HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-11, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODEBIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1892. MINIM WHIM meievens are mid by 1M — in Chow is battle wily one b.0 see ei e ice A thaw ehlNntn ant been II linden marketweraireessa yearly, of • wile In •g.sA,eW Apes r Ma bend1m el Werke', 'flee semen d • hsaM►y silkworm win .a+ yrM • thread 1.000 yer'ls he herb. Th«s s Ltd •d lisasd • make d pnorth Ilea others extremity abay. A saber lash tile is worth in roam! ; • het,ii166,2110,and • dieyid•a, fem Misses,The ajapdsruskid North�Anarlose Wises are an beardism. The {caged missal Wooers to exist et the onset time is the r'orquel, which averages UP est in length. Eighteen ninety-one sew the Brat ischesis Y the import* of (else tea that hoe we Ara 1 • tire* Itofuao saatasdist' episcopepiscopal+op•l n ten darcb m the United Shales was recently dedeated d Nrw (irlesas Weimer, write 37,511 lettere • day, re. Tatung thirty gall.me of ink. Of this awe - bee over So,UW aro written in "'the city." Wilma an Australia gets the cusesmt of his wife he camnot get • pampers to f4sr bs- yard the frontes of his own ooYtry. At • public entertainment d• i'rris • re""s luau was hypnotized. Two Llys elapsed before be was restored to aonaohss- r Kngdand a new magmise rile, tried ageing the Martis*-lieart, hag shown • aap.rlority to target shooting of about 16 Icer ,int. 1t u said that toba000 duet wised with air -slacked lime win keep bee Gee swiss a.d cccuwl•ers. Throw it under sad over the h.ve. The bite and states of tnsecte may be •t mace relieved awl In tlammatton prevented !f the parts .re tow lege with strong liquid W rniwor d /called lis Traeger and applied Dot.. ith enough cloths w rapped aroused to keep the desk moist, u said to he an iavab- ab.Ir rrnw.ty fora sprain or brume. ilk to her with in the popular estisrtitisy Fcr neuralgia make a .mall muslin bag ie. as • ins anal be tries. tt with sl s People cannot be persuaded that there ie G h spot it wiU to the literary caning, t the work produced The Solo Of fled. The semi hal wa i end ma Wes abet aegeb £m.,w..t•tresp ram et the estatithense Y ! e (ist1. for coag /1st .ad „sat. `rte! ohs swam whoa le Nam sees:Wu'Vit weds hems celee :tit?e.g4: .ntg r..ad t�gtltr.' feniell �M ThtY.•..:• �ksnslrtl k� w� aeras. 1h. harem me t,laosars�i it k +qo es • err On the gturtes. gifts al and. leek ter • Maw sad •sd tr. piers. Pima t• W wn«, Thee leak r the sd seism l ease wham the „.sa-wled alp+ 18.. wises. Tawas wise w bM.• orae tool" them% whom w tab, .1t� Aad sire sire .wa • .t tight tb *8. le tali d a baby wee math e,�a.Mi Me • selvage pal, • sisal Y • tiitadk1 aa• tae.. It d,sp *8. p el Oe aid wet aid .oath sad ..etp, Meet ' Mather mar " wr bei a ton Thr .math 01 the .lass'• beag l4. Yes, est el tr. SM. t .. pe'.et+. rtop net w wile, wet We I. raid. 1he yellow hone* do and +rp Ae ahs .hie W . t.t. ib.k eght. M MrWj lives esta..t Y■d Nis Ow a elymeda t Mae galashaosill1 gWI .f (Mt !w --Th. Chau, i• 18. Laurer Bas& LIS.ratsr. r • Carom. se ober professions there are many great .d solid prises. A very suw.eaefal lawyer may make ten thoueated pounds a yreat. A vary esuaessful phyaioiur may rife. Shasta thousand pouwl• a year : many pbyei ians Mile eve or sot throws{ peen& • year. Of magia.er• it is neewious that many have meds oslnoaal fortunes: of an:hues ssli.ilses,•accvwntu.ts, *Mumma. the mem imbiz ler Laid. Fvem to the Church there we .derineries, caatonnw, rod berw- lem which m ossa&rison sith the zsajorit may be redwood ht. these are th..usando i• every preterite to whom thew prises are absolutely unattainable ; the rank mild Me remain without pronsot*ou Mamas they lack the ability' to rise. Noa form to the literary Dr•.(esssoa It sad till h salt, heat t bet, and place r•ga" P i t tt . mist n e ac lag rr o any im.xrtn• to be yon .wt of it. So that The heat for a /•:nig time and will greatly hough itLErrs PURE POWDERED Y E .mST208101111T, BUT. �s.. ' t':r te itsr s.► - clear W Y s:.....• sad amsgtMda a W. vt..�.o. A asa1. T11n„rr�- Net meq years ago the house d • well. snows clergymen in hew York was metered by a burglar. to his stealthy ssarab for pleader the fellow ventured too far, and awoke the owner. The minister, being • brave and imams - lar man, wised and disarmed the thief, who, after • short struggle, to which the minister had the aswtanee of members of his family, was securely bound. Then the burglar was marched to the nearest polio. ■ tattou,where he was left..: • ly in the bands of the law. It was the way of the clergyman to make thorough work with what he bags., and be followed the case till be saw the culprit tried and seetenowl to State prison for three years. But this was not the end of his thorough work. He had suppressed a criminal, and served the ends of pewter ; now he thought of the criminal as a fellow -man. He visited hem is prison, talked with hem in s trisodly manner, and won hie con- fidence. Bp arrangement with the prison iietthorrius Ins seat him letters and received g. • 'fie c0rrespondeoce sad repeated visits produced the best effect, and scarcely a year had passed when the clergyman felt oertun that the character of his convict friend was radically changed. The men's behavior inclined his keepers to the same good opinion. After waiting a proper time the clergy- man applied to the governor, secured the prisoner • pardon - and befrien.ied Aim atter 8u release. The repentant burglar ►same • worthy member of society ane of the ehurch ; and today he is one of the late Doctor Howard Crosby's sincerest moa yawn. Here u an instance of real victory of geed over evil, of order over disorder, of right over wrong. We are apt to repand the criminal by whom we suffer as s serpent to be trodden on Lod flung out of the way ; and human laws recognize no duty in his case beyond the penalty they inflict. But the law of Christ goes further, aid wins a safer triumph. s Kindness follows the Duniehe.l evil -doer and tries to reform him. They who ” walk humbly with Goal " will both " do justly and love mercy." -- Youth's Companion. robe%e. The latest mineral div sans is a deposit of black Ati- lt it Mark as jet, exceedingly h ri and tab a oa1Irpam� fee polish. The ledge is tdlaseed ds the hete d t:e vol aura and is said tokaeery extensive. testy be almost .divine, though it provide teaching, leading, amusement for world. appears in the light of • el hungry poet., all with these the man wM, hast the bag, mad beseeching aid for Few relicts of antiquity we w curiously interesting as the charts employed by an. are mot quite so had Yet Ohio, cent mariners, which have iwyed an ling ago. a statement was made in The them wry/ so many extraor mosMses. Auden that there were *1117 men aid women horrible dragons and terrific giants sasiMRt jm Great Britain and the States who were lel here and there. making • thousand peals • years and apo The little town at W►itesville, Ilene. ward m writing .els, the stateless' was gernery'c. unty, Ind., his • preacher whets neared with derisive laughter. Fifty a converted eowlrot, prise -fighter and pa. assdids miaking • %boomed • year? 1m - 'illation e.ht,..v. lie is ale a reformed 1 yer..Io for and poet. and has had U. he pat Sommer, wa* maw leby one who knew what anter tmi& to keep the peace. be was saying. It is • true statement ; it Edgar Salton tries to Natter Chicago b ta the real press ofmitie• prohon calling New York sad San Francisco nab. There are in London alone, it is said, Melo see of that eit. bat • satirical man from iftellsand people who in some brands or Kansas Fay dechres that whim Chicago titer exercise the literary pndeserou. Fifty roads this remark she will oak, "What i of then. Icy writing hove& nuke oyer • the mater with London sad Helbxierne r thottsaosl puun.& . Yew- . The tint .lay of the Chemise New Year's number . f men who actually live bey fear,rs .alle.l "Bird*. day- (key yet), mai the prodootem of achiralm the work, apart tra feathered tribes d, leto mind the utility d , je.innn in aav- .if rt. breaches, u momhes u food. O. Thu day .rn th...rth..l..x 1'hue•e abstain from eating flesh, and they sometimes observe it se • .&y of fasting. in Kentucky the public school towbars ed but ��amssssttivel. small. There are half • down tlrsnatWits ; &hunt a hundred novelists ; • few successful writers of educational hook,, . which are indeed • npiine wealth if one can few ser not paha a Lim salaryr t receive am greatest prizes • are these o the dramatists. ublishers* hacks. The Hach for mach paptl. ills plan hes °IN _Walter Brant in August Fawn. gave effect, that of stimulating teachers 1s mere scholars, and thus extend the bei•. Live.p..t•s Water .apply. Ings .-f edatati..u, but some have been fol A great feat of etegineering ltae Lees pg,.. making false returns. ferried for thepurpose of supplying Liver - Twenty -two acres d heel is needed to pool woe w•t.rTh. Lnaet.o'rima& lays .curtain a slap en larh usmt, while the muse tb.tcorponition of Leverpxl gad taetr amount of land under wheat feeds forty-two have actually re -mule a great lake Pelle : ander oats, •ijley.,ight people; _ J..wy un Mid Wale- - which existed as Psis patatoes, WWI smelt .eel ars, 176 a lake to the glacial epoch, hut which during le, and under the gimbal' or bread b it tree, over sui thoam.d psapis. in Iceland then sad easels tint in �vury equate 'lrh respect politest equaeasidee, whish somber. shout sorest, thwmad Me11s, le governed Ly represeatat es.4....a by son sad women together. There seared is the time cogniraldc y human record hes been • marshy valley, through which a tri- butary of the Severn .lowly wound. A vit. ktge, a church, a burial grouted and a pleased orentry lio sae had to he removed bodily ; • vast dam, unequalled in the world, had to he built, and the water had to be eon - R. B. HOLLAND DUNGANNON. SPEOLAL REDUOTION IDE SUBDUE LINSS worse suffrage probably think s ai Toyed through pipes and stonyte teaks as The Chimer, noterithetaadieg the fact over seventy miles away. The hes that they mat the lmh of the doh sod er bees going on for eleven years. It was in teen. it a great delicacy, honor Heir doe Neer highly and take better core of them than any other race of people. in every large 1'h .nese city there s a workmate whose sok trail* is that of slaking conies for deprtet grilses. The Eiffel tower u sow the highest Block tower in the world. A tic clock has been placed on is seemed platform, and scientists daily send hourly take arena - 44014‘ . n the motion of is pesdalas, it be- ing their idea that the revolution of the earth ren eta axis may be visibly domtertsre el by the experiment. There is no limit to the audacity of the Lout private detective. One of the most enterprising of these worthies acknn la en advertisement, the 'tinny inviL fee has received to stated as a psrliamwtary ran.hdate." and says he bee hese usable to ',knowledge "eon Wivlu.ny in erase- gnencr ,.f tine sway delicate matters ngtdr tag his personal attention." A earioss practice et the B.lgurhs sir sons which survives to this da teat im to the oitalrty of the lapsed. To inane the t!. i.ty of the bosses they band they mr ser. with a rend the shadow of the first phren. win passes utter d tae narulatroa has bees s the fouaoiauora le resmtaneed this reed in bone.l user the fret reek u...uy the cornet .torte. An /drama with the additional sena here imparted by the kola set, eau seders from ten to 100 Loafs' longs the ben d which would kill the laborer Inalh.rdy ensgh to attempt it without ssingths is- etg..ratina little put. Wbstes it talc. llr•silran negroit. to carry a lead with Ar.lty. four *1.1.s portent worry M cheerfully alias, dots ' .. if mash ass o71ts evartses Ina saltfi. .log " Aa attempt is 8site. mteds M wend hest haft divest from Gtitabrtf. t. Isseement newt appropriate to (tesla d. I far se Liverpool, across the erstry and Aeeording to sash& tine Wiwi below le sheet twelve daps The lin bads d dee ems left l oannets M N name Men - day eight. iferdt. his ism Is snot in New .amt is time t. M boded rn the d the MON Moe Io., whist i. with capacity fon the lea owls& The esu mein the eons be aims out lar► >p will y nods. erpries � eerie- lrqty will Mr eon m cis! meet. 1876 that theengt Mr. Gooey F. Dwocs, presented •`repaft on the Vyrrswy, reomenneeding oke ooeetructioa of • great dam, which would create • lake nearly five miles being and dram some 23.000 scree, at • height of • little over 800 feet above .the est, the total cost of the undertaking bgisg estimated •t shout four millions ruling. The dam was built of s•emey, the sloes mod bei taken from • quarry clow All the alluvial deposit was removed iee the fo.adatioe, and there the huge stones were kid and molested to the bed -rock ; .tow weighing two, four, and sometimes Cuss Dia fess each were trough: to their pts. by • narrow- gauge railway, and pet in position by memos of stem cranes. Major -Comma Sir Andrew Clarke, after • very •ei stile said that 'betides bat an earthquake po..4bly dIMarh the dos." Is length is l 172 hot ; its thiamine at the b•.. is 110 11.t ; its blight to the parapet of the via. duct, which serves se • carriage road s the top, is 161 ter. The supply for fiv rpod, y� to the origiael was to bags. •t 11,01t!j.000 Oboe •rsThe lake with • ktrge power of t.eees. Tlake will hold at Iw.t a thousand time that uaent : but s the chaos of there Wog at erg tits • temporary obstrootion the reservoir at Ossatry hes b..s mode to bold over 10,- 606,000 pans and the Present reservoir • �1�� dere. The supply is therefore Te!'•on ea pr.etilany ksexh u.lihkr. ' Newkiso rvela food of 1t beess4 8 taw.MI tow � bates hint" ptesb • .1 1ms s , ani h• MilanOa nous ire wanarsoh" SPRING STOOK During Stock Taking. DRY 000DS Reasnants and all odd liner at the peoples prices for cash. 'Iles Stock is targe and must be reduced in order to make room foe Fall importations. ♦ choice selection of Challies and Bedford Cord Goals, suitable fat preeent wear, away below tort--- 10 yds. for $1. The best valve in art muslin* id the trade, anti choice patterns and designs. A seaalble Llan Would use Kemp's Baleaen for the throat end lanes. It is curing mom cases of troughs. colds. asthma, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung trebles, than any other medicine. The proprietor haa authorized any druggist to give you a .ample bottle free to convince you of the merit o this ggmat remedy. Large bottles 50c and $1. lleow A Weak sanatenee. Count Paresi What yon call ze-re walking .delegate may not he areestocr•t, but he bar' ze gran' courage, ze conception of hoamenr Jack Waite --What makes you think so! Count Patent -1 read in ma papier rat he did call oat all re mea in zee( factories ' Pock. The nese* .t am>.e.. toy Mmsdeaa Lawyers se tarsal, predemoinate is the Lew &ltkeb Haase of danamosa, where they .umhet IK The privileged eleses are still is great fares, with 1011 editors el the soy, s.vy, wad ancillary fuses, >p ps.e� own .ad broths, and, ill mute hailers. lsmisses niereste are represented by fa w �*dle.. 8..- - There are may farmers and la Isis reprewta- Moes ; mad .ren H the ti j.r*.lf.at he all tmeed armee the chase atie .dam.ate of edN will he seam that, a. The Meat - seal Herald nye, " rank wealth sod kdtesse have lost 8.t little d their obi nee as ethos'% eosins. 1'h• maidens if Cartersville, Ma, be - ism _ arse ntmswhM shooed and saseesMy$900 a hon 1111: ikeasdi..henstg tit j� • °1 AdrMi' ht . i.w► sis6 MS �. at . p�psw p r i nr.ifsaid 2iW tttowed sethclit h lags Le /ins let �Mp of the eoplessinely �iiii-umo_ •n/iraly pr..lrated. (:x(Tt.F-Nax, -1 wall suddenlyprostrated while at work by a seven Attacof .:hole. miorbes, W seat at once for a doctor, but he seemed unsbie to help. An evacuation about every forty abase was fast weertag sae esti, when we sunt fee • bottle of Wild Strawberry, which laved my life. Mat J. N. Fate Noma, 2 Menet Brydges, One GROCERIES. A full supply of family groceries al- ways on hand. PIAT. Are you going to paint your house, fence or gate, or anything that re - genres improving in this lice. If so, then I can supply you with the material ; prices as low as the low- est, timidity considered. They Area aimless lex. When • girl Rets her lrst thought p how fearfully dilated all the other girls will be. —Peek. 1 r i..—• '4• :;..r: arch, :.!..c,• ., un'ocks thi3se-- • -;iriiie3the 'Blood n:•'. •r:asit Im- I purl• -inn ' . -. •i =Pimple to thewors.. - .! deur Sore. DYSPEPSIA CiL1OUSNESS ONSTiPATIG;.I. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMAC DIZZINESS. DROPSY UMATISM. Si.11,1 DISEASE R. B. HOLLAND, GENERAL MERCHANT, DUNGANNON. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. GODERJCH Steam Boiler Works. tISTABLIDHEL 1110.1 A. S. CHRYSTAL, Su rvasorto Caryst& d` Riack. Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright & Tubular Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers 1a Upright sad Horizontal Slide Valve Enema. Automatic Cut -(M Ensues • peciaity. All sizes ..f pipe sad pipe -fitting constantly u bead. Ketiiaat„ furnished os amen notice. Repairing prom le attended to 7!L•-Iy P. 0. Hex V. tioderlch, Ont. works --Opposite O. T. R. Sts tlw. Godertc b PLANING MILL ESTAgtISMED 11155. Buchanan & Son, maleOrseit- Rims SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Neaten 1a all kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And belldet's material of every description School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL SIMMER GOODS LATEST STYLES. Rammer M be otsared out, Nrfeat sad showy shapes. H. DUNLOP, The wset.t. Tatter. SYSTEM AND drama Tim nOrnDtaa Specific and Antidote for Ibt,me, weakimrs'rshed��M7 s- =K��wi1 memory,i.g.telia� stases, *mils% Wavy diseases, 8► Vitus' d.a.., task irreg- . laritiga mad one al lability. LABORATORY. (001RI0, ORTARIO. J. M. McLBOD, Rwprstor sad Maauhetuhraesr. vrrost • t�darmwetimhe irppbeths ens1wOwra ais.a mal aeadarst• drums k Dorset mod Tess. *117.11. PATENTS! COMM ISM EMU AM peyotl le ANA 'Mae t. j' }a ij . 1 eKIA? OODSI • a the Summer is advancing and we are anxious to clew mit a lot of Drees Goods to make room for early Fall trade we will give you your choice of about 40 nieces of good plain sound Drees at a shade under wholes.'tle price. It fay i the above Goods are of any utie to you, conte an s :Maine them. They are very cheap. .1 few lines of Summer under -clothing cheap, 2 Ladies' Vests for 20c., and other lines equally good value. DON'1FOflC.1lThat we have the great Grpet and Laio:c Cnrtal n warehouse of the county. 200 seta new Lace Curtains direct from the makers in Glasgow this week, snaking over 500 sets since early Spring. Chinelle Curtains, Rugs, Mats, Table Covers and Linel- eums and Oilcloths, 4 quarters, 6 quarters and IS quar- ters wide. Of - t1 =lam. •Me VU �1M R Tho PC moono a A wrw 6tae, anion pasta a■sk LDA COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse) of the County. THE Aga NCS FOR THE CELEBRATED MONOSON INOIAN T —IS AT— CAMPAIGNE'S ! Best Tea in Town, 0 1y 40 cents per lb. Some goods slightly damaged by the late lire, at your own price. THE BEET 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BEET 1B THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST I4 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 113 THE BEAT 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS Tall ENT I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS THZ NWT THE BEET THE 818T THZ BLIT THE SIGNAL THZ BST TBE BEST THE BEST THs BAST THZ BEST THE BEET THE BEST TBE B*OIT THE BEST TBE BEST THE BEST THZ BEST THE BEST THE BEET THZ BEST THs BEST 711E BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THs BEST ?Hs BEST THE B18T THE BEET TAE BUT THE BEET THE BUT THE BERT IE THE CHEAP'S8T AND THE SiGNAL THs BEST iS THs OHZAPINIT AND THE SIGNAL THE NWT 18 THE CHEAP ST LtD THZ SIGNAL THAI Bin 1111 THE CHEAPEN! AND THE SiGNAL THE BEET 1i THE CHEAPfET AND THE SIGNAL 114E BST I8 THE CHEA10s8T AND THZ •TONAL ONLY • AMIN q $$ • $ N• IN• • MI • $ IS SS • MI 111111• YIELA't, IN ADVANCE ! OPP THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST ME BEST THE BEST THZ BEST THE BEST THE BUT THE BEST THE BE8T THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BUT THE BEET THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TUE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TAE BENT THE BERT THE BEST THE BERT THE BES? THE BEST THE MITT THE 8*? THE WET THE MET T8 HMI 18 THE MIT IS THE MT Ili TIE RENT 18 THE 18 THE 18 THE