HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-8, Page 8• TO out CUI(VMJ OLMom �.N7 nom THAI PIR a♦BY.. ♦ 1101.1471T♦TM)I Ui PIUM1011111111101111 TRA We are pleased to leave remise to bedevil that op to the presoak time our 'wremm5ss ksve appreciated ter saiwvar to de • Eradiattorward kende badges• with every' su eked we wean to belle and hoid e tsadd se these prl.opiee ..d t has& The 3lypeasteg dep.rtmeat la oar eaetaem h•• &wars he.. made • .peoWqq d, oed we claim to hare tie most templets DlspO•ssr7 1. We part et the 00uoto. During dm east ewreyhave trade. add • old M ereergeooff tithe local terr all comers rwde on �e l woou.t tle yr of Wag thoroughly equipped with the wartime mew ee andles used e.psc1aUy by telt( a.d American phytdsi•aa Tho More La always R$v.. • perceat•ere to doctors in the pad. allboegb • saddles Ursa esss. others en so- gamut ilgamut our b- • •- ss,aleus to keep dewn prices and be alt. glvo 0'^ customary their need tcnm at as reasonable a Merge es poseibta but 00w we are Meng to petoeatfge d all to dement .a0 segregate wW give you the ad. v.at•ue, vied will diatom* your oreeoriptisna fur II ren per coot. Ira ter oe.o - than Our regular ch s before and per sat tem thea the usual e1 u gee of the other stores watch des a percentage This is the most seientii,c pan of our b. iuese 5.d the ow tint all our training le dew reed to fit 5.d qual us for. wed we mean to over make The 1'- .niiac7' the best lied leading Dime& eery la (iederfcb. W. will continue (0 do as we ,.ave alway. dose. ` that is" use the hest 1 s and .Iwai. put In what is ordered. Our den• is open at all bows daring the day, teed has night attendance, is sever without • eempetent Wed m oh•rpe. Ant your physi- olaa for toe or.scriptto• when he os1d ur sok hien to leave It at The Pharmacy and it will be filled with accuracy and deUvered promiply. GEO. A. FEAR, Sucoeeser te ilea Rh7ass. GOD1BICH. AR ART. x x x x R. CROCKETT. Aare.?. Landscape. marine teed portrait p.inti.g in oil and water celo.. CLASSES (6 Thursdays. Friday. and Saturdays. from 9 A. tit. to 12 o'clock. and from 2 to 1 u clock P tit. Archlta ctunl sod .oeeiaMeal drawing. Drawdoge fur pen eats. etc. • STUDIONot-that-door from theNot-that-•quare The People's Column. IT IS A FACT. My (recrossing bueineeo has obHgied me *0 &uo a into more rommodloas premiss and hat meg tented the ' wo stores in l'nbbs Block. neat to b. iownings shoe eon. 1 silo yr four arse doors to display goods. The Ind door south of P. Iwwning. will be occupied by the KUKIITt'as Axb t'PHOtwrCMtxu de- partment. where . nee and complete Nock of oven tl;ing 1. the Furniture line of the bee makers will be kepi. and et prices To SCR ALL cacti rr. 1 guarantee to sell you auy wticle of Furniture from five to tee per cent. len time Toronto prices, seine kind and quality. and PA l' renIOI T To A,,y rota? 150 MILL» Pewit Ooustttctt. Call .ad los coo - vtncad, figures tell, end Everybody tells fig u rea. The ot her store SMITH'S BAZAAR will be occupied by our Wall Paper. (reboot 8uppliet Fancy Goods, Stationery and Toy department*. where • full and endless v -grimy of new and elegant goods will be placed. SPECIAL. For the next two weeks I will give sped•\ dbi-otgts off MI lines of . inure to save the trouble and cost of mowing 11. Call early and Secure a baroain and tell your neighbors where you got u. SMITHS HAZAAitt FURNITURE STORK, 21781y Crebbe Block. 1` EW PLANING MILL Raab and door factory. 'levied a very tarwe stuck of lumber on bard 1 wish te reduce my stock to make room for White- stocg. 1 am prepared to slaughter prices in all l rde• of woodwork, flooring, siding, et,- . for the next three month.. And will take 1100 tow hay, M0.5,1 cords h•.Idlig, 10.0J0 cords wood, 100.000 ft. logs. 10.600 cord. stave bolts in payment thereof. Huikl yoc- homes out of your own t&rest. 90 plass of houses to select from. 71111y JUBEPIi KIDD. Phone. 17. 17 13ritannla.t. A*atIos..nane. JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- tio.eer. land valuator. loos and Ln00rsoce agent. Salm attended in all parts of the Donn• kt7r, Correspondence solicit.* Address JOHN GRIST'S, King.bridge. Orden) def at Tss Benet Office promptly attended to. 32-tf JOHN KNOX, GENERAL £UC- tioseer and Lead Valuator. Ooderbob. Oat. Hering had 000siderollle experience V Des auctiooeertogg trade. he is In • position to dienharge with thorough estishcOon ail oom missions entrusted to him. Orden left at Martin'. Hotel. or Kot by mail to his address, Goderici P. O., carefully attended to. JOHN UX. County Auctioneer. 1M711 Mechanise' Institute. !'( ODERICH MECHAI(I08' INBTI- Vt TLTE LIBRARY AND READiNO- ROOM, on. of Nat serest and Square no O dra Ops from t to 6 ea., sad from 7 to le P.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARI'. Leading Doily, Windy and Illustrated Papers, Magassvies, etc., on (pile, MEMB[R13HIP TiCKET. ONLY *Lek g ranting free use of Library ..d Raading- Ileo.,. ♦ppilosUons for membership received by Libraries. In room. ED. MHARMAN, GEO. STIVI N. President eesteery, Dederick March 12116 181x. Speaks' Nottess. O. WARD. OONVEYAN(,'ER, J. ten. W eessmlookmer for talleegg .ed n. eiel•ing recosmismea of hell. &Ada%its m a .ss. deposition. or solemn cholera- time In or ennrerninngg any arnica. suit or pro - good ins 1n the Hyla Coen of Judice, the Os.rl of Appeal for O.tarlo or 1• any ()Dopey er Division Court. All treasectlo.e sarefalu mad promptly e:eooted. Residence wed P.O. addrent-Dunumanota, Ont. lab-tf N EW CHOPPiNG MiLL 1 am prepared to dealt kinds of grain ohm pine on shorted aotlr. MITI is resaleg at all beam. 1 have the latest wed heal improved machinery tor dispatch and e*elearyl.� Prime rssew.hle. No detay le settling yew 'hep home wlth you. JM [iDD. daily tf Britainalaa. Hetet Ateeotantedatioa.-- IJ111011 HOTEL, GODEREOR - This wen -known on•s•1 acrd fanners' keel has bone taken posseme• of 137 peals Wolters nod reet,ed In every reepeet moll .. estof the amide aid polecat houses I. the Irk:Pilo. brave* Rg slyer ae==.g. wlsd.r.sa BA V LThI B1009.. Pnprf. w• •-tf TAE HURON HOTEL. - THIS retied. u� 1-kaswa •end iM dam roved has ►ren a.twnewr�d agd improved is sow te none gaallt7� s.mstt.o•eAlse for the trsv.alL. p.kl& i l`g► "d ° .. THE SIGNAL: ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1892. rHsatiens Yawing. 10OD OIWRRAL SIEVA1T Mort►~�. APO, te IRs. J. tKIDD. I=ZEAL mtvADT WANTI Dia.p-4v =pw » e1lIR81•n� , it est sr Pound. LOST-0/1 �OR ABOUT JULY rkIlntl,, (1t n t hted wkW fld = and 1st tenet ww•aria • • o etl M ea Ona 8attaW re fee fader. SaM9 4. Avg. Ilia. UN. A. 8 tN� Med Orals. TIMOTHY SEED. --- A LAR•OE TlsoptpQua.g4 ea of this year's se of good r seed to gala at tiewest egerw. S ANE 8sedsmaa. oar. ad H..343 ss n Uod•rbh. 9w-78 SEED WHEAT FOR SALE - THE to11ow1as seed wheat. prime prle quoted • fire sEarly aa�ler�) the u.derellt.ed en his pre n oses . 1 Iced t'1•wuca. 31 VVhaehel olmM . •U:�JYsid,oon 1A Jori' MaterM: tit ROBERT IrmneeN. et a. a 7. AohSOS - SEED w HEATS. - EARLY RED Meson •ad American Brener. [ar11- set and most productive v ` . stn grown on t be ooaUoeet. Also a laden. con.' -"[seat of new timothy seed st BUItkOWB, usemed.meo. 754t Properly Bar tial, or Bir Rent. L"ARM FOR BALL -THAT VALU'• able sarin known as west half of lot No. 4 l• the ebb cm.. township of A.hdehd, W. D. comeliest in acres, will be sold b) auction at Martin's Hetel to Saturday Sept ltith, at 11 o'clock noon. r13*a is • good terns with about SD acres cleared. has • good orchard. is well fenced- and l.aituatod about wren miles from Luckuow, • good market town For turtle, MMars apply to CAMKRON, HOLT t L M 5.3. 110derlcb. 11-77 �AIRM FOR SALE -THAT VALU- •ble farm known as north part of lot Som. Lake Ramie. Ashfield. comprising it71 acres. at orogen' occupied by C. Stews e. well cleared. 1t is situated about a mite from vil- lage of Katetl, close to church •uid school. There • neat dwelling, mad • good ttaarr�ee barn on the premiers : also a young orchard - and • running dream o0 the krt. Land good. Tense ow mel, and balance In bre years bearing Interest S per cent. For further liar - Oculars apply to 8. SWAM\:. Uod.rich. It 70 pow SALE. -N. } LOT 31, 2ND OON- 11' oewbu. Kae W a waoo.h. 100 acroa. This Is . drat -clans farm. Also tow. lot 478, Goos ✓ id, also lot 113. Ooderkh owe. on which and Y • ' brief e•tt•gc. Apply to PHILIP L LT. .S -1r j'QR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT ii ounimodbus building on K1nnat-, Brne- eels. at proem occupied as • paint shop b7 Wei, emit!., is on sale. Tenon easy. Ap J to 7. S. 80071% Br.5,01A P. U. g�Ltti Dentistry. f NICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DESTAL t,`mases uMend . the '.ow Post Office. Weetet.. Dederick. McSly DR. E. RICHARDSON, L D. S., a, surgeon de•t4L Gas and vitalised • r admolsterwd for painless extracting of teeth. attention give& to the preeerv•tis the natural teeth. OISoe-Up Matra. ()read Open Howse ((lock. entrance on W ed - tit. Dederick'. 2101-17 1MedlesL DR•. WHITELY & HUN FIR. ()Moe -(\read Opera Kossa Oodertoh. 111f TARS. SHANNON & SHANNON, Ll Physicians. Surgeons. Aoeowken, tic. 081., at Dr. Shawao's resldsam near the god Dederick. U. C. tmmierow..1. IL dna- woo, 1751 >L t N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- 1:d. ter 1a Maritime Courts of Ontario Oboe -Mouth Colborne hots. 2117 '%I O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 11 arlkctiosoaslicitorand, oal :state :state nor• tic. bete.., reatraa•etio.s oars fully attended to. 0mos-Cor. Hemilten and 8t Andrew's -at., Ooderiob, Ont. glia-ly) 1011N DAVISON, BARRISTER, 0.1 Solicitor. Conveyancer. to. ; Mosey to lend. Owes over Poatal0*. Roderick. gait CAMPION, BARRISTER, J. Pelletier, Notary Poblk, • t o. Once -Over Jordan'. Drag Store. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. Oda C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c. • Office, corner of Square awl Wed street Ooderkh, over telegraph cake. Pri- vate roads to lend at 6 per cent. rJao a ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR. kA rioters, At:Or.. sa,, solicitors. to.. Gods rich- J.T. Garrew. D.C.. W. Proudfoot. CAMERJN, HOLT & HOLMES, Bar. \mets. Solicitors In CI iacer7 tic, Ooderlch. M, C. Cameros. Q.C. ; P. Holt ; Dudley Holmes. liroalse ono 11stlraaea L" J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, I 'FE AND C a sandal (&00,5.00 agent : at lowed rates. Omo.--Cdr. No 4 -.i. and *mare, God. abb. 74- A.4ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE LTA atsoul of pried. and other fluids et towed nen em productive town rad farm property. 8peelal terms of repayment to salt the bolero weir. -No commission. -Oen or write M. 0. JOHNSTON, Oodertch. 2D a-tf (j600,000 TU LOAF. APPLY TO rlo►CAMAIRON MOW' It BOLAGar- . WRIT TO LIND.-A ROI O •moset of Private Fads for envstm'.t at lowest rats oa eist-cL5o Mortgages. Appi, to0ARROW tk PROL'DFOOT. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the pesec.rlty of Cultivated Farms. Islam titre off the p1•dpar 1 maybe yard at .137 time the borrower wellies. All expenses pals by the county. No perms wimp' the ('emote Aeditors allowed to tee mortgagee or to how to whom mosey is loaned. apoly te WM. HOLMES. Uoder,eh. Aag. 3113. int Co. ?remoter. 2a tf »RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN. duras, Real t51•te and Mary Loosing Agent Only ent.Hs.s companies IMrede.ted. Money to Lead oa dregh Loam. at the lowest rate of ietered 1010*, (s an way to stilt tie s•rrewer. pesos_ Seo rah.deo has Senors. Wen 8tred Gad► • • R°p" •BE>at A ilea. bet(., ak..5 0611ta et Rest Boa • ddtetos trams' beak. MARQUAND'8 rums LOTION. Aa SEA HALT for the Rath, 9ta. 801. RATH AND 8lt00T SPONGE. H[LiOTROP[ TOii•1T SOAP, les Any samosa of empty easily heteys at Mob emelt L W Leath Ihnetasml.. DIM i~wa M.tiee to Creditors .-�-- -- . NOTKX50 OISBIIIOlfi 4...•wr e/ t o apse W DY9aY Oanis • AIdr a hen*/ gloss wMwaat to statue. of O.tate 1i 'bap. llt ow. tea/ •[ Item and War puma ham claim law the basal ilea o lawn of 1a the mew H Inssnhakar, who II er ebtn.4t r day el le .her requieed eq, •r+ r�F yep Illp /UMt eM.1d iver Albert M. palallialaaraiser of dos ofthsai13 Gerdes wr to the .a• ��y .oibitore, • r- .--at la writhes ova tnlalag UWr names •ddrassa desertr Ee•ad toll pentode/no Moir eir eWmr neo of the s5oautttee (If sagked .. d the sad edmlaknrwtee wOi to *maritime the aeso4 04 Ob said deceased assisa the Part.is enrlrted thereto, baat(ag.g r► NOM only to the olden*0f which be shall . otlee, rad that 13. will tea be U&•*. for the meets se distributed. or5.1part thereof, 105.7 area cr a whoseshall sot tion hove settee. daft or daisesles Dated d Oedert0► tarnish day of 8534.. 11M1. 0AIt1tuW tit P140t.. s. Or the Tows of 0.4.Mio13. eollo/ta . be the said Adatatet0et r. 1147 Administrators Reties. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO CREDITOR& Lw 1Ar matter 0the tarok of Willman, late Wake fsa*e*dap of ...rag N ate fa the costar 0/ Huro., priestaa. deeoaad- Perm/Int to the revised statutes A' Ontario. c' agate: lie t.oiae is hereby giver that all per - moos having claims upon or egoism the sstot. of WUhlam Led4v late the township of West Wawanpsk. In the county of Huron. yr /man. dammed. who died ea ur about 1l a 21434 day of April. 1&J. are on or before the 1s day of Oc*aber to seed by pod prepaid or d0 livered t.7 the .ndsreigntxl, e*Ueltt,r for IL Corrigan. •dmioWu rrix o the said estate. • 5tateateet In writing et (hear name( and •d dresses and the particulars of their deism and the nature of WI securtrlo 112 any) held by them. Aad .odcs is hereby further liven that atter the said lei day 0y' October, Itrt, the oeiJ sdmlabt-strlx proceed to diol rebate tie as- sets of the aid deceased among the persons entitled thereto. Waving regard oat, to the calms of which e, r will then here woke and test the mid Mau -wrong wilt not be liable for the premeds of the 'mate or any part thereof ail distributed to any perms o whom claim the said •dministratrlx has no notice at the time of distribution of the said estate or any part thereof. 7641 H. MORRISON.. Solicitor fDated at Lech 11,,. orefahof Attiguia. II.J. Bpeolito Artldes. 50SARREL8 AP P L It tee r ANTED. 0. CANTKWN, of Clinton. wants *000 barrels P'sll sad twister smiles for which the beet market price will be paid. Hold your ammo for Camelot and save money. 11. *ANT[1.OX, C:inlon. ;,• Wooletlefa. CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME Cr -clue. ' auerlrh l' e. No ' meets third Monday of each mouth a the hall over lHx JIOIAL odice. Special inducements in insurance and sick benedts. I). CALUICK. Lewder ; R. J. ACHK9ON, Treasurer ; E. RICHARDSON- Secrete:1 Iblvr -- Arifeles Bar Salle LIMIT FOR SALE. -GOOD FRESH hoe kept ouestaaUs ua had at the Falls Reserve lime kilo. All orders for delivery will be p omptl7• stteuded to. X. BAICHLKR. sddm WOK SALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST L pulleys- el IA. fore. 1 1146 1a. bore. or can be bored to fit Larger shaft (hood as a*. R' ill be sold at • reasonable r •e. 6.994 at Tug 1N.ri- Steam C..nbng 1.00 c, North -,L, h.l terbh. Set rI W W N OF GODERICH. TREABt. RIMS SAL1 Or LANDS 1►O1t TAXKB. PROV INCx or ONTARIO, 1 Bl virtue of • Tow,, or Oonundee. (warrant under the hand of *D" Mayors the Town of Ooderlch and the .tel or the said ..orpor•tioo. Lor g date, 1tS1h day or June. 1431. to me directed. commanding me to levy upon the lands In the following 11st Of arrears of taxes due thereon. that unleet the said axes. together with .11 coota, are sooner paid. 4 shall proceed t0 sell the said lands by public auctlea, or as much o thereof term may b15Umcieat for the gas meat thereon. at the TOWN HALL, in the TOWN OF OOD[RICH, on Friday. the filth day of November. Mt. at the hour o two o'clock. - The following tote ars ptdesfet parr of lal.IC5.y r� eel +l : Li 1 I a ! dao 10 Reaning Plea 14' Id 90 SO 8. p1 De 14 laM3oo El 41 W. et. lea' " " 14 21 •t f 75 91 90 N ;; 141 M Si 3 is s 4s 44. le 12195 12 07 IS Wlyno's liar'71-bj 3 7511 is a l0 If, Reed's Survey M Mat. Road 11 " *5 Cypress 11r00 M16-4691!16 fNl ee 091 1 ell( It ala 14� 11.111 315 IS 07Mo 111 eo 5 ft *4 11 111, • 7e I di II 6 al W. L.illiGRTON. , • Trea•e er. Oedal•k, lass IL L TEETH EXTRACTED WIYHOUT PAIN lir TOW ,-.e .est AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S eOSTAL rewrote. OPfII NOUSE 810CI •EUT-371111T. GOD*]t2CE, ONT. It affords one unlimited saUsf.Otlea. after • therewith 100Mt., resetting 1■ the most entnemes Do appreciation of delightful and es1eni•hed p•trse., to a.M0lt that 1 harp the mil ..A esolnsl.e right te ass In Oederieh, the dant .nteetIOe discovery. which is warrameo !sewer to create the least p.le &MMae the etttreelnee of 10sth er ,aemps et any bled. 1• .warty every des, sued eery 111,15 pale In Ili, moot •.time mem �N TI-tr V IC PO]Dlir ,b ie • local aaa etbMle that sever &abed the shiest in tie Nlgb►st L harmless as warner, &ad the best metknees se earth to meet the torah eoess&dtive to pale. Matlewto ammo rtes It is Panama, Msrv.a.w• 4. aa• Itilase•e. AI1Ppwovetien of the sutural teeth • �•et&1� My �W 1operations well w also riad l l seen\( DR 1. RICHARDSON. RION ?ALL QOODIL Our Pall Brook d °Le•dian 98saa- faie ed Goods is now oomple , and our Stook at imported Goode will be complete is a few days. Oar cestoo- ers ma depend on oar prices always being the lowest We are in a posi- tion to meet any and all competition O o matter from what source it comes, tdib0sinses, bankrupt stocks We have • few lines of Summer Goods still unsold which we aro of- fering about half price. Ten pekoe only light and dark Prints marked down today to 5c per yd. These will go quickly. CLU early. The h' prioe paid for good Butter and JAME8 A REID. Jord•.L Bloom. Oed.rb►. dept. Rh, 19'1. -- Tremelling Gilds. GRAND TRUNC RAILWAY. Teems arrive nod depart at O•d.rl.13 as 40* lows : sumo Y 11 and I. � ..:..:.. p: ✓ d :... .. ..... •.a Matt dad Ifapres . .......... LIS p.mMixed ......... ...... .siYAP; TO ADVE1.IBERB. Notice of changes must be let at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be let not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesthy of each week. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. otiere ammrg pr, fakirs* 11- An' en' few hem petal it FIN[ TAILORING -Midsummer tweeds 1. great variety at the Cbleage House. West st. You nag have a big choke and roll ea good style and Ill at very moderate prices. li Mad ern dao, Mgr. The firefly usually gives a glowing ac mut o itself. but the work furs- ' out by R. H. Sallnwe at hoe.rt studio Imp ve0 that photo gredhic b' shutout a co. .ty reputation. tor. Mecum: at and Souse, Experi where they try to get tx &mmock *lute' tumble ►'so* the !Apes. The man who • a at 1. J. 1 id, ham's to get a fashionable and • \bit' suit doesn't make any mistake (Ober. /Lough. ('alit'. --Mrs. Wm. McLean will sell her beautiful plant. for Wuter bloom very cheap during this mooch. A Witt - MeaiT.o Arem sYU I?. -- Edward Towe, of London, High Chief Ranger of the Canadian Order of Foresters, has appointed A. B. Davison, of Godsrich, District Deputy High Chief Ranger for this district. °erne 1ig.D.-lames Young, of Auburn, was in town Tuesday. We are pleased to pare that he is recovering from the severe accident which happened to him about five weeks ago when he was caught by a pulley. belt in his factory, and wound around the shaft several times, and sustained a broken shoulder, a broken arm and • broker bene c ear the ankle. GONI To BALTIIIOR.-N. O. Rowboat, who has acted 50 efficiently in the capacity of deputy postmaster here for the put three years, left town on Wednesday Inst with the intention of going to Baltimore, Md. for the purpose of studying dentistry. Mr. Rowbier had won • large number of person- al friends while here, and will be mimed by many who eajoyd his genial company. LIFT FOR THL SPDat-*i leer ter. - Andrew Waddell, the well -knows Mame prospector in the Sudbury district, received • telegram from • syndicate of American representatives from San Ftancieeo, Chicago and Saginaw, baking him to proceed at once to Ne111o0 matioo on the C. P. R and com- plete arrangements with reward to • min- ing deed which has been in ooatempl•tion for some time. Mr. Waddell left by the 2 r. u. train, ..d there is every reason to believe his trip will prove successful. Ea'va.tog. G. T. R Tu.o i'o. - In- dustrial Fair in fall blas, greater income than ever. Siegle tan tickets every day except special days Sept 12th and 14th, tickets thea only (2.90. All tickets good till 19th. Look out for cheap excursion. to Introit, (,bicago, etc.,ete..shorU watch these oolumns for full details. (lot your tick.. and all informatics from H. Arm- 'tresg. tow. ticket.p.t G. T. R, Goderich, Out Tickets, telegrams and express to all parts of the world ; .gent All.., i)ooiaiee, Anchor, Canard, Atl.atle steamers. Agt. Canadian Express Co. ToaooTo* Gua it FAIL -TM Tomato Industrial Exhibition opened en Tuesday, the 6th Rept, and clones as the 17th. With the enlarged grenade, sew half -mile track, new greed sued 700 feet long, nt.ny other improvement., and the lesg number of excellent special attractions prolide•t, the pr.•.-ut Fair will tendonbtsdly he away ahead of all that have promoted it The entry gid in .1) departments is 1.e..r th.n ewer, nod the space in all the barbing, has been taken. TU usual cheap fares and ex- cursions will he given on the railways. The eittendaeos of visitors from all pare of the country will utdoebtdly be great P*'eje SCH.xL. HOARD M taTrww. -The School Beard met on Monday evening, Mr. Crabb prwnding. Present, Means Admen, Ball. Qirystel and Cnlborss. Minutes el preview meetings read sad approved. The Principal's repot showed ea att1ada.o. of 341hoy. and 9111 girls The following se - eon nut e-eonnta were ordered to bpaid : Jae. Bedew, (6 00; R Ticbber .,(262: Rendre& Brea, 836.00: G. N. Davis, (100. The Board, on apptiestbrs. gave (leo. Wond. • testi maid. a to his .Aelaaey ma teacher. The Sony was directed te instruct the t0wle aerie t0 hold an eilanha i• plane of the late t*«► Swabian. The board Uses .d - j Rims/tow ma Sunset\ rte -Inn el DONS van, • yeses Re liehw•a. ahi•eg& km •assn dam% look like it, wee •rnige.d be - line -lee his baso Judge Doyle me Wednesday shisonl with krway. Meow W boss t irks* to 84.8.44 H. • teaser is Trashier,. and he the abeam' of W s• ploys. wade ea with • pair ef palm, teen gold der, asses n•nnsi Mrd • teed gcn e\*L (leaf Ballard, .1 Nhgi•m. teweak of 1e w ed Modrd him la jj�•lI hems y ll•6.0.� At the trial theMgalley .-is the trial i'. wan lt.iSs *i0...•n, mid none rot very well deny the haM•nh- wt. H• wee remanded lot asetense aetU Saturday. Foot PAtreaoL -The palpI* et North et. Mat isbes 'hare\ wee .k1y 811.4 last Sunday 'venial by the Bev. B. holt, of as. West Wussessi. M..hadisl Osefssen... • brother et Mea Jamb Stokes d tibia town, wbo has jest re•ere.d from • tea threw* Europe, Egypt sad P0lestiaa The rev. geollonsan dao gave • dadisit al ad dress o• his resent travois en T�ssd�y evening la the above °buret' to • hk :wile 'nos, in aid of the 8t. Johns tafle e,a On -Kuno Rinse euuor.-Tb. God.rk• Off heed Rine Club shit tit'- •mmesties match oe the 9sd haat. Ties teUmwing were the noun's made : y1 l E R yards. F. lade. LLL L R. Wat.oa...3 6 SW l- 1111 6 6 6 1-3• Lk Hga'••ttggtcooaa,�.�• 3 7 7 64374 6 1 5' RP. Wllila.u..tt • 1 a 7= Ili 6 M 0 0-15-1 C F. J, T. Sahel.Sahel.x 3 1 7 1-1111111-1111114 7 3 a-11- The next and Boal match for this mama will be shot et Aaron' un the tollowi•sv d dates : Sept. 21st, 22nd a23rd, when all club' in the e0iociatee ere expected to meet ter 0 greed tournament. TRU OALLUO 418'.6 nom the 1•dlaaapeil. J.. e 01.11 the freaks of *00341'5 mind This mast team analysis, The Das that led her on to bind Her shoulders door with callus :She's .weet,.he'.*e.t,5he'. "simply grr-td, But yet • prey to &Racees t) "veriest woman, nobly planned," Why mar the pl.-i with genuses' The Helm fair, ob, where .re they' Or e'en the eye -glassed fall....' (:cue, skipped, vamoosed. For now's the day Of the mannish girl in gallium. GN7*0*0 (;ANZ AND FDkH('OMMItMton.- An itle rect of the Ontario Game and Fish- eries Acta hr. been printed on large Dards by the Ontario liana and Fish Coo.mterios. Then nerds are being issued in large mon- bore and will be conspicuously displayed all post oil •s, custom. pore ., railway Mations, hoots, gunmuithe and game dealers storm and other public places throughout the provisos, in order that the public ay he made aware of the eine•dmeota during, the last mesioa of the Ontario lature. The Ids is • good one and will do much to pat alleged sportsmen oa their guard against the wanton destruction of game out of meson. A. D. Stewart, of Hamilton, is the Secretary of the Ontario cense and Fish Coatmiss.on. A Ooow.at Boy OPT WIIIT.-W. M. Cox, the genial end popular salesman in the employ of Geo. W. Price this morning tele graphed his resignation to that ge511ttm.0 and will leave our city in about twenty day. He goes to Aberdeen where be will accept • position as anger of the Aber- deen Mammoth department store, one of tje largest and best known institutions of that city. It is with regret that we see Mr. Cox leave us, for his genal and winning way will be missed and in his reugnatiou Mr. Price lone11 a most trustworthy ,ed cite. potent salesman However, the beet wishes of • boat of warm treads *ill •000m- p rty him in his new venture, and they can see him leave knowing that his thorough loeitxes principles will insure Me success. -Rapid City, Duk., Republican. THt'. 880PLt, Rx R0M00exaED.-The laws of Ontario provide that a perms taking up any eatraved stock shall gree notice of such taking up by publuhmg • notim three times in • weekly newspaper, if one is pub- lished within the patios where 1b. stray was taken up, and it the property is trot called for within three weeks after the first insertion of tis nodes the tinder shall go to a justice of the peace and take oath to the finding and advertising. If the property is not claimed within year .sed should not e:oe►i (50 in value it tin belongs to the party taking the s•ae up. If over (50 it shall be advertised by the justice and cold, and the exceeds of all expenses shall be paid over to the county t.re•aurer. Any person taking up any stay and neglecting to muse the same to be advertised and •p praiad shall be liable to a fine of 420. The edrayal applies to any other per.osal pro- perty which may be found in like meaner. THg Sp/NA1 u the best medium in West Hurm for all mak advertising. Tits HLATwgs CRIw1e-Tbe Winnipeg Tribune has the toiletrieg .bout a difference 0 oplaice between an old resident of Gale• tick .sed a Mongolian : A somewhat excit- ing stem ooeurrd es ale C. P. R platform, Portags la Prairie, Saturday •tt0rnoon. On the arrival of the train from the west • Chiamm•n. who, judging from the crevices in his meg, bad gee through •.edge of that beautiful dump ponder to hie rune--emaU- pox--alightd from the train with what was evideuUy • bag of rice Roder his arm. He looked at the surroaadinge and name to the ooacltttsioo that Portend was good enough for hien, but, unfortunately, (fie( of Polies Sturdy did not think that the Mo.goli•e was quite good enough tor the classical wheat Sold of the province and grabbing the etrueger by the collar proceeded to homed• him on board the train *gain. To this pro- cedure Mister Chinamen objected in • meet streams. manner. ' One Chime names here," he said to the minim of the law. "• Yes, and we don't want any more." was the reply. " Well, " said the now arrival, looking in •.ytbh.g but • friendly mme.er at the ekiri out of the «green of his amend .yea "Moll stay too." While the point was beteg duoesmd the train pulled out and the tows is new left with • Chimaera ea its beads, and wonderi•g. like the seen who Irma the Irma a elephant, what ete nder the a to do Tse WOMAN AN FAIL -Tits Seeretary and Directors ef Canada's taverieexhibitien are bogy armor* all the plrelimiiseries fur the downing fair. Tu exhibit prosaism e be larger mad biter and mere instructive then ever before The prism in the speediag eone5ts have bees doubtful. and the i$reeters have added (9,000 to the paras lint. This item,, they feet wee nommary to .a5oarwge the farmers sad t weeds's. who go to • great s:p.n.s every year to 'wean their stook rad predated*,se nothing hat the Sown mod sad beesdisig stook 11&14dy the pre.eat donnas& This •et.ee nom the part of the Directors, bas had its good neem, the entrys h the Rev stook dap.rt m5.a Whig fir away ahead of beet year is aamb.ra 9p..s is al Wren p 1m they mais bandies seed ether be The pregrammie of the amain •ttreeti..• has tees \.sand, sad if 'yer'yt&omg is e•nrd eat 00.8. ... .•.•Naas:..:.. kit togp� •i•a t...•. w..... m,1 alleina • 111�aaMv1•7�• e,r•,•.•.,. jtS tW .. atrmsm5 ............ M • lb i THE WEEK LY MARKET gigolo es i mmei rooms. Reeseaseig. Sot 4. isik • •••••a••••••• ••.•w•. ..a.t: iii- Weal Wen tildes GOO 13 Soutsell otisiia u t., is Mgr ti Sii tt is i* tet ■.mercsl Lino Moi Marten Sept. h. -Than were about 750 h. d belabors' oath broagkt for er'e to the t;yt trod AbrMWir rise erday morn about 6(J of the w were es the oartu, ' day. A good tura.y buahers wen w but with the amass in &loses of ills s. mead, trade in cattle was au. es; who., to the drovers .ad lower pt.. , prenyl i all round. There were no pr 'n. beeves al- tered 10-dav, tied the 13 'I' st tries Pad did not exceed 40 per Ila, with pretty ped stook at from 3jo to .', - and minims til coin at from 24c to 3je per Ib. It 4 pmhabit that some of the leaner inane herd -looking bulls will not bring over 2e pit Ib. Theist were • few stockers bought iso shipatsat to Britain at 34c per Ib. Tyre were about 50 calves o1ered on this •artist to -day with • good te prime for the pant sada Mr.. Joliet Richard bought all good calves to O. Comma oa/vs sold .t from 1113 to 86 ick Mutton critters wos very plentiful, tlu,w being about 1,600 on the arid te-day, (1W cheep are eery dull 4 made sed prio(, teas from (2 50 to P 25 em.h. Lambs id at from $1.75 to nt5rly $4 each- Fu k.ga are lower in price or from be to &early u( per Ib. will have rare taterteiams. *. Antons :1. asocial attractions, we notice ((.dame areatette .ad her eons.. Lynn's rr -i oxen, "Cat" Orchestra, Tubular (lo.te ten mau Bodo Cgpy o/ (*ymuaa(, eta , Rau,,. Aereosioos, Fin Works„ Crosscut Seelig Contests, Fire login. Contests, Palau t Illusions and • lot of others. The s.ctetary informs us that 30,000 daily programme are now being sent out from the Mikes el the •ssociatioo and can be had 00 opt. mtioa The dates on with& this great a. hibition will be held are from Sept. 15th • 24th. LOCAL OREVITIE3. Rev. Dir. Urs ooespi•d 18e *pit North -et Methodist church veryaessptai,; Sunday morning los.. The Huron iaon.ms Club will meet is a Agricultural Park .t 4 o'clock p. m. Thurs day afternoon for praatioa It ie poneible to extract teeth pnat.aty and the potion retain ooauewuw.sa k Richardson does tit, o.Mr O rad me him. 1)r. M. Nicholson, the West -°t. date, makes the preservation of the natural trey • epsoialt) Gas administered tree 4 a a for the o 3 L 5 exttawtios of *cede. (:eo. W. Thomson is local .newt tar 1.i1 pssads. Pio.ett05, nrg•as, oewteg mmehNst bicycles, violist, Butes, sod ausiml err ch.odtse. All of the bent, and at rat bottom pries. Now is the time to per chase. Visitors to the great Northwesters L- bilstion dost fall to see lied purchase es of those beautiful organs ma0mhctand by the Godench Organ Co. Highly nem wooded by the best nlmici•ns in ('•mads a second to none made on the ooetinest 0. W. Thomson will be pleased to take veer order. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. P. G. Lynn is at peeeent vesting in b.1. Aleck Saunders is in Toronto this oat " Verdant Green, " of N index, is is tows. A. M. Kay, of Stratford, was is ins this week. Smoky H•ys,b.rrietwr, d 850alh, in tows this week. Harry Dowsing. al BramsM, area • M days in town 1•n week. Stephen Yates, of the Sash, is hams ing friends and relatives. Mr. ad Illy'.. R S. Miller, ef Ely,plina, are visiting in Iowa this week. David Stoddart, jr., has returned hm 1 Alit to friends in Port Hares. Mr. and Mrs. Conquest, at (lift'., in the goes** of Mr. rad Mra Holme. Miaow Lottie and Grace Polley relent! home kat week after a six weeks' vide e W isms*. Mrs. R. Hawley, who has been the Sumner is tows, retuned to last week. The Misty MoCeek.r, et New Yee*. ens visiting at the resident, .I :heir untied* McIntyre, Seltlord. J. T (*arrow, M. P P., mad P. Heft, loft returned from holidaying Maim,hMaim,'Wen a by the sounding se Mrs H•atedoendehild,5sloftier Moieties, in Tomato lest week, after a *awe vies .f several weeks' thirstiest (bas. A. Orr bas gene ea • wilt le Its brother, Rev. J. W. Orr, before mew* his emend year at Tomato Usiv pity Mei eel College. Miss elites McOregor, who had been re Wing ha tows the past few weeks, he a ROt.rday Issh per etr. Qty of Wied..r fen her bents i. Detroit. Judge Rollma .ad Gare Waste, bar rioter, of Calgary, sen t.13( helitlpee • town. Mr. Weems is .. old Oode,i,k key who has made his hams is the H.Ab's for urinal ayeaars.. MARIes NOTES. y.a d44r. Maryia8.1 M Sable, light. Qty of Wheaton arrived ie pert s• way a Detroit, Bate rdsy beet Messed odes in here es Wale, Iset en los w. p &tad took tug 6 mrlyd' .f team s.4 2 51 apples. Steer. Maryarived iaeaduat�.rd.T.r� 4n0 lin• ef mal ham www«7 l+ M^ Amale•n (71missl Oa 8v. C*t of W *0ik.r arrived is mid 14.1 t.si day from es her sty .p. cs$eh ma4014)1i.. meal b7 Jahr gay' sad treigle. •as, d B.Mli, ar(ved 1. port. Mo.day fr.a Pyert A1berL hens the .0 Mena aliesodi tm settinated that .w. then 100,000 r •+g p•rt+e+p•r. is las .tar peed• tr tlra. si the dmdto.tisn of t\s Wim' raw as rimed Marcia, tis gains..1 the 6.r1 \.8\488.' l0 Gaeekse.