HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-8, Page 5TME THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1812. NADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IMPTAIMASSONI ISM MAD OFMMOIL TORONTO. gm. INA iNN.1110111 DOLLARS • 1011.000.0011. 111,000,000, B. L WALK*R, Oimisua.MANiwfll GOOERICH BRANCH. .stint DAMNS 12IMMIe6 TwAwsAerim "AMAMI' NOrela Otanouuraq. Wye IMIAD PAyA.$.a AT All.. POINTS 1N CANADA. AND Tett pawscipAL xrrs w ESNs UNITSD STATUS, GSNAT dwTAllk FRANOO. OtuNuo*, as MUMPS SAN[ SSPART11fll$T. toys OF WOO AND U.Mien08 NtCAtVta ARO OWIR1NT RATES Or INTet1[TT ,,trigna ry ADOSO TO TM. PS$NNOSPAL AT TM IMO Or MAY AND sga is LASH V.AN. osolal AttestNa given to the OnNssfisn N r`ewwncrolat never, user.' fides Nets*. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. OKI; AND PERIODICALS. MO.TVLT J*00A1108.-IO. V• g hu paper on " Washington : the se State, is Harper'. Marinas for ern Julian Ralph say : 1 Immo Mown& the Treasure State, and ors that it is Tristly huger thee rasa, with prospectively asa.y a wealth is sttusrsls ted in the its resources But much that we w ool is Montana is amplified with. ✓ roory of Weehingtoa. The bops- rtaet• of the former boldly adopt o, 'The Inst .hall be first,' as i1 to said the riches of which they lied in and promise all around them, for thrm.elvrip • greater wealth g future them is boasted at tresis taw older States. 1 cannot follow far There is • certainty that toe has more varied renown. than , and I t leak that, with or without 1, Whinnies wiU support • Imrisr cs ; but with both States it is too closer comparisons." IfmoolI r MAUAx1Mg rob 1892. • Th. Editor gives is this with numerous illustrations, an ec- ho riait to Karnak, Laxer, and be nto.t .tuppe.oduous rales in the R.O. J. W. Deems bee • oh•rming d •ttnunt of " Mowing*, Look and Norway. Mr. Ceiae. M. P.. CO. ' gr pb c pictures is pen and pencil holm, its mimes and <. Ross. M. A.. begins his series able papers ou "TheFirat H.adred Modern Missions" the result of or. going latest result& d miaiou all farms. An article of ton: 4 - interest describes t1m remarkable • of "Lawrence Oliphant," once . ( Lord EIgii iu Caaada, then a d London society, flea peddling t'hatauyue under the domination Igo Spiritssb.t truct. Harris ; e the odor of sanctity is Phlestise. ('oIlo uy rue Preaching. by Canoe 'touching "Shut-in" of hoe - by Elisabeth Stuart Phelps ; • sottish sketch, by Mrs. Barr; • society and Society Women, by Willard ; and en article m Rain- y Professor Newcomb, with whey l: papers, make up • readable Price $2 a year ; $1 foe ix Z0 testa per cumber. Toccata : t igga ,. a MA0ARUM r'U. 8110T111161111. - :mtsr .umber of The Lake Mega- ght, varied and entertaining, and ries the expectations !Deeded tip - 'rector of the first number. At- more! Longley. of Nova Scotia, is as artists ea " The Future of in whim be presents tour alumna - he ooaideratiow of the Canadian Al warmly advocates full discus - T. W. Anglin discusses the Question in Manitoba." taking support of the winori " Mod - 'emotion," a thoughtful •end en - criticism' of some phases of civili• A. C. Campbell, of Tomato ; '• A 11 I'roblesi, J. L. Py)ne, Ot- 1 peep at the " full of'wr- itWWI and views, by Rev. W. R. ; A sketch of a Fresco-Canadi.a Habitat Hercules," by J. Mao they, of Ottawa ; 11*. Indian au appreciative .tory of Mies E. Memo, by iii. W. Cbarlssworth, ono the other leading articles. sled of in "Hindrances to Art in by W. A. Sherwood, and "Art Furnishing." by Ella 8. Atkinsoe. which is entertaining and o1 merit, is embraced in "John Mia+, by Mn. Atkinson ; "Mike, by rper : and the "The Badu], sod lid,` by Allam Douglas Brodie. br poem. ars "To the Lake," by -known Canadian Post, W. W. of Ottawa„ and "Ses Fog," by Rand of McMaster H•U. The 11 illustrated. .int►i Howe Jors.u..--" Why lee Defer Marriage" is the subject *resting article oa this trutb-sa- .pic, by Joke Lambert Payne, it ember Ladies' Home Journal. Mr. paper u.tetistical and treats this os matter hat every steadpont issue problem onnoerning the n- exuttee " Between Mlatrine bad ✓ intelligently discussed by Harriet 'poN..rd, Mrs. Lyme. Abbott, Conant and Christine Terbase as u " (;.toms Hone frees the by Helen Jay. The wife of tie Iroustut, Alexandre Mw, is the if . sketch, with portrait, by Lucy ■ Hooper, •ad Laura Grover Sssitk Is.entrticn of • valgus firm of me- lee, is Milwaukee. Maude Hay- e...bates • special illustrated payee d • 'imago Society of Deenestive Walter H. Barrett writes oom- n ely of " Wanes and Life Iassr- The Edits. speaks souse t�mady hest the rest/ammo el the Ameri- aivond its eldest von mama, 'ate tells d " Women iJournal- Tie always interesting departwe.ts Nest editors eeselade a number ' more than usually attractive, Aad t cannot fail to phase it. hundreds 'aide "1 reader. The Ladies' How w pahhsh.d by The Curtis Publish - lefty. of Philadelphia. ler tes tests ev god see dollar per year. t S bur bfl b 7ss 8epvo and Wills r . i'rittbe, w and alety. Mother fan of strength and emosn- P""'••neeit .rrie,.g in illeetrsted pot charming de«*iption by /ramie A. 5.1. of 014 Plymouth and Plymouth w"1""t, te Young twists, if ' Rod Letter Ds i, pr01 nest' �I,Pga�psr by R O. W. Ru. „,"`J'" asw bad mew •.d i.ightsNss." sandh'as d en i- tenurial Swett !pilaablest f hey,' herr d..b. e a swieh- °Isles ef New York." WI h. bet "pe.!!`s' visas Y „ y H �►- Itigbt ed Wash as aro Mtn mw kW ass y . " Patient Kyle," with the real home dm - or ; and Thermo Brow commemorates this bi- esatenni•I year d the Salem Witchcraft by • strong sad stirring story of life at that troablous time John Alden's Per- il" Alias Williams Rrotherton contributes a poem, r. My Princess," dist will be liked by all those enrolled in the ranks of the Kings Llaegbter,. Jennie E Thompson has a second paper about our "Summer Sweethearts" the birds of our tattoo and docryards ; Edith M. Thomas has a bit of verse "What the lambs Say :" Francis Randall has • humorous poem "Condensed Animals." lira Trus'e cute "Elf" who is fast growing dear to all the children, finds the philosopher's stone. Lt. -('sl. Thorn dike tells shout his 'Night with a Chinese Prefect,.' mud the line aerials by Kirk Mun- roe end Kate Upson Clark keep up their brightens. .0d their interest asebanged Price 20 oaate a Number. $2.40 • year. On sale .t sews steads, Or seat postpaid on re- = prima by D. Lotbrop Company, pub. & tuswttti. MAaaxrrx toe Flamm snit - T e September Saribser contains the uses - mai somber of .even elaborately illustrated articles. 0.e of them on the Tilden 1.• quest is of peculiar interest. It is well known that the late Sammi J. Tilden bequeathed his great fortune to Trus- tees, with the retention el fouading in New York a great library-oen6diag all details to thedierretion of thistles* trustees whom Ise selected, Mews. Job. Bigelow, Andrew H. Gress, and George W. Smith. The Court of Appeals held that the dimes - lieu wee too and the will void ; thereby y preventing the carrying out of tbe greatest and most beneficent plat for • public iastit List over formed in this country by • private anises. I)oriate the long proosss of the lawsuit over the will, the lips of the vetoes were naturally .e•1 - ed as to what were the details of the project; but now that the demean has bees reached they are freed from stay sash restriction -- more especially se, by a fortunate arrange- ment with one of the s.ocessful beim, they are .till left in pommies of • sum large in neon and .ufficie.t to carry oat en import- ant portion of the design. Ex -Minister Joh. Bigelow, owe of the trustees, has therefore sow decided to p.bli.b in this number of the Mararias, 'oder the title ' The Tilden Trust Library ; What Shull it Be ! the fact. conceraiag Mr. Tllden's wink.e as to the details of tim plan and also • most important proposal for still carrying out • large part of it by the erection of • great library building in the very center of New York. The scheme, with it. elaborate illustrations, is one of the most interesting over laid Wore the public. TOWNS HIP COUNCIL AIN /I ILI). The above council met in ceased room personal to sdjournmest on 'Aug 11th. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. Members ell present. Moved by Kickisy, se000dd by Chambers that the following •ecot o e be paid : .1. Kilpatrick, coo. 9, $4.00 ; W. Johnston, shovelling gravel, 19.00; John Murdoch, for 'ram 13.20; John F. Andrew, for graved, 12.90 ; A. Bulhert, ditch 8. R. 3 and 4, 13.00 ; Jas. Edwards, repsiriag N. G. ru..i, 60 cents : Thos. Elliott, repairing gravel road, $1.00; Chas. Hohmann, services on B. of H., 9200: W. Robinson, repairing bridge .t Du$200: Mcliiregor, for gravel, 13.20 H. Chambers, for snivel, 17.20 ; D. Campbell, graveling on L R., $67.20 ; lohn Matheson, culvert on cos. 12 sod ditch opposite lot 6. p6.40 : Mrs. Me - Rae, charity, 96.00; Thos. L sgbe.ul, grav- elling 8. R. 9 end 10, $10.04: Wow doe W. Wswaaoak for work on bossdsry. 17.92; Thos. Dieser, for loather, $4.68 ; Sareal Berke, gravelling es & R. 9 sad ID, 187.24. Moved by Kiekley, saoosded by Oirrts that the following socouste be paid : W. Piers sniveling as 8. R. 3 and 4, 111.60 ; Jas. Al- to., repairing culvert on N.G. road, $1.50; J. Kilpatrick. filling ppt 8. R..9sad 10, $L50; W. Morse, repo calyces D. L, $6.96 ; Ilea Gosnell, plank, 11.50 ; Thea Lassos, W ing gravel pit &R. 3 and 4, cos. 9, $3. l6, ales fcr graysl. $7.92 ; Mrs. (tare, for gravel, 13.68 ; M. Bowler, ditches cos. 10, 112.00 ; John Bawler, for gravelling 8. R. 3 and 4, $7.661 A. Ritchie, inspectine gravel es S. R. 3 and 4, 9200 ; Jos. Irving, inspecting graved S. R. 3 and 4, W. D., $1.50 • Jas. Dresase, repairing culvert & R. 3 and 4, $4.60, aMo new culvert, $4.76 ; W. Jahestes, grading .fid graveling I). 1., 913.00: Jer. Dalton', graveling os L. Ii, $46.90; M. Time, graveling ou L R., $12.66; Stephen Martin, inspeothg,13.124 John Keefe, impacting. $1.117] ; 1(.Dahtas, ditching on kis road, M•00; John Towing statute labor tenses, $4 60 ; SaPentland, Towing, gavelling es we. 2. 111.30 ; W. fellow, for gravel, $3.68; Jelin Kilpstrisk. ow- ing sewer at Dempteitea, $6.00 ; Yra. Nicholson, charity,67.50. $0.76 wee given to councillor orth for distrii.rtitn among parties having milk sass damaged by falling iato gravel pfd ea S. R 3 an4 4 W. Kflpstrtok fw.goo7Wsg U. S. mottos $06.00. D. Mcleod Kist•il Hill $3.00. Moved by i). ami nonaded by H. Members that for the purpose of minis( the amount required for County bad Town• Rip purposes, • meaty rate 2 0 ;ills per • T,weehip tate of Ul W. per be levied as all awemahle property is the' einnleip•lity sad =SAW rats he levied to raise the miaow* ooeemory ter spaniel and ge seesi Wen parps.a Carrion. A by-law is wei dews with the above was ✓ ead. Also bylaw 11e 6 anther5sg the Reeve .ed Treasurer to harrow the sem of 1600. fw T .whip purposes until the tares for the terve.. vary Ms edieseal was she rood. 0. webs. et Varrhe .sd Chamhsn the Cowell adjourned be mon seats em the 516th thy of September. W. Sewrouss, (rive. MINIM/LB. Assmmr An Pante esen. - A wry pl awst 'Whir leek plass en .be Mk Ass. i the miasma of H. S. Brew. lsaebst d a $ Be. li, A.k6d8, Wk. Ne mai wh. HIGH - CLASS GOODS. W. ICHESON 81 SON. 3rd SEASON. We hove Ir : ego bed la state • Mels dap laden et NEW - DRESS - SUITINGS 1N FRENCH TWEEDS, SERGES, WHIP CORDS AND CHEVIOTS. The most tesalea.bte o►Nhe for Asuman Myles. French Flannels in Forty Patterns Jost opened in all new designs. Price lore and Mc. per yard. 5 per cent. Discount on all purchases allowed. EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. were successful at the recent estrum ex- amination presented bias with • beautiful rocker and camp .tool s000mpani.d by the following address :- Mr. R.K. brown, Lissa Tsiena,-We, the members of your entrueoe clan, having met here this evening, wish to express oar appreciation d your untiring efforts o0 our behalf, and the esteem u which you are held by ua, not aloes in regard to our studies, but the truths you have ever taught L regard t0 spirituel thing. Ws ask you to accept this chair and stool as a small token of our es- teem sad as • .essento of the happy.,. bo spent together. hoping you vrttjl�1 IoaR spared to work in the aster's viaey,1 and when done her. that you may hear io that waome " well done good and faithful servant, eatery into the toys of thy Lard" is the prayer of your loving pupils C. (:sorra W. GAao,ga J. W aisox B. Banat. M. J. AxDEMON F J. Wilsons. Mr. Brown replied in ahappy manner af- ter whish the evening wasesssstly .pent with musk, games, etc. Mr. Brown has always bona • successful teacher .ad this year's work ably sustains the record, hie pupils having dos. exo.ptiosally well. one of thew holding fourth place in the county list PORT ALBERT. Teo late for lust week. Albert Mab fy, stadest of McGill Col- lege, Montreal, conducted divine service i. the Presbyterian slouch, this village, on Sunday afternoon last, and also in the Nile church in the evening. The genal oounteoaaoeof Albert Mahaffy, of Montreal, again appears in our midst. He will speed • few weeks visiung bas par- ents, other relatives and friends in this sec- tion. Albert is always s welcome gse.t. Harry, .on of James Oliver, met with • rather serious accident on Friday last He was sent to take the horses to the pasture. Not returning in res.oaable time a search was iustitutd. He was discovered lying in an unconscious state a the field. Medical aid was summoned,esd at last •coouot,be was in • fair way of recovery, though still very low. As yet we have not learned the exact nature of the accident, but it is supposed be fell tram ten bores he wee riding, and in some wap was injured, causing 000cuestos of rhe brain} Ws hope very soma to hear of his eaten recovery. - KINTAIL. atom our ow,. ronsependent. Must of the farmers in tbi• locality are busy threshing and sowing Fall wheat, Drone' Knecht,' and daughter are home from the othrr side on s few weeks' visit. Mrs. Least and family left ore this week for Port Arthur, where her husband lies purchased a home. Mn. H. Bowler and two daughters have renamed home from Alps&, Mich. They have been long looked for. Jas. M•odon•Id has been training his trotting borne for • few evesisge lately, and hes got kiln down pretty fine -about three minutes. Mr. Lowrance, o1 Limknow, huppned with so accident loot week ea the 12th cos. Ills team ran away, the buy being broken and one d the harass bsiagliod, William ..d George Johnston hye en- gaged Thos. Johnston to mi the thrushdmg sucbioe for them. Tem is sa experienced mita and is doing • good trade in this sets - nom P•triok M01117.., on con. 4, met with • ss bons accident I.dt weak by falling from the top beam of the barn on to the boor, bruising bib arm and kip Fortunately no how were broken. G. W. Thompson, et Gederieh, has bees dein. • rattling business wend hero ee lhig orgasm patios .ad wise ~Nees. give the (:oderich organ • high plait .bead of the Guslph instrument. J. and A. B. Drawn ww•a have sagged R. Carrick, a .end eneieser, 1. rue their threshing machine this swoon They threshed for Jan. Bowler and his grals turned out well. He had 1,000 el grain and Jones Johnston had $00 bushels ea about 25 acme Wk. up, &Wall ! Don't die yet awhile. Three lots d went Mrs sow. A. V. 11as purchased • grand piano sad T. (1rilis an organ, and the mayor has aims mamboed a piano D. McMwshy bad T. F. Kew* are away dews below mw, sod win haw to contest themselves with a villa and ea eerdissa FALL x110* DATES. Ores$ Nertb- W srwrs, Ceisrisk, Sept 211. W 29. lad trial at Toronto, Rapt $t 17. Wasters at Leedom, Sept 16, IL North Perth as Atrttlonl, Sopa Weed W. Routh Hans se 8.terth, Oet 4.ed & Rest Huron at drowns, Oat. 6 and 7. Respite sad Usbolms i Baiter, sept IL. 97. Cliental. Oh 6, 7. ifihbeA beenedip,Oat 4 L A P lemeins sense. Of heath .ad streeith ren wed •d d wN ed ...tart fellows tie ase of Syrup of 11gt se it eons is h•rwsay with satire to eflest- milky door the 'ptw when seethe or Wises. Ter stele r 71* UMW by an le•d- Ing 1. j1Ut tea The Winnebago Comity, IIL, Women's Columbian Club, for • time ooatemplated uiaking an exhibit at the World's Fair, but lies now decided instead to raise sufficient mossy to send to the Fair for eight day's 166 working women and pay all expenses. It is believed that many other women's dabs will follow their commeedabie ex - The French Commission will send to the World's Fair to superintend the horticul- tural and floricultural work in the French motion M. Le Fevre, The superintendent and bead gardener for the ds) of Paris, who bas charge of the gardens of the Bois de Bolo's.. M. Ls Ferre was in charge of the prdsus around the Trocadero at the Parte Sxposttion is 11189. IT RESTS THE day. To many It meaty Backache, Sore Hands. Hard Rubbing over a BACK steaming tub, and long hours. nit falls to the lot of th"se who use poor, cheap, and in- jurious soaps This Soap does away with Hard Rub- bing, Tired Backs, Hot Steam, and Sore Hands. It brings comfort to millions of homes, and will do sc to yours if you will use it. Awremb r the Name " OUGHT " watt.• : at. 1051005? SATs sats.. LOOSED MIAs awOw.A. 110601100 R. B. HOLLAND 1 DUNGANNON JUST TO HAND Another consignment of F.ngliah Tweeds and Worsted,, suitable for Ladies' Jackets and (lents' Buitings, quality unsurpassed. ODD LINES and SUMMER GOODS Market down away' below the regular prices to clear out and and make room for New Fall Stock. Boots and Shoes in this Department I have a large and well -selected stock, di- rect from the beat manufacturers, hence I can guarantee the best possible value for the heat mon- ey ---finality considered. DINNER and TEA SETS in choice patterns and Al qual- ity, hep. Also • lot of Travel- lers' Samples, and odd lines in Glassware, etc., which i have se- cured *4 • bargain, and will sell away bellow thew actual ♦alms. Full lines in Family Groceries. A fall supply of all kinds of Paints and Oils kept constantly on hand. Patent. Medicines a specialty. R. S. HOLLAND, GENERAL. 11 ERCHANT, DUNGANNON. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, 12,000,000. • - 6,000,000. .4 Saving Detriment has been ofe,ied ix con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. G+RE6T STOCK - TAKING --SALE-- FOR THIRTY DAYS MORE AT ROBERTSON'S A FEW PRICES FOR AUGUST: 25 yds Heavy Grey Cotton, - - - $1.00 25 " " White " - 1.00 20 " Check Shirting, - 1,00 20 " Good Print, - - - - 1.00 Corsets, all sizes, 25c Skirt Lining, good, 7c 3 pairs Ladies' Hose, 25c Table Linen, 20c 3c Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 25c " Gloves, 10c 6 Handkerchiefs, 25c 2 papers Pins, 5c 2 " Needles, 2 8 la, Rib ns, r' Wide 1l 1 1 Toweling, Large Towels, Ticking, good, Good Top Shirt, 5c Nice Silk Tie, lOc Men's Braces, good, 3c Lace Curtains, per set, 5c 8c 50c 15c 40c OUIt 50 CENT CORSET DOWNS THEM ALL + + + + + + + Prints, Sateens, M usli ns, Embroider- ies and all Summer Goods at less than Cost. ROBERTSON'S GREAT CASH STORE, THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND. G ODERICH. THE LATE JAS. SAUNDERS' STOCK OF Being Sold - -at- - P A P E R le., 3c., .ic., 7c, 9c-, 15c., 20c., per roll. Come and learn about how low our price+ are. COs[ PETITORS stand) no chance with nn, as we Sell for lofts than they can Buy. OADDYL!& TOM Nut door to Brophey 6 80a. West Qtrsort.