HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-11, Page 88 v THS SIGNAL : GODRRICIH. ORT., THURSDAY, AUGUVIT 11, 1892. PURE PARIS GREEN CASON Its Aires aaa Moto '03 rata t w + haa'le STICKY T Pard REFRESHING AND SXBILARAT- e ee.`Itre Ra.1111 .:ll St les ��s�% Pr" PRO TUSSIS, R COUGH SYRUP le always in masa. ('IARI$BAD, ViCHY AND FRUIT vv &alta in hulk. PUI:EST AND STRONGEST FLA- X Extracts. QPUNGE8. A NEW CONSIGN• EE) moot Ju.t to band- 0.. our prices. L)RESCRIPTI(►N8 FILLED WITH i oars, neatness sod dbpatch .t the ;'her mac r. GEO. A. FEAR, $ticcessor to Geo. Mynas. GODERICH. Y dbpeaatng >1M Duly. APL. ART. xYx x x R. CROI.'KETT, A.T.I.T. Lauda:Ape, ntartne and portrait painting in oil and water oolorv- CLASSES lh. Thursdays. Fridays and Oaturda)'s. from 9 A. M. to 12 o'clock. and (mai 2 to 5 o'cloa k r u. Architectural and wrt•hsnical drawing. Drawings for partite. etc. S TC I)IU :-Nortb-ot., first door from the Square Th ?yiNS I polum n - WILL IT PAY YOU To rise each morning tired and sere healed from an uncomfortable bed merely to nave the expense of a Wire Mattress. which would afford perfect rest. refreshing sleep and mewed i.t rent ti tor each deo 1 1 on spend Me -third of your life in bed. why not have said comfort during these hours of rest 1 We INve the Baal Tuff�y as M.tr,E iu Hods. Wire Mattresses. Mixed Mattresses. also pillows ut skit ow N Ma1K. in reel bent. hair inn wool. we Ksar$atee the stock in them to be pun and clean. OUR PRICES ARE RII.HT. We are from .5 to 1* per cent. lower than To- ronto prices in lied luwm :^uites, `sideboards. Parlor suites. etc. We is. fie comparison. Coate and see for yourselves. Uphelsterf.g in latest styles at reasonable rates S MITHO BAZAAR k FURNITURE STORE, 13631y Craig)** Block. NEW PLANING BILL. flesh and door factory. Latest American plana and designs of houses. latest improved fYObinery. latest drop In price,. latest sad Meat modern worTtnen. 1uw'?-*r prices in e1lagles pine weed's. lowest tenders issued. lowest pities on sown r a.b. MI Having received orders for .50 domestic refrogeratots. there decided to build • num- ber -my- prices being so low all can afford to have this luxury in their homes. and grocers must hose trent. 1 bate secured latest Ateri- can patents. Telephone your orders for all classes of wood work. JOSEPH KIDD. 61bs 17 Britaanta-st. Auot1onee r1fX. OHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- t/tioneer. land valuator. ion and insurance agent. :tales attended in all parts of the cum- 14, lerrespondencesoliclted. Addres.JOHN kKingsbridge. Orders We at Tile SISIAL Office promptly attended to. 3111 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC - ILP and Laud Valuator, Uodericb. Ont. Hating had considerable experience in the anctioseeringtrade. hs tin a position to dlscbar.e with thorough satisfaction all cam mienions entrusted to him. Orden left at Martin's Hotel. or sent by tail to h4 address, Oodertcb P.O.. carefully attended to. JOHN Ii:NOX. Counts Amctioseer. Mitt Ideebanles' Institute. L ODERICH MECHANICS' INST.'. Vf TOTE LIBRARY AND READiNY- M0100M. oor. of East street and Square leg Ogeen from t to 6 PAC, and from 7 to 10 P.N. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading Daily, Weekly and Illustrated Papers, X iters, eta, on Pile. MEMBER8HI1' TICKET. ONLY *I.w• granting tree use of Llbrary and Reading- Room. Applications tot membership received by Ulrariaa. in room. ID. SHARMAN. ORO. 8TIVEN. President. Ssaelary, eedsrk i Maroh kith Osie Hotel Aeeomlmodatlon. UNION HOTEL. OODERICH - Tile well-ksswn wear& a.d farmer.' �heu1Iselp los hes ss takes poes el b & Mu flretlasend refitted he every ss.ee•t Waking Rae of the seetvet and quietest bonen 1a the trade. Nice location. Eiosileat sttabilyl Ratan moderate. BAULTS RHOS.. illS-f' pelt tortf • TRE HURON HOTEL, - THIS well-keowe and popular Meal W bees seated, enlarged .ad Improved recently ad meow second to soft a el ace gaminap4ptties for the tev.Wag tr. C1tAR Pr rl!teasrtroaskat . t moa Dedererickc Artlel.s br sale _ L IME FOR SALE, -000D FRESH Ilan beget W on head at the rails des yea An orders ter delivery will is p g is X. BA S !t LVOR SALE -TW i 18 IN. CAST A: palley5- - N la. Moe, 1 11 t1 tot. bore. or eau bred to St larger shah. Uood as sew. tioriv 81 beak u a rea.onable Gere. Apply at at. gam Premiss Hose. North -et., UHL TPan111ng !Enid.. •RAND TRUNK RAILWAY.: Take stove and depart .t end.w n M- imes : MIMICS ......... .... ...... .............. oft. Ra trrwe ::::::::':::kyr ..•••••..•...•.•.......•,•.•..••e• hal. ADVIERTISIERIL Node. of mast he Mit at ihia Ofee Dat IaRar efts ..test.,, a�Ore. The � lar days n� be MIt sof later Utast Masa- day add GLwaI Ad,,rth Safi as. kit was Wedseedy oriseek week. Property ler sale es Oar Rent. ROOMS TO LOT.-FUKNI8HRD OR aaturniehed-te lady agreed eta. Apply te AB est L'URNISHED AP&RTIfiENTS TO r Mt hr w .. �g/tmmee.ttM��e to a privala bask withTorsos verb , mesdames. Addr.. 14.. aat bard. Oat n -U 1.10t1111 FOR *ALL -ONE OF THE RR best Maass $eetbet. lar eel. •t • Twe fain Tad sued stabling. .•daofwbavwnsNr la tit. Muse. to JOHNSTON Waft (IARSY Ooderir � oa 1s pb FOR SALL-N. LOT 31, 4ND 0ON- J1L' ia.t Wawsw.k. 1u• ato►.s. T41s lot ft& Saab Mi. Moo lot Itraellses /ice .uieb owe. Ms Malt there HILIP HOLT. .salsa' :he FUR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT esa0441( building on KlaanH--Met,,.� Bros - sob. a erupted a a petal by W1111. Sink*, k go sale. F. a. SCOT"1 ire.al p 0. easy. Aps1s b eP O. �tf Dentistry. 1%1 NICHOLSON, L.D.L-DENTAL Wes4sl. Offlia regime Iia 'sew Post DR, E. RICHARDSON, L. D. S., ewnlsoa dentist. Goa and v itall.ed air admtetator d for palmier extracting of teeth. Special attention given to lbs preaereattoo of the natural teeth. times -Up stairs• Ura.d Opera House block. mammies OR Weet- dL.Ostrich. 11111-14 Business Chaaeea. `tT()ItE AND RESIDENCE IN KIN - L) tail tar mils.-Osbrs will be received by tLe undersigned for the pun lime of the store and dwelling in Ktntatll. now occupied b) M.A. Kennedy, together with the good will of the business of • emeriti store and .Lo, if desired. the dot k in trade. App for terns sod par- ticular? to C. $E AGl:lt, (luderia:b, tar JAMES SENNET, Kin,ail. 7411 lRedleal. +. WaIrway i fitlitrz . IR OSoo Grand Gpsw boon, G.d eMitt DRB. SHANNON a SHANNON, Phy.itdans 8t�w, Accouchers. Re. 081r, at lir. dtunaaa's residence. near the caul Oudericn. G. C. Wtufaox..1. it. scan - 2•01.4. 1751 Lanai LL1 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER. P100- 10 MaHtlme Court. alt Onsets OScs-&oath Colborne betel. 7611 U. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 1.TA •.Bettor, c xnmivioner. Ike. Loans. collections and real aerate transactions oare- htl:yatta.ded to. Office -Cor. Hamilton and 8t. Andrew's -f. Ooderlcb• Oat. t7tl31y) JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, 9plicitor. Cosveyeacer. Rex ; ]Gooey to lend. Oflee over Post-USlee• Goderich. e6tt CAMPION, BARRISTER, F. Solicitor. Notary Public. e t a Omoe-Over Jordan's Drug Store. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. an j�. C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Lo. �Abt Office. corner of Square and West street, Oadericb, over telegraph office. Pri- rat. Funds to lend at 6 per cent. 2^60- / ! ARROW & PR!)UDFOOT, BAR- XJf rioters, Atlorue s, Solicitors, Rc.. Oode rich. J. (Arrow. Q.C.. W. Proudfoot. CAMER )N, HOLT s HOLME4, Barristers. Solicitors in Chancery Ro, Oodericb. M. C. Cameron, (f.C. ; 1'. Holt ; Dudley Holmes. Lamas aaa inturanes. FJ. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • accident insurance agent ; at lowest rates. OOlce-Cor. North..t. and Square. tiod- erich. 74. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of private and other funds 'at lowest rates on productive town and Mom property. Special terms of repayment to suit the borrower. --No commission. -;:all or wow M. O. JOHNS rods. Uoderich, 13 01.11 it 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMERON DIUj.r k HOLMgg. Oode- ricb. 1759 MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for investmeet e t lowest rates on ttretelle.s Mortgages. Apply so OARROW et PROUDFOOT. COUNTY FUNDS TO LuAN On the security of Cultivated Farms. inter M. six per cont.. payable annually. Any pr- ten of the principal may be pard at any time the borrower wishes. All expenses pall by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to sea moment.s r to know to whom money u loaned. Apoly to Wil. HOLMES. Ooderlch. Aug. 8th, 1ilir2. Co. Treasaser, A-11 VP RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN. 1a•_suranoe. Real Emma lead Meas/ /ug L Only Orwt-cls. =raatad. Mossy to Lead ea les the lowest rate of interest s'o11tL Is emy way to salt the oorrower• and risk•door from aquae. West 81r pp.sIiJ' Hs itis O. WARS. OONVSIY.ANuj&, J.s , alt daddidsiraw er � `.�b.vtt w ee lnrt_ Is the sewn tiYesalt er. - s Carter for tars. er any County aur Olekl•a rt. All enaaa.ames carefully :;L.�estsS6lr exeet:fed. Pesseaee and P.O. on. Oat f-tf NEW CHOPPING MiLL. 1 en prepared to do all Mads of goal. Meta =w shortest sotics H l ll Is mamba at MI staadMore I have tti}ee Reel .04 hat Improved /sown ery tar �ss1. said g your glees with yens. 1• imolai goer isms with yes. rug 17 R(DII. �iEs'S OOT R Br" A as.. Mtfis maims 6 atlas of Rea Bee. • daY•f•m Samos drlak. MARQUANiYS PRICKLE LOTION. !n. 811 SALT M ole Risk, Ilte. /km RATH AND 11U0a *POROEe. HRLIOTROltlt TOILET POAP,18a Asir maw dew + y betties m MIL J. W 1L601'I PaeklarT,og DRG Doom Tremendous reduction in Summer Goods. The bal- ance of our Spring Stook will be sold regardless of cost for the next 30 days. Dress Goods worth 10 and 12c. per yd. reduced to 5c. Dress Goods worth 25 and 30c. re- duced to 10c. per yd. &A- eons worth 20c. for 1Zc• per yd. Prints worth lxc. and 15c. for 8;c. yd. ¥.any other lines also greatly reduced. Call and we shall be glad to show them. JAMES A. REID. kraut's 7bkook, 1�10iderloh ftfli- Assignee's Notts&. IN THE MATTER Or Jams!) MAIIAI'2Y, M t Village. a port Albert In the county of Hares, miller. - Tbe above -oared debtor has made an as- signment to Inc. uuder the provisions d ' An Act respecting Atrtgnments for the benefit of Creditors.- being Clip. 121. ItO.O , Ui7. A nicotine of chs creditors of the Bald debtor will be heli at tel ur?L,e, in the Court House. in the town of 1io, ertch• at 11.30 o'clock in the foreseen. on Tuesday. the sixteenth day *t August, /rm; for the- appomuswint of I.speotors and the giving of directions with reference w the disposal of the estate. Merry prison chinning to he entitled to rank on the estate is required to furnish to me partt- culars of claim.proved by amdavit(not dea•lara- tont. and such vouchers as the case admits of. ROBERT t.Illt4UNes, Sheri/'. Office. Sheriff of Huron. Uodrich. August Ooh. tiir. t73 -2t Amsigaes. For Rata (IOW F IR SALE. -ONE OF ThE ---- C best cows to this .0.140e. Will probab- ly calve during the week. Apply to J. 11. it'd Mute, next to Health Exchange hotel. Gode- rich. 73-1 t Specific Articles. HAY WANTED -1W0 HUNDRED Tom of good timothy bay wanted tw- seedately. Apply to (VAS. PATES. Oode- rich. 73-11 50,000 BARRELS APPLE 8 WANTED. D. CANTELON. of Clinton. wash 50.000 barrels Pall and Winter apples tor which the best market price will be paid. Hold your apples for ;&Melon and ave money. u. CANTEWN. Clinton. 7111 !Societies. CANADIAN t,ICUER uY Hu11E Circles-t,eder,ch Circle. No 156, meets third ]lona.) el each numb In the ball over 7 Ht SIGNAL Oiler. 'Special inducements to lssurance end sick beneflta D. CALBICK, Leader: N. J. ACHkSuN. Treasurer; E. Itll'H.\RD3UN. secretary. Seder rn05� N t )F GODERICH. THEASLRER'S SALE OF LANDS F01t TAXIES. Ptsov-Iwre or ONTAuro, t By virtue of a Tows' or Oot r.ICH. a warrant under the hand of the Msytr of the 'ruwn of tloderlch and the seal of the said corporation. bay.ng date, kith day d June, 1891. to me directed. ooam►nding me to levy upon the lands in the following Hat of arrears of tares due thereon. that tinier the said taxes. together with all costa. are sooner paid. I shall proceed to sell the said lands by public auction. ur as much thereof as near be sufficient for the psllment of the mere and cost thereon. at the Tt t W N H4I.L, in the TOWN OP GODERICH, on yYiday. the 23th day of November, Ing+. at the hour of two oclook. The fonowts 14. Ora pnlmld. Lots or ICenceseles I l i 1 ! pan of lot. Street. < r„ I a Running Nos 1-4 1,1 Ol 2 70 10 10 S. pt. 879' " •• 1.5 36 11 300 33 11 R'. pt. 1004 " •' 1•. 11 161 .5 1/ lD 1061 1-4 36 30 3 13 30 13 1o6t •• •• Ids s 111 >mi 32 07 ati W Ileo. s Oar', 1•S 3 75 2 :3 10 t9. Reed's Survey. 14' 10 Ife2 60 1 66 u is " � Illi. 2 6M t a6 1116 9 • Malt. Read 14 1 15111 70 10 Id 116135 70 11 '• eeee1 14 1 Mit IS 75 18 3III1E 94 191,7~Si• ' 161 Sit 313 95 10 •• '• 1-411 3 542 30 91 t- - W. I. HORTON. 77.134 Tow. Treasurer. Oodsrioh, Jaw I0. Eli TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN nv THS Free or .T DR. B. RICHARDSON'S OESTAL PARLOR& OPERA NOUSE 9LOCII.WEST-STgEET, OODEi1t01. OiT. Raiford. a ;lent 8 r6Lhutlen. alter • tbresrh teat. resold d the melt .ewe's& us opereclaioa d astosybd ppeaee���as•L to •ehnilt ve only .ad .saMve right to ale Is the latest .Siest(8. dlaeovery. whish wasvanted saver to swam the less pas the ex of arab r masses ell may /suwr .vsry sea. Tad very Huh psis .In tits ant eeteeat. ell..•. �2QTZ-i'ffiRV110 10M.LW A. Is • 1.cs1 •anenthsertle that never thie sad he faheettmale kaw..e earth yss rays t lama an•e.atlnve h psis. pbtMse .meane ore it ie re scaly asrvr3.as t• sr Reseda. 14"pvrsmrv�tlaw d the amoral teeth a • mei Tad sklW s oro Tin., DR. E. RiCHARDSOIN. taw r THE HEWS ABOUT TOWN. ilm lltsg►w,1 eSd ti�11h�"se eit- pOI8O1( BURZR THAN POWDER, Iftokesup . shire enema/ P. Mei? ROOM Itt Jbek M1! - a ....MFw•el bis 06 add solo aed uggr Mak Alan 1ikI���aR� B•11t►wa h ate` th= i Wslean beessins% Mrs sad tae Sea Oak save masa loss enough to take •ymilky _wayy,•askks. Aad the seas erk• wants la meal atit..bald halt at J. Yrlsoamba aai host es W way toad ha seam Int u Rot I said yrs, ora teM s11W t asd Ow at ea hha�tarua"»e Ale&rp w TTip��lle rm`wan rd ls.�st'er mad int sole; Heb g of 1st mesas weather. twsm awn serial Ors refs enshos. w•1- 0 1. Moves sad aove"W for he W 8M Mia ad. es pests Svos L.uaolra MATH. -A hero... mask bet- ween the Mmes 4. o1 Mitohall,asd Hates., of tiderio14, will be played today (Thane dgy,) an Ili. Agriwiwral Park, (Iodated. The indap..dent land will be is anon. damn. Tbee b.11 will he faced at 3 o'clock. Admission, 15 coats ; ladies *ad children, 10 coot.. AU should vome and as the bat match of the msasos. He w .Iii Ur ods Tut Cor. One of the witness. on the meat libel suit .m►iast The World was J. A. Ewan, the new *lief editorial writer on The Ebbe He was not celled, owing to Mr. Murphy %waiving further ex.minatoa op the was, and ad- mtlt.tng publication on the port of his chest Mr. Ewan u Doe of the clever wnten df Ca nada, who hey. graduated from the " taw," and is a cogit to his chosen profession. Tu. 1)a: DATIL-The sultry pertly, ol the year u now upon us, and during the past week everything to and around Golerich has been of the quietest nature, always es. cepting the legal investigations. There nave been no aocidenu, no incidents, and 1111. or nothing to write snout iu the shape of news. The editor, reporters and sur• respoudeols have ban overtaken with ennui and as a result THE Mi...u. does not contain its tonal quota of interesting news. 'Niteroi No: LA.iuleSE M.tn•it. - On Friday last a very interesting game of la - cross took plan. is Lacknow between the Iroquois of lioderich aal a Luck/tow team. There was a fou takeout despite the in- clemency of the weather. The first two pine/ were not long in duration but the thorn was a very long and interesting one, the tall jest going from one end to the other for some tune, until at last, after about an hour's hand playing it was soured by the Lucknow teem. The Luckuow boys acted fairly and Eke gentlemen and deserve credit for the friendly ray to winch they received the visitors. The score was 3 to 0 in favor of Lucksow. P.us.tn Aw t5'. -4 .015e Swanson, Doe of the old and well known residents of :oderich, died at hie residence, Quebec street., on Sunday afternoon last in the 69th year of his age, after a prolongs.' illness. He was • naive of Wick, Scotland, but had lived in t;«lerich for a number of year.. He was one of the oldest members of the public who.. board of Gofench, sal took ► great interest In all matters pertaining to the interests of the school. His wife bad four sons and two daughters survive, .ad tt is needless to say have the fullest sympatitj of all who know them- The funeral took place on Tuesday last, the remains beteg in- terred in Maitenl cemetery. The ob- sequies were conducted under the au.pisxs of the local Masonic longe of which he weea a prominent member. Co Lir E xera+w. TO Togy'TO. - On Thursday next, Aug 18th, t;odericb's cmc holi.tay, the Grand Trunk Railway will run a speci►1 excursion from Goderich to Toronto, good for two day., taking in all interme- diate station. to Sebringville, inclusive. The coo -union train will leave Goderich at 7'05 a.m., fare, 02-50; Holmesville, 7.24 a. T., tare, *2.25; Clinton, 7.43 a.m., fare, d2.25: Seatorth, 7.59 a. in., fan, 62.00: i)ub4in, 8:11 Mehl., fare, it2.00; Mitchell, 8:24 sm., fare, 81.75 ; Sebringville, 8:37 a. m., fan, 11.75, arriving in Toronto *1 12:25 p.m. Children under 12, half excursion rates. Passengers wishing to return same day can take the 4:25 p.m. train from Tor onto, which will connect with train leaving Stratford for l;oderigh. Ticketa will be ge.ol to return by any regular train up to b 25 p.m. on krid.y, Aug. 19th. This promisee to be the bat trip of the .e..os out of t:odrich, and should be taken ad - mintage of by a large number of people from this section. Toronto is looking its very best just now, .ad there are a number of attractions going on there a the prompt time which will make a visit to the Queen city specially interesting. Tickets sad all information can be had from H. Artnstrong, town ticket agent, I:odericb, and at .tatiom and ticket agencies along the hes. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Ruth William u visiting in Toronto. Mir Mary Barna, of Detroit, u in town. Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Acbemos are in town. Bee Robinson, of Paris, is vimitiag in town. Miss Fair, of Chafes, woe in Godericb Saturday. Miss Reynolds, of ('Imton, wan in town this week. Mir Perry, of St. Tboww, u the guest of Mir Wraith. Mr. Lewis Newton, of Chicago, u vitt. int in town. Mir F. K Ball u the roost of !time Fanny Forbes, Toronto. Miss Buchanan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sharpe, in Toronto. Mrs. Kilbourne and weedy have goes to Lacknow to raids Mr. •.d Mrs. Vivard, of Petrdie, ars fleabag relatives is tows. Mim Ell. lean., of Winglrm, r visiting hr aunt, Mrs. Jolla W. tanner. Mime Mae Mcleod, of 8maforth, is visit - is tows, t guest of Mrs- McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw ars yak is tows, asd w111 shortly proceed to Ragland. The wife and daughter et 1)r. W. Poole, of Detroit, ars the gust. of Mrs. R. Prion. Mr. C. J. Macgregor, of t osrM_s d. parlament, Swathed. spent Rnaday i. sown. Mea Nellie Holm.., R Direr tor, Rt atbroy, is spending ler holidays he town Mem M. Rlwpp.r.d taie d the guano of Mia Lala Howell fah w Rat.rday after. MOM Mr. sad Mn. R ore visiting then ter, Mrs. W. DD. , is Lras- Min Ras Mdellam Y visiting relatives amid kiss& al Pl.w.illn !Worth end ea.tlerd Pier= Mia who w boss is tows kr a few returned b bar home r Btwiard • Tomftr,F. Mrs. Spa% altererre brown tin erne Mose r /sella bre Mem Miry Whs.McA3 .if Dana In vintner Mende sad nlarti.m is Galeria Kr. O the. Lbws, Pr., et Loads*, wan Ohio week vbilhtg at the rsidesee of her .Kit Mrs. t)a.. Beek .1. It. Baia, who ben bona Antis' is betas for eons thins restarted es Tuesday to Jaaboa City, Mlek. It. Ridable, M/s Radcliffe amid Mir Radcliffe have retstsad from a plo.oant vest to the Northwest. ;toe. W. 1. Newts's, of o•as- pied the pulpa of Nerds -el blWeediell Merle last Sunday strata* Mrs. Geo. Lowe, sr., at Laotian. .pest a few days the past week at the reredoses of her daughter, Mrs. E. It. Walston. Charles J. Heal*, of Harpers' pried*" ssobllehmost, formerly of Tag Stumm. staff, is sow in town visiting his paresis, John Davis, who ham bees clerking ter some years in one of our local drug stens left for his home in Wisgka l Tuesday est. W. H. Smith and wife, of Indianapolis, Indiana, merchant tailor, sue of Mr. James Satoh, of Clifton, visited our town last week. Mar Siap.en left Wedamday afternoon at four o'olote to resume her studies. Nisi Simpson wee the greet of Mir Howell of the pa.onK.. I'etrolia Topic : P. B. Wallace, who ab- ly ltly repreaenta the wholesale leather asd ahue- finding house of 1). McLean k Co , of Lon dos, wise in town this week. .1w. Sullivan, of Guelph, and his mother are .fatting friends in this section. Mr. Sullivan is tow a partner to a flouruhmv tailoring Insister •m the Royal City. Mr. Isadore L Hill one of our summer visitors left oo Tuesday afternten for fort Hurou on his way to he home Mr. Hill was vreatly delighted with this part of the country. Mr. Harvey, for some time connected with the local branch of the Bank of Mew• treat, hos boas promoted to the branch at So John, lt. E. lie was popular with all clamors dams him residence here. LOCAL BREVITIES. The (:otfsrsl•ISt.sp*se rs hose 1s1e6Md to 1 Mawa Thursday A.aumt 18th has been. tr0Mtlaim ed civic holiday in the town of t' There was a large turnout of t;oderich people .t the bicycle wurnament in Saafortb last Friday. A large excursion is expect•d here on Friday from Bruas.•Is, Luckuow, Winghana and other points. It is passible to extract teeth painlessly and the p'tient retain cr,ti•cou.ttess. Dr. Rich.rdaes does 11, come and see htm. A very successful picnic under the leader- ship of Mrs. William .\ebesou, mos held near the beth aloes to Attrill's point Thurs. day last. The effort to introduce Toronto police court methods into the le odench magist rate's court on Tuerjpy afternoon was not • howl. tng success. 1)r. M. Nicholson, the West -et. dentist, makes the preeervatton of the natural teeth • mpecielty. Gam .dministere.l from 9 A. M. for the painless eztractws of teeth. TOWN COUNCIL. 9' rereedlage at the Regwlar Meriting tan Friday is ates. Present : The mayor, reeve and deputy reeve, Councillors Cantebd, J1 urney, Cam- pion, Thompson, Reid, Naftel, Pridham, Homier. Yates, Wilson, Dunlop and Nich- olson. Mayor presiding. Minutes of last Tad special meetings real. Report of treasurer read and filed. The followingucommunication• were read. m. Mitchell in regard to the crediting of $5250 to the school board for current expenses of the present year Filed From sere. Bola.e for the sum of 62,500 for the maintenance of the Collegiate In- stitute. Filed. From secy. O'Dea for the sum of 8450 for Separste school expenses. Filed. From J. S. flan asking for leave to rent half of drill shed. !loved by the reeve, . e000ded by Holt, that lir. Platt be allow- ed to rent shed. Carried. From Wm. lane as to each municipality taking • vote as to whether or not • house of refuge should be established. lairORT OF Pri'LU. Woken. 1st. That no actsoo be taken towards the erection of a band stand on the Square. 2nd. That the street inspector take action against all parties driving loaded waggon on the midewaiks and that he against parties who have beeo known ntto haws driven recently on the sidewalks 3r4. That a plank sidewalk, 3 ph.ks wide, 2 in. each to width, law; wine, be laid on the Fast side of Waterloo between Nest street sad Itritaaia ra ret =4th. That the (MOO O'Rah-off.; on the Notch be prohibited. Movedyb the reeve, s000ded by Mattel, that the report of the public works commit- tee be adopted ('armed. A number of accounts were read and or. derd to be paid. The mescal ekes ad- journed. ntet•r.S.'. 'TATsrsNT res irLy, 1802. Balance treat Jose, $11,3135.78 Receipt& Water rates, ?213.72 Taxes, 288.61 Electric light tate., 9(1;,. 62 Bill. payable 8,500.00 Public school grant, Gov. 401.00 Debentures, 19,000.00 • Bonn, 1,700.09 Rebate in note. duooasted, I01.66 Di.1ars.nt.sta, C. C. Tad office expanses, Pampi.g station, Relief. Peblie works, Water works, ti.g and advertising, school, Special grant., Seadrift, I.terest, Public wheels, Watering streets, High eehnnl• Bili_ payable, H.10.., ?10,399.50 2,303.78 8110.793.37 ? 8.79 361.72 19.00 171.03 4.50 61.48 130.00 326.00 6.26 201.26 426.64 57.50 600.00 17,600.00 12380 !2,41 MARINE NOTES. The iohisn was enwewhat better, of this pert the pest week. Behr. Mast 'wheal hen TOW. with 418 TME W[[KI.Y MMS(&T quart, •w. seem* hewn leseinniest Arg, I. .......-. le 1141 •nisi !".••••... ...........«. 0 A 4 IP ;.r•.......... t r. ililli M6gwe,.•� •414%1 We • 5tM14I• ' nereshad. • lie..~.' . ". I IN •t4i •M4i t ate. 75441 • *eel Wool • M •owl. •Mot • i41 teas et .sol ter Big Mill The sohwaw Mindoro sailed Taseday the North, light. The schooner Arta/ bled fOAOD d lumber ea Dy s.M Bad most week. • The dredge No. 9 est esesidereide the pest week Wesg► rough weather. The above catnptweets the sr poster iesued by the T1'e tern Fen' tion of London, which is berg posted throughout Ontario, °ailing the ahem*•.s the public generally to the dates .0 eh this greatest of (luOadtan Lire Stork, cultural awl Industrial Exhibitions held this year, uatrtely, :alphabet 15th 24th. One of the principal objects of Directors being to educate the maws stimulate them to higher aims and efforts, and make this Fair bigger, and better than any of its pre.lerem which is passible if the proper intoes• taken by Om Breeden a.d Agncult of this highly favored county. They enjoin upon intending exhatator, begot early to prepare for the For, make their exhibits' as coesprebeti.tveups sib; Champion epeeitsens of every pun bead of animals, of which Caseda is noted, vol be at the Exhibition. Well armed startles, stalk and pens Wive bees proofed for their aocomtrtodation. The commendable real of the Dimino and ..then, together with the thcre•e 4 112.000,00 in this year's Prise List, ism e surmise that the Western Fair of 181/2 e bat all former exhibitions. The Directors reactance the fact that 'u Weeuern Fair should always be to the I.ei ea en Agricultural show, at the mar '.r look to it that the amusements and ape.• Attractions for the pleasure of exhibitor; should not he lack trig and kava a treat u• pease secure.; some of the bat that cm is had. Among which we notice Ma.. Marantette, the lady equestrian of tie world, and her boom, FJ.maker known it and near as the king of high pampers, tir- ing won the title by beating all'eompet:ran including Roseberry, the Canadian fa%.s'ta at the Live Stock show in Chicago, last y,u, at the enormous height of 7 feet 4_, mart.a sight of itself wort the trip to !nada Woo Town, her ssasntiosal perk and saids borne, which has been taught 12 dims gaits Si very interesting to Wham 11v little posy Jupiter, weighing only 11O pounds, has earned tor himself the title of light weight champion having • record 41 feet 6 taches. The Madam also bee world reaown.d Four Home Tandss TOM which she drives over hurdles to the wawa meat and sston.hmeet of the crowd Professor K W. Lyes' horde( the goer est Trick Oxeo au earth, educated anything before .grilled is ole IgM" creation. Smith's haploid Plow of Mimosa r s exhibition well worthy of p.tronege, p0" essay conclusively as they do bow y it's for us to be deceived is tki.l•ing we see things which in reality do not exist. Specialty Artists bgsilibri.ta, Japan Win Experts will give daily exhibiting The attractiveness attending 14.1104*' oeseio.. and p.tao10t. hap., lr •nee .mesially iaesw.ed tks sir by tM s► gagessest of Madan 1 1, 10 Maks 1st dari.g trip..000mpasid by her wend*M dog, who u wpplid with a tas1K parachute for eraktag kis d..o.at. tisaretnry Browse berg add., if re Off to behold ibs gn.teet et great theta !M li¢ge.t d big thin ffy the .lclert .f skins pisoetbi.ge, t neat sfd of stead tkilip. lM lasso ittetrtaofiv. of frits weruie 114 .Ile meet attractive d.Nsaotitw things.: wish of everything and the climax el es tk. great a.d geed this�s wesiky of vial► and studying. the Western Fah it haada • Greed Farr -Sep‘ 1314 se 1718. 11M The citizen. of Townie have voted •M' 000 to the Toteato Iadnetrf.l Fair ler i► prcv.alnab to be sods se the groupie Ma yew's R:hi ration, whish is te M Witt t new t 1Tth e•p•• owl Alset! agree love bees aided N ltr the pset grwofM and a sew rase trash and a"' Ir"d stand to .eat twelve thensind p.nple r ~ fag buik sad gamy ether twpreveln M Wa'nadag 1 prawns,Thi pwwns, to he � end ds ad better thee on A Yelps sawber et las esseial Ott leve nese arranged ler ss'Sral'ew it i1 tare. are pret14lgsd, iba exbibils departments e wfB Its larger sod bearends my that lsve been poVW sed will i the W,..40°' Fair seat year. em aralese t teed b ram OR sit mad the are et wieners wilt se doubt 1s es 15IP .ver. Ali entries have te be .sets die' Ire Ohs lath 4 Assam Mot wet ert16.46. eshiall the b- pilerthe edema wird ef lie piss lel t�f m• uses s lo*sad,ss sadp boss For�pwt rd is lb. MK w M