HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-11, Page 77 9filn; -"=Q -' TUUirl1117A I. AUUUD I II, UM e141i 111i i'r r JOHN 1kCHESON' Ri CAS RE HOSE 1 J .. A full assortment of our famous line with Double Knees for Children. SPECIAL RIBBED LINE FOR LADIES In 8 1-2, 9, and 9 1-2 inch, at 25 cts.; regular price of this line is 35c. SPECTION INVITED. JNO. T. ACHESON. CAN USE ANY WRITING U. g1st 1 1 ilia I si 1 1 y 1 12 it 1 1 L 3 !I 11 1 ai1= 1 ;112.01 1 3I I t 0 J. • 1. Illai 1 IA i Op s >< $_ 1 _I 11I. oil f I. i aa a s3 .d i`e30; 1i i r a fall_ ri iI Il 30#2'-ro E -vii soma 1 Ali Ali 'l pCs! :$ 8 d s *. ii Zos,1 I =m3 le .alt a 1 7 ij 3Ii % ` ;lit ja a 0 i/ 1 e ceS Ts .3 8 1m. >= Ca � o -j J 0 A QUEER TRAMP. tee (meld New clad fearserwranse ttperk•es. t flu (xsotanati Commercial Oteette. quer lump woman, Betty Ana Ar- , i sisbmsd in Use Central Polio, Sta- gs Daybook 0. She was arrested for bevies, but will prolably be released slimed to 000tinue her migratory life. vas born is Logan, Hardin County, wben twenty nue year of age wee •a- d to be earned to . farmer of this rati- fier uncle abducted her, and ,loos tone, twentytwo years neo, she bee as the road constantly. I►oonims men. =emu".enrebisr to 1•.o. One ,std of las •h.- ready secured • job as brakes the „oye she fam.eed to • sail in the corner end was ptromotod to the Palk* d et hes dingy kitchen. The other end she FEMALE INVENTIVE GENIUS. JODMIIP.AMD Mehl visite ie Os Turkish tassrai g osier. There are 300,000 ..o..+hl tray.lt.0 is the United fifties. Palliated, d,eri imported '°00OODworth of Wotandgi JIM MOWN. Of the Ares of 189t, 64 per oast. were tin. %Amps aid only 4 pit sent. te .Iaelrigiby. Adages M. mere newspapers to Us pspulati s then any other elate or Ter- ritory. Fr.o.aa', Worst Powder destroy sad remove worms wittiest iajnry to adult or West. 1. Lae Wal, of Adoeh, L l., is the only Chin•maa in America who ruse • wave umiak farm. Rdwsrd B. Stkliag, of Treater, N. J., owes a Msmr w.rth $1,000, for wines be .aid sine .mite. The Attest. Co..fitatios assessed the other day that • new college was to be "corner stetted." Nei the liver and bowels by the jedrsfou. s.s of National Pills, Skov are purely variable. 1. The wealth of the United Slams het ph 3,648,000,000 and that of Great tun at $50,000,000,000. Ember Ct., • Fr.aes priest, stationed .i 41411111111111111. recently found • Meet of the time of King David in his door yard. Tim highest price ever paid for a bores was $160,000, tie amount paid by Senator Stanford to Malcom Forbes for Axtell Milburn's Aromatic Quinine Wine is dis- tinctly superior to any other as en •poette- iag Maio and fereffier. lm On the top of • church tower in Utica, N. Y., • mountain sus is growing. b is new about fifteen yeah old and is .eves feet Wit Aa • healing, soothing application for cute, wound,, bruises and teres, there is nothing better than Vatoria Carbolic Salva lm The Woman's Christian Temperance Union bas established • free milk booth os Frasklis quare, Philadelphia It is well Th The number of nears, cigarettes and cberoota embk.d in this ooantry last year is plaited at about 7,442,000 by • retest gov- ernm.st report The United Staten baa mem than 500,000 bearing banana plash, 200,000 bearing lemon tress, 4,000,000 oast!• trees gad 21,- 000,000 pineapple tinea San Frosoisoo bus as earthquake proof hotel It is eoestruet.d el ices .rd in the form of two hollow puree, ons within the other, arranged go as to braes ewe ober. The little town of Camberlaad is Rhode bland bosom of . mest1ei house which was bunt in 1740. The Int* President Garfield's mother won►iped is it is bur youth. The tiree longest riven in the world ars : Th. Missouri, from im mores to the mouth of the lower Mi-d.sipp, 4,575 miles : the Amason, 3,944 mike, and the Nile, 3,500 muse. Charles Wood, • druggist of H.rlesion, KngIsad, bee • brood of whim blackbirds, • fact which is vouched for by Land and Water and by several promiaest ornitholo- gists and naturalists. Maw • fhteame Wean tiresesveated e'er rsmNaaree. From The Chimp, N.,ws Record. While the sin wee trying to shine yester- day afternoon • woman came oat of • little bouse that stand, almost ender the shadow of tits Clark street viaduct, jammed up against the warehouse, the railroad tracks and the limpid river. She was • woman of girth and paned aloud as she carried • bas- ket of damp washing that bumped oat her knees. Setting the basket down she lilted • coil al rope slid looked about for a moment as if new kik croestnu the nver WhiNkug. W. she cyst the structure nave way and ipttate.l the train crew holo the Aver. Was the only cue that escaped. Fa- ng the tthln ricer she .rTtved aL Cia•la- still in mete attire. She secured work Mat, the 1 tweet Bootee. end relates • Ihngetpeneoce in cwsetetios a nth this of her journey. There were three !thy irmengers on hoard destined for sbvit tin the Dight atter leaving Om- an two negro boat heads murdered the . ps 1*, bo s and, afar robbinghem, its tsar les into tit. river..S a.was waned with death if she informed uy of thear .ettos.mil, in terror of bar she 'tamped over the side of the beat swam ashore several sine were find ter but mused Weir aha emd Betty de- ed. using the .hors, aka curbed bask to maim and roamed skeet for sees e. As et ening outskirts of the atty. AO sleep until t %• ssye die e nothing of what ieppemei until found herself in • asehlegIM s editml ore. Where she bad bra him by • body - ttker, who had oh{nd '.kr.her sad S her body to st• bet$. fns was at moos hand ro i%i•dns tsonacdothaen0. but was rued not to speak • word 01 what had erred She shies the reporter was the v nae she had ever told .f the agree. - ace. /ler life is filled with mx.it.g isedente— idreadth escape fibs alsiw that while nag to 1 R•ytoa she feed • mos Wel tie red Le hiss tha she e *4 Sanvitan, and that spas bio whmgsent tovef, be amused her of •tt..ptitg le neer Wm, sad ,bat alts�som�d I I7ached by the hiosds Hi Leri lbs 1r sot toothed a peer ler vies ass 'ad b very ream fibs i. a pay- *l'oed wasdsr, sed her Menge. 1 mod - 14, corder as the remarlksW De* Ar sans neatly sod elm hseNly it i$IMlt. a tams fill. b 1iono. fur Hew woes hem 1°hottne, w HM 1 was sen agitat 3 10,, and, as the time, wield tees haw 101 hol deatha• gram we 7 sall'^K, • head emilin(d i Dr. Stuart el WW tfeswbery, Wk set•d like rile ea toy tspMe.6 lb this Wrists 1 wesdi met he mise ren. Jim W. iaasm--ws 3616 M Ps.lw, Mampsite P. Q. twitted .holt • telegraph pole thin feet away. This .ba strung the lithe with .op - ping flannels mad i few white articles that dripped with indigo. 1V"hen the has was crowded full the bas- ket was tent empty. There were so more telegraph peke The .lack of t be litre weski norreacli back to the bones. (a the side track .tool two freight airs that had bogs then since Saturday evening. The wanes a1med the rope from the telegraph pole •ed found that it would reach the end Mille ear. She tied it there. A RIlitts with clothespins she ioorated t waueeii.s with some white .kiss and other 1� that waved phantom gestures in the y air. This being aooempliehed she tock'• gumU bucket and went in the gassed direstios of Kinzie street. No sooner lad aha disappeared than • 1r.iakt algins came backing down and y •ppro•ohsd the two oars. A brakeman waved his arms and there wee • how The femme of domestic wear drop- ped esti! the pillow -cams dragged in the shiers. The brakeman gravid his erns Zreetha mei mt�oved, aha list tatted itself, and Oat the wOOaa -N armed ib mem More was • .map. The reps with lea Mittens( attachments waved like the tail of • Mile s the oar rolled amiy. The worms wee aethm•tic •ad gave ep au, chose after a hundred yards. As for eke brakeman and esgls.er, they did not know what had happened until they took an investor, at • way stollen. C. C. Rt. HART O & Co. 1:sr:rtssex,—For yeah I have been troubled with .crofulous eons upon my face. I bare .pent hundreds of dollars trying to effect • cors without any result. t am hb.appppr� to say one bottle of /AWARD'S LLNIMttNT entirely cared me .std I can heartily recommend it to all as the best medicine in the world. RONALD WINN4', tisy6eld, (lot. • P u IA gR LM-A_E31NC- ROF =TABLE THE PRI= ABB PC,PUYAR 1 THE GOODS ARE PLEASING 1 TRADING WITH LIE I8 PROFITABLE Pie Have serarN7. Paper, sur ` F•vesta' paper r' The gentlrnwn looked down curiously on the mite of I.rmanity, the two-footnewsboy .ad said, with • slight smile : " Can you change • quarter `.. " I can get it changed mighty quick '" was the prompt reply. " Do you went • Pi 1 es, • said the gentleman. " Rut," be added, beeitatingiy, " bow do I know you ♦►Alt bring back the changer' " Yon don't know it, replied the little fellow. sharply. , Ther i must trust to your honesty '" " That's •boat the size of it. Or—Hold on : Here's your security. There's thirty- four paper in this bundle. Ketch on to fissm tire. flans. Demi Kos,—Fur .steel years my sister edland hes liver cemplaise. As doctor mm bar as hap ens triad B. B B., whisk cured larmeiVetely. 1 tan reeelnillOnll 1E to all. Mrs. MArD Gutur, 2 Lyons, Oat THREE P's IN ONE POD. ALECK SAUNDERS, WEST STREET Has all kinds of Novelties for the Kitchen, And will procure New Things as fast as they appear. GRAITE IRONWARE CLEAN, HEALTHFUL, DURABLE. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK TO HAND N / IN SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PANS, PRESERVING KETTLES, Etc. THE NEW WHITE -WARE Before the gentleman could r.moasaate the boy had placed the boodle of papers is his same sad was off like • duh. He ens gens perhaps three militates, but darfsg that One the g.odenten was resder- rerabls A half -do m of bin sugwsieta•oes peered, and each one et5. enquire if he bad rose into the oew.psper business, sad how it paid, while the ssuelesys gathered around gad jeered him, nuke the impression that he was as tagrisper. So be gave • great sigh of relief when Ow boy returned and put twenty-four costs ha his h " I Mie% rooedaway, did I " be said, witb a ,1esrfwl Rria ' No, answered the .an, witb • groan : " but if you hadn't tetsrasd in smother minute, I would have rust away." " And Meta es este tea oasts!" 4.- maadod the iudismatty. —BatG� Nnhat.as AY and atop to explain Mew me Urine tee ma Slum the Toss. Wm", Nelle Maks Mum lite .ens ataoetim plea w earth. y.elem. i icy dg 1 nyaMs Tank h..kly whit hie is .stars M thio be 1. IntemMod. Mahn him ewepinehis for the perlae.ree of a r.11ed arils .f daily duties 8s.etlmst Wee kis frinsds to year bass sed labia Tsar palls to know W so- ereiMa �Deyb �.dnl Myron epos his sed tett may. es 1 re 4ted tare tees) Mtllers tdntmsns r the Mw. Handsome for the Table, Durable for Cooking, Chemically Pure. BAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE 1s SELLING FAST Wen are Kowa -y that iserfa s with comfort straw grans atltpbsdy sleep-sena—Milwau- kee Jowell. labood'• Unusual Is sees by Afdrtano Nothing like it has ever betin sold in the town. I have it in all lines. THE ONLY PLVMBINO SHOP IN THE TOWN. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. A. B. CORNELL 1 41TDERTA= r4rI' McLean's Block—On the Square—McLean's Block, er1LL CONTINUES T) CONDUCT FUNERALS ATMHIiS USUAL LOW PRICKS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from, 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ajNO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. Tie sew Hans of Comssas welshes SO bashes and fissnwsea,144 harr5es. is End as► of promise. 111 brewers and di.HMrs, 2 beam ref •rihiecs, 16.sliery mere hese. 8 diyhmaties, 9 civil sad .ori.. ..- �ss.es, throeie s sad agrslt.ries, res lied ewm en 10 iresm..iun and .sal msr- skrts, 16 labor .tsps -removes„ 57 .sns- loolo rho. 10 d•Mars, 66 pont l mesebssa. 1 es-.t.srwmt:, S6 5000papesnpeepr1sioio wed jeneesrete. M peers bolo sii beelbses. 1$ NOWA bmdnss.,..19 whip •wase•, 9i _N, 4 sleek brainy, 9 smieadly pro- iheloon 55 alma and ltiery Ahem and 11 sewterY.a andenriL A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. To the Front as Usual. Mmesse., A. 4th, UN. My head was liteielly far desimmi std sethieg applied saw edit, Wel mutt ts�s� Aa Dandrwf, • bow applimiom el whirl hes Dassde esghly reaswd the dse- rd Ha. is sen a psis to be MIA W.IL Ry `1 141 `A'rra:ek. 1044 NOTWITIISTANDING the loud -toned advertitte- mente to be seen in our local papers from time to time, and the now stock -phrase : " I buy all goods for cash," all goods are supposed to be bought BECAUSE for cash, and I am one of the few who boy for spot cash or on receipt of goods Those who are in a position to bay as above can undoubtedly do better than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the Golerich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's ,applies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap 1 SPRING PURCHASES And will have full lines in all departments a few Clays hence, which for style, variety and price will he second to none. I am not afraid of competition. Strictly one price. Drayer and Habsedaaher. 1 UN D ERTAKERS 3_ 33ROf'Hf1Y Zit SON Have added to their preMet business one of It. J. Naah's Latest Style of (My Hearses, ams the teasel line of funeral fmrniehings in the county, and are now pampered to 00046113 foueer•Is at prime reasonable. This department will be strictly attended to by his stat William, who, is the empiri of the 1Ms D. Gorden for the rat to years, has • - hsserisi. of the heeheeee, and by prompt attention hops• to share part of pub& pair• .gm.. Remember the plans—Wem6et. on your way to the poet dint (Ove as a call J. BROPHEY & 80N. • He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes • specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before purchsr- big elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Patronise True Competition. Tom CAs.tot PAcLWAT '. TRUISM/LPN YY Mew v .e•MiM.4 to give yobbo • Mt<h.s servlet with fair sad per maaeet e. -/elft look. 1t to illoitalle&es busts.n principles and to las tpIa aofNo prima et every roma. who nae tern s11 1 aur anal= �p 0�j�� ` tae bobsbo thresh awl' .sb1. ons ?rotas Q/ast a. �ILIDIM'-' sono, WS t 1.s.a1 Maaamr. edmsi