HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-1, Page 4A
Inc ot5xgnal,
v Pvmams'
o f . Munni/esti.
Odes a Pabliemi -w aad Deeming. Voeibeerese,
sie�▪ eem.el s
masa. ta adulate
r,...4 1.11
credit le mined, Mie )sa
s Pablo r e
u 1 M
Advertising Raton
and tuber casual advertisement's. Mb.
/nr for drat insertion. sad i Meats par 110.
fir each subp.seeqy.ent twrtioo. Mound by
• nonpareil eosin.
Business cards of six 11.ee and ander. $6 Per
Advertioem.sta of Lost, /lead, Strafed.
mtuatl.0s Vacant. 811.•tfoa. Wonted and
Badness Chances Wanted. 00* ksceeduig /
Bass noap0retl. 111 per month.
Houses on male and Perms on Bale. sot to
mewed 011oes. al for drat mouth. Inc. Per nab
lie ent we0th. Lanier ad vin. 1• proportion.
Pep�aat7oteeorpeel•1 notice, the object of which Is to
vldu0l premier,beae&u of any Lodi-
pny. to be oo00Wared an •d
vert semeat and charted .ocurdlnsdy
Loeel 0otiose in mea 11 type ass cent per
w&motion leas 1
Local otiose l ordi&.Iryrrdlawee two
.ests per word. No nota for
elan OOo.
Notices for ro
ab bes and other religious sad
besevolsnt teditutions half rata
Coeaeaeerls1 /'..avast Adverrhiessealts.
A limited number of dispJayy.d •dverttse
meats will be inserted at the $foUpw1Og rates
Per tech. one insertion. .80
four Iinert tons ...._..,..
" thee. nu.ntha...... .
" six months •�....�...
" one year 6 M
No wive'tiaement ism etas jWs IaMm 10
length will be calculated on above basis. 6
pee mot. discount allowed for cash payments
on three months'contract ; 10 per Beat. on els
months'..nd 16 per cent, o• • year's. These
conditions wW be strictly eafoe.ed.
*Mat "Tae algae!" aeltvesy.
Sobacril oro who fall to receive Tier. Stem •t.
regularly, either by carrier or by mall. will
Monter • favor by acquainting os of the fact at
.. early • date as possible.
Lana at deer label.
Your label is a standing receipt of the date
to which you are paid up. Bee that it is not
allowed to fall Into arrear.
When a change of addren to desired. both
the old and the new address should be gives.
Refected manuscripts tarot be returned.
Correspondence must be writte•1on One side
of paper may.
Publwera Nestor.
.1. 1'. Le Tousel, of Oodertch, has been ap
pointed Local Travelling Ageut for the town-
ship of (Uoderich, Colborne. Ashfield and W s-
Local postmasters over the district aro also
empowered to receive subecriptioas to Tim
All communications must be addreseed to
Tern •seise.
Telephone Call 3t. Roderick. Oat
Last January Tex SIGNAL took hold of
the pay -in -advance system, and endeavored
to work it in this section cf the Province,
but owing to the tact that no other local
newspapers would adopt the ..me working
system --which is the proper method in
the interest of both subscriber and publish-
er --we found it impossible to enforce the
new idea sati.factrily to ourselves .0d to
our customers. We hare, therefore, decid-
ed to maks a new departure, and that is
Henceforth the price of TNT SIGNAL. will be
81.50 a year to all subscribers who fail to
pay for it within one month after ordering.
Eveyose who pays in •dvanoe or within
the thirty days specified, will receive it for
81.00. It is not fair to the subscriber who
pays in advance that he should pay the
same as his dilatory neighbor, and Tex
SoNAL u not going to perpetuate the
During the past few weeks several hund-
red dollars worth of accounte for subscrip-
tions and jobwork have been sent out from
this office, and they have been sent ort be-
cause the amounts named in the aocoant0
belong t01.111: SPINAL, and not to the per.
son who owe us. It will be the duty of
everyone who has already received an
account, or who will receive 00e during the
n ext few weeks, to call at the oounting- room
of THE Stox*i. and square up at 0000.
The individual accounts are small, but
the aggregate ia a large one, and it u be-
elcame we want the aggregate that we toll
upon the individuals to pay us' The in.
creased subscription rate will bloomn law
in this office next week.
Look at your Ish•L
mat among British statesman
Ron. .1. A. C*•PL.A0 strums m al
the only member of the Government who
hasn't lost him head over Pr.Udeat HAaRt-
000'e attics in the matter of Use Soo oanal
14114 IT ABOUT rales Tell UIR77n LOYAL
IMO were getting on their varmint. Or was
their threat that a bloody revolution would
fallow the semen of fit -tonnes Ply a
game of gaff !
THa CHOLA eras,: NAD ALIMADT 111241411-
*4 11 -
ed the seaport towns of this oontise.t, and
saasslrs to arrest the progress of the !roil
is are being adopter) by the q.•rantine
bomb in every instance.
IT a ntro0T1In THAT SIM ,JOHN Teowr-
sort is looking for a soft cushion to drop
apes hesasthieg about the nim .4 a Su-
preme Ceara Ju.tie..ip is what he think@
would nail His utsefatmsm as • parliaoiem
Wry Wider ia game.
Tim wars or tusverI* A. fi, Baty of
Wended& is • beady holy to have armed
a wen-regm1en looms The oder mem-
Ins between 1 old 2 A. it , whin • burglar
gist le to the betas sod pirfamillail Mr.
'nu. with kis halal. pistol, Idea San. leek
em brains wink • ebb red tea alb beleglar
one la god sham Ten she add him y
and talgMd for the polies. The pkpd
cal colla* der ladles now might is the
weal• is evideefly • peed mem&
�ARAnA loons ST salmi.
The necessity for developing the
mineral wealth of Canada, if there
were no other •mann, ought to be owe
why every ihmadian who has the eel
fare of kis country at heart should
use every legitimate effort towards
brigging about an amicable fission of
the Dominion and the United Suites.
In mineral wealth Canada surpasses
almost every country on the globe,
but in Use development of its mines
there are few countries so backward.
Take, for instance, the wonderful
stretch of mining lands that reach
from the county of Hastings. touching
on Lake Ontario, to the Sudbury dis-
ietrict an area of practically un
limited mineral resources- --and the back
of development is something to aston-
ish any person (4 intelligence in this
era of progress and mechanical ad-
vancement The principal reason -
in fact, the only reason --for the lack
of development is the restriction
of trails caused by the artificial
line between Canada and the 1. nited
States, by which that foe commercial
intercourse which should prevail is
virtually strangled at its inception.
There is no letter authority with
regard to the progress of the Sudbury
district mining operations of hate years
that Mr. Avolew W •nt*z.t, wbo.after
several years of active mining opera-
tion in that section, is now visiting
his family in this town. Ile is enthu-
siastic on the subject of the mineral
wealth of the Canadian mines, and
the possibilities of its development.
In a recent interview he said :
There is considerable work carried on by
• company known as the Canada Copper
Co -which, by the way, is really an Ameri-
can firm, and an offshoot of the great Stand-
ard Oil syndicate, of Cleveland, 0. They
are working three mien at present -the
Copper Cliti, the Soobte and the Evans mine.
They own about 15,000 acre■, have two
smelters in constant work and employ fully
700 men. There aro also other compp0annwtes,,
notably the Vivian Co., of Swansea, Wales,
one of the largest mining in}titutiona in the
world. They also have ddne considerable
work in the district, and employ about 150,
with one smelter in full blast all the time.
They own some 5,000 acres. The matte
(fused .Metall goes principally to Lan-
don, England, and Swansea, but tae des -
once between the mines and points of inanu•
facture necessitating large cost of freight-
age, tells much against a succee.ful pros
•melon of the work. The Dominim Mineral
Co. has a mine that was sold last year to a
British syndicate for $2,000,000. This coo•
paav has one smelter in Lull blast capable
of turning out one hundred and thirty
too per diem, and employs at bast 250 men.
The matte manufactured by this company
also goes to the old country, wider similar
conditions to thous governing the transport
of that from the Vivian mines. The Klemm!
and Worthington mines are run by this
company, the work on the latter mine hav-
ing been recently resumed after a shutting
down since Int Fall. These are the three
Targe concerns now working, but there .re
• number of other enterprise. in a more or
Itsi edvanced stage. The ('ommerciel
(another American company). has just
commenced operations with • smelter near
Nelson station on the Soo branch. The
ontpet will go to the States The
Traverse Co., is another American Co. that
has established a smelter in the township of
Hymen Our own firm, said Mr. Waddell
has three •halts to the second concession of
Blexard, between the Dominion Mineral
Co. and that of S. Davie & Sons, of Mon-
treal. The branch a the C. P. R. is ex-
tended to the Davis property and runs
through ours. The vein that is being work-
ed by the Dominion Co., passes transverse
ly through our lot and on through the Davis
The foregoing is sufficient to show
that a magnificent prospect lire before
this country if the conditions were so
changed that a full development in-
stead of a partial working of the mines
could be attained. Thousands and
thommnds of miners and mechanics
should work in the district where to-
day only hundreds are employed. That
there are any firms working mines in
the district is due entirely to the fact
that coke from the United States to
Canada is on the free list, and that
the matte exported from the mines is
not dutiable in the United States.
The matte consists of pickle, copper,
iron pyrite's', sulphur and arsenic. and
is the product of the mines aper the
first roasting and smelting. The larger
portion ix shipped to the States where
the minerals are separated and the
process of metal manufacture is pro-
roneeded with in the interest of the
artisans and factories of that country.
Canada is debarred from potting up
the necessary works for onmpleting
the manufacture of the metals along-
side of the mines, owing to the enor-
mous duties which are levied upon all
machinery that would be required in
connection with such works. On the
other hand the heavy freights involves'
in shipping the matte in bulk tends
greatly to weaken the trade in that
product. The prevailing feeling in the
entire Sudbury district is that so long
as the artificial boundary between
Canada and the United State. is al.
toward to exist, the great mining re-
gion of Ontario is situated MI the
wmng side of the boundary for ala
The legs and copper mines of Mi-
chigan and Minnesota do net at all
oospar0 with those in flirted, either
is quantity or quality, yet they haus
mads the sender rim►, and have bees
largely iaatramenal is bailing R
Duluth, Marquette, la►p►amiag, p.
boygan and unsay other fides and
henna in the district, whilst the riches
Mining eros of Canada W only the
town et l3adbary, with some 2,000 in-
habitants, to its oredit
The question if . Why does this
sate of things t1YM* The answer is :
Because Sudbury and its section is de-
barred from prosperity by an artificial
boundary line which never should
have had an existence, and which
should not be allowed to remain.
Buss, rather s.toaished the natives w the
Old Lead.
A NUIIIIISS or Aellu•ANs 0Ayl WWI?
the Sommer in our midst and have been
o uch pleased with the surroundings, al.
though somewhat surprised at the eon -
enflame quetn.se et the town in contrast
to the burly burly of towns of a similar
. ire in the states. One of them remarked
the other day . The Almighty has dome •
lot f ,r Goderioh, but man's work has been
very limited. -.--
Mrs. Jordan is on • visit to MootreaL
Miss Floe Ball returned from Toronto
Dr. Ross, of Loodoo, was in town daring
Use week.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goodin; were in
town last week.
Mn. K. B. Smith is visiting relatives to
Kingston and vicinity.
Mrs. Beitb, of Coborg, is visiting her
ester, Ars. Host, North -et.
John A. Taylor, of Blyth, visited rela-
tives in (:oderich daring the week.
Mia Van Every, of Chicago, is *Siting
at the residence of T. H. Rockwell
Misses Loui and Gwen. Colborne have
returned home from a Tint to Stratford.
Miss Nellie MacCnrmac left town last
week to resume teaching et WaB•ceburg.
Mies Robertson returned to Essex kat
week after speeding the holidays u town.
Horace Hardy, of Zurich. has retained to
town and has roamed his studies at the G.
C. L
A. M. Robertson has returned to New-
burgh to resume his work in the high school
Public school principal Park end fancily
have returned from spending holidays in
the Chatham district.
c •eo. Woods, on Monday last resumed his
position of wistent principal of the model
school for the fall term.
Judge McHugh and family, of Windsor.
have returned home after • pleasant three
week. sojourn in (:aderich.
Mies Mabel McKnight returned to her
home .t Stratford after a three weeks wt
to the prettiest town on earth.
Judge Doyle left for Montreal, Monday
last, accompanied by his .on. The latter
will attend college in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Straiton, of Thorn.
dale, have returned home after a pleasant
visit to relatives in this section.
Miss A. Hepburn and )rise M. Skelton
returned to Stratford Saturday last, after
enjoying a visit with friends in town.
Miss Nellie Holme., who has been visit-
ing in town for the past few weekb,returned
to her home in Strathroy, on Friday hot.
Mr. Geoid, of the Oil '.prings Chronicle,
&ccompanied by his wife, were pseeagers
on the Monarch on her up trip last week.
Miss Ethel Vanatter returned to the
home of her parents, Stratford. t•turday
last, having spent part of her holidays in
Miss Charles and Messrs. McMurchy and
Selwood, of the collegiate institute star,
returned to l,oderieh, Saturday last after
Miss .Jennie McDonald and Meas E -Ina
Cunt returned on Saturday after a months'
holiday, visiting in Detroit, Windsor and
W. A. Irwin, solicitor, of Gorne, was in
town Tuesday looking after the interest of
hu client, William Johnmon, who is charged
with felonious assault.
Geo. Thomppn.00n of the John Morrie Go.,
publishers, Chicago. spent • tew days in
Goderich during the weak, the guest cf
Jas. Robinson, `'ictoria-et
Mies Addiusa is attending the Toronto
Normal School. During her absence Miss
Murton Parsons will teach the senior div-
ision of St. David's school.
Rev. S Jones, of Brunel', was the guest
of H. Spence, Victoria St., during the past
week. The rev. gentleman is well on
toward his 85th year, but is remarkably
well preserved for his age.
Dr. A. Milton Humber, of Bay City,
Mich., is in town visiting eis relatives. The
doctor is another of those yosag Canadians
who have thrown in their influence with
the country moth of C•mada.
It is poesible to extract teeth painl.mly
and the patient retain countenance". Dr.
Richardson does it, come and see him.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the We.t-.t, dentist,
makes the preservation of the neteral teeth
• epeci•itrr On administered from Q A. M.
for the priales extraction of •eet.h.
Geo. W. Thomson is local vest for Bell
pensee, pioitettes, orgm.n,
bicycles, violins, flutes, .ail musical nor -
(Anodise. All of the hogablatid at reek
bottom price Now is theNtime to par-
T1s (lod.rich (lagan Co., peeposes having
en extensive exhibit of their instruments
at the Toronto indentriai air, whish will
envenoms next weak. 1f Sa.mden
"aid D. R C*Ibiok will liars of the
Visitors to the gnat Northwestern Ex-
hibition don't fail to ase and purehe.e os.
of those beautiful sewn mtasnfant•red by
the G 4.rhh Orem Co. Highly redoe-
mended by the hest in.siriapt in (!reads se
second to mese made on theeejjeeti.est. O.
w. Themes will b. ple•salbo take year
order. going to duels!
Industrial KxhihitiesSeelig obitthe Os.
olragr of the ladle d "
end see the BMroeptiess vdewa w 08e
of (acrid" with Metam daily ae 11 am.,
E p.m. end 8 peat Atindinion to nap•$nab,
children idles Ned 8egsh-went sums
bheet end Yui sheets.
Mr. end Mw Jame llegeseI, d p►
Mie ssii bene bees the prowl poi d
+!a � ileis d
s me
s.ted Is the hd teaks an
1tiMAs1s este d Unlies hashes Anna
el &Man
• sere in he llensw.l Sheet Me haV•
t see he
The •level s d Premier (leseaoq, of
Yamimba. r w b prohaa4
Jaass MaClars ysd /lI eppsa diad
.1 heart Whim sear fie►b-
Owner pion. r.lsaed is Brailles gear
to (aov.laOJ Q, is w.s bora
Heavy reins did ewaaider kl.-lmsasp es
.aprmred mope in earners' Ost>rit,.
W. U. Bank, Itvi.g at Point tidwerd,
was killed while ooapliog ears at W yeai*g,
.U.sandr Suntalr, reeved the tow.ship
of Lobe, committed suicide es Friday morn-
loThe quality of the grata cram is the
Northwest le reported he to Mese the
Y. J. Pops of Edinburgh has bow limpid -
ed ecieace master of 11, melon Collegiate
James Lusa., • Hamilton dun dealer,
died suddenly oo the Nadia• remorse mar
Unit city.
A tun -year-old buyawned Wes. Fletobsr
fell seder • M. C. Itrain an Oil Sprisp
and was killed.
Seaders► ratepayers voted yesterday in
favor of expending $11,000 for • new mar-
ker and fit. tel
An eight -yea -old bo] named Jams Mo-
OouRan was drowned off oas of the ducks at
Napalms on Monday.
O.r half • millio. dollars has been spent
in oou.tructiag new whole ole warehouses
in Winnipeg this year.
Moe Edward Malik. arrived as Quebec
per S.S. Parisian on Sunday morning, .ed
at ease left for Murrey Hay.
Th. H•nitaia Government of the North-
west Territories have been defeated on •
n on-mnfid.soe motion by 13 to It
George Reeling, an employee of Ward's
Hotel, nes London, was drowned while
swimming across the River Thanes.
Within the last few day. Me r.. Goblet
t McCulloch, of Galt, hay..bi about
210 safes to 8t. John's, Newt
Winnipeg 8.1ratioaiaoa have expressed
themselves as having no sympathy with the
notion of Brigadier Phillpot, of Toronto,
Brantford ratepayers refused yesterday
to sanction a by-law providing for the ex-
penditure of $11,000 for electric light
It is stated that the Opposition in
Manitoba will proud eight of the seats
won by the Governesses in the recent
Thersday'. Montreal Gamine Domtaine
a stgniticant editorial advocating
d1 the removal of all tolls the Coma -
iem ovm canals.
The balk of the Manitoba crop has been
cut west of Portage, mad that there is pias
to be tbs./zest crop of hard wheat ever gar-
nered in Manitoba.
Mr. Duncan McCormick, Q. C. has re-
turned to Montreal and �gipve• himself
u pon • charge of lay of $5,000,prederr.d
against him in April lent.
A. S. Ball, barrister, a Woodstock, was
shot three timer by • burglar early os'
Saturday morning. The intruder was cap-
tured. Mr. Holl will recover.
Major -Gan. M•ssenden, one of the Bala-
clava Six Hundred. and Goa. Dashwood,
two di.tinguiehed E.ngliah eddies, aro at
Montreal at present on • vont.
The house of Rev. R. Moreton, of Hamil-
ton, was ransacked by burglars on Tuesday
night and $;t10 or $MA* worth of clothing
and other articles were stolen.
The tolls to be imposed on Aasadian
freight passing through the St Mary's
Fal ,anal will not exceed $40,000 from
September 1st to the end of the name_
The bodv of Walter Wortley, • farm
hand, was toned in the Thames near Wood-
stock, Ons Dso.ased had boon bathing,
and it is wppeed was seized with cramps.
Mr. H. R Trap of the (Nebo, Pro-
vincial Board of Health, states that the
recent fall in temperature has greatly
lessened the chance of an outbreak of
cholera this year.
Some 50 Dannon balls Iliad a lot of rifle
barrels ham Leen taken from the bottom of
the Detroit river by the Dominion Govern-
ment dredv Ontario. They are supposed to
have lain te since 1837.
Mr. James Hughes, member of the Do
minion menses stet in Ottawa, who daQng
a fit of aumnambulima a law nights ago
walked out of ■ .stood storey window, die 1
on Monday night from his injuries.
Mr. Jame. Fleming, .x -M. P., Brampton,
registrar of the County of Peel. has been
appointed by the Ontario Government ie-
sspp.usotLeetr of legal offices, vice Mr. John Win-
cbseer, appointed Master in Chambers
The Department of Agriculture of the
Province of 4 )ntarto has issue.! • long report
respecting the oonditiow of r and live
stock in the province, compiled from oor-
r.upondence received from all parts of the
The Trade Bulletin at Montreal says that
the whole canal trouble is • tempest in a
teapot, and remarks that the Washington
autbo.ritiee have simply emulated the ex.
pt* of equality set them by the Gan/dim
Hon. Neal Dow has consented to he pre-
sent at the great Prohibition Ceaventioo to
be held is Montreal o September 22 mod
23. A welcome will he tendered to the
veteran temperaooe orator, who will deliver
an address in reply.
Warren Baker, of the sohor.ar
Seam Brother, is under arms charged
with fleecing Halifax underwriters by stow
ing away merchandise from his vessel, al -
the schooner to -go ashore, and tilos
e ng full iswrmams.
A young Pon wise V capped to be the
n os of Mr. Michel Dome, Ouelpk Oat.,
wmeek by a railwayengine while walk-
ing en the track ret Detroit cm Tuesday
night, and r.oiv.d Werke hem tibia he
did • hew minutes kis:.
Mr. McIntosh. Quebec Commissioner es
the World's Fair, sari that theappliestioo
for space in the Bye mot aspartame are
very .umseem and he believes that the
exhibit from Quebec will b. • credit sot
only to the provisos but to the Demising
as woo.
IIispnon desires itoileal sewn, am -
ray to sell he tw..ty-!v. mate sight
tickets to be need betimes nix and belf-past
esys e'oleok is the isersisg sad Inmos•..
the Riase Imre is the evening, and to pay
the rel per sae d thee goose roils
when they reach 100,000 per year and mar.
A meepels et the esteem trill heartland to
Y. otampsay her thirty years.
• ph j *e(pw A from Wehingecs
she tf.v rmsnRlie
sto here the Tr.idesee pre.
sonpende1 es the Serylk of the
premise the i►. tot . will sen be .sdis.od
in the Weibel sad t!k Lemons mob
steer the oboe d
AIM Pester beide
ani asthe shhaps j sr
!metes esmenet
ae, alliin mm ilIths filen the t .
areal fid the SOL
As bids •slakes min W keit Debits tor
The desaha hes ABMs d Persia so lar
n oir *WS
Th.,. were 190 eases e1 Mehra in Ham
• Menday.
110 ninth wheat crap is -d.satsd ul
tef,6W,O0N ►••tenter•.
Severe weather is the Beath of Inland
has ward great damage to crops.
Golifmraia fruit einppere •swot get
•uncal► care to tramped their stook.
A soldier afbcted wilO Asiatic eholera
W been lead is the ((mean capital.
Mania) Doodlers iL Ironsac., the tiret
1 t of the Republic u1 Braaal, u
Tb BaII.lu atrtke was demised .d Wed
asaday at midnight by Grand Master
w rres.h wmpaay with . capita of
$31.1,000. 000 will manse work on the IAaa-
m• Ca'
The Queee os' Moods lea Osbnrme boss
for Balruoral, where .1. will remain for
three swat►►
The official returns show that on Tuesday
there were 5,605 cams of cholera in Really
sad 2,6311 deaths.
Vies -President Webb, of the New York
Central, says some ,t1 the strikers ant carne
back to that real
About 1,500 troop have bees soot home
from Buffalo, but the balloon will mash'
until further ordure
Mr. G. 1t. Pullman is credited with hes,
tagadded $'=5,UUO to the Republican Presi-
dential campaign fund.
The Roman Governnient has issued a
ukase prohibiting the exportation of rye,
rye steal and all kinds of bran.
The western coal agents u New York
have advanced the prices to the wed 23
cents and to Buffalo 30 cents a tom.
At the International Peon Congress it
was decided to establish es intereatioaal
permanent peace bursar in Berne.
A oar horded with teen for the Carnet
works was blown up, it m wppo.ed
Homestead strikers, at Pittsburg, 'ppa..
The trans-Atlantic steamships leaving
New York on Saturday carried very few
psesengere, owing to the cholera report..
Mr. Gladstone Lw written• letter esyinit
that he aloes is responsible for notJw's�� t
lag Mr. Laboucher.'s tome to the wo•e-
Ovr 200 men from the Twenty-nine
street thrnsgie mills at Lewremerille quit
work in sympathy with the locked -mut
Gerrie (fano, the ballooaid, was killed
at the Detroit lineation by falling from
a great height. Hu parachute fail rel to
The International Typot!.. 'o has placed
$100,000 at the disposal d it. Pittsburg
inem ere to fight the job printers' boycott
in that city.
Th. Fkitmh steamer Winnifred has been
captured in Sebring Sen by the United
States steamer Rush. She is held m a
charge of illicit se•lung.
In view of the rapid travel of the cholera
VenueVenue westward, the London Lame t
eer the immediate opening of training
schools for cholera nurses.
The steamer City of New York has beat
ea the eastward record acre. tLe Atlantic.
Her time from Sandy Hook lightship to
Queenstown is 3 day. 16 boars.
The condition of Rummies Jews who
painsyPare for America u extremely
filth wa ss
fears are expressed that they
will being cholera to this couttnent.
The London lateens takes • gloomy view
of the choler* situation, and thinks that
with modern facility and rapidity of travel
England can soarcily escape a visitation.
Several very bad canes of cholera have
made their appearance at Antwerp, and
home created great consternation tbrongho.t
the etty. Five deaths were reported.
Dr. Thorne, chief of the sanitary division
of the English Local Government Board,
says he has grave doubts of the ability of
the board to keep cholera out of London
All the U. S. revenue officers on the
Pacific coast are watching for the aenuggliag
schooner Halcyon, which left Victoria,
.,n Tuesday with a $311,000 cargo of
barng the Austrian Military nam-uvre.
at Fuenkirchee on Wednesday, the heat
was so terrible that four often, eight
corporals, and teen privates died of sun-
It is announced oo high authority that
Archbishop Vaughan, ..f Westmin,ter,Arc►
bishop Walsh, of Dublin, and Archbishop
Macdonald, of F.dmburgh, will loon be trade
Great Britain has received an invitation
from the United State. Government to take
part in the naval parade in April next in
connection with the Columbus celebration,
and has accepted it
One of the strikers, lamed Quinn, knock-
ed Grand Master Sweeney down on the
street in Buffalo. Other strikers Stade
hostile dem.wstr•tioom, and the police were
called on to protect Mr. Sweeney.
A novel night is presented by the encamp-
ment at Lyons railway unities of . number
of Jews from Od.msa, whom the steamship
lines refuse to take to New York on ac-
count of the quarantine there.
Two generals and one colossi of the
French army, who forced the troops to go
through ma ceuvm daring the recast
Unease he.t, have been planed no the
retired list by order of the tinnier of
• [1h. Franck Govensment has roistered as
official invitaties from Washington to sad
• squadron to take part in the great naval
review which will be held N York har-
bor and the vinaity is mammies with the
Columbia aelebesties.
Ombra las broken out in ell parte of
Ramberg sad 14 suburbs, and is partteaMr-
1j 'indent in the harbor garter Row
York isadopting very string•. t quarantine
the dl.es.. by
Ona pamsmmby, the Qasem% private see -
rotary, h ninveyisig to Mr. OGddome Bar
Majesty's eemmam3 to 11sem a Ministry,
'Updated that Mr. Lahshould erebere shmot
he selected to 611 soy post is the Gomm -
sent. It is said overtures have been made
to Mr. febombere b snap( the title at
Baron Taunus.
♦ young rtes who claims M he the as
d (lir John Obediesse, Ptd therrfara
nephew of Hct W. t Midstime, received
aid hem the At. Andrew's
Malitar Detroit w Mounds] alleging
that he had Ings • farts.e wile farming la
iibeitehe, ad .Yhai te reset Chicago,
where Oehestrolledes strolled a rtsittanfront bis
roinit Is believed that ]Iia. Oledetome's w
Hems Rale by wW provide that the senses
laudve �legsirel sot he dMss'
shall be h h the hasai milk,* AM the sibs rhe
that the Mime d 'be 1ritit pat
. 1011 be M the d the Lteh twghi
ars, dist robe
.hal) be disermasa that the yd,
li Pert AM est hero pear M levy sspm
uMM�w/Mhe, thee the vrM rha> b ibm
ii M sdd� i MMM/ Mob s��
alas •""sate}• of theMassa
r ieply,.doer ie fbe 411tweed bees the make. Asy osis has
eke Is Ileolot.
eryf _s imp (ila the now British Ce
is • nephew el Lord ll.am.ley. and with his
mother wrote the hltierlas'a 10. sed edited
his biter..
Sir James Bsmollpiere, whose width
lag marriage with the Asrtoan, inn
Ones, i..auoemo.d, is 31. He was w
Bleak Wsh but refired. He lame. is
an old Sooloh family.
=soy em
m▪ on,slo.
W "nom
fungi em=
She B0.sds�dthe ••b d leer
OT &wogn.a�
l" on�f.
Weeillimoorso Acmes at
they ante a
NAMltlss dullerifilratli
powers 6•gylu�. shoeld ,eba
will hest r. Sod
imtsllal.ttt+obis •sde•t•1-
ampshammy teak& r. liP0,
b Tb�y and e
TVZ =°i
mals he an dr.ePtiM., or 411 be awn um
ld Wee tMa per OMRi. by add:ming
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
stale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest Cr1 Tobatco seasnejtc•
turves in Canada.
CO M}. 10r. i PI01. 104
Tkie nweitetde. malate and t0o0rper.t.s late
its course et Inlr.esee all the modem if
provemedte that Baa be found in the l.sdtas
Mainers Lenses V the dlryerent homers el
the oedfiesheeit sail most ishim Ds �'rs.ctlweal feroe58
doing heabass.
An lammed 6atae of the coarse of into
fog is the Intentheme of barmenn pte5Me
work, widen win exteen orle
rwin M ssh
mese ear
Oak flonleallanlicaralmagere H ead meanings Omw
wn•W end torr
1f -a anaemia
Universally acknowledged
to be superior in every rea-
peet to any other brands in
the market Always reli-
able, as has been fully dem-
onstrated by the millions
that are sold annually and
the increasing dematad for
theses, notwtithstanding an
increased competition of 0t -
er One Hundred and Twen-
ty -Ave Factories. This fact
speaks volumes. We are not
cheap agar manufaetur els
S. DA vis & SONS
ONTREALj est and Highest (rade Clem
Manufacturers ins OAsadei