The Signal, 1892-8-4, Page 2Ti IMAM : OODERTCA, ONT. 'IRITRSDAY AUGUST 4, 1RN.
Brine. Male
elar et
When lea .wse.e-
kiLeek minierteaeis the rare.
Irra"s the beb&m% rude grins e ;
Tea a sae 'twin yield ib rate.
If y.. bac the grit a.d wL
Beet to hark a Utile bit.
K eep year farm with era telae lit -
Laugh . little b*."
tillesmi shadow's er will tit
If you ham the wit sad grit
JsM t. Legh • Utile telt.
(Amish this as sawed welt
" Leask a Bede bit."
K eep it with you, maple it-
" Laugh • little bit."
little ills will man b..ide yea.
Forties. may amt sit benid* yo.,
Men may mock sad Fame deride yea
Rat yon tl naiad them net • whit
If yea Ig► • little bit.
Tame Waif neve Maned gsuaty axles the
First see.•.
•'Why do you go to Mrs. Blank's beam!"
said to me once a very immanent wear& wb
bad always bore • apothem rupst0Nsa
.. She has boa so talked about I wonder
whet you find i• her to attract yea"
Just what 1 do not .Lid in yea
for other women," I ruplted
My friend looked somewhat .eaplased,
bat soon hastened to reply.
• • She bus more reason to be ob&ritable
and lenient than I. Her past needs the
mantle of charity thrown over it sad mine
does not Thee is aching in my life that
would not beer the light" e
" There is a •arrow fimare of seven judg-
ment in your heart that seeds the light of
love and sympathy thrown into it,' I re-
sponded When I encounter such a hope -
Mealy good woman as you, who never met
temptattou, I o&. understand why a tempt-
ed Christ is symbolized by religion as mane
edge. He will show mercy ; having been
, He andersteods human weakness "
Yet, as • rule, I have not found it to be
the spotlessly good women who ars the sev-
en judges of weaker sisters. Quite the ors -
Innumerable in/tames occur to me as 1
think oa the subject, in which the purest
and sweetest of women have in my hearing
ddoodat some victim of gossip, made ex•
esu for her weakens, or refused to believe
the stories &goer about her until forced to
do so, while in almost every Memos them
1(551..• were set allotsea
by m woman
w6cse own pest had not been free from n-
geIt seems a remarkable fact that • wont=
who has ever been the object of so •dal
should wish to repeat or spread any unkind
reports about another woman, but such oas-
es ere too numerous in all our expenances
to need verification_
This is an age of progress and freedom for
women. The day of the •• Scarlet Letter "
has passed with its endless martyrdom for
the erring.
Public sentiment has become .0 liberal-
ized and the world so busy with scientific
discovery .ad the growth of thought in all
direotioos that a woman who has oommitted
some early error or folly is allowed in time
to make amend., redeem her ways, behave
herself and occupy • respectable position
among cultivated and agreeable people, who
do not bother themselves to study up her
past life.
We have but to investigate our so -rolled
• ht -hest circles " to find insanes of won
en who have lived down earl
errors rrors suffici-
ently to be among the leaden of fashion.
In our intellectual circles we tend •hiniug
lights who have built noble names over the
skeletons of old •candela The world is be-
ginning to allow women to reform and cor-
rect early mistakes as well as men.
But the everincre•.ing wonder in my
mind is that these are the women who most
frequently unearth the skeletons of scandals
from beneath fair structures which other
women are trying to build, and that the
woman who has coos herself been tueobjeot
of scorn, is the first to point bar finger at •
newcomer into the court of repectabdity.
Once o a time I happ•o•d upon the
sad •ealeoi page in the early life of • bright
woman whom 1 had known pleasantly for a
few years. The knowledge of her youthful
folly came to me quite by aocident, and I
felt only sympathy to think of all the suffer-
ing it must have caused one of her mental
and affectionate endowment, and I rejoiced
to think that she had been able to live it
She was • devoted wife, a kind friend
and an active worker in all good melee& and
I respected her for having climbed on the
ladder of her mistakes to her t posi-
tion. What was ry shook •/ surprise to
hear that woman severely condemn shortly
afterwards • young girl and insist upon be-
lieving some gossip which had been est
afloat by idle tongue. I would have ex -
pe ted her to be the first to defend or at
least the last to condemn.
Then are times when men and women
wbo strive to lead worthy lives are obliged
to speak words of cursing to neer Maeda
regarding unworthy aseeai&tsa It is •
kindness to inform our friends whoa then
is moral typhus in oar midst It ie right
that they should tell as when we are saoos-
soiotmly harboring small -pox in our chola
Rut the woman wbo hs ever ready to
ppaant the e healed sear epos the person of
frees/ 0.d ,truagur I have omit to suspect
as hiding worse soars upon her own moral
n ature
Rt a W mm► Wruvc.
A P1.aamae Isere Lmean.
The best oar* we know of for oo.stipatios
. ad headache is the placard herb drink
called Rae's Family Medicine. It is said
to be Oregon grape root, eombined with
simple herbs, rind is made for mss by pour-
ing-"ilieg eater on to the dried roots sad
herb. It M remarkably edimeise@ in •11
blood disorders, and is now the sowure ge
remedy with least fes oiariag up the mei-
Druggists sell the paMages at
bore •ad 51- (Isow)
Mame M sere..•.
Learn your ballotss thoroughly. Keep
at mag thing ; in amines change. Always
be is haste, bt .ever in • hurry. Observe
system la all yea do and undertake What-
ever Y worth d.i.r at .11 ie worth doing
welt One to -day le worth two *-.erre..
lis self reheat t die net lake tee meek ad-
vise, bet rather depose ea yeseself. Never
fail to key year spdstmwts et es he
pesetas' to the minute. hewer be idle.
het Mails usefully sea
me...i. S- -eats. Same m re Okemel
were we•t[t1. If!)lsvtams Wet .Ne le
likiewmab 1 1t .A M .t Ms Il adlae M t•seewae TIM Sas. O..mse*d
D emi see raw Wer.
J adgisg from report• reeeivtd 1. Terata
lea F• 'uy U is pretty ask to ermdsdm tesla
we .l 3 eve tits year i. Ontario the beet
cup sum in the history d the Rwv-
:e ed itl. tbe wheat croplam et r ciliate up
to that of Mt year, to west to the steel
that the average yield wed he better then
i. Hai, aid farm inulases/ that the crap
was rrrtvkahly heavy, sir the haat ever oh
.Mined, while use report oo.taia.d the
pleasing insUlg.nus that the yield au mart
.mom al ezpectatis.s that the fanner.'
bras would not hold men than half el it
The hay crop, whack new appears to be
pretty well harvested ia most localities, was
probably never heavier. The oat crop is •
fair areeale in snore motions and heavier
t►.. lase year in sums Important sorties&
The only drawback to the whole situati=
is the low paces ruling for gneiss. The re-
muneration to the termer et 75 ream •
bushel for wheat, 40 mats up for barM7,
sad RI ream for oats is sot h.
There are yet oonader•bde quantitiesfof old
wheat left is Onteriu, much of Setear's
wheat crop i. Manstoba remains unsold sad
the quantity of old wheat m the United
Mateo. very large.
Nepro from the prtnafpal frett-gruwimg
western counties indicate that the crop o
apples promote to le • Slay good one, rot
a probably as loot year, 'but possibly
of • hither quality. (:ands, or small fruita
are geoerally • light orop, strawberries hav-
ing bees by far the heavies, crop among
small Intim, bet were not particularly re-
mu.srative, prices having ruled low.
Around the Wire and in the Muirs &s-
tria, fruit is geasraly light Peers pro
Was to be abundant all over the Province.
Mr. Von Horne wee down east last week
looking over the Intertoloa•l Railway. It
is generally believed the 1 orerament is
iLisposed to transfer the line, but why the
C. P. R., and not the Grand Trunk, should
get it, hes not been exploited. In Austra-
lia, when the railways are owned by the
people, • board of commissioners, indepst-
iont of the politicians, operates the litres,
end, it u said, with • large measure of
success. The experience of tete past
management of our Interoolonial shows us
that politicians are not railway nnanager&
To run the railway as a basinsse concern, it
will have to be handed with either to 00at-
mi.i oers or to one of one two great rail.
way Linea.
It is reported .hit the great cotton -
thread firm of J. P. Coates A Co., Paisley,
Scotland, will establish • branch factory in
Canada The announcement will be the
for • greed ecr ble for the works by
• hundred pushtlfg Ontario towns.
The coroner's jury that investigated the
iterntnn disaster brought in • verdict that
renecta very seriously on the Grand Trunk
management; The verdict censured the
railway for culpable and criminal asgh-
genoe is not. =ring attached air brakes
to train ?lo 34 in =Swing excursion trains
to be run without lir brakes be the
immense peril of human lit. ; sad for
permitting such daagerons discrepancy
to exist to the tem a-pieose in the several
stations, whereby this deplorable accident
was rendered possible. jury further
''found" that "the operators should not be
called upuu to discharge any duty except
that to which they should be compelled to
exclusively devote themselves" Here is •
state of admin that Sir Hoary Tyler and bis
Co -directors man profitably consider when
they arrive in this ooantry, as they will
sometimes this month_
The public is forcibly apprised of the
fact that Sir Oliver Mowat is loyal se in
word alone lout la action too. lls relent
patriotic and anti -annexation speech at
Niagara was followed last week by the re-
tirement of RJwr.l Farrar from the editor's
chair in the Globe uDoe. Farrar is an
avowed aoaezatioeust and Sir Oliver is the
individual who caused the Globe dir.osoeats
to dupeuse with his services. It is rumor-
ed that M r. Farrar is to be oo.nected with
• proposed sew asa.zatios newap•pr.
Suck an organ rosy expect to eeoays a
pretty cool, or perhaps • pretty hot, re-
ouptios if it makes its appearance just about
this time when the Americium are showing
their teeth.
The Privy Council un Setnrday,ia deliver-
ing judgment in the Manitoba school cases,
upheld the validity of the act abolishing
Separate Schools in Manitoba There was
great rejoicing in Winnipeg on Saturday
over the result. Another event whisk has
greatly pleased • targe majority of the
Manitobans is the recent plebiscite in favor
of prohibition. A monster umogratulat.ry
service was held Saturday night in Winni
pog by the temperance party. There
are u addition other things to gratify the
heart of theprairie people. The W iaoipeg
Industrial Exhibition, which closed on
&&starchy, was by far the greatest under-
taking of the kind ever attempted in the
Canadian Northwest, and was au unquali-
fied ,uo•¢.es. Exhibits were large and rupee.
mutative. Fifty thousand people pawl ad-
mission. The crop prospects for this season,
too, are very bright
It is probable that the City Council of
Sioux Falls, in Dakota, willae:pement of von municipal
will be • civic official milled • saloon roper
mtendent, who will &&.led by • force of
municipal /attendees. Beer is to be five
cent. • glass, and whiskey five times as
much. The authorities hope that this dis-
crimination will discourage the drinking of
the more fiery intoxicant. The working of
the experiment will be watched with in
A Chicago arithmetician computes that
the l.e to the World's Pair managers by
the closing of the exhibition for twenty-six
Sundays would he $;,000,000.
says, were Use erg day. •t tb.NAB ep ptes.
tion, when the average attendaase was
137,2n9 and the maximum 400,000. Pre -
mations have been Makin to raa Sunday
exceneons to Chicago daring the fair.
"With good weather," say the (
Tinesse , •'the.xcure.ows would, wit=
Simone, tsrenut of Chicago 'ape.s.raere,
swell the Someday atteadao. to 400,000
people: This for twenty Rom -lays lay
wield aka $4,000,000 in gam receipts
axone Ralwei-.g the other ns Ruadays *
half that somata Inc probable had weeds
er it scald aka /100,0000, whisk for taw
twenty as Sundays, woad aka • total of
nearly 6,3,006,000. (In amsemiae oa
emelal of the ways and reams estimates
that the total receipts would exceed $
000,060. For ti sweaty -six lament
gsrrpM,ondda itmaking t would Wel ler ths eseliciser
crash t SL
TWO Ttante .t ACCIDS4T1 IN ON-
flan Mmes. taserww a Wioresa N w
i apetss.g .f a blear -Twp• Merbeee
of eM slow of tem Meese tam
Drowse&, Aug. I. -The .met UMW
storm that ever visited Wiens to the his-
tory of its WafriMats
eveniag. teddies realm nes aims. Alessi 1 o' I sk
• heavy roll of needs were sees to be
gather*g in the ase tleyest hmass sed M
was gsawaliy ou•oeived that we wart sheaf
to ezperisa• a rainstorm, but socking more
swiss that the several usher storms of
sasses was especial. Ai &Arris& d.4A, hew -
ever, it broke over the town ha all is
and Inc upwards of as hour the rain ail L
torrents sad the stag blew with weak vas
lance 5.1.beggar all lartptioa. Not •
w eal was visible anywhere, all leaving takes
abetter wherever the storm overtook them,
. ad aothiog was known of ate duetrustiva ...
until it began to clear away. threat fare
were entertained for those ea the water,
lead aaziuus eyes tweed =weed the bay
where, before the storm, a large sail boat
was sea out • mite from shore. There
proved to be nine persons in the boat, 1z of
whom, one man and five woman, were
drowned. The ren.aiaisg three were
reamed with dlt&rulty. Thou who
were drowned were : Mr. Stemma
sad wile, Maley ; Mr. Stevens' two
sister& from Guelph., and Mr. I.It.hlia
Carrie sad daughter Mary of this town.
The rescued oars were : John Se
Jobe Loki. and John Awsoos, w In-
dian frees Cape Cream. Mr. Staves@
had just finished the oostre t d building
• new church on the Indian reserve, and
the party telt C&pe ('roksr during the af-
ternoon in the largo sail-boatlwith a fair
wind. They were ailing up the bay wiag
and wing with a light brae, end in an
other fifteen minutes would heve beta safe-
ly landed on the shore. Nee* the violeat
apparaaow el the storm they put down
their ail, and turning the boat to the
waves prepared to weather the pol.. At the
first gust of the storm the large boat was
picked up and tarred completely over. The
teen who were saved were found clinging to
the boom, which was the only part of the
craft out of lefNr John Savage hong o0
to two of the wpnten until • great wave
tore them from him. Mr. J. W. Jermyn,
Indian agent at Cape Croker, came to
W lartou in • harry, having left about
the mine time as the boat, and knowing
who were in the boat, hurried into town
and had • tag desppaatched to the rescue
as quickly as posaible. But they were
preceded by Mr. John Mance, his
son, and a young man North, who, seeing
the periabing ones, bravely rushed to their
rescue is • small tx,at and succeeded in
getting the three men to shore. The tag's
crew looked Inc the bodies of the drowned
ones until dark last night, hat none were
found. Mr. Stevens of Chelsey, brother of
the unfortunate man who was drowned, ar-
rived on the mid -night express with his
wife. They were not aware of the melons -
nem of the accident until they arrived
They .!most broke down over the strain of
the sad inteliigeaos. The two men, John
Savant sad John Lemkie, were both of
Cheney, and were employed with Mr.
Steven at Caps Crokr. Savage is • fina
looking man, and made • heroic attempt to
save some of the women. Leckie by some
marts swallowed a great deal of water and
wee pretty sick last night.
Tawe Were Drowned.
BeztavILes, Aug. 1 -The schooner Kae
was capsized by a squall at 5.30 Wednesday
morning in the reach opposite Thompson's
Point Two of the crew were drowned --
Salmon. who was In the forecastle asleep,
and the cook, Mr. Pappa, who was to
in the cabin. The scb000er Kate, about
200 tons capacity, was cern her way to
Charlotte, light, to load anal, having left
Belleville Thursday night. She owned a
crew of five. The captain end one man were
me deck when the squall 'trunk her. The
light rails were lowered, bat the main •.d
forecastles were full of wind and could not
be handled by the crew. The captain told
the cook to call the mate to assist them, and
elmoet inunedlately the open struck the
vowel in full force, tuning her upside
down. The mass struck the bottom and
both were broken off. The mate got out of
the whin, but the cook could not get out.
She could be heard calling for some min-
utes. The steamer Hero was passing and
rescued the survivors, who aero clingtag to
the bottom, and brought thereto Piano.
Salmon, the saaan, lived in Belleville.
Mrs. Pappa, the cook, lived in Elegiacs,
and leaves an imvtlid husband, with several
small children. Capt 1)ewitty was in com-
mand and Rd. Barrett was the mate. De -
witty bought the Kate from Capt. Peal
Clarke this spring, after being thoroughly
overhauled and refitted. James Salmon,
generally known as ••The Fish Hunter,"
was 22 yoeer'e d age. His father is dead
and his mother lives in Toroato Or Hamil-
Jae Cbamberlair'e Reply t. Mr. Wad -
.1.... Mailings.
Lerma, Aug 1. -G. W. Smalley tables
to the N.Y. Tribune: Then is sot the
. lighten doubt but that Home Rule will
be the first measure introduced by Mr.
(iladetcme, butt bills dealing with the im-
provement in the Franchise Act, with the
establishment d parish councils and pos-
sibly with the payment of members, will be
brought in at the earliest opportunity in
the new semi= and will be proceeded with
in the intervals of time aonmaril lett
the propof the Home Rale Bi11'tMwgh
successive stoma
it is already perceived that the patting
forth of snob • programme will he a atter
sf some embrrasa..nt to Mr. C andwlain
and his friend& They still that
they are Liberals, .ver. Radicals, as loyal
as they were in 118& Their only point d
diSe esoe with the balk of the Literal
party is 1n respect to Home Hula Bot the
measures do not directly touch Home Rule,
sad an themselveses.eatWly Liberal. How
see professed Liberals, eves though anti•
Home Rulers, stand against them' Mr.
Olarbtose'e quick eye early discovered this
dilmmns, and he ads the opportunity at
• rr1a iidea i& station.
Atimherlain tt Dirmiegbeen his eight $J Mall asp.
the challenge. la vain, he 1. kr old
thief. u the net spread i. the sight d en
bird Mr. Glad.eass admits the imspe
bility of the Dismatisat Liberals voting far
Horne Rale, bat oa these other questions
he expects that they will vote i. &mord-
&ase with their p.fs.icais and oeavhtie.a
Mr. Chembsr(.fn sees .1early enm 1
whither this
t..4.hpieler.. is4,. raise •Isill
G will girl hie assbe pied la
eerier that he may aft rward@ ase sr est
leis& with K" Set far J. is le e -
Me reply te this 'Rebellion.
Iib. assure is Twssat■as WOW inn M
teed data Ib.ea-araauL• libsessignies1
weseees.d b 01. ••Sam- .tea. Aesier
=mos Ttresessee j Otlgr. rip
Now Tows. L. L - The drag vale
he 1D. .ws I i
deaths were
the weak e.damg
Jay 70. 1l. 1.4.3 sew*, of arev.e,eiklls
frees tis hest yesterday he lie flys woe
Jit Of them Ill rested ji s11 .
I. Philadelphia far W week •./lag yea
Vap 1i0 death ..enface were i need.
is • gamer sa.realtey lessa was ever
✓ ee.rbl beim,. This dsaeh rats. as keit
eased by the 171 seniieasse. he wee gemear
thee when the epidemic d grip sir eves
cholera, smallpox er dipeheria sooterpd the
The report el the City Heath Oxer i.
Baltimore foe the week •.ding July 30.
gives the tonal ..maw el deaths as 437.
Never before in the history of the city
h ave then Meese many /ache d.rt.g the
.see period of slim
D.ri.g the pant week is Waehlagwe
tors were Irl burial permits teast Of
the deaths reported yesterday III ware
from the beet
arses roman« EvNted trees tb. Oaruegm
lionaeRAo, P., Asg. l. -It lecke
like as April moving day is Memeasad. A.11
the wago.e which can be wearied are is tea
traseporti.g the household .gees el about
60 families oat of the oomp.ay'a homes.
I. frost of *oak door .0 m.nt.4 veas wee*
draw. up .ad carried away foramen which
had sot bees moved tr years, as the tea
sate were old employes d the .onepa.y.
It w.. not asessary to w force to evict
say of the ocoupsots, as they were reedy to
move ins other quarters in prefer's= to
retarsaag to work at the imeepsuy'e term.
There was 0o hawk
made by any of the strikers, tied
this was probably dee mere m the
National Guard than to isditer ee. ea the
part of the Homestead .tea. The houses
are to he .veupi.d by the sea-rawm uses as
soca as they w• be pet in geed repair.
Meat..... Ir«treetlee er Property.
The charge is made by the cull people
that during the last few days the taws
have brokee many windows and doerm sad
otherwise injured property. Treasurer
Curry said yesterday that oeMtrws for
33 bourse ea the new Carnegie ertewoni
here been let lid they will he pasb.d to
completion as rspidl as passible. khan-
whilearrangements have bees mail. to as-
oommod•te 2000 saes ia the warts.
Then ars sow 873 men ia the
mills, 63 having arrived this saora-
ing from Philadelphia, Cis.isati
and St Lori. The six triremes is the
mechanical dep•rta...t who west out last
Monday biomes they said their uvea were
i. /.agar applied for their p.sittea.
to day. bat were told .bey had been SOcd-
T. wing Oat Mien al ween.
The Advisery Committee is oomildest that
by the middled sol week it coo lodges
halt of the men mow working to come out
Hugh O'ib.nell-e mysterious missies east
Sas not developed yet into any tmportaut
phase is the straggle, but the people time
place greet faith in the result
nupous Wiled by Llebt•leg mesa Cert -
ems nasals.
Prrrescao. Pa , Aag. 1. -A severe
theadrstorm posed over this eity lest
evewag doing great damage. Tire mgrw
eared Rlobar and Castle were struck
by lightning and killed. ♦ white ma.
mooed Williams, standing • short li.t•aoe
away; was rendered s0oo0enou.
Four houses were struck by ligbtaiag at
the east end. Ou the meth side several
homes were struckby sad •
n umber of persons injured. y
A curious phonemes= in cos robs with
the deaths of the =gross, William Castle
sod Solomon Richardsoe, in Highland
Park yesterday from • belt of light.t.g
was that the foliage of the trees asdr
which they sought shelter was photo-
graphed oa the brass of the victims. 1.
t he evening the imprea•iuu beg•m m fade.
There was • curious thing aim= Castle.
When his trousers were removed his lower
limbs were found to have tamed te an
esker white. They kept this odor.
United Maim Cwtr.esm.e Am. purr.
'yetas Basler«.
Waswtruro,, Aag. 1 -Saturday fili-
bustering in the House was still progress-
ing, •od no one knows whoa it will ream.
The situation i. becoming • dangerous ewe
Unless the Susdry Civil 1id1 pastas
to -day, or • rssolutise extending the
appropriations of last year be
to, work at the Government prating wee
must cease at midnight. It is plain to be
seen that the .ttsudance is diminishing
and that the dreaded anronsceeaent of "so
quorum" may Dome •t any e..e. The
World's Fair men profess that they are
able to summon *cough .embers here
within 94 hours to suable • quorum to be
tot together in that ease, bet they de sot
me yet how that would help the& la the
absence of any special rale • doses fili-
busters can protract the session awl pre-
vent the tnensactiou of say basins by
simply alternating in mlons to adjoara to
fixed dates and to remmsa
Tare et a11Mse eabearers Peerage •
*--esus Weems
Kvovvru.m, tam. Aug. 1. -Andrew
Realms and John Willie lest Wednesday
outraged Mrs. William Dike, near Joel's -
holm. Campbell Count,. They first lased
soul gamed her husband and he witae..d
the allele They were ••ip•uz bight • a
and «k■ufiod by INlke. I Sste►tgkt & mise
of 10f1 mea took it.* two from jail
and hanged them to • tree. ?be outrage
was enennitted sprit Mr. Dna in reverie,
she having refused ober' did ge from
Bode= and Willie mad . ar ied Duke •
short time ago.
Jumped Overboard ora nue D.ww..L
BcryAs.o, Aag. 1 -A little plebes.,*
tell was ended sadlyyesterday corning
y ersthe drowThe pa b.rt Caged ampbell, keete
11Robert. MI. Asea /tickles, m&d • lady
'need. The party started eat la a rowboat
hem the foot a Parsee - seems,
aid was on..siag the limber whoa the
tug Rteveuna with • .mow bare dorm
on thea The bey, who was rwiag,
eat his heed ..d rimed Is betimes the egg
sag seed. The o/ kit pmsiYw
frightenedfrightenedbin a 14*.. he ]• teen
Mord aid was drsead, Tim masieemmse
se hewn, es the nerves d Ars
Mae sheet area, ea bar Apr the
selkisith she le p 14.- ..
The life et • steel ,..i is gloat ei,;IsNe.
The easel system of New York is now a
century old.
♦ collar lotion sae rrcently ("owl .en-
.msl..l la • otos.
4179.e Jap94ercome. ..s. Inc every 100 ti.',, .n =-
The Car'. threw is rai•1 to be worth tour
limas as iamb es Quer.. Victoria'..
I. the Umitd Slosss there are 673,643
lheemmsa. anal 647.471 Odd lel $o ws.
Waterproof umbrellas made of paper are
osming &ase very gs..ral um in Peri&
Leet year 5,000.000 hooka were tseem1 to
the people of Loudon from tree libraries
Freeman's Wrs. Powders deetny •ad
remove trsrw witlout inj.lry to adult at
infant. 1n.
Chili is said to =other einem her
lation more poets per 0.1.11• than any uthee
nation in the world.
Rsgulam the hvr and hovels by the
judicious eau of \a:ioual 1111°, they are
purely vegetable. 1.
Then ro seventy-two places called it.
Etienne in Framer, and thirty towns called
Washington in America.
Milbur.'. Aromatic Quinine %Vine is du
tiactly superior t0 any other as an aposti.-
iag tonic ..d fortifier. lm
Only citizens who are .b:e to read aid
write have the power to vide in Bolivia aid
several other Southern republic&
Then are i. America 119.000,000 of the
big old copper peashc lyiag unused masae-
wher. Few peas&as get back to the mist
A. a Malimg, soothing •pplicaties for
eats, wounds, brui•rs and tones, there is
nothing better thaw Victoria Carbolic
Salve 1 m
The glrtsemaken of Theban, forty oma-
turhes ago, unserved the art of .tain:mg
gine, and they produced the commodity in
the utmost profusion.
Chinese cab as remote as 2,000 R. C.
speak of the cultivation of tea, and classify
it almost as perfectly as is done today. is
virtues were discovered by accident.
There an in Great Britain and Irelasid so
fewer than 2.788,000 acres of woodland.
Notwithstanding this fact, timber to the
.aloe of £16,000,000 is annually imported
into the eospiry.
Priece Albert, lit Edinburgh, is studyieg
kw et the University of Munich, but will
have to finish off kis educati oo and " eat
his term. " .t the Middle Temple, London,
whence be will .merge, as has uncle, the
Prime of \Valee did, a full fledged barris-
ter, entitled to his stuff -gown and ready to
go on circuit
It N tie Lest.
. Utwa SI.rl,--I have used your B. B. R. for
the past five ur six years sad find it the
beet cure few sour stomach and bil.ousoess.
1 have also used Burdock Pills and can re-
commend them highly. 2
AMANDA Fottrc'w, Huntingdon, Que.
Jvfvrsos's penrpis.
From J .re. ion's lNsry.
We never repent for having eaten too
Take things always by the smooth
Never put off till tomorrow what you out
do today.
Never trouble another for what you can
When angry count ten before you speak ;
if very angry. 100.
How much pain the evils that never hap-
pened have oast tis.
Never buy what you do mat want teosuie
it is cheap ; it will be dear M you.
Cheeps Weer bar
Germ.we!r,--1 haw he.. ill tor • long
time with lame hack and weak kidneys,
and at times could not get up without help.
I tried B. B.B., and with two bottles am al.
moat well. 1 Bad my back 1 stronger p
day. Yours truly. Mae. L Turer),
2 Oakville, Oat
Surprising &watts.
Pop Dorn ls expected to yield a revenue
to the World's Columbian Exposition Com-
pany of 5417,000 This estimate may ear
exorbitant, but is made by Beeretary Craw-
ford of the ways ..d means emeraittes, .ad
a doubtless oorreot.
Mr. Crawford has bared hi. Agerts on
the rassiye. from this eosoemlem of the
C1mte.nial. 1. 1876 there were 8,000,000
d.mieions to the premeds at Philadelphia.
Of times wits eaters/ the pts nee in four
parslmad pop ems. The gram reorlpta
were &bent 5109,000.
The pep sera habit. remarks The Chimp
ye , ses gem pail, sad mere apes tie Waa
im der that me in km will ovene
. over-estimate by
order aerie,
Mr. Crawford be. ala he the OW
It is that st least 10.000,o1 ia.
divdsals w111 mese the World's Pair geese
seat year, and tat 7,000,000 will speed 6
earn meek ler pep msew
if these Ogres are emreat, 53110.000 will
hea psaded ler pep oma by these ache visit
Me "laded
This will ram the IOepsal ass Cbm-
maT MOO, mad Ass is why the membra
el the warm and amass esemeisMe are
hap y
The eesesteise we maw sawed far eta
and se R may Miami tea Mame that mm
there gemil rirjeteUg.-Nw Berland
emelt se the ri easesj, t
I e e mt makes diarba..,1Rigitdyasaierypiasipiaa
cello, SmkMet, er mseipshims a
eel .tile Rright remedy la 'b Anne*FowAnne*df
aea the t thee remedies
makis. Mid IlW iii. i
The Signal
erw l Mna se ies
WheWprespresagep. t
eme 4. p.Mllt1 ed thin s. es
ros am,
mat eased 4..+a. Ire est
adsyear mendieek
that fete a phtsse meet wile
the apyfaval el ear mimes
Lem., .s44.4%
In this line we have a vel
stook et flee writing paperswR
able for every slams d
pmpenmen in this lotajity,
4sin=g LLi and worry boom
quadrille and other papas, rola
or unruled, as may be required.
KOte Aa¢tU4 i.
This useful sine is k`f s jR la
sroanetgges d 'raking sola fM '.ext
heads While
emo, i\ee►d.%
are not so generally used, they gg
an important place in cOmn.erchl
correspondence. See what we've
got under the above head&
$\\\ i1¢ad.s
If the " papas -you -go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for accountpaper would not he
solipsist ; brut there are some mw
who get so many dormers that
they wonder if the stock will eye,
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is ccs
rte in this line with four sista.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columna They come
cheaper than bill heads and are
the proper thing to tend after a
delinquent once a month.
asure to fetch him 'round
are 'round -
Now, it would be hand to get
along without envlop.s, and to
keep up with the (&error/ fx
them we keep a large stock os
hand. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75c. to
113.00 per M. We handle can
Inertial and legal sizes exclusive y
Cotnmeveka\ 4r\t1<\t*g
Ila already been partially anus-
tn some of the heads above.
is, however, a vest amount
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tis
t t tr:tet t\Ott\a
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in selec-
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and vee.
CAA' ars
We aim to excel in all the dills
eat kinds of work we turn out,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirement&
Qr% rams
Of entertainments and meetings
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached
Cavils and. rr%eNicArts
This head doyen a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to it tasty
business card or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
V esters
Our facilities for turning out this
clam of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great bulk d it it
done by us This line also in-
which our three fat -running fob
presses are able to turn out in
surprisingly short time.
ii!a\t $\\\7h
beiong to the porter department
also, and we make a specialty el
them promptness being our aim
in this respect. A noticed orale
will appear in To. SIonAL free et
charge whbills for same are get
Nit ora
in the
a betypographical
odelta is tide _____mit
aa expeditions and amidine
manner and
Olkv 4 ekes,% ‘►i\\\ be SottAai
ween% reLa%oykob\a.
We adeod our
ere and solicit a
thanks for ped law-
000tinuaaos d do