HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-11, Page 22 THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH. ONT. THURSDAY AUGUST 11. 1R tHE POET'S CORNER Oseellahb ■nab' teem. T. who have bows' the Umbe Stance Taranto, at the d.psreaw .( the doe u ien will be abbe to .pyridine the fel/owing lcum the Tuk,pr.m;-- Ire beard of Patti's singing. but weld ewer rune the tea, (Skeen they always rare the prices) to take that .anthem u Vv.IMtes.d to the English Lloyd, rad sec• ✓ igged • V To hear him obmbing up the scale and revel- I've read of Daniel Webster, to,, and cid Unmanliness ; One's tams was like the buns . roar, the other like the re's, But wh ver ! feel lusssunie sad would like to hear . ear That always makes the cockles of my throb- bing heart rejoice. -t I dept. go hunting vocalist) an any foreign ghettos, But I take a trip at train time down to our Cis• Station, And 1 mil epee the window sill and look the e'er. Attd yr Eke awed ot hissing steams, the b.eW end the rear, As five Modred k.eeted psple drive with all tide mien ed mein • To NtiMsheiks Its ni Ise trate. 0111their baggage and get 1t meets rte wise au earth .sold still that But I midis simile of widen * as 1 Mn as old NM ee.tio , Mee* an • wit of railroad bl.e,:a hs.rd bestreaked with gray, And with his ennead head erect he clears h onward way, Thea Fiesta( at the platform edge whoa everything is dear, Hie voids like fourteen thunders splits the . dismal atmosphere. To oath s road the brazen toss which war's stern trumps( bray. L but • zephyrs whisper, rad this is what he says: " AU aboard for Hamilton, London .ad .11 points west," " For Niagara Falls and Buffalo!" and then without a rest He alis out "4 .oderich "' "Sarnia ' points out each separate track, Aad says the train for Montreal is just . boat to back. Now when thet twenty -horsepower voice is getting ire work in No sound is he•rrd whatever of the usual station din, The instant Healy's lungs sent forth their Mint of echoing soused, AU else seemed hushed and silent for forty rods around, The instant those same lungs shut off the issuing vocal stseem, Is heard the tramp of the hustling crowd sod the hos of escaping steam. Hamm may sing of loud -voiced mee in hie male of the Trojan war, And how Achilk's mighty wail brought Thetis from afar, Rut if all those old-time heroes could be summoned front the shade., I'd back Healy against all of them and give them cords and spades. SWORDFISH AND WHALE. SIR DANIEL W113 ON. A J■iey sea Mery eros the Partite Slope. From The Sas Francisca Chronicle. Venters to Monterey were entertained re- cently by the eight of a duel between an immense whale and a •wordlist), which ended fatally for the linger but more de- fenseless monster of the deep. The whale was first seen by a party of bathers one pleasant .fternd.00 last week, and appeared to be enjoying himself lazily swimming about the ray ud occasionally sending showers of spray aloft lit. that thrown by a powerful fountain. The presence of the whale or some other cause seemed to trigh- ten the small fish that abound in these waters, and great schools pressed cher in- shore, the waters In places near the beech fairly alive with them, while the suttees was kept agitated by their leaping into the air as though seeking to escape from soma invisible enemy. The whale followed the schools of fish inshore, when sudden:), there was • tremend- ous splashing of the water. the great mam- mal was observed ao move hurriedly hither and thither, while the contortions of hu body and his "usage actions convinced the observers that he was enraged in deadly combat with some outer monster of the deep. It was a singular duel and at lasted for some time. Nothing but the whale was visible, his enemy never coming to the sur- face or within range of those who were watching the 'wee. Finally the thrashing sewed, the water became calm, and then the whale was seen lying moticelees upon the surface of the bay, as i1 dent. TLu continued for some time, but after about an hour he meanest to revive, and after lashing the water for some time with his tail he headed for the outer bay, where he was sub•euuenUy seen by the aid of • glass to have resumed his motion - leen condition. The following morning leveret persons starched the leech to see if they could find any true of the previous day's combat, and they were rewarded by discovering the deal body of the whale high and dry on the rocks only a abort distance from Monterey. Some old whaler. who were among the party of dieoovery were struck with the peculiar unwise in which the mammal was lying. The bodywas oonsiderable above low-water marand the fins were extended, giving the impression that the whale had come ashore himself and afterward died. it appears, according to the testimony of those versed in such matters, that • whale dying in the water has its fins claw to its sides, and the position in which they were found lends c»lor to the belief that the monster was still alive when it came ashore. An examination of the body revealed the existence of several wounds on the tinder aide which were of a character such as could only have been inflicted by • swordfish, and are oouelonive proof that it was a duel be- twees these two detainee of the deep that had been witnessed the previous afternoon. The carats measured tweety•five feet in length and the blubber was removed aid fried out. Fee several days the stranded whelp was the centre of attention for the entire country mead about, sad amsy hun- dreds of reeideate and teeriUM vWted it. They ire Sae.. M11toe's "Paradise Lunn" is a mehiept*mi, Wet it Greed. ilid you ever read it' No. Have yea teed 11 ? No. Redrew A tDo.. Oar (teeareetese end ..dish.. Dr. nee Irma. whin is the Reeky Mesa - tela.. diesevsni a root that when odmabls.d with ether herb@ stake as ray aid mortals .etre Orr eeemelpe lea It kl r the Ione of by mei semi Mages, amd is %sews se l.w's ldoWlso. Il will awedeb-hsadeorba Ilse Ile Wed, liver sed lodes" sad Ir elesei m‘ up the essaple:ie It dam weeders. ile MI it et 50s. a ;welter. Aswani.r w.mka (tem OATH Of THE PRESIDENT Of UNM VERSITY COLLEGE. a gelato Les. Sawed— Ether avrwweet- .• by tette 1ears tea. msew.d With idaseM.e en Osearie TORONTO, As. a. --fair Uastel Wilson. president of Termite University, died .t ►ie menace us St. 1:earge street on Sst.:rd y meeting et 3.30. Sir Dude! had here IU far several II asks sad though gradually growing we.ker it was expose tint kr wuad.r14 vitality would either to profess kis lite for a few months. to January last he wtlored from • .even attack of congestionof the lung.. On recuvertng Boni this illness. he *speed fairly meet bealeh for suns weeks but the amount .d.ttentwa that be heal of late been eldige! to give to university attain pros .el too severe a .trait, on hu centime tion, already w-eakeutel Ly recent nth use awl old age. About da weeb. ago he was .pin obliged to seek his led Shorty he grew weaker awl weaker, and devils careful unrung and constant attendant-, by IR. Temple he expired, as stated, On Satur- day evening Hiii death wait dee solely tc senile dew. At his own request a cot had Leen m the library-, tool there, sur rue ed by the monuments of other great minds, Imparted quietly away. His daugh- ter, Mies Sybil Wilson. his niece. Mise Nellie Wiles, Prof. 11'right tied Rev. Dr. Sweeny witaswef the passing away. The funeral took place this .fteniuge. A short sen -ice ass held at the Mur and another at St. Philip's Church. Thr remain" were buried in the family plot in St. Jame) cemetery. The pallbearers were John Makin, Q.( .. 'Thome. Hodgins, Q.(., Prof. Wright and Prof. Huttaw. As the University is not, in session no special acadeaucal ',crummy was ol.er.el, but there was • large turnout of piddle men and tenting citizens. In Sir thwart Wils.n the University of Toronto has loot a imus who for nearly 441 years has Leen identified with her inteleste sal who for IO years has occupied the high- est position in her gift, and Toronto has but a rare pers.atslity, has lost a citizen whose attainments had secured him pre-en.inenee in his spacial line etf investigation and hal won re•ognition and hors fr..nm scientists in Ameri.a, Britain and Euri.p• alike. The contributor to the Encyclopedia Britannica, the Fellow ..f the Royal Society of Edin- burgh. the Foreign Assuciate o1 the Societe d'Anthrop.logie de Paris, the author of "Prehistoric Man," was truly a citizen of gip mean renown ; and the ex.presid int of the Y. V. ('. A., the ("enter of the \cw.- lieps' Home ant the friend of every chari- table undertaking was a public-sp}intel and benevolent citira:u. air Daniel Wilson was • S...tchnian. a native cf Scotland's ancient capital. His father was a Mr. Archibald 11 tleun, end he was the tra.ondl sen of a rather large family. He .lid not peewits a le. ,nopoh- of the talent of the family, for .rete of his younger het then was Professor George \Wilr,u, who in 114.141 died an untimely death. not without having won for himself much repute in scientific circles. .1 list of the many works written by Sir Daniel Wilson is hardly neees.ary. His wine and that o.f Sir 11 dilate Dawson. of McGill, ere familiar wherever eeieuce and original recenreh are known mad valued. As an educationist he has placed T weetr University in the f.wefrnt of modern seas earning: It ranks with Yale. rd and McGill even ht. continent, Deo. Rua t• course of instruction) and results. out rent pare feverish', with the great uni'es'eilier of the old land. SIR RICHARD'S ESCAPE. TRAMS woNIR$' RICH HAUI, ip.-etee. she si.pseee title nal earrerera Irene.hes 11.—The IM Is* robbery misty it tlaaMal ps.4y err the mail ameba of ()•he, 11 Wee ties) ►es .. Thew were is. miner; mad their IwA►etM of preemies were preasdy Me suss as la , previous ase.., mom* NM aim were ane molested y elypWm'adspli..g the .spewr air wlt+dyaamtte they elegised sP sheet of 000, juapsd irate a amps and tetra.) .cress de platen Altbemj ileteetives were es desk 4.411 1. • few hours /Mere .re .mal( ei .aPpttyur l'My .elated me of the l.mellall• gots uo the line, mil rammed sash knowledge of the oem.try and that there le lou desist they belong sear Frame. As the train was polling est 4 Collis just after atideigbt the engineer and &m - am were .tartlet by the appearance of two men ou the teuder. The strangers were armed with shotguns ase quickly covered the trainmen at the O ne time t.11iug them to obey orders. When the train passel Roltedo statiou the engineer was tottered to stop and the fireman was ordered to touch elf with lighted cigar the (ass of a dynamite cart- ridge wht.:h the robbers placed un tits pis- ton of the dnvisg-wheel os the loft aisle o/ the locos utive. The fireman hesitated, but under the per- suasion of a.ttotgsa touched the fur. The explusiou w•a terrific. breaking the *toe nod and diaabHng the elegise. The engineer was ordered to get off and walk up the track while they proceeded to bombard the door of tbe express car with dysamtte cartridges. About eight art - ridges were used wed the door was tore to splinters. &g holes were knocked is the sides of the car and the door was .mashed into kindling -woe(. Then the pair, masked and completely disguised, entered the ex- press our. covering Louis Roberta, the m.menger, with shotguns and ordered his, to open the Wells Fargo safe. Roberta set about doing this, but be was so excited and nervous that he forgot the combiaatiou. He au informed his captors, ase use of then struck him a heavy blow ma the head with • gun end threatened to kill him if he did not immediately open the safe. This action strengthened the messenger's memory, and with trembling wends he Metthe string box and they took out seeks of coin. Wen the desperadoes exploded the first artrtdge on the engine the passengers poked their heads out of the windows to see what was up. Their cunaity was amply satisfied when one of the robbers fire.( • pistol twice along the row of windows. There was • pate, and the passengers trade • wild scramble oder the seats. n The explosions of the bombe against the express car rocked and shook the train with the violence of an earthquake. A window in front of the passenger coach immediately bobbed the express car was shattered to pieces. For 4,5 minutes the train was bold, but only one passenger attempted to interfere with the robbers, and as he was armed only with a small re- volver he Noon retired. The safe contained three bags of coin, each containing (til.Ml. These the robbers compelled the ssgtneer and firemeu to carry to a wagon which tater had hitched by the side of the track When the coin was thrown under the .eat the masked men jumped in and rode of. THE PAGO-PAGO IrtCIDEN f. Orem heitale fluty Eaerelslar Her Claata Under the rteety. 11 Amies .m , Aug. S. ---Very little inter• est is displayed in official circles in regard to the report that Great Britain has arranged to establish a coaling station in the harbor of Page-Yago,.Samua, for the simple reason that such • course of action is in strict accord with the termini a treaty concluded I.etwen Great Britain and Samoa in 11475*, and does not interfere with or impair the rights "r interests of the United States in any respect. Section N of the British Treaty provides that Great Britain may establish • coaling station any- where on the shores of a Samoa harbor, ex - rept at Apia. which is a neutral harbor, at S.luafala, which was previously cased to G:er.nany, or at that part of the harbor of Page -Page. which mai' be ,elected by the Gcrernment of the . nited States under its treaty. The Liberal Stateasaaa i. Upset From • Shift Into the sake, Khw+r.s. Aug. s qtr Richard San weight had a narrow escape ins' .frowning Saturday afternoon. He was au the city during the ins.rningg and about noon started for his summer home, some three mile down the river, in a sailing boat. There had been threatening. ..f rain about aro. and sero after Sir Richard etarte.l it began raining; and baling. The storm lasted about twenty minutia, and was the severest ex• p•rience.l here this tear. The hailstones were es big as m arrowfat peas, and fell with great force. \When the storms began It carne with a rushing wind. Sir Richard was off forest Frw.lertek. The spall struck his Twat, and instantly at turned over. Sir Richard west unto the water, let his hat and spectacles. but managed to grasp hie I..t and hang ..n Luckily. 1loje.r Drury ant Capt. G:sodet saw t (opine. Major 'Our) tell. the awry the : i wan along with n party of ladies and gentkuien who were slut to Vin a .veer upon the lake in the Royal Military 1'e. pe yacht. While getting ready to start the storm ami als, and we looked for shelter. Some of the party had remarked the presence of a skiff off the point, going gaily along. When the squall rime up 1 at once laked lakewarl, and saw the craft gooses. Then the rain and hail came down with such .Mesita that our sight was •abecured, end we luel little hope for the occupant of the craft. However, lapt. Gantlet sol my, self dr.ide l to quo to the rescue. We leek the diugy hurriedly jumped in, and while ('apt G:audet steered 1 mired. The ars was hes'% and the hail so pitiless that 1 e.mkl hunIly stand the pain of the Mule made.. ea they fell upnt my Lands. Itnt we kept, to our work and seen came into view of the upturned brat and Its tate nceupant. 11'e saw a .tan dinging to the stern of the beet. We yelled to hem to held on while we rowed above him, and then keeping the waves on our peeper .1.1. drifted t.eesnl. him. To our s rprin we found it was Mir Richard I'aftwnght Hs was quite .elm bat much exhausted, for he had then hew in the uatereior .t least fifteen minutes. We fin ally reseleal him, drew hien into the din and se the storm had- abated enideraIdy, rou we teak hem to his huts. He was Wile to walk to his residence. 1 never saw • cooler swab ander mach diatremieg circumstances Re acid he was tr•yiwg to glide Ids boat en as to laid at 1'edar )drivel, but hew,ewlf not have made It as he was driltiag outward. After he reached his tangling/ he art a man eat to pick up hie •peeler twat seed bring n. it to heal H. had a eery tune.call.' Sir Skimmed is now nose the wares et his sdvwature. A WOMAN THE CAUSE. A Fugitive leaednrer Kea owe Deputy awl Wound. Another, Prrresrtu., Pa., Aug Y —The capture of the fugitive murderer Martin Reed at Noblesturn this evening for sensationalism rivals anything since J. Wilkes Booth died in ignominy for the asemainatier of Presi- dent Lincoln. The murderer Reed stayed in an icehouse until it was shattered with nitro-glycerine and set afire; placed a pito! to his forehead and took his own life, perishing miserably in the ruins. He broke jail, was tracked for eleven weeks eve' three counties sad when brought to pay shot i►eputy Cole of Mcltonald through the heart and neriorly wounded Deputy Sherif ore of Wehtag- ton in the shoulder wttb a shot from. a Winchester rifle. A woman and illicit love for her was the cause of it all. Rahe of Sswt..r• Prom ('aada- WA,u1'.tiTpiI, Aug. S.—The Unite Sates commercial agent •t Wautaushene, Ontario, recently raved the question whether rafts of sawlogs shipped from Canada tierces the lakes to the United Sates being exempt from dety ars subject to the requirements of csnifisd invoices. in response to the quem.°. Action Secretary Nettleton has informed the Secretary of State that under the provisions of section ..t the act of Jun* 10, Iwo. no merchandise exceeding $I01) in value except psrsouel b.ggage can be admitted to entry without & ud ly authenticated invoice or • loud for the preductioe of such invoice. (dew* Proapee t. for the Lowell umsestel Loewe. Aug. !t,—The subacriptioa hep bees opened for the proposed Lowell Me- morial. The committee having the matter in eh•rge hers already received more than sufficient support to insure the ineertios of the windows as pawed is the Chapter Howse of Weetmia*tw Abbey. The tgt. et....w ire Addams. Glenne, Aug. It —itis practically ~- teas the divlo(es os the address is reply to the Speech from the Threes will set oc- cur before set Theirsday,owisg to the largo n umber of Unmakes who will take part in the debate. N,...,MS Marto mtlltary ispnwdltsr. M rot ell. Aug. !t —The Allseerriee 7ne tang says the new military bill will involve as asp*adit.re el 10.000,000 marks, but the ceateet el tet. Smtpror has not yr lar Asiror t*dSan uneepsra.y. Vti wan Asg. IL—it M ripened e ll' ge.& digit a ee.,kasy h.. ism. dl ..1 .')Nell the Prises of ib.t...p., site le very aep.pwlr- UNITED STATES NOTES paTMASTE411 DIRECTED TO SEIZE CON TItASAND MU&IG A I egfe ro deew a hepar sed a.agesad Wwmsd. £ 450 -Ye .r me e"ps Obese ohsaes_ihs rase- raga tater t..iasot $rre•tu., Asg. tl. —Abort • year age the Ported).. Dep.r►mes& met wet mums to wereisg these to M ewe the t for ou.ir&baid mash:, and directing Owe to rias 1t sad forward it to Wee' cue. Mtn. thea • ertddeea$ a reusa4 he. beau seised et the Rdsio possedies. A largo member of 0.n.diss drew make a baba of masteg epos sew pe►liwttous rad reprtuttug them, sad es they have we espy - right to pay they are welled to .s.11 them very Sp cheaper .a the rightful pub- lisher cue. About 73 packages, each cuelaising abolut half • dozen thews of music pinatas] by Canadian publishers, ere now u the Buffalo poste/See, having beer spotted and esized, sad will be sent to Washington neat week. soma r.es. e.rehone by tie Leder of the Itevwluetwa.t. EL PASO. Texas, Aug. $. —The Titov wows, an 1et.rvew with general Luis Sandoval, is which the revolutioner7pleader scour the idea of Texas deputy Marshals arresting Garza. The most important feature of the interview is a decennia of the flattened condition of Mexico. He says the actual 000ditioa of the country is one of financial embarrassment. General Diaz's lack of knowledge of gov- *ruing the couatry 1..s led to this crisis. He uwrteagei the future of \lezioo for $30,000,01.10 to build railroads and these roa.4 by exorbitant rats have killed the proaperuy of the country. The uatioaal treasury baa no souey to pay the interest on the railroad bonds for the coming year, and to corer this it is proposed to flat a loan of $'10,000,000. 1►eatatutea is uni- versal The dew-estiai on in the othciel atmosphere is such that last week Senor Romero, recently nominal/al Mioa4r of the Treasury, declared ciialy that $4.000,000 per annum might have been economised during the seven yearn Gen. Diaz has hewn in power. 1f the .*111,000,000 ban can not M floated notbiug is left but to take the money by force from the National bank• to pay the outstanding foreign debts. The Mate of Zacatecas bas already reached this stag, and is forcing a loan from the people. UNCLE SAM'S PICTURE GALLERY Comprises the "I'hwaet. of KeaZ17 All lbw C►R.... In the Country. NCO- 1 oma, Aug. rt. —It is herd)] b b* supposed that the United Sates (1ee.ru- meet Mas entered into collusion with the photographers of the big cities where our Chinese friend and brother dock mostly congregate to boom the picture taking iu- daatry. but the act of Congress recently enacted relating to the Clones* will have that effect - Under to provolone every Moogohaa, heathen or otherwise who wolves to remain in this country must have at least three cabinet photogripbs taken of himself and then make • present of them to the Govern- ment fur purposes of identification. General Kerwin, Collector of Inland Re- venue, has been given the job of collecting the presentments of the Chinaman in this datnet, and he is already- at work getting los big photograph album fired up. The Chinamen will have to go 10 the collector's ,: fce in person and register at the same time they present their pictures. The pictures have to be ones, the collector says, and Cones eland bathing rust misfits won't go. Neither will the pic- tures of late lamented Chinamen go. it should be understood that members of the Chinese elite or creme de la creme who may come to or he In tins country are not affected by the new act. The regulations acply only to "tat-wero," to those who work regularly "for hire." TOADSTOOLS KILLED HER. }ray Stillwell Ate 1 hem for llash.wwm. While Out H.ckieberrying. Ka.T, 0., Aug. a —Max., the IS -year-old daughter ot Byron Stillwell, made a mw - take Saturday which cost her her life. The girl's parent." lie. near Bluefield, is the lower part of the county. She went pmt gather huckleberries and saw something she mistook for mushrooms. They turned out to be toadstools. In about an hour after eating them she was taken sick and hurried home. •1 pybSSsi- clan was sent for, but she was dead helot. he arrived. COLORED BAPTIST& RAISE A RIOT. Pistol phot• Aro rived m a Suedey Belting C tion Bot.Tote, Vita, Aug. S.—The County Sunday School convention of the colored baptists met Saturday at (happa) Hill. A difficulty occurred over the riling of a "flying machine," which resulted in s riot. Forty or fifty pistol sheer werefirwd,oae man being killed and wren persons wounded, weludmg two women attd • child. Several arrests have been made. Peered Mode to it,oi.,..s Werth of Property, C'mtc.nao, Aug. It.—A lord paper says: "Title deeds bare bees forged covering hell • section of land valued at !tom $730,. 000 to $1,()00,000 in thin city belonging to Mrs. Pettis R. lacer The property is situated between SOiband E7rd-streets,we.t of Western -avenue. The forged deeds are still in the hands of the forgers, as far aa known. An attempt to borrow money on them led te an expose of the swindle. Kvery Available Maes of Transport Cyanamid. Delman. Ca1., Aug. ft.—It is estimated that by Tuesday sect d00,J00 strangers will hare arrived in ilenvr to attend tee greed conclave of the Knights Templar' or to witness the evolution' of the Knights 1'he crowds are 50 groat that the railroad' has bees forced to put windows into tag - gage sod box car', terming them tato per .eager roaches. le lbs o1 mats tette.. are pet is, taken fru. depts. Ewes work testa oars have boom ole.ed up std ..gid. owe* W...pere Oheel, Dei.rrlt, Mian., Aug. &—Thr. le ep position here smog the heaviest whir shippers and vessel br.kem to the isep.i- ths of tells nos fi.nedisa hoses i• peeling through the Sen Ca.al,ia order to forts the i eoltainm to diseestise dierketealiss sg•.s.t Americas .hlp. praline =hoz W.lred Casal. It wi1T lima so they claim, o.t d • large arouse d heel - .ser .ad will cripple heavy wheat exporter, .y remolds, (Leedi.messie wtltMi.ler.any- tr1 y bearer It a proh.hie the Pr .idose will be msmraJlyd to defer aerie r .• least give lseeress 4 weir dee WAN, le'vperwed is Qbefore inesies sipt aee iiei i. the MO The Signa THE IM PIIEST, STROIISEST, BEST' OimmW ea Aram. Amareie, Rema Ph espaswm, es sly bre iSr S. W. GILLETT. Tarred&. Owl Mt' FRIEND 11 E(. RTRIEi Seem 1 he 5reacb of Trowel, Copeee- I was at ome time employed 1s a 1:overm- (sest odium- One of my fellow -works at that time was called Achille kleertrier, awl certainly hie fierce look and :all form seem- ed to warrant that moue. He was • great big fellow. about forty years old, not toe mach chest ur shoulders, but who in:res.ed his apparent sire by wearing felt bats, with wide buoy, ample and sort mate, large plaid trousers, and neckties of • sanguine red under rolling collars. He wore o full begird, lotyg hur, and was very proud of hie hairy dreads. I ought to say that this robust creature !aspired oo with a profound respect, and his conversations were sat such *a to 1' a.es the &dwindles I felt. He would thrust his heads deep in the pocket* of ha trousers, and, standing tsar w w an attitude of perpeodicutar .oddity, begin • monologue something as follows : \What s weeny, my buy : 1'uaiiwedy no fatigue an lay ate up. Think of it: Yesterday was the regatta at Joinvillnie Pont : at 6 o'clock in the morning the rem- detvous at Bercy, at the Manner., for the crew of the Mar.ontn : the sun is up; . glass of white wine and we jump into our rowing suits, maize an oar sad give away o•e, two, one, two -as far as Jaavill.; them overboard for • swim before broadtail —strip to swimming -drawers, a jump over- board and look out for s.tualls. After my bath I have the appetite of • tiger ; 1 setae the boat by one head and 1 ca wt, Car- penter, par me • small ham ; three ma.tiooa and I have finished it to the boos. (hrpem- ter pass me the brandy dam : three gulps and it to empty. So the description would contuse--das- d ug, Homeric. And then there were thrilling adventures of • more mysterious nature from which, sa writers of other ewes would say. " The pew would shrink." " The rectt•tton of his taunt marvellose exploits never awakens me the least feeling of incredulity, au . . hills Murder- er .rally took hie place in n.) :nind asao.g heroes and demigeRolandla betweeu Rola Pintboua One evening in July, ho .nd dusty, at the hour when the first gas ,ghts began to twinkle iu the twilight, I was going Isuure- ly from Vwgirard through s lung alt de - petering suburban steel lined on either O de by houses of unequal height Suddenly I stopped. A wane had attrac- ted my eye by its domestic and charming ..mphctty. Happy and ful in her quiet little room, a dear o1.1 la+ly in her black gown and widow's cap leaned back in an easy - chair covered with green Utrecht velvet wed sat quietly with her heads in her Everything about her was old and simple and seemed to have been kept ler through • wise ecouomy than bemuse of sacred mem- ories, smee the honeymoon with him of the high complexion in a frock coat and flower- ed waistcoat whose oval crayon decorated the wall. A loved and only daughter, 1 was sure, remaining single through her tore for her mother, piously watched over the last years of the widow. I remumel standing some steps from the open window. certain of not being noticed in the dusky street, when I saw • door open and there appeared oh, how far he was from ray thodkha at that moment my friend Venrtrier himself, the forandable hero of fights and skirmishes to unknown places. A madden iear seized me. I felt 1 was about to discover • mystery. " Mamma," said the giant in a tone of m• efable tenderness, " Here is your coffee. I am sure that you will find it nice to-aight- The water was baling over and I poured it oo drop by drop." " Thank you," said the old lady, rolling her easy -chair to the table- " Thank you, pay little Achille. Your dear lather maid many • time that there was not my equal et making coffee ; he was so kind and isdal- gent, the dear, good mars, but i begin to believe that you are eves better than L At that moment, awl while Mesrsri.r was pounng out the coffee with all the deli- cacy of a young girl, a poodle tit had fol- lowed him, excited, no doubt, by the e• covered auger, placed hie forepaws on the lap of his mistress. ' Dow., Medor," she cried, with homes. kat indignation. " 1)id anytime ever see such • troublesome anima 1 Ry the w•y," added the widow, addressing her son, "you have takes the poor fellow out, have you mot (hartainly, mainnsa," heu • tone that was almost infantile. " I� Were just bona to the creamery ler your seersing milk, mid I put the leash ed smiler ea Meier and took him with mo." It was assuredly u.aeoweary to see or hear more. I had already learned whet • paoefwi family lite -upright, pure .ad d.- vaed friend Meurtrtr milder der bis orkiira� t.laa. The nest tlserwiei, a •rrivislg al Ohm 61' dee, 1 asked Mesrtrir what he had dem the musing before, tied at air be told me without the Mesa hesiatiou d • 'harp •- eoeltr en the boulevard at two is the ssorsiag, wise he had knocked dove with a mak hew of his fit, having paved hie thesib tibia street ba nag of his keys, • ter - tibia 1 beamed, Insetting hwsieally, .d thinking to eselound hint t bas romnrbr•- ing how rwlpnssahlo • virtae M whish M bid- den eves soder an almerdhty, i Msaek him asei•My es the shoulder nal said with ass - elation, " Meertr(r, yes sou s hese." N le lie. sew. 1)t*a &a%-1 have seed yew LILL ter the past Ire r eh yens wad lad It ehs hems ewe Is. muter etema.b sed bilieum sa I have We seed seri.& Pel mil aft w o efoniAUANDA Foam ; H11.411111111111. owes tremae •treire 4 w pesmaJoh .Midi are raw , Inept . . . Els a Is.. mese miiimatking youmay WINE Mb e.► Mew .end es.♦ , end he web aim Vs e at eh year patee�a, mega � our approval oof ear psis g non with leerier )vitt&$ In this line we have a very lam stook of fine writing papers WIC able for every elms. of Iusieeq represented in this locality, corn prising laid and wore, i14 quadrille and other_ paper., ruled Or Omelet), as may be required cote %%etas This useful sine is kept in the fall at qualities saute as letter While ' Itmo. ii e.cas are not mo generally used, they lied an important place in cotnw.c'rtial correspondence. Bee what got under the above beads B.\\ heat\. If the " pay -a. -you -go " plan was the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be so great ; but there are'some men who get no many thinners that they wonder if the stock will ever run ouL We don't intend it to, and at present our stock pieta in this line with four elzrw. Good paper and neat ruling. tStateUU.etnts Both single and double dollen and Dents columns. They cma_e shewper than bill heads, and nee the proper thing to semi after delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'rouud— .ontetime- EtAve\o.es Now, it would be hand to get along without env. nal to keep up with the d for them we keep a large stock on hand. We have now about s hundred thousand in stock, and the prices will range from 75c. tc $!.00 per M. We handle c mercial and legal eines exclusive v O%'l (ftrc.a\ r‘th<kng has already been partially ensu crated in some of the heads abort There is, however, a vont ami of work under thin heats theft,' enumerate would more than take up the entire apace occupied by this adv't, but we .lo it all at Tat SIGNAL. Z \11DhtUthotAtk to an "At Home" or a weditis require considerable taste in sees tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by k ' stock the very latest old ISO samples to ire had. Call and ria C.\etre mets We aim to excel in all the G ent kinds of work we turn Mir but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papas suitable for all requirements. o`1teams 1 of entertainments and meetings promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. eras (Me, W.e1ll:et. This head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an Or- dinary admission ticket to • tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket o.ttr. Our facilities for terming out till class of work are evidenced by tie fact that the great bulk of it it done by us. This line also it clarion Dot\gee. which our three fast -running presses are able to turn out • surprisingly short time. ENa\e V.\\. beleng to the poster departsr nt also, and we make a specialty thein—promptness bring our list in this respect. A notice of mit will appear in Tss SIQJAL fret 1 charge when bill' for same are fri here. #\\ WMAN.s of W MAC in the typographical printing ail Elan be dose in this establishment in an earpeditious and artistic manner and OUT Q totes w+\V bt Sowh et,Vt rtot.olmob\t. We extend our thanks for ped is" on and solicit a oeitinnasen at tie •ir• T WL %T (VII#I., t}os•nos. iJMa