HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-1, Page 8• THD SIGNAL s G{ODERIQH, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1892. SPONGES, ctdarauTn Bror , 1 i k t and /e aisle Extra vale. 1s Bath sad Osrrlege ersa/_ ALW BULE PILRIUMU Lt mono la awns I.Ilae LeibiesBkwsoVlernlat and Jockey Crows Crab-apple FINE ENGLISH T, ETH BRUSHES all prior. a1as asap:* aad texture. 1.7 YALUB IN 00M1113. erect, Rubber. Ile .ad Ivory. LJILIOTROPIi TOILET SOAP 10 oeue per [1 oak.. a Ta AND Lu TLRD CASTIL& SOAP YV by the bar er oaks. PICKLING SPICES el all WadsRubber Rias. for Preserve Jars. Darks W .lass FINE ('IOAR.-Tri Orate Swett is the beet Sc cigar in Iowa. PRESCRl1'TI, NB FILLED WITH 1 ,ere, amines' aad dlpateh at the Pba L oci GEO. A. FEAR, euccca.or to Geo. Minas. 0ODERICH. Open SundaJ s fur dlspen.1Wt and medicines ode. APR. ART.x x x R. CROCKETT, Aimee.. iwnescape• sune and portrait painting In oil and water oolo. CLASSES 0. Thursday*. remises and Saturdays. from 9 A.11. ta 11 o'clock. and fram a to S o'clock p.x. AreLltecturti and mechanical drawing. IRaw iup fur patent/. etc. 8T(' DIA •-Nurthest., Ant door from the Square The People's Column IT El A FACT. My increasing business heeebiaed ler be stew Into more commodities 0reabes. and sing rented the two stores IebeaM u Block. )ext to E. Downing* shoe store. 1 wilt have four lartce !lots to dieptsy geode. The end deer south of K Downing'. wed be occupied by the Ft-RNIT-RK AND 1.111o1..TKRn'o de - renewed. where • tine and complete stock of every thing in the Furoltr-e line of the bast makers will be kept. and at prices To(WIT Au. pie err*. 1 .u•r•nter to we ycu any article of F ni:ure el. five to ten per cent. lees than Toronto prices. came kind and tee -•'icy. and 1'AV VRnIG1T TO ANT POINT 150 ✓ reedit Oo0CRlce. Call and be con- t ed. tis[ tell. and everybody- tell* • The er store MITki i HAZ AAR we., 1,e occupied by our Wall Paper. School eetpi'Feuer 'm r e.where t i full end ext.!~ marc variety et a.•* and elegant moods will be placed. 81'KCIAL For the next two weeks I will give ape -Tal dieccumta off all limas et furniture to save the [-cable and cwt 01 moving it. can early and o.eeure 1 bargain aad tell your neighbors where sou tot tat. BMITH'8 BAZAAR t FURNiTURE STORE. 33761y Crabby Block. ' EW PLANING MILL. Bash and door factory. Having a very nage stock of lumber un hetet 1 wisp to reduce my stock to make rooms for W :er trtoce. 1 am p -+pared to slaughter prices Is all grades of woodwork. fioc•'nye. sid'•eg, etc.. for the next three months. And will take ' :one hay, 10.000 cords heading. 10Q00 cords wood. 1 ,L )) f.. log•.• 10.0cords stave hoed in payment thereof xu.Id ye- homes out of you -own forretes) pines of hot hes to ,elect from. 7' ly JOSEPH KiDD. Poor 17. 17 Britannia -et. Au tsoneerini s loHN GRIFFIN. COUNTY AUC- tioneer,land valuator. lean will Insurance agent. elides attended in ail parte of the omen- l'orrespondencesoliclted. Address JOHN GRIFFIN. Kingebrldtrr. Orden left at TH. 8iey .i. Odbcr promptly attended to. $-bf JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- tiuneer and Land Valuator. Ooderich, Out. Having had considerable experienoe la the etrtioueeriagtrade. he 1. In a position to dherbarge with thorough satisfaction ail tom FO.ons entrusted to hi* orders lett et tee's Hotel. or trent by mail to his address, ich P. O.. oaredully atteadd to. JOHN X. County Auctioneer. Ie711 iSeehaalee' Institute. i'1ODE&IIOH MECHANICS' INSTI- vA TU?I LiBRARY AND READING - Ma, or. or East street aad Square l.p Open from I to 6 P.M.. and from 7 to /0 p.m. ABOUT 2(OO VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leodiny Daily, Are,kly and IUwfrafed Papers Magazines, ria on Pile. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY S9.ss, greeting free ors of Library &Dd Reading- ,hpplasat i esras. Ilosse+sees. fee 'membership'membership received by ID. SHARMAN. 010.PresidBTIVEN. Gedericb MarrchaIIk MILsem'wtary. Special Plotless. G. WARD, CONVEYANCER, 1 • . Ike.. and onmmlesioser for miles and re• mil Mg recognizanere of bail, all -davits es ag9tm.ttons. depeltion• or enterer' declara- tions lar concerning any anion. It or pro - = In the Higt. Court of Justice. [bee = ef Appeal for Ontario. or in an; County er 1MvMen Court. All transactions carefulty end promptly eceeeted. ReMdeac..nd P.O. address--Dmaaen.Oat 11115 tf • N Epp CHOPPING MiLL lean prepes. 1101 is remains at ail larred to ddsemallt Mods of grain chop lievietest mid beet improved Mssm/ Pet(•tYour home sly ty KIDD. Rotel Aeeomltalodatioa. UNION HOTEL, OODKRICH - Thb well -k .we. ,e.se.l and tremerif hoteI has base taken pcessnasa of by Saab bother. and relined In a resp.M 1st see of the sest.ut end enema he.n• t8*h gods. Nine loneliest. Eiaella.t w.tr mslersia SAUL?T'Ttlt BISOS.. tore diet 1 THE HURON HOTEL. - THiU ...*. wg+. 1..w■ .d =ton WWI hes id Is iso seed ei .w~ In oesld Tier the wavdrag pii. der, tY Meng ea ilittmotsoss Valiant. SAI JEMMAN MA NwaT. D.. - SAL Weal lime. s.p .Ttrrefa, Oath tri 1.s Lost or Found 011T -ON UB ABOUT JULY astO tall. two eet • sines ea be. aalegaN. A.g. kith. 1K. 4 - Seed Orate. TIKOTHY BEED. - A LARGE...1317 0 this year's .nee of Bats seed lar ash at the lowest .sere. S AN& a.sdemsa. ear. Victoria .ad H.m[ltemeL, Qedsrle31 1m10 SEED WHEAT FOR SALE - THs blbwing need wheat.. as meow Quoted ars ft r sal by the .nderser d es kis Mkart Rad Clauses ppr eer. 51; Jones Americas Dewar •berprle .a.. $1 ; Jones' wl st-er byte. RO11KRT FINNIGAN. lot t, sus. 7. Ash- ..dd. 11-76 SEED WHEATS. - EARLY RED (lfweoa aad Americo, Bross.. Earli- est ale mssl p.od.otivs wheals grow- a the +alta.+. ♦lo a 1afltrr o g*mea. of newr Weedy seed. ed RURIWtt•8. t1....e0s. Property for Sala or for Rent. PARK FOR SALK-THAT VALU- able farm known as weer half of lot No. 4 Is the Lath cos.. tee edis ee Aahtleld. W. D., sentatut.^' acres. raw 18•111.01.4 ...0 with cin eared. bee a mood us ehard, is midi fenced. and 14 situated about * Dien Wks 1 0111 Leekuow, • mood market town. Fur further parttculernaprl'- to CAM- E RUN. HOLT It HOLIIktt. Oda-.ce 7611 FARM FOR SALE -THAT VALI - able farm known as north part of lot dt Lake flange. Ashgdd. oosnprialug 91 acres. at present occupied b7 C. Peewee t. well cleared. It is rime: 1 „e ,tat • mile Trent vil- lage of Kie,wil. ..ow to church and school. There • net dwelling. and • good large barn on the peewees: also a louse otoha.Q and • rueuiug stream .t8* the hot. 1411111 good. Tomos 001 cash. aad balance is ten ,ears beart.K interest : per cent. For further ppearr ticulan apply to S. SWAN., Dederick. it -70 LVOR SALE CHEAP.-DESIKA BLE 1` cottage. calm one block from 00011 house. Terms coy. •A ILMICR SMITH. Crabb'* block. 11-75 12031 SALE. -N. LOT sl, 2ND CON - 1' cession. Sam Wawano.h. 100 acres. This is a Bntcl•.s farm. Also town lot 479, Dede- rick. also lot 228, Godcrich town. ea which there 1. a -eat brick cottage. Apply to PHILIP 1, .LT. 46[1. VideR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT 11' commodious building on Kln.t-et.. Brae- sels, •r present occupied as • pout-shopp by Wm, smith, is on wale. Terms easy. Apply to F. S. 8t'OTT. Weirdo P.O. 1611 Dentistry. MNICHOLSON, LD.* -DENTAL . rooms tereesite Ike sow Post OIL e, W estoe. Ooderich. 1102Sicy DR. E. RICHARDSON, L. D. S„ sweeen dentist. Oar end vitalism •11 administered fur painless extracting of teeth. Steele! attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Odice-Up .444re. Grand Opera House Block. entrance os War. 8t.. feeder -tele 2161-17 EiedloaL DRS. WHITELY i HUNTER. GM • Grand Opera House. l mob. DRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, 1J PLydctana. Burgeons. Aocouchers. Sc. Ogle, at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the gaol Goderlch. G. C. SHANNON. J. R. shan- NON. 1751 • LptaL FN. LE W 18, BARRISTER, PROC- . for in Maritime Corte of o.tario OOBce-South Colborne hots. 2313 ILIi O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, j 1. solicitor. commirloner. Lo. Loaner. collections and real estate transactions care- fully attended is 0411m --Cor. Hamilton and 8e.. Andrew's -et.. (:oderich. Ont. 12,26-1y) JOtIN DAVISON, BARRISTER, • Solicitor. Co.veyeacer. to. ; Mboe, to lend. (Mice over Post-Orloe. Goderieh. 1641 CAISPION, BARRISTER, F. Solicitor. Notary Public, e t e. Moe -Over Jordan'* Drug Store. the rows termer(, occupied by Judge Doyle. C. HAY8, SOLICITOR, &c. . Office. corner of Square aad Wes street Ooderieh, over telegraph no*. Pri- vate Fe Fonds to lend el 6 per re". P'10• Ci ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- Vf risers, Atiorae a tiolialton, tc., Dodo rich. J ,T. Oarrew. Q.C.. W. Proudfoot. CAMERON, HOLT .t HOLMES, hat-isters. 8olicitore in Cbaaosry Lt. Ostsoderlch. M. C. C.ro.. Q.C. ; P. Holt ; Dudley Hoboes. L.Oana anti 1nIUPa2M. C,• J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, I ' E; E AND • &widest insurance Meet ; u hawed rates. Odlee-Cor. Nor'I.st. and tepees God. rich. 744 ON EY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 amount of private aad ether fluids at lowest rates that productive town and rum re7• .,pedal terms of repayment to suit .newer. -No comm visa. -Call or write M. (r. Jo(NITON. Oode-ich. IS slat( 600,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO ‘10 CAMERON HOW't HOLMEBO, . riots. 1/11/ MONEY TO LEND. -A LAROR AL amount ed Private reads ter le vee nsm t et lowest rates ea gest-class Mort5Sges. seDARROW t PHOUDFOOT. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN On the aeoartty of Cultivated Farm. Inter sal. WI per meet. psyatiie annually. Any por floe of the principal may be peed at any time the borrower wishes. All expenses paid by the County. No person except the County A•ditors allowed to see mort..ges or iso know to whom money is loused. Aseilly to le M. HOLMES. Ooder'..b, AOR. 5th. IM. (le. Treasurer. 37-tf RADCLIFFS, GENERAL iN• sumacs. Ileal it.tam sad Money Las• sies Agr n1. Oel, lrlt.nler eoespaales .-..... $.d Mosey to Lead ea lease. at the lowest rate el later.* slog 1.. atm, trent ag.arr.. set StOe see e. tf fiCs•tt HIRE'S ROOT • 1)EFR A le.. bewM makes 5 giallo'. et Rest Bass, • dellei.w. 8umarr drink. MARQUANi7I FRECKLE LOTION. Obs RA SALT bei the Bath. flee. Bag. RATH AND $UeeT SPONOSS. HELIOTROPE TOILET SOAP. lam Any amount et empty candy beetles at testa mak J. W!Leo .'s Penroarrrloit Moe Seam Ilotl.a ATRS NOTION TO CRIEWTOMIll he tit tem* eaft P..awt le the revised ambles el Orissas ehw•ep.Mr ie by redish woo licrelb as e MIW.m'`S.e.dy.late et ew~ab. fel she tiet Aaat eon wk b esa or ssay b. the 11111, are ea co the let dar livered 'et the lameg to de erred. or 1 Cer1Mta, adaalea.tria et -the cal ertlatw a sea.eesea1 ta wet a their maw aM ed dro5...n5 the u l.ee .t their ales., Meat. five erten d W ew.rlf1ies Of say) bele b attar id let of sealer. 1t S. a etersurther . said abandoireirix eon said mooned aced a ammo ole permesthe Y antlthed thereto. Weise r and only to the et which sbq ..0 one. bate souse. tat the . M adal.itrattsz will est be Saba Mr the premed. of the estate .r eel warred ddm lobs add ada,lnletrstrix h.8* o q adios at t►m time of distribution' al the said estate er •ay part thereof. 71-41 H. MOIRRISON Schafer for wtr Adml..4s. Dated at Lsckuow this ash dal of Almost. 1 '2. Auction Beale. AUCTION BA LE or VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. Under and puntmet to • power of sale eon- t•lned la a meats mortgage bearing .'ate Wednesday 4th day of December. A D. lel and wbich will he prodn.•en•t tlretime ofsale. then wdihoorayed for sae bypublic auction ooMos- day. the 7th day of September. A.D. 1093. .t the hour ed 11 o'clock. mein. at Martin's bwel. I. the Iowa of Doderloh. by John Knox. •uo- finer. the following real estate. namely Lot running number nine hundred and fifty- five on the south side of mt. Petrick street, la t3e town of Oodertcb, in the county of Huron. Upon this property there to • Rood frame twooterl house 24x34 with kitchen 16x11. There is also • good teazle stable 18x11. The lot 1e well lanced 5.td cucely situated. sed within era minutes walk of the $guare and post these. This property is • most desirable one. TERMS : len ser cent. of the purchase money must be paid at the time of sale sad the balance within one month when • deed will be given, For further particulars apply to the auction. eer or to CAMERON. HOLT 3. HOLMES. JOHN KNOX. Vendors' Solicitors. Auutloaler. 2I-7% listed the 24th Ay of August. A.D. Hat Specific Artioles. 50,000 BARRK yB APPLI' D e (ANTRWNt of Clinton. wants 50.000 barrels Fall aad tinter apples for which the beet market pries will be paid. Huta your apples for Castel* .red save many. D. ( ANTELON, Chat... 114 so1Estles. (IANADIAN ORDER OF HOKE l.) Circles-Ooderirh Circle. No 1 ' meets third Monday of each mouth in the ball owe Ina SIONAi. o1lce. Special inducements t• t.sur•aue and sic& beeedta. D. ('ALBICK. Leader: R J. A('HEdOX, Treasurer ; K. Rrt'HARisMON, secretary. 56-1yr Articles Ear Sale IIMF. FOR SALE. -GOOD FRESH J lime kept constantly o8* band at the Falls Mlime kiln. All orders for deliver. will airs ptly attended is X. B AKCho R. ICOR BALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST pulleys -al In. face, 1 11-16 In. bore, or cos be bored to St larger shah. blood as new. Will be sold at a reasonable lIii'tre. Apply et Tits Sweet Steam erentlog House, North -,t., Ooderleh. 0141. rpOs'N OF OODERICH. TREASURER'S BALE OF LANDS FOR TAX 8..8. Peet -mcg or O,'TANao, ) By virtue of a Tow,' or UODKNIcx. i warrant under the hand of the Mayor of the Tows of Dederick and de- seal of the said t'rporation. halms date. 35th day or June, 1a -t, to me dtrv.oted, commanding me to levy upon the lauds in the following list of arrears of taxes due thereon. two unless the said Lane*. together with all arose, are soon.+ paid. 1 shall proceed to oat the said lands by public auction, oras much thereof as may be afgekat for the payment of the taxes and cos' thereon. et the TUW N H ALL. in the TOWN OF D0uERiCH. on Friday. the 25th day et November, 1892'. at the hour of two ("Week. Tee hie arepeteerrd, Irate or .Coes naso .1 g 6 ► . oi, ,u.' Street, I ` 111i11.leg Nes; 14 le sl70 2300 • B. pt. Alp' 1 14 2344 3 00 n 14 W. pt. 1004 •' " , 1 21 1 15r 11 00 1051 " 1 1 ) 86 315 1046 1054 " ' . t 1.4 1111 11 P 961 e K 88 Wain'• $..r'7 i 1 Iii 3' 0 10 lit Heed's Survey, 1 le 3 IS is e 431 . ` 4. 59 Matt. Road ' 14 11t " " 1141 IMI MI Cyon.s Street, 1 ; a I te 1-44 i i -J h 16 7, e 79 K M ill swath. W. I. HORTON. Jon Sills. Town Treasurer. 1 TEETN EITIACTEO WITHOUT PAIN ■Y o15 cox D► 4T DR. E. RICHARDSON'S K T$L PAatoaa. OPERA NIXIE IOW I/IIT-ITSEET, OO DIET! I, OMT. it albedo me aalirnit.d ortlaatMan, alter • tearoegh feet, resulting la Be appreciation of d.13.31 rel patrons. to submit that 1 Yee _ exelestve right to use ie Oadeebih Wee ,eta.titio discovery, whleb b wares serer M create the lead pain duster the . et teeth or stamp of soy Wiwi. 10 a evert eon, sad very little pule to the mage eesnme rear SIV P1-2Q1oRVE POIC .t•T As • Iseal -ssse4bstle test sent awes the 'Minot re film ayabtem Is hersaws as tressers s,ti•d kimono o earth te .fora. M it wettlys to pale. Pryers r.. ..11 MervMoes ee tm askew. llama el earestiessiemsate bas teeth • a .ala /. --• well we MII►ftt 1 doss. b are mine. Dt. E. RiCHARDSON. reeadltr GREATER RZDUCTIONS Our Clearing Salo of Seesaw Goods still continues Several lines of Prints that were 12 1-2 and 15c. per yd. reduced to Sc. Fast Colored American Cbal- liss reduced to 6c. per yd. All Summer Goods at about half price. We are determined to carry no Summer Goods over until next season. If you want a bargain call t;.rly as the Goode will not last long at the price[. JAMES A. RFID Jardan's Meek. Dederick. Aug. 11111.11111L TO ADVERTISPRRB. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each weak. Travelling Guide. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Tn'• • •-rive and depart at Gedmlib as fd- Mere : MLitt Tin Mall and Express. . pm. Ma.' .0.1 E:prra.... sees..-......... psi. 7411e4 ........... • L1.. IMPART. 161 Boarding. BOARDING -A FEW HOARDB KS eon rSad aemim5ee•tion to.renleat to tai l. (4723085, l able maw. by Model applying to Box 74-31 NAT - A FEW BoARDERs 2 Fltetetsui accommodation for high school students, Immediately be ,-k of Park Hoar. MRS. A. McKenzie W e „tt s.. 75 -- Ontario Stawtes. ONTARIO STATUTES. Notice la hereby given that the Outario 1.atute, for' .. Vir 1 have beer received by the undo-.ltjed• aad are now ready for delivery to each trate. and all others duty pi -' tied to receive the game. IIIA WSW18, Clerk of the Peace for Heron Delerich, Arq..l, I69t 1.76 Voters' List. VOTER11' MIST .•,.o TOWN 01 C3DERICH. Notice is hereby glean that I have trans- mitted or deilvered to 116 persons mentioned In sections .5 and 6, of the Ontario Voters' Lit Act. I 't, the copies required bit id seeds. to be transmitted or delivered of the -et made pr -t ant to sell Act, e. *11 :'e ., . apt.ear.m8 by the •,.t revised aeseaeuteut roll of the said mttutclpaltty to be entitled to vote in the said municipality et elections ter members of the l.egutarir.• Ateembi and sit AlonicIoaI Elec- tions we that sail List tau first posted up et my oakoe at Gudertoh. on the : eh day of aug- ust. 1882, and remains there for inspection. klectors are called upon to examine the said list lied if any omtswne or any other errors are found therein to take imtme4We ptooeed lugs to have the eatd ea ..0111 correctrf accord- ing to la -w. WM. MITCHELL. 11.711 Tows Clerk. Dated at Ooderlcb this kith del of A.gcat. THE NEWS ABOCT TOWN. At chide mammy ye. tetel•' .oars de.' faith hell pre.- .t. FINE TAILORING.--Mid.umener tweeds is great variety at 7115 Chicago House, West- s1. You can hare a crag choice and rely on good style sod fit as very moderate prime. B Maol;ormac, Mgr. The wind whistled through the bummer pants and jackets yesterday in great shape, end nada overcoats were la voilme in some la- 51scsa. 0111 at F. J. Pridhams and prepare for the Fall campaign. it is the mild September whether the mock. lag bird b 5iogieg on the tree or not, sad the time of oke sere leaf is at hand, but FL 1t. &d- awn eediaees to tarn out work et els photo studio equal to the best. Notice to my customer* :--Os the 1st day of Sept. 1 will admit Jas A. McIntosh es a partner In my West street !rosiness My books will be closed ca that date, and ■ par- ties indebted to fee an notified Diet settle - mal must be merle at once. I will pay .le debts ooatraoted ',review to partnetsklp. tBagne,.l Al.Sc. 8at'5Dia. TAKINu Ho1.IDAre.-Rot. J. A. Ander- son, wife and family have left on a holiday trip for the Ottawa Valley. Mr. Anderson's pulpit will be applied the first three Sob, bathe in September by Albert Mahaffy, • student of the Presbyteriso College Mon- treal, and by Rey. Dr. Moffat, of Toronto, o. the last sabbath of the month, after which Mr. Anderson expecte to resume his work. Txa MOeo.IA1. Seat/*:. -A service was held in North -d. Methodist church last Sunday erasing in memory of .lames sad Roy Howell, the two young moos of the respected pastor of the church, whose teed death by drowning two weeks ago eased a general feeling of sorrow. The church was crowded. Rev. John Scott, ot St. Marys, occupied the pulpit and pr.scb.d an appro- prtste sermon. Many hearts were toeohed by the disoreur.s and went out in sympathy to the afflicted funnily. The choir .iter the leadership of S. P. Halle, R A., render- ed an scosdingly suitable service of swag on the occasion. A (14300 OriatrioY. Oe* of Joy. Mor- ris' tsatobe.i tonm eau kioked M its mate four weeks ago last Monday, and sustained se severe an injury to iia side that its life was despaired of by th. ower. The wowed was es deep that nothing het the iater.al disembowelled. lir. Clerk, the l Rang hhwlered the poor beast from hming eul veterinary, was called i., and In well did be seemed in bragging to animal around that it wee •ha to be put In harness last Saturday week, tied it he. panne' every daas be y eines, ass* the worse for its senses aimdweat.ta The w.rk dee* by Dr. Clark le Wetly apnea of by Mr. Mor- tis, who believes that had N sot hese ler by • h• e .. visor, 'edd ; . the isotnesemi eo Tosutno 113 ros r)U5. - G.T.R flews ars as fellows : Sopa. 6, 7, S. 9 and 10, 54.06; Sept 12. 5t ffi; 131h. .1.GS; 1448*. *90 MN and 16th, $4.06. All Saba treed be reeve astH 85,6 19th. The ldtlatrW Fe4 this year will eclipse previously • previoeheld. sverybdy go eat for vagid cheap +.1mina le Detroit, Chung+, ss.., is • few weeks, ward these +clams* for full particslare .d lass. Get per Nokia .Rd .n Wermauo. from H. Anaswe.g, tows tabs spot O.T.R, Ged- erid, Oat. Tickets, Whgo. s ad b o all parte of tward 1 agent AIV, 1)umioioo, Ascher, award, AUsoY.5wam- ra AgLOemsiiiae !apron Co. PAaaO W rr. Hosont -We wars phased to see by the recently pabab8*d matrkeidaS icm dam list of Toronto Uaiy.ceiy, that the two candidates from our Stow had sect with marked suocea.. Miss Nettie Combe, who resides in Clinton, but attended oar In- stitute during the last school year, obtained first clam boson in KDgI*,h,Fre.oh, Os,5an and History and was awarded the second scholarship in 'soda s languages Miss Edith Elwood obtained tint der boars is French aad (:-smmar, and shooed ekes honors in Koslteh .od History. Their sac - no, ee•.oalally soesidertne the short time they his. baa prep•nug for the attbmisties, refieata great cre.1•1 uut only on themselves, but alas ••t the tea..h •ig staff of the beat - tote, and especially on lie. Charles, who has cage c f the department of Modern LanTo. NORTH/Lk,' (.Arts - The (treat Northern ('aledooian gn1her'-ig at Lucknow will he held this year ou September 14th, and for the first time under the auspicel of the Mons of Scotland of the oo' 1' o! Hu- ron and Brum- The games will take place oo the spacious park of the Caledonian Society of Lucknow, when s complete and varied program of athletic sports, pipios and dancing will be presented. The Sons of Scotland of this district have united in a determination to make there gatberugs second to hope on the American continent. In addition to the attraction of a large and varied program of well managed games, the ('amps have secured the prawn si of Louis ('yr, the strongest of all the human race, to Rive an athletic exhibition, occupying an hour or over. Special railway arrange - menu have been med. and every effort is beim put forth by the ass mitten to make the gathering a s.tber"ig faked, a day of enjuymeet and pleasant ramemberanee w all visitors. In Santry ain't 70 par aOa et the work tegmen eat 1 has than 1150 per year. .1 country sewapaper correspondent in Main: recently sent this cheerful bit of sews to his paper : . Brooks 1s at last provided ith a pion pease anti ocr citjreme o n Dow be conveyed to their gra% 1 in docent= This is something that has long been here." DUNGANNON. Pithy Paragraphs Prepared for Seeders of The Digoal. From oar oWD orwpo.dent C. Barry, of the the Sepov vtllsge uorth of here, during lot week was the guest of R. J. Crawford and Sire. Crawford. Awes. ---Master Robert llendesning, to whom reference was made to oar Wt, as being • visitor. left hen on Friday .3ugu•t 2616. to %Vingham, to visit relatives; theme to hi. [tome 111 Dakota Bluer.; or ihsr5-roto.-The next monthly meeting of the directors of W, -1 Wawsaosh Mutual Fire l.sursace Coy., will be held to the usual picas, oo Tuesday Sept. loth inst. Mir }Alen Johnson, of Michigan. and formerly of this locality, in the guest of her aunt, Mr.('r.wford, sr. &d her cousin, Mies Francs Crawford, also visiting other relatives and former associates. Goes Hou.. ---Mies Fannie Auderson, and M'es K. Roes left here on Monday en route for home at Kiriston. They bare been visiting for some tome at Miss F. Anderson's father, T. Anderson, Ashfield. Master David Whyard, and ha Salter Miss Polly, left here os Wednesday 24th en route for Detroit, on • visiting tour to rel. •fives, also to take in the ughta of the city, and Fall Exhibition which is being held Shuei. Ma Annie Anderson, daughter of T. Anderson, Ashfield, who has bees visiting friends and aoqusiatancaa in the circular town for some time, came home the begin- ning of last week, and reports having had • pleasant tints AwAe TO M*wryoeA.-On Maturde► Ja. Roes, bone and implement dealer, left his r'ea.de.ce, West 11 awarto•h, via I:oderich, for Manitoba with a Dumber of horses. May he have • profitable and successful trip and safe return. Howe rigor Vl51Ttn.: Sltr Bertha Pat - land. daughter of Mr. Alexd. Pentland, Weis Wasanceh returned home on Friday of last week, extended and pleasurable Vis1 to friends era acquaintances at Wingham aad vicinity. Ur*NINN Fon A Ver. -There is • good opening ben for a competent V. S. no op - polities southward nearer then 12 miles n orth trios (miles ; east and west we may my then is no danger of any encroachment in jurisdiotioa in that line. RNl.Asosa-Our popular harness maker, D. Hicks has recently made an addition to his shop (owing to an increase of business) which enables him to enlarge his show room or his goods in stock which can be seen to 'Armature by all concerned. Sinlo t. Atricc.iT.. -On Monday • eon of Wm. McNeill A.bOold,by accident fell into a vend full of hot water ane his lower ex tresnitles were holly welded. However we aro pleased to be able to sate that through the skillful treote.ent of 1), McKay n o is reeoveriug. No CorrArou,', Mn far u we have been informed the potato crop t11 the mid sur- rounding seighborbood is in no with the potato Nap of I•st failure. The tabors thus far are 55.11 and few i• .umber, it is Asinine* probable that they will costumed a higher price than hot year, which wee 20c • bash. F,xcrarotr Tour. - On T.mmd.y the 23rd Mot., J. Rower., to pop t reeve of West W eems'shit, hhors anis a=wes ion trip to Manitoba, to view to prairie provisos, also to visit kb brother Edward, his eon Robert, .ed farrier .eq..ilosase.s who reside thea We wish him . pingrrt trip and safe return to his home .ltd family. Rime -now IN Parrs nr Ratan. - W. presume that in view et wheat, ..d *.pops gently goer, bota .t Ines low prima, that bakers, in the di elow5 dries, tows" and ill thrn.gbe tt the provisos, bate re- elee the two Ib. hid le Ore gene • t..4, it is therefore in order limn these bakers who have set se yet men the redwings, win take sib 5e55reetney. im.ErAa ve.u.-Tors was as 55rtfa5 a lass Rsbbrlb i ii8*br Aurd hark e TT* WEEKLY MARKET RE RAT etedertelle rano eemensoe, Atha >< 4l •e •V, • --........ f get t......... u kg,i a . humsees':• • *`ty Barn. •ale's• bulk saMebed.g •••• j~alp» s icy122..1 ii • ted. 1./6=9 OW Leasba a - ... g •Rte Ore.eed bents Yowl • Mena tat lgsaerosl woe Meek The receipts of live stook at the yard, W the Moswal Stook Yards Company, Pees St. Charles, for the week endue, Aug 41 were es follows : - '.fees 511 Pa r Left over from previous weekSd PIa Total ear week.... `R Left ea hand . a " There were fair receipts with oua,4Jerays trade in export stock, but no improveats.I in prices The local trade was fair, the supply being somewhat hmlUxi : there ism a brisk deread with for prime. end *D thing remuning unsold. lyre wag* ery light supply of hogs ; the few receive found ready sales at good pro -w y__, was Do demand for sheep sod trade atilt There w8*: some b*qulry for lambs and ail. res. We quote the following ss being lair ve,. we : -- Otiul. +elpleeprt lir to e.. Cattle. beeseers' goad We a - Cattle. butchers' mottling C histamine walla. @twee .14v lk e W Obits WW1/ ice *•steel aeras lie. The recetpta of horses via Nie t:. T R for the week eodiaq August 47. ear. 121; left over from retinas week, 16; total la week,2 ; akippsl during 197 for airy,, m o 20; eaiee, 1 ; was some enquiry tor horses at them steals during the week from America hams, let owing to the scarcity of anything milbh, 110 sa were made. Thereon 42 hangs a hand for oyneigame.t to the t:ldagev market_ Rev. McKay of t.haow, wee was aiwoear. 'don the d Ratti. R Feirhairse, onr cduct 1)ivine ntefay iY loot put to ape ;mance. Her. Suva" of M01ea.1414*, ■ announced to conduct srvioe 1 i the 4th Sept.,at the usual Boer, 10.10 .a in Krskme church ben. V I91T''ORS AND VNIT tier;, - Rcs. Fiske Murray, of Toro.to, w►•• is been r mita f his uncle. Edmund Pollard, Weet Wales. o.b, left hen for bonne, but week. . Hit Jas. Lomas, formerly a lh.ien:h toes - .hip, .ad now of Michigan 1' :. retie guest of her ester, Mrs. R this village, and is •'•r. visiting other rel- atives is this ne'`hborbood. Hors A.;A1 N.---1►nring hist week, our en- ergetic horse d -Jar an citizen T. E lir nin,who some tutee ago left her. . MI a car load of ) •u.e., for Manitoba, retested hose after having dammed of them. He report" crops excellent to theprovince, that about the tune of wmil leaving then ton bume harvest operations had commenced. The great need of harvest ands was Ms goners' cry. New keenest -E. -D. McN.vins As► - field is bound to keep space with the pro- gress of the age in comfort awl 000veaiaaa end i. 000ssgmeetly ooestr.oti.g a a* beautiful, au tanned, and commodious reads:+ en his premises. (;. Begley as. of our well known and highly esteemed sea tractors and builders has the contract. therefore Syr. McNevins may rest awared that he will have • fine reudeuce wks tiuished. Arris Dut.LRs.--Apple dealers are jot DOW as munerOus as electioneering ,Aar* seen at election times, and are penmbs.at- ing hither and thither along the comeerer and aide bees of the sveraltnwrebipa here- abouts, iu 'meet of fruit of all sorts. Re learn that the fruit Maestri is brown( quite a hostages. and is therefore a per source of revenue to thole who are so form n ate as to ha., large t.eohatda Dame Rei mor put it that then is se abundant crop of apples, especially in this aad surround- ing neighbornond. Aso abs price. wadi -being 75.' and 11, at Grad having as mos -Ars now advanced b $1.75 per band for good winter apples, cad in some e- steems $2 • barrel have Mos *(red. ws•rnsu. -The the V..' which w have been enjoying for testes time pout am which was very favorable for the ingather- ing of the harvest, was dram Wednesday sight of hod week oaf wail It almost oo.tinuoink 144 dye Thursday. Through swim tissofn kir vest operations wore for a tire However, daring the mei. at o ld Sol made an apnISs a slams tines fair weatbor b aIle d *5 do* farems, wbo wore mite a. a.rtrW ab crap la tore, atpei - I las eta' a tis wb . we Ore Iateind 18*• krett S9e ls the 51.43.5 IW ewe pstd ohm tee jury. by nwnilidi g 444 sect refs• ad ppaas•ttae as alae ti dadlal ab deet ga tM hig6w• k coolie, oke st--9 Rrrr•amloD TO O WORK. last Sarni J. A. %yd. the highlytly smanprihor.i lt l vidkaoeeftwn oUdoas ENfads3sk),.lshelmejeslasasrs' d He bee spent the sgeiresm.t.a'r pro tM heft Gaya lo visiting relatives in Ysnitaka, al sski is the sights awl wows at thetisk mid i V HPrsief•. thao'ti. Ml bmasgtssd 31 a eaok ts►.ehk, .t0 • JM he is oeas.q..iJy r btwr abspe ta eon dant aim .+bel waA; to his ata •.d R hither[► RRyRar .a ►is appmvbesrr serifs.. tM uwteRieDt, (bopm •batt fiche new bei ars tM w realm ae, i st W orms. He states that ate .s. me3od booms. wb458* areal. carr 01 wd will ars moa atoat3s Y oompltad 's an probes y he read few r.eeulet seam Nm5 ls Qossbor. l*e furthsr •lot+ tb1lhe buOdiloa, abs 3. b b.ialt esaphadolreeted Meo..8btr.ra1aA,-•.odrsaus 1atsha masw shay,th, .1t•ed 51 aha: ales bho p8iddftsi 1► Sows hear= shire h• Chraturis, Mara It Is wirawl mss n1 •d w a itss:deatiew of t timPdb