HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-25, Page 4THE SIGNAL: tGODERICH, ONT. TH[IRBDAY AUGUST tin, 1882. Biu Oigaxl, limy THURSDAY KORN!NO Urs w 11•1111111.110111IMIT. Mao alitL♦Os,4 IS, X'ellalefed. Terme of Subseelpieste t emote, la .dgeS. a stadia g u year. •r'~ - 1 M credit Is meek Me ::_r•_• �Me rmrwbe 1 as Advertising nate, Lee•1 and other casual adveselMseeta. Mo. dot ne for first t.esrtts•. •ad 6 amts per nor toe each masques' 764 n. Measured by • emperor K Bealnees cards at six Mies sad ender, 96 per 44vertlsseme.ts ar Loin. limed, Strayed Steas Vacant, Situ&tioa. Wanted a.d em Chances Wanted not axowdies 0 nonpareil, 91 per mouth. Reseed o. Wide and Tanms em We. eel le =coed 3 lime. St far first month. Mo. per sub- set=in pecs notice, His aideatteted,, .1 w ch 1.m. bite,, of whimb t. to �r�•sslr the pecuniary besent of any tidl- 1dm•i or nourpao7, to be considered an ad r0ptkasmeat sad charred acrwrdlnaty. Isis& notices in nunp..rett type one Dant per wmrd, •o modem Ithan Nc. Iwo•1 Ism nabss in ordinary reading tem two mmr per word. No notice for ler than loo. Nodose tor churches and other religious ad besevolest institutions half rata Osesaiieeial footrace Adyrnt meemee. A limited number or displayed advertise meas will be Inserted at the st.liowtng renes : Per inch. one insertion 40 •• four insertloss ........... . ,1 M 'T three montha...........�� 100 •• six months ........ 100 one year 6 0e No advertiwement Was thou tea Iaoke is length will be calculated on shove bets. 6 per cant. discount allowed for cash payments on three mooch.' 000tract ; 10 per asst_ an ix months . end 16 per Dost. on a Tears, Thaw mediums will be strictly enforced. Anew, ••TbeMeal" te.ve.p. Subscribers wbo tall to receive TR.remisrSic OL *.suer l taus b either by "artier or M strait. will as early • dates' possible.poeon as d the bat at Leib at Tear Label. Yoor label i. • standing receipt of the date to which you are paid up. Hee that it is not allowed to fall Into •rnur. When a change of address Is desired. both the old and the new address shoos be gives, ReJerted manuscripts cannot be returned. Correspondence must be writt..lon one side of paper only. Publisher's settee. J. C. Le Tomei of Ooderieb, has been ase pointed Local Travelling Agent for the tows - Ips of Ooderlcb, Colborne, AMMAeld and Wo- wonesh. Local postmasters over the district are also ompoweted to receive subscriptions to Tun lWOA6 All oemsmmicatlms must be addreseed to D. McOILLiCUDDY, Ton Beet. Tellepheas Call M. Dederick. Ont 91OD113t1CH. THVIIIIDAY. Ara. 16. 11111 FOR SALE. FOR " THE SIGNAL " NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINTING BUSINESS. The subscriber is open to offers for the purchase of the Newspaper and Job Printing Office of THE GODERICH SIGNAL, One of the best equipped offices and best paying country newspapers in Western Ontario. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Addres D. McGILLICUDI)Y, Proprietor. TUR t01AWAT1a% raterLAMATn•o. A great deal of talk has been in- dulged in by many in this section on the subject of President IIAaKlnotr s proclamation, of date of Saturday last, wherein it was set forth that on and after Sept. I n toll of twenty cents. per ton would be imposed upon all merchandise carried through the St. Mary Canal to Canadian porta Some look upon the President's pro - cla»ution as s bit of ante -election buncombe. and others claim that the intention is to squeeze Canada into a union with the States. As a matter of fact neither of the reasons advanc- ed is the correct one, and the Presi- dent is decidedly within his preroga- tive and fully justified in the course he has taken. By the Washington Treaty of IS71 it is distinctly and emphatically pledg- ed, in article 27, that equality of tolls shall exist on the Welland Canal, to far as Canadian and American vessels are concerned. On April 4 east an Order in Council was passed by the Dominion Government authorizing it discriminating rebate of eighteen mete a ton on all grain shipped( to Canadian porta, and refusing the same to American merchandise. Exception was taken to this breach of the Washington Treaty on the part of Canada, but little or no at- tention we. paid to the demur until after July 2K, when an act passed both Hooses of the American Coe grass without opposition, and it was stated that the members of the For eign Affairs committee who reported the bill had don so at the personal re- quest wquest of the President. Them the Canadian Government saw that it had been playing with a two-edged sword, and a Cahinet nese, wee hurriedly called to disease the sit- astion. At that meeting • bnckdown teem the original written was made, Wed it wag agreed to .blesbte the law agaitM Merriam ship- • ping, the new order at things to mime into form on the Jan, 1, 1893. President HAuateosll pa,od.mattoII is the answer to the shilly-shallying if the Dominion Oovernmeut, and every honest man will endorse his actiou. If the position taken by the Cabinet woe in order within the treaty they should have stuck to 6k. like men, and mode no odor d readjustment at New Year or at any other time ; if, on tie titter hand, it had exceeded it. powers by erasing the Order -in -Council of April 4, the earliest opportunity should have been taken to uhake full, free and atu- ple reparation for the violation of a treaty with a friendly power. In any eve.ht, our 0o -called Canadian statesmen have shown that they have committed s tactical blunder which cannot but do injury to the country which they pledgets themselves by oath of office to serve faithfully and earnestly and to the best of their ability. It is time they trade tooth for better, abler and more honorable men. WS ADO /curse. Hon. G. W. Ross struck the right chord when, addressing the members of the American Typuthiete recently in Toronto, he said that every effort should be made to cultivate amicable relations between the people of the United States and Canada. No great- er injury could he done said he, than was being perpetrated by that class of newspapers and speakers on both sides of the line that were engaged in sowing seeds of distention and bitter- ness between the two peoples. This is the right ground for well trishers of Canada to take, and is far ahead of the raw -head -and -bloody -bones addresses that are frequently made by excited men who call themselves pat- riots, and who on every platform) and on every occasion seek to engender strife and create ill -feeling between the two countries. The social, literary, religious, com- mercial and labor conditions of the two countries are to a considerable ex- tent assimilated, and there is no reas- on whatever why they should be div- ided as by active hostility. The resident of Canada today may 1* living in the United States tomor- row, and vice versa, and why should any class of sten undertake to raise friction between the people of the two countries under such conditions. At the present time there are near- ly as many adult Canadians living in the United States as there are in Can- ada, and every day makes the pro- portion roportion more even. Our young sten and young women are helping to build up anti make great the Republic to the south of us, owing to the con- ditions that obtain there being super- ior to those that exist in the land of their birth. During the past ten years Canada has failedl.o progress as it ought to have done, and our country has been getting weaker while our couipetitor to the south, thanks to the assistance of expatriated Canadians, has been increasing in wealth and multiplying in population. For this reseon it is not good pol- icy for Canada to raise its puny arm in hostility to the great nation, and none but tools would take so absurd a position. it is all very well to say that Canada can be a self-contained nation, but raying it does not make it 00. Canailians are of kin with a large number who live under the American flag : our labor assa•ietions and socie- ties are afliliateel with the interna- tional societies on the other side of the line ; our railway and marine trade interwoven with theirs ; and our man- ners and customs are essentially Am- erican rather than British. Day by day Irving■ • further blend- ing, and it should be the hope of every loyal ('areelian that the time is not far distant when all harriers to triode and on)mence and all adverse politi- cal restrictions between the two sides of the artificial line which now divides the two oountries shall he wiped away forever and forever. Tui .reenseJ.trittr *err -remount Ata not wtrki g over time just new. Cre.I .g soder the bare is still • popular pasti.e with then,. Tint P001. IITATewg1 AT OTTAWA 1AT0xa rot it la the seek frees President HAameret Saturday lest They AAoald.'t .o.bsy with the bees -saw. iT Witt. •e ns otelta sow roe YAJAw Wrenn of the Vittoria invincible. to pis se hie enures sail abs te the woods. Otherwise, a 'wins admits from Wad - Osten stay befall ea THAT Toren rate °Lama. ell Trip KIN midis*Review. sow deem that he wen ar- r &ted by onnerahb Gemdry. H. wi11 awn repudiate the fifty dollars ha b.neweed frees Lwyer Leasembe w help W eat of MAe sorer whish bfn fmWbeses V gee hen tor. Way pus T ss ens Rewe Gong Dam. see enve ea items Haanseem s a aameal a LABOOCHERE HAD HOPES PUT Mt WAS OMITTED FROM THE CABINET. is be Limey TOat ,Me. 1Na.t.ersa wt. rue Questioned is I'aelanoneae a.a.sdinit 11 -Jets- .wit,, tl.a site Lose Liea- teY.t, WHO w the Real Ruler Is trained Lo,.ox, Ass. 29. -H. W. Lacy eels- graphs el.graphs as follow' to The New York Tribune : With one or two ►nuwterul ex- ceptions Mr Godstone hoe cu•uplsted the lornuttop of his Ministry. The task bas bonn one not, perhsp., .d esceptionel diffi- culty. but involving mach pressure at what, in ordinary eiresiasS res•, should be leisure time. Is private eonver..tion Mr. Gladsome observes that the dupoiltins elf the minor officers seat him much more time sad theaghi than those of Csebiao rank. Every minnow regards himself, sod is re- garded •g•rded t• his domestic rink, as • wbale, • ed requires prosier. made for him accord- inglyTh. Rce.bery scare, to due mane, reached iia inevitable eonelusioo. There is as doubt about Lard Rosebery r physical idi.p.ition; be W been radioing from i..ommi• for loamy weeks. He Ivied to break dei , 11 by • yeahtt' trip, bet was only p•rti•lllyy succeesfaL If ke had ma - milted kis owe feelings sad p.no.•1 colo - fort he would undoubtedly Mow stood add.. The general compusitio of the new Min- istry meets with approval oa the Liberal ride, and but for one reason, oddest of all to come from mach a quarts, u littls cerp.d at in the ex•Ministerial press. This Fir -tinier criticism to the osimies of Mr. Labouchere from this Cabinet. It is talked of more than anything else. It is diversely reported that the texas - ma was dictated by the Queen, who cannot forgive Mr. L•bouc►ers'e frequent frank criticisms of matters anaemia& the Royal Gustily. gad by Mr. (.lactate.., whe re- garded as aap.rdemable Mr. Lbemchrres suggestion' that Home Rab should stead aside till the Radieal programs was feu warded. The former is far teen likely to be true. The affair, however it has bees brought about, might asrtalsdy have bees more dexterously watered. Mr. Chadians mast have knows a fortnight ago whether he was able &ad dimpooed to include Mr. Labouchere in the Miniairy, or whether he was, for whatever reason, precluded. Since he had decided in the latter ream, it would have been' may for kilo to have sent ter Mr. Labouchere sad either offered aims en appoiatrnest out of tie Cabinet, .Ale direct( bestowed by the Crows, or frankly explained why the profier .f office was withheld. Bat while all the world, doubtless including Mr. Laboachere, have bean waiting to hear that a message has been seat, • fortnight has sped; the co•iengeacy has been discuss- ed in newspaper, gad Mr. Chamberlain went oat of his way pointedly to allude to it in the Commies& Mr. iabouetere it thus left in a position galling to any nem, which even • profesesd cynic menet fait to feel, and may he expealed to resent. Mr. Disraeli woald have managed the affair differently. j11r. Gladstone, a bigger man, is prone to walk with his head in the cheer and occaaionelly stumbles over .ometbiug at his feat that . meaner inertia world have mesa and avoided. Lord Houghton's positise though nomi- n ally supreme as the direct representative of the Queen, is, is the mate, cer.woniaL The real oder of Ireland will be Mr. Joh. Morley; tho0gb by one of these fatuities that sparkle &ion( the bulwarks of the Kri- Isob coastitutios, it is Lord Houghton who at'putm Mt. John Morley, the eminent .t.tesma.'s formal desig ,tion being Chief Secretary to the Lord Liestesamt. Before the writ for the vacancy at Newcastle, created by Mr. Mor!ey's acceptance of Dime, could be mored, it was necessary for Lord Ho.ghtoa'a signature to be obtained. This being overlooked. Lord Houghton was not immediately approach- able. According the Commons summoned at 3 o'clock, having agreed to the writs for the other elections, were obliged to suspend sitting loran hoar till the Lord Lieuten- ant's appointment of his Cnief Secretary hal been duly signified. OA Agan, O.e Vote. Lorin', Aug. 22 --Mr. Gladstone has written • letter in response to en inquiry whether he world submit • measure to Parliament to abolish plural voting, in which he .eye that the Government hu too recently come into office to mate • prac- ticable attempt is November next to pass legislation affecting the " tme IMAM, one vote question, The matter, Mr. Gkd• stone adds, will receive the earliest possible attention, when it will not be encumbered by schemes for the redistribution of seats or the reduction of the strength of the Irish members of the Hose. el Cosn.00a GLAOSTONE'S MINISTRY. Tee Radical &1enerat 1 renswtesems by Me Absence, Lot. DON, Aug. 16. --The new Gov.rumeat comprises the followtag : Mr. Gladstone, Lord Privy teal and First Lord of the Treasury. Karl Roe.bery, Foreign Sscreatey. Harem Horsehide Lord ''haaeelbr. Sir William Versos Harcourt, (lhanosl- lor of the Exchequer. Herbert H. Asquith, Hoeg Secretary. The Right Hon. Henry H. Fowler, Presi- dent 0( the Local (:overwmseat Board. The Right Hon. H. Campbell-Hanoesea, Secretary of Sate for War. Karl alt pe•oer. First Lord of the Ad.ir- ie WertWert Hon. Jobe Marley, Chief Secretary for Ireland. The Right Hos A. J. Mondale, i'resi dent of the Hoard of Trade. Sir Charles Russell, Attorsny-Ge.sr.l. Jobs Rigby, Solistor-(4e..tpl The Right Hoa A•lonsl Walker, Lord ('h•soellor et Ireleed. Mr. Mael)ermet, Attorney-(:eseral for indeed. The Right Rea Edward P. C. Marjnrl. treks, P.ttnnege Seer t ry of the Tremor,. Alexander Asher, Rdteitnr Gener.t for Scotland. The RetotottLei.J. R. Balfour, Lard Ad - Tecate of The Earl of Kimber1.y,0k. Seer for ladle sad Vies President et w Cmtmrl The Marquis of Ripe., li.eretary a Skate far the Celimfes. Sir George 0. 'herd,.., 8es.eery ter So.ths4. M r. Ar.nM Marley, w00.0.0s.wwL Mr. Arthur Haien Dyh a Ambo% Vim Preide& of tis Oemell w ■d.milss. Harem Heegbees, Viewer of Udgd, wiebe0t • test is the Wise THE DOMINION 1N BRIEF I NEWS OF THE WORLD. `11411100 klentherrMMm b mimeo RIM thf F. W. Haw, help end .phi w9tiseisr, ere et Hami l me is deed. Thi lad of Aberdeen new be the ogle Giewerare-Gerseel .1 Gao•i 1R. peeves Patoraes, of Owen 41u 4, diel saddleely, sed &Lola la A L ege a weleksowa hoWleeelr at Brewed., did .r Tumidity. Robert Sie.daa, barrister, of Bi eeMes r was feud dead in bed Thursday. It is expected that Bishop Barrier of Moasunce, Man., will shortly eeslp. Electric street as,. will he rupees is Winnipeg before tee aloes of tats week. la Ikumocond ('equity, Qua, the siseter- •te rete. ted a proposal to repeal the Scott Act. James and Roy, two sone of Ron. J. H. Hoeell, et (loderich, were drowsed while bethiug. George M. Blight. • eoeoenereia travellers, was rum over and lulled by a street car in reroute. Robert Black, • young fanner, while bathrog at Welland oo Monday, . was drowned. A Brant Comity farms named who was recently gored by • bull, ha.. 41.4 of hi. injuries. The body of Mrs. Stevens, the last of the Os prams dove n.d an July 2; et''t.rtos. hasbean found. Henry Miller new killed to a saw su11 at White Lake by • board which smock him is the abdomen. The death is &n uuace d of Mr. George De•cheses, ex -he P.P. for Teloisocoata County, (Nebo.. The horse J. 111. Rici.rdeon trotted a mile at Woobine Park is Ili the best time ever made in Canada. B. F. Shepard for fifteen years .gest et the C. P. It at Herchvllle, died Thursday, the result of panicle. The Creat Western flour and oatmeal mills at Woodstock were totally destroyed by fire ea Friday night. A bisck.IMith named W. Fleishman, re- siding is Grattan, near Egeoville, has com- mitted suicide by banging. The school bill recognising only the Eag- Itah languajee has pared its second reading in the Northwest Legislature. H. Palmer, an rooted/int, was instantly killed to the accidental discharge of • gna •t Codringtoa, near Canipbellford. Ruth Rudolph, of Windsor, N.S,, has Lest died in the hose in wheh she woe rs. married and lived for 91 years. Mrs. Y. W. Scott, of Pembroke, has bees committed for trial on a charge of having attempted to poison her .Mpdaughter. The body of Harry L Brough•ll, who was dre end on July 17 off Port Unica, was recovered four miles east of Victoria Park. .lames Secord, formerly of St. Thomas, was probably fatally injured u a col- lision on the M. C. R. m the CMmmgo yards 'The (Canadian Goverment has prohibited the importation of rags from 4:ermamy .ed tum as a farther precaution against The Manitoba Government has amt an Icelander to his native mantry to promoter emigration front that reload to the Prairie Province. Wiliam Dunbar, an ex -mayor, of Hali- fax, age.( 8(1, and wealthy, was married to Jane Cotte Jennings, aged 26, of Vic- toria. IL C. Williams Cuddy, brother of 1letecti,e AH Cuddy, Toronto, was brutally murdered by ma tisane convict in Jackie., Mich., prem on Monday. Frank Wilma, of Newmarket, has bees arrested charged with drowning his wife and child while boating in a stream [ening rote Lake Sinless. The work of constructing the Ottawa and Parry Sound railway is beiag actively ed forward is the vicinity mf Carp, te miles from the capitaL H. Palmer, of Campbell ord, while Weep ing • vacation at Kemsp'e Pond was Imme- diately killed ea Wednesday by the acci- dental discharge of hu gun. Th. Halifax Carette Company has decid- ed to wind up its affairs and go into liqui- dation after speeding about *),(%l) and being in operation lees thew two montke. The Town Council of Levis, Que., has granted • brines of 812,000 to the King Kron, hoot and shoe toanefacturers of To- ronto, who are about to establish a branch factory at L evia The ('.1'.R. steamer Empress' of Japan from Yokohama and Hong Kong for Vic- toria, B.C., whieh returned to Hakod•i with her cargo on fire, sailed for her port of dee tinatios on Monday. Mr. James McKee, of B•rrte, was fatal ly hurt by the mail train from Toronto • the coming about • mile south of Alla dale. His horse was instantly killed, b. Mr. McKee lingered untl Harris was remake .4. The farmers in Manitoba are besieging the immigration ofkoe. in Winnipeg with apOicatious for help for the harvesting. High wages .re offered, but the enpply of laborers is not nearly equal to the de mend Mr. Edward Blake, of Toronto, has started for • holiday in Quebec. In his (*.rowel' adders in Liverpool he declared his oonvlction that in the next session, or at the latn.( the session after, Hare Rale for Ireland will beams as •ootrmsptiehd Mob A convention of Roman Catholic, of St, Haulier*, Man., and other plater, was held on Tuesday night, when rarolationte sires - eve of • hope that the Public ached Lot would mot go into operatic., and of • deter- minatioe to continue the Separate sabools at any sacrifice was carried At • IMaetis(d Roman Cstholiee held ie 'Winnipeg a. Feeley night the report re- lented by • eo.mthttes embodied • system under which the freerute Sebools mould be carried .s by vol.•tary subserlption. It is propound to iscrm•.e the preaesi ellieigney of the suhons, sad they will be reopened 111 the usual time in September. Oen. (harem Releaser .. waslaily� appninted to the enstsa.d of the its Aan'd (•rrtaoo at Ma.rttlee, ki brother ofex-Lie.- taa.ot-()erv.rwer Jab. Birverby Rnbi.gae, of Coterie end Gtr. ( rletopber Rd.hitt0w, . , Cd T'nnrasn. Beth his bemires from were premed ke Ledom be wish the Geared fined Neese W dq.rinn to take tom Miss Hughes, feerteen yams of ase, m- ediae with her parents me the lia.INm road, Laden, was eenki g M • seighbsel heave en asesrday *nein wine. her •peen emelt haw }fine a into the yard,the wiVe.m weed meal they merely me her Kinn] enva wen des see mil but peer they reesi.ed seek Merles thee she died • Ion brass afterward. Pease tf.r.saod writ mit d1rleen Me tr writs. tamales is vary amine( bone u loadose, Keg Tee Ude of Man''4.. is did. Its was thirty -aim years of age The Bethel Partitions* hes hese per reseed steel 4 su uuhor 4. The v den.o of ('Olio.&, Mea., M aisle in eruption seed emits shovers of ashes Work has been o.uastenc.d oo as leis read to ocmnect Chicago and tit. 1wef1. The ere Wotpru States of Varese t have .torted, forma g as 1ad.pw4W "NW" - Eighty lines ware test by the raker of the steamer bias ors HeWagWn es Monday. There were 7,te19 new oasis of cholera aced 3,742 deaths Fran the disease to B.sata on Tuesday. (;oust (:coli.. Vera, the we known Caltforw horse breeds, died in elevebad on Moaday. The Duke tet ikiueter* was married to Countess Leets. dowager Inciter of Manchester. Tae SS. Utuona mode the trip from New York to Qu.maiown is S days 94 hours and 45 minutes. The safe deposit company at Philadelphia in which the Iron Hall funds ere deposited has twigue i. Hal Pointer broke the pacing record at Washington Park on Thursday, s ekia( • mule is 2.06f. A severs shock of earthquake was felt is various parts of England, \wale and Soot - lend Thursday. _Another supposed anervhist, who was bulging around Mr. Frick's once in Pitta- barg, .las arrested. Nancy Harks trotted • mite et Chiasse in 1074 and wrested the Ude of queen of Hie turf from Mord S. Austria u ai11 sweltering from the hottest weather ever knowu thaw, the thermometer showing 110' in the shade. The Leeds Times and Chronicle gravely doubt Mr. Arnold Morley's fitness for the office of Postmaster General. Junes 1/Haworth, aged113, died Tuesday Matt at Decatur, Mick. He was probably the oldest .an u Mk:bigo t The official cholera returns show that then were 11,411111 sew dew In Rani& ea tVedaes,Ly ..d 3,270 deaths. Logan Murphy was lynched by a mob at Mount Stents(, Ky. 1de killed kis fatber rad was is gad awaiting trial. The strike situation .t Bafibs very grave. Over 8,000 troops have bees mobs lised •t tie sew of the trouble. Yorkville Belle orao the race for the Om- nibus Stakes at Monmouth Park. The race was worth 920,000 to tie wile., r. Late advice' from Honduras corroborate the report of the death of President Roger at the hands of the rebels, sear Peens (;or - tea The Irish moeus for 1891 hoe just Hese published. It shone a population of 4,704,750, • decrease since IASI of 470,- 008. John Hares, a. old United states pen- sioner, committed suicide by banging in an old hoose near Hamilton Beach on Tundey sight. Aa ilomsanee &fain fieid has been decoy - end in Cereal Idaho. It Dover, .n area nearly as large es the great glacial fields of the Alpe. A Homo despatch aye the Haifa. strike s &Skein all New Fagiond, gad the'n•ae- factors. are shipping pros west by farm. diad limes. The oonfiicts between 'miners and coa- t -jets throughout Eastern Tennessee con- tinue to cause great excitement in the mia- ins regions_ Hon. Sdwerd Blake addressed • large meeting of Gladstonian. at Newcastle Mon - 4.i night os behalf of the cesdelacy of Mr. John Morley. Tae Kngltah markets are flooded with California fruit. The Teutonic n brought good figures, mid will be mostly consumed in London. A despatch from London states that the selection of the Marquisof Ripon as Colonial Secretary meets with a fair amount of ap- proval in Liberal colonial circles. The presence rd the Karl of Rosbery i. the F: tab ('&bine( is considered of greet colonial importance, as he is • powerful champion of the Lest Federatioo ideas. In addition to Home Rule, measure, for the reform of the regster&tion law and • total local option measure will be decided apes .t the first formal Cabinet meeting. All the Dublin newspapers express ~- prim at the election of ford Hougbtee as lord Lieutenant of Ireland. They believe he will he popular, though he .111 be only • figurehead. The French Trans -Atlantic SS. Company has again taken up the eubjert of ocean lights The proposal is te have 11,.ht-siips at intervals of 200 miles, oos.ectsl by ter. graph cable. Me. 1;. F. Hammond, the Conservative member for Newcastle -on -Tyne, says that when Mr. John Morley retorts to that oon- statuatcy for re -,lection he will be defeated by at least five hundred votes. Ten stablemen and eighteen valuable levees owned hy John A. Bostwick were berried to .Math .t M• umaroeeek, N. Y. The sight of the blame caused Mr. Ho.teritik to die instantly of bears failure. A telegram from Nashville, Tera., says: "After • desperate fight at Oliver Rprings, between troops .ed miners, the fernier were traced to retreat., amid now leve 200 convieta briagbg them to this Pisa" Forsigs dviose elate that all Europe is esfi rieg from an extremely hot wave, which shows se sigma of &bating b ey IMspurrs bersesa u practidall; see sad kudr.de of death, .re re. ported. Mr. Kerr Hardie, the eeemtric labor w premanative in the Impede( Homme of Cosa - mem, has .ens • ooetrriilhhasties t0 the Hoare steed strikers' hid the $100 whir► Iiia (a•rseda gave to hem for expenses is his e.. .est ting The Wer Departmental W.aNagf his ordered 800 stead of ares sad 3e,Od0onre.e.M ed ewrNI•Ma to be amt te Ksoxvihle, Team, from the armed u Ldi.••pells for gm by the Tense.., mathesities 10 sepprs► Wag the semen' flee• berme ibex Queen wee user s dr4viat e Os ed the earflapas s s he erases •ruse appeaser . !! � and thee be and ellen had ewers tens ■ she 4N ase raise they would kill her. The loss me arrested. Mrs. Melberg K. Mills, wigs el the foil Isar 10.4.1 elf WO lids& Llai esker', wit M aro 1a hams (Nish.) prima, bias lasso a Owens cm the reined that bel ilimemeedMM .0s Ikea Mem yore km passersia ..:.»•..s,. ion fee Maw at two • Brister„ f'hi11as i tam* la es. �.. 1M air of ye.1 Mere. greet at aid M w 'tad chi eitieto /.eerttY� V mar pilo Wigs flu the e..p cert. et our lam and bassassaties Nauss he reeved, yet wok s.a0d.M rods with um Weft s.f Get is wan, Mg iwhas she e.stiesed'.eases d/ lbs gnat sleek, yet has so y epee es as hemily. W. we. .d ae4 believe he will kine 6ret M m vu, myworinte, me we time when te we awes' am gad e•�r, .ta.d. J. K. Menu. Th. Jamie MIih head gre the sews • me iml lest hat Tammany wenfy es ie.. gleam ries Sari *roes MOM Mime 4eveusi. Went awl Market, elmet iMa May w. ~.4 .,err . Yw4 �er� L...... S.-'450..0.. t Lal ►ossa t+eln.t .4 trite tear, wni i•••:;• umi1iA.1161 sal Of the,. is .,.sea errly...y frp.0.s t.:t.n0 ••••••••••••••.a.....ri.s r ward N i Roos yim=aai w .oMwsisNrY,Ni" ptaw.eeW so. y wanly NAM* , ens, Oa A >(- t ri OIdChwn (CUT Pi.UG. ) OLD CIIU[1 (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Art TetideCO seagrjare. f1/w6's is Canada. MONTREAL. Ci Pitt(. 10c. Oh Pfsg, 10a } to Pim(, 90c. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE 6TRJLTF(>StD, - OlgT. RE -OPENS SEPT. 5TH, 1892. -/- This tn.titutlos celesta nod warmness into Its comer of laetrwaiea se the IMedarn iss- orovene.ts that can he found 1• tae readiest badness boasts in the dMR'ereot breaches of trade, thereby Metter Its resella the benefit et the Wei, freebeat and moot primeval fermi et doing Mud sees. An Important feature of the novena of tram leg Is tee Isrrelmane al hemtsese pr.etY" work, which will he exbnehd7 carried ea between oar colleges. v ffret-ete.a iastruolsrs esap6.7ed, catahgmes Elea 74.14* tfel•W ted itswn.l. RECOGNISED STANDARD STANDARD BRANDS Mungo, Kicker, Cable. ilniversally acknowledge(' to 1* superior in every res- pect to any other brands in the market. .Always reli- able, am ham been fully dem- onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing 4emand for them, notwithstanding an increased competition of ov- er Os. Hundred and Twen- ty-Rve Factories This fact speaks volumes. We ars not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. DA VIS & SONS MONTREAL. Larged and Highest ()rade COI Manufacturers is Canada 74 d