HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-11, Page 1VOL. XLIY. No. 2373.
THJt3 T-� DI G zrz ws &p19n OF HURON OOVNTY_
ISM aT Wen.ATs
Sal !MAT T00m Num m ewerser le Ammon
Pin lel
mu,' et l (roarer --11.61. Gebbess •
tor oak -J. H. Witness g
el Dewed Ches. Metm
some( emu - r. J. WidnesI, poetise 11. lineLereases.
pen s
ow. It. It Tonnes •
✓ p Notice- A. eauseete .. •
poste Let--Mlee penew
mew qts to lea0- lea Beisaw
wined Bess -ameba T. Aeneas
au"ifOtelflglt-a en A
the nth. baa, owned id A. w•
araeiine.. seed m Peens ! aid M
Tse our own correepeadeat.
The toot tel the threshing supe 0. °gala
✓ ed ie our motet.
Nr . ,a Iiuyd bas Monied home after
'galling her holidays Haar Li bwe1L
Nee .luno.. Reid, of L uckaow, Rant •
per days but week rotting friends here.
We are glad te hear that Mr. .&Mister's
es reouvavid after hie recital ill.
G. M Ailey, tester, mseroMMt, stn., el
satoerh(ll, spent • shirt time in lira= gy let week, calling SOWS 44
re are always gist to see kie pli.msst face
ad ha, r a .hat abet old time..
After rending the ally uttermost' of the
,res cuurepuwdeot ot het weak, we en-
ded not to pay .ay attention to him is
nue w Hong as be suites Me truth and
umds Los own Wooers. After his loud
'Iellostmgs," we also cessinded this hu
at ret bane Ives skins milk .ad perhaps
a stands 11.4e rope.
'air our own correspondent -
Charles Lc. of the t. Scalar Towa, gave
e Lii1 { • t i •anee,. peep last week.
flet, t 11'dl,t Meson, of Bruesfleld, u
noting herr, the genet of leu cous:•a. F.
Mr. aid Mn. tune., of Wiel were
1.gest• of Nr. and Mos 1) sion, of
amide tum thew week.
I% Amok -In oar net week's stems we
sited tort Mrs Metber.., of Wiedeor,
res the guest et Mn. Asa It should
are been flys MasartMy, M (Ildwast:e,
Tat cossets. 0.101.
A Bete Bt..vet.-Friday of last week •
W was made rn the roils of our juveniles
7 the dep•r t ure of ase its most popular
sends, James L Tobe, to London He
mere lo the Forest City to learn th.Jesp mys-
srir of printing under the rays of that far-
med luminary of Wedeln Ou$mrio, The
ens Press. Iu staff will find is him a
mistakoeg student in his new vostioa as
u was always a goods boys in his asks at
(kool as well as the apes of the play -
need : and we with .NRAwlek him every
semi in the Ise of Ili ba has now ma-
rried upon.
NW our owe oornAaNast.
Mrs L Horton MOWS! days of her
Awl holidays &1 •dton last week.
Mr l► Laughlin. 4iiR was the
guest of his , augetee, Mra.• Jtls sky. this
Mrs. 1 oungston with her babe, from n*ar
reroute, rs the guest of her ester, Mrs. A-
R. Outten.
Mia Ellen S. Hillier, of Godsrick, with
ler sister 1'eerl, enjoyed our refreshing
eke breeze Sat week, the gait of their
maul, flit Edith Horns.
Last weeks report of the reosnt esamiaS-
,tea in the entrance W the high oohed u
Godes: h, counts in it number Grace Un-
fold. M Zellror and T. Hetherington. of
No c•
thhool re -opens oo Monday. The little
folk. are not, we suppose roanttmrogg the
doling days of the holidays.. oheerfully se
the «,mag of them • few weeks ego. Now
that vacation u uver,ourstudies we .11 most
renew nett Monday mora at 9 A. is. sharp.
A Nmdble Utter Aeom & Born
Ensllnhmaa •
The el.euien of t'o.11aestal Aisles reeked
se he a Alpe iOAM - The m.pe.sd ter
MMMe of tented.'. lake Perla - %IMAM
Weald a. pr. /e lie amen of ieI•s-
Tke radeat amid Rose way te Ming Fees.
r,em .w...ves.enwK W. F. MACLEAN
Mums 1mt1'ao% araxie. -Mince the sansei
has dossed • sew oust of p.iat, oar
gs.i.l ponamatei taleds te Teat a large
post of peat 1.-.gth near his offices mad
crows the tog el it with • city street lamp. Tho Roaring of the Cane Before, ,
ebbe M will inset at -alight to guide crus- the 11 acts tratea.
Mors, ae wed se loafers for letters to tate
.5... These Mains have met • height ray --
of su.mbi-. maser the fear sex Wrn Omidst,
..d it is said the late °entracte( of the THE PUBLICATION IS ADMITTED.
paining of the wheel may do the pstotinr
of the pet. I. the mseotinse it is whiep.
pun will be settled by • majority al the 1�y we eimmalc..1
Bred softly that the (:bon'm of colic for Rrpeaaer pe,. fracas Ar at, expeseee rant
maidens ..sdiag i. op iso . � • of which Dolor
the bosom light akouId Lo .seed in waled
envelop. If so grouted o,utio; knights
as well as residents will have no little disci
pereq. cultism in turning the right cors..( when in
-- - the capital city of t.udericb toweehip. -
The Moatre•l Witness's well worthy
MIK, 1 ve en bemuch interested of ate
reeding many letters that have appeared
in your paper is favor of sad against Aa
Deletion, I.ut it was only when tread that
of your •x,rre•pundeat " Union Jack" that
I nude up my mind as •a Englishman to
give the public my views on this .11 im-
portant question. If I am wrong 1 shell Ile
glad to stared oorrected, but sot until some
one ma give better reasons than " Union
Jack," shall I mender it worth my while
to even reflect as to whether I sea right or
wrong. As 'said before, 1 am an Moglish
Tats, one that cess born in England, but
when I was only • boy too young to enter
into the difficulties that beset the bead of •
large family, my father with his seven
children, emigrated to (Tessin Since 1
have dime to the age of understanding, and
thought for myself, 1 have often asked why
he left that good, dear old country, and to
boil his many answers down fine, it was to
gave us from the poverty and starvation
that was then, sod te sow steriag se_rimy
in the face. I •m ooevinorf that so gutter
reason Could prompt • good mill 1, take
such ea important sup, and 1 feel thankful
that God is his goodness pat the ides of
costing to eased& into the brain of toy rad
old tither. !sir, while 1 often with ride
gay I am an Englishman, and while I have
nothing bat • good word for Inerksad and
all her laws and isstitutton., yet I have no
time to waste in presetting the threadbare
sad aid political boas' loyalty. To Ragland
1 owe mothisg except that as her shores 1
was born There was no living .or me
there, and I here learned with all my heart
to my -
Lives item • marc with soul ss dead.
Who mese to himself W said.
Olve wee tee lead that gives me bread.
Stade I made Canon my home, same
tw.nty•6ve years ago, 1 have bee in •
posttari which fur the past fourteen years
barn kept me continually oo the move, and 1
Mee had the good fortune to ass the greater
portion of the United Kates. sod I can only
say Otte that it is • wonderful country.
There are lots of young men in Canada to
day who will remember that oily • few
years ago an Arndt -tom dollar could be
bought for 80 cents, and they would go
begging .t slut. Yet today one of the
great questions with the American nation is
what shad we do 'with our surplus, so that
this fact of itself will bear me out when I
my it is a wooderfol country.
If " Union Jack " will in kis iataginetion
take • trip with me we will first go to
Fewest, where hem see the grass grow-
ing as the street& and frau the eaves of the
houses, and he can gaze from Prescott wharf
to the f•atory smoke and domes of busy
then to Windsor, .ad by
as hoar there he can see every-
thing even to the Ioogisg desire far abases -
tics expressed on the noes of the people as
they gaps across the river. Then, t my
k,ysl -friend will step over to Detroit, be
will stead, I •m mire, is aimssement, &ad
feel as tboogh old Windsor is, as it were,
rmpfy . h.tedle on the door of • Walla= ;
then we win slip to Fort Erie •ed from
there to Buffalo, and in hot, I could kssp
him busy with object lassoes for • month.
1 should the ask kiln the gamines. Why is
it nue Will some or all of the good loyal
ISbjeea te11 ms why it i thus! I have
heard t...y say. Oh wait. Yes sod I hese
waited so Mg the% is my °pions to wait
{ r is seeks
1Ye are today Living in as time h natural
city es there 1e on the Americium sentiment,
asd if we keep ewe will yet have electric
street mars, polies patrol wygems and all
the other improvements that are to he found
is every America tows sod some of the
I ones heard an American geatl.m.5 say,
" If Canada is ever sneezed to the Halted
Sates, I shell t every oast
1 Smell it
is real estate is Me.an•1. as 1
would is titre be the inset city em the
Amurioan ooUmest," sad i nem with lain,
bet if we keep waiting it will maw be. it
Wilms to use tat the rare. of (.ids Is is
G.versesent. The quality a ail right, bet
the quantity omit be beaten the fees at the
earth. Of coarse oar members el Parlia-
ment, either Isocal or Pennies, or ear
motors are sot sessistionista y
would he de if they were, but I mm sem-
Mood that the mem Alen of the .mnatry,
esp is ly theme who have tasvellsd. eswald
0 d s geetMm .t .nmezmalcs were headed
by some geed ma,
deet d the party rope. voteOmagh lm its
Is _mel mies, air, I with to say I lay.
Basked se mash se berme whit hes left it
Mame he eft the bitter pmts el poverty
Aethig him hem those ohms, bat I imam
w as may a ear yams man sad yoeeg
women peas to the Stem mrd doing wed
without- *faking we .Maid he ams 'read
esestty. Let as to dews our Oet51em
Mop over s few lobsters
Mame � jaw see all Comedies'
ell ▪ T._1s, Pert Rel..
elf ether pi's matey the at their
Mem we
Whet we woad
ma leavelndlord@ mod to
fmlbh lmdend with d the loyalty they
MM...May ems iMhow.
Memlessl Weems. Jtir gl, 1M=
The familisr whistle of the thresher u
again with us. At the opiates of thesea-
m of 1892 threshing was deme on the farm
of John Chisholm. The well-known thresh-
er, (;e0 Burrows, fromppardloo. did
the work. Strands tom George a prob-
ed -
ed en the e�nnne seat with pso whip is hand.
Rat 'sorer Ins his hand an the lever bar of
saes traction engine in full .team to drive
a new separator to thresh the pais of 1899.
Au stat are, G. Carrell, from sour Port
Alhert, and .1_s. Young, of the gene place.
The latter, spine years ago, was as Mar-
row's thresher. As we prepare for press we
lave not learned the yield to the sore ell
fell wheat so far.
The •entity Temperas*, SaPel g.e
4kd in the hall efthe I.O.G.T.Nwta
mw o fond moieties Last Smady .�*mittj•
The speaker being J. L Tom, .1 O.delrieb.
who pre • practical and scesobiag !Adria;
es tempersaoe.eps.kieg of the newt v�Sr�
el prohibitio i. Mewabs. He °bowed
the forte of bad mesa to limeades and
Nand • fitting tribute to the late Father
Mathew's work in Ironed in the temper-
s The Manumit, Joke Hors,
M dims that A Hobos of The
New Er., Clet.s, would he the speller en
ant S.nday .,.an& the 11th Toss, at 7
e H. ` enati.ge of see* mad familiar kymas
made the mntlmg eaj.y.bie .11 throng►.
Mus F..iith Herten presidia/ 51 the ergs
tem mem..
Ian '. nn feel Mme kid de pendet ! Do
Maus reek rad tear may 51 saws mad
e•sck, and h... you hem dleappaiN.j M
lading • remedy that will oiled mortals rad
Reedy relief' I1 .a, go all mem tea y
trap store .ad by, a WON el PttMti Nor.
'fie. P 4,a 's l�meari1 Item M n•
Ma aesnllly. = Asa
Assisi, toad all krl•asl ar plea
J. R. remiss, M writes i
A, the d j � �l llwmr.
tkb et ervilioa,-a�if wOy.
'~""i 0e" Peew'* N
From mot her oorrespoodot.
By all accounts the spring wheat around
here, doss not appear to be a very good crop
beteg badly rusted.
The painter has finished daubing the
school how and the opinion as far e. I loo
learn seams to be that he did not altogether
spoil the builling as Robert at first feared.
S. Menai' is again out on the war path
1i r something to buy. Apples me his quest
the' uss i1e only w•us five ter six thous-
and barrels amt mean* to pay the cep price
to get chem. t
We are sive to uoder.tasd that tie tem -
pomace lona are tryim,l to get the towis.eip
council to meet in their at the Hill now
that the hotel is oo more at lines. villa. It
certainly s as central as Helmssville was,
and they are able toady to bad every neces-
sary accommodation.
Front our own eserespoSdeat
Etta Ayers mid Oscar R. Forster are the
• Sconsfal essdid 1. bare .t the reoeat en-
trance esami•atllo.s.
The bre brigade roused E. Potter, our
from his slumbers at are ear
best en Thareday to get a picture of the
ruins, its
A. Knox, the proprietor of the Mende
Home, now of Wingh.m, was here on
Friday Inst surveying the ruins caused by
no fire. It u uad.rstood be will not be •
heavy loser as the building was well io-
Weregret to learn that Mr. Jervis, sr.,
met with as accident on Monday last,
which might have resulted seriously. He
was engaged in raking a field when the
horse took fright, throwing Mr. Jervis na-
iler the rake by which means be was badly
shekel up, but no very eerioos injuries were
*Maned. The rake was torn to pieoss.
On the afternoon of Thursday last, fire
was discovered bursting through the roof
ot the hotel of our vinare. In a short time
villagers were on the spot and succeeded in
suppressing the fire. Shortly after all had
retired t.. rest, a geasral sur was beard,
owing to the ragging rf the school bell .ad
the blowing of the whistle of • .tram
thresher. It was woo discovered that the
aforementioned hotel was enveloped in
Samos. Saloons effort was put forth to
prevent the spread ef fire to the adjoining
. yes sad stores, w Lick happily sacoeed.d.
Very little of the oo.teate was laved and
Mr. Moeda will doubtless be a heavy loser
as the insurance only coven a fraction of
the oust. Nearly.11 the pbern.lu of
the Orange mad ore•ters'was des•
t Hew tee fire or is unknown.
A few hours after the fire, Mr. Meed_ sr.
was 'trashes with paralysis doubtless caused
by the .xoitement of the fire. He 's at
the preset time at W. Melkoll.md's
(;rave doubts an entertained of his re-
Too late for gas week.
ie sell la
hulas at its mate --by aM dreerimts el
sn.try dodoes everywhere.
a }ew nm.k
Alttte 4 sr em
glees Low el she Harm locally
aa•estessem-T1s "wrag/•al
Tvt.I et 'text
r. W. mete.. eel ■p reel
lean, of the Toronto World, for crim-
inally libeling M. C. Camerae, ex -
M. P. which was adjourned lVedoesdsy of
net week, °mine ■p for hearing before the
magistrates' court Tuesday afternoon. The
bench consisted of Horace Hortonn, J. P..
Joe. Williams, J. P., Mayor Butler and .1,
M Sheppard, J. 1'.;arrow, 11. ('., ap-
peared for the prosecution, and the defence
was represented by Murphy, tl. 0.., of To-
At the outset • slight hitch occurred in
the proceedings,
owing to the fact that the
regular court clerk had been unavoidably
called sway to attend the obsequies of a
relative. A substitute was obuiiuel who
had had no previous experience at court
cases, end the case had not gone far, when
it become evid•ot to both sides that owing
to the objections raised by Mr. Murphy
and by the witness Fox, together with the
inexperience of the clerk's substitute in
keeping track of an endless chain of wran-
gle. it would involve • very kegthy session.
Fox, the witness for the prosecution
kicked for all be was worth to have his ex -
allowed, sod Murphy, Q. C. for the
de/eoe, at Goes oonstituted himself .s his
legal adviser, • proceeding which rather
.mused the large gathering an mart.
Garrow, fl. 0.'., insisted upon qui iag
Fox and the following colloquy ensued :
Mr. G•rrow -Are you a reporter on the
staff of The World newspaper, of Toronto.
Witness Fox -I decline to answer.
Mr. Gerrow-Were you • reporter on
The Toronto World on Friday,uJ ly 29, or
at any use provios. to that date.
Witness Fox -I dsclioe to answer.
The witness then stated to the court that
he understood another income who had
been celled bad had his ex psosss guaran-
teed, and he desired to be p=in • simi-
lar position.
Mr. Garrote stated that if the witness
was entitled to s legally he would
guarantee that they would be paid hint.
Afar some cross -firing between the coun-
sel oo this matter the examination proceed-
ed, Doe ot the reporters present having
been asked by the court to take the evi-
dence, which was as follows
W. W. Vox (evidence osotinued) - • Am •
repxtr on The Toronto World :winnower
today Cannot my Chat I was • reporter
os the staff of the World on the 29th of
July • I was employed by • Mr. Ewan,
whom I met in the World office ; had been
in New York ; had been in New fork
five months ; tower was employed on Wort
before ; was employed by Mr. Emma
writ up an impartial report ; came to le.l-
erioh mad saw Gores attors.7 ; did saS go
to Mr. Cameros's attorney. ; I taMhosed
to you (Mr. Harrow); 1 can't remeli the
name ; I sat Mr. Johnston in the hotel
Me Allem betel --mod made an emprgesest
to meat him next day ; not • chalice meet-
ing, as I knew he could give me informa-
tion / had Ike same of Gore, Johnston,
Miter and others given me ; not sure that
I mitt debase= .t the Albion ; am not sun
thee lids pageri. • copy of the World ; the
first part report here published is not
mine ; violate I esedd compare it with copy
would met swear it was my report ; I think
Mr. Mev bas ...gin...
Mr. lllt�bj M this strea-
med/age objected strea-
med/ M �s peed.stion of the original
doemments sad And the case of Dosehoe •
Jokers, No 10, voL 14, Ontario Practice
Reports, as • precedent. Afar . great
to tb.
(creat rejoicing. .v r the cooler weather.
MIM Med Lt' le laid up with blood-
Baty-pieltiag u now the order of the day
for the ladies
Fail wheat and Barley u nearly •l1 oat,
. ad is • fair crop.
Mr. Fraser, of Turnberry, spent dentes
at Suomi McBureey'a.
The hay crop has beau abundant this year
and has bee •d well saved.
The shrill whistle of the steam thrashers
will soon he beard in all direction&.
Mr. sad Mrs Robert Ramsay, of West -
Gad, spout Sunday .t Robs. ti00%t's.
Rrruax*n.--Basad MoBursey, er., m-
isread home lest weak from his trip to the
(meld lam.. He %Maks the Imelda* heat
quite a change to the eebetp d the SR
Lawman Gull.
Orrnsos Huteirw.-At a resast mating
ef the Y. P. a C. C. of Calvin ckmuh the
hill.wdmg elbows were Masted fat this h•U
year : preeedou
pprr'e�md� t. Adeline M ; , Jas.
I)rh�.rno : *,nsapendhs monetary, Annie
V ierrosa -Miss Bila Walton, of Warren,
Illinois, is deities old friends aid sequoias -
Moe •t peea.as Mimes Miasi. and
Ada Roaol, of Detroit, formerly a the
11th Doe uus os. w villus. mese their
former seighlecire Mimi Bessie Brea,
of Lederman is •l.s reswhig old meq:mist-
•ode.. Qmery : Haw w aro sew re -
sidles is Camila whit up a • few years cgs
lived is the SUM
Scoots De•Ta.-The ssi1t►orbed was
.hooked es Mca� by the sews of the
dee► at Dr. Vp0ILanik el Delivers. Be
was • premien/ yam ms t ane
old, and had jrad.•Md es as D.
lass 8primg. Be had hoes in Bdgr•ve
but • few week*, 1051 d.risg this short time
be had Hyde ,may Maeda. Seised with is-
$s--- -- et the bowek a few day* made
his recovery impaelNs, ami a fimmday *m-
aims death aimed bin His body was re-
moved M his home la Zteenele d, Mesta ,
for burial The panels.d relatives et the
deemed haw the bsa,Nelt sympathy oft e
mar had 1 ..y ruiner motive ; sever UAW
Mr. ()amen. before ; did sot oder any i.-
dnmimest te ..ybody to take away Mr.
Cmeere.'e good aims ; 1 did oder a isduoe-
meet to eyerycor to get informetios, sad
this was that it was t the public interest
to gas et the trach ; eke(. was mo other is -
daemons except the public good ; is justice
to Mr. Cameron I will say the : He dicta-
ted • statesmen to Inc and I took it down ;
it was practically an odium -al summing up,
sad was w expression of optimum by me,dic-
tated by Mr. Cameron ; mire not seen it
pabli.bed ; was not then to the sage
lar employ of the World ; have leen
o. the World suos t, o'clock last
aim►t; do sot know that Mr. Mas
{nett 10.d the slightest malice : the results
of my tort se pubbebed in The World
were merdrthe outcome of a careful loves
tig.tion without fear, favor or malice, of a
matter that was of public interest to the
meaty of Huron : I was instructed to carry
it out sl that lin* and I did so ; I read
over carefully to Lura Gordon and to (:ore,
the affidavit to which she vub.cribel ; there
is no question that she understood every
word : 1 read question and answer to Mir
(;onion : Urs. Hitckstep was there and so
was M. JohnstonU.; Miss (;ot-don did not
suggest any conspiracy against Mr. Came-
ron, neither did Maclean, nor gore, nor
Ewan. My mission was to find what ceus-
el the death of Ellen Lomai and aothiog
else, and to discover the reason why uo
action had been Laken.
To Mr. (isrrow-Thio Mr. Cameron here
'sthe gentleman referred to in The World.
The World has a large circulation in the
town of Godench, 1 behove.
(S' 1 WILLIAo W. Fe,,.
Mr. M.rphy asked that the original war•
rant under which Mr. Maclean was arrested
should be impounded, notwithstanding the
advice of Mr. Cameron given to the consta-
ble that it should not be given up.
Mr. (:arrow refused W produce the war-
Mr. Murphy asked the ruling of the
bench on the 4uesuun that the constable
produce the warrant.
The magistrates ruled that the warrant
be mtpounded.
Mr. Darrow moved that all the words so
far .. they suggest conspiracy or other
charges against Gore and Gordon be struck
out, and the information was ame..led to
one of malicious libel aghast the publisher
of Tee World.
The taformation as amended was then
sworn to.
Mr. Murphy on behalf of defence then
admitted publication and waived examina-
tion, and the lose was sent op for trial to
the first competent court of jurisdiction by
the unanimous consent of the bench of
or -
meted Bort in oppoitioo
Medea he finally srodeoed the or=
dsemnwts with • gonad Sourish, and they
were regnerly impounded by the roars
The whiwos then peoeeded :
Witagm Pea :-That a practical)] ni r
port :...rytbing a there ; that 1. The Te-
onto Wield paper; dews kwow who is the
ps►dsher el The World : have .men Mr.
Maclean ming in and eat of the World of-
fice ; heRm be work o. the World ;
I think he pablMher ; the bundle d
MSS. marked ' A," headed ' The Gods -
rick Scandal," looks like the espy I awned
to Mr. Herm ; the istrod.dion to •rtbM is
not mise ; " C " ..d " D" art the two dec-
larations . saw them signed and sworn to
by parties;
my lirlr.etiens were to get
bosh sides of .tory ; went to Gore, who
weds so bold • sates -et that I thought it
as well to have it .were to : i did the some
is the am of Laura Gorden ; I took seam
and wrote my report from them, them reed
it mad bad it sworn to by the parties ; Mimi
Gordon's warn more test Hemkstep's ; Gore's
in Johemes's oche. ; think Gem's WWMr
Ming to suppress Hym&n'n evNw*, is bare
with copy ; yes, here it it ; .14104* " L"
(atom-.zami.e6 by Mr. Murphy :-Was
met up by Mr. Rem, sad wee Ineememd b
give • fair report ; he tell nem a girl had
died sail there was ss Wert b.kg made to
.Isar the Natter ep s hese ha ed4 Yr. a��
tb. porew&My, I knew aebIs of
• Neat: usmetk- 4( me mid y lir.•e
M w511Lw
as impssam in-
d rwole.m were y Nese ; listy
maid ! You knew sehedy is Goderiok ; ge elf
there, heir both ides, sad 1 did so ; Mr.
lona's iner.diass were, that I .ko.ld Det
and ldid seMthehem of my
.k ty ; rent to 1[r. Camerae and Laura
Chaim : hitt Mr. Oamer s wbse* i bad
bees ; Mr. Oamerea dtsw.dewmeddag to
me that was me p.Mlmhed t I told bin it
would haw M be eplprw•ed et bellow peMt-
sMea t M espy wee somewhat wt .p, bet
Moo is ambimg a oarless new whits I
meat j shore nem se main eh.Mver pp ald
eel Mew weber it email b p.N1,bsd
M nes la lir. 14e aNi hams doge h.I... M
was bawler dollimi •1111,016
Oalmar= : Wellebed I net ample, a m W.
nlat seat eet reereatly by the Kau-
mMinn 1 DlpeeisasMr Mem that ' One
bow ask walk met asee he employed a
h„hi o L..,.....&...ad byelawin a eryl. eery
and *at teeposbees
are re -gable
w MN Mis leg.MM.a i ear-
r1i eta
• Iwwdlnt Canmdlan News-
paper on the QuNUon-
Wby Jobe Help( awned the tatty of the
xanlaas-ae aellrved Mat War ..d the
Wets et J/y.fam was I.weethr of a
l brl0la. 'tate_.-A seta `Neesemsest
the Utterance. of the eirran IdYgllsk
From' The London Advertiser.
pitch into the late John Bright for
raking t e speech in favor of the
establt.hment `perpet ual unity between
the two sr tie of the English-speaking
people from which we have quoted. They
also berate The Advertiser for giving the
sentiment. space.
,..rl• i.li,,11T AS A '.001 HAS,
end when discussing the welfare of the race
he invariably took unassailable ground. He
never failed to speak his mind, no matter
how unpopular his views for the time being
might be. When he joined t'ot"len in the
effort to rid Great Britton of the class " pro-
tective " laws that had brought ruin end
starvation to many thousands of his fellow -
citizens, he was denounced by the landlords
and the tuft -hunting press of that day as
unpatriotic and as selfish, bu: be lived to
see the core laws abolished and to receive
the plaudit and the sincere Lhinks of the
populace. John Bright raised his voice
against the Iniquitous decree of the Govern-
ment of the day that China should be com-
pelled by British irooclads to r.- rive the
odious opium drug from dada. Who now
will gay that iia trey tied declared &gein.t
Chins was • just Mask ! That war, se
John Bright eloquently pleaded at the time,
was a great and an expensive mistake. It
was unworthy of • Christian nation. Bright
was right.
A True Seer Wier .
Pioneer days never fail to produce heroes
to meet the dangers and trials of the times.
Though len written of, heroines are as often
%Thea steamboats first navigated the
upper Mississippi, John Layman was en-
gaged in getting out wood for them. He
lived with he' wife, Mary, in • rude log
hut on the banks of the grand old river.
'Mary' said he, one day, 'Captain Stearns,
of the S1. Louis, says he saw • big bear
swim over to the island this morning.
'Oh. John, wouldn't some bear meat Dome
in just right •
rha'a what I think, and if old True
Shot here will do the job, well 10... soave
More night,' said her husband, patting his
to old-fashioned muzzle -loader,
Tey were standing in the door of the
little home, which was built on an eminence
overlooking the brosd river. Even as they
spoke they heard a splash and saw • dark
object plunge into the water from the little
wooden island opposite.
'That's him --that's him' cried Merv,
pointing at the maybe; head of the mon-
'And here's • pill for him,' exclaimed
Joan, as he drove home a bullet and strap-
ped on his powder -born and other acoout-
The hear seamed to Wee them, for he per-
mitted himself to drift with the stream,
so that 10. would land min rods below.
-That'll never do,' said the sturdy woods-
man,' I11 have to bad him off.'
A000rdiagly be run down to the water's
edge, drew a canoe from • clamp of willows
and was soon in swift pursuit of his iotend-
Wb51bsr ea pleasSre bent Of bunie.sa,
Assad labs ea everye• heeds .r Syrup
h Ms Illea as s meatj 'y .ad dem-
Maly se abs bye. liver sad beefs.
of sisbeem age is 'Me Mdlsg demtwMm bN1.lae
by >t
from which we have quoted was a meeting M
protest against the anti-American feeling
that the jingoes of that day had stirred up.
When many of his fellow -statesmen in Eng -
hind believed that slavery would triumph,
and that the United States would go to
smash ; and while there were politicians in
Canada that publicly and privately express-
ed apptFral of the sentiment, and did their
little best to keep the great sore open.
John Bright stood unaa•ed and unmovable
in his view that • United Almeria*, without
slavery, would be best for the States and
best for the world. His views were well
founded, and that the subsequent history
of the country to our south has amply
proved. He went further, as may be gath-
ered from the beautiful extract again given
herewith :
I o•nDot believe that civilization, io is
journey with the sun, will sink into endless
eight in order to gratify the ambition of the
leaden of this revolt, who seek to
Wade through slaughter toe throne.
And shut the cahoot mercy a mankind.
I have &Dottier sod a far brighter vision be-
fore my goo. It may be but • vision, but
I will cherish it. 1 see one vast confedera-
tion, stretching from the frozen north in
unbroken Hoe to •be glowing south, and
from the wild billows of the Atlantic west-
ward to the calmer water of the Pacific
min-- and I see on* people and ooe lan-
guage and one law and one faith, and over
all that wide continent the bone of freedom
and a refuge for the oppressed of every race
sod of every clime."
Tor AD.5RTlxaa /IAN ISSN A`•1: rD
it it indorses this dream of the reunion of
the Anglo -Simon race on this oat-.inst,
which, as the great English tribune points
out, would be productive of most important
and far reaching results.
We had thought (hen the views of the
Advertiser on the question of the Mom re -
Mims of this oomstr7 to the nations of the
world had already been made sufficiently
explicit Our hope has been that in the
future --it may 11e sear, or it may be din
aat-there will be • (easems el the F.ndisb
a eakieg peoples in the old sad sew worlds,
than Mahn" .11 sated est settling .11 dif-
fer.soss that may have arisen in the last
oa.tury. (all it a 1Lder•tio., an Albano",
or whet you will, so lens as its intent aid
frits ahed be comeord b tweou the differ-
ent branches of the race, the promotion of
those arta and Memos that make pesos, for
freedom and for the develapmest and im-
provement of the Esgliab-_peeking people
wheresoever found.
Our views on this subject, it is reassuring
to know, ars held by such p,ogremi .
O atmeal as Lord Roasbry mod the Earl
ef Abardeaa. la it too nisch to hope that
they may yet be realised '
WHAT An tertrnne r MR 0000
would web • oefedenitioa or alliance be !
It would not be feuded for military por-
poise, se is the Triple Alliance on the Re -
repass owMsaat It would not exist to
mei.t.in •xpesaive erm angst and onetime
of war, and to emend ooa.oription and
bring &boat the troubles of compulsory mili-
tary service. SIMM as alliance would exist
to promote the moral tied (asterism wdlw
of the Kaglishapeal iss people, both in the
old world sad int the sew, sad would remit
is air somal disarmament. oat of sheer r
.541y. an the ears d ena n
the natiow
&road to the teeth.
The Advertiser will do what it can to
beaten the day whew este • oeessmHallien
my b remised, red ....while it will en -
ammo the from possible demonic. of the
Mete of We eaMry. it will cepa its
ham to mist .B attest** to
ster up
between the three seetiena
nit the ena&king rams. Those vile
de aeiesapl to keep them apart by vestiges
trade reetridiens and by i.tempeate las-
rem aro, se Bright pointe est, lie meanies
el their end.
a it,hia safe dilatation, he took • careful
.int, sod fired. The bei gave on* mighty
plunge, •iter which it 6o•t.d quietly epos
the water as though deed. Layman man drew
iia loss bunting knife, mad paddled swiftly
up to kis elation. The blade bad just prick-
ed=dike skin, when the stooater, as
it into life, pve •
plane, o&peisimg the boat, and pit•-
tUineg the bunter Into the wear. He had
only been dossed. Now. infuriated, be
made for hie would-be destroyer.
ImmedlaWy after this change of ciroum-
staaon another splash was beard, and oak -
food Mary peddled her light dugout with
Urs skill of pre/Sion Strai01 towards the
bear she steered, for her bombed wee row
only draggling to set out of the 6osedering
bast'. reaok. Selveg her purpose, he
cried, ' Keep away, Moil ! You ose't do so
good 1 I'm --ail -right 1 '
Bet the breve teems kept on her enures
Apprsee►htg the fuer from the rear, she
street AM a vigorous blow es the head
wish as ma Them, despite hes $oender-
lei, she dealt him mother .ad mother, and
bensve ep the SOIL
Tows her .xbos1Ma husband to the
beak, ohm sadly p esesded to 'secure what
Midto be the largest Mar that bad bees
kiiei is Mom parts for may • iy. It
hardly need be atid.d that oar hero amt
herein" ate bei meat to their heart's .0.-
0.50, Dad that the hig bo oskis reg tede
their children the story of their mother's
Mowery bellow then it is in the power of
Ws halting pea to depict.
rem ear ewe emoeependeat
Wm (ken a Philadelphia .0009anied
by her tar.. Mr. Omega Craw is the geed el
Mr semens Mrs. Omer Mears, Merlin
Praia Wham&
8amie-o Seresiteri 1Jrtm.M !!sweet
std IkaOy, Mime Linke and Agg4 Smith
and Mss George 8.510 an boding holidays
at Oderish, net 10 the 1.h. bream .ad
driv* shuntshten� the pMwtretgrse seed
Woes ad jsll...g tM .lesser Mea