HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-1, Page 5THE SIGNAL: CIODERIOH, on., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1892. 5 THE CANADIAN BANK (JF COMMERCE HRAD OFF10% TORONTO. 001.7 81,000,000. a 1. WAUCIIR, Otao*L MIHSAo*a . OOD(RICH •RANCH. A giimApt BARIUM OtMgRM Ta1MAOT*D. FAimrt**' NOM Dthourrreoa DearTS Isfaf:tiD PAYMILi AT AL, POWYS oil CANADA. ANO THE PRINCIPAL am, ,,, TWIN UNIT*, STATUS, SAT r*is. FRANCS, Densis . a 1111111.1111 RAM DEPARTrUIT. open OF 111.00 AND UPWARDS 111110tNSD, AND OU*NIMT RATtgostopP u+TeNUT . INTE111119T MOM TO Te. POSIMMMO. AT That AND OF Mar AND se eta IN IDIOM TSAR. geed_ AMMMM likes *0 160 eeMNlew of Ogputnarelat aope+r. me renew,' sales RMs.e R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. RIVALS FOR LEADERSHIP gosESERY AND HARCOURT WANT THE HONOR. ,he „eseyns In the raw -a tNpere IOW ?amen RM.th 01 Wo. a I.riwerer rest castors_ Harvest Peron. .M Noe rains sed Iinrd flown rvr * .1..i- t.ri.am ee..alNstea. Xra Your, Aug.ZS.-Mr. Lucy's Lou- isa dsspstcb to TU Trtbuti• ...atrium the liking: With lbat .harming freedom haw pnpdwe which marks an enterprising ,sea &racy one has telegraphed to ga.ardem with the genial inquiry as to Mather It is true that Mr. Gladness ia- hn& fairing iron the Promtutsbtp u 1Yy Th. Premier gravely replies that rufaor u entirely groundless There Na. nevertheleae, a cou.rderable nsmber of poi, diad! on thin Conservative ride, who sad rt them,eivw with the ,suras.,, that ace rosolwue is isevit ibin. With gnat dart slant! they fix Eater aa the date of fir dladstuw s breakdown, and an\ each Neer whet will happen as to the leadership if the party said the .l+Ni.iee of Home lek 11 a foremen that a suing{. for prp►'a voile will take place b.tween Iasi R..enery and 81r William Harcourt. ;srd R..elrry is heavily handicapped by m peerage. The Radiwb det.rmtasd weer awn to have • premier in the How Loma Mr I.aboucbsre has already coke declared in (aver ef Bir William (iarco.rt. T\. Clued i. Ibis last. there is a cloud to the East no bigger ea sow tbau a mars's band, but which bas ieen.fnrt&4b ramie niceness of what wail trews r the hoiden naide•t. T1s rast- e Banana, ever craepirag ma toward : ntr.l Asia, have pushed forward into the 'ricin, sad th.re eecos. Bred the Afghan ✓ oap'i The Amser hue reported the taoi- lest to the Iaduw Government end claimed ✓ wt••oe. It may be all a miietaka It probably win be so described and dealt nth upon receipt of the reprem..tabw baa for British Goverwaot, bat it may bag us. u the Penjdeh incident did. At in:.i u au uncomfortable inauguration of ;sed Bombay's Foreign 8acretsrytbip. T•w t h..l.ra ear.. Cholera. after 4overiag rood all the pause the east and .outliers coaata, W N iut 41,111W it. head 1. Loudon- Ae- rehng to tie earliest report, it .truck iii.. f rBra Psterkary, military att.abo to he Austro-Hungarian Embassy, being said e he doess with the pl.gse. This •a- liimant sad embarrassing minor was sub- e goeotly cootradicted- The Poses is said r bber 111 ! a•.methi.g quite different. Then e so doubt about the nature of the Nock on • roman named Hurley, living a Sew.l'at, Lambeth, one of the met densely crowded quarters in the estropulu The local euthorittn..very• rites are on the alert Today aa ester Oman- meeuag of Me ootarrooaa ppuoli b bylaws. hoard w.a held to tilts ita•t:on sad take steps for protesting +.dos. At all the ports the sanitary athorities are on the watch ai$bt sed day. /eery ship is boarded on arrival, sed the Nreen{.r. and crew ttorou`yhly examined. nee, u at Lynn vesselst night, vessels are mud with choeraic symptoms oo beard, hey are ordere' back to ass. What 8.. ,nee of than then, heaven oily Ocoee. Co port will take them in They boogie arum, .1 the oe.aa, cruising up and doww ill al era dead or some are bettor. For 'odes. th..agees of attrami.s kr ail •••tiee.hi nations, Ow d.sger of iefectio lpeculiarly great. The jourwey boom be leeched districts and Charing Crow is s short that travelers passed at the pore of rural Y healthy may stokes se their Waal at their hotel and so plant ooa- apo in the undo of a teeming popelatise. A trail Marmot. The gee weather, oeew.ioaally varied by taadentorm.,now t,improves t'w tivim $r.pect., '-"P romien too i.te greatly vary the goers! coecl..ioss. Anes point to Dad times for agriculieri.ta its bailey crop i. onsiderahly .bthe r•rtge. hut wheat is ,tally bow . As for a`. the harvest is the worst ler may yeas, both la quantity ad laal ty. It akar that the ow washy for large importations of wheat ell weigh .pun the ooentry. Fortusatsly hippo that the imports of yet year ewe them the average, 12,(IOUI0 quo - "m bog imported. with the malt tb.e te reentry enter epee the saw excess nigh 4,000,000 quarters .t supply sero,, he normal ock. The esieseellelle• "lie Odom will illlbe that the e I for the weal year, a.tiaatod set to emceed 90,- Immoquarters, will be 2.000,000 Isms kin was stowed kat yeas. ...tat". A Piss 1s uisttea, Alt" 29. -The flea* Dahlia Was bsrsodY market yoe Worm', Hoek d, , wm crowded wleh gsemto The M lbeeemea►b oll: the hemi and ke a .bort ILIA* tha meter was wiped la were penis stricken W gal Tle heevery direetims Many .ar- Q>n,p06ped with their Mos_ tom b..e\«...r...tta. it LifIn"*. Aug 2t -Ream! Lakeshore menti Ker to Mr. (iladikeie IOW w hint spas hie Alvah, fa egeopt. lyse dobe nisoosMMinnstry. uty hr the mraamga o V*e.ii mea a Ise „stab h► r» A :.rwug. f!. -Thefts RIN. 6411.111 Nadi .r Matilda Qewer, wan thar'weesretr'ir seii yw e gi• where.ware ▪ semw He wee Ise hr �foram 1/1"hr met Umbels satimg11°C"12:414 tev, i1. Y., 12/2 Prams de rimb r threhlma,laweddiehe well lv.....1 isql pelook peri/ ttNtdltt-L INmssN .4 Prose ear enereepeedeGREYa Ha. Pomo.AL-Moe Lissde MoLeghlia loft last week to take her old p ration as bend miili.er 1. Mr. Pbokard'a.tors, Seelorth. Tam FAta. FAUNS--Peopleare begin.Lg to talk agricultural fair. How is year cab- bage head sod big pumpkin emus rip A Uativ.res.-The folks ea the farts Mn • grieveses. '11ey complain that all the excursions, bone-raoes, as, .re pot before harvest is 8.abed. FUN rots YOUNG Ports. -The days, or rather the evenings, of the apple paring bees will ewe be beet. Tho aalherimt• are a sour,e of much teerrimes__t for ,tjjee young folks. Foe Teta Wyse. --John McNeil, Jame 81msiair sad Jan- Harm took shivp10g to Manitoba but week. They will likely die- tineuish th.msa.lves in the West M they are amok h.mdn in the harvest kid. A CAUTION. --I1 bieyeliete who travel OW roads do sot light their hops after dark, we may have some oases of lynching to report i. the neer future. Then their lamp, will cease to burn forever and ever. W amen. -Now that the British elec- tions have decided that Gladesoee is • more popular Inas than Salisbury, .(1 will wait with cosec •nmisty to ere whose policya the scat popular with regard to Irish akin, A His+ to vas Onatti-etox.-Now that the hot weather is over f •r the season, we may expect that the pre hibitios coatis - eine will as,. away from the Provinces down by the um. September a • very pleasant month in Heron county, and especially those who feel like combining A RU NASAL young --- man named John Shields was driving to town the Giber day with • spirited bore, attached to • read cart, when the missal wheeled round sud- denly, throwing the young as. oE, ed made for bolo at • furious rota The cart was badly damaged, bat fortasately the driver received nothing worse time • bad ea•re. Tits ArrLt Coe. -Apple buyer were as thick es hair on • dog's bank is this sectioa, but for all that, they did not sectns to boom prices. Most of the large crepe have beam sold. $1.00 and $1.25 per bbl. were the prices obtained for apple. H•rvsst were packed and delivered at the d' shipping pante last week. There will be big shipmeata of fall and winter varieties, ea farmers will have from 100 to 800 We. mob. A Goon Malmsey. -Harvesting will be completed in this section this weak if good weather continues. Masi finished seam time ago. The weather was that oo.h1 be desired, and thegraoo was housed in good 000dittoo. It is geserally admitted that' it is the best all round crop in Team Thresh - hag is in full swing. Fall wheat will aver- age about 26 bushels per sore. Spring grains are yielding well. A11 ars now busy between harvesting, threshing and sowing fall wawa. Brn,CLaTtyn Alot rMAa.--AMr000mers erer as Iota d news about the et Man of Ws. We have seen temp lately compiled showing the land seas, seas, capes, hays, mountains, 8.. Rua are wondering how the crops are in Mnie this year. Tho fellows will likely issue • crop report .a moon as all the returns are in. L it possible that our children or perhaps our children's children, will sad on large posters the that excursion of the s,.snn tai to the pietist Man, at mo much for the round trip, for so many days • 1 f the land and to 1s u good there as these fellows w it would be a much better place to pe to t� Manitoba. LANE& Tram our ewe wnmetominst. Mise P Flood la the guest of the Misses Threshing tea begun and reports are up to toe average. The harvest home was oalebrated by • dines at Mr. Saott'. Thursday evening. H. J. Hudeoa, formerly teacher in Par. - moat, wee whiting our teacher at Mre. Ferries' Ism week. The brickwork el J. PSliiv.n'. new Yeas, flmla6ed, sad ten. 14..., Me . Md, t on the b.ildees. Mnemes. llsr- kok of Loekwow, and Gay a Disapenea. Morris reports apples at :50e. for f•11, and $1 for winter. We eau best that. There is -great "compatdtiea among buyout, sad $L1R for fall sad for meter are Os.ed, with prospects of . ries. Harvesting is over, and fruit, roots and wheat ground are the better of the tine rain weliss a had. The weather ,odd hard- y have base mere favorable this mama, the returns are good, and .a, although the fanner le .aid to be • ,,,stent grumbler. Ni. year hie lase is bn*heaed by the malls of eeseentmi.t L&EBURN. Hem our owe ear+.woA..l Geo. l3illisr of Wed Tara, (holed county, has been visiting here Fwtt rem Soo. -- Our tewnrua. .1. flbsahsa sr. retareed home lad week after s v1.it e1 tams days ..slag bi rem ANN* sled Wl01am. Hb wog mesh plumed with W brig, whisk was e.jsynlrl. as Ifre imp waters et the lab both ways We with • large ,bel. d Mont with phfaanie rebel le Tog amid. of lora week diet fMet Easy, who has bees • dedmutat the High■Maar, Oedf erieb, has pdthe �eaee�e�li�lt es* Masher. Peter erns km - arty e1 e 6 weed hem and though ,net the int o1 w may resin .t the poet thee have pined an exam as • Masher, he heads t en the eeneguit years tam Nor. 5, W y jest tiisttotb_HHo ern ale kg tbe subset pew be permYtd te teach tl0 e is welweali the I. a (L. *.. OL1,m emesd`ibiniv a assg al.da,e a it Wag dien J. s, weisistand Is lewd wlakes 1s. lee IRiuAytwaheiea Mesele lls Wades digs LatragMe, sad phew HIGH -CLASS GOODS. + + + + + + + W. ACHESON & SON. 3rd =AEON. Ws have lest optmed In .teak a Mr*e Imgertst e n at NEW - DRESS - SUITINGS IN FRENCH TWEEDS, SERCES, WHIP CORDS 00 CNEYIOTS. The soot debyeablis ei.tbs tor Autumn Mea French Flannels in Forty Patterns Jest opened to all new designs. Pries 50s. and sec. per yard. 5 per cent. Discount on all purchases allowed. EARLY INSPECTION INvrrr.'D. W. ACHESON & SON. was his addrao. He eeedea ms oani plsyittg sad damming as leaden on to the road of W- 1mylmmem oad vim fit . Q. Walken. et I spa was chairman. Our meeting ea 3oadmy,Unsung, the 4th lad., will be ad - by J. A. Moon, B. A., of the Goderich High School, at 7 p. m. Waws.aeh : A farmer in Wawanosh had experience a few days ago --moo be segs. . was ming • binder in • wheat fktid when, in some uasicounteble meaner, M became entaneled in the binding twine sed was carried up like a sheaf and dumped down on thei r:mod with the wheat, Neither he nor the machine was injured, o he took bold of the limos attain and west on with hie work as though bathing had happened. 9)Jillg4� Ease and Comfort MI poor soap, and obi tuahloMd ways of wabtn, it is moat •e4 heed ages woolen of sdvaneitig pease to sateaig1 I c.tavy wire*. not west tri. Ned4 famed, labor -ovine Sunlight Soap Anybody emu do a Weigh with tan- psrtive ease by /oUowiog theelmple Arsenous With "isQNLIQHT- there', trio hard rubb1M, sem kneskt.s, bot steam or tired beta A Wei w0 artssinh yea. Wear 1 iPt. -_- Savor ahs... to.te.d Inertnisbenmen- lew.eee R. B. HOLLAND DUNG ANNON • JUST TO HAND Another consignment of Tweeds and Worsteds, suitable for Ladies' Jackets and Gents' Fluffing*, quality unsurpassed. ODD LINES and SUMMER 000DS Market down away below the regular prices to clear out and and make room for New Pall Stock. Boots and Shoes In this Department T here a large and wellaslectsd stock, di- rect from the best manufacturers, hence 1 oat► perorates the bed possible value for the least mow ey-quality considered. DINNER and TEA SETS in choice patterns and Al qual- ity, Cheap. Also a lot of Travel- lers' Sample*, and odd Bates it Glassware, etc., which T have ea cured at a bargain, and will eek, away below their aoteal valva Pall Boss in Mundy aroesries. A full supply as1 all kinds of Paints sad Zbls kept ooestmmtly en band. Pll4 t Medicines • specialty. Rte Se GENERAL MEECHANT. HOLLAND, DUNGANNON. Int valllL"- 1* "�, ,mita..._ .. : .1 ,. Aa !b -heat. C\argrd With Forgery. LONDON, Aug.29. --Scott Sander', ex- ; wpMin of the Fusiliers, has beem arrested em the charge of forging • check fcr £3700 ie the same of Lord Lood.alwrougk. It is seated that Seeders' steelie amount to £900.000. He bad bookedfor himself and • lady to the West Indies Itr.....ie 11,15.1. Lo1roow, Aag 29. -At the next meeting of the M..o.1 Grand Lodge the Prince of Wales will move a grant of £3110 to the Lard Mayor's fund for the 8t. John'. fire .a♦lorera Not Cbsrgee►t. to Faaattet sea CuNarANTtNort.s, Aug. 29. -The Porte recently ordered w investigation to be nssae into No burning of the house of the Rev. Mr. Bartlett, au American inwionary at Bourdon, Asia Mioor, and • report Iles b..e received showing that the dsetraetioe d the dweilt.g wa. ddue to the carelesenese of a. American a veto fanaticism' of the natives. and not the T\. Vere* Uwt\ at I4..teraaan- Barroom. Aug. 29. -100 first death from cholera occurred Saturday Burning. The victim was a woman. Te-re.r.la. Lorton Aug. 29. -Lottie Cotlisa, the well-known music ball singer, sailed luster. lav !or New York. L dopier' o g the decadence of oo.ver- aatim. in London drawing rooms Her -y L- boochere asks : "il0t what can bell ex - of a generation whose three net ion•1 tsatiess during the past twelve yeah have been the fifteen perste, Ta-ra-ra-boom- dway and -the game o(golf'" BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, - Saving risme 'section with this branch. Interest allowed al cxrrext rales. 12,000,000. ,000,000. has been fjened in con- GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Godericb Branch. ORS"AT STOCK - TAKING --SALE-- F'l 1 R THIRTY DAYS MORE AT ROBERTSON'S A FEW PRICES 25 yds Heavy Grey Cotton, 25 " " White " 20 " " Check Shirting 20 " Good Print, - Corsets, all sizes, 25c 3 pairs Ladies' Hose, 25c Ladies' Cashmere Hose, " Gloves, 6 Handkerchiefs, 2 papers Pins, 2 " Needles, 4 Spools, Ribbons, " Wide 25c 25c 5c 5c 13c 5c FOR AUGUST: $1.00 1.00 - 1.00 1.00 Skirt Lining, good, 7c Table Linen, 20c Toweling, 3c 5c 10c Large Towels, Ticking, good, 8c Good Top Shirt, 50c Nice Silk Tie, 20c Men's Braces, good, 15c Lace Curtains, per set, 40c 011lt 50 CENT CORSET DOWNS THEM Al + + + + + + + Prints, Sateens, Muslins, Embroider- ies and all Summer Goods at Tess than Cost. ROBERTSON'S GREAT CASH STORE, THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND. C+ODFRICH. THE LATE JAS. SAUNDERS' ST'ObC:EL. VARIETY STORE. WE call attention to our sale of Toilet Soap, 3 cakes for 10c.; out counter of 5c. Toys ; Baskets, from 5c. to $1; Glass Tumblers or Gob- lets, 35c. per doz.; Gold and Silver Watches ; Eyeglasses, 25c.; Genuine Pebble Spectacles, $1, former price, $2 ; Envelopes, 5c. per bunch, for- mer price, 10c.; Vases, from 5c. to $1. All oth- er lines in proportion. (Moses Saturdays at 10 p.m., other evenings at 9 o'clock. WALL PAPER STORE Tsfull every day with delighted purchaser's, who tell ns they never saw paper sold so cheap before. We are bound to clear the whole stock if prices can do it. IC., 3C., 5C., 7C., 9C., 15C., 20C., sold elsewhere at three times the pries. Green or Drab Window Blind Paper, 2 yds for 5c. We close this store st 7 p.m., as you oannot buy Wall Paper satlsActorilyeby lamp light. CADDY & TOM. 4. e • I