HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-4, Page 7THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY.- AUGUST , JOHN T. ACHESON SPECIAL YALUES IN American Ohallies at 8, 10 and 16c. All Wool Ohallies at 20, 26.40 and 5c. Ladies All Silk Undervests at 75c. Al ine of Parasols worth $2.00 for .60 A Special line of Dress Goods in ain and checked 40 inches wide in yards ends $1.00 for the piece a �rgal n. JNO. T. ACHESON. • • - la1L i 2 t s :.oills lii1 3.4! y1 a • S 2t 13 :4 alI v d as i li P a 1 �a ; 3 1 1 'Hill 1+is 4i�s; il It 1s - a opi ilui 1 s1 t3 1 ] 1 ri n itf 1 •h' 1 ia jliI 1 If is 3g. a e t. 1 a�.— a !I 1 j1 ; II A I[.i.#�!11¢1ti iii --' 1^1 3w C gi 114.1 sea. �k! itaz sib x `1 0 e a k SET HIS BRAIN ON FIRE- era■►are'. ttY.II t' wlatwed Seen. throbs] to Make V%amr. "1 was present at the autopsy of • noted I ' resider' of my town a few weeks aro," d John A. Holliday, of Troy, N. Y., eit t Lindau, to • St. Iwai. Glebe -Democrat porter, " mod I was startled .rod shocked what 1 .w. The dtad.as was about 60 . n old, and bad bean the town drunkard r forty yrs. The doctor. had ..retied at when they cut hie Road open az: atwed smell of alcohol would Issas s ARIL 'I thought t odnlns dpthesegfsue. t Note, that theoirn stones when they are caning • a to manor neat in the iMnast ef their hence. " Pat 1 woo learned that it wee mos. r when the surgeon's mw had cat o� the p of the man: skull the oder d alcohol et filled the room was siren seorgh to most sicken nae. ' Then one of the surgeons streak a match id held it clone to the brain. Isamedeatelly Mor tlttne enveloped the Mire portico of to cerebral organ exposed, sad the quiver - e/ flesh sizzled aa if on • gridiron." ' That experiment and disaloe.» set me I very seriously thanking about the error my war. I ser not • t°mpari..' leoter- r net a probibitioe politieien, but I nisei net respectfully and finny denim your inlets* to have eoemstb1a . I dtm't west it brain to float .rased is a sea el aleehol, r did that of the poor old town drunkard I Troy. There is no telling how many Ow meal's braise will reveal the our com- ities if an autopsy is held urns that." • nese irate. HOW TO SHARPEN A PENCIL mum .1— llle.esly der •, t MM 1 des. in the Ileus I. Lek weed 1• A menw.-%'S....a ono .t the Gra memo whir wee ..fi.4 week n the Mwtry MNdlig en el woman. Sophie Hama bj frame. One eight whim seem. was oweertsg w rd.•• gapers in her nom roe immila�bee a to' r to Me ..ha• 1111. �w ua ea drestiIoverlooked. welsh -se ter Mar he would be tempted beyond miasma Mos thought e1 Mr few ew.0 sodiums ae keine aloes with .o eas to gin them their sapper or pot them to bed, but the ear duty that stared her le the fein was to protect that messy ; she gat down open the her end quietly waited far the boars to He by. At 1 u'dssk 1. tib ..seieg IM heard the smeilling step of Genpil Spinner le the cor- ridor sed heard him Ilse deer to kis MIL eke quietly wed along dM cor- ridor, 'mocked at kis last and UM him whet she had tared. The General bed the Mm token to kis roam and met t. hese. in W aarria�w The next nor g whoa .he rotarad read the Oerternl .till k eight be sent for her .id That le hr hand er htment papule, ven for .musty, ..d for thirty years .be Me ..reed .ad drawn her 260 per month. Fifty thoam•nd do1Lrs was is this box. At another time she found $00,000, for whluh the testietoey nes be seen over general Spinner's own h..dwMint. OPULgR T •F'•�.SING1— ROFIT.gBT,E THREE P's IN ONE POD. TBZ PRICES ARE POPULAR 1 THE GOODS ARE PLEASING 1 TRADING WITH NE I8 PROFITABLE 1 sesnamrths selfless The iodolout, the arrehes, aid the mare plsseur.-.semen are the epeedtk1Ht..1 tier. They wastefully threw away the eppo'tae- Ities of finer esag the trail happiness meg valued lits. They are at the book had .eN of other idler., and oo.greAulate thg.rhes that they do art gringo every m assent sprat with • Maid or is Janos'.& morns meet. They tbiak they are liberal. wh s ia truth they are wasteful. to the ether hand. �..er. ,wa minute, ho thorniness I� ora thing to ..other without paw, who fled oo Tisanes to bestow ea their families or friend., who ujure their health and narrow their m.ehood by a 000tiaeen round at blew that M ever lo value from receiving no isliesios el fresh vitality from outside sources. These pupls thick that they arra frugal in thaw w of time, when in truth they are only penerioas. Time, like mosey, is valuable as it eon- trlbstw to tate worth sad hopping.' ol Ids; sad to this sed there mem be system is ire ....r..sst ora no waste. Labor, repose, and refavrtios most each be wisely p n sided fir. the sb.s of koalas sad .uaioet must be erannean. duties to self aid to others moat he auwred, and sae s. op poeY d tins as will y do/.il�Utl.s - will be both frugal .sin Mani i. •b.lest ileus. Per Iwp.v.rlebed hese. ALECK SAUNDERS, STREET R Jardine. North Sidon. C. li, writes: "• I suffered from weakens" and impoverish - .d blood, and only found relief in Pink Pith. I heartily reoomaeod them." All dealers or goy mail .t 50c • baa ora bones for $I1.50. Dr. Williams tied. Co., Brook- ville, Ont., mod Schenectady, N. Y. Be- ware of imitations. The sed i1 .aL A father and son were one day walking beside the railroad, when they noticed a man standing by the track, holding in bis hand a rd flag. " What is that man doing with that Aug, father r asked Frank. •' There le danger ahead, my eon, son, as anon am the train appears, the m will wave it to warn tie engineer to atop.' Father and the eon approached to where the arse was standing and learned that • photo of the track, around a carve in the road jest ahead, had bean washed oat by • heavy rain the night beton, and that work- man were boy repairing the damage. "The empress is now dim," said the eagssan, "and as they are not quite through mending the break, 1 am waiting to signal the train." In a few minute* the espre.' was lean Doming along at a fearful rate d speed bat the ever -a ar:kfal engineer, wing the signal of danger, whistled down brakes," and brought the train with its procioes freight of human lives to a stand still Soon, however, the track was repaired, mod the train rushed over it again, eontinutag joatnmy in nasty. Now, Frank," said the father, when the last oar bad disappeared, " what would you think of that engineer, if instead of stop- ping tdping when he mw the signal of danger be had kept right on, and burled the train, carrying not. only himself, but many others, to destruction •• Why, father, I should think he was crazy," exclaimed Frank. Yes, and no would everyooe else ; for no person but a maim would darerord such • warning TAU is • railroad," con- tinued his father seriously, " and we are the engineers, guiding the trtaioe. You carry for paeeeugers the parents you should Uwe sed h000r, and the sisters and brothers and friends who claim yoile affection. The train that bean you boats them too. If you do not heed the signals of danger along the track that you ase, and hart yourself to destruction, you cause them move rte.' suffering by the wreck. Wiar, beer, and all intoxicating drinks are Dome of the broken rolls or breaks in this railroad, over which Tour train must speed. You most mead airs breaks with the rails of tempsranos --total ab.eam:le-or obis Tom imenot pursue your jeurfe7 with perfeot safety. Now to you I •m the Aug. man, and warn you of the dnegsr of 1 a- tomperana. Are you gong to be a wise, a or a mazy engineer? •' I andersees d yoan Saha." sag the b, selling. ' .d,' be wld, " whim I me liquor el any kl.d I think el the enema mid the man waving the red signal d denser " A I little Intl remise for Weenies .ad Mea Who Whisk They resew It ALL ' It rally makes me tired to see the av- erage man sharpen • pencil," mid an old rewep°pr man in a etattooery store to • Washington Star reporter. ' He will out hie Angers, cover than with dirt and b.ck- en them with lead drat, and still will sot alui the ' [.ere is but one way to sharpen • lead pencil, sod that is to grasp it firmly with the point from you and not toward you. Take your knife in the other band and whittle away as though you had lots of pen- cils to wast. By following these direction and turning the pencil over you will soon have it neatly and regularly sherpotwd. and your finger will be unsoiled, and you will n ot need any coon plaster to pat an the wounds, because you moot cat your fing- ers whoa whittling from than. ' This method is the best, whether your knife is sharp or dull. It the pemoil is . soft one there is no mane in sbarpesing the lead. Simply cut away the wood. sad in writing turn the peooil over, thus writing with the aides at the lard. Another dieguatisg and moans= habit is in *d. the pencil in the mouth when oath r' This is a .lie d the days when paeans wen as bard u list, and before the .annneteren were nib to produce the are and today. de ▪ e�mR� the Mad will har- der eveeeMl � yowl] and sake it hard and geiMp fs dismay a habit, anyway, moil meth hails file ilei earn" After sneering for three weeks from balera infant am, so that i was not sxpeotsd a hire, and, at the tims,•woold even have o a glad had death caned we, so groat was ay aflen.g. • friend leesumwe sed Dr. rower's Extract el Wild $srawbutry, rhrcb acted like aegis ea my Nyatao. Bat lar this medicine i would net M nine sow. Jon. W. Bunes•w, 393 elf Paul•..., M..lend. P. (1. NM Wave shams.. Rom Ts. chicane ihhwiL hot go into the sa ll.e't drink malt *pars ilee't drtak aloote& bgawm brit drink iced wear. It heats Boat wear deeesmary ddhng. • Don't eat het fuels .r dunk met beveets- v iablestph e sn.sesmary or ablest sat animal bin exempt of ch. kW' * Twisty. Bare a y.iud, • k1.dVu hornet mod like kis cal. saeaesgr wearer& cm*rssn —y was swank web et weekMass • severe ars 51 Irmwm s.rte• we moat et ems he . easter, bot M meta mark le help. An irreaen-eallin Elm linty wMefrim w mlentssmh M m/ holds 'r sok I0brry, while mora ea ills. ilea J. mst Van `Om. Has all kinds of Novelties for the Kitchen, And will procure New Things as fast as they appear. GRANITE IRONWARE CLEAN, HEALTHFUL DURABLE. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK TO HAND IN SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PANS, PRESERVING KETTLES, Etc. THE NEW WIIITE-WARE Handsome for the Table, Durable for Cooking, Chemically Pure. HAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE Is SELLING FAST Nothing like it has ever been sold in the town. I have it in all lines. THE ONLY PLUMBING SHOP IN . THE TOWN. C. C. Rtat•nne ft Co. Osoreutrsm,—Pr years I ham been troubled with earolaioms sores span fare. I hove .pant ba.drmb d e -I sy uint ser hto bMpppdpv� • uewe ewbtt e a MINARD'S MFMENT entirely awed me and Ise heartily recommend it to all r the boat mdione in the world. Bayfield, Oat MON ALD MCI >.ttIS, eamemearbse as Dl.esemen• mow 'robes*. ,y litttoot get the leak of your Desk "4 ' dweeds n dos prdea " "Bat raw hair is awet. my sea" 'That's p.. p'raYw.' "Tear crest is an wrong p tlrdpir out. too." "Put It w dist i 'Paniniy, deer, Not you hive ghat Jokey D. Bei' i.. .. ler Metier 1 e•annt (whit • k..[` se . mrim yams) ' •" MU • 1M Pre hese mie'. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. A. B. CORNELL I V1TD£12STAT-= LILDIlte— Ness rano 1.840. Data 6tis,—Fr several yews err MSan ee.ed best Ueampba+t las i wee her ne help w e B *WI arrasores ►.r eanipMAetZ■_ to .1L 2 s. M.oif 41.11.. 0111 ABOUT MEN AND WOMEN. i SW"? McLean' s Block—On the Square--McLean's Block, 811LL CONTINUES TJ CONDUCT FUNERA1.8 ATIHIS USUAL LOW PRICES, Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to ve him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ZN0 CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. To the Front a8 Usual. The Margaa, at Lome ie said to have al- ready written early Swim w sena pastry as Lord Tesey.es. Ex president C. K. Adams, d' Ow.sO, bad an taintless' offer d the presNeisy.t the University of Wiseman. Chaas.y O. Smith, of H.rNerdl, ons., has beau ffty yen . dolmen .f the 111,. dapt1 /Mab n elms *ley. Herr J. I.daw, of Brvwlek. the well -Mows writer es bygisede end saI sebjeete, him been mea a darter WIN, is masa by do U.ivrdty el 'Dwane. My wile rad wR W dasdruE MM lass of k. •s"'mPauied by Alma osedemel Nobles cf the mode AMi.11asdra/ eMbe. y rel`iew es from WO Amur mai we this M the best prspes0Mme kwwisais eta dendrrl tor the heir rima eat r a without wwt gf.ter ea ussMw+l ago• waw t. W. Ese.ruster, o. �a B P. , beams lfa aSI moi SIM NOTW ITH ST A NDING the loud -toned advertise-- ments to be seen in our local papers from time to time, and the now stock -phrase: " I buy all goods for cash," all goods are supposed to be bought for cash. and I am one of the few who buy for spot cash or on receipt of goods. Thoee who are in a position to buy as above can undoubtedly do better than those who buy on time and have to renew their notes. I am receiving portions of my WHY . Does GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE SPRING PURCHASES And will have full lines in all departments a few days hence, whidl for style, variety and price will be second to j sona I am not afraid of competition. Strictly one phos. A.. 2k$CrelsraTieCI Deaner and Haberdasher. U N D ERTAKERS J 118124.0F•110Erlr do BON Have added to their present hairiness one of B. J. Nash's Latest Style o<fiy $�B,K, also the finest line d funeral firiesitings in the county, goad are now prepared to eamdetet funerals .t prices reasonable. This deperameat will its1d'i.tty aNdsded to by his son William, who. haw.giplg�� et ram ids D. Gerdes for gra fags his grata has e knoiriedipi of the biimme, and by pupa abloaelsm hooped to share part d ruble p..ku lrs aserember Ira p1a.o--weli4a., en your way to the post mita WV, Torr •OIL He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Smelt Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fiuid always on hand. 23671 Patronise True Competition. flea Carr• .xr Piro aftt/rAT 11 pfl�se•�1r kaenr Mea ee.bIMhed to rli. mss ile • ares al sinter wit1 Aft end p-- ertaelptee sed •f every same. who m_ :u I rr1 rs re= to �o ,,,isllrusleimrsMauidi OaaM Ogen— .I.L J. BROPHBY & SON. IL ■AM.a IL rFr 110 WARD 11. smdmnb