HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-9-1, Page 3E pia Toto a f'-• dumb waiter. Tb, bag pet te wry handy with kr bet 'Ihe teelop is free tram the worry sad vas- M,s 'fisher truaiia Hem moa, if tiny Who m• •walbw. ere oast age brine a brk Many fat mea are two well tee wear wsiv-teade Unties r. Jagaon says you can't jade the power d at )y its aoisa d you do use want your M•lMgs bet - nem wt et the way. The must tpeedd girl saaaot try as a ,ka, without patting bar Mot in it. Alter he falls off e.e a Intim never eon - pre •uythtsg to big as "oro as bib* de to Oen affirm that billiards ressenble mend - may, inasmuch as kites &ad etweedess al• „mermen to both. The thermometer is mem wt b with meth g w tupedwier emantgntise Weer the record. Even the bad actor Mould be gtvsm Ike benefit of the doubt. 1t may be the omly Mont the public will give him. A I;erme•n writer attributes to American Ppb the totentWD 04 flirting. Thea Eve mast hate i,eeu an Ausarten. Deere is ons piece where there is good denting, and that is op among the stare. They have a molar sky lark this 1111001h. -That voting Antoine Fitagmbler sum a last Jume. papa." ' hoes MY' Wetk fer gowissu asks, pea hiss an s.tdote." If the early bid which adobes the were, would robe matters a little and eat the electric Ips be could get his 6U Ohm, To tete bar tear 1 teal namea runlet it 0 me els. ptykt.: Fes wino dew boom bean nines, 10. saver Wets of mina. C'eafidin+ Wit• -••M ba sb•nd is very &t minded." ••' "Yee ; k feas kneed ay staid Iasi night, thinking be was beam Inc. "If there ere people in Mare," .rid be, "I d . behthee, ave tialmarman1 slit "Theyna "rph ". mintedthe are out .1 sight" ••N •w. mad the phymai•n', "yea must take beet um every ecan't t do v &.-tor, replied the Cooperman, "I've ngm.d the Piedra" Nagky -I suppose yea think you sever made $ mistake since you were born. Kra. Seeley ---I can't say that, but I ksvee't made essay ares I was married. A toil Excess.- -Moor Met:obb-1 t ought 1 gate you two boon to leave town' Demi I4w.ta -Yes, w you did ; but I Mtn t Lehr fer to start on • Friday. 8e@e Her h.e you d:mid ham wen a there. lar ^.4 pont t ►= 0 irn .,. had ih 1 abaenr to M.0 hen a.. F►tbcr So you bad your o Llie.base and Owe.- nim broken phying football. I th•aght jos had more sense. Soo -Well, whom bolt was tt ! I didn't want to go to oallege, W I! "Ito yew ever take your wife on your knee se you used to do when ehs was your sweetheart •" "I mit .y what I do, but eke freiuently sits down an nee of her ows accord. "That new clerk deserves an increase of emery He gens more goods than any tither Berk at that counter. The ladies believe every word he *aye." "Yes, he used to be s peddler 'Shat) we he engaged r he said b the a.mde girl 'How bag do remain holey' As raked. 'A week." 'Really, for .o .bort • time b hardly mem m whale.'. Willie Kan -This ..w )Deng map cogot meaDe. Sue. Swab ons Derma.. it Row do yoe know t WUIie Koom- 8r offered to trade doge with nee and give w fli u. hoot. A Chicago literary club r.oe.tly debated the questo-.o: 'Was the uveetor of the Barbed wire Fence a B•rb.rtsa!" It le sate te sey that everybody took silos shad ea body got 4)0 the !egos Young wife -What do you think of m] pie crust. lack ! Jack (who doesn't win to be u severe as the ane w•rreete)-Very ros my darling ; but didn't you get the shortening in lengthwise liars. I'm enpg.d to be married a. reedy. and I've nay -bees here two day." "Yoa sweet thing! Who h the man!" •' 'Dear me, how untamuease ! ie forgot to give me hie card." "Mas ile Trop bad ou the longest gloves be sight that I ever saw. She bottomed them from her wrist to Mr elbow." ''Plat's ▪ ab girl Drs eJl the way from see 10 Ibm shells" "Why did you leave y)ociuerr country bo•rd- he-howse!" asked him. I es.lde't Memel the air," returned Biddlnen "Cw1dn't stand the air r 'Yes; the air from the landlady's d•eigbters pbao." Did you go on that trout Asking moor - Hes "' "I did." Did yea fah with ties" "Yee, we flaked with thee&mad with them, dined with d them, ept wit► teen- why, man, they sheen an es Jima •' Brows -I aboutna to that spam. They ham 'eighty per miHW.•s d We a particle moill on it � - 1 &bey re than mile up fer it wr we., 4 the very tilled .meoset eat .ream in that; beer f ahal'y -Flee here. Mede, whoa I het les have that $6 six weeks ted lininago,wboa 04 w-1-rWe11,1 4I tied •she o am1yid truth. 1 dW't lave it in my ponemiee .ore them ball em hear. Mabel- -Do yea luny Nib, and I have re of almost She name eider. "I've hist been thea Jaoges, Pard- sora , that's quite bel porerible t J•g.ss -Yomr eye' m lac mparabie. Jsale. !hilly-Toeea yinarmat. %at tiee were yea &Mea r eg with the weteh g yes didn't tubed te sial it t Sam Jobs- iog I jest wanted ter wind it we fer bin. Dot's de •abase trent. I een't ten •lief 1 ter try fer • week. TO. D.4. Wer •wash. "Meaty el .1t sad pepper, plea•.' "Aad e• -ay. dow't sib d...heelmeea." " R•r.'s de .is, hem" At this, the Fifth avenue dude pb.ked lime five emits In armee and ilaaeMi. ,Po t A the d Mrd a 071.1 "core the . • eerie, oa fterdusk.•.euu, ftp ` m• the ToadLa dties Maio ad* w • tae. -Its d11ar amekiml.�.ra The • per L" "eery mIMS& ,t! THE SIGNAL: ALL ABOUT TIM FARM. B ei mew see sena tee the Mwm tt ss .nese )watt R..eeatem. "la time seam peeper, for war r der- wmyna& .s1uw_ SAW, W1.I r tin add largely to the p e& side of the year's as - dorm Th. jeer. Aims will ley sweaty pee .11t . of be q/ odd during the ag[a prises of odd wafer. Udine year boas .. very d.., ..d yea west them for breed- er, ••L them jolt bdore moaWag, and give year dens to a.r, of the aloha. It yea have Wyandotte or pPttyyeseutb Rook Midis et April or Me hat*, Leg ra r Mns. ►oinelides et May or Jam battik, yoe are started toward the desired C{aaL the .eokrels away at sees and . pawl. love plenty of roam both by day end eight. If the Ales are atlll too crowded sell the Mae and give than Muses to the chinks. Open the wisdom wide, covr with wire netting, give plenty of par air night.. Feed a warm mask, at least tea per coat. groused meal and bus., eery morntog before 7 o'clock, cranked eon at sheat IIbarley at 2 p.m., .sal an the wheat they sea eat just before dark. Fresh water mast always be within reach. Provide board, about sin inks111 wide for them to roost on. Be os the watch for lies. Kpnyirg the berme with harasses emulsion will keep them free from vermin. A ooee of white- wash.oataining carbolic .aid will answer the name purpose and be sweeter. Clean the bear often. Lice will multiply rapidly in the de.ppiap if not removed. A etpees eta or biter yet a clover field will= wesderfullyr gdtirtg the pullets into ley - keg ermitiens. 1y O1tober you will be ready to mow the pullets into their winter quarters In a week .r two you should be getting eggs frau, thirty per amt 01 the flock. If you are sot doing as well se this, thiak over your eds ; ..e if you era. giving • well - ration ; look at night towed they ere crowded (tint-obver m the mash, end raw meat and boa twice= will be d help. Feed lightly of Dorn, Dorn weal and middling. Keep the male birds Ftbauselve@ ; you will get more eggs. eed all grain in straw, pias -needles, or gravel, making the bens work for their low. Give all the fresh air oa can during the worm hours. (See that have water at least twice • day.) Skov away the snow i0 frost of the house and let the hens oat -of -doors. As the fanner is learning that winter dairying pays best, so the keeper of pedtry maps tutu his toward the production et eggs during th. sold months et the year. Begin now to feed far the eggs you s=eem to get mat November nod sal.. .t Renee.. The American Cultivator, in rower tom iagairy from • farm who proposes to buy village omen e, and wawa to get at its ac- ts•d value, says that the real value of load of manure must be determined by the farmer, and at this season of the year it is often cheaper than later. Many stables are cleaned out in the summer, and the con- tents can be purchased cheaper than he fail or spring, wb.a the demand for manure u more general In making .511.1 te5 it 1a ....tial to take into consideration mayoral tmportset pent.. Fred) manure from wil- ted boress or sows should be takm as the te.ndard, sad this should he worth at ar- rest rates from 02 to gds per ton. For the proportion of pleat foci which each miners adds to the soil. it cheep at this rate, oompar.d with the commercial fer- 1111... Aliments that bare been forced it fattening purporm will always pro- claim the beet areae.. It is • onesstra- tios of all the essential eleeasnis for bad improvement. and • ton of thie u sal to Dearly two d loose straw naked i.di6w entlS with radio and mow in the open bare- aa Animals that are merely winter- ed,y as the old phren ))nom, y177are id "winter- )." rally strawsecondary estimate, and the compost mast neoem•rily be poor. Nevar theism, in buying manure very little die - Unction is made between these different qualities of ensnare. The straw -fed animal brings is ea mock for his oomposi se the forced annals kelt in stable., when there is • concentration of food. One of • good knowledge of roman, may thus often pur- chase • good stable manure at cheap rete. la Met, et is often the cheapest manna that can be spread upon the land, and. by .11 odds, it b the beet ler the soil It will pay c0e to haul such minute at . loser dis- tance if the same price is .Med for tt as the inferior grads a».et.5 Seed rens. A writer in the "Farmers' Owe Joarad" make@ the following suggestions ea to how to secure better roads under present ooedl- tion : Zack year, within the United Stab., tare are oo.victed for various 084141001111 norm the public pence about M0.000 male prisoners of mature age- These erindade are commonly oaaea.d is the !Nate prisons and eco mom jails, and during the tem of their p..isrnset are largely sust•iaed and ebthed .t the public expense. This norms dame entails .n a mannas tan, of wkich party in all localities mesa her the base ,, and • moat serious questioe bas for may years been discussed toweling the ta11mB- in Thiele these coming e@. be .�py.� without ese@petiag with the Mlfsi .or fres eiNasma No solution km yet been mashed whisk seems te meet the ossa md IaLabor� eab• have repeatedly ds.ed that `thenw eo.viets be mode to sera their own suden•ses by the per- kiness', el dteiaiag'� yobbo reveals &Mb hoe been Maimed is saber risetrie. M the great adv ntngs of the 'abbe, and it ogre sea em appestat doable adwat.ge in the redlines .t the �t ten al sad the salad.. cif t. the •.evh Llit question that it is well worthy of • thorough trial. its berm the r.gehrjy- e rmined aeiml.sls then le ea Msmeass prised madly el :rib men. p°°'II .bout bens sae past d the mentry be oaeNr, and em.- mealy iaba "tramp•" Tb {rave brlldrvj imereased M umbers dsshg the lest years. sad haw berme nee .t the .amid �s.iism• of the day. It is ad unlikely �ht it sU the tramps i. • given n town we sompoled by law to do • IltW work now sad thew epos the public reads, ..d them tpulite that °lathes germs S hepeen\ t s�. ed. thea Orr Lerma Wleers perms grow nay he _ �s..d y rpt eassatee ven►,.lbether iV"gs'eaaaP asa Londe were peen is .aces may hew often made geed gnd.g germ& by a . be dal The nalased gram .•Hen. w tbe onderred. Abbot* ma's y i mb. .genal Im re mMaleg the poseeatsiai bast prumilial Masi. sues wW est be Ace- ma aren by the wise mememi t who has .8 the earn be NAM Ger. The ewmeH we le dempem ah IMO teen iia rad -hound her M tjM bermes.! the Hegar d dead ` DEMUR, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1892. 3 CALEarrS Nn[ POWDERED L Y c:rzgPVR"F STRONGEST .= • a.It y AM c.eeee• .ea Pr..ntm. W. Oef idBtaiP. v1011.00e@sm. ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE. The •rt.t.•t et rhe Mane in "The Name .f Btdte'b".. The origins/ of .Soutt's chareetr u " Tru Heart of Ni.Uusl u " was Helen Welker Charged .t as a . r age with the duty of rearing and e•ri • for her little sister, she experienced the - eat grid of brtoging the letter to years eturity, Daly to see her charged with al. 1 Ini'^der. At the trial Jests was .uL. iu.ed to glee evidence. She Limo that her •vide.,•-., it uutkfuUy given, would coodem0 but • •er to death, asdet even m in that eerpeeo.y she deolta.d to tell • faJsebood, swore to the truth sad SSW her mister pruner -toed guilty end con- demned to the .tallows. Immediately attar the trial, ea 000utdieg to tie Scottish law six weeks must inset mem between $ capital •suteaoe and its execution, Helen started on foot to Louden with • petition detailing the circumstances of the case and imploring pardon for her stater. She reached Landon, and alter sons.. trouble had •n ••ntervlew with the duke of P^gyle, so whom she made knouts the fact. ; al upon flee'- oom- firmation • etsrdos wen cilium -laid to her sister. Heleu Wa1.er was hurled ia the church- yard of iron (:ray, sir mil ft.•m nubile, and on ber tombstous was a0 inscription written, at the rtquest of her irtends, by Walter Scott htmsu 1. A Pleas t 00r0 0.5.0. The best cure we know of for Constipation and headache is the pleasant herb drink called L• .'s Family Medicine- It is said to be Oregon grape root, oombiued with w imple herbs, and u made for use by pour- ing boiling water as to the dried roots sad barbs. It is remarkably efficacious in all blood disorders, and is now the more w• . , remedy with ladies for clearing up the com- plexion Druggists sell the packages at Doc. sod $1- (2eow) Davits at xew.a.tle. Lemnos, Aug. 22. -Michael Devitt spoke •t Newcastle -on -Tyne iu support of the Right Hoo. John Morley, who seeks r.- steeti.. upon •eo.pusg tb. Chief Secretary - ski pp for Ireland for Ir&a.d. Nr. Devitt d.olered that he did not believe the Irish question would so mompoliae Parliament as to Met out yn.alusae afeetia the wel- fare of British workingmen. He stated that he Mid the mossut of 70 of his col. leagues to deeiere that they would vote as one mw us favor of naeasars to improve the Mew ifs Tinned the Trate. The late Emperor Dom Pedro of Brn. i1 once gave audience to a young engineer who Dome to show him • new appliance for ' topples railway engines. The Emperor WAS pend with the thing, and said : - "We wdl put it at .rocs to • practical test. The day after to morrow have your engin ready ; we will hare it coupled to m) ,•loos o.rriagc, end titan Bre away. When going et full limed I will unex- pectedly nex- petedly give the algesi to stop, and thea we will see bow the apparatus works." At the appointed tine the Emperor en- tered his oarrmge and the engineer.oastsd his saltine sad on they weut fur • mender - able diimaoos ; indeed, the young mermen men f�to suspect that the 8mprer had asleep, when the train suddenly Dans. to • Mary curve round the edge of • cliff. ea twang which the driver sew, to hie horror.oan immense boulder lying on the He had jest sufficient presence of mind to tore the crank of his brake acid pall up the engine within • maple of yards of the fatal block. Hen the Reaperer pat his bead out of the window •asd asked whet they were Mopping fr. The domineer panted to the niece of reek, on seeing which Dom Pedro onset tato • merry hagb. "Pen the tbiag ea nae side '" be called out to the emgitnr, who bad jumped down from she leeom,otive ; .asd when the latter, in Itis .omf.•io., blindly obeyed,..d kicked the atoms with his foot, it crumbled unto dust. It wee a block d earth that Dom Pedro had ordered to be placed on the toile the might before. Moitrasat, Aug. nth, 1891. It is • Measure fa me to say good words in Irma d Anti -Dandruff, as its merits eaemst w qu.eti•ud. I.. own ease, D1adn i net .ate ..d. veal karma by appMllan. ter ..i. ills iwshl ge.stities toes Atte I amid mat alliin s.1, but in asalWall pnamms satieseresalag Mrm•tios awed Yaw d tem We. My barber make Anti-11ade9 I used it, and not .uly has every trade .f Dla4.( disappear- ed t the f flag d the bear w stopped Heviag fall faith is rte prepayable I mot only .adorn it for thea let further add that as • Sae dreads( ter the ha'r nothing equals it L. WORKMAN, Clothier. 1900 Notre-U1.e St. Montreal, DUNN'S BAKING POWDER iXE000KSBf9T[PoEND BACK -BACKACHE ('ODD KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU Colborne_BroQ "Da•ha.h• .tern the kid - .•y• •r• In burns Dave Kidney Pills plea - •' 1b per er ..at of d/ 1. first • leered Might as well try to have a healthy fatty withost ..wen ay es good :noes the kidneys ars Moyyed, they are the oofthe. "D•lay Is 1=7:Mop - trembles result /. Dad deed, Liver Doan int, am/ the most das- porees of all. 'rights Mama D!a b. t. sw Dropsy "The abo•• diseases oaswot exist whsr• Dodd's Kidney m Pills are ed. Sold by of &alae menet by mesion rdpt • pries P •Seta, per Doe or silt for es Dr. L. A Smith & Co. Tomsk.). Write fur book raked Ki.Muy Talk. KEY TO EERLTL NEW FALL GOODS We have already in stock a fall assortment of New Fall Goode in >Dslntii ads tbs slogged amuse of this berm* flit Lim. aiming all gositially the We. all the impadlhr and WI lean albs tstl.limmtl Os awe Cop• et as EISINStise ale an ,tai ser d to t B 1U_ leer ${l( ler Baia by ail psdesa T. d CO., P1t+pi111111, lB t GODRRTOH Steam Boiler Works. ISSTABIAOHRD fat0.) A. S. CH RYStAL, Sommer to Chrpgrate Meek, Manufacturers of a4l4inde of Station- ary Marino, U3 irigbt alt Tubular M30=7.atERS, Salt Pons, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Alto dealers in Vaned and Horizontal 01W e Vali. Knetinea. Automatic CurCieKnwi-tes a peci"Ity- A.1 lana. or pip.. and ;Ip.-rltting commatly os stand. limiras,eo furnished os sport notice. Repairing prompt'. attsuded to 7t/1!-ly P. 0. Nor ... tinder:eh, Ont. Work.-0.p.:te 0 T. It diatom. 0, taria • PLANING MTLL ESTABLISHED 1151. Buchanan & Son, LIeOfAC 4.7Rni SASS, DOOR and BUNT`, Dealers 1. W Bads of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And baildecs material of every descriptive We have a fine assortment of New Dress Stuffs in the latest desires in fancy stripes and checks, ('report Cloth, Melange Twills, Serge., Cheviots, Eatemanes, Cash- u'erettes and plain Henrietta't, Wool Tartans and Plaids,. About 800 yard. of Colored Cashmeres, worth 50c., for 35c., a big bargain. We carry the f -test range of plain and fancy Mantl- ings we have ever shown, in black and colons. £AI1 Mantle Cloths bought from us will be cut free of charge. Our Tweed Stock is complete. Suits made to order. , . it alloyrtd on all Dry Goods purchases of one dollar and oved. A first -clue. Dress and Mantle Maker in our store, up .tate•. *We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry, I and Union Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs and Mats, 1 Cloths, and Linoleum9 ever shown in the County by one house Over 300 Sets of Lace Curtains to select from, di- rect from the makers in Scotland. School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL -ef- BUMMER GOODS LATEST STYLES. Hennes. M be cleared eve, Pedeo1 and showy Mbapsl. H. DUNLOP, The West Taller. SYSTEM AND oven. Taman aorme11t. Specific and Antidote for Impar., week and impoverished blood, dy.- p.r.s, ebspl...., p.lpit tiou .t the Desert, liver oomis Monolith, omneuralgia, susera plies, gall stems,memory,j wndte., kidney .ad urinary diseases, 8t. Vitus' .Leos. (emals irreg- ularitles end renewal debility. 418ORATORT, 11ODER1118, 011TARiO. J. M. McLEOD, rr.erleter ad IlamaNstrer. .tna Orem' R.,'from Ma= Ramevvlaa. y wo��B w1� W Mr nth. b. Durbanemawal 5510. ..& -t-tor. PATENTS! Neeci*F" '*T. TiNilc tM assar..1..0 use babe' vb• •.L .nave k "Fis •• is per. eef)rentV. welbtm • • atloid a • .. o_____-tsP lmaOEM•� tAbsilma.0.0 DO YOU LIRE A OTTP OF GOOD TEA ? Try our Brands of " MONSOON " and "TAMILKANDE," the Finest Flavored Teas in the world. Do you want Fresh Groceries. " " " Fresh Canned Goods of all kinds. " Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. " Choice Confectionery. u /r " se CI " A Good Cigar or Glass of Soda Water. If you do, call at ED. 0A1CP.8.IGNE'S GROCZR AND CONFIDCCIONKR, Cor. Montreal -et. and Square. Telephone Connection. THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THZ Till THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE res THE THE THE Tel THE T8E 1111 BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST UST BMT BMT HMT SMT Barr BUILT BMT saw BM'r BMT -r I8 THE I8 THE 18 TBE IS THE I8 THE IS THE 18 TS IE 11 11 18 CHEAPEST AND THE STONAL I8 THE BEST CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST CHEAPEST AND THE SION4L 18 THE BEST CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BEST CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BENT THE BEST THE BM THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE B=ST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE Mr THE BEST THE BEET THE REE! azrr THE BEET THE BEST THE BMT 1 THE CHEAPEST AND TOE SIGNAL 11 THTHE 819E 8MT THE CHS•PMT AND THE SiGNAL I1 THE BMT THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BM THE (MU PINT AND THE SIOEAL IS THE Ear THE CSEATMT AND TSB SIGNAL IS THE 1 1? THS OBNAPM? AND TBE 1N><1L IS THE EMT THE SIGNAL ONLY Th&R IN ADVANCE/