HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-18, Page 3TELE : GpDERICB, ONT., THURSDAY. AUGUST 18, 189t SALE Illi PARLIAMENT. OAKM il/ TME EIMLA ANT Chew Dim gLECTED POR LONSIONIX, A boom ems Oenttres Mem warsa mit le nesamed he sae Oe—rug lassie w rises r. t,e..e.-ate ern u. lade' Ike Sew York gam ei b1 Enmby de• Mtn mere teas a whom r skeidiyt the owe et Hoa EL Elias h gess se to BritishP Rhes the British a___ -Len ▪ Wenatieler most mina a mai isle be — by • sena hem whom emelt is se who know hires Edwardlalmae. • does iss•dsr of the [Abend Opoe.itios he 01- olm sho et Ne urgent invitation d this Asti ltirnelltte leader left ki• borne is Ter. oto to run for an Irish ovisttteesey, has nes tly sleeted mosabor kir Smith agtord e1laIn►iMichael D. .mel Edward peer the . N&ti..mW s ins yr fairly debit to poem the ist min erseng die naw aaembers of House of Caseose- The tams of the ase•ermed s,eiber for North Meath Is world wets. L tied .J the Canadian statesman has set ,proal e, tar, n is imams he has bee eon. trot with the sphere afforded him blasts ir moe IaMettiea.ml ha. sot hitherto �r al to 'mei the wide mem inin maratng whtive entitles him to play • prominent part. MtMHf0 uNS* flirty -her pima.M of saw wear make 9watereae pounds of rid. It .wt ever 11100 reesrtl i. yy��s1 saes is Eeuth (Lashes to settle • eof A finer IIvtag .ear Furies& Pa, dog up 110 knives is his pnLe. As ether ANew Jemmy or Owes Y a sew ears ter y fever $. �w ekt.g d phi adle. with Saratoga, Km, W • 1120,00) opera heard bat only the tans* of I..ut .. t. heard ever ,lora All thewaahupe to Yorow, Raseis, owned by 1[.6rww., will he dosed by order of the government. Th. Athos*" Coact■flea a.eoaaoed the elver day that • n. b mew college was sem be w "eeemosed._ A street v line is now being bail+ in T1l shke.d, this capita of Rum* Turkestan, by • French aontpe.y. Richmond, hod., hal an orpnizatiwo knows' as the '•1.27 society,' asnpn•sd Mutely of persons burn in 1lLi'i. le len Karns b•.1 • wheat acreage of lei thee 2,009,000 acres. This year she is said to haws 4,UflO,eisi acres. '•Bailrusd Jack," the much travelled rail- road dog which left Buffalo on July 5, ar- rived in Sao Francisco on July 19. The Kmparw of ('him dors nut stir much in wet weather. This is der in put to the fact that it takes ter mat to tarry his um - !wenn Sensible and prwwtia.l people will often take particular .is. W skim off a hatch of bublsW that has risen t, the top of their tea, bonus, some use has said that it is • "mars ago of mousey." A South Dakota girl fast • bat of 1,Ullfl kisses on I+laine's failure to get the nomina tion, and .xt.n ienti.waly paid the cants. A recount was dent.uded end rather tb.o be muted up in • contest she .easented. Kos Nin. Cromwell, of Detroit, is the fortunate owner of • Inde that was oow owned by her •a.water, Oliver Cromwell. It be known to be more than 300 years ol.1, anal it is valued by biblicnwtisw •t +1,000. The most curious ammo; famous pearls, it appears, u that oboe throe oe.turts ago the French traveller, Tavernier, sold to the !tah of Pees for 1.135,90. It se still in the posesaoa of the sovereigns of Persia A dapper little fellow, who is the hus- band of a tine and well developed wife. was at Asbury Park, and fora little bit of fun went out for • swum arrayed in her hsthitgt suit. He wee arrested fer appearing in • nude condition. India is booming • tox•irtidsble rival to Rugate, says the Levant Herald, iu the pro- duction of wheat. The export of India wheat to Msrope in 1 M90 was e; 2,131 tows ; in 1111 it was 1,3P;,4d6 tone, or more than doubled, and the exports few IM?2 hevemors that quintupled. reaching 6,4412,01.10 toss Nu use, says an A,(irowluk crimper, ern hilly value a frying -pan until one has taken to the woods. Ifur guide fries baro., and he dose it in the frying pan. Hebods pota- toes, and he does it in the frying -pan. He bakes bread, and be does it in the frying- peaHe sweepsup the floor, and he do iitiose the trvi.g-pan. Dr. Emit Levy, wise attended the com- petitors in a recant road race from Paris to Belton. gives some interesting particulars is coon..•uon with his me.b.el exa.ninatsen of the runners. He Carefully noted their height and weight before the contest. Atter the race the evmprtitore were con- siderably shorter, while some of them bol Wet as tench as fourteen pounds in weight. In a circular seat to tee electors of me of the I:srmin,lham divisions by • tory clergy man recently was the following : "Mr. Gladstone bean been for merry years God's scourge on this maims. sad I should not my- self be .urt.rise.l if, in further anger, God shoaW permit bun to return to power. The /risk question is very simple- Mr. 411.4. stone is behind home rale, the pope is be- hind Mr. t:iasletone and Susan is behind the pope." Labouchere'. Truth advises the London Times to hire the author of the circular. Colorado is waelly thought of only as s Dialog state. but with the success and .preatl of irrigation she is pushing to the front ea • fruit -producing state. A very longe crop of the most luscious watermelons m the country is raise.) i. Colorado. sad tits product is of such importance that Watermelon day is a .pe.eisl holiday all over the schwa portion of the state ; the governor usually attends the festivities at the watermeles growing minter and incur - sionista attend an thousands. This y Colorado has produced 2,260,000 quarte of strawberries. The rattlesnake's rattle is like the sound which would be produced by the rattling of • number of pias in • paper bag. This re- presents the slightness of the seumd. We are summonsed to pictorial representation, in which the reptile is nide to look very angry sod energetic, the tail erect in s ser to suggest • loud alarm Accord- whenom hears it for the first time ems is surprised to tied she noise Y slight. The sound, ineu.d d bing • rattle, is rather • tiskls, sad perbeps it hes a rather stop isetallic ci.rseter than the motion d the shakiest d tern is as tthee000men is, ohm bag would rapesewt But, .Egi► perms wbo hes sever met eased these rep- tiles beton sad who, without seeing the hears the loott moun- tain rook or delicate yes wonderfully distinct war g. knowo as - sassily who and what his neighbor ba Tb. proem. by which nature forma w all accumulations of silver w very inter. ..ty.e. It mud. be „usawnhered bit the � ecrest isthrosgvh. par - Oaken wbsr. the rock*, making solutions of elements MAMBA fres thea These chemical solutions take u e m.11 particles of the precious trial whin they fIn.I scattered here and theca Some- times em•dates the solstices in question w hot. the water having got se far dors es to be set • boiling by the internal heat of t globe. Thea they rush upward picking up � A meal asga. H t , bat a•- dam the of New and the dreams thus Sawing hither sad thither be pass through steaks or sarinsr i. the ,woke, where they deposit their leads d dime. ?IA is kart up M * Er*" 11►s1t1 of time, p.rheps Memosd_ of years, , metal t imam er posits. i fMany � is • y directioneremite may flied with the metal, or osessionaly • ekasiher may be aileg the it, se if a myriad hands wwe h▪ etreasure from all sided mad Mang away • future bcsamea ler some inky rtmepsotor to dieeseer 1• soother Mi. Justis Whirr to suet len $b w perms stags dace n ..iters Aid A (grw.t that be larks the requisite quaitiles al lead mete t'ertainly b.• never iaepiresl the en threaten that was nr..iteer.1 among s 1.1.1) dflereat .:.twos by the late t'.wservstires eia•f:aia, eir Jahn jl.C*I,siabl, nor a•.tannin] "tar the Liberal party anything) terrmhdiu;; t»C wives i:,a.•r Nir John .•t•jo. ,,. • ..n; the it.vl ....leaf, hoe, grn.wr old, against th• eni.gytforwar.l ,net.nel. a Meer.:+,. hr bel ,t. hie .rya . +n wall +' .+n 1 IW. -at unser se• ••: M •.1r•'•1 t;e1r.. Ii 11�iet • funds a t::1. per .t-1 In power lei a .. st.:u. .d part. - . ant r.rrnpt �rtIe o .store almost ..:tient •• pprrryiiei. Ii.Rhtu: iw m•nr elsst-l' esisi.- li•hr! thin that wit:. a fa •• trial of s.retr•tie . t',e pad'• the .plsaeb,l,wads•„-ht that lis'u' RM l•. •gaindt t.:•' 1:o.. r ntu-* t in 'r-nM'h'ave mimed hint trimm!iiw+t:y t , I,.r : e=i l:iake, win...arils.-rel sitar lar;, in.-vt1'. hs tai; it h are n1 via in a: •w au orale r t., ..'rv.• bid ...vntrytneu. .t Wei t:;at lee h.a: leer' f,...rh, ire: w'la& get l'.uarla is audenne to -day, nod he 1r..n t.. cans will •urge-. the ea:• that lief e. avail::v ;.e :tet ho•rvett from the Machias u ". dare r nasi "t upon her. •mown Mr. Mak.: towe•re•l intelk tit:.lti, +.cue 1 seal : Moil l,'rs above his fel- low :.u -vine. In .c ln•tul %ore with µu- ta:1 n:..re to- ':c... w ;;rasp of .Mast it uterine! her. au t•rr►dth of vn•w and j.r.dnmuty ..t kr.•.wletl,r, en I in Ad the highs. arts •.: K •-•'.4lawa:l:p '"• w'.; AS much the superior el: or -1•,bu Mac.:ont.ld as Kir John was in in pnit:t.a: nat+te and the ,nnn.-.tttm.-sit ..t n•a \� r .Ieh..t L,r. Blake nenew Iwl sat •j.:oi.+14 iii.• I.wp-a.'.i'ali'ariamrat, though h.a. .•.•u:..t,..1 Man: b-*. We/azter, \asd ..veral of the prat rack. His ";upon to tete `enr:- 'I r ..:, ry of crossin • Ghi. wi:n 4m4 t.1. 1 t. tr.. .4 Conn etmld In re (mad hone-, r .. ' 1 :•.s steel. tier rinb.',lealc•• • •. ('a1a- 11,;,11 1'o rn1:11 -•.. • '.fail, he the days w.o•a .:1g each )*aware, m,',' o) :art tt sive iri. is .:1:rr a,: cn.LE TT PURE _ 4F POWDERED Y E w wRSOT NTIEONOSINT. ads W As amass W lesa/+n ML we ahari i ala rIrs 4arown ms, DONT KNOW THE DISTANCE. Aecerdrmg N OW way .f Taoaking. 11 tie�e Q ne N/7. ranee Aq.ew. Prem Tim New ors aerate. We left Mase:•aster, the county stat of (lay, Ky., one ...ora►ng about entries for a ride to Wilby Fork some mils ep country. After prooeec io. some distaste' the heat beanie oppressive. Halting ender the shad* of s frig wily tree we dismounted and threw ourselves upon the grusnd for • abort rest. We had not been there 1 before e observed an ol,: 1 -'raster, ..•ted wry a • break -down wagon, ....ring leisurely down the road. With the customary politeness of people in these parts, Y he leached us be said : "ilerdn, salsa " • 4 cud morning." 1 replied. And ea be was proceeding on his way I asked ; "l.n you tell w bow unity miles it is to Willow Fork ••N boa, Jonas ' No sub ; I can't." "Don't you live in this neighborhood?" "Yes. sub." •• And doou not know the distance to Willow Fork !• "No, sab. Never bears." ••ltat you hare some idea et the dist.mos" "hope. I've lived 'round thew bysr puts ter nigh ester tufty year an' 1 never gave hit • thought. haver knew how tar hit wee. Never wanted to know. Wohuegn�1 bed to go User I jilt dnv on 'till I "roll. that is strange." I said laughing. "I should think that after living around here all that time you would be able to give the dustanoe to • foot." "Not so strange when you think of bit, mister." be replied. "What's the difier- unce bow fur hit is If ye've got ter go tsar, ye've gotter gat thar, an' if ye know the road bits all right. Yi ve got ter drive on till ye bring up," he added philoso- phically. "Olt-. up, Jonas." " I remarked as LI 1idaANtr DIINDANNOD. MOLL REDQOTION nor MOM t LINES —AND SPRING STOOK During Stock Taking. DBI ROODS Itemnaatr sad all odd lines at people • prices for math. 'lute, Stock is large and must be reduced in order to make room for Pall importations. ♦ choice selection of Challim and Bedford Cord Goods, suitable for present wear, away below Dost -10 yds. for $1. The best value in art timeline in the trade, and choice patterns anti designs. the ,•Yea, you are about right, be drove os' He had not proceeded far when he sud- denly halted and, taming routed, casco driving slowly back to where we were seated. "Waster to go to the . Fork, mister," he asked. Tea" I replied. "Why in thunder didn't ye may iso!" "1 thought you uadentocd +bat." "Ne, i didn't. Ye jilt sat me bow mom] mike it war, an' I said I didn't know, nor I didn't. flat if ye winter git to that Fork jiet drive ea 'till ye cum to • red home with about twelve young 'ens plsyts' is Ther road front av hit—that's my plsos. An' after ye reach that ye've got ter go 'boat se fur and thee yell see titer steeple of then Fork Church. Follow that ttlau yell brine op." "Sufaniky that's all right, .uh. I don't look fer bit. Ye ought* say aline what ye want. I don't know how fur bit is, bat yell bring up if ye foller up this road till ye see that steeple. /:it.e-rep, Jona. •" And wheeling mound be drove slowly sway. BROCERIF8. A full .supply of family groceries al- ways on hand. PUNT, Are you going to paint your house, fence or gate, or anything that re- quires improving in this line. If so, then I can supply you with the +material ; prices as low as the low- est, quality considered. Wake bee the two • • tieitr, of the .•rotor w ...:.•., t .• and • tf,at'niti+ cat voice. overage s'^•. with mveivr h.• . I, .tures, and fere .-se'aa *hat.'as .•r, . .• •.y;glin: halite": whisker. on ins •...r• . i..• w.nl:.l *arse( intent ion in an•. , t• r,Mn.liaags Tr:one) hr .I...s not culiira'" .:.- tris of the fe iaap meeker. not s -I.l,m at:owpte any si••.e.i.u: i htn ..t •bo.luen••e, he hoe the power et awakening enthnsi.,m in his bsr- ers. and is raid t -a have tonna no difficulty in-•:s-ryiiig hie Irish mull/ors in Longford ori, him. 1:•t it is in Parliament that li....; .s .: his bear. His speeches at 1)1 t..va .a opivisitioa to the 1'o.servntirr te,t. y are nlrtec•pio.:es of destructive criti- c.•m. Tory are characterised by a wealth of . e,15Ui and show an absolute acquaint - an.r rith hi, subject in its remotest In fact. if they base a knit it iA flint they &hone l too much in detailed crtti• isat. \Ir .lake's lawyer's habit and i:: t ..oan11.1.• industry inclining him to °over VI • -•satire groan! himself instead of 1,4 in- minor p..inte to bio lieutenants. His d-lire.y i. tura'. mod ouhssitating, *ad he Flab his way through mans of involved r•we.trotnst, inserting persthee.ie within p,:••t.t1ese., with m facility.sre.ly .emes.1 to flat of air. libolstone. T w' of the leading characteristic@ of the 4oa..liss ata:ee.twn are his mange in eat prawns]g his convictions and " this broad toler- ance of slew. A thorough -going Priam tint, he is totally free from religiose 1.14,,try. He wee m HOMO Ruler long �before I.let•t•ont• was converted to that Pw'e7 and q• ke lar a•i ha .rt in Ottawa in support of Ir:.h ki: govmtement as far hook Y IMO. In tun? he mule ore elorgnent speech i• sap b*.rt of the motion fee an *1.1,ess to the :s•.rnai 1.,.srtnment urging the pe.mge d s Horne Role meseur. H. persistently mieueel the hill to larnt'Plnate fin ttranit" Is..ly in (:.nada. behaving that th. 5 ',vcrnimrot should extend nn wov- stn'm to a society neo feweign in its , pint •.d miachiernms in its operation. He t...k his political life in his hand wham be relieved tie fiovernusent is a Louis ,fid, the Pteech-Canadisa ha14 Iew.lr, of the Northwest relellio e of INS. sad later when he opposed the disUewens .f the Jesuit Yatats Act passed by the (Jumbos Legislators. His *rowed slim hes hem to meet the medal andirirese .110' mites of Cassia lay • broad miof era• etllatl.s awl generosity to nnitriritr. sail in its ppeeresame he W eared little f;rr the tesleJManus that Rnrhetere and preaso-phehes have showered ores hirer Mw. 11.1*e is • -gelmg 4emsre ,at Es W set W loos .vary ..Lt --o1 • ise edum. Old IF limo lob essethi, sod .nM�essaetandl **to • lad. by rasami the this a haig►Urwd heed hiss lay the Orem R. B. 11OLLANL, V rale As Masa. Mrs. L T. Bailey, Elkhorn, Maw., writes :—"My daughter was as pale as pos- sible for a living person to be, short of breath and terrible pair in bead. Pink Pills cured her." Of all dealers or by mail at 50c • box or 6 boxes for $2.50. Dr. Williams Lied. Co., Brookville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y. Tae Meese Guard i.ptnrea stsa. Rosalie—How dad that awfully Pin gel make mach a.good marriage! Urns. --Why, .h. stared at boom use Sumo.r, stud every num that met bar called there, became everybody .has was away.— Frank Leslie's Weekly. Moo. ■s..ad'. Yahoos' Os las Mees& a' ftp 'ME Ki.;• N.'. Msetseen ..I ME yea," .i mid diseessalmely,►lone' -' weesssa are Ateigether tee 'Wb a the em•tsetr!' 1 proposed to t Wrote yesM.dsye "Did slats aompt you*** No. She leek eat her ante hent. wise Why rani. awl address is it and said she would .warder my sppllesMs." - Wonkier boo Star. Unto** e i Cha : ;• erc'tt• 41 et the Bowels, Xt'it'.' p Liver, tarrying o gradusl!y w.'. ,it we:limais/ tbo sys- tem, all Cho :ms, wi/rc9 e-"1 foul h:tmors et toto noorot inns: et ih* a."troll t'^1e COIN' rooting Aese"•.•• : t OA Firmed'. oaring ryspepsda. Headaches. Piz- heartburn, CoDu Drt'^n, Di c. ;t or the Skin. Tininess 04' Vision, Jana - dice, It ;thou 1, sirs, Scro- fula, FlattsrtaQ et t se (Dart, Ner- vousness, ar'i Gtt+cr:tl sb1Ut]r ;all these and min; otivr striiimr (Am yl• rets ��lelei1..1 to the I-•irmv i-.9uwosot EU OCK EI,OOD B.TTk::.S. Fee 6.•:, I p eft Tesler• GENERAL MERCHANT, DUNGANNON. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOiCS BEST FRIEND LANGCST $AL[ IN CANADA. OODERiOH Steam Boiler Works. IEPTABL swiD 101.5 A. S. CHRYSTAL, Successor to Ckrttafel! Black, Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine., Upright k Tubular RO=ZdERS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers In Upright •ed Horizontal Slide Valve kf►gines. Automatic Cut -0R Reties • pecialty. All .las et pipe and ;fee -stung eowmta.tly on Mad. KMUm.ses furnished os short notice. Repairing promptly attended to. Sofa -1y P. O. Hoz 37. Galeriah. Oct Work*-Oppseite 0. 1'. R. etatioo.Godwin b 111.1111. Rawls= *Pao 6r. PATENTS Raft. Pltrotai"l $rintiiit puritan PLANING !ELL tsttnISNED IISI. Buchanan & Son, tuxtrracn-nos SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Maden in ail kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Ase ba:1der% material of *eery do.o.lpttes School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL -d- SMILER 000LS LATEST STYLI:S. itainnente to be edshowysy Perfect H. DUNLOP, The W. . Taller. SYSTEM RP,NOVATOR awn orwme rumen infamies. Specific and Antidote for tit. a t , 7.400= • • 71, MAP �OODS. • e tho Summer is advancing and we are anxious to clear )it a lot of Drees Goods to make room for early Fall trade we will give you your choice of about 40 nt .sen of good plain sound Dress at a shade under wholesale price. It any ► the above Goods are of any use to you, come anti -amine them. They axe very cheap. t few lines of Summer under -clothing cheap, 2 Ladies' Vests for 20c., and other lines equally good value. DON'T SET 1That we have the great -Carpet and Lace Cu rtai n warehouse of the county. 200 sets new Lace Curtains direct from the makers in Glasgow this week, making over 500 setas since early Spring. Cbinelle Curtains, Rugs, Mats. Table Covers and Linel- eums and Oilcloths, 4 quarters, 6 quarters and li quar- ters wide. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse} of the County. 7f1 4 °a -•.rte_" . � -.r� i 1111r..- •" ..`^� -�• _ ... --. •r'• DO YOU LIKE • hers% week sad impoverished bleed, dye- eeslesplemasse, palpitation el the sueemmpp1.(at, neuralgia, lose of vassaary,brussii•`tdit, oneruseesies, RdI Asses, jptats ise, kidney "` .*may dheseees, Is. Vitus' dews, fennel" irns,- eleAWs ed p..eral debility. L&IO1IYORT. LOD6RII9e 0111'1110. J. M. MoLEOD, Pruprlerer ani lass inetn.r• Mammies neurit Itmwenavest sea be boa ��{�bealt drumMee is tear•. Y wee Y aasg ms isasrth.as ttred.., p wee Oweas. oma T.f-1y. $900. 900 = c.nn�mX sjoiytestwl]Is.tvm.e a new mal Tomd ee�ssmmtsONIN�r�o? Jesus d me Iwo reeritabi. at OM by MY ast000t wows *Pi. tmem PATENTS ! tg1E11Ti, MU RAf! - OI,Ir.IT$ Wel oll, ,;{ DRd�rMlll'1NV. it A 0TJF OF GOOD TEA Try our Brands of " MONSOON " and "TAMILKANDE," the Finest Flavored Teas in the world. Do you want Fresh Groceries. " " " Fresh Canned Goods of all kinds. " " Fresh Fruits and Vegetable& " " Choice Confectionery. " A Good Cigar or Glass of Soda Water. es M N " If you do, call at ED. 0A3MPATONE'S, GBOCYR AND OOwvzCTIOIi3R, Cor. Montreal -tet. and Square. I'Telephone Connection. THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THI THE THE TbZ THE THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST I'HE BEST BEST BEST BEST BOIT BEST BEST BEST BEET BEST BEI5T BEST BEST BENT BEAT BEST BEST REST BEST rets tIM es M mix Al hors riliiVa • stigs� tea r the fit. ~ A``.r wette to is � .tions.` C�tp+•�ssma. a1A e A MiNbw MK. OMAN Patel 011esitriNSWItial BEET IS BEST I8 BEST 18 BEST IS BEST 18 BEST IS BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST BEST B BEST THE THE THE THE THE THE THE TBE THE THE THE TB THE _ Tit THE THE THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEET THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIONI1L 18 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BEST THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST Tres BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE 1111181` THE BEET THE BEST THE BEM i8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST 19 THs OHEAMIT AND THE BION AL 111 THE BEST iS THE OHIAPEWT AND THE SIONAt. 18 Till BENT IS THE OH1APEET AND TPE SIGNAL 18 THE BEET 18 THE OH EA PEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEET THE SIGNAL