HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-8, Page 21 I ON 7.wJo'® Both the method at.d results when >?ylupof Fids is taken; it is pleasant raid refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prompt tyon the Itiidneys, ,ivc:' and Dowels, cleanses the sys- tem efietaslly, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only retied' of its kind ever pro- duced, plc:.tiing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the moat healthy and a reeabi°substances,its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fibs ii. f;r rale in 760 bottles !'.r all leading druggists. Any reiiablcdnlr i::t who may not have it on liana will prucure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. >!A't D2.& GADO, 0.&L LOU1SVI L.EE, XT. NNW TORN. X. Geo. A. FEAR, AGSM' AY 0ODIRtCH. THE POET'S CORNER. A oerraea In ahy se - "One half the world's in ignorance how the other half exists." This adave sage bas oome to us through history'. hazy mists ; "Tie true indeed we do not know, bat if we'd stop and think, With few exoeptioos, we'd soon learn they live on printers' ink. The burglar pilee his trade at night, when all is quiet he believes ; He doun't want -the other half" to know just how be lives, Nor where be works, ser bow be works, nor when he dose his toil- No printers' ink for him : oh, no --his (1br it would spoil. The moan who dos the bunco act is lite - wise very "mum ;" The meek thief and his coasorta, publicity they shun ; The gambler, the common thug, the murder er and his "ley"- - These aro the clam of men whom "adver- tising doesn't pay. Some merchant* close resemble the clans I've mentioned here; They work alone and in the dark, and seem in mortal fear The otber half will find them out and take them by surprise, So they bare all risks and chances, and they never advertise. rax NORAL., A moral will be found beneath the lines of this brief screed -- A lesson plain reflected, so that he who runs may road If yr.0 would thrive and keep yourself and banner out of dark Use printers' ink, read printers' ink, to feed the vital spark. -John It Barrett. WITH THE WAGON TRAIN Twenty army wavons and their drivera- 50 cavalrymen from Troop E --a pull of 90 miles across the Indian country. Yes, we shall be attacked by the hostiles. They would not let such an oppwtanity pans They can muster four to e, even if we ow counted in the teamsters. Colonel Blank, at the new post to which we were bound, had written to ('apt. White, who was to command the train : My wife u to come out with you. See that my previous Instructions are carried out. She knows what they are." And we had not marched an hour when Captain %Vhite sent for me and said : •• Corporal, you will act as a special guard over the third wagon." " Very well, .ir." •• The Colonel's wife is in that wagon, s you probably know." " Ves, sir." " In case the Indians ere too strong for us they moat not find her alive. That'. all !" I rode back to the third wagon and placed my horse at the nigh fore wheel, and lifted the cap to the lady,who had bean provided with a comfortable ..at by herself. She wit • bit of • woman, not over 25 years old, and married to the Colonel only two years before. She looked at me out of her big, blue eves and senikd, but site could not steady her votoe as she leaned forward avid inquired : t'orthirst we you you thiwe shall be attacked r' " Quite likely, ma'am, bat we may 'queers through. ' ' And if attacked, and yon can't beat the Indians off. yon --" " 1 have the Captain's orders, ma'am ' " " Yes ; very well We both understood. I had been speci- ally detailed to kill her if 1 sew that we were to be wiped out ! Tie thought of it male me dewy as i rode along Now and then 1 gienerl up at her, to find her face white ..d her eyes anxiously searching the horisoe. 1 had my order. and was then to obey them, but cool& 1 do it! If i was the last living .ran orf that train, maid I raise my carbine and become hes murderer ! At 2 o'clock on the •ftereoos of the gee- o•.d day we sew a doses mounted 1.di•.. on • ridge to the right and closed rip the train. To the lefts were a mumegsion of ridges, and if there was any form of her. tills about they were hidden behind than. The Colossi's wife was nae of the fiat to dlmover the iodises at the right. She was looking st me se I glanced sp. We shall be attacked t " fir queried. " W iib$. tee misuses, ma'am. .. W.11, yaw—yon--" " Velem, bat 1 harps tett shall holt these oft" THE SIGNAL : GODIBRJCA, ONT. TH RRSDAT SEPTEMBER 8, 1892. The redaklu ea the ugh& Naw hope ride to sad -Ike /teff whoop mad yell gad »ea flilkJtRr MIAMy' 110111110116 ' to dr•s our *MesM m awl feeds the in w —d s. - hesr�b Meat` She Mu* Wt. °Mee thod keen givie the dot Wm* mem to keep mei* is mese of alaauk la elan arssioes haft doeltiod Use has, moving o. abreast. The heillentell hY lab their place at mos- -lib on • sok ate in 'root and five in rear. Some of the tsar eters had cleanses, whsle all had revel%.,. Half • mile b.yend where we had secti ka first ladies tar attach was made, and i. was a bold one. As we oasts opposite • • alley runtime bank into the ridges • bu nd'..1 w more mounted Indiana carne chergms .lawn un us. The valley was just ,bout as w ads as the train was long, and, therefore, the 20 of us os tied side had • chance at the red. se they came on in • mob shooting. shouting and .serningly determined to ride over ult. " Corporal `" It was the voice of the CoIo.el's wife, last as we were impartng to fire. "• Vo'm, 1 remember,.. 1 replied as I lowered my carbine to look up at her. We poured the tiro of our uerbtoes into the charving mass and checked int rub. The Indians then pared to our front and rear, so as 10 email us on all sides. There were fully .300 of them. and had the train halted but for • netnute they would have had us wiped one A part of them had hem ordered to fire only at the mules attached to the wagons. As they were kept moving only three or fear were struck and none! dis- abled. "Corporal There was fighting os front and rear cad both sides, and the bullets wen dying about us is • spiteful way. No Ism than five had paired through the cover of the wagon be- side me. It was the Colonel's wife calling to me. I looked up into her white fans and she gasped : "l;orporal, are you going to—to -• "Not yet -we are holdtne our own !'• I replied, as I turned to open fin again. We were gradually getting out of the trap. Farther on the ground was open and to our advantage. The !adieu always does his best fighting at the stars Here and there we bad a man wounded, but there wee no confusion—no halting. Whenever they pthered as if to charge we opened fire on the spot and scattered them. Our fire was rapid and well sotained, and at the end of • quarter of an hour we had them beaten. We were lust drawing clear of the ridge when • bullet struck the third waggon teamster in the shoulder and be fell forward on his saddle. It happened right under the eyes of the Colonel's wits and she called to me : "Corporal, obey your orders." She had her hands over her faces in that she might not see me as 1 raised my gun. The next few seconds must have been ter- rible to her. "Beg pardon ma'am. but the reds are drawing off and the victory is ours." She dropped her hands and stared at me for • minute as if she could not compreoend. Then she fell back in • :dead taint, and it was a long half hour before her blue eyes opened to the sunshine again. A week later. at the new post, Colonel Blank called me in one day an asked "Corporal, weren't you ordered to shoot Mrs. k •" '.Yeas sir." "Then why didn't you do it!" be sternly demanded. "I--- i was going to, bat--" “Rot what, air! It wee • giros dis- obedience of orders, and you are no longer • Rust thathwas the old martinet's way of promoting me to a Sargeantcy. —M. Quad. ALL MIRACLES 1)O NOT OCCUR AT HAMILTON. The whole town of (:lama, Out., knows of a cure, by the application of Minard'. Liniment, to • partially paralyzed arm, that equals anything that has trumpeted at Hamilton. lm R. W. HAsatsor:. 1 ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. Weems Rastas\ tart 1a Peri mairmaste se he teetered se or rasher. Thirteen years ago there lived in Birming ham, F.ng., Charles Thomas Warren, an excise officer. He had a daughter 8 years of age, who, although • bright and winsome child, was much disliked by • cruel and hardened stepmother wbo contrived to get rid of her by fair means or foul. The father was well-to-do, being in the employ of the Crown, and could easily afford to sand his daughter to boarding school, the step -mother being lett to make all the arrangements to send the child to school. The woman took the little girl from her home and turned her over to Miss Rye like • common waif or street arab to be sent to Canada. When the child left her ooalfortehle and beautiful borne in the great Iron ('ity she knew not that a heart- less step -mother was getting rid of her for many long years. Nor was the father cognisant of his wife..doings until month. revealed the fact that the child had not been .cit to • boarding schools the mother pretended. Arriving at Niagara the girl was not long in finding • home. A lady In Port Del Amine took the girl to raise, and for thir- teen long years .he toiled for her living, not knowing where her father w•a The atten• tion of Mr. R. W. Hamlin, cigar manufac- turer, of this city, wee called to the girl's position, and he at onoe get himself about the task of atcaxnpluking a reunion of father and daughter. He phoed himself in communiotinn with the authorities m England and learned that Warren was now an eras tehoer at Madura, Harwood Road, Enfield, Sydney, Atest mita. 1 he father was overjoyed to hear of the whereabouts of his child, and arr•arewienrs are being made for the girl, who is now 21 years of age, to go to A n.trulia. Mies `awes is • very frail yoeng lady, who has been in delicate health for come time. Her resat -matinee to her father and home after en many years of separation will muse her ex• trona delight, and it is ostein her frteods will share is tact happiness St. U•tharials Star. For the poet year i have been troubled to a very groat extent with dandruff, slop, dull. Ness of color in my hair and the, the advice of • friend (who spnk. from experience) i tried your Anti ilanirnR, which npnn the appltotren of lees these s bottle of yeti. liquid 1 find my head ant only tlwwvragbl cleansed bot • vent imprnieeet in the sr mok and growth. I have, and do rrnmmeed it as highly beneficial to the prdls.ion sad pubs gen. orally s an agreeable mad wetoome innova- tion . the remedies pet forth for paths aver. Your. its, WL P. Woks., Adverlli g Agt, IAN* =it Co." MSS 1114183trilln-stworilltris-,1.1.ZwAsa= seenof e eft . aka& r Jaw by 0"eet Drones. Th. Non r10. r private teease. serer tis .tMs. el Jure M. awl ae►iu fell deratkr ef abs Nagar, h tae ahead, by W •.tarsi Ibydt.i, en J.&s IS, the nitro elf • pirl.es.w.tt of aaaam ,len, tits p.ldieg sea of the ii•g. 1.4 sod the Mathis of the MAMA adore Thin, Lllewieg os ►ae.tsesrr alt J.ienm islande sad w p. otiose .f NM1w Lal.rd, 1e.i.siee Mai Beg .ad mutates M isle le tie booth lies,. 1'b• C..g .1 li.asr.tasi bee only rssstly rstwa.d tome a trip to has Yraaciete, .•- dertakeu, .1 was wyy{t, is !edam the Ureiedlitotstoextenda pi..toetnstoever the Gilbert 151..-e Wit. le bar i'ra.- .1... the Ling talked el swag me %%eb.eg. be, Let h. reuotved .. eseettr.g.tnert &off tU-amlt► forced him ie rotors home. The llutaritan .orrespeade.t, who wit- nessed the sswaaties cereesoa.s, mails tie f.liswing account: June m L -Uig thmellay the British wr-ot- war Royalist appeared d. tb. barber. llwr captain Luded In . ,imam-:auu.b, .id with ..vers1 "aeon and .a trsrpreter called on tb. £ lug. I here, is potato&wheuc., wits all the foreign and soave readout* of Hamel - tau gathered about. ►s red tats pro- clsmatwo: 'Her ltsje.ty Victoria, Queen of the Milted Kiaguum of ureas gri- lses, having tbi. day mounted • pro leot.rsq over the Galb.r* islands, 1 would ren dud ell readmits or aha group other tam .stilet, that It re oosirry to law to apply ,rearm.. ■mmul.t.on or Ii.- to=i.au.g 1hquare to any natives Giver ander toy band .t Apsutsm•, tb. l:t► art Sig Lopatin of H. U.& DDavie, Royalist rod Deputy Cummialonsr.; The. Commander Davie stepped forward sad raid is load tones: If yoe will .ow liar. yaw' Ong healed dew. I wall give yen • ate sew •ee 1a pat sp. W the eld Kir`, who swum! druid, ordered bin lags which has floated front tire royal pole far .v•ral years, hauled down anl she Bruck deg was run .p in ata plea. V seen u the English melore were sheen eh. Royalist fired a .alma, hut then wee se ent►walamm ea shore. Th. Americans her., whe attribute this adios of Eagla.d to 1M King's remit Aa.rnc•a trip, are fames, hat they sea do A SHIP OSSTROVED. • auk Leiden Rtor elenp•weew Mime vp Gaaaroc., Sept. i.—The people of this airy and sesghborhuad were atartled Sakur day by a deafening roar the. wag sale eseueselg aseersarel to hase bee& meted by • p..wdr explorer. The mew bark Auckmoutur, week 29 teas ofunpowder o or ld, h d bees lying at another is the Wirth of Clyde, of Urwlak Thele per - aY who happred to be locking u the dummies of the bark say they sew • hliadiag Saab .f Light, which was followed 1y • oeummioa that shook eke oath Then • Awe smoke ares awl w hsa it lifted • belie a was goes the bark had bees plows be pi..rea Her poop deck. hatches aed deekhoasw were blower to au teesense height, while her masts ware broken off, failing al.ng•ide eb. wreak. The napgallaat frgaa•tle was Mews out rad the whole forward pert of the vessel was torn toiecva Ah, the desusetios was as complete. Above the water lice the plankingwas blown ort, leaving huge hula, while beow gamy of the bans were started and the water poured in is torrents. On shore the Whets of the explosion were extensive The windows at houses and situps along the water from were shattered, aid oma of the homes swayed to and fro se (hough moved by as eartbodiak.. 1 particular feature of the &coidert Is abet no body aiwoerd the bark was killed, although soars ef.tthh crew were badly burned and othera were throws gate the wok". No .x. +.Ianatios--af the aooideet has yet boas ad rammed. A despatch from Gla.gow, wbiob i. 221.t miles fr..m this port, lays that oho explo- sios was beard there. The people of Glas- gow thought it was an earthquake. Re- ports from various places sear hen may that windows were shattered in a gnat number of houses withtu a redia of five miles SOLO HIS SON. AN Old Negros.* t Ise le fame Illmemtt teem Prime. 1 , Oa., Sept 5.—lien Daniels, • DK". 83 veers cid, is confined in the station house waiting for guards to take hem to the coal manes, wh•,re he is to spend the balance of has life Daniels was ant up for life from Forsyth on • charge of arson Motu he was tried he had no mosey with whish to pay lawyer'. fees, and the ea .0 which he secured the services of a lawyer wits novel. He has six children— three boys and three girl!. One of the burs is 9 years old Daniela agreed to bind this son to the lawyer until he was 2i years old provided the lawyer would deleted him. Th. paper" were argued and the boy deliver- ed to this lawyer. The lawyer deo all 1.e could to clear the old negro, i.ut the evi- dence was too conclusive sad Daniels was seat up for life_ FREIGHTDISCRIMINATION. rite t.t.retat• Ceeses.re• (7emst sew Alter the tstl ears. NV* Yong, Sept. 5. —The+Inuntate Commerce Commission is preparing to shake up the trunk Itnes again. It has Wee quietly collocting documentary evidence against several of the fat freight line., and it will he ready very saw to submit these caste et, the grand jury. The guilty roads are eon meted with A. Lehigh and \t'abaah, Ilio patch and Lackawanna fast freight lima. Aelees for aedeatiea IIAMn.roe, Sept. 5. -An action ler se duction and hrearh of promise is bmagh• by Lewis Macadam, this eit,. en behalf of his daughter, Caroline Macadam, &garnet Joseph Devine, also of thee city. Fwrh action is for $2.5(10 damages The plamti0 clues that hie daughter wit seduced oa promise of marriage. The defendant de- nies both awes. TIbit orewavdy LAA Rem Mw Ceti -too, Sept 5. —The Lake Seam We Bsesvolent Asociatiom bis offered • reward of $10 for the reeovery of anJ of the bodies from the echoer.. City of Toledo t.esntly lost is lake Michigan. Te.: Asaoeiatien charges that the Ids-san.gerew acted with great cowardice. 1t as stated In the eom- maniratlen that the Association ran prove that two thirds of the erase. of all the life. mnag statione ea the lakes are mea it far the pesitiose flat they held. Killer Mr • fates., New Yeas, Sept S.—Dories a row he front al Na 4 !Ester -treat Isaac id.r..st else live, sow ewherre i. Rus Jet►- etruek Thema. Cowes ander the ear. ase.s died before the umbels... arrived. Bar- est* wee arrested. Ganes' reelelease r me kww.. I TMR gvtllU1 s !1 TN* WINK e . gatprbm. .I bra ire Mats lava d..lded le M Ma Alward BWn hi the %ya m as AtlpM-hw 111. ad the eaoswU• tee hag the affair is charge have w far pleieM/ anetegs--s s M •marsttanaa ••. Sir (itisr Masai is hack frees hit mow met holiday. The Utile Yr...war 1..k. bailor art wishes it ua.hrrt•e1 he leets homer able lama some to melees the lamer - able geniletneo eremite, he they guar an "opposite.' Cool avows rad huoktsbarry pH, •t P.uutaag are rgsposssble for kir Olive's welfare. .� The ehobaa has nimble' Sew York hay Sia Jostle at (east have false piaa tiara easel a.gral tafeeted ships ars Lagoaraane . Nothing *hurt et • normae .aa stow keep the pest frail tit. Cootiesee, although it is thought the attthw iiia. will is nrrL Letter able to cups with it ,:ow them they Ivor haw* barn on any previous overarm. Next year a third easter will be put on Samator Smith's Niagara route, hoe mei Toroato and Lewiston, to coa.ect with the new River Kleetrir Railway frees Quotas - tea to tbs Pelle She will to 40 feet learger than the Cilxdw and a three dweker. Al- though the hull will he hailt it Canada, her moires have baso rontraoted for i. the Old Country. The Toronto ludrutrial Eabt►ition opens oa Tuesday, the 0th dopa. and closes ca the lith. With the enlarged grer.d., new half mile track. new g *mud -W feet hag. many other improvem.sts, mid the large nitmber of excellent special attrac- ►ioas provided, the coming Fair will un- doubtedly be away ahead of all that have preceded it. The entry IgA in all depart- ments is larger than ever, and the space to all the (wilding. hu bean taken. The usual cheap fares and ex ersios. will be given 00 the railways. The atteodr.oe of visitors from all parts .f the country will endo ubt. edit/ be great ..• Of eon iderabl. iatarest to townspeople is the news that before the end of eels year Vork County will be threaded a obey dif- ferent directions ley elsetries railway routes. 1 road from Toronto te Markham r amour ed, aed o. Meaday fork Township passed • bylaw granting *A).000 boom te a road running from the city limit. to Richmond Hill. The read has • farther berm of a like amount Tanker sp the line. Out is the a)uutry farmers ars slre.dy diaoemiag the chanes likely to ensue in the agar future m the delivery of their goods in terra. Kves the probable advert of eloetrie railway freight oars and the deed.00s of the old• time wagon is Wag talked of. Daring the past week the Toronto Ra way Company has beer opr•tiag Church strict lute with ►ha new trill ears. The chanes of system has been nompauie,' wiWi three terribly fat accidents, a&Il several rammer' mere or I disastrous. Cu Friday sight Mies Moron. Rearbor°. was ore.sing lbs tomb a Char street. She mead eo mut ma t speed of the eyeing ear, and while gmi wasout of the way, drawn esker the h wheels, both her lop p beteg fearful! eras .d. She lived but a few boars. The tic ether vtctirus were a farmer'. wife f Weems, and an bootleg of the cal), riding oolt. !loth these latter resulted from ruaa way horses 'chore are oily some S cera on the Church street line. WIao ibirt times that number of oars are reaming the streets, u slim, soon will be, tore wi no doubt be • perfect reign of tern* autos horses and pede.trtana People fro the coentry. who come upon the can u •wares, will le much more likely to meg with mishaps tban citizens. Faring ought to keep clear of streets where tb trolley oar Is running. The delegates of the Interietieual ('on forme. of tjuart:nine Isp.ctiou met at TomatoToato last weak and wont to lloptreal and thence to the Groan Isle quarquartette*Mahon. How utterly unprepared ('aasida u to keep out the cholera may be judged from the following report of the conference "The a,mmirton, after summing up the existing conditions, cousi.dora t be ealuipnt of the station at present existing wbolla ina.lequate w protect this territory d.p ing nl.on it against the Importation of diseases.etudes% or other contagious diseases. The chief deliciemcies of the station au are: (11 Nu wharf aleyufor the safe ants speedylanding of pas- sengers and their effects, and at which vessels may he disinfected ; a2t no sniteble distill toting apparatus fur either baggage, cargo or vessels; 13i no proper acxoruwoeda tion for the det.ntloo of suspects; r1) no adequate, ani safe water supply, either for washing, lathing, drinking or other nacos .. e ery purposes;. ) os account of deficiencies existing at this status' the comminle° cm •• - aider' that nothing short of total excluaim of emigrants ani of their effects, and of Yes - e el. corning from infects porta, will furnish nth. ieut protection •gatut the introduction of cholera or other sostagious diseases through this port." Judge Church, of Montreal, born in !gag. J. B. Forsythe, • promiuent merchant of Kings ton. Cawductor Teat, of ht. Thoma., suddenly of heart disease. Mrs. Herve who founded the Hervey Institute for Children at Montreal. itr. William S. Frank, • well-known phy- sician of Norwich, alter • Long'liness- Ilsths of pr••meuent Canadians during the week and record of fatal accidents, ate. %Vllliain Patton, fu: :newly chief of the Montreal fire brigade, in bis seventy-first year il- the sy ac- v w et .► tteula. foal red • e 'i Archibald McCallum. f: r (11 years a resi- dent of North Yarmouth, Eight county, aged oak ('harles, wan of John Ilavidsen of Toron- to Custom Hous, accidentally shot at Lnwguettl. Netted !remain, farmer of North Planta. genet, drowned while attempting to crone the Nation River. John Kearney, living two miles from Il•.tinga, killed he lightning while kneel tag at fan:dy prayers. Sluts Mu: }'racer, of Sparta, (las, killed by lurid -i•., from a rig the bores .d whi.•h ran as at l'..rt l,:teee. Mr. .foie. l•-l;otgalt, pro' rat w of the ('aleal.aiiairon uo:k., %footrest, aged 11; He ern" !rim S.•otlartd 111 IS3I. John Mortis :a much respected farmer of Feat Whitby, living; Isar ( °limbus, hanged himself in his barn „n Thursday. Nos Heron, of Soarboro, ran over by a troller .-sr in Tomato, troth legs being .ey. erred below the knees Died shortly cher wand& Two men named Kills, father mid res, while working in • stone quarryat Qalgary, Alberta, were buried bette&t► r .sin o% earth and store through the aeries -1a of an nndertni.ed hank. The lowly of Joseph (ireatiead, frit urate of the srano., Nett Woodward. whisk wag Inst of Soothe/tiptoe the ether was washed ..hese near the rase it, sail woo tonna yesterday eriore4ses. ved▪ N le Roo keen �.srial.fs moseha d+• Oa Ault:MIMS. Lima. p-..aa.rlb es ens iylnl-'. LICHTNINC! HUZ T881 LIOHT2NT21•Td FhUI1" JAR The best in the market. —CA xi.— LOAD— LOAD OF SUCAR ARRIVED 70 -DAY. -- C. A . Nairn's. coag AND W000 Coal, Wood and Kindling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. RD HA e r quality chest nrat,atwkSal lei seal constantly oe hared. 307'T 003L. Bat Shawnee Inmp coal for nee ie graves stoves, furca..., etc. Beet quality genuine Ilcesburgb smith Mc coal sow o. heed. 8vsoial attention gi yen toeoutry trade. WOOD. 1 have sow rot my machinery In oper- on for sawing and splitting wood. Cut and milt wood ready Icor stove always Ic stock. any Nv you want. Don't forret That 1 am selling wood, ra and split. se heap se you can buy long woad os the market. All my w.,od Ie sold by the cord of 111 feet or half cord Iota; no load or lag bushier .bout It KINDLING WOOD. Pine and hemlock, t feet long, or cat tied .plat nay lenstb. ° MICC, YARD AXD COAL SHIMS in old drill shed, Nelson -at., foot of Ham- ilton-st., three minutes walk from Court Hose Square. Orders left at my readene.. No, a Saws at.. near elsItb'. 'anaerr, win receive prompt honkies. reams f AN& JOHN 8. PLATT, Pill, t-lyl FREE TRADE r'2,00118 The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to s and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at The Toroth Cash Storc P. VDU, *,,,;era r•,» theth,I °see shore calks specked •ttuulmr ie rts Job Priatiall taol tl mess winch are awar, paa,el outride the cities fen the prompt and iwuper e*evut►uu of all clams d printing A perusal el this autwuwy. inset may suggest s..ruotbtng )ou may he w tired of, awl is awe ewer we bolt. nit your patronage, !soling coubdsas that our efforts to pleurae sill asset with Tthe approval of our matron. L1Ltftr �`Il.lhl\t< In this lute we have a very 1srge stock of fine writing papery suit. able for every class of business represented in this locality, txlm- prtung laird and wove, linens, quadrille trawl other papers, ruled or anruletl, s. may be required, 'iris i‘eadls This useful sine is kept in the full range of qualities tlYre ss letter heads. While ttt* o, iito.o.s are not so generally used, they till an important place in commercial correepondenoe. See what we've got under the above heath. A.N%\X i%et its If the " pa]-cs-you-go " plan was the order of the day the detu.anal for account paper would not be so great ; but there are some nen who get so many dunnerr that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is coin plete in this line with four sues. Good paper and nest ruling. tatemeliAs Both single and double dollars and cents columna. They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a rnont67 They are sure to fetch him 'rouLd— sometime. Vatawskohes Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to keep up with the .demand for them we keep a large stock on hand We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 75c. to Iri.00 per M. We handle coin mercial and legal sizes exclusively. e0V VMereNa\ V.%.W ee•re has already been partially enum- erated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amount of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tux SIGNAL At.t‘txt.Aons to an "At Home" or a wedding require couaidersble tic..te in eelee- titin sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and best samples to be had. ell and ree. Ci trevAttYs We aim to excel in all the .iitTer- eat kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements. rouroans of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. Cards and. T•eekecs This head covers a large range d work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary adt!litsion ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed member hip ticket. 4 osiers Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is done by us. This line also in - chides VIod►gers which our three fart -running job presses are able to turn out in $ surprisingly short time. Oa\t \\\s belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty of them ---promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of sale will appear in The BtONAt fn's of charge when bills for same are got hers. A\\ V:me.s of Work in the typographical printing line can be done in this establishment in expeditions and artasfio ner Our Ylets mil\\ \►e jowl & eery meso, ab\t, We extend oar ors and eolieit a .stns. TAIL thanks for past lair- (tontine.nee of the fl—at tjlfii r