HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-8-4, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERIIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 1892. 5 TK( ANADIAN BANK (iF COM M E jPE HEAD OFF1CL. TORONTO. PITO s' -ar SP) MIL'' U 11111.1141111111111.11411111• ¶ 0111.0110.000. e ' e 111.000,000. IT, SAL %AUJ(LR. amfsaAL M1jj QOD RICH IIRANCH. ••l l re l - sawn* eliMNIMS TaaNIAINIo. FAanolr Adan Dge01M7tl tWTI aaL SNOW WAWA AT AL. POINTS w OAMADA. Ano Tut[ P*INCIPAL wing Os. Tule LAMM STATE" SAT 111111ITAIM, FNAMOL. BIRMuoe, he EAMES DAM DEPARTMENT. worm OF 0.00 AMO UPwANOa ttlsOetVW At>D Olr, OTT PAM OF MITCRRgT ,,,rgilliliT ADDEO TO TSM IIINWU. AT TMs sato cse mar AN{O er■ Ir SAOM TIAM. Nodal A/SMMee linen 1•the 11U11eiMea of RoosMtar.lat Pape.. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. ym,jj jfe' >H1ee Nelle. DUNGANNOtIL , reretPslwl Prepared Nag else.•. or Ste MPsef. I ,,, ova w„eA,doat. hap „ very .caro. hero. u sew photographer. W. J. Daniels, iwated here • short tie" saw: as.we informed, doing • gabs heater to bestow more popular in his hes. isms, - Mr. Angus MoNevu, of ,dy.m, was here kat week. visiting the tomeateed. Also his brother Alex& wde of Rfaiupue ars visiting relatives Mesh here. Monday is partisubr the farmers, in of the ap d rain, were very 1! in storing the Yell wheat which a proeoueoed to be., so far se from, &s exo.11est arop. bat \'i.mvu. -- Dr. McKay bad kis Thomas, left here on Tuesday morning e for Knihro, (aunty of (►:ford, to et rel•tiv+, insole and form rias andi 11 'e wish them an sajoyable Ware la MUM Ii of the municipality of Wee mesh will meet to the town hall cm isday 13th. Ali oo.oerud take nate the council of the moricipality of Ask• will meet on Thursday the 11th. AB red take nota_ ID•SAW t.ATt0? We heartily 000 T. All.., the popular principal of Nilo ea having a: of eight omedidts', wrote at the entrance exam . hive not as yet beard from other nether• who hes undid:'- at the serer here !hare Tersines.--On W edoeday, 3ed iso-, T. Begley, 8. Ueevee and elan cow - anemia Ibreshiag as the premises of Wm Smith, W. Wawastoah. The above gentle - Men w axperisooed rasa in their line and are very popular with the farmers for doing good wort. We wish them .moms. this Mesa Rrrr.Jtxsu Hort-Maw B. J. Clswford aid hide daughter. Olive, who had base whiten, relatives at Detroit, Lo.doe, inger- so11 sad other pointe during the last two mtstles, returned home on Friday of last weak. Mrs. C. enjoyed her visit and seems. by her appeanooe, to have improved is health and strength. V uraome. -Wm. Berry. oLua f .rsoll. sod son of H. of Luckaow, u the of B. J. Crawford of the village ilea I. Martin, formerly of 1)uegennoe, and sow of Detroit, during the latter part of Inst walk was the guest of B. J. Crawford. Mrs. Martin looks well, and Uncle Sam's drain seem• to agree with her. A. McKim Hors AoA►x.-Our popular principal of I)isgaanon public school, who, daring last week, took a spin on the wheel So visit his brother William, teacher in Drones tow.sbip returned home on Moo. day, the lar, he having travelled the whole distort on the wheel in the short space of tour hours. It takes Alex. to go it. He is a beater at anything he andsrtakea. 1Soct.Yturrtcat_-Rev. Mr. !new is to ooeepy the pulpit in the Lethodi.t church here a nest Sabbath, 7th inst..... Mr. Kerrie, a lay reader and divinity student. ac Bayfield, ooeducted services in sh�E imopal charvb bore on Sunday even- ing Litt very acoepvWy. There was a large Mieen1-... We learn that be is appointed t0 om.duct service at the church here for two mouths. Crows CALL -Os Wednesday the 27th, Jacob Crosier, 6th oon. Aabfield, met with a bad accident. Whilst arauting to take off a load of hay at the barn, he accidoatally fell off the waggoo between the horses feet, shish frightened them causing them to ren away. We are intormed that his Dollar bone wail broken, and that he received other slight injuries. Usder the circumstances it was fortunate diet hs tis not killed. We arepla..ed to be able to stem that al. *mirk b. tis. badly hurt he ia gradually improving, and nothing further preventing Oen $ ons is will woo be able to go around. A Irma Ksstue o s. - -J. M. Roberts' th the method and results when beautiful new reedenoe being almost com- rnpof Fir? is taken; it is pleasant p�ec.d ere oar erect be and him fwtily d tefrasl, n to the and acts be oocapying it. We wish .1. M., his en able partner and children the bast of health, ntlr yet ; r.rmptly on the idneys, happiness and bong life to enjoy. It is pro- ver and B we cleanses the sys- ooanced to be one of the beat, if not Nebo n t3.c tl.ltr, di'pclscolds, head- best. residences hereabouts. 1;. Begley, bes and fey( rs and owes habitual one of our popular contrarctor., did the oa p.0ter work in a mantter which r.gecta nstipatien S.rnp of Figs is the tl - h' credit ... tnecMeic Mr n Iv i hind ^profe u 1s. bricklayer and plow leaned o its in ever a our popular c ger p 4 pleasing to the taste ants so- terer need not be &shamed of his work as it not least James Black, painter, we It an exosUtet tiaialt in his line. ptabis to the stomach, prompt in i is does an • first class manner Lala aid action cnd truly beneficial In its int,, prepared only from the most alth y and agreeable substances, its Inv excellent qualities com mend it all and have made it the most pular remedy noz-n. Bvrup of fl :s i f. --r sale in 75o tiles by sell l at is g druggists ny reliable drug^=rt who may not ave it en hand will procure it omptly fur any one who wishes try it. Manufactured only by the 31IFORRIA FIG SYRUP CO. t SAN PRA1OI!!O0, CULL. 1pT1L1.a. KT. T::.'W TOMX. X.11 M. A. FRAR, Aoun AT (}OD[RIOH. AN EASY WASH SIMPLE AND CLEAN r, t • w., ariP • Mar *manorial Arta sevartrs sr VINO MitAort Not Steam end Simla M;Mwt wa.k/Rp Powders WHAM Herd RANO, s7tkoof ism Nadi *Sulk t :13,114111111 SALE B66t.aiiishoes. All .etlrsaes mast be BMW immediately. Having received as offer for my business on block, if the stock is reduced to a oertain amount. I have decided a clearing sale. Stock autoants to over $7,000 worth of Boots and Shots, bought for Spot Cash from the leading makers of the Dominion, and are all to be sold at les than Cost. Now, if you want Hoots or Shoes, remember this opportunity. No reasonable offer refused as the stock must be reduced one- hall n .half immediately. JOHNSTON CAREY, ON THE O}tDDS1isO- BELFAST. Teo We for last week. Oar erne school will re -open os. 15th Angela. Miss Pseetngtm, oI Goderiok, spent $ few digs l.1 week visiting in this burg. Mrs. J. Mullin and children, of Tomato, ere raiding some of their holidays here. Moet of the fearer* finished catalog idt wheat last weak and are now bO1ali Iligntt- ed drawing it in- Tbe Statham' Brox are pashle( bb, me lilt rapidly ahead on the new utoaeesSsel btid- aag. When ooenpleteit will no dosbt be one of the beet public 'school buildings is this districts. GREY. New*, !feres trews tae Rad herrn of Nom Carefully Selected. Prom our owe correspondent. Fla: pulling is in full blast. mid to be first -clam. Threshers are getting their sarhllre ready and expect to be bard at walk MRS week. There is now every appearance et els immense fruit crop in this section, ere sepectaliy apples. 0. A. Yahoo, • native of Perna sad seed - set in Knox college Toronto, pros shed in Ksor church, Craxbrook, las Beeday eve- ning. stiting. Fall wheat is all out and the greater por- tion of it hoard. The atop lea geed sae. bur DO damage by net other causes being reported. oroa.ide *W. herbs has. been out. Other 8priag fracas are sMa- ing tact, so that barvit In all iu phases is now upon M. The 1; reenw•y O4►eeement has again boas sustained at the polls. The people are right this tithe. This is a government of advamod ideas, ..or. so thea any other tical govern- ment in the Dominion. Other provinces, though very mach older, might take room from Manitoba and progt thereby. A. C. Deme, the popalaz drover, of Crasbrook, baa purchwd • bicycle. He win now he able to travel over a large .so- d country at ism exposes lima with bone and rig, and the farmsss from whom be bury stock will expect to ray the benefit of cite by receiviae erred pries. Tbe reindeer et Jas. McIntosh, stone meson, nos. 15, wee destroyed by fire early Wednesday mowing. On the afternoon of the day previous Are ignited from the stove pipe in a partition in the Summer kitchen, bet this was •11 pat out as supposed. Whoa about 2 o'clock next morning the instates were awakened by the crackling of fire sad had barely time to escape with their lives, the dre having made en mush headway. Nothing wa• laved. __ - - 71nYtar. Whether on pimento, boat or business, should take on every trip • bottle of Syrup of Figs, es it acta most pleasantly and effec- tually on the kidneys. liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other torero of sickness. For male in 75o bottles by all leading dratuista. lm L The step r LANA& prem our owe eeseermabes. Miss Annie Fad, who bed ban in Dakota for the last year and a half, returned home lately. quite a member of the fanners aroued bare are through outtinff their Fall wheat and some have some of it homed. William Hmgarth, of Hamiltoo, formerly • blacksmith in the • place, was Tilting Moods in this vicinity forfew days this west. A sad drowning amides% took place at Red Jacket, Michigan. on Sunday. $tub ds., in which Thomas Little, moa of David Little, of this plane met an untimely death while bathing. Deceased was • young man 21 years of age, sad • general favorite with all who knew hien, and a gloom tis all over the neighborhood when the intellireeos reached hen. The rentals arrived at L.ucknow by the Lis train os. Tuesday night and were interred at Kiatail on Wedney •fternoou, followed thither by • large crowd of sorrowing friends wad raletivs. Il► ceased was • member of line Oddfellows' lodge, and the funeral WWI oardusl.d ender the auspices of Luck now lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Little .ad family have the sympathy of the satire oommunity is their bereave - oast. ■ SOAP \MAT all sssase► hl UNfQUALLE0 QUALITY BM glee it the Mil••• sale In the world. Um am as 9aligit " fog .n per- Palk Md is either herd or sett war. Deal ages with asps. alihr as. " ''ie ►otesr wither. w•: N. ••seam.. ars ams.. trrnetn tae aur.. ease... Two* althea wow of the bed el the Ural Slates an held by Koglishsse. Alfred de Matteis, • rising Chicago ar- tist, is an Italian, whose father was a tea - seal in Victor Emanuel's army. Charles Meiesonier, son of the great plant er, bes purchased the residence ot his We father, on the Konlevard Male•herbe•, Par- lt The house will be transformed into • Meimosier mmeam. I .se by your hist nerve that the 11.44551 scribe has taken soother .plash into the milk. He gives me credit for being a " great rwonr,- hat him is a sample of the ability of his reasoning powers He say.: ow was the road parable far the egg -wagon to psei over u safety a tow Mill - sear aRarwsrd " Mark you, it was ' af- terward. " not before if it had hens be- fore tiara might have lean a shadow of rees- oe in it, bat as it is there is tone. It L not likely flet the egg -gatherer was gong to drive ser the .ntb•ekmwt whoa M knew what had happened a few mho.ts before. Aayywwaa� I� did not mN y tart s read was adermisd from fern to fora Thos, ha say! Who ever hard et Psi logic as tile. 7 bM • bo'y whe i .bre to 'beadle • ten of milk slob he able M head& • tem." Now, if I heel aid that a bey who L able es beadle • an of milk shed be able to smea • • railroad rens, er to pilot • boat down the Mississippi, the M wight have said it woe void of reser, I e said m b r mars • team, arsdee% know of ea ss plical ear of soot' hey wee lea lived all his life es • farm set brag aids to mwg� a teem what he L bk/ sus gb to girdle s .m1 of milk. Re ales maysler11w i Mgt to " 4 se amok over spilt milk," think ha was were eosins• about the milk sena I wen when he esetredtehd Mets i• sr - Age M m& Wool op it it. Is eeskolta i will eve his MO adeba. gat the west Mow he feels like palmits e11b, N he W err M brats tell it ort bet, spier It o grosai,/gt 6010e gid NS r It. them et to and Obis himself sod elms to rhe e rsiedee that tbb le bier themBowe hi eand pair Ira n.ahj AAA "t M llamo Mewl ph. 5mllhl' ,ptlY3�ata ���t6.2,ia.i: x OldChwn (CUT PLUG.) OLD CllUtl (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en- joyed such an immense *ale and popularity is the Rama period as this ' brand of Cut Ping and Plug Tobacco. OMNI Cid Tebarro Rmamfiro- Soren bit Cascade. MONTRRAL. APunss NOT a P gaUw Wal. sae They ere • Tenons Iivu.ng f ,.se and itraor• r MTYUC�O$. $0 the] •r, ;•1y In oonde� J l..r". the uberie t •.c•aeily 'laded toea- f rtcb U. blood, combo .a.! d.aw.s. soaring .pow coos and War r... r . Maui or troth P?Hcrmas la 1.. P1.0on, and alio evttn•raw and & s c r Yee stenos and ,Tester. when broken .t.•wn by overwork. maned worry e).ea.s. eio nes and indf.cr.` tt i... They have • i prA-twee• AcTIOS OE DIC Baxt'SL Arerinr of Aitboth men and women. restoring LoaT note Wand entreating M, y� t' SVSt' tatriu baa '! ✓ # 00' ..1g2:11140101. EEVfar ,V f ' {' M.'M 1 Aa tt!r trental ins Y11 fa t�feiltn{` ar i�t1sm yr•°'1 puu ..n ; • •o4si. rboald 1.k. t P1L4•. Tt.evs..•. o 1::. 1051 ea.tsiea, both abated and macs,!. EVEll1 Wit op N•_ 001.4114 take thein V2t4 ♦',cy sure all imp preekne suet ire. v: :.tt•.... wt:.:b inevitably entail aiaLu.sa wbea t:.•rlaa:.i. J UUR/T ii t. itSd t ii ` there Masi sorts {g E'7 i3 '' a•y • t21 eu» the bra tr of yot::Afan wet ..!".e bad etie.gibaa bh. •ym•Ot a -el ehogbl take them YOUNG WUSA�:I Thew 1..,,. win mate them :ocular. Tor sale by an dramihss, er will be sent upon resort ot prtea (30e. pm box), by addressing TBS D*. w111J4% a CO.FrocierWs. Ont BANK OF MONTREAL. CA PITA L, REST, LADIES, NOTICE THIS An All -Round Red ueflon MILLINERY PBICB3, 12,000,000. 6,000,000. A Saving Department has been oteued in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rales. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Branch. As the Sumwer is now upon us I have decided to make an all-round reduction in my stock of Millinery, and especially in Straw Goods. CiR£AT STOCK - TAKING --SALE-- THIRTY DATAYS MORE ROBERTSON'S + + + - + + + + + A FEW PRICES FOR AUGUST: 25 yds Heavy Grey Cotton, - 25 " " White " - 20 " Check Shirting, - 20 " Good Print, - The entire stock is of the latest style and newest shades, and at the reduc- tion contemplated will furnish great bargains. Inspection invited. MRB. M. I. IIRTSIER, WILST STREET. elodsrieb, /use 7. FS -tet -CITY- coag AND wood Y1i2iD. . Corsets, all sises, 25c 3 pairs Ladies' Hose, 25c Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 25c " Gloves, 10c 6 Handkerchiefs, 25c 2 papers Pins, 5c 2 " Needles, 5c 4 S ...1s, 10c Rib . • ns, 3c " Wide 5c Coal, Wood and Kindling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. LoHm.t rale, akseteut.stove and ser Ise! osesttiattf se ken& SORT 00A.L.Hest !bewails lamp .sal Oar •rates. sere. furrow els. Red t gw�taii Blembargh emtth- tor oral sew ea bead. Opera •runt{.a duan resales use. R hoes sow get y sessidam in wpm. them ea sawing and wise* weed. Dat ere -s wad ready ter owe diose d .ret .mel Ise Peres. Dews eMgla that 1 as abbe weed. oat sad spilt, e ahem es res tens by Leg wood on the ■arse. As y west L sola bv the awe of Mho sr halt sad Meet se W • kuy knew ales it. Pla• see WOODket,.l Mt Main, elf est ate seat er wilt!. Oyvica, MAID AND ORAL SUDS in old drill abort, Neboa-4., toot of Ifam- ilton-at., tarm mir.Ms walk teen, Ooart Rous eq.sts. VIM Skirt Lining, good1 Table Linen, Toweling Large Towels, Ticking, good, Good Top Shirt, Nice Silk Tie, Men's Braces, good, Lace Curtains, per set, $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7c 20c 3c 5c Ori 50c 20c 15c 40c 0111t 50 CENT CORSET DOWNS THEM ALL Prints, Sateens, Muslins, Embroider- ies and all Summer Goods at less than Cost. COME AND SEE US. ROBERTSON'S GREAT CASH STORE, THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND. G-ODERICH. GENUINE SALE. COINC OUT OF BUSINESS. The Manager of the ESTATE OF GEO. GRANT Elam decided to go out of business, and with that end in view will offer the entire Stock at cost for cash. Os. Rog. 10e. 4 lb lung, ia.eegial i� .11 _py rear= x,.M M.. Ito1�. now flMliK 7wen~4 X 1 JOHN a PLATT, ProjL The Stock is all new and well selected and great bargains can be procured by customers taking advantage of the great closing wile. Crock- ery and Glassware at a heavy discount. This is a bona tide Sale as the intention is to retire from business. Call early for first choice in bargains. Est_ of Ci -=0.. Ooderich, Aug. 2, '92. LICHTNINC 1 SII? T88 L O RTZTINO' FRUIT JAR The best in the market. LOAD of SUGAR ARRIVED TO -DAY. -O. A..- Nalrn's. FREE TRADE -1x- 1174GOODS AN EN The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Beady -made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods And Groceries can be had at hardtimesprices at The Ton1 Ch S1ore P. O'DYA. Manger.