HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-4, Page 8THE SIGNAL: GODBRIU$ ONT., THURSDAY. AUOUST ONe 1 pOh1ON SURER THAN POWDER, PURE PARIS UkIIN Cann' Mat Aur. arta Mea 9d rear lean'. 4r'ceT IIIc Pers REFRESHING AND ERflILA RAT - Pith PRO TUSSIS, OUR DOUGH 8YRUP is Mwees r seems. CARLBBAD, VTCHY AND FRUIT l� lane t. balk. PUREST AND STRONGEST FLA - voting Kxtraota `t POND ES. A NEW CONSIGN - most Dist to heed- See oar prise p"ESCRIPTIuNS FILLED WITH are, neatness aid dispatch at the Mar GEO. A. FEAR, Successor to Oro. Rhys•, OODYRICH. Ogee Sundays for dispensing sod medicines only. ART. x x x x R. CROCK ITT. AIMS!. Landscape, marine and portrait palatial' la oil and water colo. CLASSES Os Thunders. trona 1A.M.to o'clock r M. a. Frtd•J• and Saturday, 13 o'clock. and tree: 2 to 3 Arelitrec tonal and mechanical drawing. Drawings for patents. etc. STUDIO :-Nonth.t., Ares door from the Senate The PeoDle's Column_ WILL IT PA Y YO1' To rise each morning tired and unre freshet frac an uncomfortable bed sweep to lave the expense of • Wire Mattress. which would afford perfect rest. refreshing sleep and mewed atrrogtb for each d.; 1 ou tinted ..e -third of your life in bed. why nes hare Solid comfort during three boars of rest t We have the Boor rest la Maur In Bede. Wire bearers* Mixed Mattresses. Moo pillow, of area ua Mase. In feathers, hair ane wool. we mnantese the stock is them to be pure and OtlaenOUR PRICKS ARE KI(jHT. We are from 5 to 10 per cent. lower than To- mato prices in Red Room suites. 'sideboard., Parer Suites, etc. We invite comparison. Colne and see for yourselves. Uphoetering a latest styles a re.wn *bee rates - 111111111'3 BAZAAR k FURNITURE. STORK IBM ly enables Wock. NEW PLANING MILL flub and door factory. latest American plans and designs of houses, latest improved machinery. latest drop in pekes. latest a:4 ..out modern workmen. lows.* price, in okinglee. pine or cedar. lowest tenders Issued. lowest ali.'ea on door. or sash. M Itaving received orders for 50 domestic refr'genton. I hare decided to build • moot her -.1 prices being so low all cam Milord to bare this luxury in their homy and grocer .tut have them. 1 have secured latest Aeerl- Sae patents. Telephone your orders for all classes of wood work . JUSEI'H KIDD. 63.4 17 Brttaiala.t. $psslal Mottoes. 11G. WARD. CONvgYANuIR, • Ra. sed oossmlssioner for taklog mod re. Nlirm tieoognizances of bail. affidavit/1 of •�tlens, deposition. or solemn declare- tles.In or concerning any action, suit or pro - seeding 1i the High Court of Justice. the Court of Appeal for Ontario. or in any i'ouuty or Division Court. All transactions carefull sad promptlyexecuted_ and P.O. address-Du0gannon. ( t tlkifi -tf N KW CHOPPING MILL 1 ant prepared to do all kinds of grain chop- ping un shortest notice. Mill 1. running at all boors. i have the West and beet improved narhl•ery tor dispatch and eMcleocyPrices reasonable. No delay in getting y our chop home with you. JOS. KiDU. 43.17 17 Brleaarat. Anetaonssrlat. JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY AIX - tiaras.. land valuator. loan and ismraoce agent. Bates &treaded In all parts of the comi- ty. (lone.. eAleaedklted. Address JOHN GRIFFIN. Kluge ridge. Aden left et Tim emxal. Oro. promptly attended to 3341 JOHN KNOX, GENERAL ♦UC- tlo0esr and Load Valuator, 0oiwtcb. t Having had co.idersb4.sperm•, is imetionaporlogtande, be le is a Idrin to with Omagh setrheties W sem e.tral ted r hese. Oedns lett t s Hat.. orreal hF e 0a eerefidlyto •dbne . IL man Annr.••r•.te•adod t ISOtOMlt E[eohaa/M' I3.attuts. GODERICH NiIECHANI08' INSTI- TUTS LIBRARY AND READING- MM, ow. of feet street and Square lop Opsu from I to e r.M., and from 7 to 10 r.M. ABOUT 9080 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading Dimly, yyeeWeakly and Illustrated Niers, gaa MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY Ips..., greeting tree ase aftspLi�brar7 and weediest - ter ter mm.►ership resolved by i/hreel.. rrma BD. SHARMAN, ORO. WF VEN. t Secretary. Delsrhk' h let► Iger. Hotel AUM■Naodatlon. MBEMAITLAND HOUSE -HAT. 1 fu't.I t ad the 11•�a IWe et 1 red aed wwoad be pinned to receive a the piddle pat- .ente . Aeeemod rim A 1. Aue.t4s the meet ..a'tesas. DAVID CURRY. prowls ter. 7t -A UMON e HOTEL. GODS RICH. ley well -team enteral aid- ftioate ben every h�0pssld�mshse, of N t 1 inedd la •"'bane• rete. eseeereta sA()L era ase HURON HOTEL, - THIS rtriveling (s10 q y ty=liar keen bawl trtk. is ei0re'MWgs id MI/M.fl,.o va..as kODi. GIRL FOR 0IENENLL hone. weak. A,.v be MIL [ll0a BOY WANTED. -TO LEAN TNT =Iraws*ZELIIFOI:jr" *CFI ler Sale sr for Rent. UWNhit 1�1ISHILD APARTMENTS *mirage F.,.... ern\ ansedense . .este the Illiallaar Denbo i t:0e.ed. (lot. Ante`' n ie R. TOS R A B 10SSream peed .em R0Rnw atsw. 1.r. Aiegis c FAR* FOR SALE, -THE BUCHAN- s. Pam ee0dstly of yt)s4s of yt. l treed- Win iR Line for «a ` tea se t:: inevel 1. ashen. . Ahs • borate .. of poeseint ..by. Apply to - -- Agmt Trost & 1.0•. Co. Auto•• (' it H is OUSE FOk BALE. -ONE OF Th best Meow ea Nertk-M for sale at • ply Two fell ler aid good sy►S.g )raid batboom and d water la W 40 . Wend b) • furies.. A to OHNBTON CAREY. tbtf (100D HOUSE AND LRain Cam. %Wm yre' FOR Um tor sate (104ych hems unmanshim Warman..0o1wter steerglian le 4 W. A1.00 Mcg L1OR SALE. -11.f WT 31.311D CON - ,L codon. Rana Ww•aoab. Ms.nns. '1.... le • fm t-c0ss era Also tow 1n 473, Goa. rich. also lot !>r, Wdarr► tome. on whbk there PHILIP rood Malt 0001•.0. Apply :10 Hot VOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT �11'e, esmpssauela hisittgldiag 1.eiW es • MLR -M. HEI Wm len at F . wt sale. Terns easy. ApMf to F.8. SCOTT. )oruosels P.0. roti Business Chamonix STORE AND RESIDENCE INT KIN - (all tor sale. --inters will tis reo0ved by the undersigned for the paeans of De MOM end dwelling in Klotail, now =rid* M.A. Kennedy. together with tie �gaOsedd wW or ea buatnw of a general more and eters, if do.isd, the stock in trade. Apply for terms and pperrr•� Ocular. to C. SKAUKR, (iodericb, or J ARKS 8/8111N KT. KintalL 7041 MsdleaL 71R�, WHITELY i RUNUP. 1J 0111oa-Oraad Opera Mea TARS. BRANNON & SHANNON, Physicians. Bergsma. A000uchera. &c. Ota at Dr. gammon's residence, near the gaol Oodertcn. O. C. Seta..xox. J. R Ssan- most. 1731 LeRa1• EN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- . tor in M•rlume Courts of Ostarte O.oe-South ColbxTe hotel. 2313 .110. JOHNSTON, BA KRISTER, . solicitor. commissioner. tc. Loan.. colectlois and real estate transactions ear. - M117 attended rar.- M117attended to. OfAce-Cor. Hamilton sad 8t Andrew's et.. Rolerich, Oot llablyt JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. O.ivelsaoer. to ; Mo..p to lend. Office over Pom-Ouse Ooderfch. 1bit CAMPION, BARRISTER, 11. Solicitor, Notary Public e t e. (1*.. -Over Jordan's Drug 8 -ore, the roasts formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 32M C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, he. • Offloe• Gore., of Square and West 'treat. Oodericb, orer telegraph Mike- Pri- vate rood. to lend at 6 Per cont. 3 40- GARROW A PROUDFOOT, BAR- rietersAtiaraey1ss,, Solicitors. t1.., Gods rich. J.T. ("arrow, Q.C., W- Proadfnet- CAMERJN, HOLT & HOLMESI, Barristers, Solicitors In Chancery, he. Ooderioh. M. C. (:amore., Q.C. ; P. Halt ; 1ad1ey Holme.. Loans lana 1n.uranee. *e0 J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND accident insurance agent ; a lowest rates. Once -Cur. NortlieL and 8qu.re. God- erlcb. 71- AIONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE A amount of private and esker foods at lowest rates on productive town and him peteserty. Special terms of repayment to wit the borrower. --No com w 'Amt. -17611 or write M. 0. JOHNSTON. Uudeeich. n 01-u 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMERON Whir t HOL4488, Dock ricMONET TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Panda for la ve.�0.t et lowest rates on arst-less Morta.t0,. ApC toDARROW t PHODUF'OOT, RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN• L.1Isumacs, Real imam and Mose Iog agent. 0.11 gra-class oo.pa-u represented. Mesal to lead en Oralgk Iona, at the Iowan rate or entries nest, 1. Y1 way to silt 1Le Borrower. Inas and doer from dquare. Wen Nrse God Mak. twit!o £rpelss air Halo '1 INIE P08 8BA End .AgLL-0stie es 00D FRES1 at De PallsReserve lim• All adorn ter delivery will MM POR SALL -TWO 18 IN. CAST 11 toradt pairllo h la. face, I WIG la bore or can be larger hle 4, •s urn. Will loses. ata ria Mattes Imre 10�pp4ltbty at Tek rick. tea. 14tatimg u•.qt Gsdedoh. Travelling Guide. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arylve sad depart at G.derish as fol- lows: Mail .ad Expela Mao ..d ReplanTip per. . _ .. ..,,.1.N p... eseasgt. Rome........ 1.6 am. 1 Re. .. R BIER A Me., harry.,_ maks Rea t gallons of Root Re • .whine 8...er drat. MAROCANllg iRRCKLE LOTION. din SEA RALT hr the 8.001, 10. Rum. RATH AND 81700? SPORD1111. R El UOTR()PE T01L81' SOAP. lee day ansa■t of empty en eedy harts at Nla oamo J. WiLeon 'o Paawoatrrso,, Dsie. Rema Tremendous redmedemfa Am ow Goods.bal- atms of our Spring S� w*11 be sold regardless dent lir the next 30 days. Dress Goods worth 10 and 12c. per yd. reduced to 5c. Dress Goods worth 25 and 30c. re- duced to 10c. per yd. Sat- een* worth 20c. for lxc. per yd. Prints worth 12:c. and 15c. for 8;c. per yd. Many other lines also greatly reduced. Call and we shall be glad to show theme. JAMBS A. RE1». Jal'rWit°L MM - Lest or Pound LOOT -AT THE HARBOR PARK. 111•1311‘ inienseles. imeneed sae. w.sMd In re- MYsevina .t Tto'tls.sal. Moe. Pubile Mopes. FARMERS. -THIS 18 OF IMPORT aunt 40 you. Extract from Goveramsot Baled•. Rowlaad A Geer, oomptete pea JLser is neomissistie4 for wheat. barley. eat/0 vs ire aid air root .rope, and for I1.eewi arse is superior to say mid mad. composed weight kr',W M Reay 6e deed Of sawed bread - ens ad k.nww.d. J. W. W KATHBRALU, Cowry Agent, Smith's Rar, .r. Crabb'. Block. Ammo wasted 50,000 BA: RLB APPLE 8 . PWa t�lNar.eta waste 30.000h5, �t trWeli � ben )aket prie.617-md. ow y� a• TIO„,„r5. D. N, Modes to Creditors. ALL CREDITORS OF THE LATE Wiriest' Leidy.Wawano4. are r igned before the inst. uieted to mead theit P. WKLSiIu81 amass to the A alas P. 0. Annan le 1 71111 M NICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DENTAL Ns a..Oa4 LL to the 'sew Pnes.O/as. y DEc, s RICHARDSON, L D. S„ tteem.e. deems. 015 .id vitalised all adalmk.eree for pia** extracting or teeth. !real .t .tterand nest��g�lss to preeervatio. St 0odderieb. Oe 11d1-1 v CAIADIAx ORD F HOME Circles -Godertch No • .marts third Monday of each n the hall over 1111 91us.t. oeoe. Special rdttcemeata 1n insurerss shod sick b..eeta it. CLLHiCK. Leader; R. J. ACHESON. Treasurer; IL RICHARDHON. Secretary. 3111-IHr TO W N OF GODERICH. TIILEAWURKR'8 BALE OF LANDS EOR TAXIS. Perovisc-s or OrrAHto, ! By virtue of a Towx or OougxicH. , warrant under the hand of the Mayor of the Town of 'Joderich and a sel 1of 01.,, a corporation. lar'rg day or June. Ilex, to me directed, commanding the to lery upon the lands in the following list of arrears of taxes due thereon• that unless the said take*. together with all costs are sooner paid. I shall proceed to sell the acid lends by public auction, oras mucb thereof as shy be sumcieat for the payment of the taxes sM cost thereon. at the TOWNT H \LL. in the TOWN OF OOUERlc'H, on Friday. the Mea day of November. 130f. at the hour or tw. Naloek. 1'le/belesfylsra ore pale ted. Lots of n O( 1•Rf rtttttet~ �' If 111 I • i I3 uunletg Noe' 14 let 1A,2 1J 9.pt073 ,: 1R 011/3 11 46 h 045 1 10 1 6 !1 13 7, 7o 79 9t W M W. K IoW I.4 it wa E 71 MB' -• I-1 M303 feel ..• I41 .ITf a ma'•v'i4ntn's 8or'y Bier 1 701e d1c0M'. Survey 1.0 ie Mit 881 Ys &. Ito.d 1.4• 1 141 1 .• 1 11-x1 amp 10 C7pe. etf.te1-If f ls� ss E ` � 77-130 W. 4�swwmt RTOfrwi Tsc•er. Oederich, June X. 1: vt. TEETH EXTMCTEO WITHOUT PAIN 1r 7'Ha ilea Or Ar DL E. RICHARDSOWB own a L PAnum. MINA NOUSE R8ts, MST -STRUT. OODERZEZ, ONT. M 1_ t irds .o mW elt iced .araaten. s1 r bp r ane UMim la th, most m��•weeaa d.ilgAtfrl aid .ess.i•bsd �p.ttttes..se,, te w It slat 1 ►.re tea hely .ad gxeI v1. rtgbt 10.00 la O°d.$.0, ta. lain. 5545018.'rooves), which a warranty river as create the leant pain derfag the extraction ovens' teeth er .e.pr of .ay k1.4. 4 smwt1 extreme s.reek Ilttle pal. Ir tier bast man INTI -INT 1.RPI• POIDJQ�. h • Weal anaesthetic tint .ever .alba, the patient 1. the 544.4.00. 1a harming as d the ker.ekeine es earth te'cane; .ted Xs teeth .e. -...eine, te paw. Monate 'emus me It is Fesaevedy Mrre...e i. tem toes...,. of the name& teeth • Aner.ttewn ..l) sad ohne,. ys: MFPeellear I.tersmr e•err. DRn Bi0HAA MON. RAM TO £DV RTIlaEIllttE. Neralsal d Amgen meet be We .t this Oats set Wee thee Srtard y area The Odry far ebeesso meet be left nos toter Who Mow day moo Oases! Advvrtiammets ..espwhIq to woe Weldessdtty of stab THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. c1Jrr..meter/ Iia robes' meant Ass' /ere hR ,,reel a peat nity at tfie velset 7w ane have • tilt ill an s ,4t em end style soil fA at very me�i.to_ _ perms, Dart swelter la hearay ert►lg when the meee.q e0e101s up toward rs e M .y. eat • ssaseaaW Amer Bait tram E. J. Pnd- 4a., tM pe0.le e`. tM uta, TWs r the time of the year to take silvan- acrenature•• ptstate .. grub, sad hue Hews of fpr• rsssde.es taken. R. It. ie • epeeW{y la that has. lit. harvest well sad every bear her is Weer trlrMa is ewn3.s.ee. Meer 8a�dma le eat walk kr three la yp d m on 7, Anel It sad pMt. la an the Sant se at idor war bet iswurk�s always cheapen. New goods arriving every day. As KXJOYa.tg Sao---Mu.dsy ahereo0. To. Stasis. bad an eajoryable sail es the lake in R N. Lewis' pit.Iore yacht, the Norma Mr. Lewis is an eathtsNsstio sen- or, and knows bow to handle the trim little yacht in •'parkin/ breeze. Dino LX OMJUAUO.-Dewe has been ro- sined hors of the death of Mrs. Edward Sharma.. honestly of Godatioh, whish oc- curred "i (Aicsgo last week, after • short illness. Deceased was a daughter of Walter Hick, .r., Of Godeneh township. Bairn OAT. Tw si.\-x 1'a\iso Areas. - There are may people now living who will have only one birthday to celebrate for nearly twelve years to Dome. This strange cirounestanos is due to the fact that they were born on Feb. 29, and to the further fact tbat the year 1900 will not be a leap yam. Tnz Cit -ss la PXu:karwtva.- T. M. White, of Windsor, secretary of the Uu• who Continental Union (hub. war in town during Monday and Tuesday. He reports that the cause is making rapid strides all over the piovince. He met a lame number of staunch Unionist, duriur his stay i0 Godencb. Tut E)AMISA29Us W J A('1te G0.lxis Os WSW( tawa*'.-Mr. Dosu.y, c01nlni.loner, arrived in 6odericb to take the evidence of Laura Gordon in re The Queen r Mitchell. Murphy Q. C. and Campion, Q. C. appear- ed for *01. prisoner and (.arrow, Q. C. for peraecutioa. The examutation opened at 3.30 and owing to the witness ?row 'tl we•a during the curse -exam' tattoo, was ad- journed until 7 p.m. The evidence is not for publication at this stage of the pro- ceedtnga Ha SBot•LI ESA0IXL.--ltappa.re from a recent legal decision that when an sectio, mer is employed to sell farm stock or other goods, he must make a careful search in the proper offices to find out if any man has a chattel morty;age or other lien or claim against the same, otherwise he will be held liable to any one who may have such • claim, and whose nghta are interfered with. He virtually guarantees the title to .1 goods sold by him. This is pretty hard on the auctioneers. New L w. - Everyone is guilty of an of femme, and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding `;q who sells or Rives any pistol or air gun, or any ammuni- tion therefor, to a minor under the age of 16 years unless he establishes to the satisfac- tion tion of the justice before whom he is charged that he need reasonable diligence in endeavoring to ascertain the a`, of the minor before making such ^sale or gift, and that be had good reason to believe that such minor was not under the age of 16. 2. Everyone it guilty of an offense, and liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty not exceeding 425, who sells any pistol or air gu0 without keeping a record of such sale. the date thereof, and the name of the pv chaser, and of the maker's name or other mark by which such arm may be identified. McK111NON -MO.t.I% - A veli pleasant afternoon was spent at the house of Robert lysyls, Kippen, on Wednesday, July 20th. The occasion was the marriage of Lirye, laughter of M. Mello to the Rev. A. Mc - Ribbon, of Pine River. super',' 'admit of the Bethel circuit,l:uelph conference. Rev. W. H. Graham • special friend of the GR coinmtta acted betegroomsman, t e brMha maid. Rev. J. F.. Howell, chairman of ti,u (loderich district, who had associated with him tee Rev. Hems/ Inoue, superintendent of the Kippen circuit, performed tate mar- riage ceremony. The wedding was quiet, only the personal friends of bride and ,room being present. Atter the ceremony and congratulations the company st deism to • sumptuous repast which would gratify the meat fastidious. M the wedd,g was at 3 r. M. the hour of train for the North soon .tante round. Coueeyaeots were in readi- ness at the door to convey all who wished to station, where at 6 o'clock Rev. McKib- ben and wife took train for their future horns amid showers of rice and the best wishes of their many friend.. We foie their many friends in ocegratilations sad ben wrks. Tee Oonkwc, 11* *i gto. - is said that it is very difficult to not • church choir. but it is certain that unitedly church choirs thoroughly understand bow to run an excar•ioe. The one to (:odench on Fri day. July 19, in the interests of the choirs of Berlin, Waterloo, (1.11, Hamburg sad other places, was very largely attended, there being about twenty flee loaded ears in the train en route to the steamier sit The last one arrived shout 12 o'aieek. no **ti- ters were met at the station by a large ddb, gatios .n.1 .seemed to the spot of all the spots dear to a I:oderich eases heart --Me enema wow. en address. of weans, ws0 given and some hymns song by, the m.;t.d aboin. The visitor, were its Was so Um drill abed aid served with r01r-' M L; after which they proceeded to enjoy Wm - same in their owe faskice. Many Stint out for • sail on the lake ; • still number neembled i. the Parkwas perfonoed ovum the lake, where • o.ppiitacf .neo, Prsteslneisl Smrtyi 01.01. The trsis left ass! the nese trip at 7 .seal 8 e'eleek i. teriThig well pimmmbd'• e e swear Ooderricy prebaMy e Everyr8ilrg,psenod of Steil-Ihe people orf as Iowa Are birdmen tuns is the vial. toss --a.1 Ikn we•ikbr was dbikttel, v. en she wets aIle The trans se, lea M OM annealair witbeut r Bose= 1fad n fairly (mei a. Balt Moor - LOCAL M RVITILi. Tieertn. W.---- : 13y, M. bow de Camerae% bnwlst• As? 114.p" 4..pg..e 8ttask•ey7 I Mkasi ss doss. lit arils -111116111. Dr. s A rwenei .iM k Ls..,.., the 1..mg Canadians and Beavers une played • she old crakes iw..de en To••f.Ty, la • aebee et 4 to O le bens el .Y. 1sa es. A seek bavidos? hie We 3..g *rough Iso !�!� .gre.i g wish Wenn to 40.11. s.etr 40iss,M .a wet. • Ib The agnela.mi Was ale te M • premtoory war for OM Leek ea for las ! The urinal cza.r.s.. to Grimsby Park sad Niegan r.11s will b. es Satarday Amgen tt7h.. 1304. The fan is t►s lowest the taw the loan sod the proteins the best ever oared 8.. bias sod ..k G. T. R Agana About Helen ml.bers of Eureka C...eil No. 103, R. T. of T. drove down to Varna on Tuesday ennui to &stead the gardes party bold than and., the *tampion of St. John ohuroh. They report having bad •m enjoyable time. Advance notice is oat in the New York Clipper, that the Jose Mille Coy. will epos 01 as Grand Geta House, t:oderich, Ase. 24t6 with ane plays, sew people and Ems wardrob. I. a Brit does band and orchestra is with the o..pany. Look out for their bills. George McTavish, wk. had bees in the employ Ott Jos A. Reid for the peat two years, left on Monday for Listowel, where he will go Tato the L*u.tisv-. boninesas with his father. George is • pushing y.o3g man and will succeed. He will be much missed by his many friend. in Geis 4001• •.d es pecially by the Royal Templar*, as he was .o earnest worker. W. wish him moms. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. R. B. Coultas spent Sunday in town. John 1)owuing, of Brussels, was in toe" last week. A. Watson, of Stratford, spent $atyjny last in I;odench. Miss Ida Smith.. of Dungannon, visited tow on Sunday. Wm. lamphrie, of Chicago, is visiting is town this week. Mrs. A. Mettle, of Detroit, is elating relatives in tow r. Will Holloway and R. Downs, of Chnto., were In town on Sunday. Mr. and Mts. D. Stoddart have returnee from A vett to Harnaton. Mins Jennie Hale, of Brantford, is visit- ing at leer home in town. Mise Vino Luzon, of Kincardine, u the guest of Mise (:race I:reeu. Mise Ida Ihckeon left by that Monarch on a visit to friends In Manitoba. Horace Beaky, of Woodstock, formerly of liuderich, . visiting in town. Geo. Cox left o0 Tuesday morning on • holiday tnp to Detroit and Buffalo. Mrs. K C. Russell, of Walkervale, is visiting her suitor Mn. al. Swanson. Pat G. Lynn, an old Si..NAu. boy, is spend• tng he holidays at his home in town. Miss Minnie Wat oa, of Stratftwd, is the guest of )art John Wawa, Lighthouse - /at. Dr. A. C. Hunter is visiting the berme of his childhood at New Glasgow, (hit., this week. Mrs. Fred Ogden and daughter, May. of Ru'alo, N. Y., are the g.esu of J. E. Tom, I.P.S. W. W. Fox, of The World, is again in town, and the editor of the World, W. T. Maclean is expelled. Mr. and airs. John Stewart, of lie.miller, nave gone on a pleasure trip to the Old Country. lion voyage. D. R. Menzies left Tuesday morning on a trip to Quebec and the Maritime provinces i, the interest of the 6oderich Organ Com - pan)'. Miss Jennie Ray and Master Samuel Dickson and Mise AllieJoknston left by the alonareb ou the rot td trip Wednesday morning. Albert Black, formerly of Tux Si.., t L. now foreman of The Jackson Patriot, ac- companied by his wife, is visiting his mother in town. Miss A. 11. Brernan, of Boston, Masa, and her stater, Nellie, who have been visit- ing isiting friends in town, left Saturday morning last for Bn.tforti. MARINE NOTES. Wm. Watton was • guest on dredge No. 9 last week. The aehr. Carter, Capt. M. McDonald, reached hen on Tuesday from Tbsss•lon with lumber for N. Ljwsst. The yacht A. M. Petrie called in on Thunder on her way to the Georgian Ray remained i. r,til Sunday. The err. Monarch called in on Wednesday and took on sere. carloads of salt mid • number of p•sseneen for Port Artbvr, The.tr. City of Windsor called in onSat- urday on her wav down to W"neer, and again oa Mooday on her way up the lake. The echr. Theo. VgoRtee arrived in a Monday with three hundred tone of ooal for the Rig Mill and cleared os Tueday for AI - The barge Bavaria, which Wt here on Saturday last, had • terrible time in the .tuall on Saturday night The main mast had to be choppedo01 of her to save bar from going ashore. Something west wr'�g with the pumps and she almost 811ed .4401 water, and had it not been for the able ma - m reship of the commander, Capt. Angus McIver, aloe would have been • total wreck. As it was the vessel was badly shaken up, cod did .ort reach Port Heron wail Sunday eight. The captain says it was the wont squall he ever sxperi4.sd ata Lake Hamm. HIGH ISCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM The education deporl.e.t having duly approved the admission of all the candidates that were either passed or recommended by the local examiners for the Inspectorate et W. Heron, we give below the het of sso- oeaf.l pupils. with their mark., schoola, and the ousters t'..y wrote .t Then were la all 941 candidates, crit, 110 at (loderieh, 44 at Denp..e., 66 at 1.1...,, and se at Zseia. Onosasan. Ties AR ulleS ll s wad.rieh M. Sel\oo1 was R13Certasa 489 Kar469 magort�. 409 Meeks 4 A1..... e�'' McIver, ' 150* Waiter Sabel, 884 Willie Park, NM hank FOliverIM Hb .obs., 470 538 Aber, 436 t 473 1 T.,.er, 407 Illionnen. 421 44 44 .. r 111 THIE WILEULV Mi y eadmaele Irises !wna r t 1. r:wwp.... . 0 •lase..:::: es• �lo 11;21117;11414• w�e�wtyw4y'; •. s Y N 1 iris•:..:1st zlethl moues( L i lir._.....:. «N / 1 • N1 tog set ..• •- >r • �� Mnl .-..,-. .. Np M0..sey Uwe Sleek M.sba The receipt, at 11v. Meek .t the yards the Montreal Shish Yards Company, St. Charles, for the weak *iodine July wen as follows z previous week e311 773 t wiz, 1ett Mit 7Ta1 / � sll lit. Then were beery - reoei w 1.r -tpor: for the week at these yards and s.eue arse wait dune r this vine Of tattle, 0:101 very alight •dvse,oe in priors. 01.1'4 abort supply of Wt week the butcher opened brtak sad daring the early pen the week good price, wars rs.liasd ; ken reoelpt• as week ad,.sc.d teed don WA, and the market .lewd parr. sheep trade was quite. Tkm tlenta•i hogs, closed straw( with i trust ad or 1 r last .1001. 11'si quote t' r following as "••rig vasa.. Ckttk..xport ye N t Cattle buscben' gg0� ..n to ''attle butchers' a.ilua aua C,Mc tt1., batohevu' Geer, theesp sad leaks N (reels 40 �•sa N t� Dime Watson, 483 Gr*sr40, M. Hayden Williams. 460 416 May Craig. 413 •' Helen Douglas, 396 Genie Graham, 431 '• Ida Graham, 404 .. Hattie Harrison, 412 •' Mabel kutso0, 393 " Addie Savo, 481 .. Alice Brown. 402 ., Freak Evans, 404 •, Willi Curtin, 389 ciederlsi S. Charles Shannon, 4:,'7 G. John P. Tighe, 383 0 Dora Campion, 441 •' Walter Hawkins. 387 S. 8, Na 1 MM.0 Jennie Huey, 436 •' 2 Alex C. McKenzie, 423 " 3 " George McGrey-or, 449 3 .. Minnie Garrick, 427 •' 3 '• Wm. O'Loughlin, 418 0 10 ., Lilly Creel, 474 •• 11 " Mary Maw, 440 " 11 " Tena McLean, 382 '• 12 " Pella McLennan, 396 " 12 " Minnie Johneton, 450 •' 12 " Rowaden (;rant, 406 " 15 Murd'k Matheson, 384 " 15 •• Maggie West, 537 " 15 " James Rimm, 391 " 1 Celbeas Mary Zoeilner, 446 " 5 Grace Linfield, 384 •• 5 " Isaac Hetherington,411 '• 5 " Frei Durst, 418 •' 7 " Amelia Weeper, 383 " 5 Haifa Frank Mauro, 460 •' 5 Ada M. Haack., 463 " 2Gode irk Annie L.. x.y, 474 •' 2 " Maggie Mur, 431 •• 2 " Con.topber Sturdv.419 Fed Burke, 4.30 Fred Linday, 480 Edith Cox, 472 " 5 '• Cora Hewett, 406 " 6 '' Henry Tidale, 471 " 7 R. Winans& 4. .. 2 .. .. 5 .. Herres. William Allison, 427 8. S. No. 2 U.berse Fred Borland, 439 2 " ('has. Monteith, 4.31 " 2 " Frank Coughlin, 407 Stephen Sep. Scheel Phnhe Kat. McDoyle, 41 P.rasc A x•418 S. 8. No. 1 8Mpkm Louis Harris, 498 " 3 U.k.a. John Parkinson, 472 " 7 " Wesley Parkineo.,388 Lim. Parkinson, 446 Z-ta, Andrew, 443 Leith James Rua, Handfeed, 466 11.11• MolIard. 483 Beattie. Robin....482 Ube Feawiok, blob 4 " Mb* Warta, 386 " 4 " Duncan McEw.., 418 " 10 Hay Edict Bouthrs., 462 " 10 (sort's guider, 384 " 8 " Fdith Taylor, 389 •' 5 /truest Gregory. 397 Reeler NW* 8ie.1 Ito,•el A ., 431 J. Alex. Mortis, 489 " Arthur Frank Shyweet, 4616 Timms Saari. 4.30Rant •• Brows, � Jaen B 0 Jeanie Creech. 403Genie Revery, 421 •• Mabel Kamp. 343 4' R Dtn•asesotr. Mary J. Anders.., 448 8.8. Na 5 MOM Catharine O.rinee, 516 •' 6 " Wm. R Cardoso.. 444 " 5 " JAden Ritchie, 472 " 5 " Rdward .1. Wales, 434 " 5 " Csiini•gsham, 494 17 Celina ho01bin, 417 17 Aline MoWhh.ey, 456 " 17 Banes Dog, 490 " 16 Madge M. Fishy, 561 " 9 " Willies. F1.ly, 434 •• 9 " Lilly J. Reed, 386 •• 9 " MaW• Melo.., app •' 10 " Mims &mho. Limy Ye 475 " 1 W. Wawassi Isis Mellwda, 3M " 1 ' Jeanie Kirk. 483 •' 1 " Sarah McKnight, 384 •' 1 " . CO beryl* � Jena, 1 Jade M.AQist.r, 417 " " anart, 480 " 11 J i >tr.k,- 396 eq. s. w. wawe.n+ M 416 8.3. No. 6 MAO Zenon. Clore Gaping, 40 R. aNa 9 heresy Mabel Oaplingb 4110 44 llama Thasimaa MI " Jelin Rio, 1171 " 9 " Rabb Meneen. Lem- •• 4 El. '• Mikes « Mrs laima. 1 11.1