'.
Inlet for lseshsr to take to Windsor.
Ser. Martel caned he as Wed.sedsy es
ber y op a.d took es pe.es.gss amid
Ser. Myst Wither mined Is es Tterday
last es her way kip wed tont en poessege s
amid freight
O. Tuesday eight dense the gals, two
Sabres, Ma the Maple Inti? sad tis .Mer
the do& sod were by Capt. WBias edbeam*1111.1e. 1swp hoes
*WOKi'-AN° PP1PfO05OA&i
RAiru', R*LI* fir Illepeenher 151* le
titlrmistlw t, Ilimmilimnlome tial le i teak ly
end tin.limeme d ire test. Heine Knew
North's wise el soilless "My led
W ee n esetissd b7 a ^seggii, y d
Plow the e World for amid. Wumaz
MimfXse7e, ghee eons hisresta t le��►
ties rpsd4*g Roscoe is bee ecru es "111m
any as a 1R.ereaties. " Asthma t•shjtes
behead gases arsep deswlhel amid tllttekseei,
the Pews
el •A Weill svwiss` Direw" T 107 he Uwe
bioside Moak
d W0Hashoug,
William Il le.e[k amid "The Ivory (;ate' y
Walby Bassei, and • short story by Ham,
atenaied Tharare
Nli Lnateci
•/.ya..toe. aa
t ,.•1.21 Lis •
1 1 tree suteisaha
ct tall) la.. t....
.• h the MOW. ranine
u ,van
1....0 Yuoa sod tea.
ahr BUJ., se sin
aeu, MI alms
urill• tate and
t:v the pinna
o i I e.wises
awe by
stetesmenta1 wort�r r
'ter k
anarl nee •
rii. 6ar AL. S
rib men sad esus,
teetering bat vats
vel cane.
tl.:. all-I-tert� red
E�r4*1 Ell R'Imfled.Luwean,,le.•
L1 0" cat. ferries. • du o nr t le s
..r ,) s'e�. 1-'v '-r r...c+us. should testy ricer
PI..,.... 11e.v wdt roto.• Lea 10et euergt. ger
an , s.oal and men1al.
EVERY W5;II i !rt.u'� an .
p.eerinas and lrregn smarm. whttJa
a �:l alekn.es sues teyject,.d
I UUr�(1 te[ 4o vld (skid, L..:
OUN8 GG TMv .+'.1 gun the t�
rut. of you:tfu4 ....1 Lite. an.l strength. tet
onus woiEN Trees Y / TM
Take inn regular.
Fur sl. by all &mashes. cr will be sent M
iscsept of price (10e. per bos), by adittsaf g
ererasule, (Grit
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en-
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest (J.t Taklan walwfit.
tinges in Canada.
Cu Msg. 10c. It lb Ping, 10c.
ph Meg. 20c.
rR. &TroRD, - OxT-
i -OPENS SEPT. 3TH, 188!
�i�g�tt-�tl-enl .t
aero, sf retr t h aRsq�
Chet out he toned d the
to lie dlekrsst • na �t,.gekL
the heat. Amhwt hod most prinniesi Orme
Milan lesinems.
les Is ef
V Imzer ie th etietm sf twin
week whisk wriessirely :
Wawa* war ced.es. +��`
Osle arstelms tsssrootor. •MW0&
Bsmdseme entslosess tree.
cues d tlAnlprs
E -
Universally acknowledged
to be superior in every res-
pect to any other brands Is
the market Always reli-
able, as has been fully dot
onstrated by the millions
that are sold annually and
the increasing demand lot
them, notwithstanding ae
increased competition of .t-
er One Hundred sad Twen-
ty-five Factories. This fad
apesks volumes. We are not
cheap Cigar manufacture's
Urged sad Highest Ova& Or
Illaaatastareas in