HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-1, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIO$ ONT., THURSDAY, kiriPTEMBER 1, 1892. 7 JOHN T. ACHESON It seems very early to talk about FALL GOODS, but 1;Mf are arriving every day, false by cue. O JrAIOSI.ETB are the first to arrive, and always the first to sell We invite your early inspection, and if we cannot sell you one ready-made, we can sell you the cloth and give you the latest ideas how to get one made. On DRESS GOODS stock is not yet complete, but we can promise you the most complete and nobby stock of Dress Goods ever offered by tis. INSPECTION INVITED. JNO. T. ACHESON. CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. • e • 0 tfg 0 2 Ci 1 0 7 HOUSEHOLD. To /Onto \ It PAtrT. — To remove paint bon wood, apply • thick Dost of two parts fresh lime and oat part soda, washing off is comity lour bons Acorn 100 5CCM lunates—berm homes or Aber dwellings, whether for man or beset, Mott not be closely seeded, as such shade abstracts both sunlight sad air current& The urn should he to marriage the trees in the lawn u to permit the ingress of the ;Ms rays, and of the free and healthful au Hew r ('..nevus Tel An.—To fumigate lad cleanse the air of an apartment, there s so ampler way than to heat a common iron above) quite hot, and pour rieetar slowly apo. it The steam arising from the pro- ems is pungent, and of a disi afectaat charac- ter. t Open windows and doors at the same tine. steer .err t Hs DACHIL — A scientific *met says • •. deep, if takes at the right memeat, will prevent an attack of nervous headache If the subject' each headaches will watch the symptosis of Its oo n, they 'as notice that it 1-egtos with a feeling of weariness or heaviness This is the time that a sleep of sae hour, or even two, as nature voids, will effectually preheat the headache. If not taken just then it will be ten late, for after the attack is fairly ruder way it is impossible to ret sleep. HO..tIT Ftn.rsc Dr. T•inage hee this slay shoot heart failure and its avoidance: "Itot'c he soared out 'f life by all this talk shoat heart failure. That trouble has slwsys been in the world. That is what .11 the people that have ever passed out of this life have died ot,—heart failure. Adam had it, and all of his deeoeedantm have had it fir will have it. Do not be watching for 'Peptone, or you will have symptoms for ewrythtag. Some of you will die of symp- teen. I'ut your trust in God, go to bed at Ns o'clock, have the window open six Mehee is ht in the fresh air, sleep on your right age, sad fear nothing. The old maxim was 'trht • "(..t thy spindle and distaff tardy. lei God will seed the lax " THE FORESTS OF ONTARIO. To the editor of TGs e.omat. Sta.—The Out•rio t:overnmeat Forestry report for the year 11101 has just been ie - said, and its perusal will 000vey eons4 idea of thWs exkMiaii os.dittss• of affairs in the Provtttoe as reruns the destruction of the forests L most of the counties Use effects of over -clearance have been .merely felt in the growing scarcity of timber ea well as in changes of the climate which react un- favorably on •grtcultote, and though effort. Imre been made in some bolitie• to repair the mischief the evils of many years of waste fel and reckless destruction of w-ood are likely to be experiesoed to • much greater degree in the near future. The testimony of old residents is practislly unanimous as to the injurious effects cif the clearing of the country on the water amply. Th. result a. hbeen the same in . 1 trectiema Floods i. the Spring ,eases or after heavy rains have often canoed serious damp carrying sway in • few days the volume of water, which U • oossiderobis area of the country had remained under timber would have flowed off gradually end supplied needed moisten to the OA& Streams which (er.terly ma the year reed are sow dried ap during the Ss -mer months Ned droughts are d frequent oocunemee,ausing much loos and isoenvesismo•. The m.intemsmcs of • doe proportion of forst upon 11.. bill ,ides and abort the bead waters of the riven and stream, would have averted these evils. The Winter killing of crops which (ot- iosely were able to withstand the alternate treat and thaw of the early Spring is an- other consequence of the etopOnti of the land of the trees that omce •Rordetl pro- tection rorotection from the wind. Rxperienced 'far- mers have load the advantage of belts of thither as • shelter to the fields sad or- .krtbt, and on some farms where the .osatry W been too much denuded time have been wind -breaks planted to •apply the place of the motive forest growth. This pee. bas foesd • meet nested safeguard. se- peci•lly where evergreens have est out. It is mesh to be desired that the fampers of this Premises shoal realise mere gamer - o ily the meed ler suites to slay the mss of dsMrsM•tism sad restate as tares may be the ssmd rose meoeseery to 'plinth oral pro - j Mush h.. hams done by the Pnt- v�sisl Uovur.meet in the direction et pre- venting forest firs, which owing to the prses 4ml. now taken re sot esarly es smmnos or deetrmetie ee formerly. A still more important mtewess.t is the setting •part of • large treed as • psreensent forest reservtiom the area sleeted brimg • repos ss4Mdy .nit for •griedtare .wlmg to the poor ah•esetsr of the .oil. Tide reserw0lss seven the territory where mummy of ear ✓ heas ries ami 1t. resmitios is Huber will �gmtwrtee..4d thm sow d water from Wing �eWsi es weld esthoisheedly he the ems were the wools destroyed. It miss see M sepp end that the Dever. - met ass de all that fifes 'seeded M avert the evils of emeesive etsenn s. le the the MOW head• ltathirtieth m Waft hes peaiesi alty ai lune the embers eplmiun entestelly home of girl us (brews meths to be .Ental • the snhj0st Yweld le .gnat/ 1llised'wesralpleplsslf+mg. ON A LONG TRAMP. Obis newerd set Will winkkag tress lies` tie es Alea.o. Curer', Ay. St.—John Howled ekd sib, of Seattle, who are walking fres that lit/ In (hio.eo Goa 16,000 wage!, have has beard from. They have left Dswlt$. +, sad said they to be in Clines* may. Aug aha. The couditka.s of tWG,t•er(are ehvtth.y are to walk Remi ia.gn between Mara* 10 mad llsp11. 11011 poshisig • thick there is .slimes•i ne w. ""ur tees. leery lett of the 440400.. wt he trammed n0 lost bird M step NO& o $ is ser Mhrt helm They Rapids Aug. 17 end L 'e1. 18. lira Howard is dressed la stale ran art both ars said to be is vep11ent ►bthe Ualea athe ..d math Northwes 'ote ters , U �re regt.ter�at every ila••• sling the IImO Mss fat. The railroad ]iff• tienditiens nay me InsuCk. PM. without Witry1=INIt semi let haw ieadtag mss in ease township N are Gadd he Woad ss wittier le de mis es ,rusk M. sad tummies to the emotes. ae they do to party politico er other *aim of far lees imports.e to the praeaisal esterase, of the eooatry. The improved appearame of the farms where ears had bees taken to preserve sr pleat is advstm,geotr situation • few tease woad add to tb it tno.ay Titins sad inspire ethers to adopt the es.. owarsa 1a addition to • survey of the Which will be found of praeti al viten .hall b. OM! to trail a oopy fres of to anyone wficiemly interested V question te forward me hie case and ad dreg R. W. Parma, 264 Richmond-st. West, Toronto. ewers Abe.. Tows. It is the cermet report about town that Kemp's Balsam for the throat sad Image it m•kiaag sonse remarkably cures with who aro troubled with coughs, sore asthma, bronchitis and oousumption. Any druggist will give you • tool bottle fres of most. It is guaranteed to relieve and aura The larqe bottles are 60c. and $1. (*sow) THREATENED THE QUEEN. A imamate Tons nor maj.esy tie mss Mrs T. KW Hoe. Losoos, Atte. 22--TheGlob. Saturday reports an wader that occurred to the times while she was drfvtsg seat Osborne House, 1.1e of Wight As the royal esrrtsge was preceeding •lo.g the road • mea makt-ng violent gesture advanced toward it. '11• carriage was stopped Lad the mea approached the Qussa Be told her that he was a foreigtc omit sad that 1e and sauy others had swore that if the Queen did sot resign they would kill her. Her Majesty listened in ellen.e to the wild barrthgse, sever coos bears 'isg any serveos.ma She and her attandaab ossa saw that the man was ...tally •seed .md, though .he did not know Sin what he would attempt tewit W echoes to his words, she ref-ia.4 her presence of mind and Eased calmly at him, never utter- ing • w� One of her .ttealante unmated sad gent talking to the oath removed him from Her Majesty's presence. He was headed over s • cua.abie sad ledged in jail These is no doubt that he i. insane. C.Id Viet s. Precious. dies,—For emend seasons we have relied es Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry for all .uminer complsinte. A few dos.. always give relief and it never tails to cure. We disk it • very valsabie medicine ; as valuable as gold. Mss F. C. Wii. is, 2 Fent Hill, Oat. CRISP AND CASUAL Missed'. 14 Besse esre• Maras. de. The giraffe will soon W extinct in Atriea Georgia took in 1600,000 on watermelons this eeeeee. One million donors in gold weigh. 3,686.8 pounds avoirdupois. There are 400 baron at the Yellowstone Park, I. Wyoming. A medirval writer on dem000logy places the total number of devils at preciaely 44,- 436,566. Imo, P.., beasts of a girl beby,faru on July 10, which weighs only one mid 0115- 11.11 pound.. Custer county, Mos., is larger team Ver- mont. Maaeachusetts, Coanecttcut, Delaware .ad Rhode Island. German born residents furnished 8.76 per oentof the strength of the Union army (ba- the war of the Rebellion. Lo.do.'s six principal railway lines carry annually over 200,000.000 people and the tramways .lout 150,000,000. Providence is to have . perntanentexhibi- tion of Rhode Island industries aol in on. - 'motion • school of technology. ■Lard's ilalsae.l eare. Dandruff. According to foreign papers there are now 3,538 journals and magazines printed to lieroi ay. In 1891 these were 3,443. An ofd ma• in Kt Loom, wbo had been hic-ouugIii" at belt minute intervals for two days, warn stopped by hypnotism. Think lar seeress& lh•s't ton think a medicine which cures others w ..: sure you? Don't you think you noa.1 I.unh.ek Blood Ritter to help you to health sod happiness' We know B. It. R. cures dytpepeubilioue.ess, constipation, headache and bad blood. Dant you think it is time you tried it ! 2 1E10OPUT, A R• T.'F:gBINC} ROFIT. THREE P's AIN ROPITJ BI,E ONE POD. THE PRIORS ARE POPULAR 1 THE GOODS ARE PLEASING I TRADING WITH ME I8 PROFITABLE 1 ALECK SAUNDERS, STREET Has all kinds of Novelties for the Kitchen, And will procure New Things as fast as they appear. GRANITE IRONWARE J CLEAN, HEALTHFUL, DURABLE. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK TO HAND IN SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PANS, PRESERVING KETTLES, Etc. THE NEW WHITE -WARE 1 ■ Ne uakable ayespts-.. !brass the Detroit Free Prem. I had stopped for the night at & bootie over -looking the Chamberlain River Dear ita 'throe in Kentooky, and after supper I had taken a seat on the frost portl.ad was talking .i h the the owner of the house, and my host tem y. "Ie the young y who waited on the table your daughter!" I inquired after a short and desultory�ny on the crops "Y ; puny likely ain't .h. !" he answered with • f.es "Very handsome ; mach more so then most of the girls i have saes in this section," I admitted frankly. He pulled his chair over closer to mice in a confidential way. 'Do you know much about gels!" be in- quired, almost in • whisper. •Sone lit toe by observation. I've know. • good many during • long and more or Mss eventful lite is that rreessppeecot�. "Did you notice anything out of the way about spy gal T' "Noe that I cos recall." "Didn't notice that she was kinder for- fptldl sod awkward •" "No." "Nor quiet like, withoet meth to say to nobody !" "1 noticed the didn't talk much." "Nur \ain't," he corroborated. "he cor- roborated, "for a week er two. llfd.'t strikeen ',hat she had • wasde,is' is hes stied, did slier ,•No." ..Nor h..nkeri.' after ssmsthf g that email i. right !" "No" "That's odd you didn't," he meld, with • ponied onomastics ; "nese ..d the old wanes has been . notion' it fes tea days or mem" "What do yon think M the matter'" "We ain't right we," he whimpered "but the symptoms is powerf0l like eh. was a-pimg M he tame Bowe with .atri- mtssy. Three's the young 1011 r mow," and be got asp end went est to esus a atreNiOg rift sine who was bibhiG W bus.._ d tee pis Handsome for the Table, Durable for Cooking, Chemically Pure. BAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE is SELLING FAST Nothing like it has ever bebn sold in the town. I have it in all lines. THE ONLY PLMSING ESOP Its THE TOWN. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. A. B. CORNELL McLean's Block—On the Square--McLean's Block, STILL CONTIINUL8 TJ CONDUCT FUNERAiS ATIfHIS USUAL LOW PRICKS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. :NO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. To the Front as Usual. A este M spepaeds. Mr. J. M•Comnek. Masashi N R. wiles :—" tar. Tt Nle -Pink.' Pt Pt oared r et dy.p.o..flwr deetors Iced failed. They are • grata ee.crty." (11 .H dealers or by m011 at 60e • box or 6 hoses feria 60. Dr. Willkaame Med. Co. Brookville, at d ' .eehe.eteday, N. T. Beware el Imtit- .W.a 1 1084 NOTWITHSTANDING the loud -toned advertise- ments to be seen in our local papers from time to time, and the now stock -phrase : " I buy all goods for cash," all goods are supposed to be bought for cash, and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of goods. Those who are in a position to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my SPRING PURCHASES And will terve full lines in all departments a few days hence, which for style, variety and price will be second to none. I am not afraid of competition. Strictly one pi ice. Draper and Haberdasher. 1a ,� UNDERTAKERS WHY D.csn DEO. BARRY, the Gori rich furniture dealer and ut.•l.-rtaker, keep the heat stock of furniture and .undertakers supplies t And how is it that he can sell so cheap t BECAUSE J_ 33ROP1-3E14 Zit BON Hate aided to their present hastiness one of B. J. Nash's Latest Style of Olty Hees, tido the finest line of funeral furnishings in the county, and are Now prepared to oonduct funerals at prices reasonable. This department will be strictly attended to by his son 'William, who, being in the apie7 d the late D. °onion for the past ten germy has a Glioma knowledge of the Weiner, sad by prompt attention hopes to share pert d peblio psteams/► Rssmimbsr the plao.--Wemt+t, on your way to the poet ossa. Give as a call. J. BROPHEY & SON. He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Dive him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Emhalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Patronise True Competition. Tumsions CCA�aluADaea.MwP Warr t 4 moths a asst -does earths• klh tme -it le sosmes Hb n ortstaMe me r the reatarei k Ittmdwrveesttaiu ��asr war, pmmrm ism, lir snakes- irhh ae ph IOW ` `laisi ilialliff. «+mien