HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-11, Page 66 • .4444414114 4•44 4144416 440 .4411111•14/0 WOMAN AND HOME. Soap ttrmrew Whim honed thug obs ROMs Imo to bathe, sed Not she deem it twR..4 yA ethos sem..se ideo.s leer t• gibe a Remise hath it dawns .e her Not wlsre has oleo been estieelj eleso ' I recommend the Remise et takes os0s • week ae the sweet- est lariat toward preeerving the skim It is batt, K MR as .aha—ting as the Turkish ..moss • natured perspiration, the pores of t►e sloe threw est the dirt that hos aeon - modeled is these, clogging and making Nem neh..lNj, while the thorough scrub Not denotes and which one cannot gave to owes tlslY. remoras every p sebibty of mialsenY- msw and the various showers and .preys bore .w up sod make une feel meanie d ctends. Women who cannot take • ue bath, however n have its .ear el.ivslent at home. 'i'mu to, a very bot bath ono be goer. -to and ase ass remora More until perspt,.,..om is the result ; then lie shoo er, warns at first nal gradually p'ovrug odder, can be used, alter whim the bather wUI feel ea if her skin were as smooth anti white as satin. I cannot too strongly recommend the um ai the hot bath. The great beauty of Mrs. Ltttgtty was her tine skin, and people who did sea kuuw credited her with taking • oold hath every morning, whereas the truth was teat she took one so but that for a few a%„urente she ...mid newly stand putties her fount in it, but in which she eventually got gad from which she went back to bed lettere she haul w Cup of tea ands bit. of oast. which formed her breakfast. It nam has not tame for • hot lath in the morning it u tui.......-- ppaurtts.a with its brat, and how equally good at night, oI, if one hada it apace through which the earth sweeps in emitted sad steep, the cold spray ten bee iia orbit. Nor do we .vmmunly appreetate fruin i aho two languid feeling- lee ttug how rentlentlesaly space mucks away the from the hot water will tend to make oral hoot which the earth garnerel fust the sal: - Homedroop upon tired eyes. —Ladies' bones, out info its illimitable •leptiu- eome Journal. 'Way out In space is a cold re. intense that Preserving Citrates. we fairly fail to grasp Its meaningPer- The fruit is tint cut into halves sad haps min or 1111 degrees below the freeming- platoeel to ..ceks with a fairly strong .01011on paint of water, some philosophers think, ere of brine. It is shippe•1 to mannfa•turers ei the dark recess beyond our atmosphere. these casks. The fruit is then separated And night and .lay, summer acid winter, from the rood by women who take out the this inmtiate space is robbing as of our heat, rind from the centre. The rind, after the fighting with dcm.uue power to re.luce our knit is removed, is put int.. large casks globe to its own bitter chill. So, after .11, filial with fresh water, where It is allowed our summer and winter temperature are remain renu three or four days to free it from only',mine/mod by the residue of the sun's malt. It is then baled in fresh water for heat which we have been able to store up two or three hours. and when removed ' and keep hold of in spite of the pitiless .1e - from the caldrons at should be perfectly i mends ,.1 space. Our margin sometimes free of s.11 and autficientl) soft to readily gets so reduced e.n nigbta in winter that we absorb the sugar from the mQ a rup in which can readily believe the astronomers nd it is now reedy to be mintersed. • physicists when they tell us that a reduc- The rind is then immersed in a weak sin ten of the sun's heat by seven per cent. Intim of sugar, which is gradually and a slight increase in the number of wia• strengthened as the' .ower of absorption in ter .la) s would suffice to bring again to our the frust utereaie.. it requires eight ,Lys hemisphere s new Age of Ice, with its iamb for the .-wupleti•.n of this mucosa, the fruit table deaulatson. The balance is really a being removed eaeh day, and the syrup nice one between the heat we daily gather mole stronger. After the fruit has a1.- front the sun and the share of it which we lose sorbed all the sugar possible M• thts process in space.-- -from "Ie•eand Icemaking." by T. it s- boned for one hour over • slow fire in Mitchell Prudden, in Harper's \lagazine. • thick syrup of a density of (11 per cone- ---v - -- ting s, that the syrup will rime df. Then y y corm. the candying process. To do thins annoyed at their lack of skill in the use of quantity of crystallise.) sugar is diesolvsd . the turopean iangtaagea After a vain at- e a little water, and in this the now arta' I tempt to make a Pari.iau waiter nnler- taken off the wire netting, u is.- �d French they swear at him in English. mepeel,g . But I have aways rentembereel when travel. menus!. In this tht fruit is again fooilerl ing abroad the art ..1 the physician who put for . short time over n slow tire. The sugar an the resrisins of ole pres•rippttions into rte upon nwdiu}� will form t att:ril noels bottle -the oil, and the ... .noel, anti the up .0 the surface of the fruit. This w1-• rhubarb, awl the .u, af,rtida and when he plot". the prows, which. as will be seen, it found • tattoo with a "eaoiplioattnn of an expensive and tedious este. —Farm igen ! diseaa,s,•� he would shake up his old bottle Hone. . and gine him a dose. •And so 1 have cum Vola sk, atilt Variations. 'Ile- fruit u then spread over etre net- ' Man Americana Mere if'HB SIGNAL: OODKRICKe ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1692. What 1 hove always admired Ip Prime Iliwsd is that he its mist ewe of those esi- mama pladmmthee/;d. who sssosive that Nair b,. .sus is to Isemett, by wore, torties. and meddlimg. the !price bm..e tees. A Osrriaa, he jos oohed alter the interest* .1 pesmeny. That empire so ssteM.d Wilms Tram* sod Rued . 11 meld test withstood all SA - WA by beta' Noms pewees. He knew that lkaso* meld not be espadsd seam( s .a deal the nomies. o1 ♦leassod Lorraine by Osreimiy. He therefore took good oars to oeltivMe fvi sdly terror with Ramis. This was the keystone of his policy, and it wee . geed use. Italy, he k..w perfectly well amid not M teemesd as r to ally W defend Germany. j�� be was aware, would come never coe to Lor ud; for, elute he could humbug lord Salisbury, he could not humbug the llegliob nation into hre.hisg with Prance for the benefit a the I;eewaa Eakeess What has been the result of the German Ilmpsrer directing the policy of his a,•n try . S. has bruegbt Viatica and Hums isg.t►sr, and made the letter as hostile to O.rmsuy as the former. le ..heating the pointing of the ex - Chancellor we must hook at it through German rather than through English �+sus To arty that s wean has h - (.d by exchanging for an alliance eoewith Russia the barren approval of English apart flunkeys aid Tory prom jackals is the wildest of follies.- Loslon Truth. Vas tote.« Coldasea or tspase, We rarely reals, I think, how aasil� abroad are ezoeeoiingl t. tares rate. A maiden weal one watt day Ae-n.w the -nowt. With t .s, :trate res1,, dotes zing dirt tmhe ended der rant A hail..pa. e. A cold, calculating mon stood on corner as she passed, and bent upon maiden sweet at attentive gate. "Why can't tits horrid thing look other way!" she irritably demanded. By nundinz sea Thr girt .•If-asno In .e.umrr'a• ten With fight. ',.• 11r.•. 1rt dirt. n.. 001 Ws. there u, W'iha In n'immt 1;;111' Her (gum poen led s langua;te for Eur. peau tra,-eL I generally take a little Frrueb• and a littler German, and a little English, with a few I snatches of Chipese and t'ho. taw, and when I find a stubborn are sof waiter ..r Iandlord that will not understand, I simply shake up t.."_1111 he all the dialects and give hint a d. 'e. it is sure to stoke somewhere. if you .•anal the make him unolerstaad, you at any rate give him a terrible seas e. taut I never had the anxiety of some in • strange laid about getting things to eat. 1 I like everything in ell the nxm.l diet ex- cept estimated cheese and odorous codfish; i always have a goo.) appetite; never in my life missed anneal save once, whets I eould sot get any, and knowing that "eine gero- stete rindfleiscb whittle.' meats a beefsteak, The identical, cold, Calculating man stood 1 "eine maser" a knife, and "eine Babel" a on the berth, but his glance happened to he fork, sued "eine serviette" a napkin, after exclusively dtreete.l toward the f.anung that I feel perfectly reckless as to what I surf at the moment. can or cannot get. -Talmage in falies "Why tan's the horrid thing took at me!" Home .lourtal. she la 11 i ed Cincinnati " t C• peon rat y ex. •un . -- . 001 mCr•sl 4 ..i.tte. what a Wise bentker Caw De . She can take ten mimeos every day and reed to her children w sew wont on astr,- nun) . geid•.kgy- or physiology. Not dry statistics, which carry no knowledge to the little minds, but the name of plants and stars, their pla•es, awl the mythological dory ,,.nn,- t..l with theta; stores of the strata of roe ks, with coal and other miner ala buried between clay and stones; how the hot waters and the cold are deep down nn- . der us, waiting for ran until he mole them and disvtvers their hiding places: ,tortes of nor own hones and nerve; muscles and blood: the course of our fool from the mouth to the stomach; how fresh air Invig- orates us, and it' tants dry up the tisanes. It is eatootahtng how easily little children Learn the long words and use tloern intelli- gently. All these subjects and a hundred ; more are brought before thein e. ery da)- in • rightly conducted kialergarten. - task.; i Hoene J.wanal. tee., vas for the Young. Mo many goestious have been asks) on the print of the heat laxatives for children that • few simple suggestions may he helpful. $upprstones : These may he of paper, s which is tightly rolled, four inches )tag. , oiled and inserted a short distance, or piece of white soap two inches long and as th '-.k as a leaf parsed, o r the glycerine or gluten Mk roes which n b e pun-haaed ready for use. Thor use r not attended with any ill eldectic Laxative foal, as strained eatmeal, or a esaspwwtfel of powdered extract of malt put in the milk three times • day. With chit Arra over • year all soft -hake.) apple, orange juice, porridge of any of the motels : plenty of water to drink. M Gentle rubbing and kneeling of the whole abdomen. beginning low n1 the right side, panning upward, arrow •sd down the left side. A little ail can Iw nabbed in the skin at the mune tines, and the movie .warn in ntlnnsd for ten or fifteen minutes at the tame hour every morning. -ladies' Hoene jnnreal siee.e1,y stews. Blueberry Ma -,,,t an especially aide for a Meow tea One gmart of Sour should he sums. ed. after Feeing sifted Add to it three keeping tesapo■,nfuls of ►aking prtw- .irr, nabs tourprertful of malt and us. tahls- spoonful of sugar, and sift it again Rub Mt. this flour owno tahl•wparifnl of Metter Mie with leas than two . upfnls of milk Mae sunt use pelgntemt hare, ss norma dour requires more moisture than edgers, to min suitably I Thou add one enpfnd of berries, after A..nnng them. Floor • I.oardkghtl Ogee the dough on i; •.d pass. .t net to three /nurse. of .r 'reek r the* est het basile it as little as pnstihl.. tint is slap. with • hisses setter, plan. I. • beetwl pre, sat hake h • het eves Irma it M Id ottlorlo —Bites glad SAM WONT Gond Roads are 11an(t 1 to ea Among the very foremost agitators for the building of better ,mmtry renals is ex - Got .lames .'t. Heaver, of 1'enumylvania, who 'mule this the subject of an executive mange during his term of ot51,e. Gov- ernor Beaver has written for the August number of the Forum an explanation why mat communities tiuul it AO difficult to get good groads. The school tax, he says, we have become u•cu.tomed to ; s, we have be; craneaccustomed to toe tat.wl for .Heritable institutions and for the relied of M.• r ; but in most States the habit of gr ion.. se far a. oomeerni the unproven t of m rods, has been the efle�tive )yatehi of "working the Wads," s, that mn.t haveds not only hist it firmly fixed in their lain that roots are not proper snl.jeets for .Arect taxation, Mut that the highways might he male I.y • small contribntire pens -mai persai labor It is this long and deep-rooted habit and unwillingness to pay a direct suf- ficient read tat that is the primary causeh of our naoral disgrace in haring s. fear good highways: and the remedy lies in arch an agitation u is happily now going on in neem `state. fore a keener public ap- prwt eiatioof the direct commercial benefits of well-built roads. A Tow Personal ersoal Remark.. ' Every rna. describe' oowssdice in his own caw m.iscretios. A wrenan might as well propose ; her boa - hand never •admits after marriage that he suss the one who 411.1 it. A girl will cry with • loud bawling notes until she is ten year" old, when she begins ' to cutter, the art of weeping. Very few woman grew old without he mining more patient, and the years seldom old ub' 411 a 1000'5 shoulders without mak- • mg him mere fretful. The gn is of sixteen who' consoler theta selves young ladies should not snub the ' ugly looking boys of the same age. Whoa the girls are twenty-two and • %rile shelf worn the boys will he young rates sal flay remember the snubs. It pays to be pats *II the time. Every man aspects in hie own arms tH ' have ample time to get his worldly mode lin gond shape Lenore be dies, but ao Isms '4,41-14/ h•. klen hope to leave enough M keep their wives, font they leave it is share that Uma women lore half the in t lem.'s° gest affair. untangled. • stM Ins. ran do more thia�Is� eat thinking oaf aaythiag at ell theft ssye= else on earth. The hr orb composed of two sidt.d bearte • .dint 1 either in dia.wedia pearls at any pterions stem, matinees to hay, • vwgua, tel suggests thatafter all, as • maim we ' are a Nt l�ern.timental, and that tete think of the two banns with but • single �N. t1 mo the ibmd that a be .14 mhss$Y� 1w.& is that Hey we het two hearts with s eisigi. pits. sad that this is given M heis(i.g 0 • very emplemast way. The latest iU.etratios of abee.bmioded- n ese u furnished by • German f)srvant (estering)—Hen, 'refs.., • telegram he. arrived. Protease—dhow him ism the prior. IV be down in • mints. Cmesele•Iv. Proem. In the month of Merck, 1816, the Pasini Mo.iteur announced the ua.apeobd return of the Emperor Nepuiaus porn Ribs. The drat announcement of the Monitor wur fir from polite, but as the little tbs'td.•en ap- proached Paris • gradual change took pesos in iu tone; "The cannibal has left his deo" "The 1 aratoan wolf haa landed to the by of San Juan." "The tiger has arrived at Gay.* "The wretch spent the nigh t.14ironobls" "The tyrant has arrived at Lyons." "The usurper baa been neon within fifty mile. of Paris." gee r advancing with great rapid- ity, but fie will Clot put hu had mils the wall. of Paris." " To-inorrow Napoleon will to of for , The Emperor iia. arrived me Fontein- gates." , His Imperial Majesty, Kapoitson, e ntered Pans yesterday, sitimed by his loyal subjauts." A R.eth.es. Two old British sailors ware taakkig over their shoe experience. One had lint. to • cathedral and h•.1 hoard oras vey titre music, and was dos -mons particularly upon an anthem which gave him much pleasure. His shipmate ltetesed for a while and teen maid: " 1 my, Bill, what's a heathenst " " What 5" replied Bill, "do you meas to say you don't know what a heathens u!" Not me." "Well, then, I'll tell yea 1f I was ter tell you, "ere, Rill, give tee that 'and - spike.' that wouldn't be a hanthem; but was Ito my, ' Bill, Kill, giv, giv, give me, give. me that, Kill, give me, give me that hand. handspike, spike, .pike, spike, abmen, ahtn.•u. Hill, give me that hand- spike, spike' amen.' Why thee would be • hantbent." telieate to a Tana, Mrs. Stimson --My Clara Is an awfully deli.ato girl ; abe mkt stand anyt tng. Mr.. Von Blumer- Neither cm my Maude. She put on a sailor hat the other day and it male her seasick. It"' All the Moe la the mad. \Its. Bingo-- \\'h)• don't you .•mnlate Mr. Witherby's example. He has sworn off smoking anti his wife says he meed enough to buy him • new suit. Bingo—He ha.n't got the sett yet, hos he! "I don't knew ! why " "Bee.I won all his money the other night playing poker." All FML Binge -I would like to ask you down to my cottage by the sea, old min, but we hare only two bedrooms. Kinkley--Oh ! that's all right ; who sleeps in the other one ! Bingo •-Noone, but my wife W to haus that one t.. hang up her .like. iu Tree Lawyer's Lullaby. He Witt, my child, 'amain in ..tate upon while 1 propel thy cradle to oat fro. Let so involved nu inter *odor Prevail while we are consulting inter ties Ras that a little pain in motile m Ton ted' too . wall have no more of thaw 111 .end • cwlsas tor some wise expert who knows how to eject the pain and gay the Merl No troeseeer shall eon, to trouble tlee • gene thou dot own thi. hewt.e in 4mpde t✓�- And the administrator.. heart, ...atm To have, to held, motet, at thy de,dawa Comet the pleading., m, ern tatty hay ; L et there ire an abatement of the joy; Quash evetendency to keep .wake. .rary And vs4et, costs, and Judirn.ent thou fOaM tatty —Saes 14aeeM!w Pea M1.te, A bold spot - the front row. Old for the summer ulster.. Takes away her breath cloves. Hope lire. ; doubts simply exist. How to keep hens --shoot the chicken thief. The simple speaker u naturally subject to whooping cough. Tramps seldom take • bath; they hesitate shout taking things they can't lift. The man who is too good to join the church may be rejected when he wants to join the angels. A'errant girl'■ letter of reermwi.n,Iatioa is generally es reliable as teat year. a- m$nac. A young man may write kisses in • love letter, but his girl would rather have 'im- print them. Union County Standard. The Rhod M temp It Was. Three different waiter' .t • southern hotel asked • little, prim, precuts Harvard pmlessor at dinner, in quick succession, if he would have snap. A little annoyed, he said to the last waiter who edged "Is it oumpulsrryr “No salt." answered our friend sad bro- ther," no, .ah, i think it •m mork-tetrtiad A. tntel/ig..t 111rd. OM Maid -Is this parrot for said Bird Dealer 1 -es, mum" 'Mean he talk!' "Not yet, but he understands everything you my to him" t. a Fie, Boy—Teacher, 1 wish yen would malts OM girl quit winking at sin, Teacher Why don't you look somewhere els.! --Because if I do shell wink at souse Roy- ▪ boy. tt.Owe Apttepb. Ward Pherlwnok ewes one of the few mama who lived to ase his own epitaph written. Many years age whet, ho was Mill plods Robert Low. a member of the Hoon. all Cetmnrrwis who sat on the opposite drk of the chamber wrote the folloseing 111tes which were shown to the Minstar, for M that tittle he was rte.. it e f the Vs --r rheriner. Lord Nherbrrwmks tees. net M all • )leveled ; is fact the lines Owed him so that he rendered them into Itish the lines ran • Sem tie tis lottod ingest lama A gooks er trbod, s trine Ae�,. Hs�� Or .t ' ..y, sew V Y 1 ta1111ww Alm ..teethe. sod bas ens Itt hos t'Qesstwe Or .www taws Mese HhrbeessMowhe* Y soar semsbewm. the M t "German Syrup The majority o( well-read phys- icians now believe that Consump- tion is a germ disease. In other words, instead of being in the con- stitution itself it is caused by innu- merable small creatures living in the lungs having no business there and eating them away as caterpillars do the leaves of trees. A Germ The phlegm that is coughed up is those parts of the lungs which havebeen gnawed off and destroyed. These little bacilli, as the germs arc called, are too small to be seen with the naked eye, but they are very much alive just the same, and enter the body in our food, in the air we breathe, and through the pores of the skin. Thence they get Into the blood and finally arrive at the lungs where they fasten and increase with frightful rapidity. Then German Syrup comes in, loosens them, kills them, expells them, heals the places they leave. and so nourish and soothe that, in a short time consump- tives become germ -proof and well. Disease. OF FEMININE INTEREST. queen Libuokidaoi has •n income es Queen of Hawaii of $90,000, and a revenue from the crown lend. of $200,000 more. Her sandier army consists of sixty -lour men, tone of whom are generals. The thiel wife of Abram Astrom, of Torn - kiss, N.Y., is • treasure to her husband. They hare only been married for fourteen years, yet she has promoted him with ten pain of twins as trilling pledges of her affections. A woman bridge testier is • novelty in Chicago. Mrs. llartd Power, whoom hus- band died and left to her care and support three children, has been given the position at the Adams street bridge formerly held by ber husband. Princes Mane Theresa of Parana, who has • inertia for pets, travels throughout the Continent wtth tourteen animals of one sort and another, including- several dogs, two an ea,rmous rat and • dim- illetire bone. Mrs. Isabel Mallon is judged to be the best paid writer of her sex tnihis country. Her " nab " letters are printed in eighty newspapers each week. She is a Baltimore W0171110, a widow, still young, anti her home is now in New fork. Mr. and )Irs. Gladstone are mid to be al- most inseparable and • delightful example of fresh, virorous old ave. Mrs. 4.Iadetono was Mir l'athari.e Giynne and became Mrs. Gladstone in ber 29th year. She pre- fers old fashions to new odes, always dreams in black, wean • amp over her hand- some and abundant gray hair, loxes dowers sad stare doors and understands the art of retaining her temper under the most vexa- tions circumstance.. The t;iadstooes lire at Hawarden Cords. near Chester. Pall►lmatsas of the heart. Mum Lennie Isar, New Boyne, Ont., writes : "For two years I suffered trom sick bealuche anti palpitation of the heart, and could get no relief until I began the use of Pink Pills. I now feel like a new girl." All dealers or by mail 50c • box or 6 boxes for 82.50. 1h. Williams Med. Co., Brook- ville, Ont., •ad Schenectady, N. 1 . Bemire of imitation A UtsKymiat'. asew. Hannah, I Imre just been reading " The Last Words of I;rout Men." Hannah—I suppose most of them were tender manages to their wives ' "No ; they wouldn't have had any last words if they had had wives." - Chicago later -Omen. Stressor Every per. t;itrriummi,—I have been ill for $ long time with lams back and weak kidneys, and at times could not get op without help. 1 tried 11.B. B., and with two bottles am al- most well 1 Had my back is stronger every day. Yours truly. Mato L. Tno%11110yt, 2 (kskville, Out A might woman's Mese.. Whether lawful or not, it was • grave mistake to subject Private lama to corporal punishment. Th. day of ing aged thumb .crewing has gone by. To torture is to convert • ortmuta into • martyr. - K•te Field's Weshtngtoe. hark se 111. stetis. Right actions spring from right principles. In canes of dwrh•oa, dysentery, cramps, colic, Summer complaint, cholera mottles, etc., the right remedy is Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, •a unfailing cur - wade on the principle that nature's remedies are hest Never travel without it. 2 IN awe. imp "maw She—I Isis all that le growl, noble, majestic and bsaetifol. Re The* yes very muoh, Mac Wilkes but. err - retfsp, you embarrass ms. - -Bos- to. (;lobe. Auk liar ruses 's mod bks .e err. r DWLER'5 g%t OF o yfiLO R� 5TH B� +co.JC c yOLEs t A 5174 C - •Y RiLDeVr5c.%'?5Srs f , rlo+lr s 811 HOT TO FUMY' 258 LBS. OF FBOIT, T UTQQB, ITO., FOR 011 DO 32 Lba Fret Etc. For TulltyftTo Cis + + + + + + + American Fruit Preserving Powder and Liquid will do it. Try it, yon will like it, you will And it less that half the trouble and expense of any other method, and more reliable and accommodating. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the best known method for keeping it sweet. It will effectly allay or prevent fermentation and preserve all kinds Fruit, Juices, Sauces, Spice, Fruits, Tomatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Full directions inside each package. F RASER & PORTER, SOLS AGENTS, OODERICH, ONT. Agents for Ilutterick's Patterns. J nly Delineator to haul. NOW TAKE BOOTS :AND :SHOES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little difj`er- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, Cor. Fist-st. and Square. P.S.—The latest and best Spring awl Summer designs jest to hand. YOU BILL ONE FLY 12 come to the funeral. TANGLEFOOT STICKY FLY PAPER CATCHES the whole procession. Poison Papers, Insect Powder. PURE PARIS GREEN. LIME JUICE. ---Hire's Root Beer 5 gals. for a delicious Summer drink. W. C. COODE, - THE CHEMIST AGAIN ON TOP WITH EVERYTHING FOR THE CARDES + + -4 + + + + Just arrived, the biggest stock of Lawn Mowers shown in this county, andthe price will suit every brayar. Garden Hose away down' Agents for Badge I31cyc1Mt Everybodyaknows they are the beet. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. NOTIOE TO THE PUBLIC. 1 Ws have jest remised a wq' dada inset NEW TEAS! BLACK, GREEN AND JAPAN Wlieh we guarantee to sell at least 10 Cents per Pound Cheaper 'man can be bought fom� A tris1 order vine yon of the ad tiia sell the best °Orta obtainable. REES PRICE & SOIL M 1