HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-4, Page 68
f!e reser. Irene Ssppties a rtensee •.es of
t# -Mins Tosie Alain and Nye s.ae,a
mfrs t.s.triated no T,.. -Tfe Mars
Are Det epenatbat. Dhow, hot Nosey
D AL Millar, • wholesale enarehan4 el
Lemke, Fiji Islands, is at the Leland with
his wile. Mr. Millar s ou • ktimerdy 1oar-
ssy to he ad home in Soaked, maktag
steps from two to three weeks as points
alr.g the way that plan his lls..7� Eur
ttse.ty years he her bredb the Fiji
e far down is the rwtberehemiuphere that
daily Papers gr., • ellow with age before
they reach him, and were the tight el •
ett�rtg. white face is en m the year.
"I'h. Fiji Weeds w civilised
as rapidly as church mimics Engem
rule ma do the work. The hihahita.ta are
a goodmitured lot of people who are crick
to learn and who take kindly to o.rt•ta oto
the European customs. Twenty yein�s •aggo�
e aibelien stall existed uponthe slaodi,
while mow 75 per cast. of the people are
cpfessed Christian living at and
rwny with their teUow ,nee. It is rest
a poor white emu's country, our island, and
• 6urtpean or an Americas without mossy,
looking for • new country in which to
locate, had better choose • land that ones
lees to get le and from which the walking
is better. Sugar is the principal
industry of the islands, but the cane
plantations and the sugar mills
aro an the hands of rets living in
Atutralia, and whatever profit there is is
the busmen leaves the country. Cocoanuts
or ..paras, l.•nenas end pineapples rank in
the .saner t ame.l eo far as their importance
is concerned, but the distant* from our
ports to Auckland and other Australian
porta makes the growing ofthese products
rather hazardous from a financial stood -
When I first went to the Fiji Islands
the islanders were not so far advanced in
theu ideas of civilization as at present.
There was no written language there,tbough
the spoken language was both expressive
anti poetical in to sounds. The N e.leyen
mssaom established there soon made many
convert*, and through them there was made
a written language. Of course there are
many who speak • little Knglanh, but it
means difficult for than to master it_
Twenty years ago there wan little cloth
except the rough motive stuff made from
the fibre of • plant which grows om
the aelan.ls, resembling horsehhir. It
served its purpose, however, and had the
added advantage of being practically lode -
'truer dole. The fortunate female who was
1 of • strip of calico was considered
the height of fashion when she strolled
oat with at wrapped about her. Bat the
oat of it was so great to them that they
were necessarily ver' frugal in the wearing
of at. It was wrthing unamunon to see •
girl ..r woman employer as a field hand go
to the field weanng this predate' piece of
alto -o, and when there get behind the
friendly .hank of a banana plant and es-
dt•mgc• it for an improvised due made out of
• broad and ample banana leaf. which is
IOW two feet wide and six feet long,
wrapped about her waist. The banana leaf
snakes a cod and amtfurtabk working cos-
tume, one which neither coats money nor
Warr in its A- pe at ion, and which servs
its purpose admtrnhly. There is seen • dts-
por.ttton on the par ,of some of the islanders
to adopt dress and European sets and
trousers, but it as by no ,neons general.
"The Fijians are a pe oemble, honest clans
of people with mores in every way better
than the inhabitants of most islands au the
southern seas. They are very cleanly in
their personal habits, and one need never
be afraid of string the food they .et before
their vi.it..rs. They are not particularly
thnfty, but it as not to be expected when •
man nun earn en .ugh au two months to keep
him an comfort, If not In luxury, for the re-
muntng ten months of the year. By this I
do not intend to convey the idea that the
popular theory regarding tropical countries
el true- that all one need do is to open his
mouth for ripe fruit to drop in. While fruit
grows in tolerable abundance, they need •
certain amount of cultivation. The natives
have their yam and plantains. their cocoa-
nuts and pinestppks, and there is not much
else needed. Mage there are very low. A
field hand will revive oft Jul average six -
peace a .bay, and a laborer in a sugar mill
patulin double that sum.
The Fiji Islas s are under the control of
PLngoand, and • t:dvernor is stationed at the
blonds. When i was there the first time, in
1972, the aborigine. were in control of their
own laws, with chiefs over the several
tribes (:akalau, the greatest of the chiefs
in point of following, was ruler over the
stand of Viti Levu, which means frig Fiji,
and about the year 1R73 two Europs•oa
cane to the.xuntrryy They saw the peed•
bilitiee of • ktng.lown, and through some
scheme induced 1 .akabu to consent to be
Ike valet. A crown was made, a affair made of sheet tin covered with cols
arwmemu, which, I was told recently by
the men who made it, oust g3, and Cahalan
wee duly invested with the gokly toyy and
Welber' in the ermine of • big. width by
the way, was out from a bolt of calico.
King Callahan kept has job for shoot seven
yeah, though hos thou* haratne • little
shaky at Lima. because d the disooatemt def
e n almost equally powerful chief. in 1H80,
or thereshouta, the Weeds were formerly
odd to (creat Britain, and have once hoes
under English control. 11y • sort of coin-
cidence, John Thurston, one of the men who
aarrVtated the scheme for . kingdom wick
C'akahau at its head, who came to the
islands se monad mate of • sailing revel.
aid at onee became a photetgraphee, has sow
berme Sir .Sohn Thurston, governor of the
!blonde The f3 investment Inc the tis
.ewe with the coffin ornaments proved •
paying investment.-1:'hicego Tribune.
pear Wars. t>♦
Dieing is not in Japan the serious brei.
.tea it is in I nglead. The Japanese do so,
meet to eat, 'out eat bemuses they have est,
and conversation and amesemeat form the
principal port of • beaquet. Coeveraatha
red not be held only with your nolglthers.
for 11 a man wishes to speak to • friend in
.mother part of the roan he quietly
the ppaapper� panel behind him, pinto ass
vrsnda t, enters the room again, sad mita
dawn on the finer before his friend. ix-
ebaaging cups is the chief cerernnny at •
impasses Omer. Anka --a spirit mads from
bl�y d le and cherry Y � mpg eat �
throstjhout diviner ; aid the tures, whe
nit on their heels in the open spans of t1e
ler, patiently wash for every opportunity
r ill year cep with mks When • gentle -
was would .tehaoge .ape -widish le equiv.•
kat to detains/ your health --he efts owe
r beet of you sed bepp the boon. Tee
empty your mrp Into • bowl el water, have
it flied with ask*, &risk, Wash kelpie. lied
heed it to your frtsad; he ratans It to hl.
Seehead, hews, has N filed. wed drinks. As
fdds w.meq hes tebe gene through with
a be., MA*" is often • men
w m lining b. ktwever, bee • ,mall
• meend. w to tams ab
b the ed s
girisff *OS tat=
n es die slap= w. alliellifiewer map
Wthey beg pest�.t wisheensdth
erp�e . Tb. & nets are
elnaen , sad their inemea•ets are we i.Nr-
wVfo s ..Nb anything seen la >arspe.
that we trete► them with • anthem sews d
pimento -its bbl..
Tee Cass.
Came dew net rad. .b dI ,
That Yost se wide ate /air;
▪ .war ea boar being pity,
Wm end he Sound tale ..re 1
Ti walls are high r hes
sealeak the teems o arra
The dreamy wales glide.
Tinian lair as the earth at mar.aug.
hove* them
ONIts light •gloms orw lag
re and askung.[tea
The users at said an shoat r,
Aad Thy sorrow deepeaeth ala;
One madness within and without abet.
O.s bottle blind sad shrill
1 tee the crowds forever
Go by with hurrying fact
Throngh doors that darken never
i bar the enema heat
'tlrwttk d.n sed alights that follow
The milt-Vb.mi swain ;
Ila the s.idnight's windy hollow
I bear the rear of trains.
Ito sound of lute or tabor
Where 'Weftlips env dumb,
And bre ie cos kt.g labor,
Tall death or freedom come.
Ab 1 the Growth that forever are Bowing -
They neither laugh nor weep -
1 me them comingaod going,
Likethings idtt move in
Csixidres and burdened brothers,
Wee cheeks and id mothers,
And the girls with golds hdr.
Care she is many • Cambial',
Grown grey on many • bad,
And Ups are turned to .then,
Whose years have right to red.
Cann thou not met. oh Nay,
That tied so wide and fair
Mall never an hour bring pity,
Nor sad be found for osre
-Archibald Ianipmasn, in The Week.
ntese a Alder. .1 Ootkaa
On. oaf the extraordinary spectacles on
Broadway is the bicycle rider. With the
sew small -wheeled vehicle sod its big, rub-
ber tire the rider may dare almost any city
street on which he may get sufficient head-
way. But the Broadway rider baa the
knack of following the able groove, on
which he trundles swiftly along on every
stretch between aril N ben he overtakes
• car he glebe mut and around with a grace-
ful curve, to ems in again upon the cable
slot just ahead. A rod ruler an thus
make wonderful ume,uptown at knot, and to
him any other method of rapid transit is not
in it. Occasionally even women riders venture
the slot on upper Broadway, and when they
do 'lois to be for the moment the
of all eyes. The small -wheeled, low
with multiplying gear and wire protection
for her dress, divests the lady rider of that
peculiar, bol.', and horsey appe•rsnoe that
formerly characterised her on the road On
the broad asphaltum -paved boulevard the
gets a wader swing, and there she as be
seen every pleasant day. The women riders
have greatly increased with the decrease of
the dangers and difficulties of learning and
the introduction of the new machines
Stacks of ladles' wheels may be sae piled
up at the express offices every day, marked
for shipment to the interior and to the
wotenng•places. The bicycle riders, male
and female, are evidently rapidly increasing
in town and country.
ataaarek Use a hoed Appett@s.
Biebarck, like all vigorous m.s, eats
hearty, and what the discngushed gentle.
man cense: nee daily would kill any ordinary
individual The ex -chancellor lovesa
dinners and no one bestows more are o0
them than he doe.. His meds mud be
prompt enol well -served, with plenty of
tame to enjoy them an. One of his regular
dinners consists of • mixture of champagne
and porter to wash down •11 he consumes,
and the rate at which he drinks his favorite
mixture world paralyze an ordinary Ameri•
out A _quart at • time s • comm -in occur
rends. e consumes first • large
spiced squantity
of highly spiced soup; yet. it is, he
still adds a spoonful of ginger and eance.
After this has diappeared, then • large
piece of beef steeped to a half -picot of
brandy. Following tnmea • favorite Oar.
num cheese dish, to which he adds the
juice of garlic. This is baked in butter
natal it bemuses hand. After ails has goo*
to join the rest, lie clonal has feast with
mediumaizel eel pie, '•n lei, en eery,"
that it would seem to have been baked in
the hottest corner of our despised hales.
This is follower closely by • chilled un-
wholesome fowl and some sweetmeats, .11
being nuk down and digested the
pgoaBrouq of a quart bottlettle off by
�r A wonderful mewl, for • still
• ul men.
All Teel wee sold AN..t Rla
Jim Webster was being tried for tryiag
to bade • colored witness, Sema Jomreisg,
to testify falsely.
"You ay this defendant offered you •
bribe of filth to testify an his .
Lowyer (long. to Jolansing
Yes, soh.
"Now repeat precisely what he said, us-
ing hie own words. •'
"He said he would get an. $50 if 1 —"
"He can't have used those words He
didn't speak as • thinl parses."
"No, ab; la tuck good ken dat that
was no third passim. pprree.seenat Dar wee only
two us two. De 'ferolant an ton smart
ter had anybody Itd'ate' when he an talk.
in' about his own ra kility."
"i know that well eno■`h, het he volts
to you in the first person, didn't he !"
"I was .1e feat ppua..n myself."
"Ton don't .nder•eteaal me. When he
was talking to you did he tsar the words 1
will pay you filo ' "
"No, Loa., he didn't ay muffin about you
porta' me ♦50. Tawe mane wasn't men.
tinned, 'oeptin' dat he tole ns of ober I got
inter • serape dat you was de hest lawyer is
San Antrim to fool de jade, and jury in
be', yon' was de hest lawyer i• de town is
sevrtnup any kind of re.ki tt)
"Yoe an step dawn. "- Grids. News
Largess al.vat.r la the wart&,
Tb. hrgeet grain elevator in the world
was built at Minneapolis Jellaba i. Iltl■l.
The warn baaMmg s Rig feet {ung. W hist
wide and 173 fad high. it stewing ea/amity
;. 2,Q■1,000 herb.l of gratis, says the
Phdedelphie Prow. fieriSts .ue-
stredioa the =rp.steh wad ted
I ►,f fl0 tet of IhrnMr.f 1r
thirty -tare melo.dr of .N1a�Th•.s
malts filled 10,fMM) o ntRIW.e tail lege, sad
het rakelaters say that there were kat
Inds ■het ef Ammo, of them diem
Tele the (renes brealln.
KM epeeist rims Ise a sable .
!he main tin■& W benm
trade he
The O,eea. De�rrtmr.t.f
p rts, IMO'
• pile.. d wq r►
pert, kw' ape. She Animism
Along the coast d Pae Wee Is ne fele-
serried on by a mime t
Owiag le the city Nesse ea Now Seeth
Wake the aunt trim the peps ars* w
mach lemerir thea meal Ise tis@ vfafya just
A dairy. stook lane, and .grfw&eral ex-
periment Minim ate to he setiblWed this
y�eeaarr, in gc..sstbs with the University, at
A Swim semen has the reedit of r-4 Sia
milk to • dry powder, so thea, by Thiid
dation of water, it at nano seeeensa its .star -
•l propectisa
The best 8shlmwig-Hokiads hatter, with
710 per Deet. of Galician or Male\ better
e nd eatss added, is being sold as faster,
or pecked butter in Nampa
The district of Albert.. N. W.T.. is a
rich dairy region with colt ober streams„
and luxuriant grassesThe rashes .re
also raising nuatber• of sheep ..d harem
A show et live stock,
ch and implements has bean held
Brrdspedb, Hungary. woreawarded, for horned cattle *5700, sheep 1300,
bog. $100, poultry $19).
New Brunswick produces every kind of
grain and net drop that is grown in !tug-
boat" The forests are also • tonne of gnat
wealth, the expurta of forestry product*,
led year, being 114,341,000.
Crop reports from Rum!• aro fsvonabb
as to the coalition of winter wheat sad
sno..etatful spring farm work. In the Can -
cams there are tears of an invasion of lo-
ocasts, against which no precaotio.e have
been taken
In addition to ata adaptabilityfor sugar-
cane culture, the island of auritius is
z=e of producing amine, vegetables,
w, ooceanut, ooUescoo, tea, cin-
ohon•, palms oer.nls, silk, spies •ad •U
tropical fruits
Citrons grow well in the Weft Indies, and
btar large crops in toil •t irrionimdroly.
The fruit is Inc export
cutting it in pieces, removing pu,
placing the rind in barrels. and oovering
with strong alt and watt.
Foot and mouth discs hes appeared im
Italy. In Germany, 183 districts, with 774
ammonium, were •Neoted with it, the
disease ettackin1 attle, sheep and hogs
American bacon is being so rigidly impact-
ed for trichinosis that its importation is
practstally prohibited.
Poisoned jam has been successfully tried
for killing rabbits in Australia, oma ounce ol
strychnine teeing required fa 13 pounds of
jam This should help to get nd of any
surplus fruit as well as rabbits, the only
trouble being that horses and dogs will at
jam in shy quantity.
In Western Australia the oust of prodeo-
ing wheat is fifty canto poor bushel with •
double -furrowed plow. With • three or
four furrowed plow, and • correspondlag
saving in the us of larger harrows .ad ins -
Fovea harvesting, this cat can be reduced
twelve or twenty .ants per bushel.
The Queensland parliament has voted •
mtuider.Me amt of money for the erection
of an agricultural college and the establish-
ment farm. the oolo.y has been a large
purchaser of foreign agricultural products,
and is now making an effort to •oust and
protect the farmer.
In the northern part of Went Australia
farmers have to stand by an see their flocks
dying for want of food and water The
sheep actually eat soil to allay the pangs of
hunger. which only hastens their death.
The settlers are virtually bewared with
nothing but poverty daring them in the
Strict regulation, prohibiting the adul-
teration of butter, ..r the colowrng of mar-
garine, are now in fon* in France. Any
anfracton of the laws is pnni h•bk by im-
prisonment of from six months to two years,
and any omission to carry out the regub-
sticua by similar penalty of fifteen days to
three months.
In Frena the vines have been damaged
by late fart., and ret same sections the
plum crop as almost kat. fare, apricots,
cherries, peach** end nuts hese suffered.
Early potatoes had their stalks scorched ;
early peas, tomatoes, beans, . !trona and
edom, were treell' destroyed. Cereals
were not injured.
British C'olttn:`,,ia s divided into two di. -
tinct agricultural parte by the mrunr•ins
which fon., the enat range. The oust
repos has • mild tellable clitnhes, whdb the
interior h.. • climate of extreme., the
southern part being very dry sad needing
irrigation. Cultivation, se a ran., is re.
atrictef to the valleys.
°raps have been .hipped through the
tropias, from Sydney to Fiji, and back
again, on the deck of • steamer. When
pocked, the end of the stalk of each beach
was lathed in sealing wax. the trait bating
them put ins paper beg and packed in saw -
duet. Air the doable voyage the grapes
were in perfect oo.ditio..
In the Argentine, both wool sad wheat
growers have suffered frees the fail in
value of their produce, sad the depreciation
in paper money. Sheep and sows have al.s
dropped off in prim, 1,000 .heap, heel from
. pleadtd ram, snfing at 70 emits each that
were worth 010 not keg age, and another
lot nt 5,000 good thespians •$ 40 mote pen
in New South Wales ewes have bees
t old .t le cents paw bead, ..d bids were
subsequently made of 134 mets. A .leve
of on.. wee offered et 81 30 sash, fat hid-
e4look. omdd not be placed at 010, •ad 500
two-eeeth ewes Vint at 50 matt, no bib .
eirmirn•N. on. • further let of 3,00a
w y mad droetb w..
/se ef •faire
pvremeat tsaienioa in Wester.
A.slr� hes jai mad. an exhaustive t►
pmt epee the proems aeadniom of
i.re in that atony, together Vitt the
sins sisstise th..uaa.. The eammisebe
also saigraeted whet way the eahiv.liet
at the amt might be avenged sad the grew
parity d the hemmers inerena.t One J Ib
ssclesi ons arrived se was that .grteM.rd
deprenmioe w 11111kaewa there
The reimports d arable 'sad deity fh.se.
Ile Nortbiw. Q.seaeuad were sot premia -
fag .t the bg.ahrg d April There W
been little or no mai., aid the weond wee
bare, fried e.IF with dry da.atrbiens Math
of gram Weller beim were dry, esewgens►
ly nee stock wllbredird d swallowbed to he -
- ype
0.0 le..ow in ed was
as herd es babel breis The eg.mgr
weather had emended seer mix grgalk , the
r- NV
Mwo 'hada
Petr taw yeses I suffered terribly
walk seems& tenahia and was for
all that 1i ee awir tilmemont a
physides.fl X14. teaw
everything, said stomach wain
wets out. and that I would have to
cease eating solid food for • time at
least. I was so weak that I could
not work. Plaa1Iy as the recom-
mendation ef a friend who had used
y o n rtions
with beneficial re-
sults, I procured a
bottle of August
Plower, and com-
menced using 11 It seemed to do
me good at once. I gained in
strength and flesh rapidly ; my ap-
petite became good, and I suffered
no bad effects from what I ate. I
feel now like a new man, and con-
sider that August Flower has en-
tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its
worst form. Janne K. DEB/MICE,
Saugerties, New York.
m•- W. B. Utsey, St. George's, S. C.,
writes: I have used your August
Flower for Dy•pea and find it an
excellent remedy 0
A wore -out
Ask ref n1Yfd t and tate a. Whom
Francs hes • mine 4,000 fed deep.
Toratosa were not culuv.td 100 years
Musical mow, as now used, were inves-
ted in1380.
The rooms in which Napoleon 1. died is
n ow a stable.
Berlin's 1,315,600 people hare only 26,-
000 dwellings.
Postal cards are now made to be used as
blotting pada
There are more republics is the world
than monarchies.
Then ars thirteen mils of bookshelves in
the British museum.
The popul•tin of America increases by
7,000 penises • day.
Keep Ry.N'. Larmeor la ate Ileums.
Among 200.000,000 of the world's pop.la-
tiioo slavery 'till exists.
For every foot of stature a man •bo.ld
weigh twenty -.ix pounds.
It is said that the beet walking pace is
@ event, -five steps per minute.
Asa rule, the length of the face is the
same as the length of the hand.
The rent of land in England 300 years
ago was about • shilling an acre,
A few animas are vo teles, as the gir-
a re, the armadillo and the porcupine.
Th. Cines national debt u one of the
smallest, amounting to only 038,500,000.
The planet. Neptune has the longest year,
consisting of more than 60,000 of our day..
«tsar/', Wriest Is seed by Pkratet.aa•
Some watcbes now made are guaran-
teed to keep time to within ten *somas •
gpsatN the /Saha.
11 the Duke of t ork ever comes to the
throe d Ragland hie subjects will at bast
have the satisfaction of knowing that be
has • practical koowledge of the nessiebe
of the good, old-fashioned word, ep•aklag,
When serving se . midshipman he desW.d
one night to turn out, ea be should have
done, to go on watch. His fellow -middy,
whom be was designated to relieve. .ad who
wanted to tun in, t.ndeavord to arouse the
prince. The latter, ..'ter receiving two or
throe good shakings, soddenly opened his
eyes, swore a big oath and let drive his fist
at his fellow middy's right eye. The young
fellow made no response, but returned to
his pod, resumed his watch and thus did
duty for the Innen But ea the following
day he stated his case and showed his eye
to his comrades. The midshipman bold •
drumhead court martial, found the prince
guilty and sentenced him to be sparked by
the lad whose eye he had blackened. Ac-
cordingly the royal culprit was seized by
four of the onions and held face downward
on • table, while the midshipman with the
di•6rsred optic, hie sleeves rolled up to his
elbows, carried out the matenca of the
mti•hlpeneera court until hie hands emailed.
When the prime +as released he was twi-
cea with rage and threatened v.sgea.ce,
but in a day or two be thmwlet better d it
and came to ifs nee state who had epeaked
bi.t mid apologised for the blow which be
had gime him. The midshipmen •eo.Oed
his springy end Modred his owe is : mn
for the stashing which he had administered.
During the remainder of the cruise the
t rines pet ea se airs, but was as agreeable
and charming • yoeng fellow as could be
There ie no doubt that be vas herniated by
the spanking.
sew. Ab..t Tows.
It ie the current report sheet teen that
Kemp'. Balsam for the threat and lungs is
making some remarkably ares with ppeeooppIbs
who are troobted with eoagbs, .ore altruist,
asthma, bromehitie sad ooa.umprwm. Any
druggist will give you • trial bottle fres of
eon. It is geaeeateed te relieve and cure.
The erge battles are 50e..ed fin. (bow)
81 /flog To MIMI ISA Le OF -'
1B0IT, 111111111, ITO,, FO!
31hk?rH1iEt ¶�JJJJ�
do it. Try it, you willl�ZZor i d �1
half the trouble and expanse of any other method,t
more reliable and
For Older it it cheap and decidedly the best knowk
method for keeping it sweet.
It will effactly allay or prevent fermentation jjtai
preserve all kinds Fruit, Juices, Sauces, Spice, perm,
Tomatoes, Vegetables, Etc.
Full directions inside each package.
Agents for Butterick's Patterns. July Delineator to bead.
It makes little diner-
encewhat others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Cr. East -et sad Square.
Pas.—The latest and best Spring
and Summer designs just to hand,
12 come to the funeral.
the whole procession.
Poison Papers, Insect Powder.
LIME JUICE. ---Hire's Root Beer 5 gals. for
a delicious Summer drink.
+ + + + + + +
Just arrived, the biggest stock of Lawn Nov*,
shown in this county, and the price will snit every b
Garden Hose away down- Agents for Budge
Everybody,knows they are the best.
We have just received a rerfleioise lot el
Which we guarantee to gall .t bast
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Than can be bought from truthfulness ♦ trial order will
vines you of the of this assertion.
sell the best 0077EE obtainable.