HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-18, Page 4-4
Biu Oignat,
es nleaaraD
se r- -e1 LIJCys4*.
Oise of Pianissimi sad le. Netrthare.t.
Gotland. Owen
Threes of esberelpi es t
=teeth. to .dvases. •
1 M
le esta, the Brie. pe Year
will be l
Adveetletes Reese
and other odd' adrertiseaeal. Iso.
Cfoe first insertion, and t Darts per lies
hr each subsequent% tosertloa. Measured b7
• =area scan.
mg cards et six lines and under. is per
Adrenfsemeats of Lod, Youad. Strayed
Situations Vacant. Situations Wasted and
Beamed Chanes Wanted. loot exceeding t
Bass nonpareil, $1 per month.
Hou.e. w idle and Manes on Sale. not to
e xceed r lions. 11 for first atonth. Me. per sub-
sequent month. Learn den prop .
Any .peci.l roans. the object of which is to
promote the pecuniary benefit of any todi-
vidual or ooml.any, to he considered as ad
venuement and charged accordingly.
Loom notices in neper. 117pe one nest per
word, no uotice.ler than Id.
Loc.I notion In ordinary reading type two
rents per word. No nonce tot ler thea 111k.
Notions for churches sad other religious and
be■evolent institutions half rata
Ceataervtal Contrite* Ad rertt.eeseate.
A limited number of diep��le-yZed advertiee
ante w ill be inserted at the OMIOw1ag rase :
Per loch, este insertion. 30 t0
four insertions...,. • 1 00
" three month..:..... r a
" six months �........ i 0e
nae year 0 0a
No advertisement lem thea two laches ta
length will be died&ted on above best. 5
per cent. diaconal allowed for c..4* panders
ea three months' contract ; 10 per coat. oe utx
months'. and IS per cent. on a year's, These
otaditious will be strictly enforced.
*Mat "The atgaal" seltvs7.
Subscribers who fall to receive Tan BroLkL
regularly. either by carrier or by mail. wW
confer • favor by acquainting us of the raw at
as early a dated possible.
Less at Teed Labe*.
Your label is • standing receipt of to date
4 which you are paid up. Else that 1t i. not
. Lowed to fall Into arrear.
When • chancre of addrose le desired, both
the old and the new address shook be gives.
Rejected manuscripts canon be retursad.
Correspondence must be welttmloe one side
of paper only.
winter her. settee,
J. C. Le Tousel, of Ooderich, has bees ap
pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town -
dips of Ooderich. Colborne, A.hfield and Wa-
Local po.tineatsu over the dlurlot .re also
empowered to receive snbacriptlone to TRS
All cotnmunl:stied must be addreesed to
Tax Swigc,
rehene OsII * O d rich.Oat.
eammuca THURSDAY. AM. th 1111
The subscriber is open to offers for
the purchase of the Newspaper and
Job Printing Office of
One of the best equipped offices and
best paying country newspapers in
Western Ontario.
Satisfactory reasons for selling.
Teat Theden; r A MOMILInto trail'[.
A few weeks ago when Toe Stu c AI. point-
ed out that the money spent by Canada in
the stare desire to keen up militarism
might as well be "sunk in Lake Huron,"
some foolish fellows in this section and
some stupid newspapers in other localities
tried to make out that the utterance of such
• sentiment was disloyal to Canada. Dui
lova! Not a bit it. If the money thus
uselessly spent was taken off the binder.
twine the farmers would be benefitted ; and
the cwuetry would prosper more by having
the young men kept at home as wage-earnere
rather than have thein practising the good -
step and spoiling around the alleged train-
ing camper The following endorsement of
our contention u from that eminent Bag -
waver, The Montreal Star :
" At present the money spent on the mili-
tia is being frittered away. With the ex-
ception of a couple of dorm city regiments,
and scarcely that number of runt corps,
the country has no dined fords that can be
depended upon and to all effects and pur-
pose* model the regimlemta which oust from
$6,000 to =7,000 d year each may Inst as
well be disbanded. It would be just as
satisfactory in the case of emergency to en-
list • perfectly new battalion as to try to
place nee of these corps in d podtioa in
which it oonld take the field with d chases
of taking its niece v a tactical unit. To
keep up these battalions with stafs of un-
qualified Akers and to rill them oat every
year or every alternative year, as the rase
may he, for ten days' drill, is pertectly use -
km. as the /•nerals who have suoo. aively
held the command have pointed out The
ten day.' drill is barely enough to give the
men the first idea of military duties, and as
soon as the camps aro over the new ors dis-
mimed. Each regiment when it goes into
ramp is really . dieorganixwd mob. A very
dub proportion of its member have ever
been in uniform before, earl the few who
ave. reeeather eotht■g of tie smattering
of drill they tried their hest to acquire at
the previous o.mp, Even the city regi-
mens ars far from being whet they might
be. They leek very well on puede, thanks
to the cheerfully borne by the
oftloere ■sd to to esprit de corp. of the
moa, het We hese of tenet are really not fit
fee the field. The work goes through at
- -j1. ti 11 is the exited eof their
t. it is w.sdls.s to go on
berther. body know abet the mill
tie fees b eery smolt at • levee, het the
would* sprees to be to inches the public
to manse that they fent to b111 and that it
itis • very beam .she"
Psmeweer t, Ta' TIBS ss*Ta.
The qt. Loeb Pest Dsa•tah has driven •
Nap ef the (lrlahsl O.ert be wh1d s.
- Till BITi1L:rloOI RICA, ONT.- TRITRSDAT 4.17
Inman,-eeaYti Jodie N..w net hie
ow We, leaving the i.Wwng ..t. behead
For more than . year the a:: wr.es I: i.sl•
end the Peet-lle.p.l*h have had ma ••n
the rook. They have aloud unfitted near
kir erionalag -y Pithead disuse, and awl*
hie nun lees than • protracted torture.
For the past week I have slept lith.. I
oimoluded to go to the oSoe and kill F'Mv-
esoe What•, isminagiag abler et The Poet -
Novato, bet i fah jabs titse mor.a..g
abssineed thin purpose, as 1 .hrtak hem
taking human Ids, especially whsle befog .
judge. 1 °daoot flMbt this paper is the
courts. The law is slow, .tad It wonted 1.r
store than a year probably before I could
get the damage oa.e btveght to trial I
Dove rest, wind ai.o I meet reek is the
grave, co who brisk I pencil there doe -
tag hum
There aro, we regret to say, one or two
would be aataiionel sheet. in Canada,
which would like to cause the ante thing to
apps to public mea politically opposed to
them, but fortunately the number is .mall,
and the power to do s..ry osreepondia•ly
To the Editor of Tuc gwnat..
Let any man of average intelligence go
through the Province of Ontario with hie
eyes open and he will soon discover who
favor end who oppose Continental Union.
It is opposed by three government offici-
als who were unable to teen • living for
themselves, either as busine.s men or as so
ploye«, and who had been party hacks be -
tore their appointment- They fear that, if
thrown upon their own resources, they wall
biome iess genteel pauper' on the public
than they now are
By shiftless party hacks, who for years
have been looking for what is known as •
" soft .nap,' at the expense of the oountry
as • reward for party services, and whose
prospects, they fear, would be blighted
were Continental Union to Lok. place ; --
By • clads of mat, not looking is either
brains or ability, who have bene brought
up from their cradles with the idea tat it
is trwaoaable to the British Empire to seek
happiness or prosperity ander any flag than
that of the Union Jack. Amongst these
area few Englishmen, bet they are mostly
to be found in the ranks of the (range body.
This class is, however. becoming lees
numerous, and when they have set them-
selves down earnestly to think over the
question, free from prejudice, each oppon-
sets of the greatest boon ever offered the
Caparison people:will be but solitary individ-
uals in the community. I have in my
mind's eye just now a man. A few months
ounce I had • dim -nation with him on the
subject. He was quite wrathy thea. I met
him a wok aimoe. He then said that be
was prejudiced ageket Union when first
spoken to, but in thinking over the matter
since, his prejudice had diseppeared and be
was now prepared to coiiiider solely the
question, will anion benefit or injure Can-
ada' --
By • few retired capitalists. who, having
no ambition for active business life, and
having perking 111113 ability to compete
with progressive and enterprisi ng neighbors,
are living securely and perhaps saving •
little money on the interest of their ospital,
loaned on mortgages or perhaps used in
taking advantage of their neighbors to
charge theme one per cent. per month or
more ;
By • section of the office holden, other
than Government officials who are getting
pretty good salaries from the people in re-
turn for perhaps very .lender service.
They have no ambition beyond making •
good, safe living without manual labor or
without the worry incident to an active
caner. It would be the death of such thea
to be compelled to " get • move on.-
By • few manufacturers whose produce
tae not iwligenous to the oountry. They
are tariff -bred and tariff fed, and could not
subtlest three months against competition.
They are for that reason content with the
restricted market afforded by Canada
where they are enabled, under present con-
ditions to charge high price., and can stun
age to serape along even though their ales
be small : -
Ry ally undertaker who may believe that
there will be few deaths among • prosper -
ass and contented people.
Continental I%nion is not opposed :
Ry the large majonty of the farming com
munity, every intelligent man among whom
know full well that he has to pay tribute
of 26 per reit. on everything he sells in the
Amerman market, and about 36 per °sot.
on everything he bays in the store or fac-
tory : who knows that his farm, having be.
ooane less profitable than it was years ago,
has gee. down in value, and can neither he
sold nor rented for more than two -third•
the figure obtainable, say, @evenings years
ago. The fact that he ie eonlsed to the
Rein market while the American bee the
Amerind and the British market, too, de-
cides him that it is beet for him to plano
himself on an equality with the American
farmer :
Pier by the worki gtnan .x by the laborer,
bath ei whom Goa easily tee that to de-
velop the hummed natural endorses of the
noentry by provdiag a market ler oar pro-
duct*, and by the importation of foreign
capital as it wee never Were iatrodae.d
tato the ees0ry, moans ter them a better
demand ter their labor .ad a higher ran of
wades, It beteg • well knows .Mom that
the dear regulates the prised label e-
ller by the shipbeileh a sad ship opw-
ters, wee knew that with • .readily dwiadl-
IL- .. t..;.. `.
tall 11�..Ii.ie. aheee sons mum falaag off 1.
*AP henima d enpplytag heats a --
Nor by the Whirs. whe esu dear driven
te dee sue es widens* se peer Seh.rmMI et
M inks girds* he to marina of the United
Sates. or .terve ;-
Nor by the mine woes, who know that
with • sl*tiseary population here there
abselutely no market left ia which their
minerals oars be .odd, eepeei•lly side the
market of the United State," is closed to
them 2-
Nor by the enterprising and wide -invoke
manufacturer, who r.wogalxee We tact that
his burner, now overdone, cannot Moreno
in • oominunity which has grown warmly
as feet in the past tan yeas as • Europeen
Mtlon and *moot increase io the bee t t ten
years, for what ars we to do with people
should they odes hen unless we put tiwt
in the poor hoess'-
Nor by the yoang man just graduating
from the universities or in wy of the learn-
ed professions Dearly all of whom aro now
looking to the Stats as their future home.
They nes that the field Is now well filled,
and know that an increase of population
would enable them to ears • living and ac-
quire an independence i. Canada ;--
Nor by the sorrowing mother or the af-
fectionate sister, who have just lett the
eon and brother at the village railway
station, whence he has takes his departure
to join hie brothers who ars doing well in
the States. And what family has not one
or more want chairs ?-
Nor by the energetic and ambitious busi-
n ess man, who realizes that times are hard
and getting harder ; that hu sales are
dwindling and hu profile becoming lees,
while he has to " dig and scrape " from
morning till night, year in and year out, to
meet his engagements with the banks mid
wholesale merchant' :-
Nor by the owner* of real estate in the
towns and cities of Canada, in which, with
very few exceptions, slues are falling daily,
and very ofte u property sold under power
of sale oe mortgages does not bring the
•mount of the principal ; -
Nor by the good, sturdy, broad-minded
Briton, who can wily see that the re -union
of the English-speaking peopl on this oon-
tinent is but the first step towards union of
the Angio-S•zon rose throughout the world,
the race which is destined to rule for the
good of mankind.
In fact, 1.'ontioental DTnioe is opposed
only by those who dislike advancement and
is supported by the vat majority who wish
to get on in the world and improve their
own fortunes and the fortunes of their
neighbors and friend.
Windsor, Aug. l3. T. M. dV a t=L
eplsl*a axpevnad by ear Weumnd tss-
HI-NORer THE ?' Rlrr.
There is grim humor in calling the seat of
Carnegie's iron works Homestead. The
number of those unfortunate workmen who
have a homestead there is small By the
way, millionaires like Carnegie nem to be
• rather costly luxury to the common-
wealth. To begin with, the tariff protects
his business to such an extent. that his com-
pany clean about a million a year. Then
the State bas to pay large sum every day
to protect his establishment. Were he
around home he would need • detachment
of police to protect himself. Millionaires
seem to oeed more help than poor men. -
Canada Presbyterian.
Hr 1• *111.1. 14 Till RIS..
Mr. Myers is no longer Crown Attorney
of Ihcferin conotte, his official head having
been cut off. He a likely to talk annexa-
tion more than • ever now. --Clinton New
'$A t.YrlJR .'O1.aIMtoxs.
The last commiesion which went through
the country was the Labor Commission. t
took whole reams of evidence and printed
several volumes each as large as the F.ncy•
elopedn Britannioa, bat nothing has hap-
pened since. The commission was appoint-
ed and the evidence was takes to carry a
troublesome question over • rather ark
ward period. It served the purpose admir-
ably. The Prohibition Commission was ap•
pointed for somewhat similar reason. No
doubt the committee will do its work faith-
fully -then' --at. John, N.B., (:lobe.
Teresa Cent ge of name .
The Toronto College of Music ha just
closed another very successful year, with a
patronage taxing its utmost capacity. The
excellent quality of the work througboot,
as shown in the great number of high clam
programs given during the year, fully justi-
fies its claim ea first among (median Insti-
That this College should take first rank
in not to be wondered at. when we consider
that Canada's musical reputation is due in a
great measure to the ability and experience
of F. R. Tornogtou the veteran Con'
doctor and Marinol Director of the Tercet.
College of Music.
For this and kindre-1 reasons thr ratite -
tion affords many advantages not possible
with any other taboo) of music in Canaria.
Aside from iia musical supetierity, • highly
appreciated feature is the hoar in/ewes
felt by the outdrew Mr. Toinagtes's
family residence being anaemia to the
(;oilege bnildieg. Thur seeding thSir
daughters to the city for a mdic.I ed.e.t•
ton will at osee ase the volae and import -
anon of this meial privilege. We ern is
rer.ipt Gd • Dopy of the new 189243 College
prospector, onntelaing fall intermeshes.
• Dopy of which will be sent free to any one
on application
The Colter opens for the fall term es
6th. with a sniff of the meet ud..t
ma best qualified teaehee is the Doodads.
Doe's he • feels know what yea west
ad refuse to be impinged epos by
Mann when they •.heapt be paha oIr tie.
�g see-tsaw ler Putaam's Potshotsitztea.l.e', to esly ale, we esd
pedalos ears MINA Ps.a-'s (fere Kmiec
Mr Is the WE to sated end .sly pennon
awn sa�7 is mein
It is eroded That rally wan ale Aegean
pr/.. et Chaieler to the Atteesps t.
Deemed kw Terebere W►. Ar.wNr
tine Paa..e Adveraneemeel
TORONTO, Aug. 15.-Oover■taeut Dense-
)eNFteye Jobe Murray arrived u the oft/ from
Winds on li•tatday n kt, having m coa-
ted, William &lewd Kelly, barrt•ter, ol
Stated. Kelly was •rebated under • war -
mat ehargtug hie. with Aries obtataed
esuasy uuder fauna produces drool Leiden
Norman, • student, of Toronto. The war-
iest arum oat of the .lvertmesneet for •
trotter to set ea tutor for the two eons of •
wealthy widow. J. A. Cbryeler. the Teo
lurvin* school teacher, who inserted the
advsrttsensut was deviated of fraud at
Wined on Fri lay, sentence beteg reserved.
1t is the inward of the •nthortttes to ase
Chrysler in the cant e caagainst Kelly.
Kelly waarraig.ed before Judge Miler,
J. P. o. Saturday sight and rem•aded to
appear is the Tomato Police (court Tues-
day. Yeantlb.a Kelly was released on
31100 hail, Benjamin Common and Joseph
Balser of S/a.cee beoes ieg his boadamen.
/espseteat Diseever7 head* a7 a Peer
slaett•mltb nr Quebec.
grease, Aug. l). -Local diarists ay
that de of the moot wonderful disoov.rnss
of recent years is that male by • poor
blacksmith el this city awned Ferdtaasd
AIlard. It is the lung -lest art known to
the pyramid builders of Egypt of ardeotug
Axes and other edged tools made of
hardened copper hate beau exhibited by
him which is edge and temper rival the
best steel of the present day. Allard p. -e -
pared • sheet of his hardened copper one
and three-fourths of a line in tb:ak.ees and
►ad rt teased at the Gover:sweat rifle ramie*
here. At the first shot, bred frogs 40 yard.'
diet.aoe, the ballet was shivered i.to a tae -
shad fragao..u; oa the locoed the missile
striking the copper more fairly was doa-
pletely Battened but remained embedded
in the plus, which it merely dented lightly
without crocking it a any way. This ts
claimed by experts to be eddy supenor de.,
anything the best steel could .bo uud.r like
circumstances, and the wand is to be
brought under the immediate notice of the
British Lords of the Admiralty. The lead-
ing military authorities bar express the
conviction that it oa farther trials la the
Esglteb dockyards the discovery maiataias
the same superiority most important re-
sults mat follow and ersung systems be
completely revolutionised
seised* to rearing earn
V icroill., K G , Aug. 1E -The folbwisg
seizures have bas made by Hailed States
mee•of-war in Bebnng Sea : The Adam
seised the British notecase Mountain Chief
of Vittoria, the crew of which killed seals
and violated the modes vivendi. The
vessel wa delivered in charge of • British
man-ot-war. The est sling ark Lydia was
intercepted by the Rush while taking newly
killed seals from aboard the *twain bark
Northern Light in Sebring Be. A prize
crew was placed aboard and she was sent
to Sitk. The whaling schooner Jane Grey
was seised by the Mohican for not leaving
Behring Sea after Icing warned. The
British steamer Winfred of Victoria, one of
the vessels which transferred their cargo of
sealskins to the British steamer Coquilles
at Port Elcbes, was seised bythe Rash
with fresh -killed seals aboard he Dotted
States Fishery Commission steamer Atat-
tem took the Winfred in tow and exiled
for Saha on Aug. i.
Throws Against a Tree.
PORT STAN ()nt.. Aug. 15.--Sat-
urd.y as George M. Reid of London
was ascending the Fraser House hill wttb
his daugher Mary as a phaeton Mr. Reid
alighted to ere the burden og the horse,
and in some acctdenW way the lines slipped
from his hands, the horse ran up the hill
and the buggy coming in contact with •
tree threw heels Mary est against the tree,
injuring her very seriously and perhaps
Mew a Prteepr g:.e.ped imam a Dolor -
tire In Cbtenge.
Cistr•Aoo, Avg. 18 - Detective Bailey
yesterday arrested K G. Duma of Bootee,
who is charged with forgery of $tux) in that
that city. Dumas protested that his name
was Moore, and offered to show the detec-
tive papers to prove 11, if he would go with
him to his room in the Palmer House. The
detective consented, and, upon mashing
the moan the young nun showed hue
papers lying in to bottom of • large sam-
ple trunk. Bailey stooped over to pick
them u when his prisoner sewed him by
the bels, dumped htm into the trunk,
el•ktafed the lid, locked the door and made
his escape. It wee 15 minutes before the
detective was released from the room and
Re is now haat-jag for his m,■ with small
chased of fiodiug him.
P0W'. Advertising Man Cables
LONDON, Aug. IS. -Madam Patti gave a
brand charity concert at Nath, Wales, on
Thursday. The mayor of the town and
the muncipel coedit escorted the diva in
her triumphal progress through the town
amid loud exclamations from the people who
thronged the route along which she passed.
The Hall in which the concert wee gives
was filled to overflowing with an audience
repr.seadn6 the *salt 11 and fashion of the
plod. Madame Patti was forced to appear
again sed again in reimposes to rwratl. The
ay: was a pronoe.e.d sones.. financially.
Cea■aattaeple ter a Cash.14 rowers.
Roux, Aug. 18 -Is is stated the Pope is
preparing • document destined to produce
• profound impression fa die United States
The great coautery of earthman will take
pled la December. The got pilgrimage
cnone•ctsd with t4*. Pope's jubilee mean
Oet 11t. The eoegrsgattoe of the peeps -
has eg;e■d i■ principle on the essab-
iahment of • Catholic. p•tri•chate .t Cern-
sta■ti■ople. 1t remain*, however, to lad
• poetical application of the idioms with -
s se
trenching upth• secular protectoral*
o Frazee.
Pwad.ewd at se.
Lowooe, Ang. IS The British .fewer
Elphita, teethes is the levant, has foen-
&red at set Her and Brew
were rescued by a painingp
.ad ane
hew landed at Tripoli_
A M.eew.. Deesese.
Louder, Aeg 18 -The report h.s be.s
eeeireied tap ]Ira Rylands, who remotly
parchund the tenons Al li
very of 1.owd RPnees, will give
the library, tmpother with • eolleeiMe
of marl! (10,000 worth of wire honks to
the eity orf Masehester. Mee. Ryles& as
bought • site es whisk she win inlet eet-
sMs bendier des the reembeo el the
Aithe•p library W Mew heals
aNarveetiag is gement) this meg is Meal -
Harvest heads aro badly seeded is the
ea is being
i madly swamped set is
British (:.t
Th. Royal Military College. Kbytes. is
to be lit Ly oleoti tarry.
The $usula bonict id to G P. R was open-
ed on Monday, lot► ism.
Richard White, M. P., is spokes tad as
Maual'a neat puatutaster.
A new sewiag machine factory to simploy
300 hands is bang organised in Hemi
The Royal Teaplara of Temperance are
routed their tuauranas to $3,(J11U, an daces...
of $1,000.
John Roberta, the Kingston drsggt•t,who
dud rwwstly, leaves an ed
sat. of over hell
a ivyjlieNu.
James Dennis wan suffocated by sulphur
fosse in • natural gas well at Zaledr'ata
Petsrboro' has voted down the $40,000
by-law to provide lands foe output and
ruin sewers.
The aesual ensetisg of the Domino• Alli
attce will be heme
ld in Montreal, comncing
September ad.
The majority in favor od prohibit -di its
the recast plebiscite in Montreal is returned
.t fourteen thousand.
('Karles ()ckermaa died from injuries re-
ceived in a lire at the Windsor Hotel, Belle -
vine, oat the 27th ult.
Rev. (noon O'Meara, of Winnipeg. b
yokes of as the next rector of the Church
of the Ansesiou, Hamilton.
The body of Matthew ! dilco, of Kir*agsptteotat
has been found in the bush hear Lakelksa
He has bees arising • month.
John Green, • telegrapher, Is in jail in
Buffalo on • charge of bigamy. Hs is said
to ate several wives in Canada.
The Ltntlay Lamber Company's mill at
Kinmouat was destroyed by lightning in
Wednesday's storm. Loss ,mo.
Mr. W. H. Ruby, one of the best known
and most highly eeteeat.d resident. of Port
Elgin, was drowned on Monday sight.
Harry Brothers, of Woodbridge, employ-
ed oa the steamer Mosses, fell overboard
.t the Hamilton wharf and was drowned.
Mr. Alexander Lawsuit. editor of The
Yarmouth, N.B., Herald, has just sphered
upon his sixteenth year of newspaper
A Victoria, B.('., despatch aj-e that the
surveys for the route of the Coastline
Western railway will be coe.me000d next
Hest. Edward Blake sail. for Canada on
We Parisian nett Thursday. He spoke for
Mr. Morley at Newcastle-.m•Tyw Monday
The M. C. R. station at _uo'...rrthurg was
destroyed by fire early on Saturday morsinyt;apposed cause, incendiarism ; Gus
113,01.10. The Montreal Street Railway Company
have granted an Pardee in wages of 25 pet
tent. to the conductors and drivers is their
Andrew Tweedie, a well-known Moot
realer, was knocked down the hold of one
of the Allan linen and died at the General
Mr. Hugh Nelson, Limo client -Covered
of British Columbia, as forwarded to
Kingston $50 towards the Macdonald me-
morial fund.
A movement is on foot in Kingeton to
raise 1125.0(M0 for the purpre of trading an
exhibit pertaining to the Thousand Islands
at the World's Fair.
James E. L. rt•Iand was rherged in the
Hamilton Polito Caen with perjury in oon-
aestion with statements mads when taking
out . marriage license.
Mr. George Duhamel, ex-Ccsamisaioner of
Crown Lanus, Quebec, •eel founder of the
defueet Natiosaliet party, died yesterday
at his residence in Montreal.
The High Court of Ontario, Independent
Order of Foreeters, opened its annual nteet-
iug •w Wednesday at Barrie. Nearly four
hundred delegates are in attendance.
The preparation of the Behring Sea case
by the State itepartrnent in Washington is
now nearly comyleted, and the paper* will
wan be fnrw•rfe.t to Great Hritain un .c.
credence with the term of the treaty.
The Manitols I iovernnient's crop bulletin
for August giros a "Orme promising demist
of the state of the crops in the province.
The weather in July was specially favor-
Mr..lams Anderton, proprietor id the
Fairview brewery at Barrie, was bussed
while asleep in the barn on his farm on Mon-
day night. The Earn was struck by light-
1h. William H. Henderson, professor of
cynical reducer. in the Royal Medical Col-
lege, Kingston, died .t an early hour Sunday
morning. Bright's diadem was the cause of
The lashes of Mrs. Currie and her daugh-
ter, who were drowsed at iWiarton two
weeks ague lure been recovered. Those of
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens have not yet bean
The thirty-etghth minimal session of the
(.road Lodge of Ontario Independent Ordor
of (►ddfellowa opened Wednesday in Wind-
sor. Bet ween five and six hundred delegates
are present.
Mr. .lames Connolly, of Wolfe Island,
while driving from Marysville to his home,
was killed by the accidental discharge of •
gun, which slipped from the mat when he
tad placed it.
Mr. John C. Chisholm, of the iepart-
ment of Justice, hen resigned his position
earl will enter the University of Ottawa
next 'moth to study for the Roman Catho-
lic priesthood.
The preliniaary examination in the mini -
ins( libel nit instituted by M. (L Camerae
visited W. F. beeleas, of the Toronto
World, was held had W.dawd.y is Gorier-
ich, and Mr. Maclean was ooamitted far
The Prohibition Camaiasioe heard sari•
demes from promisest cinemas in different
walks of life at Rt. John, N. 11. Most d
the witaears thought a probihitory law
could ant be eateroed, while some thought
the country was est ripe fer prohibition.
The Kippewa timber limits of the Beate
of the late David Moore, of Ottawa, era -
ng eight berths, which cover an area of
linty miles each, were sold by aortioe. Tie
eight berths were sold en Moe for $054,0110
to the Moore Joist Stook Lomberiag Cow
P ay•
United Goad., the Irish (acholic weakly
is Ottawa, is is yesterday's gem, aid :-
"Rises our lad tau., we had bad the ser
e ureare of those high in fir (',sensed. of the
Mese that the rtgkte of the Catholic aim
reeky in Manitobe will he proemial
i■ the Meetred eperie Coarf.idg• it
Mwimier granted lir Patellar •
against the Boyd College of PltysiM.a. and
4argerw, that body keen retuned *grad
him a Nessa apo• the payment ef the tis►
lea, he he had gaanld to lee..
The jedg+ ..M that Wises knew no nomplass en abwaskt *a *a way al
try, as ia raw sea Is dos rabbi; izvoi
lla.ta a■t�.w ogee) hY dew at tis
he liesorios
hew .t nelgtt...' as O "4641awl
lltsaooca-Yoaata-- Amplearr
ass pieesee wow lS>orttrbrk
s Tioarul1y e1ag, at
✓ esit sum d J. T. Wv W. thea IE tl- um
demos perl.rn.d tea aaniag. oareatray
biomass A. Murdoch. best sad oboe .
°haat et T1.mes.ine. l.rme0bt y
wad Nits Mame Ma.** hater d lira
T. Wass.
Anil leo? • re*
• else. Pt/v Mede
1L l,ti Ther w •
'i f e ,..l ., Toaeo and j
, eran•ev aeth•r
...• •• •=r utar,u,lu
.4.•.. .. rennet see eut.et.u.,e
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a fon.. 'I.:2.'41147:
►.gf-•« ., t'...R ..d dyer
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�It! .•abs deeq sew fa,ltcq x
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pn,L.. '11•... eat" • • - •. SyN nominee, birth
116741,41111&14 t,e..l . '..
fffirt �c r., e. � r. -* •• r2G endo
!1 '. '1... r_rute ell gaup
erwdotts real aur at .: v:.Ee4 1•evi;a 7
.c1.1 sicked* e . • • - t.
ievu ' '' ',"cis " ne•e rtzhe
� ani: l�t er
.02(4•.1 y Jeui.. -- ..t.t•, s.►..trR,.,,'ti ,.. stir,
o pens
make 10.1. ryyti.ai•
'Por rale by a!1 dotothite, .- - •.r •. be tent open
teuelpt of dem... (gat par t011, '. dJ lr.1.tng
1'MZ Dir. WI/ • Li ,14A+ Jt►►'it• Co.
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en-
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco. -
Oldest Cad Tolvero ma wj '-
ht7ePfi in Canada.
Cot Pio}. ..Di 1b Plug, 20c.1(k.
TNs lamination .etwas and taeerpeestes isle
Its mane of Ismreetiea all the ..dem la-
pratements that e•a be 'hard ad most to breaancbee
tans* homes 1n the dllbres
trade. thereby giving 1q psptlr the Renege
t►e latest. freshest sod preenl forms
dolma Mishima.
An Important feature of the enures of tilde -
Dag U the Intercheage of beraees prootic
work• which will be extensively Gargled w
betides our colleges.
Only sew -edea Iaseructore employed.
Hasdeonte cataloguer ho.
Spew and P b
l It rallnnIs
Universally acknowledge()
to be supenor in every res-
pect to any other brands in
the market Always reli-
able, as hart been fully dem-
onstrated by the millions
that are sold annually and
the increasing deodand for
them, notwithstanding an
increased competition of 0.-
er One Hundred an -1 Twen-
ty-five Taetoried This foist
speaks volumes. We aro not
cheap Niger manufacturers.
S. DA viS & SONS
Largest and Highest Oracle UP'
Manafseturers in Canada