HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-1, Page 68 TH,HIgG1111.1, : GODSRIGn. ONT., T$IIR$P4T 88PTEMBER 1, 1812• HEALTH AND litOIEN& NOW TO KEEP WELL MINIMA TNS *JNMSR MATE ~es Owns rfsepwIMe — law les Am a mum .meas.-.+rweeeng WIr. Arai stent—V.es .t Mosey. Cholera tafsatale may be pr.ve led by • trip as the water. Take the fretful kabq en the river, arms the ferry sealed times. With two rivers beside oar cagy, Owe are op nrtuaittes open to all fur boat irides A cbi1d ea the point of death from Shalom oaf atom may entirely recover if kept ea the water all day, It has bens esec sehiUy tried. aytee • fa senede M w. Throat. It is with ger, delight we hail the ad- vent of n eimph. ::.•doomt he throat also - tams whack every one has within reach la artiste •Rection, of the throat, such es acute pharyngitis, catarrh of the Keels - etyma tubes, with pain in the ear, a Soh5 physician says thet he obtains exoeUeot m- eths from nuking the patient yaws sev- eral tunes a day. It produces, it ,sees, &beast instantaneous relief, the sympio rapidly subside, and the earsebe d..p- ps•ra Frequently the affection is cut short b t�• novel treatment liaweu pro. dimes, as everyone knows, a cons distenthn of the muscle of the ph•ryua, constituting a kind of message, and under thus induunce the cartilagineus poetess of the Eustachian tube contracts, expelling into the ph•rvux the masositts there rod Meted. How 1. Aegalre a Coed Flgere_ Then is probably nothing which Ammons to do with • person's general appearance thea the carriage or the way of holding the body, and yet the majority of women ignore the matter entirely. 11irls, espemally. et the age when they are supposed to he very particular .bout eierythtag that con.rss thew personal •{pe&raice. are .pt to disre- gard this particular point. The result is st wecoutinualle meet with girbwbosesm to fare fairly good figures, but aomethingu lacking. Their clothe* may meet the re- quirements of faabioo awl pod taste, yet tLcy never b,.,k particularly well dressed. In almost every case the trouble is that the girl doesn't know how to stand proper• IJ she maks her figure had by twisting herself out of shape, and then very likely blames nature for not giring her a better form. There seen to be two quite differ. east ways by which girls manage to distort themselves. One is to stoup a little in walking and to put the chin well forward ; in feat, assuming the attitude which one aspects to find only in extreme 01.1 age. The other way is to lean backward, ger ing prominence to the Lower part of the body instead of to the ,het. It is bard saying which is the worse fault. Both are had awl both are very co,nnuu. The teach - en of physical culture tell us that the chest should always lead. that is, be io advance of the not of the body. Let any girl who desires • good figure stood sidewise before • mirror and take this attitude erect, with the chest forward, and the thin bock. She will probably be surprised to see how much taller and more stylish it makes her look. it is during girlhood that this oorrect rose should be aequireil. for in after y, . car joints are lees supple and les impression can be mule on the form. Bow To Strengthen' Tho Throat. Sudden change of weather, as from heat to cold, the reverse, are responsible for maav an illness, and especially for throat and bronchial affections. Sir Morel! Mackenzie, wh., watt • tpec-i•l ass in throat troubles, always insisted that • greet many of the ailments that were brought under his notice could have been escaped but for the injudicious coddling of the throat. The throat must not he wrap- ped up too much; the great thing is to try to harden it. By care and persistence the n eck can be made as water proof u the face. Many people who ere not in the •.cert are amazed that the petner•ha.l I;lad- stone .an stand for hours with heed un- covered in the open air while a strong breeze is blowing. The ability to do this with impunity was gained by sitting habit- n•11v at • window through which a clranght was created, so that the head became saoassomed to ail varia- tions of temperature and all degrees of aur motion. in the same way the throat an become habituated to varying cos- ditton& it should be kept free from wrap- pings. Wmen shook chspense with their greet feather I. ea end Medici collars, and men shoal! cast aside their stiffing muffler& It is an excellent practice to wear turn down collars, and gargling with cold alt water in the .deterring has uovereign virtue. as well as lathing the throat first with very hot water and then with very cold. The threat thus gets the effect of • sudden shock, and is hr•cel up and per- manently strengthened. Truing With the ICylghl. Ib not attempt to treat your eyes if you fancy your sight is failing. 11n not go to • store where eyeglames are sold sad "eyes examined free," under any pre- tense. If you aunt &fiord to go to s physician skilled in the knowledge of the eye. you o .in go to any- hospital and he treated without cost. The eye is one of the most exquisitely fine organs. and appalling .damage as immi e0t if any but trained and skillful persons attempt to prescribe for eye ailments. Therefore be warned, take no mks, do nothing .t all, or do the right thing. T1. tbefalneds ..f H..... A writer in the Horticultural Times 02. peers surprise that hooey ado seldom seas ea the Wools of the people of this onuntry. "Hooey." he says "u at once s valsehAe medicine and fond Foul sir, improper ventilation, sudden changes of weather, the exposure of lungs and throat to • damp st- irww00espphhwet'stt are the source d no end of throat velli coo hill trouble& A free, regular mid renet:sot use of honey is probably the bat medirmr for throat troubles there n it is • moat wholemeal* anti economical substitute for bettor, being s • rate half the price of that .rtidJ.. Honey is of more service i. oar Booking than many pw.pie imagine Those who indulge in • gloss of grog .ad het water on cold winter nights should try the effects of • spoonful of honey in- stead of sugar The change will surprise cam. '.Homey, m&y, indeed replaee sugar was iagr client in the cooking of abreast any art" - ale 0f fend. In rim puddings the writer is. variably este homy instead a wog.. ; the gayer ie much more delirious. For preserv- ing most kinds of fruit, hcswy is far prefer - .Me tee *agar... it hoe the quidity D( pro- em -song for •rise in . fresh state any- thing that may la laid 3 it or ed with it. anal preventing its sorreptw is • foo ampere* manage to emir. For many meal - Maid mit-poses hi .toy is isv.laahls. To town re.ltdente who may h. jaded and kook rare - were alter the w:eifemsnt 0i 3t. hewn, wham the its beemsse dry, red anti harsh lsekisg try the ..fleer of�'ebbiineg. g�.tly the rem to heed it Y eel ta. M NM L.ui .set ear is to ars remelt FAIR WOMAN wawa. A MAP /[A'OHANNtt_ du Illeisbek peetailiaal NM" Maas nip dlie ensued he beam why istvttii quarkbe hat"Olt: iti...► uteri.• the length al use she to slay, and if eel, se 5—the lawn tlrs r Hen is Amerioa we do sat tribe IAN isms + the heath el the May is riga Mei by the pee& sew al the el lyotersalSt- ases ..star weals bar weloame threadbare sod •mesale r quite .pbettf.s the smehdary of the hwaeheid w w she me fitateoad haeedC wowww of this ill-bred order it it Taal kr bats.... Is Saglsad, b.w.v... • edemas curter prevails. It 1e the maw - Mak over ohs., wham the greet dos not Mow to the hoar hem W hooters the time whoa i is empeoted $o antes and depart. i'b. Two wqa—wtkhmb WOW TO RWXO DOWN • sue. Get him have plenty of speriittg mosey. Permit him to comm hie own oosp•nioas, without restraint or direction. (sive him a latch key and allow Was so re - tars home late in the remiss. Make no inquiry as to when and with whole be •pends his leisure amomonta. Give him to understand that mamma make • good substitute for morality. Teach hem to expect pay for every art of helpfulness to others wow To nal\.i Ur A PDX. Make home the brightest awl most attrac- tive place on earth Makr him responsible for the performance of a limited number of duly duties. Talk frankly with him on Wratten in which he is automated. Sometimesinvite his friends to your home .*d table. Take Flatus to know hu asso- ciates. sscuts. Entourage his confidence by giving ready sympathy and .dti.e. Be *woeful to impress upon his mini that making character 1. more important than making mesey.— Young Mao s Era • The hrmeree Wire, Where in .11 'he world is there a wos1an like the farmer's wife' You haven't • fpr vent in your horse that works as she d She is the corner stone of the nation. pear penty. There is nothing very exciting about being the crmr-stone, and there u• good deal o weight on it besides. What kind of . farmers wife do you know ' 1. she . dear, good woman with a motherly heart • lbs she race with the lark to see who will be up tint m the morn- ing ` Is she even a reprach to the sun himself and prove that old orb • veritable sluggard ` Is she always cheery at break - bat ' -the time when city women are sot sure whether they are mutable or not. Does she work uncomplainingly ' When she churns doe. she call you to have • drink of buttermilk' 11., you no.. her oc- eaaionally in the day and find her w the garden picking potato bugs' ammeter for W.eeew. Ladies may be interested to know that • muddy complexion is often •o00sequence of violent clamber of bills, the blood losing, when overt with carbonic acid, ita ruddy glow, the skin delicacy in trying to aid in working off the poison. Soft, clear complexions are much more common 3 "rolling" countries that ts highlands. — Loudon Truth. ••• Cess .t `feeds to Ch111. Stolen kiss may he sweet, but they are rather dear at the present ma.-ket price at Yelpers'sn. timer Tale, of that tows, kissed • lady without walking permission while walking in the Tiara. The lady me- te, the law, and the gay Taloa sef- Ierod imprisonment for sixty days. !n an evil moment he also appealed, and woo kept in jail for 20r1 day., while his .ppea was being considered The result 0( r:i consideration was the addition of thirty days more to the original .entenca —London Glob.. ••• George Never understood. "Don't you think this stat is mon hewn. fag than w last Y' he asked. "I don't any she answered, drearily, "it would pleas a better, George, if you would always wear Meek." "And why] . he asked tenderly, bending over to catch the love -light is her eyes. "Because," she replied, with • far -away look in her great hazel orbs. "i don't get so tired looking .t black."—Chicago Even- ing Journal *5* Wee.. la New T.e.tlo•a Mrs. Ames, of Illinois, is Sheriff of Ronne County, in that State. Mins Nettie Walker has been nude As- sessor of Backford, Wis. Mrs. Graham, of Alabama, has • patent for a machine for hanging wall paper. A mother and three daughters in Milwau- kee coustitate the "Pier" law firm. Margaret L Knight is the investor d the machine that makes square -bottomed Paper belIA ,•, '--" The Art .f Dela. Tioaeaat. u an inherent longing deep in the heart of each woman plodding along this earth of ours to he attractive. She thrives 0n admiration and grows plump at the rate of fire pounds • week if • little love should be thrown in her way. But the great gum tiom of how to gain this affection, this love i and admiration which each moa bee in his power to give is .nmetims of • -ether puh sling mature to girls, especially those that here no p•rsom•1 charms to attract In oowvera•tiow the other day .oma charming girls were complaining of their lack of Went and plain featars. it was suggested to them to make • study of the art of being pleasant. "Girls, you don't Insole what an effect continued pleasantness hes upon • man.' A women who maks • man whom she loves believe that she knows not the man- ias of worry, and who always We for him • t.ao1 smile and a word d welcome will that tender thoughts of her .re creep- ing down further into his boort than thea sf the beauty whom We envies The only way'away. to be pleasant is to .make • study of the art; convert it into s meioses and study it an rick. A pleasant warms is the hewn* is like • gloss of God's brightest senshin*. Her very pre.&. seethes, comforts and chests th• heart of mss,—gala. Louie i -rot Dispatch_ •,• meant, xe.her& 8pssging the Moly with •rcroiatie spirits restores tone weaderfully, providing it s doee regularL and often with this tome the mr als of the face wormer their firm- ness Cold salt water or see water is ase of the hest lotions to restos. firmness to Mr geek, always bathing the cheeks up srd, giving mam mamas. is the erne diete- tics. • R...wMw •vy. W,i.tl.. A d.he.ts domestic recipe against stein kis it the whites of tae asp (..also with twee ss much raew.ter, .end half • tea spcasfml of powdered alma, .ia.nlvsd it • te—r-_fol 0f ms.w•ter added to it Seep Woo is • oevted esrp ad apply to wrinkles f er genes to Mie I Il e±ltma.e that a Dd.tl• m.. .tales r w o.sa..tt... "1 Imam,- said 8. A. Tbmpw 01 1 .m u..�.d..d as anihaim as the e+bjeot, that the om- enmess will evesta•ny extend the dm water eirsael te the ma Mau be • seaport town, rsd r .. spam. will occupy the re eiffletton M all the vale latent of territory west, meth - west and northwest that New York Ems to the whole csstMr�v The bessdt alae to sash towe .s LWtb, thwe�o and all the lake ports will ply be iawlwl- ebis. Than are two priaotpal ..MUS why this thing should be door. When • skip is hull► for the oosn trade it b sol built to egret with only mild weather and balmybrass, bat is prepared for elaelasticanand d rough weather, ..d stair M be able to withstood the faimoor gals and the rag sea, so the Nation teesa be pnpand for war. The (Medias papers are openly boasting that the I)asisioa will loan Lave . deep waterway fret the lakes to the ems. and in ease el war haul our lake frost at their norm. 10 tactt they are already working Mang the 8t Lawrence on this project, .ed only three of the lucks in We chain to thew remain to be completed. The Esslish Goverment ban urged thew to it. Most Britain Inas lee boats drawing 16 fest el water that could be soon erelong in the kkes. The people oppsed to our scheme argue that as soon as war was announced we could have our Beets in the lakes. But in the large proportion of wan actual hostilities have commented before the formal declarations between the taboo•. What Is to prevent Great Britain from sending those IN ships or more into the .:rest Inks by way of the Canadian deep-sea channel before war has been actually declared, and thereby onset whet 'we alight have dune' with the ships we were going to send to the lakes as sous as war was declared. "But there is •outlier tegument mach more weighty to the American people than the thought of war. This Canadeux channel strikes directly at our commerce and our farmers. Orly ore -fifth of the spnng•wheat belt lies 3 the United States, the other four-fifths in Manitoba. That country up there is perhaps more fer- tile than IlinmsOI& •end other of our States bordering on the line. From this wonderful region the prod ucus could beshipped tiroc the lakes and the Canadian channel to the other, and thence to .0 the countries of the world. We have competed with the ia- ferior race in India, where it takes four or five of their fanners to equal one of ours, but it will bean entirelydifferent matter when the farmers of the nited Stats have to contend with uetghbo r. of their own race, who occupy •bad superior infertilit7, 1,d who will not be subjected to the dm. advantage of excessive railroad freight rates. The late action of the Canadian Government, which is notb,ng more or lees than • removal of the rebate systems, will spur the Cana.liaas on to greeter effort. We would bare had the Niagara ship canal and more of • prospect of the deep channel to the tea d it had not been for the fact that tbe New York (Democratic papers raised such .n outcry against the sire of the appropriations for the River and Harbor Itill There bee been granted 33,000.000 appropriation for d the channel to the lakes and P22,500, for deepening that of the Hudson. This mut- pietas both ends of the praprs•1 deep -water channel, as i am in favor of running it My route is front Oswego River to Oneida Lake, .anal to Mohawk River, remedies the Mohawk, then down the Hudson to the sea. This costa follows along the course of water -way., and dos not cross any. Then between Buffalo and Albany there is already • great deal of masonry work, such as ordinary culvert and viaduct& This would be • great saving. Then tlpere would be 23 mils in Obeid• Lake. According to the old system of engineering, the temtory to be canalized between Oswego and the Hudson would oust $110,- 000,000. But I have met a gentleman lately whose plane are not yet ready to be given to the public. fie has • mw voters of lockage, a simple thing that I wonder has sot hems thought of before, sad which, from my knowledge of such thin.. I can pro- nounce feasible, Chet will reduce the east one half. But .wen if this could not be doss outside 0f the alvant•gs I have al- ready shown as a result d the canal, it would be s saving. The rate is 1 1-10 mills on the lakes and 11 mills on the railroad& When this canal is completed Chicago wiU enter upon it greatest era of prosperity.' -- Chicago Inter -Ocean. A Klee la the Dart. I net her a W stars one eight And took leer Inoq arms .•d Waled Inc lied se she v I. aMght, 1 mkt. "1 thought you were ay dam' 'Dem not the ole 1 haled. eke Had ))tat sone down ..wt 1 had seamed her. AM thL. nae IauWg Heid to e.e : — 'Why, Jack. it's re• r It was., ever. A rho rlemma The world is • comedyto those that think, a tragedy to those at feel.—Horace Walpole. Work u the issvitable condition of hu- man life, the true metro of human welfare. —Tolstoi. Kind words are benediction& They are mot only instrument of power, hat of los nevolanee and courtesy; blessings both to the speaker and bearer of them. -- Frederick Saunders. A woman's best qualities d0 not reside 3 her intellect, Trot 3 her affections_ She gives refreshment by her sympathies, rather than by her knowledge. - Samuel Smiles. There's On possiLiiity of being witty with- out • tittle ill -nature; the malice of • good thing is the barb that maks It s,iej Sheridan. There is .nthing more prec. deme to . sae than his will; there is n.,thing Our he ne ngnwith so much reluctance. --.1. (b. Rolland Wealth cumin purebsse any great gds or convenience. Riebs are only the aloes of sociality. Henry 11. Thoreau. Rear, individual has • place to fiU in the world, and is impnrtaat is some •ar�smt� whether he chooses to be ea or not. —liew� therms. ceeemerpl.tl.t 7100 par ..analog Pavement, (n ppwrpl•ting street zinc fee building purposes {{og hewn tried with ennaid.r•hle sacc s in Germany, the sine condo= well with the Dopper. The dee is wink soda ted purified wick • weak acid bath. is twenty four parte of water one part of refined verdigris ted twelve parte et cream of tartar .re atmnlv,d, and the min - tors is heated t0 the bel trg pant, whoa three or bier parts of Spanish whits ere added. The Water iw dme.rmpos.d tad see eipicat*d es line emirate. The .lark-Bolee lipoid, after filtering, ate he sued as • bath for the sheet sine or ter the penleatioe at eepper picas pool•withAa imtaevab .alae objets ran he ptbet.d wthe copper gr Iuticem and • k castpoced that era keg brushed The prefer is d vales far ask& teet.rsl purpose where it ie defied M remedy emade •aybr - AWN of doh seo r des "August Flower 99 " 1 have been afflict - Biliousness. " ed with biliousona " a n d constipation Constipation.•• for fifteen yearn ; Stomach first ease and then ' another prepars- Palns. " tion was suggested " tome and tried but " to no purpose. At last a friend " recommended August Flower. T "took it according to directions and " its effects were wonderful, reliev- ing me of those disagreeable " stomach pains which i bad been " troubled with so long Words " cannot describe the admiration " in which I hold your August " Flower—it has given me a new " lease of life, which before was a " burden. Such a medicine is a ben- "efaction to humanity, and its good "qualities and "wonderful mer- Jesse Barker, "its should be • made known to Printor, "everyone suffer- Humboldt, " ing with Iyspep- "aia or biliousness Kansas. • C. G. GREEN, Sale Maa'fr,Woodbury,li j. RAM'S HORN WRINKLES. Z(taard'. Yatme•t for 1. everywhere. Any wcrk is lard work to • lazy man. The bigger the pocketbook, the steelier the Bible. The devil lows to tot his hands on good- hearted people. Money that has no religion in it i• apt to bars the fingers. The surest way to become good-looking is to behave tli.t way. There is no real jcy,_lo giving t0 the man who dues not give ball-enou,h. Did you ever know • mean man who wasn't proud of he wife's religion If the tomb -stuns were reliable, the devil would soon be westing ino.iruiog. It u hard to understated, bow sone then ono profess so mach and do ao little. So moo ever finds out how bard his wife to please till 1e begins to build • hones When you End • man who has the cour- age to live witbiu kw income, you find • hero. It can do no harm to try Freeman's Wo. o Puwders if your child is ailing, feverish or fretful lm Prove that • Christian life may be lived one day end you prove that it may be lived ...rev era The toss who worrier about things be caa'e help saes the dei it • great dol of hard work. The devil generally goes to proven with the moa who goes into hu closet and leaven the door open. Om way to shorten the rim •d God is to see bow much you can do to discourage your preacher. The fact that men have devilieb nature is all the proof that is needed to show that there is • devil. There are people who love God with all their heart who are afraid to trust kW with • dollar of their money-. A single scratch may arae • festering sore. Victoria Carbolic Salve rapidly heals cute, wounds, bruit e, burse and all sores. 1 m There are people that claim dist they are willing to do aaythiog for the Lord, who sever think of going to church on . rauy Sunday. • • Pie vase sense. Of health and strength reeewed and of maw and oomtort follows the moot Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with natrre,to .ei.t- ually cleans the system when costive or halloo•. For sale in 75c bottles by •11 Issd- ios druggists. 1m M et tan •.loot•. .hoot ala Chiesa° News Beoord. " Is the doctor in ! " " Yes, but be's resting to -day and ain't see soy one. There was • childr.e's party in the block night before last." s ty en Tats Gsmsss,,-- We have six children, and have relied os Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for the past twelve yearn in all oases of dlsrrMea and summer com- plaints, and it never fails to cure. Mss. ANNA Auss, a Harley, 0.t twew Zarb Oskar Te. Welt. From the Chimera brew. Record. " I wonder why Miss Trevino. and Mt. Smith are sot engaged. They've bees gotmg together for two years.". "Perhaps that's why." • COMAS Gmvnswsa.—My brother sugared frees .umrner complai.t aid was extremely week w. tried sway remedies bat without Week At lam. my aunt advised ter to try Dr. Fowler's EL—tract of Wild Strswbeny, .ad before he lad takes ore beetle be wens oared. We esaaidsr it laved his life. Md. Ansi ti ea Cure exons, Baldwin, Ore. r F DWLER's LXZ A WILD A STRAWBERR CUREic GyOL. ERA DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY SUMMA .,^�.rs Price C LDREN RFs MMMfK f IMITATION • SOHOOL OPENING AUG. 29TH, 1892 have + + + + + + + Fraser & Porter ,.tit► something entirely new in School Exercise and Scribbling Books, by far the best valve ever given for Five °eats. All Books authorised and recommended for BICE. PUBIlO IBS SEJARATE SCllOOL always kept in stock September Delineator and Fast,:on Sheets to hand Agents for the A rnerican Fruit Preserving Powder and l •q aid FRASER & PORTER. FALL TRADE.... pmpand. In BUILDERS' SUPPLIES eon w In FENCING MATERIALS e.. PAINT and OIL 11. -` et l .r g teatime .t en re m .1 • tarts . tate °. and at trima we dont • ..1 jet moat Yythi is flat we e est get is is ,'e 'eat. we're w : rk qtst the ries C'replre 111 1hi* eswaIy. ohne rad we•i bei -ht. Or.. pr(s. on* . R. P. WILKINSON & Co. NOW TAKE BOOTS : AND : sIIOES FOB INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the (;rade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, Cor. Rest -at. and Square. P.S.—The latest and beat Spring and Summer designs just to hand, YOU KILL ONE FLY 12 come to the funeral TA if GLEFOOT STICKY FLY PAPER CATCHES the whole procession. Poison Papers, Insect Powder. PURE PARIS GREEN. LINE JUICE. ---Hire's Root Beer 5 gals. for %e.. a delicious Sommer drink. W. C. C000E, - THE CHEMIST, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just rewired a very choice lot of NEW TEAS! —�•v-ODie)�� g�inammean. BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS shoe we gasea.tee M sall at Meat 10 Cents per Poun& G'hieaper Than can be bought fromA trial order will elm vines you of the trn(�ess of this astIon' sell the bed owns obtainable. REES PRICE & BON: