The Signal, 1892-8-4, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : GQDERJCR, ONT. THURSDAY AIJQUBT I9L. ghc 01441, BYERY THUIihhD Y MORNING sew 13•111***71111111. Moe of 1'u D/erd04e.t. Mane of eatimertlet4e4 =moth, 11 spatb, ;Coedit r anted, the Mese Fir roe l (r ...Is l M advrett.me Illasss and other casual advertle,memts Itis ter 1itu fur eras insertion. and a mato per Ilse alar each.uhsecu.I la.ertio.. Meseared by • mowed scats. Business cords of six lime sad under. 33 per year. Adverttseoea4 of Lost, Fo.tod, Strayed ..anises Tao•at. stttatles& Wasted ass mea Chante.' Mimed, not exceeding II aoaw+u. 1111 per month. on dale and Parma on Mala sot 4 IN 0 Urea t1 for first month. Sac. per orb slisay t south. Lagproperties ad in propertiespecial mike, the eb►ert of which le to nmete the pecsualarp benefit of ansaga - V sag - y, to he considered ad v �.r oeat spand clamed acrd n an (lose( notiola nonpareil type one cent p "'Mince s notices lethan tic. L.00sl notices la ordinary reading type two oasts per word. To bailee for lees thee its. Notices for churches and other religious and benevolent isms utlons half rata feeaeeerrbt feuer.ee Advert/seine$.. A limited number of dagpla ed advertise IC�aaIS will be Inserted at the wing rates : geek. me inserisa Se four insert ions ,j pt * three months ................. ! 011 " six menthe 1 ee " one year a 00 No advertleeoeat les than two inches in length will be calculated on above btrai. 5 pe rent. discount allowed for crab payments on three months' contract; 10 per oast. es six months'. mad (5 per cent. on • year's. These conditions will be strictly scforosd. Alert ""..--e Masai" DNevee y. Subscriber. who fall 4 recede, Ten Statist r oolarly either by carrier or by mall. wildosefer • favorr by amounting es o the fact at e early a dates@ po•eible. gee& at T.., Label. Your label is • standing receipt of the des to which you are paid up. S. that it is not allowed to fall Into &mare When • change of address is desired, both the old and the new address Mould bo given. Selected manuscripts canon* be returned. Oorrespondssoe most be wrtttenlon Doe side of paper only. PeNlaher. Sastre, J. C. Le Tounel. of ()oderich. ton been .p pointed local Travelling Agent tor the towe - WeeOoderieb. Colborne. Ashfield and We - Local postmasters over the district are ago e mpowered to receive subscriptions to Trix Inge at - All communications must be addressed to D, McOILLICUDUY.t� Teisphone Call la, OedorItlA Ont GOD/RIC/. THURaDdtT. JULY 111. FOR SALE. " THE SIGNAL " NEWSPAPER AND JOB PRINTING BUSIND4s. The subecriher is open to offers for the purchase of the Newspaper and I Job Printing Office of THE GODEHICH SIGNAL, One of the hest equipped others and beet pinyin; country newspapers ill Western Ontario. :Sstiefactory reasons for selling. Address D. Mel.: I LUCIE:DDT, Proprietor. CAwr*O''r DR.A.;NZT is e;ATII RING THRY in fast and furiously these days. TitE w'ANDAI. mn!tfg*'S nRN;AD1 Is Hav- ing • mighty hard time jet now. CONTINENTAL UNION ArPKARs To PE flourishing in this corner of the vineyard, and Secretary T. M. Wnire saw it Nourish with his own eagle eye during the past week. THE GRRSNwAT (iOvrRNtt.NT HAM A majority. of 14 in • house of 40 -that is to say 27 to 13 -and yet The Empire is sympathising with Mr. GtgtNwAy upon his narrow escape. THE 'l_c't.RRtuw or MR. CAMgW,] vRR still." crawling under the tarn," and some of them would like to avail themselves of that .quiet resort usually referred to as " parte unknown." I4rR seriatim melon Tnt Clinton News- keened is somewhat stray when it think• the large majority of the readers of TNI.51e;,(A L are not in accord with its present policy. It rakes • groat mis- take all along that line in it. surmising. A GRNT1.RwAv named HARRDees will commit presidential suicide in the "Soo " canal, if he isn't a little careful. There .re over • million good votes now held scenes the lire by former Canadians that will bit him in 'he neck if he goes into the "queer- ing b.einess THE KI\.'ARDINI REVIEW IIAI( s'Cusu in his horns last week in greet shape. When constable Gundry tapped him on the shoulder, "in theesueen's name," there was • grand collapse, and the young man was glad to est the leek and pay .11 a sta in order to save his .kin. A't° Now WHAT W IIA. Sin (his ER %AT to Mr. RvANTI'att., M. PP., for taking the Kamp m the United States during he Preeidmulial eammpuge! it is certainly be- ginning to look as if Canadian statesmen were taking an interest in the welfare of the "oentiseat to which we belong.' Mg- Mona, Q. (, or Oaemin !tut, has been interviewed by the Meesoel Har.M, and wei have pismire is reproduci- ble the article on our liret parte The opinions advanes d by Mr. Meme. are fell sed freak in .very particular. A spirit d ism* to (Leede premise every erN.ea, and the entire ineereiew .hews .erlmiv.ly that the sloe frim D./aehm, The hes tweed 'Mal martys4.s, r .kit mile erilliag is Pm pod teasess ler the l.M that is 1. hid Everyone will he Msaflited by read- ing the hoes.. and eta awes ettemiame.[ Mr. Melina Tu. wte.tArt? T.Vmu manes gr Tua Toronto World Is the less.t oleos d the remeaaag d R J. K. Ow, "The p►. 1.I 11 gid lass, d he don't welsh sat." As we write, we uadewisnd Mr. Metas•. s u the heads of the esnetabi, dimepd with orimtnally libelling 1111r. M. C. C•4 - anon, by pubMWig Oaat'a gluey whichweeds TIMM )/•ass PATMISTe.s1. Let year The Empire wade • beg effort to boom ita otrculation by the ached flag rainiest process, but the attempt must have proved • failure, as teu repetition hie been made during the present year. It is mss re.esary to my that the school tag- rasing fake was a silly pie. of bushel., for the fact that no very exwuded applica- tion of the scheme was made 'bowed that the majority of Canadians, young and old have Do exalted opinion of that spurious kind of patriotism which exhibit. itself only in Oleg -waving. It is • grand thing to instill into the beasta of the children a love for the land which ga ere them birth, which nurtures them in youth, and in which they receive the education and moral training to at them for the battle of lite in any sphere where their lot may be oast ; but it is . pernicious system, which on gala daya,whso the " hoisting of the flag upon the sohool- bouee" ai in order, mums the ora- tors on the oomaion to rummage amongst h'.tori.wl butcheries to prove that patriot- ism isa product of the battle -Held, fostered by the free spilling of blood. The Dreeeess and Heenieesa, and other gory -mouthed feeders at the public crib, detght to tell the �bildren that patriotism is best promoted by slaughtering methods, and that the ran who is eternally frothing about fighting and bleeding and dying is the most loyal to the land in which he live.. Such teaching is pernicious in the extreme and it is to be hoped that an effort will be put forth by the Department of Education to prohibit such rubbish being engrafted upon the minds of the pupils at future patriotic gatherings. The man who beet loves his country will never sigh for the horrors of war to over- take the land in which be and his loved ones give. The braggart and the fool may breathe forth threatening" and slaughter. but their vain boastings can never stamp them as true patriota. Lundy's Lae and (lueeoaton Heights, mod other pope where the " botober's bill was large," have in no way ,-ontributesi to the happiness or prosperity of this Lod, and the sooner the youth of (nada know it the better it will be. Millions of dollars have been spent on the alleged militia system of Canada, to foster a military spirit. and the money so spent would have done as much good to Canada had it been sunk in Lake Huron. No good results have followed, and no greater humbug exists on the face of the earth than the annual attempt at playing at soldiering which is perpetrated by the volunteer force of Canada )What do we want a military establish- ment in Canada for anyway' Geographi- cally, we are so situated that we are and can remain comparatively free from moles- tation. We be contiguous to no nation with which we are anxious to imbrue. ()ser neighbors to the month are a friendly people wial fully two million of their po- pulation kinsmen of our own. Then why keep up the idea of militarism by • one. horse exhibition of tin -pot soldiering! It oasts money, does no earthly good to Canada, and does not even frighten the Uelted States 1.et the burlesque on the panoply of war nese ; let ('oL I) 'ieo,'s treaty mkt be changed to • thistle cutter ; and let Jim L Hruii►_e cease to slay hie thousands and tens of thousands at annual flag raising celebrations with the weapon which SAN - .os is credited with having done his heavy tragedy work in days el yore. le the hinges. ad Ihe Ltd General Gamer, "het as VtM pa .," Telt pale son N TRE CA.ANAu. No better d.iRiation of the status of the Canadian in Britain can be found than the treatment which Hoa. EDw•ARn RI.,KE has received from The Loudon Times said o Cher prominent pirnd. in the Old Lead. EDWARD 111.41. in ability, breadth of knowledge, integrity, elogneeoe and social peition is the inferior of no F.nglishnr•i,, Irishman or Scotohman, who lives on the British ).les. He haa ermined the one. to tat. hie plasm in the Imperial Parliament and his friends and even his political owns - sole on this side have condolence that hie undoubted talents will give him • frost place amongst the great statesman .f Bri- tain and Ireland. Vet, whenever he is re- ferred to by The Times, he is never rated as a Rritisk nuttiest, but always degloated as " Mr. BLARE the Comedies eslanait" A ed when a nam like lir. Butt; who has hese .worn of t8. Privy Conseil as an Meier d t8. Que., and who i. beyond gientise the greats. Being expensed ef the present (hedbe stales tan meals, front the prem ef the Old Lead no bigher ly thee that d • seers edoab y why menM the seek and Ms brag she. ths pesitien they Defer; as " arid. en►1sels They wear the seller of .o1a.i.u.., seal .0 the sheeting they w M lies sew seen deesed-y will net twee. the Muga d la - f enmity which .amebas te them ka the eyes el the peopled Brien.' beau Thai bat done Dight to be a eYwt re• ase ler the develsomeet et • spirit et re- amed is every tens (..Aiwa, and ahe0M also ieuU is hie breams • yeaewitg to b.. cons • mem her of • peat eeatiasetal s•- tioa in which the word "colwiet" is as known and full and fres citia.a.hip is with- in the reach of aLL l'oloaidiem set r. IT MAKES THE QUESTION AN ISSUE. The most remarkable Wag shout Sir ()liver Mowat a speech es seaex•ttwt is its •xisteaoe. That he, • stetoum•n, naturally cautious' and sometime. blamed by his pohttcal friend• for being too conservative -A speaker who seldom discusses theore- tical questions and who knows better then most statesmen wheni • question passes from the speculative into the atom of practical politics -that be of dl other. should have given • good half hour ou a• historical occasion to an elaborate argument against annexation to wntethiug that might well make Comedians pause and think. Had Sir Oliver merely indulged in • rhe- torical flourish or two it would have hese the ,amt natural thug imaginable, but bis argument was written ent in full with all the caro he used to bestow upon one of his chancery decisions, and be wont over tke points puss u he tad to go over the points of hu cases at the Fatuity Bar. The Premier mut take • more serious view of the annexation question than that takes by the great majority of Canadian- In fact most ('anadiaes here been under the im- pression that there is ,to question of annex - silos before the country .t a14. Possibly Sir Oliver knows mere about the matter than is known by ordinary citizen.. The Premier of the Dominion stated some time ago that he and several others .ignd the annexation manifesto in '49 in an "outburst of petulance." Perhaps Sir Oliver knows of other distinguished people who are seised with occasional outbursts of that kind. - Canada Presbyterian. KEEP ACCOUNTS WITH THE N. P. From The Ment real Herald. We read that Robinson )'niece, on his desolate island, kept • regular account with Providence, setting on one side of his led- ger all the blessing. be enjoyed and os the other all disadvantages he labored under. On .sung up his accounts he found that the blessings greatly preponderated, so he ceased his repining., and for the future re- solved to lead • more religious life sad give daily thanks for all things. If our farmers, in their dealings with the National Policy, would only follow the ex• ample of Daniel Defoe's hero eau keep • strict account of the gains and losses accru- ing to them through the famous measure, they would soon arrive at some practical resolution, We will try to give them a sample page for such a book of aocounu First, what the N. P. does for him. It increases the pace of everything he u ses, from the swaddling clothes in which the infant is wrapped and the cradle in which he Ulan', to the shroud and the coffin in which he is carried away to his find rest - i. place. As a schoolboy or student it stands in the way of his education by Lying a heavy tax upon the necessary honks. Asa young man, its exactions of 30 to 50 per cent. prevent him from obtaining inch clothes and personal ornamenta as he would desire to recommend him to the girl of his chosen. The buggy in which he drives her out is taxed from 15 to 35 per cent., and it even lays ita mean hand. on the candies *hat are enjoyed during the ride. As • householder, i4 tax of 35 per oast. upon builder's hardware increases the coat of his dwelling. His furniture is loaded with another 36 per Dant. His kitchen utensils, his table cutlery, his linen, pie tuna, ornameota ; in tact there is nothing so small or insignificant as to recipe it. notice. The cod oil with which he lighta ap his house on the long winter nights is doubled to price by the N. P., and even the light of the sun is taxed by mean. of an imposition upon window glass. For his work, his ploughs, harrows, har- vesters, seders, churns, axes, forks, spades, harness, binding twine, wire fencing. and everything he sue', curt. from 20 to 50 per cent. more on amount of the N.P. He cannot even escape on Sunday. His bible, prayer book and hymn hook aro all taxed, and if his age calls for the use of .pectacle., there is 36 per cent upon thdm. The stove /std the coal he burns in it mad the comfortable rue or carpet under his feet •11 pay their share. Every tick of the clock cels a tale of 36 per cent. The watch in his pocket, his daughter's jewellery, and all the Sunday finery, all tell the sate story. This is only • simple outline of the entries to the wrong side of the account with the N. P., which every practical men may multiply indefinitely for himself. He may try to And for himself alar when the benefits come in, but he will search in vain. We can only tell him whet it does not do, that was promised for it. it does not increase the vale of his land, for returns show a general decline of farm property, except in very favored neighbor - It does not 'scream the fertility of his soil or the. .mount of his produce. it does not obtain him a better prior for his surplus product., for that is ruled by the Rriti,b markets it doeis not indresse the domestic heppi D. for it has forced his eons and daugh- ters •n emigrate to • f noun to nb- talo the living denied tot m here y To sum op, it is • hindrance, an nhetroc- atmi and a fraud. it prevents him making the hest use of hs opportunities, .nd'naaes the coot of his living end drives his family abroad The Delo peactiaal way to better himself is to advocate at all times sad seasons " a tariff for reeenu• only," and to refuse his vote to any candidate who does not heartily ombeaor that policy. PUBLIC ACK NOWLEDOME NT. Ma &arrow, Permit me theth the eases. el your paper to acknowle the very headset. gift p( certain members of my tics. shortly after being my hone by death seems menthe ago, them friends re.dved b prem. me with smother: but before their wh.e.m was pert Bled had, not knowing whet ase eo foot, sneered se animal. Thus their intention we lat.r- espted- However, the among preset were eollsrted, and lost mask were headed (eewmjerr to see, • ars, mere then I the hew the Modem, met =1:1irlami, tie.. teal w hearty et their reel WOKS ANO PtmoolO to " Net on Dai w*ar."-Tb beldam! of the pwhtie. Obish alae wen. d We little uses, at the rare. hods th. wader b pest esseMeiens wieldy while thepep�r u veal.. Bat ell dew the beet, drieteleig...eophesree yarns.e her the (1ri.d sseritle., W oaf se- oeptsas e1 the divi.hy el the WA., its plea for. blew e.aoeptaoo of the irodmei bre, all have %he conviction that this is the mese atlmedoa betercd.ay that has (wed from the pro far a hog time, and it sae. not lt'l M eemmand setentio n G. ?. 1111- lisa as t Ca. 718 DIM Tib Breadwy. Mew fork. Sent pant -paid an nioeipt of 35 esm.a. 8.-tuaN.e's Manx*Nx.-The August esm- bee of /Medicare's Ideas.. la that ane ly we er-ine feature of tie Hemmer "The Fictioo Number." This year it oft - tains .n unusual assortment of storks --tee 'ems than seven in all. Anse.; the pops lar writers who 000tribete stories are : Mrs. Rurtuo Harrison. ()clave Thenen, T. R Sullivan, H. C. Runner, and Dumas camp hal iloott. Four of the stories are Wanes td, oath by • sing'. artist oboess with ref- erence to lus special shone to deal with the particular characters end sauna A. B. Frost illustrates Octave Thanet's Wasters atnry, " The Hsestment of Kart Lleden ; " W. T Smedley, Mr. Bunner's M One Having Authority ; " Chester (atoms, Mr. Seott'sCanadian story, "The Triumph of Marie Laviolette ; " and C. !Wort, of Par- is. Mrs. James T. Field's charming version of Maurice de (:uerin's famous and beano• ful prone poem, ' • The Centaur." Lirrgu s Chases: Aux. -The embers The Living Age for July 23rd and 30th oogtaie Ulster and Home Rels, and Some (:neat Jewish R.bbis, Nineteenth Century ; I.oedeemon, by Walter Pater, Contem- porary ; The Dutch Peasantry, National ; English -women in India, New Review ; Egypt, 1882 1892.Forteigbtly; French Girl's Schools, Macmillan's: A ('oeoord of the Steppe, Temple bar: Earl Ferrers,Bel,ravt; A Visit to Count Tolstoi, (ornhill: Ramie - Scene. of :set. I'etentwr,'Society, by lady Eutloke. Lnsgman's: Ststsmaa of Europe, and The Submarine Eruption at Paotalleria, Leisure Hour: Carious American Old -Time Gleanings, Chambers' Journal ; The Plague of Voles in Scotland and The Animal View of Man,Speotator; The Loot Duke of York, Specter; with inetalimee4 of "Aunt Ase," and Poetry. For fifty-two numbers d nista-four large peen each (or nae than 3.300 pages a year) the subscription pries 481 is low ; while for 310.50 the publishers offer to send any one of the Anericim W00 monthlies or weeklies with The Living Age for a year, hoth postpaid. Littell t Co., Boston, aro the publishers. TH. i IKI MAOA7.INR roll AM/CST.-The first number has been issued of a new high - ChM Canadian magazine, published by Th. Lake Publishing Company of Toronto. Ie its chaste and elegant appearance it rivals the hest of its American contemporaries, while in the character and popular interest of its omit.. it .cores a decided success. The magazine is devoted to politics, science and ge.r.l literature, and purposes filling in some measure. in the discussing of public questions. the place filled in Rritein sad the United States by the leading reviews d these countries. The greater portion of the m•gasine will however, he given to articles, fiction and poetry, similar is kind to the contents of the best literary monthlies The political articles will be contributed by leading statesmen and writers of both poli- tical parties. and appearing under the names of the individual writers se full and exhaustive discussions of timely topics d public enncern, will possess unusual interest and value: in fact no iotellitgent student of political affairs can afiord 10 neglect read- ing them. In the present nnmher are articles nn ('ans.la and Imperial Federation. Edward Rieke and Ireland, a ('heap and Simple Franchise. from the pens of leading Canadian journalists, and also articles on The Land of Manana, A Canadian Litera- ture, Second -Sight Along *he Wire. Art le Canada Today. The ik,etrine of Handicaps -ell interesting and well written. Two stories and two poems o1 superior merit, in addition to . number of illustrations com- plete the list of contents HARP/0,04 Metstztxe-The August No. for Harper's Magazine is • delightful mid- summer number. It opens with the first of • short aerie% of articles on " Literary Paris," by Theodore Child, in which the writer describes the present tendencies and currents of thought in popular French literature, with interesting comments on the works of Zola, Remo, the Goncourt., Paul Bourget and other famous authors. The paper is illustrated with seven portraits. including the frootispisoe,which is a picture of M. Henan in his study at the College de France. drawn by Renouard "The Italian army " is fully described M Colonel Gorian, an experienced officer in the Italian mili- tary service, and is •ppre ri•tely lad ac- enrately illustrated by T. de Thnletran The third paps of James Rummell Lowell's series net the Old English Dramatist. relates to John Weher. ere and includes an interest- ing diversion on the principles of dramatic oxwrrtrnctiino, with an analysis of ane or two of Webster's meat char cterietic produc- tions. Constance Fenimore Wonsan con- tributes • delightful descriptio. of • visit to Corfu and the Ionian Sea," which is pro- fusely and beautifully illustrated from drawings and photographs. A very timely &rte.,* M Dr. T. Mitchell Prodden ou " Ice and Toe -making" felly illustrated, give, • lucid explanation of the production of hes, and has • special value from i4 hints no the comparative healthfulness of natural and artificial ice. An interrttng chapter d American history, " The Salehorg ur F.silee in (:meth.," is enetriboMd by the Rev. John P. Herat. D. D , and handsomely illus- trated by W. Hamilton Gibson. PORT ALBERT. ?rove our own enrre.upwident. Christ church is yNa epee few diet. me - vies. Mrs. Omagh, Oorleriab, visited friends hen last week. Hurry James, of St (kthsrtses, is visit. tug .t the Royal hotel. Mr. Nealy, student of Knox age, Tercet., le the retest of .tame. M Wafter Rawlins was . tnno.sdol cantle date at the meet entrances exaia held la Goderieh. Our meat flehermen toots a very large catch d Flab do Monday last, the target so far this .naso.. Mr. .ed Mr. G. Rrst.w, Leader, are the geoids of the lady's parents, Mr. and Kra The.. Hawkiax. Mr. and Mrs-Kr-Whitertim% Rln.vale, p1+M . visit to the lady'. raiatAs, Mr. .rd Mrs. Jae M.i.S'y, es Wedne.dy last. - rams t Ann Tender refer, phiafej 1 _ uerwd. ehard soma, m eared, kinds sad eon. . , ere .like rammed Iran• few days by the me of Putnam% Niel.. Cern Eirtreseer. Mersa sa fails to sa.u, .mese mews pale, ewer Insets deep yob that are seers ..asyg.ig than the nrrifirstel ds...t- fhet. ulv. Neth.... Palsies Oars Rs Ttsw r'sepe.M'b. L..Msr a trig newsreel .hays.'... Sold The Mee" Goiseis JAIL Awe S 11WL ' ' dr"r''' -Pekin a oti, ."ar cis Wee- ate o ecoovert'c*.'.4. 1' i'? roe THE DOMINION IN Miff Patriot 1Ies'o• Tumult), died irons mu - stroke. The )Northwest Assembly hoe been called te man August Y The new . .4. railway to Winnipeg WY opened Tuesday. Adan Conklin of Rathbtue, aged 35 dropped dead near th illi► J. R. 1YIWIJu usl, • petaled at the Leedom Asylum, died frust sunsIn.ka A young urn mew, Bert Iktrtrwger wee drowned at Belleville while la►thetet. Farmer Fegma, of Colborne township, had seven head of (settle killed by lightning. Arnold Reid d Dawn Tuweahip, won attack by lightning and instantly killed. Arrangeiiifnte t` I,ritlg male 1... • ( m 'e osteo to S..I.fet.,l.,, 1. Jnbo W. Kort.•ar, tic of the . Must drtrera es the (:rand Trunk, .►heel in Lemke, sled picnic at 1 A.fawn thn.wu ' the exploits of Nut tilde.( John W✓.lteen. aged 17, .t !'..rr- i'ouud- Nov Scotia's mineral exhil it at the N'orki's Fur will occupy Y,:SI1l fret of sp&ce- Hrentfurd will likely perchase an elec• trio light pl&nt and do its own street Ug ting. Nearly _'0,(IJO people ...tended the Mani- toba Industrial Exhibition at Winnipeg ,m Thursday. John Andrews, • popular young duan of Port Arthur, was drowned while lathing is ).enc lake. About 30,(a1U pilgrims have so far this season nested the shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre, QOeb•c. . Sir Loam. Snit. eytertained• ,the (1a• adiaa Risky team t.. dinner at the-Metroq.nle hotel in London. There wog a killing frost in Montan• on Wednesday .sed • cold wave was general over British ('olumbea John Taylor, d the firm ..1 Baker, Tay- lor t Heaket, Montes.(, was drowned is the River St. Lawrence Mr. Lauver positively denies the story that he intends to retire from the leader- ship .f the Liberal party. The county 4 4 ):fund will spend newly WW1 for furnishintigg for the splendid new court house in Wo. tock. Igurin f the past week there were 21 fail- ures in (.sada, as compared with le for the corresponding period last year. The l iapartmnett of Marine intens build- ing • new hghthonse in the Gulf of St. Lew - rime, off the coast d Lhrmior. 1). J. Burnet, brother d Wm. Buret, d Cobourg, was killed by a nitroglycerine explosion near Helena, Montana The Winnipeg Industrial Exhibtio. closed Friday. The expenment d s sow - mar fair has proud a great su.rea The Loudon bar .re try' to establish • kw school in Loudon, and k•re a sitting d the High Court wkly in that city. John Boedecker, age.( fifteen, .f Nigger& Falls, w. drowned w hid. bathing m tie river below t new suspension (ridge. Mr. John Taylor, of t 1 e Grua of Baker Taylor t Hsakett. Montreal, v.. drowned while bathing at Gananoque yesterday. A Large number d cars for the Montreal Street I%alway Company here baaa order- ed from Cobonrg, St. Catharines, and Bs11- ville. Tillie Wegner living with bar parents m Woostodt, attempted t.. commit •nerds en Tuesday night by taking a dose d Paris green. J. A 1. der, the Teetered. school teach- er charged with conspiracy to defraud by 'bras of bogus advertent..a, was emu - 'nod for trial A young man earned Jo Silver. shores was bathing a the C.P.R. docks at Owen Sound, when he got beyond his depth and was drowned. Hon. (:'bas Langelier appeared at Qnel.ec Police Court yesterday c ed with .nd- feasance in office with a member of the late Mercier 4:overnment. French Anarchist., convicted of stealing dynamite mobs whirb were used .en May Day, were seutencatt to terms sen jail ranging from live to twenty years. At . meeting .4 the St John'. Relief Committee, of Montreal, it was decided to mesad $11,11.4 Di the purchasing of food and ;10,000 on working clothe Lady Evelyn Montrn.e, daughter of the Marquis of I.ndelowne, was married am Saturday to Victor ('. Cavendish, heir to t dukedom of Devon hire. The Oakville schooner Kate capsired in t Ray of (quint& on Thursday, and Mrs. Pap., the cook, and • sailor named Solo- mon, of Toronto, were dreirnel. Capt.. A. Mepaw, lots of the Paisley Ad- vocate, was hanquetted by the citizens of Paisley prior to his leaviaf for Vernon, B. C. where he u going into journalism. Mr. A. E. Morrow, B.A., classical eas- ter d the Clinton Cnlleriate Institute, has been appointed to a similar position i. Winnipeg Collegi•4.1 • salary of 31,500 On Saturday the Judicial Committee d the Privy Council gave • derision io favor d the Greenway (lovernme.t .declaring the right of Manitoba to establish national sc Th. body of James Salmon, the sailor drowned in the forcastle d the eehnosnr Kate, on t8. Bay d Quint., has been re- covered by • diver sent from Kingston to • scareit. Hon. Fwlward Rieke will make his 6rs► speech in Losdn., Eng., on Thursday) mist, on the invitation of the Eighty Club. H. will also &detrain the Hoar Role Union on Monday week. Mr. J. A. Mercier, brother d the ex - Premier d Quebec, has rade an abandon- ment of his motets Th. total liabilities arsonist to/50,000, and then ars no assets beyond the household goods. The (buneil of the Beard of Trade d Montreal has set • mantrial to the 1)s- niiaion Minister of miter, u prompt measures to ren th rnagghly cunt the guaranties station at (brae ink. At W iartrn • sailboat was capers! .sed atx out of • party of nine were drowned. The victim. are : (latero Stevens and w d Mr. Stevens' ewe .eters illi Oselph : Mr. L Currie and daughter, el W iartnn. A deputation d trraauf cturers ars farm 11ts from Rrwnt toaty waited eying Ss OBve. Mow.t yesterday it Toronto and in- timated to him the adv) x141 4, of uniting his propaed Central prison hinder twine in- dustry with a mrnuf.t.ring e.ttehlFshoeut for twin. and farm implewiest4 .khat stay were ant toes to eatah(i.h to awe tails en the es. operative plea Air John Moinpaen and Mr. Mae.aab Bowel) wen in Captain on Threday .ad had lire interviews wlt4 ler.eAaw sad vessel owners as t8. swains el Smmi tally it appears the 0...e]F.. (Ie..rems ..S not retaliate ; but win rwl.r the ratter le Ms British 1:evermnent, tib MISS Sale United )(Wes w eisheegtBeta NEWS OF THE WORLD, Dakota sad Reams me •inured d 'brae angst seeps. Then were 91 deaths fres ths beet le Chung. as Thenday. 11 u that yellow fever 41 broke.' out In Iis.sial. (.resat auabere d anti*dye'sw' Tex.. fever in Oklahoma: ye The Orkney and 8heth..d Wends jos elected • supporter of Mr. Gimlet.... The oust erste in New York decided s oaks no adman, u prime fur Aagaet. The thermometer registered as htek ae 112 is the sun in l'hkago on tt'aier,.14y. Tweet; tlwssand meu engaged in tile budding trades are on strike to New 1.Mk Several caw of sporadic cholera are re ported to hay. appeared in Warsaw , Rus On ▪ Wednesday 1l deaths and ti.: p•,tn, teoes frim sunstroke were rep.red t„ LM (Akyo police. Yle Politest, Scotland, James Prader, beak clerk, beaked a aaaa and two w..ege to death wink • sword. The S8. City d hhtru again holds the re ori having creosol the Atlantic m S days, Ib hours and 814 oiuetea 2An o0kial bulletin chow. lige were 0(U owesof chJera and 1,174satita.r. Rsia oa July :ii&natteal 2S.! Vidor Freiwt, a ( xeroma, its ssootiein ssAmerie•,eoasuicude at.Nia; Falb, N. Y., a f.. days ago. An ueeseoeeaful attempt haa bee.t ntaJs to blow up the Carnegie mills in 1'it!.haeg by turning "" the natural gas. There is •• pmaic among the ih►k,ote tars. era feet they be unable to harvest their wheat crop bar want of laborers. Texas fever, which kills affected cattle within M hours, W appeared in Murree, New Jersey, sat 11 cows Aare died. AU the moldier, bare boon withdrawn from Homestead. Pa., except 1.110o, • ha. trey end • coal) sguadr.0 of ...weary. It ai metered in Laudon that Mr. A.. drew Careegb, of the Homestead Iry works, bee applied for police pmi'.ti..u. I. Aggeres, in the preasnos of the stag and st.ade.te of Munich University, has icy ceerfully extirpated the .phis of a panes. The Althorp library, owed by Lad Spencer, the heal pp nivete collectiuwr.4 h..uke is the world, haa hes sold to an Fnglnh. same President Harrison has approved the Aet to adorce reciprocal commercial rel. begs between the United Stator and C•mad► Then were 46 sunstroke, and proms. Sone in New York city Thursday, wkds 14 deaths took place in Piuladelptii fres the he. A josrey.mn baker mimed J. Malltek was arrested in New fork asanacranpli,etd Bertnat . who attempted to assaain•ts Mr. Frick. There are 42,000 mcg ensued in layttlg the eastern section of the Tr.naSil, nee Railway and the work will be competed ext antumn. Charles Mae, • Philadelphia banker. was Idiot and halal by a cestomer named Robert Kennedy. Kennedy afterwards killed himself. The Pons Chamber of Commerce his voted 50,000 frames to send a deleggce to the (h1. aye Fair gad her appointed M. Lourdekt its representative. The New York ('antral Railway hes pur- chased urchard the Adirondack it St. Lawrence rad, the practically spearing a through hes el its own to Montreal Glalst.oee's majority bac been rotund le 40, a recount in Greenock, Scotland, haying resulted in the election of a dissident Liberal instead of • Gladatonia•. Austro', pri.cipal contribution to this World n Fair at Chicago will be • reprewie talion .4 an ideal Austrian city, what: sip contain models of notable buildings now Mr. Balfour, the Government leader it the British House of (nmmon., has gone to the Isle of Wight to consult with the Woes with reference to the speech from the throe. A United Stater revenue cutter on Mom day aimed the ach.to erSvbil, of Vancouver, after .be had landed thirteen einuggletl Chinamen on Idley island, near Port Tows - send, Wash. Commenting on the rivalry between Paris cad Berlin in regard to a Universal Envoi - tion in 1900, an Italian journal proposes that Rome shall also hold • Universal Ex- position in that year. it is reported from Homestead that the Advisory Committee d the striker. has decided upon the use of dy.anite te wreck machinery to prevent the successful employ- ment of non-union labor. Carnegie takes .daily drives in his f..or-br band between his lodge in Scotland aryl the nearest telegraph station. He was greatly shocked when he heard of the attempted arrospiratiom of Mr. Frick. Private Isms, who was stems rap by the thumbs by Coi. Streator for shouting is favor of the aas&il.nt of Mr. Frick, hes token •stun ngainat(:ell. Snowdro, 1.4. Streator .std Cul. Hawkhs. for Daring the flee •'.ys of unusually hal weather, beginning .nun ay morning W closing ThnraLy night, there were LI deaths in ('hicago from sunstroke. The number of prodratios was not short of 500. The French Reposition of 1900 will a• espy a spam of frau nate hundred to eat hundred and twenty hectares, and will fest gat les than 63,00,no0L. The space w- earied by the I tpo.iudm d 18[b was eighty The steamer Trinacria, which arrived N New York yesterday from Mu'.literaaees Port, broagbt as p•seng.rs a0 howling 1),rviab F{ppea a, ., dl dread in their sr five ashen. They w integdd for tis World's Fair •t Chtoago. Thos. Kelly of Cleveland, who ram, y Toronto with the Knights of St. John ton week, ago and are raooptfed as • min vb. escaped fifteen years ego whir es route te Khgs.. Paeib.tigry, her hero grated ►is r.8.. by 18. (Jevere.r-Neese(. H.gq Jsss (lardim., d Imo'". E:•F, v ho rained a amber of young girls, wrho.s M tot dab hselateh. Ery theles. pprreetenor of fitting them her the stage, was •Ibwed M pled gualerts d s.,wt spsgnhi, gid was ilty ..ste.eed b b .h asnthaebtrlFsprs+ scat•thard1.8.a . Premier DI gamesmen' ,.4 New $bWralib who The en dinee&y lateral. viritieg Chis laseaMin visit is tett msdtJ pr e aayyiits8s . is the Uewat" r+.''•m. itigi a egged to t8. )• sag d ..w e.blw b.we� Vancouver ..d (smolt •ad a lits kesweM Vsmsusver seed A.sealb, ane( •aio Ib. r t.kiWmstt d a mew et e.ship lie, betwalli 7.wv..std A.saswlia. porta. Th. Si ix 4814., & U., City Cou.sY t� an Monday eat report In Ismer of the -gg mime b.. sbmes. eaaaidstr ward, /k.. w1a M da tt) , a, sae s meth .'add, a.a. *8..s.*'04 d ..1.1i. ti.p+f► tumisat. O.e d the obj ete the Canna W is view b lo diowrap the tsar d dent Ih��w y berwsiag the 3M...1 .�i. +:.(tw.7e.I,tll� 11rtticittrrrsitti).111t.ttkrAst..,1