HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-18, Page 88 THIS SIGNAL : GODKRIOH, ONT, THUIISDA.Y. AUt UST 18, 1892. POISON BUR= THAN POWDER, PURE PARiS MUMS Cartes 'lift Alive Ann SAS PAW + mete + retial Ort et PAT Para REFa1RZ13111IN0 AND y.EeeYtflILARAT- leloa1firft t earl I wirers. PRO TURSI8, OUR COUGH SYRUP a always 1n amnia. CALS VICHY AND FRUIT .alta la bt.-. PURZST AND STRONGEST FLA - relies Yiuycts. SPONGZS. A NEW CONSIGN - meat Jest to hand - See our prima. PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WITH can. neatness .ad dispatch at the Phar nonce. GEO. A. FEAR, ttsaessor to Geo. Rheas, GODERICH. Open &redeye for dlapeaatag sad ntediclnes only. ART. x R. CROCKETT, Afeiee. AI't. x x x Irsdien e, moans sad ,portrait palating la oil .add w.tef adore- • CLASSES Os Thundayw Mew, and Saturdays• from f A.M. to o wbck, and from 2 to S o'clock 1..0. Architectural and amrl0Me1 drawing. Drawings for potentate,. iTU 1)10 : Iderth-.L. alt tiger Woos the Swore T1s Nonlife O0&.... WILL IT PAY YOU Te rise each morning tired and unre.- trashed from an uncomfortable bed merely to lave the expense of a Wire lrattress. which would afford perfect rest. refreshing Sleep and meowed strength for each d..1 t 1 o spend else -third of your life ran bed. by not have s ind uonitort during Mese hours of rest We have the Her THAT 1.4 MADA 1n Beds. Wire Mattresses. Mined Mattresses, also pillows of ot•R on It Mean. In 'eathere. hair and wool. we guarantee the dock it them to be pure and clean. OUR PRICKS ARK ItI011T. We are from 5 to 10 per cent lower than To- ronto prices in lied ltooe, Suites. Sideboards, Parlor Suites. Sec. We invite comparisea. Come and see for yourselves, Upholstering in Wee stylets at reasonable Tins. 11111TH $ BAZAAR & FURNITURE STORE. 2113 ly Crebb s Bleak. N E W PLANING MILL Bash and door factory-. Latest American Pleas sod designs of houses. latest Improved t.sohleery. latest drop to prices. latest sad most modern workmen. lowest prices in .nage... pine or cedar. lowest tenders tssoed, lowest prom on more or sash. Sir Haring received orders for 50 domestic refrigerators. i have decided to build • num- ber -my prices being so low all can afford to bare this luxury in their homes, and grocers mud have arm. 1 have secured Istat Aneel- 0.o patents. Telept•one your orders wood work . for all ceases of JOSEPH KIDD. illy 17 Brita.ae-et. A . TORN GRIFFIN COUNTY AUC- tleaesr. Mad valuator. Inas sad mess.... .pat Bibles attended Is all parts of the men- u, Correspondence solicited. Address JOHN GIFFIN. Kingebrdge. Ord lea at3lett at Te i4AL 0 oe promptly attended sin JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC- Omeer mad Laad Valuator. Ooderiek, Ont Having had aposiderable experience la 1Mmuctioeeerdo`` trade. ha Lin • po.itioa te deoharge with tbmeoogh estietmcUon all own missione antrum ed to Ida. Orders lett at Martin's Meeker sent by "ail to hi. sddres& OabriohOeem.r Attstienenr, Matt P. 0.. sarMWy attended to. JOHN HOZ. ll[oMoelt>r' Iuatltuts. t ODERICH MECHANICS' INSTI- v.s TUTS LIBRARY AND READIED - ROOM, tor. of East street Rad &grater lap stair& Open from I to i rim_ rind from 7 to 10 r.M. ABOUT 2000 VOL'H IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weekly and Illustrated Nan M nes, etc., on Pile. IrE11BEI'8HIP TiCKiT, ONLY •amid, panting tree use of Library and Fi..dinit- Room. Applications ter 'membership reesived by Librarian. in room. ED. SHARMAN. s OM AMEX. Redeem\ •=2:i IS. - Rotel UNION HOTEL, GODKRICH.- Thls wren -Items emend and lorm.n betel has bees taken poese.ion of by fauna %ethers and refitted In every raep.eI making ow of the nesteet and quietest hooms la the trade. Nee Mottos. greenest eb Ra moderate. SAULTS BRe1 0„11114 MHZ HURON HOTEL. - THIS L wen -know. ad popular Wel has bee. matted, teleeand and improved room* and is now .wend to mese fa quality e( ae- .ssesodMlom for the travelling public. Oeod asesremedattis ter timelleet guest.. WM. CRAIG. Preprlmw. the Square. dederieh Artistes fee_ Rahe LIME FOR BALK --GOOD FRESH Was keptMeacle@sma�* en had at the Talk iItteurvapUy attended N °T en br i L*R. X. BMWmin poi( SALL-TWO 18 IN. CAST JU £ I se -aft 1e. tees. 111-I4 in. here. r .s larger shaft. Geed an new. m hews .t • renslaabI. ewer.. Apply at =liat.ikeles Printing Neer. N -.t., SINE Trasslrllt OAR W11111 - SHAND TRUWE RAILWAY; illi1e rarely. and depart at Gedmish se M. Atiltt ...i ErMr. �termm w-w•a•:::::::::.. lis pm. w �w rAar..:.:..::..,.tip�e • Tom Kees. elchomps meet bsWb at Elie Mee Dot iMer Ohm Saturday meta- Tie Ow ler tenet be left net later tie= day mea Ceases' £&r- Aftweillenteekt aeoephed q to nowt+ Weaewlly of eita week. Property lDr Ratio or for Rout. ROOMS T1 LIE -FURNISHID OR faaatlees s*sMMe. Apy - R BALE, -N. 4 LOT 31, IND 0011- ��.-..�trs sVeber Watmae.K 111. .s. p-Thhiis • taws, 78 .alae BILIP HOLT, 88818188. SALT AT A BARGAIN. -THAT aWm..787 ;88 eat@erueaiva,��m1 popBa�eta Y. S.trOViT, ie...I.1. YW WK le Dantlsfi7. MNICHOLSON, LD.B.-DENTAL . comm. t ppatte the -sew Post Omoe, Wawa.. AoderloL 1011.17 DR, a RICHARDSON, L D. S„ areae. thrust. One sad vitalised .1r sdmteMte ed for piless extracting of teeth. atteetion gives to the pnsarvalos the natural teeth. Up Male. d Opera Heiner Blocke.�sew Hloces TAM - Ss.. Dederick. 111M -4y ModielL DR:. WITTILY a BUNTIIR. ease -Grad OMs iM.s. Roderick, iSu DRB. SHANNON & SHANNON, Physicians. aurgoona, A000ucher.. re. Me, et ler. Shammies reafdenoa, near the .sal Ouderic . O. C.81L.1. ole. J. R. :Win - 1731 VoiAso's Notloa. 111 THE HATTER OF JAM128 If All AFFY, of the Village of fort Albert in the county of Huron. miller. The above-named debtor has made an as- signment to use, under the provisions of " An Act respectl esigaeata for the benelt of Crediton." Chap. 121. R.8.0 . 1307.A A meetiamt of t nt,e creditors of the ..id debtor will be hell at my office. in the ('ours House, in the town of Uodench. at 110 u'cluck in the forenoon. on Tuesday. the sixteenth day of August. Mt for the appointment of hispectors and the giving of directions with reference to the diewanl of the estate. Miers poison claiming to be entitled to rank on the estate is mowed to furnish to me parr Celan of claim.prured by affidavit( not declare- tlent. and such TOW' hers as !he cane admits of. ROBERT v.11.020N8. Sheriffs Office, slier tf of Huron, Uoderich, August ether Pet. i7121i Assignee. EN. LEWIS, BARRISTER. PROC- . br le Maritime Owens of Ontario salsa --loath Comoro. hater- 3013 11�{ 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, , solicitor, csmmia.bner. tc. Goma, collections and real estate transactions care- fully attended to. Ofnce-Cor. Hamilton and Bt. Andrew's -et., Godericb, Ont. 1l3e,-lyI JOtIN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. Cosvey.lbosr. to- . Mosey to lead. Moe over Pod-OWee, Godirlch. 15it CAMPION, BARRISTER, /. Solicitor. Notary Pubtie• e t Omoe--Over Jordan's Isrug Stora the rooms tormterly occupied by Judge Doyle. 22:00 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c, Ocoee, carper o f Square .nd Wed street Dederick, over telegraph office. Pri- vale Fund. to lead at 8 per cent. f60 - t I ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - %.A Arisen.Jss,, Solicitors. &c.. Gude tick- J �T. Darrow. (1•('., W. Proudloot- CAMERJN, HOLT & HOLMES, Barriders, Solicitor, is Chancery, its. 4Merich. II. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; P. Holt ; Mama L.OaISS Sas L>./Yraa.O. FJ. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND accident insurance eased ; at lowest rates. t Oros --Cor. Norh t. ad Square, God- 74 - MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of private and other toade at lowest rates on productive town and fame property. Special terms of repayment to suit LSO borrower.- No commission. -Call or write M. 0. JOHNSTON. todench. 30 01-0 3600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON 1101.r t HOLMES. Gode- rioh. elle MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private rends tor inv.ste sat et lowestMottoes...ishol•Mottoes... Alephto ()ARROOWPROUDFOOT. COUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated Far.. Inter - est, .ix per oent.. payable annually. Any por- tico of the principal may be paid at any time the borrower wishes. All expenses paid the County. No person exnept the Conan A editors allowed to see mortgages or to know to whom money is loaned. Apoly to W 11. HOLMIJS, Dederick. Aug. ilk. eat Co. Trea.umr. A� RADOLIFFE, GENERAL IN- eurano•, Real 1erate and May Lewis,AMMO/. oaty gradate oomptaen represented. Mosey to Lead m straigh banat the lowest rate of interest g, my way to .aft tk.s, 1/ 00/T00/. ajos eeemit doer from Square. West Street so- Gad flt - Special Plotless. 0. WARD. OONVEYANUER, J. Se.. and nommesiaow far takinagg .ad re- wiring reoortni.aaces .f hes, amdavils es smrmntloaa, depomitioaa or solemn deealere- Gone lar ooeoern)n •.y settee molt r pro- ceeding a toe Hilp Corr of Jostles. W. Court Couof Appeal for taro, or 1. ay Omenty or Division Covert, All treaesCGmpera eee(.iIw sdMrese- promptly .same mmussim,0ntfleddmnw ad -0 Q N EW CHOPPING MILL. pgflIIa gnam prepared to dealt Made of grain clog- Wreamat es. 1 batt thaw M.aadibeW i sprovaed II ssohlasey for AYpstah and easlese•y• Priem No dMal In mules your chop hose air p EID ;t .Nh yea Hie .- ROOT BEER A !...beat asbe • g.I1ens et Beer Bees. IIIARQUAND'R rRRCELs Lenox. mm. SSA SALT ilex the Roth. fin Dae. RATS AND DUOGT SPONGES. HELIOTROPE TOILET SOAP. lee A4 .mem* et'empty wady 1011. at Weft J. WIt.Ngi Pa -...nest Dave Stena ORZA,TZR RIDITCTIONB, Our Clearing Sale of 8eaiose Goods .till continues. Several linea of Prints that were 10 and 12 1 -le. per yd. reduced to 5c. Fast Colored American Chil- lies reduced to 6c. per yd. All Summer Goods at about half price. We are determined to carry no Summer Clouds over until next Seaeort. If you want a bargain call early as the Goods will not last long at the prices. JAMES A. REID. JordaAlbuyg.11Th. ,�•rbk. WM- • Lest or Pound. LOBT-ON OR ABOUT JULY )hell, Ire., • two -Yew -old filly with dark mem te Red tall. two bind es white sten • white strip es loos. Suitable reward fee A. 8altfard. Aug. Leh. mer. boarding. j;OARDINU. - A FEW BOARDERS ii can Sad •eeowmodation convenient so the Collegiate Itesritutr. Model School or Post Office. •t reas�ssWe rate., by applying to Box A. disnAL Illiaesm.. 74Jt 8111eelfc Art:RMs. 50y W.NTEtD� AP LPS D. CANTELON, of Clinton. wants 50.000 barrels Pa/1 and Winter apples for which the best n,arket price will be paid. Hold your apple. for Canteen aad save rummy. O. t ANTELON, Clinton. 724t 8001141111011. • ' 1ANAUTAN ORDER OF HOME lJ Circle.. -Dotterels Circle. So III meets third Moody ort each nsmth in the hall over Ing BIONAL office. Special Inducements in Insurance and sick benefts. D. CALBICK. Leader ; It. J ACHESON. Trrseurer ; K. RICHARDSON. Secretary. 3L1vr TOWN OF GODERICH. T1tEASt RICA'S SALE Or LANDS 7Olt TAX Ea, )'nom !SIM or OwTAtue, 1 By virtue of • TUW.N or Uoi.EWcs, h warrant under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of '3oderich and the seal of the said corporation, hav'ult date. 23th day of June, 1105, to me directed. oonomandi•R me to levy epee the lands In the following lid of arrears of taxes due thereon, that unless the laid taxes. together with all costa. are sooner paid. I shall proceed to sell the .id lands by pahlt auction. oras much thereof as may be sufficient for the payment of the uses and cosy thereon. at the TOWN HALL, In the TOWN OF OODERICH, on Priday. the Seth day of November, lief. at the hour of two o'clock. ` The following lots are patented. • Left tyr par of lad wt.oswo err Street. � ij 18 Running Ne. 8.M. 879 W. pt. 1004. " •• Bei Wilson's Sue, iiReed's 8 Malt. Red 14 DI Mt 70 14 >r443OD 14 21 In 3 75 14 303315 14 W 1_, pt 141 275211 141 le 15;2 40 1.81 634;14" 35 4 2s. 1 1612 lS s.' 3 3000 !� ti i0 3045 32 07 6 le 12 85 8u 6 16 e 70 It 70 870 shah se. M�ilCyp„... $*« rt 1 1 1I se sl -' 1.4 3.4230 W. i. MORTON, 77-1$i Town Treasurer. Roderick Jere 20. M. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN et TM• cel err AT DR. B. RICHARDSON'S I TAL veeI.eIA OPER MOUSE ROCK, $EST -STREET, GODS:RICE, OEM. it &Bard. ma unlimited aiefeetto•. after thorough sect, r..altlwt In the meet .te mia0• tee appeeoetioa of delightful Rad satent0bsd patrons. to mimic that 1 have the only ..d exelasive right to see la Ooderieh, the latest wtbmtlllo discovery. which is warrasteid sever to create the Met pals duel.. the eztreNben of teeth r .teeter of 1. .Sealy Lila a .ad very IItd• pale la the mese AIR TX-IQIHRVB7 PORlw� le a lees' seme"ltede that never &abets the patient ►n w NWtest Is harmless as u wr, .d w beet m.id kwwe o. earth to metier w tooth eenswitive to pain. Patients 01.ere Sue It Y le sMtvely morcel•.. le It. Ef4H.- ReServstie &1 the natural teeth • specialty. An dental oestmlens well and Willfully fe my M*Mot. '&mnreete are Wee. UR. L RiCHARDSON, 301611 1‘\.‘. Acme.sof Work in the typographical printing line can be done in this eetablishndhnt in an expeditious and ortietie manner and Our V vette. vl.:.kk tut Soutfa& Sts% Tto%otmo ike.. We extend our thanks for peat fav- ors and @elicit • continuance of the T %kV. 'AI O N 4.IA,, Om:mom, Oar. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. 17, w .11 •3* 10 - , t Al stirs Ossalar Os. ere wort IO MPS UM pied S. rpfi fAX TAlwante.-mids. tweed. le ■ et it, Tee sae hem . iyt ..d wine= we pN Melo std fat at earn >t Ideis=se. Mir. gtRow Is the "has l @et fwd krwr hs►Wt�sYsl. wad o,u et h the werrsiss Rad• the art The work that le tared Set V R L IM yam."h1�» •; ew beet mss h see y W of the bode. Iversen. tea he restls�e The M aim weelhsr hsw�hAleck I rn, the hsest>t/etels►f ems mamma. l 3*3. ►4 Now prem rs a.Na. ►old hsa►rsoi� Is wo .pr(ek- few W sL �..r e.o4. tr of '. cut- (tilt and w ►11 pe..ye-islr hewl. I. psi M been ad ws.sld ware. dee t to 7. Pte -Nn'. -Kase ekes► held their enamel 8eedey @chest pigmy at Raneford's grove. Temday lest. A Tamest." 9rastle.--Those who have oomai0s to go op and down the brrbor Sill derisg the past two or three weeks bare beim very much annoyed by the teal air which me doubt, ..pft from an opening in the sewer running down there. Whatever is the elbow, the street isepector ought to attend to the matter at owe, se it is apt to produw serious results if allowed w oma tines in its present &tete. A Io: As seat D n v. --Two well-filled trains, numbering 18 can, steamed into (:od- cinch about noon Friday last. It proved to be the big annual excursion to the circular town from Wingbam, Lucknow, Brussels, etc. The (Atom's boa,l, under the leader- ship of Chas. Blacketune, gave the visitors some choice music front the band -Stand in the harbor park. The excursionists left for their homes shortly after 7 r. m., haviug to all appearances enjoyed their outing. I.w e \ .tjoo ler.. --The people of Victoria et. Methodist church held a lawn social on the grounds of Geo. Green, near the carding trail, Tuesday evening last, which was fair- ly airly well attended. Conveyances started from the church at intervals during the afternoon and treeing and a good many availed them- selves of the accommodation thus afforded. The evening would have been mudh more enjoyable to many bed there been a suitable program of some kind arranged for the ea- castoo. On page 5 will be found the advertise- ment of the Josue Mills Co'y, wbo will open this season at the Grand Open' House on Wednesday and Thursday evenings next, 24th and 25th. They have a strong mete, having the sane people they toured the maritime pro, laces with eat Fall with great success. They have • tine band and or- chestra, and with • strong company they ask Cheri' -. to turn out and give them • bumpy oouae. The tine band will give an open air concert on TuesLey evening on the slues* everybody amt and See them. Bat'"nnn RAe mc,. -4)n Friday, August 26th, the S. miner race meeting will be held on the new half mile track, Brussels, com- mencing at 2 r. ie. sharp. The program comprises : -2.50 trot or pace : ; mile run ; open trot or paos ; and 2.30 stallion trotting race. The directors of a..ociation are giv- ing 0700 in purses This will insure good fields end persons interested in r.cng may expect to see exciting sport. Brussels hand will be present. New grand stand, with seating capacity for 500 or 600 people, is now complete. .$p.etal railway /ten on day of races. Iwrar.vzwENtv.-Manager Saunders has had the (:rand Opera House scenery all re- painted and has added a lot of new scenery and stage effects -which will be seen for the Bret time on next Wednesday sod Thursday evening. (o4erich can uow boast of eye of the finest Opera Houses outside the cares, and the citizens should "how their appreciation of the efforts of manager Saunders by their patronage. He has placed an order with W' A. Murray A Coy. of Toronto for • handsome stage Jarpet and no expeles is spared to make the Hoses comfortable and attractive. Etertt"tuN Mow tern U,aL.-On Thurs- day last nearly 600 of the reedente of Mitchell excurted to Goderich, the soca. Ston being their civic holiday. The weather being pretty cool and a strong breeze blow- ing, boating on the lake was not indulged in to a very great extent, but the visitor' amused themselves in various other ways. The lacrosse match in the afternoon was witnessed by a large number of people, and and resulted in a victory for the borne team by a soon of 2 to 1. The Independent Baad discoursed several fire selections during the progress of the game. Comm again. DEATH or J.voge FaA•,yR -The death of James W. Fraser on Saturday last caused a widespread feeling of regret. Deceased bed been unwell for some time and last Spring on the Hayfield road to town. Os Friday last he visited his farm with his wife sod children and while there he was seised with apoplexy. He was carried to the hones of his uncle, John Wallis, when M received stediaal attention, but he never regained ooiaciouenes., and died en Saturday morn - ay. The femoral belt place en Monday afternoon and vaslargeattended. The deceased was of a genial,kindly diaooaition, and wan only thirty-five years of age. The sorrow* relatives here taw sympathy of their nosey friends in their bereavement, A LAMM/TA.LE settles nv BL *ATI- 0Etrrt. Perhaps the greatest number o1 afflictions that km ever overtaken m7 family is this maim hes acme apes the Purvis family of (;oderiab township. D. A. Purvis was ore of the beet lumen sed snot progressive fanners in Ni seethes, sad was favorably known .to meet of ear readers. Inst year his nephew. Colin, wee killed on • British Columba seethes of the C. P. R During the pas winter, an rials mad oast died sear (taaanogse ; them, in March last, D. A. was stricken dews with siokoem sato deals ; a little over • week age his meed smother pa•••d sway and ea Renelav lest • timer (Mrs. Jobs &tkeld jr.) died at ten o'clock in Nae~as Sea eerie@ of deaths Its not take pima ie the midst of any family in this maim willies the measry of the oldest reddest. The seryiv4.g members of the family have the sympathy a the .tin community. Tee GArs or Totem -Lest Friday he - tag Brussels' Wyk Waley Nur of their ten- nis players ease up sea had • friendly ga•• with fes Mayen hero The match wee played off on the bwtifel remade e1 Jnr Malates►, who kindly slimmed the Mau ash the w e1 Nem kr the day. A. the more below ahem, s, w ik+emeek men wen am le Is mh Ambles cwt of all the m11eAmblesjiwed. Chane. tens fly far Drsmni ems .f their hetet play. acme be keg masa a Irsem is , serer.: The N.bele Clot Rad Re.. Br..els. K 64 1 Brest .sd 81s.k)1r. Hiweid.. beim alba Chalets, Oed.rkk, 14. 6.4, as a ley Hamm beat Mr. 1leant, 6.1, 6-3 t Ri1- Ms Reims heat Mr. (fat, 6.41 6.4 / Mr. Mem best Mr. Steamer, 64, 44 PasegsTeirlon Ase AoD. -Fre. The TkmeM Peet we Iowa that Dr. IM4 who has 30...uy wed up a prambee is .is prolamine hi (Iedarieh, was resently the moire,* en led cane at the horde otatien ff presumes. residents el Nat tewe, where be had pest retired freer a pmetios of Soso The MTteam was asssmpwird the fel. Ig sddnes whisk was ley W ". Williams McCleary, nd Yaw mayor prem wt resident. e/ Moretti : 1e Mw fit. lip., ICL. Bar: 11 is with feelings of the deepest regret that year fellow townsmen have band ofear cosuplated departure from chair midst, m t, end they feel they oae.ot lot you go without expr."iag their sorrow at your leavtug them, while a the Seale time wadies you good lack ie the future, and expressing the bops that your o onsesplated obange may be abundantly suoomsful. Stow you bays come to Thorold you hate made many treads, and have conducted yourself to such a manner, both socially and prole .iooady, that our Isis will be very keenly felt. and if those friends did not feel that whet is their loss may be your pia they would be tempted to object, but as it is they are assured that your uhanass of ad- v.00stneut are restricted here end they cas- ed but admire that ambition to you which cells you to a larger field. Trusting that some day your 0011*. may be among those who rise to • mmter emis• coos in your profession, we wile you good• bye and trod -.peed. PERSONAL P ARAORAPHS. John C1uf, of Seaforth, was in town this w e.k Alex. Mclean, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in town. George Morris, of (Guelph, was i• town this week. Mrs. D. McLeod was visiting in Ripley but week. Mies M. Skelton, of Stratford, is visiting friends in town. Deem* Ogee is visiting friends in Lem - doss and vicinity. Mi.. Kate sad Florio Mcleod, of sad forth, spent Sunday ie town. Mr.. A. J. Moore les been laid up with • slight attack of rheumatism. Hilton Holmes left on Wednesday for • round trip on the United Empire. Ili. May Fisher, of Blyth, u the guest of her aunt, Mrs. William Jackson. Gee. MC."ween lett on Sanrday for a round trap un the steamer Monarch. Mr*. f ', .1. Macgregor returned to bee home in Stratford, yesterday, 17th. Mi. Williams, of reroute, is the guest of 'Mrs. Colborne, St. Patrick's street Miss .Itaephioe Hicks, of Mitchell, is visiting at the residence of C'las. Blake. Mies Annie Mcll•in, of RrueneL, r wait- ing in two, the guest of Mie Matbe.oa, Deo. Elliott, the Hanultm St. groesr, Ma been in Toronto during the past week. Rev-. J. A. W. Ort, of Mom Mills, preached in Knox church last Sunday even- nF. Mt.. John Vanatter, of Stratford, was the guest of her soy, here, daring the week. Mrs. Norman McGuire left on Wednas day for Detroit, where ebe will spend a tew weeks. Ephraim Downing, of the i easerle Poet staff, spent a portion of his holidays in town this week. David Tees. of Florence, Mich., was in town last week veitiag friends and ac- quaintances. . Dr. Anderson, wife and moa, of London, Out, spent Suad•y in town, the guts of A. J. Moore. Mrs. T. Lavery and Master Roy, of Oil Cit an visitng at her sorter's, Mrs. W. L Pmnington. Mrs- John Faris, of Detroit, paid a short visit to our town last week, the guest of Mn. James Addison. Him Effie McLeod, who,6ad been visitt'ag in town forthe ppaasst tett weeks, returned home on Wds.d•y. Mrs. L Mathews, who had been visiting friends in Ripley for some time, returwd home on Saturday last Mies Annie Healey, who has been spend- ing a couple of weeks at Cuirass, reformed hoose en Saturday las. A. J. McDougall, of Chicago, is spend. ing • well-earned hotaday with relatives and friends in Godsriok. J. H. Beaty, manager of the Beaty line of steanrhips, was a passenger on the Un- ited Empire on Wedne.doy. Mies Pearl Pennington has returned from • visit to Dungannon, accompanied by her cousin, Mies Pearl M•Uongh. Mrs. W. R Smith and deegbesr, of Guelph, are the gots of the former'& sis- ter, Mn, M. Creasman, Cambria Road. Mr. and Mn. 1). Morris, of South Dako- ta, are visiting their friends der., the gust. of Mr. sad Mrs. A. Smith, Rath street- Geo. tns•ileo. Elliott, sen of the proprietor of the Winghsm Timm, cams over as the w- eenies from that phase Friday laic, and gave Tog SinsAL s friendly 041. Rev. R Henderson, of Bayfield, was h Wire Wednesday. He reorntly received the unanimous mall to the pastorate of Au- burn and South'. Hill, and we u nterstand has decided to weeps. H. is well .ad favorably Loam 1 Os4.iei- LOCAL s11EVITILs. It ito ed the patella admit Meth painlessly seresin e•s•dou@oeea Dr. Rielmardene does it.. MM. and nes him. Dr. M. Nieholenn, the Went• 4...i t, he preservatisse s�.lty Ges aderd.. Natural teeth .pec.d 1T.. 9 for the painless extricates of teeth MARINE NOTES, Wm. Wates is repartee the rand meows this week. Behr. Mary lea, IIg3t, for Frame River for lumber. W. Marlton has join finished ..beil- tag the Ute be. The tea Overlie Gelled l• bee hem lag - how 1.r enppBm int week. The ear. limes ek celled le he. Amibedq rad reek en y-u,,ees ad fr. .. The nater. Carter, Sees Th- @ nisa. arrived ea Thatch int with 0,000 feet • f limn - her kr N. Dytlast 13 Bek.. AM1ty frees Therssl em, arrived THE WEEKLY HU NNET 1 10 iessa e W ejsw . PMgu ...,.................... ie 1,7 e.;; ............ ::� .t swe • meets t d ;::: • 1 � _...�......... •• t. to is poet • Friday with amen 1'18,g of loader for N. Dy.wt. The Mr. Camel Itmpire called io W edowd0y es her way t 10 took se peoeslmeue tad freight. �l. DEATH OF A YOUNG HERO Toref*M lemelmernesl hi the teat,, hese. J. It Mwell. .da.d.y after000s • bailor( M, rad whereby Rev. J. F_ Ha,.l. -et Methodist chunk, lost tee d diadem, James, 1b, and Roy, aged i There had been a penin of Some 1. six families down at Actrif'e Peen. .asoog them were Mrs. Howell and • ,i, Mr of her family. Tb. two boys, Jemmy and Roy company with Montague Colbores, S ic or seven, got Into • flat-bottomed and were paddling up and down Meet verde from the beach, when In* leaned too far over the side of the beat fell overboard. James immediately . the cars, use of which floated away, gallantly jumped into the water to his little brother, whom he reached then struggled to return to the boat t, 10 the meantime, the boat, with bunt year old Montages in it, had drifted set the lake, the little boy on board a1ess to keep it i4 to ' be .hoer, Pluckily and bravely the 15 yerarplii hold on to kis little brother, and imam, al to reach the craft, but encumbered . was with his clothe. and his burden. with the boat gradually drifting away . him, his strength forsook him and he his precious hordes were Seen to S.1 w rath the water. Twig the ori• .. Help'" rose upon the air, and the was over. The agonized mother and the other Moors witneesed the fatality from the bat were powerless to help. }'outig Stitt, although not a strong sot plunged in to endeavor to swim to drowning boys, but was enable w them, and narrowly escaped sharing fate. In the meantime the boat, newsier., tee Montage. C'olburne was driftimg . lamely out into the lake, and ilMie De boats available until R. C. Hays down to the channel and secured host and Started out alter the derelict w contained the little lad. The alarm had now reached the dors soon willing hands with grappling noes ..arching for the bodies of the boys. About 7 o'clock the body of the led was recovered and brought to the terata, bet at the time of going to puce trace of little Roy h..1 hem dement Rev. Mr. Howell was abesnt fres paying panoral visits amongst his the Huron road when the calamity ed, and knew nothing a the tarried, until hie colleagues, Rev. Mr. T of Victoria -M. ,drove out and apprised of it He returned to hie stricken hese 7.30 o'clock, and at mice set out f,r beach to search for the body of his " Benjamin" him fond name for bel. ' hiss ou.mt born. T.cudogevent bas toast • rloeei over .stirs oommtuatty, and hundreds of and women earned on% to show their n petty toward the bereaved family. L.A'rea. -- The body of little Roy was f about 9 o'clock and was taken to the ted home. AUCTION SALES. All parties the aeo.wilog wtllhavtheir tree notIesale hills pried le Ude list up to the time of sae. Auction sale of bowhold goods, ds horse. hareem cud phaeton. Saturday - 20th at 1 pa. sharp. Mrs. A. K Plotea St. Near Sheriff' Gibbon's Hoimesville : What was alma • accident happened to W. Jervis, w Monday int A. be wee game; to horse -rake, the baskbssd el the woke Rad tot the shaft* dews, cowed.* pony to start Mr. Jervis wee over atd one wheel roeahig over bit while the teeth dropped. .aught NA tore hie fees and elemidsr. Risen to him and toned hiss .ness.iore, dW appareofly deed, in which stats he ed for over fifteen mindes. H. ems moved to the how sod mediad tdA seatmousd. No homes were tbagIl 10 broken, and be is now doing levee*• pony was y enc y broken Ir the 7_ �d7 OPERA HOUS TWO 113if1111 WILT AUGWednesday, %4' . Thursday, 25th. Grand Opening of the Sawa CANADA'S POPULAR ACTB>INI Toole 240.116 WITH HER SPLENDID NEW MPANT FINE BRASS RAND AND GRAND ORM 2 GREAT PLAYS The Galllblor's Ni AND ten Old IBlltllCtJ Holt INEW SONGS, NEW MUSiC, NEW CIOMPAKT. Popsir 14hee. W. 68 mad 60 data mega/ Mt= fiwdap m ✓