HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-11, Page 4L
u ry-•ergs
Re M. ■eiIWcIMw.
Mos of raw --e ee
sad 10. Northetrt,
4 rftek. Ontario.
of eniesempstere
r..sug�et•s4• .
.. 10•
v' 1p
is weed, the peke ear sew
will be..... 180
Adver.smog lessee
garLte•1 sod other casual advert .tair,
Qua for first insertion. and 3 ones per line
Ng arab subsequent Inertia. Measured by
• Ma/srs11 naafi
lnbfaasa cards of six Innes and under, $ per
advertisements of I.;.et, Found. Strayed.
'..cont. Situations Wanted and
Chalices Wanted. not exceeding 8
0o..nrdl. 81 per month.
on .sale and Farina on Sale. not to
Missed 11ines, el for fire month, 80c. per sub
e•bnsstr month. La*- -r sdrts. In proportbn.
any special notice, the object of which is to
p� le the pecuniary benefit of any Jade or company. to L. considered an •d
Vt�emeat and charred accordinuly.
L.e•1 notices in nonpareil type one cent per
w�eri no notices is !IvanS5c
IA.aI knotice. In ordinary reading t pe two
pees than word. No notice for leSee.
for ehurchee end other religious and
est institutions halt tate,
tihilfgallelefti *a.rars Advesd.ag.ntie - ..
IA IlMt sed number of d•reg advertise
will be Inserted .t the jtoRowing rates :
Meh, one insertion
four insertions
• three months. 8 0000
,. six months ... ............... t 06
" one year 6 00
No advertisement Ise than two Inches in
k.gth will be calculated on above b.ts. 6
per cent discount allowed for oath peymeate
ea three months' contract: 10 per hast. Oa six
e.wtha . sad IS per cent. on • year's. These
otoditlons will be strictly enforce.(.
Aeons "The memo" Mellver y.
Sutscrit erg who fall to receive Tut SIGNAL
rsiol•rly. either by carrier or by mall. will
teeter • favor by acquainting us of the fact at
se early a date as possible.
isms at Year Label.
Your label is a standing receipt of the date
to which you are paid ap. See that It i, not
allowed to fall into arrear.
When a change of address la desired. both
the old and the new address should be given.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned.
Correepoudence must be wr tteoloa one side
of paper only.
trmblIArr'. Netter.
J. C. tar Toned. of Ooderlch, her been ap
Deemed Local Travelling Ageut for the town-
wry Ooderich, Colborne. Asbfeld and Wa-
Loal postmaster over the district are also
empowered to receive .ub.criptlons to Tee
All oommunlcatlons must be addressed to
21Ns,bo.e Calla TeosetrioeA.t.6t.
The subscriber is open to offers for
the purchase of the Newspaper and
Job Printing Office of
One of the beat equipped offices anti
best paying country newspapers in
Western (►ntal'io.
Satisfactory remnant: for Hailing.
THE MI..NAI. RE_,oi,'!, T. usenet THAT SIR
.1 At Mt Atirnrrr has recovered 'from the at-
tack of paralysis which hal threatened
him, and hopes that the trade paralysis
which has overtaken 'sonde under his rule
will be also speedily removed.
THE DEATH on Ste Desist. Wiese', Pre-
sident of Toronto I-nivenity, removes from
Canada an intellectual giant who for about
forty years had given his undoubted talents
and literary skill towards furthering the
hat interests of his adopted country.
li I TATEI. TH \T SANOrtiRn FI.*giro
think the Hrttuh linen! of Trade congress
would, another time, vote for modified
form of protection. That in just the opin•
ion that one would expect from a tax -ester
like Mr. Plein,:, whose nose has been in
the public crib for so many lean.
TIIAT 0W:AN W01.'11 IM IANAK En 1 1+eN .tar
the loyalist par i*mellence in ('meati The
Toronto Empire has been good enough to
furobh this nugget to Continental L'nios-
hag :
No matter how well posted we may .11
deem ourselves to be upon purely Rrit sh
questions, the people of (:rat Britain think
they know Fetter.
And why not ' Haven't we accepted the
badge of colomaltan as an indication of in•
tonicity, and doesn't The F:mpnn preach
the perpetration of the prevent status cf
Canadians' No wonder the Kelleher looks
upon the Canadian as an Intellectual no-
body .
MCAT St; • g7t *1.p
has brought an action against the Stratford
Reason, and he ought to he salaamed of
himself for doing it. The paper which he
edits is one of rhe most vituperative sod of
fermi-ely perennial sheets in ()made, and the
Miter and his onllengue .1. R. Commis are
lonrnay.leu worker. in the art of besmirch
fag other men'. repatatioea.
Mk Faaan previous to the election of
1887 hal the brief from the Tory gewgaw
merit for personally *hindering M. C. CAM-
eno., of this tows, end dict his work to the
eatidadisu of his paymaster. Tbs *se-
ethe, seder hie editorship earleayeeed to
fineen the epithet of "Amides- upon
Ma. Cameron, a.d for lean harped
.pre the theme with the ever pro
widest idea of making the epithet .tisk.
The mate skeet, tinder theedltdwhip of Mr.
ranee, prayeimsd that the editor of Tis
&neat. wen • F..M., td kepi aeskieg
mer at the.80js.t migli Tee lbscat. teak
ell Me slime aid owe the if wits was
natio* the f lesheeds • down el his 011•
sadisiso Sinew that etas Tim Illptwwr
has refired to miaow with Tam Ibrll.t,
Wt. THE MMIIIAL .0neinuae be p on
regularly to The :spec.
Mr. ' Fawn allows lits skeet to el0ib tool
I•mpoos &AIM. Mon' AT, WIMA., MTteer,
sad nearly all the pruma.ent moa in poi-
ses who do not see eye to eye with kha, sad
ems no evil m it, but just as woos •• • re-
tort is mad. by • tittle esw.p•pr in Stet' -
ford,tkst ma be btrueeed by law .seta, Io
brigs the ma0hlnes7 of the law to bear.
Mister Faso, don't be • chump : tasks
your medicine in the sane spirit in e'o(ah
you have beso to the habit of giving it, mud
tell the law firm to go no farther in the
buutrom of writ issuing. You are big
enough end ought to be aide enough to take
oat. of yourself with the pea and paatepot
and ati$.nsa
It is mighty bard to phrase 'the Toronto
On Thursday of but week when the
editor of that veracious journal was charged
with oowpiring with R. .1. K. Gore said
1..\URA Goano', and publishing defamatory
information matter ageinet M. C. Cameros,
ex- M. 1'., the silver tongued Nicholas Mur-
phy. Q. ('., spoke long and eernsrtly about
the method that had been adopted to stop
the mouths of Golu. and (.estrus from
givig evidence ou behalf of MACLEAN.
The World also joioed ill the plalut„and
wag not pleased at the course adopted.
On Tuesday last, when J. T. Geeno*,tf.
('., counsel for Mr. l'.tuuere, amended the
action by striking out the names of Gout
and Goatee, the versatile Mr. Mt'nrHY
did not appear to approve of the arrange-
ment, and in the report published is Wed-
nesday's World, the change made in seem -
thanes' e"th Mr. Mt-Rrttv's previous objec-
tion, at denounced as a kickdown on the
part of Mr. ('.amelu,N. Following are The
World's scare line* n its report of the ase
AND MR. MAl1*AM tal'Rmelen Hlg %*ILL.
As • matter of fact there is no reoeding
on the part of Mr. CAM►:ROM. Gore had
lett the limits to •void arrest : the girl
(:oute was under the doctor's care, and
for obvious reasons was not arrested ; and
to expedite the cause of justice, the infor-
mation was amended, and Maclean was sent
up for trial.
Now that the mouths of Goer: and (:en.
nos are unstopped The 1Vorld ought to be
pleased with the condition of affair., and ao
ought Mr. Murphy, but at seems such is
not the ogee.
Mitchell Recorder : Things have come
to a pretty bat state when Maclean, of the
Toronto World, has to constitute himself
the guardian of the public honor, the vin-
dicator of the innocent sod the avenger of
the wrongdoer. His issue of the 29th of
Inly was the moot obnoxious sheet ever
sent out of a C'ana.lien newspaper office,
and his editorial justification the day fol-
lowing was a piece of the veriest hypocrtsy.
This same Maclean stands before the public
to -day • wilful anal unrepentant 1.411r.
It is but • few yarn since he charged the
editor of this paper with hone stealing sari
having served a term in the common jail
for such a came. When a retraction was
demanded he replied that he did not know
anything about the editor's history in ques-
tion, but if he hail never stolen • horse or
been in jail for it, it would be easy enough
for him to prove to the contrary. This is
just about the earn course the devil would
take. His eatanic beamthood has been pur•
suing tactics of that kind from the begin-
ning. His special and chosen vocation has
been to concoct .lander and put them in
circulation, detying all the powers that be
to run them down. In this vocation the
world was his field, and the World seems
now to he his special vehic:e- and Maclean
his first mate. _
Waterloo ('hronide : Having accompanied
the excursion to t:mlerich last Friday we
had the pleasure of spending • half .lay in
this deliehtful Summer town. The street*
in the town are wide, the private residences
neat, and the grounds well kept. The town
has very few manufactonee and doesn't
seem to be making much advancemst in
material prosperity. The (:overumeet has
erected within • year or two • handsome
post office with every modern .wnveotence
leaving in it also the Customs and Excise
tattoo At present the harbor ie being
dredged..c that the larger Take steamers can
enter it"'�C difficulty We had the
pleasure of 'ng hen for the first time
Mr. It. McGillicuddy, editor and publisher
of Timm (:V1,tal.•H SIH' \t whose name will
boom become • household word in Western
Ontario in connection with the discussion
of the question of Continental Union. Mr.
MO:illicuddy dere not appear to hold am
traitorous deigns whatever, but belie**,
firmly that our present conditions ere en-
tirely wrong and cannot last, an opinion
which i. .h .ural by aim ever increasing num
ber of Mas political parties. Mr. Met:.ili-
cuddy ardently loves his country and ie an-
xious only to remove the hindrances that
impede our national pmgresa With ('on-
tineatal Union established hr, believes that
our lakes sad large riven senate hrrwne the
highway to retinas and that Montreal and
many of oar other commercial metras would
rival in importance and population some of
the larger cities no the other side of the
THE Tonnrrr*, 1:infix The "OM Policy.
is dnvimg the people teamed political name.
Theumndt ol (omervtiye (triton have
been hehayd M the ,...4 ire that the Con-
servative leaden would negotiate • reMp-
neisy treaty The (beware eve epsilon
were famed to shirk &heft as the tariff
geedhHi daring the hat greend alsstissi,
sod Gs the bye -elections the weary 4 re-
ciprosity eapwetiess wee revived. N.
wefts wee abeedwrd en the pbtiw.w
111 trisuered .ad disoeediMd paler
b. tl ..reel by Plrinieset. At the Weak
the (U.versamet w emM aim the duties,
awns toward tree trade, Int the "saes teem
raw meteriele, reser= 00rmere' mid setibw
supplies, rowr.teeiae the Imatlgrnetua system,
reduce the cost el geeeramens, reform the
thimem, repeal the 'remedies act, stop sub-
sidising political railways, throw the Pre-
ro-.laws epos their ewe ramaroe., cease the
incendiary treason cry, and give us a plata.
honest, unostentatious, Mauna= ad.dai.-
tratwn. There is enormous vitality in this
young country, vast scope fee development,
• fiee field for wise and progressive admin-
istration. There as no measure that holds
such east advantage for us se oust ental
free trade --that a Couservatiru Adelinis.
feasor ammo secare-but short of that
there u such roost for reform In method. of
admutistratio• sod rectification of tarries
abuses that • Government that will est it-
self huoestly and feat lately 10 the task can
do much to enhance the general prosperity
.ad check the rising movement for organic
em1.Ns eapreasat by ear Esteemed C.n-
Apropos of the scan articles that recent-
ly appeared in The Empire, the following
from The Toronto Telegram Ilad C'-ou.)
tills the bill :
LIAWd IVR an *'.l * ..MLT.
Journals that stuff their worthless
columns with care -crow articles as to Ca-
nada's preparations for war with the Unit-
ed States arae enemies to the country.
Stuppi�dityy that les clumsily in the bops
that felaehoal will make the paper sell ie
no friend to either nation at a time like
Here Where the source of such fiction
well known the ghost stones are not harm-
ful The story that arouses a smile in
('aneh excites auger in the United Stats,
for there every paper will be ablaze with
the ridiculous story that two Canadian
Cabinet Ministers are strengthening and
provisioning the fortresses of this fair
It is not unpatriotic to assert that Cana-
da cannot afford to fight. Neither the na-
tion nor its Government has the faintest
intention of fighting. (Lead• is not in
times of peace prepan.g for war, cad jeer -
tab which colour our future with the scar-
let hues of their own vain imaginings aro
liars for revenue only.
The Stratford Beacon, which is not .
Continental Unionist paper, puts • pertinent
query and answer it as fallow* :
was JOHN RRt.:HT mitre or TRRANON !
The London Advertiser has supplemented
its motto, a couplet from Browning,
• God's In His Heaven.
Ab's right with the world,"
with the following extract from John
Bright's great speech delivered in the
British house of Commons during the
American civil war :
I cannot believe that civilira*on, in its
journey with the sin, will sink into endless
night in onler to gratify the ambition of the
leader of this revolt, who seek to
wade through slaughter to a throne.
And abut the gates of mercy on mankind.
have another and a far brighter vision
before m y vane, It ;Day be but a vision
but I will cherish it. I see ooe vast con
federation, stretching from the frozen north
in unbroken line to the glowing south, and
from the wild billows of toe Atlantic west•
ward to the calmer water of the b'acific
main Ind I wee one people and one Ian -
and one law omni one firth, and over
.11 that wide continent the home of freedom
•ed a refuge for the oppressed of every race
and of every clime."
As this selection occupies s conspicuous
place over the editorial from day to day is
it to he inferred that the Advertiser has
joined the ranks of the Political Unionist•
or is it placed there merely as a reproof of
intolerance! When ooe of the greatest
commoner England has ever seen could in-
dulge in the hope of the reunion of the
Anglo-Saxon race on this continent with-
out being charged with disloyalty and
driven from office, surely the same freedom
of thought and speech might be tolerated in
Canada in men of much humbler sphere.
tVhether the Advertiser favor Political
Union or not it is doing good service in thus
impressing upon the minds of its readers
toleraoce of the opinions u to the nesional
destiny a the country.
Prelim premiss • wart -Top is the Sieges*
Mrs. R. M. Warner dial is Remittee loaf
W edssday.
john Kenn, • primmest ldemass farmer,
died on Mandel.
Rev. Jamas (lodtrey dad iL Kmptus
atter • shirt illusion.
Pr..f. IIMLaren has 0e.aelect.d woos, lar
.d the Mew• Prsebytey.
James Keys was drowned at Hamm en
Saturday by failing off • saw.
Mrs. Klnta, widow .4 the late Otto
K1ott, .4 Preston, is dead, aged ilk
toter Parrott, aid Vanua, Out., took •
dor. ,4 pares green and ended his life.
The uailntaker.' stoke at Moatreat is
ended, awl the Coen here returned to work.
Ralph t;mew, of Buffalo, was drowned at
Sgasn Chute, Muskoka, on Tuesday even-
(larks Mead a Hamn iltocarpet weaver,
WWI struck by the Rech trait and instantly
A min aimed (.rriere was killed et
Chrysler, near (Ottawa, by • thunderhdt un
rhe Hamilton Pity Council passed the
proposed ( $73,000 bonus to the T., H. & B.
Au effort will be male to establish an us-
dustral school for tnour•rigtble chihdreu nem
Herbert ]drown, an employe of the Merl
bank Cement 1V„rks, Tamworth, was killed
at the works.
Henry ('•rtton, of Tilsnburg. died on
Sunday from injuries receive from two ID -
turreted bull..
John Chapman, of Thornhill, is believed
to five been mustered an a druuken quarrel
last Monday night.
It is detiuitely settled that the 1.•ke Erie
k Detroit River Ramlr.a,l will be extended
to Ridgetown this fall.
lifietev. E. P. Crawford, late of HaeniIt o,
has been inducted( se rentor of St. Lake's
church at Halifax, N.S.
The pleasure steamer Princess Louise, of
Kingston, was Punk by a tug in the lay of
Quante .ifi Th.unp.on's Point.
lienjamin Wilson, the thirteen -year-old
men of Thomas Wilson. Pickering, was ran
over and killed on lots father's fart
The deur/age from the fire at the Stor-
mont Cotton Mills on Thursday night is
estimated at from $40,000 to 00,000.
F. Stewart Dickie, well known on the
Toronto preen, anieided by shooting in the
Queen's hotel at Halifax on Satanlay.
The tint two trips of the steamship run-
ning one the sew route between Montreal
awl Janice have turned cot fairly success-
The man kilted on the I:rand Trunk
track scar Windsor on the els% alt. has
been identified as Joseph Eagleton of Brant-
Rev. N. H. Martin, who so mysteriously
disappeared from Chatham on the eve of
his marriage, is preaching in Marquette,
Mr. John Black, of Fergus, Ont., one
Of the pioneer cattle exporters of (:saute,
died suddenly on Wednesday in Liver-
The Str.throy Knitting Factory and Ro-
man (ith.•lio church were .lestroyedby fire.
Logs $1'11fi,4pV,. Many employes' were in-
11r. John Hawkins, section foreman of the
M.C.R., was struck by a Denver special at
}letcber steticnt .n Saturday end instantly
• Mr. W. J. L. McKay, of Orangeville,
• has been appointed county grown At-
torney for Dufferin, in place of Elgin
The l'oontmlwtoner of Inland Revenue, re-
commends tli:.t there should lee • system of
inspection of electric light established by
the Government.
A verdict of accidental death was render-
ed at Ow inquest . nrcerntng the death of
Wm. Chapman "f Thornhill, under suspi-
cion of foul play.
The Preheat -el t'ornmias►on eat at Yu -
('a.NM (esumeens ea the *.Mart Free.
rte.. %eweampers.
Stratford Beacon : The Toronto World,
A hick professes not to be influenced by pol-
itical considerations in its treatment of the
(:(derich scandal, miIgght now even up mat-
ters by giving ill leaden some insight into
the Ottawa scandal, with which • Domi-
nion Minister's name has been aseocieted.
1f lad readers like that sort of reading mat-
ter they should get their fill of it, and the
Ottawa vane is big @sough to make a genu-
ine sensation.
Mar nit Observer It looks very much as
if the Tory heelers in Weft Huron have
made up there minds that then is going to
be another election en that constituency
before long. The Lomas seduction enttadal.
which was sprung upon M. C. Cameron
during his aberece prior to the last elec-
tion, and ,which was promptly withdrawn
upon Mr.Csmeron's return to Goderich, h••
been revived, with every indication of a set
purpose to spread dander b roadaet no
matter what the met. The editor of the
(;odench Star was immediate) arrested
or criminal libel, and the editor of the
Leoato World, who took up the role of
filth flinger ander the pretense of giving
the ?.,lite both .ides of the story, h.s also
been arrested on • criminal charge. When
newspapers deilostld to the gotten to serve
party purposes they are no longer entitled
to the nonsid.ration'that should always he
given to the prem in its efforts to fmraisb the
public with legitimate news
.or owe oer espt.4eet.
The first threshing done in this ricinity
was at M, Smith's, 12th (Non., Walt W.-
jlasse.h last week.
Messrs Thomson and ,Smith have bought
• tOrsghing machine and will no doubt do
their share of work.
Sunset Brown, 12th one. told last week
39 bead d settle Mr the Regl.h market,
realists( • geed profit.
The farmer. arehomy %akietg of Mak
Apr*, m- it rihomypened very flet .her Mat
wry warm weedier i. July.
Mre. Wen 1111.hi.. 12th esu as lbase
� M
M Mr she m
seawhat better.
Refute : 60 halide are nate en the My
roll of Brussels Ses null
(Batu. (' p t.Wyse, sad wife, ar•ewe -
weeding rite tl.hsti.n army here now.
Clinton . T. C. Orem hes to his garden •
stalk of Dare 9ft. Iiia. high ; who's neat. --
BrearrM : Mr.. Duncan M.Nill•n fell
the other day and svcrvly injured her
Kanter : A. J. McTavish purchased •
fine driving horse frau Mr. McKay of
Exeter : John Hawk/sham thrashed his
fall wheat ou Meudey, and oft 17 owes bad
over 400 timbals.
Tureherry : Jas. Pariah. of Turnberrv.
showed a stem of clover the other shy
which measured four and • half test.
Exeter: Joseph Iiawdese jr. caught • fres
on Tne•rley last week. the hind pill/lees of
whi. h tipped the scales at • halt -pound.
IVingisam Charlie Potter, of rower
Wiugkam, has •o tar succeeded in cantering
the largest bass of the season. His Ask
wentgI of thn. pounds.
W ingham : T1s ooraer atone a the
church of England was laid lams week by
Crole Wilgus, who made the handeonte don-
ation of $2,000 towards' it.
Clinton : Mr. Kent. of the firm of
Gowane Kent & Co., Toronto, who died •
few day's since, war an old Clintonian,
having resided hen from about 1868 to
Walton : $300 worth of live hoge were
shipped from here last week. They were
fed at the cheese factory yard. Mees.
Rawtinheinver & Heffernan were the pur-
(;rev - Los week John K. Baker, 10th
concession. lost • valuable mare from mun-
stroke. The beset was working on the bin-
der when tee great beat overcome it and
death goon resulted.
Morris: Manche, eke three-year-old
daughter of George Henderon, 31d line,
remised a severe kick on the face the other
day while playing with • young colt in the
pasture bele. She is recovering nilly.
McKillop: George Dickson, youngest
eon of ('harks Dickson, is at present spend-
ing his holiday here. Mr. Dickson lar
been in Chicago for two year, when he has
a good situation as stenographer and book-
Clinton : A. Woodman, of Londesboro,
was in town m Monday, on a noble errand,
•ruing from a sad circutnstasce, being the
payment of the $1,000 death claim, from
the C. O. F., to the widow of the late
throne (:renthama.
Brussel F W. Bruce, of Toronto, has
been appointed mathematical master in the
Collegiate Institute. Harbord street, at •
Hood eatery. The above young gentlettam
is a .on of A. Rruoe, and deserves great
credit tor his energy.
Me•torth : On Tuesday. Aug. 2, while
Ala Hart was engaged working on the build -
hers of Geo. McIntosh, he fell from the scaf-
fold, injuring his leg and cutting his head
and Mee barfly. He is r. Able to walk
with the .id of crutches.
Goderich Tp. The empty ',ernes on the
Huron road. (:oderich township. known ea
the "Ih. Cole house" and ,,e-rted by Kepple
Disney. was burned down ne Wednesday
nnight( l"t week h't suppnael to lave embeuhmenta and sentenced to tea years'
Mr. (P detemes health cosines n to f*
Meant Etas fine showed signs al roomed
A new P•ansa (oa•l f'�llaey wig
shanty b.°'geatad.
Joseph W..d was ea.sutad by slectne
at ChMol* N. Tweet. Isat To..d y.
Altrtun tee uv t�i t .tanio4 a(tw
winning • hent u tL l A west lama
T►a town d New Providence, 1nnta•,
Met Ig hatsiasar hours and deeiltap by
Mr. H. C. Frtok's son, whu was horn •
tsar weeks age, (lied or Wednesday at Hsu
bin Joke Morley will he appointed
Chief Swretery fur Ireland by Mr. G1s.1.
The tint five carloads of fruit frog
C.ldurnia arrival w London is good cup,
For the first Wee in years the Ares have
been lighted i the inn Mills at Phoenix-
ville, Pa
Mr. Justin McCarthy has been r-eketed
sessional chairman of the Irish Parlt•tn*e
ar party.
Dui tug last week there were 1,1X1 deaths
in New York city, 101►of which were (root
Lomb Tennys,s oelekr ated his weird birth.
day Saturday in lushes* at Ahlwortlt, near
Mr. W. H. Warner has boort elected
president cf the River St. Lawreucr Ang-
ler'. Aasatiativa.
One hundred and fifteen New Vora tuns
sager bore Wreck ageism a xop seal r♦
ducttoo of wagaa
The Ramat 4e Hirsch oolani0Kion scheme
in Argentite.
0 ; e Republic u said to be as
The urw battle ship Centurion, 10,ens
toss, spiral IM knots, was launched as
1'ortat.utla, Eng.
The Unionists of Midlothinan have delid•
ed not to oppose Mr. Gladstone when be
goes back for re -whence.
Geo. F. Taylor suede • mile in 2.1 1-3
at Hempt.n Park, Springfield, on • safety
wheel and broke the record.
The strike d the messenger boys in New
York in shoat over and soros of the boys
are in jail for being disorderly.
A Cordes Arm tines • windmill the roost
economic means of securing the motive
power necessary to rw. • dynamo.
300 Hum.Randmen attacked 60 one.
unionists at Duquesne, Pa, end the auk
tary were called an to rectan order.
Statietios show that about 1,200 mils el
rails. r's! were built in the United States
during the first six months of this year.
Warrants have Leen issued for the arrest
of the t' of officials and the Pinkerton
engaged! at Homestead. charging murder.
Ferdinand Ward, once the Napoleon .1
Wall street, and later of Sing lung Ay'�n(�tsr_a,�_{
is about to be teethed to • pretty woma•Q
The anew city directory d Detroit ss.
tains 11,1,1434 names, and on this it Is
estimated that the city's population is
Rudolf Jaac�sgg.err the Rothscbticb' chief
cashier at Frankfort, was convicted of beery
by ug sg
Clinton : Mr. Morrow, of the Collegiate
institute, has tendered his resignation,
haying been offered • peening in Wioni
at 81.200 • veer. The board would h•
preferred to hold him to his agreement.
they did not wish to lose his services, bet
finally consented to his resignation.
A young danghter of T. R. Carling, wh
playing around the house on Monday
Ing took liberally of some medicine which
Sy some means got hold of, and until t
doctor gave them to understand that th
was no danger of 'serious regnits therehold
considerable excitement in the house.
penal servitude.
he In a race war between Oegrees awl Italians
at Orange, N. J., one .tan wseriously
Pig stabbed and 20 others injured with clubs,
ve brickbat* sad stones.
A secret National polish printing pram
hbeen discovered In Warsaw, and three
hundred arrests have been made in mama
tion with this discovery.einem- The Market .,ral orf `'t. Paul (Manisteed R.m
that Mmnen,ta and the Dakotas will raise
be 135,1m.1,1as, bushels of whoa this year if the
ere weetlier c•attiauee favorable.
was A worsen attempted on Wednesday night
Summerhill: G. M. Kilty, the pnpn
is • painstaking, thoroughly et kient teacher
awd a genial jolly trend fellow, and his re -
mouth. N.i., and the evidence taken shows engagement bean testimony to the fact
that the town is almost free from liquor slat he s
highly esteemed by the people of
selling and drinking, this section, this is his eleventh year in the
Albert Parker, aged :10, of II enhur.t, ( school.
was arrested in Toronto fc,rabducting Mary Summerhill : .lash Hill's roam ran away
Loney. *gggae.d 14. the daugb of a farrier In the other day. with a waggno and lead ed
the township of Wad. grain. Mr. Hill and N. Lovett were m the
It Is state) that the knit fry; factory will laid at the time; it was scattered •Mat at
net be rebuilt in Strathroy, but the bunkobunkoand the men were thrown off. the latter es•
teacher has been re -neared for 1893
to blow up the residence of Cheeks 1). Ir
i.r win. a wealthy board of trade operator n
may be removed to Hamilton, where the
principal .tockbolders live.
The shipments of grain fro.n the port of
Montreal up to disc this year are about
double the quantity exported for the cur.
responding perfect List year.
The fouryerold son of Wta Resumes*,
Severn Bridge, was drowned in the River
Severn, and the Foy'srixten-year-0151 ester
lust her life trying to rescue him.
Farmer Junes Cooney, of Cnmahe town-
ship, has had three valuable cows poisoned
in the pasture field. Rye cheep containing
Paris green was found in the ft.hd. No clue.
The total number of cattle exported from
(ln.la to Great Britian from the „pening
of ttavtg•tion 4. the 31st of July was 54,-
601. Of the whole number only so were
A despatch from Ottawa Odle the display
a textile fabrics in the Canadian section ri(
the World's Fair at Chicago will be the
lar,•ert showing of Ceieueban settees and
woollens ever thele.
In onwesy.ence of the hostile action of
the Detroit castors 'Adele toward. the
13th Band of Hamilton St. George's Moiety
have broken off negotiations for an engage-
ment with Gilmore's Band.
The Mt. Patrick's Literary A*ocatsns of
Ottawa at its meeting no Tuesday mkt
passed • resolution congratulating Mr. lid.
ward Blake on his ehctioo tot
Cmone Ireland, in the Imperial Hou•r:enof
At • fMettsg in Toronto of druggists*
from .11 parts of Ontario • provincial phar-
ri•eeutic-al •sriciaticia was to meal. It was
decided to reeommond moa change* in she
Ontario Pharmacy Act, rebating chi.4 M
the .ale , f patent medicines by unhorsing
l'he secretary of the MAW -amid NafSmed
Memorial Committee,Mss*
, has v
an lett hem tis Mar
Tile of ileffenn through which Ids Lord.
801p envoys his signature for the memorial
autograph album and a woozier of emit
um to the object of the enmmittea
The criminal libel caw of Venom. v.
Modem' cane up for prelbeenary i.vemige-
thin at (ioderich, and after owham* was
eri<tuuinel was sdjorrnsl moil Tuesday
ant dto order that the original affidavits
which h.d been published may be pro.l0oed
in court 1b. Meehan was released .
Mir Richard Cartwright had • .venw
esscmmpp.e from drowses' cm Saturday. Abort
Its left Kielglpoe ta • ilii to row se
his eoemtry buse MI rho hank. of 'the Rt.
Lawt+eMy ami wse mught Is a squaQ when
she hest tees upset Rs ding to the waft
lar .u•rty kw4 se keel, whoa he was esu
awed by • eseple of same Gem "A' IY
caping unhurt, but the farmer was pretty
badly shaken up. and bel a narrow
escape from being killed.
(.oderich Tp.: The farm belonging to
the estate of the late Thom. Welsh, beim[
lot 38, in the 6th eon., and consisting of
sores, has been sold to John Green, for the
nom of 15.200. H. gets possession next
•prang. Mr. green has sold his farm on the
8th to hie neighbor, R Hanley, for the sum
of 84000; it conteins 80 ..ren.
Fordwich : Wm. Reines, the proprietor
of the Arlington hoose. FIWdwich, fcrnrer-
ly of Walton, happened with an accident •
few days two which might hove proved very
✓ erionu. He was working in Mr. Dirk'ssaw
mill. Fordwich, and, while trying to take
• slab away from the large circular saw had
his finger and thumb badly cut.
Clinton : On Sundae evening, as Norman
Fair was driving noise friends home from
(:«Dench, the horses were frigbtened by a
dog barking at them, and ran away; the rig
was 'pest and although Mr. Fair held o0 to
the lines as long •a he could, the hones got
away. Fortunately no worse injury was
sustained than a broken carnage and har-
n ess.
Grey : The res,le•nce of .larges Melnto.h,
e tnnemasn. onnoess.r,n 15, Grey, was de-
strnyed by fire early Wednesday, Aug. 3rd.
On the .fternnrn of the day previous fire
ignited front the etnvepipe is • partition in
the Summer kitchen, but phis was all pet
out as supposed. Rut, about 2 o'clock next
tnnrning the inmates were awak.swl by the
crackling of fire •mei had barely time to es-
cape with their lives. the Ae having made
so much headway, Nothing was eared.
£'hw•ago. Motive not known.
(:en. James H. Raker, the Fanners' Alb.
ante candidate for governor 0f Mtnneesta,
has withdrawn from the contest. leaving a
char field for Igneous Ih,anelly.
Fifteen thousand Knight. Templar had
reached Denver up to Saturday, and speed
trotsn were on their way from ell p eats
Denver expects 2Afl.0(I(1 visitor*.
In c nsequence of the prevalence of chat•
era in Rumia the Minister of Edn.atio.n fins
nrderrd that e11 the scho.h in the eonnt7
shall remain closed until September 1st.
A wall paper trust ham been formed in Now
V,ork, including e11 the haling rnanufuler
ere in that line in the United States. fit
96 property involved is said to mond Me
Welter Rehearse, a farmer .4 ('layto•,
rear Kingston,in. poisoned by drink*
whiskey,. doctored with Paris green. His
brother in-law is suspected of complicity is
the at tempt.
Marquis de More., and the four second@
who •.slated at the duel between the Mar
yus and rpt. Mayen, who was kilted, haw
hemi committed for trial in faro on a charge
of manslaughter.
At Maipnew, Mo -h., a jealous man named
Judd Fosdick .hot and instantly killed kis
yn0.g wife, and then committed suicide by
patting • couple of ballets into has heed.
He also tried to kill his mother-in•lew.
One of the tint problems which will con
!not Mr. Gladstone, even while he bin tks
throes ol domesticpolm u mi p.trph.xity, will
he that of calling Russia to •0000et for her
enensochment upon the disputed Pamir ter.
The Dew Imperial Parliament assembled
Thurelloy. Beyond the reoleets n of Mr.
Peel est peaker, no business was transacted
Mr 1: inside
given • very enthuse
House. reception both iide •ad /utwi.14 eke
Fav acres of water which had gathered
in West St. Peal, Minn., broke through tko
hank enclosing it read .wept down the hill.
working .everal haws. A lira William.
a. drowned, and her hnkg'
had him
andme•stn. beak..
The (ieodl•nd Rain Comip••y took •
$1.!100 contract to prndw.half ae inch d
rain owe 4100 ..re mi m Tex.•. Raiff
but .kepS&swlthoat eay t11 .w..s.a
hate oeatm jayet the r ee Elms
0110. rein smkssa
The authorities a Neth Dakota have
' ,guided their wWI.ps..
to hold • ceder,
owe at Pbeania•.e� with .ep.e.suptive of
asocudmareis agiraffe 9�y� 00
.esmst of the wasDpng .e.r.. dip ^'
The Leedom Times thighs that the d.be a
en the whims. im reply to like speech hem
the Thome will take pee. on 'Passim.
Thew b en daeir.. tb part (tf Ur 0s►
ssrytivee ora (/bseer so mmk. Ih. 4ONS
• hag nme, mad Iw dorso.. *88 d�.aJ sn'
Mrely apes tin mittens of the
It i. rived last Mr. 0 k -
takieg raise will make ..eyed It
meet@ whisk will stem. • rt es b Y
remgr d tine be has decided M 6gp.rlb
▪ kw seem ese.g the
Irish Mdse, IM.
Bromide Poet : Monday forenoon, Aug.
2, Win. Scott, familiarly known as " Soot-
ty.' and Miss Jane, daughter of George
Dickson, of McKillop township, were unit-
ed in marriage. The wonsemo.�hper-
farmed at Vieri• OnU g. by
Rev. R. Peal. Mr. and Hrs. Scott to*0
the nom train for Hewes*. whet. Mr.
Stott is employed la 6a1dleg the ..w
Methodist L•hwroh. May seesaw and happi-
ness •ttesd them algae the je.ra.s-of 110..
Goderleb toweuOip : These died ill 4leds-
riek tow.lmc$Jeanskip es day, July 31, Jeans
•aggee ... sad (led hxt to
bodth • few meeth�e
retire, clerk of Ood•rf.h township. The
teased took pros to the God.r{e0 eemtetery
an Tuesday, Anon 2, and, i• .pite of tee
b..y mann, the attcudsa.s wee .ne of the
krgeet. ru.cusu3 came with his mists
treat .
the ben •6e.t rear 1104, the lather
having hese a Puinsuhr Wdiw sub loss.
the female ef marries lot the lith el es aft
Deuescd was aged 75 yaws sad 8 tae.tha
at wee • therseghly uptight army seal ate
el do
.0 .M.h.t reel aria it Me