HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-25, Page 80 TEO ST AL : °M U dll"1¶4111118DAT. At rourr+ 15, 1811S. polecat poiaox SURIR THAN POWDER, PURI PARiS ORRIS Casson •d Ammo um (awe lir rue Paul% lw .ITilRi Pers RVBIBHINO AND KZRILAR•T- her levtap.- ilmatneeras Lime Pratt Jabs. Root Hem. M Lose Water. 11.31t0 TUSSIS, OUR (OUGH SYRUP V always In arisen. CARLSBAD. ViCHY AND FRUIT arse 1s bit:_ PUKEST AND STRONOZST FLA. v'. • S Yzusctt SPONGES. A NEW CONSION- aseat Just to head - Iles our prices. VIRESCRIPTIuNS FILLED WITH can, neatness aad dispatch at the Phar- macy. GEO. A. FEAR, Success to Geo. Rhyme 0ODLItICN. o ae'`.: Ile• aal.s s ART. * x x x R. CROCK ETT, Aims!. Landscape. marine and .portrait gelatine to oil andwaterDolor. CLASSES 0a Thuredses, Phil''' and Pett.rd•yt been 9 am. to 12 o'clock. and from 2 to S .block reit 1 and mechanical drawing. wise for porous etc. fi:UD1O :-Northat, first door from the Py oars Th. P.o»Ie'a Column. WILL IT PAY YOU Te rile each moron.*R tired and mire tuna OM1.. aaesmfortahle bed eterely w 0 VSthe� d • Wire Mattress, which SOWwwaw.�whet rest. refreshing sleep and Mewed eteasth ter each dry t You •pend on.. -third of your lie in bid. why not have solid oor.'•wt dtrias these hours of ret t We have tee b.'sT T.&T 1* 1IAila In lteda. Wire Yattresaei i'sod Mattrce.e, also pillows ur Mtn Owes tree.., 1 /Waken. hair •ed wool. we Rn.ra dee the .tock in them to tot pure and eleao OUR PRICES ARE RU HT. We .re from 5 Ern 10 per cent. lower than To- ronto t r.eee in Bed Room Subs. Sideboards. Peron Suites. etc. We invite comparison. Come and are fo-yourselves. Upboietert.g in buret .tyles at reasonable rates. EMITH'S BAZASR t FURNITURE S'T'ORE. 2315 l Crabb'• Block. NEW PLANING MILL. Sash and door factory. Latest American Sinn and designs of houses. latest Improved machinery. latest drop In prices. latest aid most modern woramen. lowest prices in sh/•wle.. pine or cede,. lowest tendon issued. beset pr., es on d[wrs or ash. Siff having received orders for 50 domestic refrigerators, I have decided to build a num- ber -my prim being so low all can afford to MVO this luxury In their home., and grow• must hate them. I have secure.! latest Aix eri- can patent*. Telepl-one your orders for all classes of woad week. Rol JOBZPH KIDD, 17 lrttaaaM ot. AU0t1oaeN13111 JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- Y.m"e, Lad valuator. lona and inearanee rags. Salm attended in ell parts of the man - solicited. Address JOHN =iespbridge. Orders left at Tea *ALCMs. promptly attended to 10.11 OHN ,KNOX. GENERAL AUC - denser mei Land Valtutor. Ooderlcb. Having had considerable experience In anstkil=retudge. he is in a position to h satisfaction all osat .sand to him. Orders lett at Betel. or Mt b mail to hie address, P.0.. osrstally Mended to. JOHN X. Ceuatt Aeon's... 11071? • lesehaa1 a' Institute. d`tODERZCR MECHANICS' INSTI- .77 TUT, I.nIANT AND ItEADI1 U- 1111. ear, NM street cad guars lay Open from 1 to 0 r.rt. and from 7 10 10 r.r. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Leading Unify, Weekly and Illustrated Papers, Magazsises, etc., on Pile. MEMBERSHIP TiCKZT. ONLY X1.00, ellnet ng tree w et Library sad moodier t appUaatl fusaaref msmberrbip reodved br ED. EHARMAN.t ONO. STIVEN. PregneMerlok March LOk Mt •R niceness. CANADIAN ORDER OF 11061E CW04.►'-Oodorbb Circle. No ler, meets bird luau et seek math 1.a Wtimer the 1 wrTasIseic . Tr'se.a cts N. deerstary ?; E rr epeeist Notions. J.T O. WARD. OONYIYAUOER, .dlrmsuzzi g�1eea• at. mid *ebullition', ter vitt a ,tar is sr emea(.N asy amt. sett er pr.. teeibiw in t1 Hu(h Come et Judea, the ,ter owe of Appeal for Ontank or la say County er Mendota Court. All da�� minsttllinss eanitfa aellresead ��a!)oeseeea.00ut dl �f N Zw CHOPPING /JILL I am prepared to dealt bade el grata /Ism en sh•rteet miaow MW n teams w I lave the . l•iay h yd but t Is is gtNelag yen.. c Avua. oe.4111 17IDD 1rt Excess Travelling Guides SOAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 111�i setae eat wasted emtmt.b as lei itheras mt iej.se la ..a. g ~. wet Geed Orals Q EZD W e1 7% - LILLY PM; t� claw..♦moam art meetw-ao..a hells111111119114a the DI.NO FOR SALT, CULP, 5TW - AIDIttry taw surd serum Apply J. 12.41 LIMF FOR BALI -GOOD PALM MaResertl•�bfA N let et be p ~iat.ell t. tU L"OR HALL -TWO 111 IN. 0118T 1L bordtm et1 MI.rNr. at... 111-S It n, keer w msad as Mw. W beset! at • reaseaakse imply at ti Items peruse N +t, SUL Spades Artists.. 6i AIk wARBIL AP P L -11111 D. CANTNWN d (11.1... weals *210 barrels Pall aad W hoer apples Por erNoli the byee�ti�msrt* will wbe paid. 1.62 lest CANTuf oti.. efts. or cad seas mMtr. L Property For Sale or lbr Rent. FOk SALE CHEAP. -DESIRABLE aoemos see brook tram court kow. Term, seer. ILMER SMITH. RC7bbb's ROOMS TO LIT-F('KNISHEDOR •atsraisbed--to lady madeat. mused - lag ('olkntiate Maim. Apply to M18.4 PAR HO\b, N'eet-. 7yat VOR SALK.-N. * LOT SI, SND OON- r cession. (fast Washbasin. 100 acres This k • !,.tela.. farm. Ales town lot 471. (lode - roe. also tot 2i. Uoderich town. o0 which then- ie • good brick cottage. APpl1 -to PHILIP HOLT. ttrtt. l; uR SALK ♦TbsAWBARGAIINN,-,THAT Bele, atprm�~nlstYjeeyi.d d a p.iat . Brue- W m. stealth a on. sale. Term. May. to P. d. ateOrt. Br.wle P.O. tl Dentistry. tf NICHOLSON, LD.S,-D \TAL . roans 4apdte the sew Peet W..t..t. Uuderleh. 1111.; nR. E. RICHARDSON, L D. 8., 11,, surgeon dentist. Gd and vitalised air administered for painless extracting of tenth. special attention given to the /eassrtatj.a of 11. natural teeth. Oene-Up Grand opera Hous. Block wssaee on Wer- th.. Un.irrich. 1111-1v M D11-. WHITELY & HUNTIR. Odle. -Bread Opera Howe. 0oderleh. 1011 TARS. SHANNON & 8HAANON, 1J PhyslOam, Burgeons. Aee.eehers• to Odle• at in. S 's renames near the ted Goder4cb. G. C. Sucooe.rt, J. R. bias - NM. 1781 Legal. E. N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- tor in Maritime Courts et % erie 00 Ice-South (olborse Liget. fIn O. JOHNSTON, BARRmISTER, N4 solicitor. oemtgst.er. aa. Limas. oolleetion• and reel elate fully attended to Ola. --Cor •ed 8t Asdnw's-.i.. Dederick. Oat 1110144y1 JOIN DAVISON, BARRISTER, o lend Ocoee over Post -Ole, aUoderbMoney t1 CAMPION, BARRISTER, F1. Solicitor, Notary Public, • to. Mice -Over Jordan's Lang Stork the rooms formerly occupied b Judge Doyle. 2110 C. HAYS. SOLICITOR., &c.Olde, owner of Square and Wes street Ooder-fab. over telegraph ales. Pri- vate street, to lend at ® per east thee GARROW &PROUDFOOT, BAR - rimers, Attorneys, Soakings. &c.. Gose rig. J .J. (narrow. 11.C.. W. Prvadtoot CAMERYN, HOLT & HOLMES, BOr-•irins. lolleltors in t>•aa..ry t0. Dodd 00.11.4011. . C. Cameron. G.C.: P. lilt . L aaa ane 1nau1'oIIM. Et J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND accident insurance •seat ; at lowest rates. 0111is-Oar. Northat. and Square. God .rich. 71 - NI ON EY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of private and other funds .t lowest rata on productive town tied farm y. Special terms of repayment to salt Use wer.-No commission. _telt or write M. 0. JOHNSTON. Oodewich, 10 lt•tf % 500.000 TO LOAN. APPLY 10 `+CAMERON MOs.[ 11 HOLMES D e - M '> ?O LEND. -A LARGE .moaner Prtvase reads for tnvesh set At Iowan rifts mo' i0tal.a Mertaasse. Ano11 to DARROW t PROUDPOOTT. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security d Cultivated Parma. Inter - es, six per coot.. payable annually. .tny por- tio. of the principal may be paid at any Ume the burrower *Wes. A11 expenses paid the County. No phone except the Crgn1 er Aeditors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. App I1 to Ooderfeh. Aug.N• 1101.31E8.eg. rah, 1112. (b. ?reamer. Nit R RADCLiFFE, OENIRAL IN• R. Mummy oat � ihmels sad s prisspe represented. Messy to Lend ea etea/gh Loaet the lowest rate tet Interest gge.e((as, la•. w•7 to salt the senower. Odlee- ees. SAKota ilaa .deer ow0rw, West anr.st fO.M Hotel Aaaomtmodatfon, well -keel's HOTEL, GODERICH - N well-k*oa mewl and betel has Asea tat.. poasessisa of by Swats (ie.taers mid refitted in every ,asp.et Sets aa. d the neatest sad gabfestMsew 1• the Heetsa mater... 9* LTItB� eiaW*� tort t's•Rw pot HURON pe HOTEL, THIS refitted. 9mown M s 1•i.9p.reewvve�dbeset k••beem 0eetly mid le •ow eesssd to sot h Suag4 nese. wmm.L49.0 t► tit• oesta•nve.lRemiasg A- Yk ., '. hr. =Vie .r. 0MiuLi Hiars RGGT [WEER GRLTRR R*DUtTPIONS ---/•/-- Oar Cl 8.le d Summer t,}ooda still con sea Several lines of Print.4bat were 12 1-2 and 15c. per yd. reduced 8e.. Fest Colored American CFrI- 192. reduced to Qt per yd. All Summer Goods at about price. We are determined to carry no Summer Goods over until next season If you want a bargain call early as the Ovods will not last long at the prices. JAMES A. REID. Jordan► 6•eet, 6eder(eh. Aeg. Wo. tall fit Lost or round. LOST -ON OR ABOUT JULY l7Tn, lint • tim.yur-•M Sas with dart war and tall. two bad taw whit" sad a white &tripe oe tau amt•W reward ter titter. ti.ltfotd, ♦ A. SANDE. gt.13th, tai. ye;t Aa.ltne lie Sats. ABRIGNEI'8 SALE OF CHATTELS. By rims ed s writ of t mrd. to tee b Jennie Mabee/ 1 w ter sole nubile audios at the rAlag. si Albertt. Friday. hs twsstratzttt day or Amann. at the noun of ...e o coca r. y.. tie 4111pwins ehat - 1.4.. vii: 1 team working hone& 1 mare Um - old. 1 heifer. 1 double and 2 !M pair beery bob -UMW sod l wpair. pa1 est l ter. 1 baggy. 1 road cert. 1 log e•!t. 1_dMp cart. t nes single harness. 1 set UM, bar - nem, 1 plow, i truck. 1 oft 1 schemaar leaned The Roterpejn, 1 row bast. } .we N� eats. • gh Oro a d apples the tress cad ether throe Tme ercash. IefNieels 21? 1.1 V Awe. Assignee AMOURS SLIM. AUCTIuN SALE or VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY. Ceder and pursue* to a power of idle con- tained L a certain beerier date Wedosedas.(ilb day of Doom , A D. Inn:,..d which w 111 beproduced at the time of idle. then .ill he offered for sale by public auction *allow citye 7th dal d September A. D. 1+02. et the htaoar of 12 o'deck. noon. at Martie's hotel. la Eke tem d Gederich. by John Knox. auc- tioneer. the fellowing real 5.1010. *05.01 1 * rs i.g sambsr nine hoodred and Bhp five ea .0.4 side of St Patrick *rest, fa Lite tows d wa�tca. fa the county of Huron. Veva tide property then i; a Pond frame les ro-huesorry hues 24x3Wolff elan ble lea& The lwidths ot le well board a and ne is also a good icely situated. situated. radp�hres minus walk of the Square sad Thk efo0ert v is a root desirable our. use w7sEe�i ten ter tent. of the Purchase tM bs:*•ce within at month erten deed will be wives. Yoe further parUcut.rs spell to tine auction • fur 00 to CAMERON, HOLT & HOLMES. JOHN -KNOX. Voider,' Solicitors Dateiltrgeti, "ay of August. A.D. Ifni TOWN OF GODCRICH. TItEA*(,RER'M BALE OF LANDS FOR TAX E*. Prot -INCA O►ONTag,O. 1 Hy virtue erTown or a nder the hand of the Mayor of the Town ot fOodertnchh date. 1tand the 1 day orof bJo� 110' tme directed, eeamandine one to levy upon the laude in the following list of arrears of taxes due thence. that under the said taxes. together with all mob, are sooner paid. I .hall proceed to sell the mild lands by public auction, or as mush thereof as may be sufeclent for the pslment of the bus and oust tber.ou, at the TOWN HALL. in the TOWN OP OODERICHIl,, on Trilby. the nth day of November. IMO. .t the hour et two o'clock. - The joUorinp Iota spro.dtestai. part of 1st, Street. Lots or 'Concertos ori 4 8. �Ranaing Nos. 14 M W. pt 21 IMI' " ., li; 14 311 N Mitt " - 1064; •- •• 14 Wileee'a H.r j: 1•i 12.04. Survey t•0 to Mut Rod I 1 10 I ! 11101 Mermen brut' 14 i >r Id « 8t I id 1 M � 1 M A 8 d 70 Lte 1M OP 13 ft M lilies le MI i2111 1 ti tic 70 70 70 N M et W. HORTON. 77-L. Town Therm. r m. Ooderieb. Jim I& IBD/ TEETH ENTRACTE(' WITHOUT PAIN .Y rum vas or •T DB. B. BIC It Us /.nets. is it tbarrl hove- tis sstr exdayv t to re le Orlarbh lees.. set.0 Iseverl, mor sh is minas never ♦ »a to err the Mast pals driest the bet m•kse 1 041... er Rea Ryer, d t er .temp .f .nr ktmd, ote•.gs t�e(s�e ev ssss. mad ver/ little path ls w nese ea..s. A►2QTI-1CQJQRY110 PO RD LW A. tt3OT•L PA OPERA 940051 ILOC$, liE*T 1TflE[T, GODZILZOIL OST. are • .seer dehk. IrA1QUANi15 FRICKus Largos. li 1 SEA arum ler tit. ant/. 11e. ilia. RATH AND WOOS SPONpgie, HELIOTROPE TOILET enar.1fi. A.1 em..st el empty moo bilis a g10{a seet J. Wttsowb Pamo.t1Ho. Dans ivo.a L e leen mose.sytsbbersjs tb•t mover miner the sad /best mtm09 smellIs ~•m es M wgss., the seek ro..rmmsitivebrown ea earth Berlet e ..ems me It L • artilhaly IlllasvtYaslr.mmsS sse is al boa, I my rammer Wrenn ere mine. rfiM u DR t I IORARDIMIL Null.e al After sea be .t Gies at* Mir thee Oatarday w.. The Orgy lift hr sheave out be let est thee /tea- oq ..•n Ow1.1 A/..rikanw to asespied to eels Wed.fifiiy et sash week. t $dwatioela Vacant OY W&NmT�RRfl.A�BOUT 1` YEARS et me fir wdttatt tie ett.oC; YM.etr*ppmtf-7i moa S•LEAL•DYY WwA�NTR♦DD �-DRY see=tt w• .Elia '. ee14ti er rsca. *1.731 •eagddat 110•vRD�a.-• FEW BOARDER ttee C�:M�erttta�i 1'n. t t'•v A ceras~Ort e• •MSig N lett W ASTIR - • Fe BO!WO ZZ Bti. weeps. ins A.ether vie demoI1111 sl tmik 01 Y110,0 . rs~it THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. It adore mass 95. teem' mete.. Mt Age k1t pram/ iL banner ei AmuWit tar Weal street. Ore att� V the now Seehilem.lgr. laproYoyadd. es ease 7. ed W M.�am1at k. k. )on. Wpare a eMt. n�/tor Then le se extra tau curer� them r� bast spa r.phb art ma always y be obta- ad mit TAIWRINO,_1id. ueatee tweeds in greet variety at the Chloates Ruins. Welt -at. Yue awe Imre a bin choke and ray u. auod .tyle amid et at very modem. psoas, B. MaoC..r ..;, Mar. It is 8etianLK to blow cool allele. and Pall wars will cow be the raga The latest in the line can be bad by ulnas un P. J. Yridl..s,, the fashionable asthlrr. H• ties the Needs and limes bow to Make them. Mstruttu :Ssavtcs. -R(ev. John Shaw, 11. A., of St. M..ry's, President of l:uelph Coafeeeaoe will occupy the pulpit of Nortb- nt Methodist church, next Sunday evening, and peach the memorial sermon in connec- tion with the lamented taking off a Jams gad Roy. the beloved children of Rey. J. F Howell, paster of the church. Seniors Atr-tus.•ry.-(hs Friday last as boas meo were lifting an old boiler ant a • wagon at .1. Platt's woodyrd, it fell sad a sharp corner came m to the foot of John Po.tletbwaite, indicting a severe pt.h. Medical Sid was at once *umrrmooed and the injured man was conveyed to :.is hear, He is now progresing satisfactorily. A. OLE. Timm -Reny of oar reader. will remember Wm. McCaig, the milkman isAL is of to 1*10 thee years ago in the N old h.Tman is nil' in the land of the living, which a letter from Thee.alon, enclosing the renewed for his subscription discloses. He is going oo his 75th year, but is still as healthy se a ye•ri- rmg- New Comssi -The enterprising Locales firm of Caddy & Tom h.s purchasd the stock of the estate of the lata Jas. Saunders, and has marked down the satire hat in plain figures. so that buyers can compere the prices with these formerly paid for the same clam of goods. They will remain here and continue the .ape white 1 dollar's worth of goods remains unsold. The good* have been parch..eti for spot cask at • big reduc- tion on cost., and buy.n will get a corres- ponding benefit. :See adv., per 5. Ool.1.0t.I tT* iIaTITI• T1 SECS l,rr.--Go j.. rich Collegiate Institute will open on Moo - day next, with a strong staff of teachers end a full equipment in every line. During the vacation,e idifiee and surroundings have been materially improved, and Leaden and puoids will alike find the conditions better than at any previous term. The re- turns of the recent d.p.rtmental exams. published elsewhere in this issue, go been pro that conscientious work b•e doe,by the teaching staff of our institute. G.T. R. Crier Exct-insioss. - t6.70; Montreal, 60.70; Quebec, 311.71 Go August 26-27-29- -tickets good until 19. Detroit ezcunion, Atm. 30. ra4.50; Inl- ets rood until Sept 3. Very low rats -to Tomato exhibition, commencing Sept 6. Get your tickets and all information from H. Armstrong, town ticket .gent G.T.R., Gnderich, Ont Tickets, tam and ex prem to .JI parte of the world. Arent fur Alpo, Dominion, AAehor and Cunard At• hatic steamers- Agaat Comedian Express Co. Wits* you need merry always buy Comedian Express Ce.'' mossy orders. Resoo°L�t-*niox or Co�rix usscf Maple l...eal dcgo.-- At the iAa.t0- t1 • tv o. mottos was made y Bro. Goo. .sooadd b7 Bio Morris .nd renwlv.d- That toofficerso. and members d taehereby desire to express our deep symlp.t y with Rev. J. E. Howell and family In the very sad bereave- ment which bee recently overtaken them. Although R. Mr. Howell (having paused the or limit) is not • member of our order, vmos feel as be has taken such an interest ur work that we are only doing oar duty to him cad his family. Llan expressing and tis family any our prayer � sed n ordenlm• he divine", the trying through which they are now paring. Truism 11DC5r1Lttt Loa -The event in isldailioas in cards is tie Te- raina great I.iutehi Fair, which apses tale ear 4 ' eel r17:It be on o be- YI mo0ot hold[ of the Nimbioc to ea prise list` oiler - Wild hem been the demand for peal years Md to .Pea tarp Pro - kr. the Fair guys, that more items • necessity aid after marred tie direetos bar see.reti additional mpmmieddko ea tie (anise„ Comers. (rK � gland ad a stead • eves rad rawly by opsit day. Iia. goo tie steed show. • desire of the soot ample * character, with oases .ad Ms asm to meet the eenveaieass ams .e.d.et of all who may be ..gaged is tic er who say mei te revisit es aposta- te/1i al the sp.odiag and ether Mtraetive Wada Every farmer S the peot writ to see the Fair. The sP••913 Utica Ohne this 7.., are very Maeew and are masiIsla. tIMprevail oasrier Pi f rviews yeara is Asap MARINE NOTES. l arrived ea Tuesday Int from Torii with toad ler J. hits. Sehr. Garter arrived es Ilw.dsy will I.mb.r from The'aj.. far N. Dynast. iti up, .1, -took se ,apples ad y. eambar ef Air. Kellogg i em T,_,4. lar Prowl trail... teEl tale as .- - bed ul =as e..nal tines Jsa. 1,11114 kr !31. P[IMONAL PARAaRAPtEL to(i Aim, of l�.N.► 10 16101,11Ben1. w.. 1leM1 ttf Terme Is r town this I. Mr. C Il1gp.rd, e1 llelwalk,10 .i urine i• Ysdeg& Uterine dohs hisrda ins lest Prided !.r Ia.q/I.. Mem tris. Maw i.Ye°/Et.aidy • . 'iMld A i e olds friends hem l Weems, Ultimo i. rldb Mr. J. Wt1111. is, el .7eedesil, spot the perm week le tow.. Ed. Penner. W r tsreed Se Detail din a Sew drye seism at coma Mrs. A. Moris is at pews vielti( Mr daughter, Mrs Madam iwasrmo. lira J. It Ma ea, of Terris, arrived ea tie .tr. Masessh, yesterday mems, Mrs. ('lae.wtiler and ahiIdrw, .f Emma Omar., are visitirtt relatives 1. town. Mrs. W. H. Kerr sad nu. d Bred., have been the gross of Miss Dickson. H. F. W'harrier'. et 11.011- to., visited VAS in town last week. Mr. and Mrd W. J. (liter were visiting 'needs is Seatrtb and Mime r.osnaly. Mayer Butler tvisit troit delias e a o Tisk told the Maeda Mr. sod Mn. Moore, of Luckaow, were the guests of Mrs. Swot during the week. Rev J. W. Orr occupied the pulpit of North -.i Methodist Annie Sunday evwisg last Mrs. Knight sad children spent • pleas- ant time in Clinton and 'ftaiortle lest week. H artyDamsels.of Fort William. former. ly ofOoderioh, le at present visit/ft in town. • flim !1•y Fisher retuned to her home in Iilyth, after spending • piwseat time in town. Mrs. W. O. and Mimi Georgia Smith, of Norwalk, Ohio, are spending the ,Summer in town. Mantes Fred and Charlie Shepherd have retorted home atter a few weeks visit to S.aforth. Wa.:ltoddart of the Su.RAL Mai lett «'11'intdnesday last for a trip oo the City of dsor. J udg. McH ugh, of W indoor, hes sprat • piratic three rooks in town. He is •oo.m- p.nied by hie family. Allis McLean left Wednesday last on the sir. Ifooarch for Fort William, where he will spend a few weeks. Mum Wilcox, of Detroit, who has been speodine • few weeks in town. returned to her home os Tuesday last. Sr. and Mrs. Jot Edwards, d ('hittap 11,1 I have been visiting friends in this vicin- ity, returned home last Saturday. Mr. and Mn. Geo. Morrie left yesterday nn the Str. Moa•rch to visit their duaefhter Mr.. Strachan at the American Soo. Elis. Ella leaae who has bees ',kiting le town for the past oouple of weeks, returned yesterday to her home in 11'ugham. Mn. AttriU and Ed. C. an spedhg • week or two at their magnificent rammer modems on the north bank of the Mait- land. Herb Robertson, who has bees petting in to a term of military drill in Toronto, durag vacation, has r.turend to hie school at Cre.ntore. Dan. Murray and his sister, Mrs Dna- can, who have hew visiting in tows, the MI: d John Raker, loft on Wednesday' for their homes in Detroit H. Watson, druggist, of Stratford, ac- companied by his sister, Miss Watson, were emitting u town during the week. the genes of Mrs. John Watson, Lighthouse .t Mrs. Thomas FAson has returned hems after spending an airmails visit with friends in town. Her aieos, !lies Lamm Coombe*, accompanied her to bee home. MrsWm. Moon and oblides', who had been visiting at the reside..* of her father, Jae. Reid, Wolfe -.t, returned on Wednes- day, per sir. Monarch, to her home at Sup- erior City, Wis. LOCAL BREVITIES. It is possible to extract teeth .ad tis patient retain 000souseses Dr. oi Richardson does it, coats and see hint. W. Acbe.on 11 Son's advertisement of their new dress tweeds, Fres.* ...tames, sermon and hussy flannels was too hto toe this week's issue. Colborne Bros. have received New Fall dregs goods and meat* cloths is stook al- ready. All mantle goods bought from will beast and fitted free. See sir's. art weak. A lawn social will be held en the grounds of John Andrew., Build read, on Thurs- day naming, Sept 1st, wader the auspices of Epworth Conveyances gof vhtot eia-.Motbo- of rs parties out trout the antra from 6 Mask. Geed musical •program Admission,g ride oat and m. 110 Ling ! Dead ! Ding ! SelmaI is opining, and Smith's Bomar is showier tits Met at - teacart. add hest value u lic. serlbbhN Sid exercise books ever pissed ma the marI.t. For gsalit ,,sv�aar�itty, moi hoserty d o ypublliic mind hooks mil easel tiltnoraSid.Awpp stook Scut'.Gables Bonar, Gables biei, h TOWN OOUNOI . rreroottgaauas me Ly __Meese bees mirhist der cuaellll enharineelid el a. ,MIT. . 19th, 18022 ',MIT. Aug.cts Purest, the ma ' d•poty-reeve, coun- Mitt d .oO-pace. Natal, Rum - b an HL the mayor 1e the coheir. Minutes 4 reviler seaboys read, Y prerad sad el mss.Comamminatiem _ _ ask- ing •• rederima in her tames en let pt M6, to the Wildingmaim tooth. mart of rednesh�g , mimed O.emeshMiw ed from J. T. Gamow dean -Meg 11• fetal. of 618 ea resent of dt• wIll-etx 1 v4. tt 21-o d tite taxes of Mee. lIdee Met 1 Fleisher beat from him end r. Moved by Ni0hoh.a, second. d h'7 eseasilier the tie enamour- .atim of J. T. chanes ethers be the eg-estlseter, Mr. Nand, with feudUm M osimey if be W meds � pre. Ammon .l Jas. Thema, O&M, was read mod shred to the imam emamittr.. tt*9O.T .r e'tns.e mom COw.r re es The mayor moi ama.elt Ueatl.a.s :-Y.r -_JLesimeNtes having far- ther v..dd.rd M. pasha walk ea Waterltia•.iiron that a *ail ft ph.k walk weald art L. makbetsry, end 1Ibe err would far west the .101 &. we simmenvese trimmed Mel ~• woo tw pwal./ •M Illge•1, T. C. Names. adivera Moved hs Sather )lfiihst ass1 le THE WEEKLY MAT duvet dogmas& riser �.."a•firiMt. • • yMMN..,.. i..."..���., It ram oho ..+._:i:Tiii rel1�i;;•... :: -.::.... ;K ua•ket. a Li"-,. i!el •g .• 11 �«r e1tit 1 +Niii • set "Ilawidiair1.Un wW 0th ..Mto7desf C:n-9d. Doody OM nae Messed by o.u.elpsr he water- mol iaw and ei..trt0 Ugiar malK.e here Pout F �M •M.rtsalbsaia it rws •angt law pewit, '* was all water *z b d the by-l•se take � wew►ick iags avian any r't"'rm& The ooan.il ties adjoureed THE EXAMINATIONS. Over Ns Th.msast .yastd.dde, llamas aawr.N rapers. Three were about .it iseesad c••diaist at tit. last Univeresty mil deperionard •i. amisaticas, the make ed wash hats jog a... mode Mown. The eamaaieatw.s tm known am printery, leas load serer lair* *ad Un}r.}ty i.0t s: r..po.d, nvpeotIv.vlyat0;ala, with t1.; clsliens y{dset. does, resod -dame sad 6Ilt•dntentire, Bet this pave. dose met eNfW•.er r to a preferred tertian' sestieo.* aali be attends a tarsi at the Medd or i'eia gogt..l school. . Tse pP.e• {►ie 7.ar wen aersally ltz. 0.11, is sums d ti. paper, it bdag the dr aide of the department to elevate tai educational standard. Following are the realm threads,. Huron crony : Nowt.... ..-': e*ODIJ1IC*. Primary -L. Andrews, M. Fe., P. Fehr, B. Graham, R. Hamilton, A. Hawkins. A. Jeok0ll, J. ',Anshan. M. Keefe, M. !fell. tyro, H. Ryan, J. Robert/ea, H. Ruined, M. Salkeld, fl. Shepherd, N. Smit St ng,Loa , E. Stewart, J. Tigers, luau lea.' -g Bell, KBrows, L Christ/kw, 1:" p,a, J. Fredea11Erg, 14. Hall}d.y. M Le Tassel, W. M J. Mone, H. Mc2wan, A °Wie te, A. J. Thompson, P. Tow. M. Whyard. Matric.!•tioa-J. McD..aid Ipa•ga v Let* French anther.) - CLINTON. Primary- Y. Martin, W. McLane, A L rtha. R. Rioharder, B. Ross, R. Seat StevenJunior leaving --F. 8.tebard,,, C. Jew ki A. Maiwr. A. Moots, A. Rata, ft. Z. Ilaspiemees. Irwin, 1 ie Lens), F. Seem (pared in loon. peer 0ga•r►KN. Primary -M. Bell, A. Brett, M. Davis, 4. Grimm, R. Hill, M. Milne, I. Massie, N. Morri.sa, C. MCDnaakl, M. McTavish, I. Richardson, F. Rallies, W. Turnbull, R Turnbull. Junior kering --J. (:•say, W. Conon, L Campbell, J. Campbell, C. Kugel, R . Gen. meal, 0. (:roti, M. Merrier, Ai'. Stewart. C. Willis. Matriculation -I. sea.m.., IL Ilroeke ('. ('lark.o., A. Cassias (hears L eyes boy. zoology, I1. ohse rMmitry..1r. peened a Latin and Fume),A. A, A Mc- Gregor, J. McKinley, M. YaKay (Famed in Latin), E. McKay (passu( in Lada .rad German) G. Sbarheed (k.mse. I. clam d.► Om.) Senior leaving -F. Clarkson, J. ;Mu - Kenzie, A. McGregor. Th. marks of the madidates ha. -e not teem reoSiv.d ham the department TUe MlSsft•g tri. ger.... Some d.. of the elttmw 1 d ti. Lke skip building interest may be glw.ed ism um statement that in the year 1800 then .is built on the meat lakes fiery per asst omen tonnage than was built on Ne entire Atka tic and Pacific seaboards in the same Wee. Furthermore, the avenge newel built es the Wow diming the yew 1M0 was twist the sine of the average veered built during the same period c. the •raiser& W. A. Livisptoo, who n twlerTed b bye y .►ice .n as ere of ahs m.st *triol efatfitya:iw. bf their interests', declares the then is I1- ty-fr•ven per east more slam t'nna(s as tit groat tiler is the ohne between 1x00 mod M00 toes them therm is on the emirs us - board. The Ildse'•s he gives are,- vasexi�l To<. 1tl..tpildiei. ncoweod Gulf scam 1117 237 106 Northern talus l72 4.43 s 787 Ogl Western Riven S! 2B MB Total 179 794 Irl The memo Mee d the all v'mcla .pr. Mr. llvtttpte., as mor moire outboard 11 1M graw reentered t..s per vutrl, s 21st IN ism a the lakes. Th..r..- rimkoard a•.rage g99 tan, gs 10... the lak.w Or, 1.111.31 Ib med. mem* the oral hoots, is ammide else w 0. entire ...hod it 166 two► api.t 7p M.. M tit. lakea TM .!stood mhos of tie Amerman lake err Masted "ohmsisNo a ase i.11.'s�rims Feithenemee' ` 11. �a� mere Else aim/ 1 These star wassMM Are sari w.kisi Is nets te t11gf1 tsE ptnlfwl. i.e:M tar to e etlaest of 1M ftwtae hMrM. w tM 1011... WMI ^rF few •m••.. I*u rel .10 515.ow 14+•31 o. the h1es were buil! a h1. port.- H.rp.r'. Wushly. Circa : Prof. E. Tho Tyndall. ' 8hs i 4 w1►e n well -knows r. , d H�ivsd has t~iwt. Yes He Me ha shies see with ha _ t'• Tr it W psis utast hien, i. Flet Train 10 .tl.r ea Ib. .1 6M �.ab el its a.• ..s.rpMy int.. 04.. u would h. 6. tie L.e+i 1 * Oear*.f . .tel+ -951 wChwelwi 10th. dial mad Mees e.. 9. tM Yes trews we he stat to sq .stile ler /1s belies et 1R ft is