HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-18, Page 1T AE M 1i 4IMMpIN
/.••-10+ ..t.--0I�t w o.. O.W..
• Te=e. of £P At+a •
vOL. XLIV. No. 2874.
THIS max.
b TUAT roma Nam M Mamma
ver to Acv*mea
� tp..k
p,is Malo Os. -A. Ib -.dors P. •
owe T 'meow -e. Mavis & Ilan. Mefaml •
Ceara flusmem Conroe -Sus it MAW 6
Ods t ,c A. (Made, nwM•Ned t
run T. I. O•smpe•
ts.t twr•lam->tisttt & Pewter
Western Pair -Thom A. MeoweA wN. 6
peneing -Das A. %DUAL 011ie e
Weever it,duotMe►-J. A Reid II
Fos Tattering -IL Maelemeri .
FCA R S. % In �Na- ve
e, on the S lam- the
•• ,.r i W. Penes, formerly et Duds -
it, f • tell.
j�w dost the Heahedttl lesessa i.I holt,
mono the AestmM
rue OMR to Yin Rase
Hutt lawn. both of tide town.
/gAt;t!N -1n Oderies Township, os naive.
coy August lab. Md. James W. From.
ter, .t 1, y sere .ad f swaths.
yAftelsil 1s (tederich Tew.eblp, os Frl-
sweet tette, itme. , i.bolas Morrish.
affect : o y ears sad 3 days.
Jet h la (le4rvish &owlishly, on Sunday.
.itis Uta.tom. Raged Si years. d
wi!r of Jake
From our one correspondent
tnunen•ry service+ will be held is
fyottiau) thumb, Goderioh township, on the
28th and 28th of Aguat. Rev. A. 1''. Tully,
of Mitchell, will preach anniversary sw-
ami on the 28th at 2.30 r. w. and 7r.41.,
mei w ill else gore a lecture as " The
Pineuds d Egypt" s the 19th. Ex -
=km musso ; tee at 6.30. Admimios 25
eons, children 15 cants.
Fuer reragrapbs Pre/Med fee Waders .r
Tae sel.Nn'-
hem our own e.rwpeadeat
(h. moos Comm. -Division Dart will be
held in the .seal plaits. the new ball, on
Satar,Ly, 20th; all osoersed will take
J. 11 Roberts with bis feauly are now
Meg in hs new sad beautiful residence
ea •losepbs1. We wish them unalloyed
happiness in their nom home.
Ay, . t - dames McGamth, who has been
ie tee employ of oar popular sed •oergetic
clothier and tailor, R C. herein, sioos last
April left hen on Monday for borne at
TATS. car WZsTHCIY, rr .-bWeather rx-
rdkut : faraeis, threshers, etc-, are very
busy. The merchants, hotel -keepers, and
ms hasic. ia coosegnenoa are having &quiet
tune in the meanwhile.
Hy+ t 'ren w --On Wednesday night of
lest torit • heavy thunder Mdrmt •000rs-
pawed by v'rid flashes of ligbtai.g, alao
run.:.+.k place; we have not beard of any
injury being dooe, except two barns in Ash-
field were .truck and burnt
The municipal council of West Waw110os11
mit in the town ball on Saturdaythe 13th,
pursuance of adjournment. All the nem -
hen present. After a good deal of municipal
Omani was transacted, the ooaactl ad -
pained to meet on Saturday, 94th ieptem•
L., - M. -on Monde y evening, the Ath.
Res Sir Savage m• among the
!wham. north of here, delivered, as we ere
informed. • very intensely; lecturo in the
Meths -list church here, subject, " Manners
.ed t tortoni'," also $nu - 1 of the Is•
d:ans bl. the whip mem. Owing to the
very I.u.v tuns the •tse.dsnoe was mot so
lirgr .. it amid base beam under other
CIrcuns.to•cia. Siam it to sate that those
present were. we have bees informed, very
mach interested in the lecture.
TO REASON j Idut tb...es.esta he.. ether to
o.., py their mesal. eb•s the aerosis w.r-
ship of • Isg. either old or sew, as the r.-
at Seetw l aricatures d their Yw-
speot they eaterl•ia for the representatives ide.t fund the leading member" of bis ('ebi-
d •mooaroi floss sot' e=ke thew les t The Polltlosl UD1on Movement eel wve busag is every vlo•ot window •ed
y ted u every dead wall during the
ID- of the loot that, these latter have so power pus you cry W(
fbefl eko�i
No Y=in , Demlamatloa 10
dOland In.
item with w m.•.f at.r.r, al ek. °now- THE COUNTY NEWS
amt, the ..d .r. of theCo.esrv-
THECONNECTION midv'ridmule ee t I, us filet
bat Moss ooafeored by the a will 111 Developing;•
Neither injury, . .r aerials will make them
deviate from t•.. direct touts they have
Cotaosd tl• •t oder present conditions
the C.••dis= risen fails to receive from
The Cs•satel 4eMos Aualr.ed Atte. • rr.e- I his Labor the s.. , total of the comfort and
Ike/ W.*.ls.-T . mser.us. te eN old f
well being wkt..r would he wader • Ib.
I tureen ma, lie not ao' : te oat the
n en b PRM WaolNg-rhe welfare er abe amuse of the trouble, het .offers the only
F.er• %Tweet. -Thos. McKay, teacher,
left herr on Friday, 12th, a route for Ot-
law . Normal school, where be Ratads to
pr.eerute his studies with a view to ebtai.
.2mi pr..fessioaal certificate; we will biro
111,C,41, Claris Nevis. hes returned from
Tor,nb., .od is new wielding the dominie.
.ceptrr in S. S. No. 15, Ashfield, having
commenced s Monday, 16th. De epnaos
school. as we presume the rued pubis
schools thro.ghowt the Red ta m-
ond with the pales est, opened fur
the neat teem on Monday, 16th.
V ry rromt, -Daring last week the popular
end widely known agent of the Stratford
Honey Locus He gd a Coy., whited our
thriving wiilage and vso jilt with • vie
to fee how the plasm,
a�whie► •
Qeweary fat aeee.d et • ae.11mealal
lasses-edd Abeam noes be swept Away
N 6be aces.ery b t. r'rewrees
m.., poseide remedy.
pram La Petrie.
has followed the dlecnssion noised by
the project of • p..litiost email be-
tween the States and Canada, has net failed
to deserve one fact in tosnection therewith
which eves the blind can sse.
Itis that the advocates of the project
appeal to reams, to the oommos ase and
to the intelligence u preseatiag their pro
gr.mive ids, whilst their opponents ex
plait prejudice, cultivate the spirit of rou-
tine. and depend purely en the public to
mamas the dependent state in which they
The former argue from bases supported
by soosomic prsectples : above &11, they
avoid vain declamation, and abstain from
Iseult+ or threats in exposing their aims.
The latter dream cbiedy of how they can
000sivo to Waxy all who do not thank ex•
molly as they dos this question. which in-
timidation and the exploitative of ideas as
absurd as they are antiquated out never
regulate finally sad ssti0ctorily.
This is easily understood, the ioexplic
able love for • eoloaial tie caosot be ex-
ppluoed, caaaot be reasoned, aid aso only
defend t=ell by Moults Should they once
consent to seriously discus., the weekneas
of their cause would quickly be demoetrwt-
el. They are perfectly aware of it., and
that w why the mouse of treason all who
do not passetheir narrow views.
Nothing is perfect in the world, nothing
is complete nothing forever stationary,
nature herself is being transformed from
age to age Al! .1Nteoce s snbjecte.l to
the universal law of motion. The hairiest
flint finally crumples by the action of tem-
perature, wean by the continued effort of
the flaring brook and yields to the falling
Nothing is unchangeable save God and
the nstural laws he has established, and to
rebel ag•test the laws s always melon and
often dangerous.
Nitrous beiov but groups of individuals
muted for their common Interests eves mors
than by the Ues of blood : more by the tem
inanity of needs than natural affinities ;
mere by the similarity of 000ditton anti
proximity of rerdesoe than by resemblance
of character, form themselves. grow, de.
disappear before the inexorable law
of progress_
Each group holds to io traditions ; strive
es to retain them, to tr,.amit them to its
successors sod attempt' to imprint its epee•
ta1 meal on future generations.
Nothing is more worthy than thin respect
for the past, than this veneration for an au
entry which, olually foteopg to the cold
positivism or the ultra sentimentalism, ta-
spires to Me desoeudante of • large whore
the desire to matinee the work blocked out
by their predecessors.
But it is absurd to strive to perpetuate a
political system, which may hose beau suit-
able for the infancy of society, but which
hempen* to be entirely out of place for our
age of enlightenment looking toward perfec-
le elective motianby had much to recom-
mend it when the sovereign, chosen from
the meet worthy. could preside rneo.al-
ly to the dminntratis of • kingdom, thin-
ly inhabited or of small extent
Inter on, was invested that divine right
of kis, • doctrine of much greater advan-
tage to the governing families than to thoes
of the
What mime!, what teas, what endless
vexations ad unbearable tyr•.uies this drat
ahem has engendered, history is thus to
testify. For • lo=g period, absolutism,
freed from all cheek, posssesi.g all force,
terrorised the popahtios bola 1. servility
radar tie iron sosplre. The struggle bet-
ween right sad tyranny has hem long, pain-
ful, bloody sad determined, but right be
prevailed st last to tine point nkat ag•rly all
the old world imamate' ham bees driven
to imitate the repsblioan system, and eo-
oord o.natitetioaal tibsrties to the people
who threatened to overtone Wen.
It follows then, tbere is everywhere prog-
ress in the evolution of ideas ; all mations
sn m.cbiag forward to the maga.t o1
seis..s and liberty.
Te remain .atdeeery at this period is to
remade, it mease being distanced by others.
eeml.•r were ordered and planted on the
premises of several farmers ja the township
fex d West
Ambledd ra
Weaseled', Ambld •Celboe
NW in I hen villages �e especially
ga•ns, were The pleats are
growing virrood7 sad seehla pr.ssI.
tae will ore keg teake geed heaps. He is
sin' prepared to take orders M. pleats for
silt Spring B. M•Detegl, of Wast
1epenor City, sad fer.erly of Dagengs
sed I.eckmw, Is pgd i ybuthe
homestead of Noire M, wM1
father, elan other relatives mad termer so
mates: he tevael thishio ip. mein
u Cha as.l rrtwem�.g thltiy. Ne leve
the Itor/btfwl wove N agree wilt
him. He is bend I. hie psalm of the ha-
M'evemeate is Mr ANIL
Monis : se. movensing
has" ;owlishly and iiotemeeieg ler fruit.islyet,fy t..
• � year. twins sad phis crop will
Ire 50 esot. for Fall apples and $1.00 per
born tor Winter front
flit.sela: A match for • silver ewer
•ksw1 reek place es Monday eve. on the
'tri ;hark between me.of 7ra.rle
its club. Jr T. item was the wham.
no i)r. MSxs�etee ted at 13 has,
the sheet off lir. Raw pe 3 to the
,he of earl the wY tPy awe lose panes
. b asewdwesu with • r.sele-
Uaa pawed M the last seseis. of the Owwtep
CL.Deil the siert was mllh•elwi M ..be
vIr5b her the•$of • .mea of
+�w h and MIM welsh
is.ts.t of • Row the vete M
he •kso en the saws ;lop es ghee ea whisk
tomeiMpel shelter are held.
Pgi . AL4 RT -
hem our owe e�rege. t.
The Goverment eagiseer took soundiugs
of the harbor last week.
School bas again re -opened with Miss
McFsrlaoe. of Milton, es sesistmet.
Mn. H. Pentland, Nile, with bee two
children, are vesting her mother, Mrs.-,
A Sunday school in connection with the
English church was opened here on Sun-
day last.
John Anhoeon, n:oIericb, wee in the vil-
lage on Tuesday of last week. W. Bur-
rows, (:o.lerich, was in the village last week.
G. McMullen, Goderich, is stopping in the
village at present.
From onr owe correspondent.
P. Austin's store teas been much
ed by an addition
The ritaeon" have finished their portion of
the work on 1). Sulliv.n's bowie, and the
carpenters are busily engaged on it at pw-
eat. Th. building presents at present •
fine appearance, and will when completed
be • credit to the owner.
Mn. L D.ltoo, Duluth, is visiting friends
in and about this village. Mies B. Dalton
returned to her school in Clinton on Mon•
day last. Mrs. Ed James, Pittsburgh, and
Mrs. H. dame,, Sr. Catharines. ere the
guests of their permit*, Mr. said Mrs. G.
Currell. Mrs. Correll, we regret to sate
is still very low.
From our own oorresoondent-
MiM K Allen is visiting the circular town
this week, the guest of lira B. K. Allen.
Pttu.os*t_-Jaime. Luby. of Chicago, at
present enjoying his holidays from the
toils of business cares in the wisdy city is
visiting his mother and sister is Godencb.
He gars our burg a transient visit last
week, being the guest of J. Tobin, 1 aa-
downe farm.
A familiar sound rang out from the school
tower, the summons to the little folk i•
gettercl, Monday morning, to reoonimence
their studies anew, and the joys of the
holidays were over for the Summer of 1892.
for Me remainder of the year Miss .lane
c.o.s.'', of Kintail, will be the teacher, she
taking Mir Wataon's place, who we
already have noticed, hod signed to un-
dertake a higher course of study in Toronto.
We with others wish the new teacher every
success in the labor of teaching the young
ides onward. in the rwl of knowledge.
Preen our owe oorr+.pnndent.
Mn. 11. Stirling is vistting in Huron
township, Bruce county, this week.
Miss E. Linklater. formerly of this plebe
but now of Mlles township, Perth county,
is visiting here this week, the quest of re-
Harvesting is on the full move sod every-
body is very busy and local dots are
bard to get and gossip to every one is Dearly
ata stand, still.
PaanuYA1_-Mmes Jane Pearce, of Harrill -
toe, with her niece, Miss Maggie Webber,
of (hiwav, aro enjoying our refreshing lake
bream, the roam of .lames Linklater.
Moss Iwrwwvenarr. --A few weeks ago,
we noticed that the church bad been paint-
ed outside sod at the recent mese of the
ladies of the oosgregatioa, it was decoded
that it should be r.pa'-• beide. So this
ladies will
oedwork for
inside of the
week a general mee
be held who will cl
the painter who will p
church in • few days.
PE,moer*t_-Thu week we had the plea-
sure of meeting the genial editor of The
(,limos New Era, who gave our burg •
tr•a.iest visit We find him to b. • ple•s•at,
.oci•ble man is every way, fall of gamed
convenience. Resides his editorial denims he
takes quite an interest on presotiaq the
Methodist church in this ttonaty, at times
whereon( local work by preaching in •
1 sett pulpit. sad as well, the welfare of
the t.mpessto. ones He o011101 w�p heat
the Rub ons silent .teed that needs nes
whip aur spur to urge it here in Ism thea
two houre u' oovenng 16 miles, ad m.bs
several stops on the reins up, reewef.v
homewards is the nosing boars el the day
with the bright stars to glide him. Before
starting hs would sot take the favorite
beverage of m•.y tmarpsroom folk, the
.teosg sup of tea, but paters instead •
glass of *asa•Ao.
The Sued• Gospel pel Tompe aa.e mooting
head in the hall of the 1.O.0.T.213,saw a
fair attead•ns. The chairman S. B. WB-
Ilans, L D. ezpr.ming to the s.dlesos t►m
ppl1.oasaso�n d 10Medwd.g M them a fellow
1•bor.r frees another' point ia the rood cow
of Tmmperasos, who had eons • destines to
address them this evening. The speaker
was 11 Redoes liter .1 the New Bra.
Chaim As a soaker he is (host ad ebb
sod M the paint that the e•... el Toyer-
ma.o is for the boat el a11. 1f the nim
.1 the law in the Isom system +ere
sresely blood the dtiakieg would he
mesh el.ebed. Rosme amigo In the law
now give the ntsprtpw. the power in
their ward by rigaawrei to withdraw li-
.ee.s for the sola al ileo la their midst
T►.rgb ell may stet bleb directly er 1.-
dh..ly they min mesh he. 6M solo
b.ds el iten that i,. Aftedileg Se the
Mains law, he said a reveler bled o1 W
who had reeently ham in that fillaee
W •.keowledg.d as him that the law in
rebore 6. it was kept rather oteist to salt
him. We hope epee in the sear (.tore far
Mr. Beano M sews eih. Orr maxi men -
lag will he 1n th..R....a el non ftemday
M 3.30 r. w., and the Nev. 14. Hewell, el
Oedwesk Rerlhat MethdM shwa, will
be the speaker.
CAMAS is wdy the only important soma -
try is the toe La vis.. 0411 meepies
Use very 10mmf' ' god tmpn66.bl
Ma of esinlal t,,.seatm . and whilst
liah se•ta.msa WOW! M our peesiM•see m
.beltufeg ads the British skirt, while
Obey themselves eptly favor oar hem.iiltte
rapture el the aeensusl bond ; i. la Cor
Ness who b...K and .ores of meson the
patriots she dose to obtain by pue.lsl
metheds sad t..otltweio.al meas Oe. 1.11-
.eos of their rights of titisenski
Wheeler •11 ebb es agreeable or sot to
the worshipers .f the pat. the foram
mors of 60.-iktew permit themselves today
le examine aritisally .n polith..l inane-
ifsess, a mann hew ameigee, without .1 -
lowing the moo14y @spot of their ..ei..t
robe to es.ialde a the..
They matt Milt r their ashes es .d
their reams ler ..mWa.es.
'whaiMw it In sense le &te mpt IighM1 to
t sadsew peahen lastintliens, bus avoid
dudes es wi.m Ib. Worm* .d well Meg
of the pee* emit M would be M shirk •
..orad duty.The p.Mwe of the erlesiel eyeless .ever
Whim these y.i tiwYse.. Be ..-
twin himself la hiding dm eta deg as.ud
In raft es • mesh el false loyalty;
t$..,, w11 dfes
. . d embdeb, mai
ehe..t.rimr with Ins .I.. Rhys tMd.r-
kele these who bee pent set he the (be-
adles pimple the say rational m.... se
ee.ernl campaign of two year: ago.
I'bey were charged with cossptriatr with the
Liberal leaders to •oomphdi the humilis
menu of Cased& The most uootempubls
and the most dangerous jLi g.i.ni disfigured
the Tory literature of the contest. The
1Vaski•gton politicians are rarely freak and
Drip =Me rmasNer. efl'oe/tae\nal 1 sees often treacherous in their foreign policy.
are Ass==ist tae ..-.1 1.111.... .Tbr) are American diplomacy is shifting and tor•
With she $.res.o•=l mer.s.e Tbey melter• moss. But more wanton vtlitication Lod
i1 Wooed eon mevetepe tae ■usurers es abuse probably never were showered upon
the Country - rre.rei relitleal twadlllo.s a nertg,hboring country in time of pesos thea
Require Remedy• were hurled against the Cuited States by
the Conservative politicians of C%nada
during our last general campaign. They
a000mpli.b«i their purpose. They saves
the protected interests. They did snore.
THI' REIMOVAI. uF MR.Y.L(:IN They not only put it out of the rouge of
Nivea.+ from the office of County possibility that the Harrison Adminutrat-
Crown Attorney for Dutferin will te ton would treat with our Government for
seised upon by political unionists to aggrs• an amelioration of the trade between the
vate the political unrest which exists all ov- two countries, but once again they have
er the country. We do not say that this brought us to the verge of commercial war
political nneaaiuess bodes any grave peril to which Sir Charles Tupper has declared is
British connection, or that any consider- Dela door to actual war. Today. the Wash-
able element of the people look outside the ingtoo Government seem bent on playing the
Confederation for retires* of grievancee and holly toward Canada. They have adopted
amelioration of unsatisfactory conditions. s course of tactics unworthy of • great and
The overwhelmuw mass of laoadians .re generous people. they would force us to
hopeful for the future of the country. In the strictest observance of the Washington
all the provinces the British sentiment pro- treaty, uotwithatanding that they have
rails and dominates. But $ political union •elated *hat instrument both in spirit and
movement is developing. Its laden are letter. The spectacle of a great nation or -
cautious but °oaagger, silent but insidious. gemming lta ofticera to prevent the invasion
They have tormed • Provincial association. of • braes band from the realm of a friendly
They are formulating plans for a wide dig- neighbor is too pitiful even for her.lthy con-
tribution of literature. They are watchful tempt. But the Washington politicians
of every symptom of political unrest, and can hardly wort to any device of bumpt-
not unwilling that bigota shall show deaf sou and offensive jingoism that has Dot ite
lection auol trade wtrictionisa maintain counterpart in the tactics of the Tore
and increase the tariff axes in order that politicians of Canada (luring the last
they may reap disruption. Many of the Federal elections. In both case., the
promoters of the umioniat movement are of politicians misrepresent the people. The in•
the best of our cations. They are hooestly atlnca of generous amity and human
convinced that political union would be for brotherhood are strong In the whole
the material advantage of Canada. They Anglo Saxon family, and nowhere Rase
are persuaded that the geographical condo- there instincts more healthy develop -
tion of the country makes against (iridian ment then on this continent Toronto is •
nationality and that creed and racial divi- great centre of international oonre•tions.
sione mut forever disturb the Canadian Ces sdi•ns .re welcomed wtih enthusiasm
oonlmuxity, They remember that Nova s.1 the great international gatherings that
Scotia voted for secession by an overwhelm- assemble acro.* the line, our flag is hung in
ing majority, that reckless political agitators the place of honor, and trod Save the Queen
in Quebec have boated of • purpose toes- is sung with heartfelt veneration and un-
abltab • French o.tis on the banks of the covered heads. But the picture is marred
St. Lawrenoe, that time and again the whole and the condition bedevilled by hysterical
country has been heated and angered by race and reckless politician.. Canala must bear
and creed agitations, and that millions of her share of Ilio responsibility for the es -
money have been squandered in local and trangement which now divides the politi-
P'rovincial bri5es to the enrichment of • party clans -not the peoples-- of the two count -
and the impoverishment ,if the nation, The ries. It lies upon the Ottawa Government
rising disturbaaee over the Manitoba school to take mate .tronasa steps to ease the
quertioo is bread and wine for the annexation- situation. Noaseruon of "unreal condi -
tato They would not of deliberate malice Loos" will avail much longer.
set neivhbor against neighbor anti creed - ---- -
against creed. But they are fond of the
notion that creed hostilities and Provincial
animosities are among the inevitable fruits
of our political condition. They know that
on more than ave °coercion our politicians
have shown • pitiful want of courage, that
more than once they have surrendered to
improper demands, that more than once they
have fed the indigence of greed of a Province
in order to strengthen • Parliamentary
majority. They know that, putting e,, e
tbeoasstruction of • few great national w • its
of undoubtofl national importance and ..du.
---end even these were made to serve party
purposes --the country nas been governed as
though the purpose were • temporary de-
bauch and a final bankruptcy rather than
the founding of an enduring nation and the
development of • high type of citizenship.
But the movement for political union has its
strength in the trade policy of tbe protect-
ionists. That policy shote us up within our
own small market., alienates us from our
neighbors, burdens the mase of consumers,
encourages the fltvht of our own people and
discourages the immigration from other
countries. Even such mom as Dr. Weldon
of Albert, Principal :mot sod Mr.Mot'artby
admit that the N. 1'. has made is last fight.
Such journals as the Montreal Star and
The Toronto Nowa demand • reform of the
msnufaterers' tariff. Other Conservative
journals seek to hide ita rapacity by writing
of • scheme of prefereotial trade with Great
Britain. In the face of the repudiation of
every leading British politician they profess
that Great Britain will tax the bred of her
people and imperil three-fo.rths of bar for-
eign trade in order to minter"' in some of
bur ooiooies • trade system which she dis-
carded half • ostury Rao. What have we
aot saorile.d to servo the Rrotsebd inter-
acts! The Liberals put forward • policy of
reciprocity with the United States. No one
Me for the promulgation olthet
poi 'seiharbored any disloyal thought or
dreamed of advancing on those liner toward
political mina with the neighboring country.
boos before a reciprocity treaty had sera
e n amazon= movement. And in Chet
ss+ememt Premier Abbott was • cca•pie•-
ens Yem A mew treaty weld have the
old .fitim. This is the view of the political
mmiesto. They know that theirsanative'
s=not survive the Agaisg of • rpronty
treaty.• sad their inflames is hot exerted te
the aotemplishmeat 4 a ooatineetel trade
�rr.agee..L Bet a reciprocity treaty
would imperil the interums of woe of the
tat -fed Idadrise, and as no ism haul .r•
gement =maid be made warn the advan-
tages of esatirel•l fres trade toe tory of
treed.. was reined, the flag was Sum out
for the proteetisa of the tariff at.rasearies,
and me -WI thep.npl. wen black-typedse
lesie aid �aoxatiouima It a thus the
Cesservatlm prep and the (ba•arvtivo
proems B=ustad eweenttasut.*it►. Qasu'.
They are as
siesta when they add a " Gott traitor " as
e a aniutd seaml.earer wham he peek..
the Q...ti eml ady. The Liberal leader
desisted ter he would met beige • reetp.
that *bid aspire es
.1 emend el ear owe e.iA er bolo any
w erease el amedlen iatngr1y, le.t the Ob.
5sevati . 1.ime and 1aebeed apse
ebelr ewe of the Ubersl
volley, branded Lamb 4▪ 10 1.., sad the M'1bedy of
Liberals lags tetter J•ekaea And that
e.mstent w e1 the disloyal ery end etmcaee-
tsagin the .4 every
rltaeraty lochom i geed
.'damn . by Me Nesse l alt parts el the
Mese t la order te eon Ilse peollsehed hem -
anthem oft.. the es enessassN el lieu eNwpeO
From The Terostu Ubbe.
A Ngwmy Orbit Obtained from
the County MW.
A Weetlr tfteest of resew %ewe leered sp
Nall everybody -ma Red robot hip-
ped sod leaaen.od From I:oery thrtty-
The Cream of the Cosa.) Sew. 1. rlerr-
telllaa• .f Me La14.1 had rte./ Sews
vires. woos ear Lead ttebsazes.
John L 4:eddes had his bead severely cut
by • kick from • vicious horse which he was
Exeter : Sarum defeated Exeter at
cricket on the 4th by 74 to 64 and one inn -
10)? W spare.
Morns : John V ightm.0 has purchased
the 25 -acre lot formerly owned by the late
Walter Smith.
Stanley : Mr. McLaughlin, of Bruwde,
has been engaged to teach in S. S. No. 10,
to succeed Jas. grant.
Thom our own correspondent.
(:A•I.t� PART AT VARNA.-.St. John'.
church„ Varns. What is readily counted as
the beet garden party ever hell in thug
neighborhood took place here last Tuesday,
in the grounds of J. `record, Esq., kindly
lent for the purpose. The weather although
in the morning threatening, turned out to-
wards evening beautifully titre. There was
s very large attendance from all directions
then being over 600 people from Seaforth,
Exeter, (:uderich, ('bnton and the district.
The Rev. F. G. Martin, incumbent. acted as
chairman for the entertainment. The pro-
ceedings were enlivesel by the splendid
band of tbe 33rd., who were neither grudg-
ing nor backward in their apparent desire to
make the ooc•atoo one long to be remem
bared. Their kindly, courtesies, gentle-
manly behavior was thoroughly appreciat-
ed and added much to the pleseure of the
evening. Will McLeod whose genial coun-
tenance is always the signal for tun, e.•
livened the proceedings with some of his
beet so.ge,wbich were the better appreciat-
ed because with his usual good erste he
furnished plenty of fun without vulgarity.
Mr. end Mrs. McKenzie favored us also
with some nice .election.. Misses M. Mc-
Naughton and A. Armstrong sang • very
pretty duet and the choir also furnished two
or three choice selections. The tables were
beautifully deooratsd with flowers and
abundantly supplied with refreshment*.
No pains aero spared by the (dies of the
orzogreg.tion, who bad evidently worked
s•rfy •ad late to earn the well merited .tic•
ow which crowned their efforts. The pro-
ceeds of the evening were over $120.
e -
Grey : John and .lames Cardiff thrashed
their Fall wheat last week, and had. return
of 33 bushels to the acre.
Morris: Mrs. Herrl, of the Sthline, has
* old bur 50 -acre farm to her neighbor, John
took, for the hum of *1,960.
Clinton : Las; Thornily Mr. Muds was
taken with paralysis of the braes, one side
of has body hieing eatinly dead.
Ashfield . Mr. Samuel Brown, 12th con.,
* old last week 39 head of cattle for the Eng-
lish market, realizing • good price.
Hay : The Voters' List for the township
of Hay has been Seined and contains 1002
names, 603 being eligible to *erre as jurors.
Brussels : Mus Haskins, of Mimouri, C.
S., was visiting lar aider, Mrs. Fal. Dan-
ford. They had not met for 19 years be-
Seaforth : Farmers in this vicinity, who
have already thrsbed their fall wheat, *ay
the yield will be about 25 bushels to the
Tuckeremith . Masers Stanbur , of the
London rod, have sold nearly 140 head of
cattle this year, of which 90 were fed by
1V Ingham : A. H. Musgrove is to be coo-
gr•tulated on the results of the entrance ex-
& minauom, as 23 out of the 27 wb., tried
have passed.
F Wawano.h While carelessly hand-
ling • scythe tite other day, Mr. S. Nethery
sustained • severe cut on bis left arm, which
will lay him up for • while.
Bruesels : A citizen of Brussels has load-
ed up some of his early apples, it is said,
with croton oil *o as to give the light-fing-
ered youths • genuine surprise party.
Exeter : Meas Piper, who was taken to
Goderich recently as being of unsound
mind, was last week returned to Exeter,
having recovered from her mental derange-
HolmesviUe : While Jas. Ford was back-
ing • drill out of the barn, the tongue hap-
pened to state him rather forcibly, result-
ing in • badly cut lip and several broken
Wingban : The many friend*, in this
county, of Mr. H. W. C. Meyer will be
pleased to learn that he ma recovering, and
{hopes to be able to return home to Sep-
Blyth Show will be held on the llth and
12th of October this year. It was put down
at first for the 7th and 8th, but as Brussels
*how names on the same day it was thought
wise to change the date.
New Kra t We undersand that on there-
otmmiendaues of Inspector Ssth, Janes
Turnbull, of Toronto, m long principal of
Clinton Colligate, has aooepted the head-
mastership of another Institute elsewhere.
Seafortb : At the regular mediae of the
town Covocil held on Monday evening last
the nem of 1800 was ordered to be placed at
the eredit of the Collegiate Institute Board
and the sum of 11,560 to the Public School
From our own aorreemodeut
The apple buyers aro all on the road
The dam pulling is about through for this
Miss Urquhart, of !Urethroy, is visiting
at Mrs. McElroy's this week.
Arch. Taylor hen ppuurub=ed • fine driver
from Mr. Elis, of Wawa/ash.
Everyone m Bytb took in the excursion
to Kincardine on Tuesday Isst,it beisq civic
Mr. sad Mrs. M•tbers,of Lackner", spent
Sunday visiting fri.ada here and 13th eon.,
Arthur Teensy who hes been on an ex-
temied visit M Eaglaod, arrived borne bon
ea Thursday Inst.
Ale:. i ivlegMes, of W isgh•m, .pent
S.aday hoot hue. Alex. seem to be well
sued here es b4. .hits are g ttdeg trognont
Chits : Rev. W. Craig, who has just
cloned his eleventh year pastorate of 8t,
Paul's Churab, announced to his 000grega
tion on Sande that he had mated the
pastorate of church, sad expected
to m=ove these se moos as °m ossieat
Expositor : A gs tlema., wlo has kept
count, as amt over mix thousand dollars
worth a velem have bean sold in thin
town during the past two shaman., and Mill
people talk about hard those, but, perhaps
t is not thew who use bicycles that are
hard ap.
T.okere mita : At the athletic ,ports
held u eennestiew with the seventh annual
triteof the em es d . the Cassano
Railway, 11.1 Portage divines,
Peter Dallas, a former Tacker.mitb boy,
won mins (int prizes on nine entries.
Hunan blood will telL
Wiaghem: A large number of the sm.
ppl!ooyye e of the Unica factory presented Geo.
McTavish with as address aid pigmentation,
sg of • • diver water pitcher and
ceps, peior to his departure from town to
LiMowel, where he ie*e.ds *peeing • retail
Waiter* e.tabliakmwt.
Dserq lakes See more sad abets.
The " 1lu.rgbt " Soap Co.. Tomato, offer
the fk4owl.g'rho every month till farther
aoties, to bq..md girls ander 16, residing
in the Proviso el (Mario, who seed tae
cream* awbat e1 •' 8n.light " wrapp•rr
1st, $10 ; bred. 16 ; 3rd, ; 4th, 11 ;fish
le 14th, • 44...' =e book ; sad • profit
pbMre to those who tend mot la. the. 11
wrappers. Mad wrappers to ' Bmmlfget "
gay Olio, 461iootsw, Tense, mot later
6hea 99th ed seek arsetl, and marked
Competition " ; alts give tall ease, ad -
dean. alp, end amsher of Wis.
Rev's seam will he pp+midtied ie Tomato
Mail ea dust 1151. y lo sash mean. ly
Dining g the week a gumbo e1
Gave Iabea Myo ewe m lana
I i the •..rtesy of C--- 4- . Loeb
el ihe Tags Norma.
roam : The Exeter Milling CASA .111.
Np.-hoce and snouts were totally ds
s•royed by bre on Today mormiag about
cess o'oloek. Lose alum 4110,000 ; tssered
for about 115,000. The Mrigs et the fire is
..knew,. The mill was jwd down at alas
ealeek Meech, night for repairs.
0. Friday last Joke Whiteman, of Stan-
ley, ver Klppen, relived a telegram ham
Si. Paul ssnveyier lo the liamlly the .ed
news of the death of their eldest son, Jobe.
it .arms that Mr. Whiteseas, who wee
.boat 24 years of ago, lead bee h Mt. Paul
for about tar y where he had are
lmals siteNies se kik.k•spr i. • large
esMhliNbw-t Re tea ill of G-
el the bob nem Weds/Nay end
died en the t.Iewisi Thursday might The
.emNms were takes hose end intend Is
the idre.de" ._ .y w Tuesday. Be
wee • mase ese= m4strandsiag romp
meas. sad bk wee • Mymn
blew M km panne, milfrhwds.