The Signal, 1892-7-28, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODRRICH. ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1U2. POISON SURER THAN POWDER. PURE PARIS OMEN Cawvr d Auv■ arra Mow 'Er Twee + Poore auaowar r+ Perm RI;yFRZSHINO ANDD ZXtHILARAT- Jatoe. Hlrae lteet dt lwea WLMrr. Ftait P RO TUB818, OUR COUGH SYRUP Is always la craw. (`IARIABAU, VICHY AND FRUIT ✓ oats la bulk. pt'KEST AND STRONGEST FLA - varies Yxtracts. QPONOS:1. A NEW CONSIGN• kJ seat Jest to hand See our prices. P RESCRIPTIONS FILLED WITH care, seataoss and dlsp.tch at the Pfau MOM. (;EO. A. FEAR, Successor to (neo. Rhyme. OODERICH. OpesZadays for dispensing medicines out,. ML ART. It X x x R. CROCKETT, Asepre. Iaodscape, mann and .prtrast painting in WI and water colors CLASSES Da Thursdaes. Fridays and Saturdays, from 9 A -u. to It o'clock. and from 2 to S o'clock a w. Architectural and mechanical drswing. Thaw legs for palaab etc. f171 DIO:-North at .11re' door from the Square The People's Column NEW PLANING )TILL Bash and dear dter7. Latest American piss and deelps0( houses. latest improved m.eklnery. latest drop to prices. latest and mese modern workmen. lowest prices in srfanleo. pine or codas. lowest tenders blued. lowest prices on doors or sash. d/ Hal tog received orders for 50 domeetie refrigerators. I have decided to build • num- ber -my prices being so low all can afford to love this luxury in their home.. and grocers most bate trent. 1 have secured latest Aneri- ean patents. Telephone. your orders for all classes of wood wort . JuSEPH KIDU, ally 17 Britanniaat. rppA RA RA it(n 1M DE AY 1 XS window stades mold in May. Burins is rushing and we feel gay Every day a bargain clay. Boom de .7. The public see and appreciate the fact, that we hare the Tamest and best *swnment of window shades cornice polio. pole lttlege• strir platers. curta,n s a1ts. brarods. gi=. }mark brackets .ed dpholsterers' beams .sols la the county. Yhadt cloth all widths. lace curt. ins.tri awoke terjtbtag in the wirdowlt.n 1. foroiture everything from a parlor suite to • Lichen chair. and our increasing business pros to that our prion are right. We sled have • lanae ranee of easeful articles required in the house. such se washers. carpet sweepers, cloth reefs. etc.. end can It you out from the Li: -ben to the drowtas room. also to Ilse works of art to adorn it. 10.000 feet of Ameri. can. German and domestic mouldings in stock. and a full lin of British. Outman ani common mirror plats always on hand. No charge tor Coma' or fitting them. SMITH'S RA7.AAR t FURNITURE STORK. MI ly Cr.bb's Block. Special Modena G. WARD, OONVZYANOER, es • etc.. sad essnisdoer for taki.a and re- vin'rsari eof ball, vcl a tion. tions •or solemn declare - Boos in or tog any action. suit or pro - weeding in the High Court of Justice. the Oman of Appeal for Ontario, or in any County or Division Court. All transactions carefully sad promptly executed. Residence and P.O. address - Dungannon. Ont. 121/6-- tf NEW CHOPPINt; MiLL 1 an. prepared to do all "lads of grain chop- Nag on shortest notice. mut is numbs' at NI Mars. 1 have the latest end bs,I Imswi.4 ator diand Prime 'agreeable. No p in getting your chop home with you. JOS. kIDI). 4147 17 RIAtena d. -t. AnotloneartnR. JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- tle&eer.i.d relaatar. loan end Inwrance caret. Edea attended in all parte of the 000n- (..re.p.sdencesolicited. Address JOHN YitffTix Elnasbridge. Orden left at Tilt S ISKAL OM* promptly attended to. 324f JOHN KNOX. OS1UERAL ACC- uoseer mrd Lard Valuator. O.ler$ob. Osis Having had ouseiderable eapri.ses la the ant tion«nngtrade. he le 11 a pesNles to dlsnbarse woe through e.tt.iNMs ell mom entrusted te him. peen ifs at Hotel. er ssss t by gal .. kisddree.h P. O., ca•erw(f7 att..lM toal tlFF: (SoulT A.t'-v-. IMM Travelling ° aide. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Tildes arrive nod depart at Oederteb as fol leer. : A..rva endtied LSI pm. .test .m. 7.4I p.m. .seas!. Hotel Aeoofafeodatloa. tipHE MAIT AND H0181 -HAY. lb lamed. It.dahetwelube Mmien plows' to receive • share et theettli ppb means. Aceemcdade. A 1. Attention tee seel mertsea. DAViD CURRY. Preprtt ton. 71-a UNI014 HOTEL OODERICH. Title-- Subs mid relined la every return slaking eyns.a fksmat melena. RAULTS BROS--ss"reams •5s. SIM THS HURON HOTEL. - THIS 1we Bbew..sd ealanresilrhwettett W hen =gnaw naw ee es mosfs mobs e9 . the Sse..e i1M«w Plgsrar ver Slur or sir •sat RNIIHED APARTMSNTI TO Ft,d t w . serf bLrM" 're RENT.-COMFORTAfLE fierier setains seven rosea 14711. 'fait W+ss, Dells. ere PASA FOR `IALZ.-THS BUGHAIg- •• Asa angraima el lama N mew t►•awntierIPE boa - the igotteel 9 • 'echoed. Also • Tensest Pa/ Asset Trost s IAwessa HOUSE FOR BALL -ONE OF THS 10 eebest T►oDem &lard HiwYNil dr.aewhi7ey(tt fa. etL • °th'et1_t•pf..i7 MOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR the .a.C.sa t, Wm. Meleesegose y him ass ldsab.th L. Gdrioh 11ie hones e.s Ga▪ rommissmiletemer hall: wash roses. hm bitches. etn. shod Is b e+Kslp lli lu good I.tsAa Is cool. .r fib. ALOOW[ Mc 1?0.R. .8. 1. uL,E. - N . 4 LOT S11,, IND CON - Isla .rtal.mlhrm Meet Mws lets oms. Thle n OMI Mthere e •g doa.odd brick l.rles...H c.wa Applyn wider PHILIP HOLT. bit FUR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT eennedisaa ea [haat ,, Biz lai tt • 17.4 o r. aft aoorr. lrtresl. P.O. w7 A to melitose Chances. STORE AND RESIDENCE IN KIN - tali tor male. -Offers will be received ey the undersigned for the purchase of the store the In Kintail. now occupied by M.A. y. tasteser with the hood will of the business ef a asst, sl• Mee Woo. if desirpo ed.tbo4n C SiMS urnQ JAfli. StENNkT. Wet.IL 70 -It DRQ. WHITELY A HUNTER. lJ Omoe (:rand Ours Hooee. Gell `tom DRB. SHANNON & SHAMNON, Physicians. Burgeons. Accesohern, &c. Dae. at Dr. Shannon's reeldeuce, near w wool Oudertcn. 0. C. SIIANN•S. J. R. Saes - ems 1711 mal. E. ter l• Maritime Courts el Ontario N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PR -OC - Once -'oath Colborne hotel. 1213 X4 0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, .01. solicitor. commissioner. tc. Loan. collections and real estate transactions care- fully sttesded to. Omoe-('or. Hamilton and St. Andrew s -et., Oodersch. Ont. 121113-171 J014N DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. ('onveyosoer. its ; Money to lead. Olace over Poet-O®ee. Ooderiub. Wed CAMPION, BARRISTER, 1). Solicitor, Notary Public. e t c, (Mice -Over Jordan. brag Store, the roots formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 1126 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Otc. R. Office, earner of Senare and West street, Goderich. over telegraph office. Pri- rate Funds to lend at 6 per cent. 2.60 - Cid RROW 60- C AKROW PRO 1.'DFOOT, BAR- Vf risers, At s, solicitors. etc.. mode rich. J. T. Darrow. Q.C.. W. Proudtoot. CAMEI()N, HOLT & CAMERON, Harisers, Solicitors in Chancery, kc. Goderich. M. C. lameron. Q.C.; R liolt ; Dudley Holmes. ions and inauranoe. Py• J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • .evident insrance agent ; at lowest rates. Glc. -Cor. Norther. and Square. Clod rieb. 71- MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE MONEY of private and other funds at lowest rater on productive town and farm property. Special terms of repayment to suit the wr.--No oommiasion. -fall or write M. u. JOHNSTON, Ooderfch. Yl 01 if $500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO OAY[:RON HOa.r t HOLMIb,S, bode - rich. 1731 MONEY TO LEND. -A LA R G F amount of Private Funds for Investment et lowest ratee on trot -doss Mortgage.. A pply toQARROW t PKODUFOOT. KADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN• wrance. Beal 11.1.te and Money Loanluit AIIent. Only nrst-elane companies rpreeented. Money to Lend on sraigh loess. at the lowest rate of interest going. to oar way to stilt the oorrower, Office- Sim Mil door from Square. West Street, bode - "NIL Site-tt Artledoo ode- Artledss floe Bale 1 • IMS FOR SALE. -I;ooD FRESH / lime kept constantly on hand at the FaUe Reserve lime kiln. All ordure for delivery wIB be p omptly attended to. X. BAFA'HI.ER. Seem L'OR BALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST 12 pullers -4i in. toes. 1 11.16 in. bore. or can be bored to fit larger shaft. Good as new. Will be .old at a reasonable Iger'. Apply at Tse SsNAi.Steam Priebe Idgern, North-uL. Gederieh. WM. Someone.. CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME Circles. -Godes** Circle. NO IM, meets third Monday of each month la the hall over 1 xt SI0NAL tam Special Indecent. 1a leeneanoe and sick Welles. U. CALBiCK. Leader ; 1L J ACttiIOW. Triumvir • E. BICHARIhiON. Ssweibm g{ jyr Meet milder Insiitutb. v 1ODERICH MECHANNI08' INBTI- Vf TUTS LIBRARY &ND RLDINU- ROOM, oot. of Est street wed timers dap stain. Open from t to 6 e.r., sad from 7 to la e.g. ABOUT 7000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Leading beefy, Werldy awd Illustrated Papers, Mywsewes, eta, o. Pile. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY `i.se. . ranting tree ns of Ltwurr sad kesdlsg- fet 14W411s 11isssr. e.eshere►ip nerved by ID. MAHMAN. OEO, ton V FN, Presldest, Iauetary. OAsrtek March INA 1311. HiRE'S _ I)(N7r • BSER A 13r.. beetle makes S galls. et Root Beer. • delicious Ae.ser drink. M A ROI* AN D'8 FRECK LK 1,0+TON. Ste. SEA SALT for the Beth. tie. Box. RATH AND BU06Y SPONGER. HELIOTROPE TOILET SOAP. ib Any ascent of empty mod, bottles u iUla err. J. Wt11ow•, Paaneurnew Dave Sinn ADVIIIITSOMILAIL Miotic do awl be IdW Ids at . .. O&M t I.than Bldody bow T . 0.pj lir. aiutJ. .tot be hit sot later lsa Km- dy soar. Ow&I Adverti..rsb otreoptod up to won Wednesday d eat Tremendous reduction in Summer Goods. The bal- ance of our Spring Stock will be sold regardless of cost for the next 30 days. Dress Goods worth 10 and 12c. per yd. reduced to 5c. Drees Goods worth 25 and 30c. re- duced to 10c. per yd. Bat- eau worth 20c. for 12;c. per yd. Prints worth 12:c. and 15c. for 8,c. per yd. Many other lines also greatly reduced. Call and we shall be glad to show them. JAMES A. REID. 7x4ja"1 " ' PubM* lletYM- IOST. - BETWEEN OODEERICH .4 end Sommer, on Tricia&. July 1915. • *bete hoes sew cloth. The fader w111 1r suitably rewarded on ivories it at Tea SIGNAL. ogee. 71 1t Doatistov. 11 NIOHOL90I11, LAB. -DENTAL WA.. toms oalptlte 155 'new Peat Mee. R. & RIC HARDSON, L D. 8., mimeos dentist Oee sad vitell•ed air administered for pathless extracting of teeth. Special attention given to the preeertation of the natural teeth. Office -Up sWn. Grand Open Howe BMA. entrance on West - 41.. Ooderich. 4361-1, TOWN OF GODERICH. TREASLRIM'S SAI.B OF LANDS YOU; TAX KS. i'a0e'I*icr Or ONTARIO. t Ry virtue of a Tows or OODean•H. . warrant under the band of the Mayor of the Town of t3oderich and the seal ut teeo mid corporation. hav ng date. 45th day or June. 1012, to roe directed. commanding m• to levy epee the lands In the following list of arrear. or taxes due thereon. that unless the said taxes, together with all costa are sooner paid. 1 shell proceed to sell the said lands by petals. suction. or as touch thereof as may be sufficient for the psy scat of the taxes and cos, thereon. al the Ti)N ti+LL in the TOWN We OrrlrKKItlCH. on Friday. the 13th day of November. lee. at the hour of two o'clock. The following furs are paiseent. Lots or or I ! I S part of lot.. Street. E .. 1 r. .ittinaIwg Kos. 1 4 1+ 112 70 tO 50 S. pt. fi.9 " 1.8 *351101 14 W. pt. 1001 " " 141 41 141 2 75 M 10 14*13 .• '• 1-1 36 30 3 13 3e I6 111.151 " " I -t ^-9 12 291 Mt 07 44 Wilton's Sof,- 1-3 3 7S 2 1.i 6 10 19 Reed's :lune) 1 5 10 13 r 50 12 66 41 1-3 .3 64 i 1 • 8 24 55 1.5 3 1112 33 6 15 9 Mai:. !load 14 i 3S 235 6 70 10 .. .. 14 135 313 6 70 11 .. .. 14 435453 670 18 Cypress St rest 1.1 3 64 2 Al .5 91 19 1I 161230 391 30 " " 14 3 81'2 30 S 91 14tRTON. 77 131 Town Treasurer. Ooderlch, June LS. M. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN NY TI1/. At. 01, AT DR. E. RICHAR.DSON'S e.taT•L resume. OPERA MOUSE BLOCI. HIST-STAEET, GODNRICH, ONT. it affords me eallmttnd satisfaction. after a thorough test, resorting 1n the mos us.$.m. . tl3 app.ed.ti.a of delightful and eteniMd pope&•, .. whew tt t hat 1 have the gall e:ei.sln, gbt to use Is Od.Heb. nun ..teen's dietivery. wha•It le .crew to create the tart pain declog the extrudes of testa or st.spe of any kind. 1n easily every acep end eery IlttM pais Ie the matt extreme eases. ♦N TI-NIDRVEl POEN ie • lost asee•tbetk that sever streets the petist in the erir►res. Ia harmers an water. sad the beet method known on forth to ready the teeth moo e. sltive to pain. Paisre assure tae U 1. re.nlv.ly warv.Ien. la Its 151.1.. i'roservation of the natural teeth • specialty. All dental ergotism well and skinlay dos.. My Wrote Interests are mine. 1)IL iL RiCHARIISON. trfalf (;eaa]wAY'B GOYS . NT IN MANITOBA has been a..tai.ed by about ten of a major- ity is a hoose of forty members. Dr. Wellen, M.P. for 4.1bert, has wen hie suit against John T. Hawke, editor of The Msotnn Trsancript, for libel. Clinton At • meeting of the model stied beard, Moody everting, 0. A. Newten len for the model tern at a calory of 91 . Mies O'Neill was promoted to tomb jukw 4th work. at $ nary N IBM .ed Miss Wilson to minor Jed, at asNsry of 9M6. The esti renes, 9i.IIQ, mos as lest poor, were p.essd. 60111.1 Seas Ker. A11 are entitled te the her that their army will bray, so every family 6hwM have M envie, • kettle of the beet family reedy, Swap ei Fir, to cleanse the .yonder when entire er bilseen For mak i. The Meths by .11 leedi.r bngglsta • 1n THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. A *Moro .re. g p. WM' meek v /rob kA gnat a -3114*csaMIIMI at eery ilylt (iter yen silts bean e5M eaaa ad ki E• tt Meds. A twat weer d slienYelass sae eit ee tlseiae+dwhir. vy W sweat bases arise the.eaa., menaten tos. wait rest Y elk Mt -Iger is A"°` ..t . e« fleet eft 1et41 lipsrereten tsss..s. u cy gesseeseo every the hot / 7mrweath . See W elvt es prltyeW ssrTavUMKr A CCawsiri.-We love moseyed irom Walter Hick, Huns Road, Godoricb town- ship, s osrioeity L the shape o1 a yellow raspberry busk at coos, with a brute of red raspberry growiar os the some tom It is certainly en oddity in fruit culture Ai Eiistwu ON Final Scutum. -Ceder the set for the protection of the tisbenes w the following : No person shall bk. any speckled trout of lees that five inches in length, nor a greater number than fifty oa any one day, ander a penalty of 110 to 930. KILLS! IN CHICAGO. -Joke Fay, of Aah - field. who had bees employed as yar4aas- ter at ironwood, oa the Milwaukee, like Shore aid Western railway was instantly killed by an Illinois Central freight train os Monday morning. His relatives have the sympathy cf this community. PO1TAL CRAvus.-Since July 1 the limits of Rise for pockets of patterns or samples of merchandise wt by poet to all oountrts in the postal anion are extended, and ere as follows : 12 iuohes w length, 8 inches in width, and four inches in depth. For peck - eta made up in the forst of rolls, the length limit is 12 tn. and the diameter o tn. CHA'..x or Ftam. The firm name of Cameron, Holt A Cameron has been chaos. al to Cameron, Holt A Holmes. The lat- est addition to the tiros is Mr. Dudley Holmes, ata of Ih. Holmes, county treas- urer of Huron. Mr. Holmes is well -knows in Huroo having tint seen the light of day in this county, and is one of the young men who have come to the front without seekklg onlaide pastures. iitATH or Ma,+. BI'.NA.-_There died at Windsor, os Sunday, the 24th inst., Mrs. Karns Soother of Mn. W. Holmes, of this town), well known to many of the residents of this oounty, in bee 73rd year. Deosassd had been a*wg for the past two years, and had of late resided with her daughter, Mrs. I1)r.) Carney, of Windsor. Mrs. Holmes was in attendance upuu her mother at the time of her death, and Ih. Holmes left on Monday to attend the obsequies. .1 Bld. KollA1.1. The Goderich steam boil- er work, have under const recta. 0 at the pres- ent time a very large return tubular boiler of the following dimensions : 5 ft., 10 in. in diameter : 14 feet Ioatg, of three -eighth steel plate and seven -sixteenth heads. The boiler contains 122 three inch tubes, and is being built to develop 100 horsepower. It is to be used in driving • ('orlis engine in the new limed oil mills of Messrs. J. A .1. Livingstone, Baden, Ont. Mr. Chrystal has the ponderous concern well under way, and expects to have it completed by the first of August. APOUT COCNTI NAM. Hoer-._-. The Bruce county council has decided to take a rota of the electors at the time of the next munici- pal elections on the question of establishing a house of retuge in Brut*. Here is a poin- ter on the low cost of running • county poor hour : At the Oxford county council Let week there were 19 applicants for the position of manager of the industrial farm and matron of the house of refuge. On the seventh ballot Robt. McDonald, the pres- ent lessee, and his wife were appointed. The salary for both is 1400, with free house and fuel. Ih. McKay ver appointed sur- geon d the same, and James White, Clerk, se a salary of 1100 each. Rm:Iti.wN4. Lrrrano.- -Among the hints os the back of the new registration receipts are the following : A person posting $ reg - Sowed letter should not leave the poet of fice until be has obtained his receipt. The letter should bear stamps to the full amount of postage and registration fees. The sender should attend to the due payment of his letter himself. A postmaster is napen- t ible for doing that which it is his duty to do, sad it is not his dotf.to piece stamps on letters for other psopge. Letters for rag duration should be beou ht to the post of- fice sometime before the mail closes. Per- sons who receive registered lettere that call for acknowledgment would frequently save trouble to themselves and to the postoffioe by acknowledging them promptly. IT to A GLAND Cot•NTBT. In a letter re- oently reoeivd from W. K. Miller, former- ly principal of Goderich public school, bat now oocupying • responsible position in the West, with head office at Winnipeg, the the following extr.nt omen : It will so doubt be pleasing to ay old friends sad sssooiaten in ' Maple Lent " to know that I an dna" well i• the Wet, aid sal such pleased with my new boas This is a grand noantry with • great future is store, and, is ay vision, presents greater oppartu- ities sad partialities tooung as sten than any country i7 know eL os any of the members of " Maple Lest a mom. West 1 shall he most happy to give • than any information and sesstence is the way of locating. As 1 have travelled over the settled districts between hese .ad the P•ssko Casal i claim t' know the ooutry pretty tborwugbly. Tint LAX AaorT Brrrt,io.-The .ew Grimiest law mssolidatios bill, matte( other things, deals with bettiisg in the following terms : Everyone is guilty of an indictable udti.0., and liable to one year's imprison- ment and to a lino sot exesdisg me thous - sad dollars. who sea or knowingly allows . ay part of any premiss ander bis control to be used for the purpose of reeordli`` or registering an bet or , or rsordfsg any pool ; or keeps, exhibits or employs or knowingly allows to be kept, exhibited or employed in any part of any premiss un- der hie control, any levies or apparatus for the purpose of reoordisg any het or wager, er any pod ; or betoaes the".- ersab tel 1 any mosey, prreperty at Wags staked, wagered or pledges of reesesis cr mister, any bet er wager. er galls any pea .pc. the result of say peiltioal er a..leIp.f election e1 any MOO of arty eosin' err trial d thin or •- Mesee if soma es hewn The prevision of this swam shell &M wised to asp :h resew d Ns 5sermies Me eat .. '7 d w m•vt of wiluahlo 1s1&o tlbkd. te be pad hi w wises el ea" ►bee .s ..pid is nen ..a. e«i owe e&a w loodwsir stsd einsislMa tkvi.tl era a.1as1 po$mrs .rarsec-'51.t KSAe-Haaos.sanleg.-T a marriage d Mwe flame Kees le Janis Btaissrfope took plies Mealthgy *wales M Ike hems of the bride, 46041 A.kisd seams The awe - nosy woe pwMres.d M T:30 is the premise el a law sen er el relatives aid Irhsd. The Ree. Mr. M/Nhe4 tied the impala knit la the sheens of their pastor, Rev. Mr. Boyd, of the Testis Presbyteries deuces. The bride s dressed In • brews on .ilk trimmed with oat steel and wore • hotline d bride's roma The wee .iteaded by Mims M. K Bnskeeridp, W eser of the groom, the 'reunions& was James Edward. The bride received useful sad hsndwme perste,were were Irma : Cooking ranee, frtri bride's par- ents ; reg, Mr. mod Mrs. K Kees ; arestlle earlobes. Hine Brontesridge ; toilet sloe Mr. and Mrs. J. Emmerson ; tea est. Mr. ..d Mtn J. McConnell ; two pair lase oar - Wm, Mr. sad Mn. J. Frock ten • redone chits, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, rooksug chair, Mr. aid lire. W. Barrows; lamp, Mr. ms4 Mrs. N. McCallum ; silver cake Anis Mr. and Mrs 0. Wyatt ; chenille ta54.scarf, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jose ; rug, )Jr. and Mrs J. Young ; water tet, Mr. Gad lora J. Edwards ; silver teapot, Mr. and Mn. Wil• son : pair of napkin rings, Mr. mad Mrs. J. Barron ; set of •fiver knives .ad forks, Mr. and At rs- Endow and sea ; silver swoons, Mr. and Mrs. U ('alberteon ; castor, Mrs. M. McMaster ; lamp Mr. Iron and Mrs. Marshal ; water set, Mrs. Tcssmat ; silver butter web, Miss M. necklines ; silver cream pitcher. Miss L t1'hito; Slime sugar bowl, Miss Minnie Freokeltoo ; silver butter dish, Meters. White and Wilson ; table napkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. White ; festhrr fan, Mrs. W. Masse ; berry set, F. and E. Fre_kelton ; berry dish. F_ Smith ; cups and saucers, Fronk Weber ; .oh pal' low, l)eberah Wilson ; whits spread, Mr. sad Mrs. Simpson ; white spread, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad ; fancy parlor table, Mr..nd Mrs. .'. Kirkpatrick ; banging tamp, and many others. - -Chicago gun. A FssulosAntx 11'auotsu. - On Wed nmday. 20th Inst., says the Port Augusta (Ans.) News, a wedding took place which excited mon than the ordinary amount of interest. Mr. W. 1'. Soon formerly of t'se fro of Teen, Scott A Co. and now with Meters Young A Gordon, waa married to Miss Mande Robertson, d.Aghur of Mr. F. A. Robertson, fornierly of Goderich, sad neer of C. E. Roberton, mayor of fort Augusta. As both parties are well -knows and much respected, the wedding was likely to excite popular merest. Tse hoar app -- pointed for the ceremony w.. 10 o'clock, but long before that time the doors of St. .tugusuae Church had beeu thrown open and the Church had rapidly tilled. Many o f the bride's lady friends had been busy the day before in decorating the churels. The *hob kegth of the nght aisle was florally decorated, while at the earl a pretty little arch had been erected under which the brute would par on her way to the altar. The chancel wail a:ao profusely de- corated with dotal horse shoes, the whole prv.enting a charming app.•arroce. The cetemoav was performed by the Rev. Dean Hoperaft. Puuctualiy at 10 o'clock the bride arrived attended by her chid bride. - maid Mw Dora Thomas, and the two little Mimes Dewhirst and Kimball, who acted In the capacity of bridesmaid. Mr. 1.'. K. Robert•tu., in the absence of the bride's father, gave the bride away ; and Mr. W. W. l;oodhardt acted am groomsman, with Masters Rumbsll end Dewhirst in close at- tendance. The wedding party was exceed- ingly pretty. The Summing bride was simply Mut tastefully •i in a white china silk trimmed with orange blossoms. The only ornement she wore was a brooch set with diamonds, sapphirea and pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. Mir Thomas, the bide maid, was dressed in a croon cos- tume with point lace collar, while the two diminutive bridesmaids were arrayed is pale blue liberty silk with hats to match and tan shoes. The bridesmaids .Il wore the brooches which were presented to than by the bridegroom. The bride carried a very handsome white bouquet, and Min Thomas had a h.adeome yellow one. The ceremony was vary beautifully rendered. . full choir beat' in attendance to render the musical portion of it. The usual extraor- dinary methods of wishing root! will were indulged in after the ceremony. The showers of rioe were terrific, and the party drove off amidst the food wishes of the crowd. Mr. and Mrs. goon kft moon after the ceremony for Melrose, whence they will proceed to Adelaide to spend their honey- moon. LOCAL BREVITIES. A number of young people from town took in the lawn social at Bethel church kat week. It is possible to extract teeth painlessly and the patient retain ooamciouris•. 1k. Richardson daft it, none and see hint Sale of fancy work done by the Singer seven machine, at the furniture rooms of the late D. Gordo&. F. K Bartlett, agent - Clinton Methodists had •s excursion to 1;odericb, Tuesday last. ..d enjoyed the shady bowers and pebbly beach. The New Era .tan took in ell the pleasures Dr• M. Melodeon, the Wets -tis dentist, makes the preservties of the natural teeth • specialty. Oat administered from 9 A. s. for the musics extradites of Neth. The Maitland How, opposite the G. T. R depot, km hers removtd and r0urnilt- ed by Avid Carry, std Y now open for the woomstodstios of Um pasta Mr. Curry is • well known hotel ata ..d will, we believe. soon bring the MaitLsd Howse up to • gf°d standard in the hotel lila. MARINE NOTES. The Dispatch. of Hernia, celled in on Friday *ht. The sear. Kellog. Copt John McDonald, oohed is es Friday on her way to Golden Volley. The essr. Todrnan, (opt. A. isms, arrived In ea Sunday with 233 loos of semi feu W.i. Ise. Ten mow (award arrived in s Friday with 900 Imes of anal for Jos. Kidd, and cleared for Alpena ea Sends,. The utr. Meurei, of therUr n. on s u made bfins esll here Saturday ud took s eight oerloa4L el salt for D.leth. The schr. Capt., Capt. M. McDonald, reached here s Friday with 000 Met ef limber from Thessalse feu ff. She °leered ea Manley for Il -o' -.t =he sir. United Ibafrs, .d Ma Meaty T•e, nide her first mall Lon sir Wdow dy and took ea • ru sbr el psn.svim.. sever caries& d ink mrd • ear f.gd of hams feu Rabb. Melons. The dr. On, d Window was la ea Fri. day.. y way + the 1.5., W ra.slrsd Toss WEEKLY YAIIKLT RIEpORT seseseeL Rab.. IllsessissafK8 OK ,• Iris% 14 sownes nese ._:sobe si %I sNedied. : eif tii I »y1 13 e55r.tf.ta' ...... KIM 1 is all deg t5khg col caseoses. is eosin esi Mealier mt, way dee W .e» en W1..d7 EN 4 way •P T5. baron Bavaria, which lay tfra mouth of the river all Winter, ea. ata down to Port Hares on Saturday whore she will be paten the dry dock j ai was towed down by the lnteroo.an, ,y wee under the charge of Capt Aar. Melvor. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. sad Mrs. Salters .re viwtiug in Gel ✓ ia►. J. T. (:arrow, M. PP., was in Toreate lgt weck. H. Reid, of tliotoo, spent suede, tensa tiro. Tees, of Cuirass, 'pent 'ueday town.. HBeattie, of Ssutorth, was in tows M Friday. J. C. Sponsor, of Mates, woo In toes w Ender. Min Annie Healey is visiting Innis a 4.utroa Alive Jennie Curry, of Ripley, is vtetiat ion town. Miss CsrreU is visiting in Ktngabr,lie the week. IieWwin, of Seaforth, was 1n tows this week. Mr.. J. H. (:rinton, of Chicago is init. dog Slimin town Jeanie Robertson is visiting fresh • t StrMfonl. Mrs. J. ghee, of ga•forth, wa• visiting ■ town last week. Mrs. Ja.. Bennie, of Seaforth, wee a town on Friday. Miss tithe Meteor, is visiting friends is t ,wee this week. Miss Crawford. of Dungannon, wee town as Friday. B. J. Crawford, of Dungannon, was i town au Tuesday. H. J. D. Cook, barrister, of it yth, stn to town this week. Wm. Mcleod, of B.aterth, visted f in town last week. )lies K. Calvin. of (..Iron, u views GI town this week Mia May Hale, of Pati Huron, is Tilt. ing her home in town. Mr. anti Mrs. Davis" Stoddart are veal* in Hermosa this week. Miss Robertson, of Essex, is •ptwing the holidays at her home here. J. C. Blackwell, V. g., and wife, of Cbs toe, spent Sul dry in tows. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ricer, of t;lime, were in town on Friday Iasis Miss !land Hale, lett o. "%achy per sir. City of Windsor, for INtroiL Master John Currell and %Cm. McCrs;1 ' pent Sunday in Kingsbridge. Min Nellie Brennan, of Brantford, is v» icing friends in town this week. Mw Maggie I;mlbr•ith, of Wingb•m, visiting Mrs. .1. Reid last week. J. Luby has arrived from Chimed te spend lie holidays at the hensstead. John Brown, of Galt, formerly ea dM Goderich boy, visited town last week. Mw (ribbons, of Clistes, is in tows its week, the guest of Miss Nibble McLane Vim. Robinsoo aid .oe, of Petrolr, en visiting her sister, Mrs. Magas swarms. Exeter Times : Mr. Andrews, of belie rich, is the guest of his brother, W. AL 21aatorth : Miss Dickson, of Godwin, • visiting at the rendes' of Samuel Dickies MIS week. Mess Hattie Rothwell, of 0elf, u most ttsg a few days in town, the guest of Liss Ikockie Mitchell. Mrs. T. Henley, wbo had been in l'trlron, attending the funeral of her brother, w turned hones this week. Miss.. Lottie and Grace Polly, el tis town, .re among the B.imesr guest. at IS Arlington hotel, Marton. Exeter Times : M,.and Mrs. Aitkis, t;odetich, .pact gamey i. town the gm•e of Mr. rind Mrs. Bra Ran. Mrs J. H. Williams left for YounistorA Ohio, Wednesday hast, to visit her 4s# ton. Mrs. Alexander, at dee place. Mi.dsor.r. U. Sor• d Eintmrdini, vW haWd lose. vi i luadde.ing sonde lo sous, re turned home on Friday, per sir. City d d. J. C. Robert oe, B. A., of Owen 8us an old Goderieb boy, h.s bean appiMtd aater d las now high sties at Thadnorento Junction. Mrs. John W. Vs.attw end her sins. Mims M.y Poul.who hove k.'n vieiN.g Port Huron, arrived V Iowa Wed.sM as lset pen ser. City, d W idser. P. McCarthy, a welLk.own remises d the tows, wee badly gored by a tracheal cow as Monday hat. His man? Mete hope to hear of Ilk speedy recovery. Miss Maggi. Mathews and Ito' 1 o. Baker loft es Friday, per au. Cly Windsor, tor Gore Say, when chef to spied a 'omen of week. vale &Nob. I. 0. Fwwt 010.dwi.k, w5 w f+e re. dt,t g in Atg , Minh., .tsoa was e.ed hone ink welt h the hide. :mother, at Seswill r. lir. Fishers a' hag w.B h Ids .eon Y...d.04Ifertk Ids+ Joel" ' it rot. J. Yi.►.R, foemwfy se M/ SI.xAL key. SIrt dpsad .004., stw M5.ron.. JehnMe. f•te.a .f104 leek. we tsaw tiew lees Moo gM flim A. Hepknrw. ts.e, .1 1(ertwdt w5e ld hes np..Ihg s5erpsetien ' i" MNis a es Wee.' Ikea, x.54 yrtlt .erivul i. Gedniuk, per .ter. City a1 lii Jed. W.• umd i eM curt r 111. 15511515 /1st Tb two Mae " flit► herd. d Mwis ten .1 rM r hard. have Mon w}.aog Ier *WMY Y k et bs e k tom qui tUs taw, fe Seberil of s, ilia lb& RLIPrldban, of asterisk, waw vkail t5s taet M. ReI bee fid' ed w.