HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-28, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GOD/ToRiCH, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1891e NED1CAL INFO$YATION. 1111AWIOX T1WA1*D MOST Mt A DARK CHUMS. tree - 1-JI••e• Omni srmmpie banana w eta- � e. believe whet IC (i•Yawatila W bona, os the emotion we alemerairm ••w 0 • emil eiawioee emmlive Lwow far jgo is bowl as tet itemetligallm der rey gush peal kas heard es bare a dehtg sway with the period d aaAaeatlea - the gorse, sr u tide mat `ie y n- bwoo. T. mothedsince dim dwhigdd iscovered t English pay Meier Waters ,d ballades, it wee red in Frame ea it * by M. Pain. of Peri., geared la oar mieallpor ra era mad no stdeeepted dd•rkwa dreier the maim plane of the dia.aths mara!dTLI, oorratmoott Time two conditions sire iadleprWe to 1ee swear and Dr. Patin rare, the or of • woman, who, together with her nisei, was takes with pods. Neither of them had here veociu•tsd, rad the Ver- se .i by total darkens brought m snob teem improvement that the child was keret out tato the lgbe to .osv-sa • epghhw .rl uta satisfactory cusditios. from that moment, bcwever, the dMa... loilo.e.l . fatal awns and the baby died rennet the pert.xl of wppuratios. Starr the year laird M. Gallavardin hoe poli het) occasion .Mae to treat • Mee of rUpt that had not been vaccinated. Thu wee • little girl .boot ex years old Wowing to • pt.'s family. Oe the first or meal .day of the eruption be bad the child pieced to t*r greatest degree of darkness Mt Weld he .ib ain.d with the resources at the command of the family, which was hr hon havdng any snperduity of rd carman@ to prevent the daylight Thai Mew at the door and window. The priest was taken aro of by d. light of • h apa a tight light, and the beet ventila- tor that was possible wee wsintum.d dr- eg the day, and .specially during the sight. The eruption, which wee confluent on the bee, heeled up so rspitlly that it was pros - gone on the ninth day. Throw. panni very much the charity nurse who was taking .err .4 the child, and who was tally amara .4 the length and of • case of smallpox. sal she a. es prams' her surprise to the mighherimed, as the rapdtty .4 this case of svoressy sad the emelt) .d the treatment, amass w the ears 4 two phyMIMS/ living time mei ieided Mon V. try the treatment. OW et them, wets faded an obtainag melee end mniftm- reptel darkness for hie patina► admfMai barky that his trial had been ieumirent; e. for the other, he diad witAemt bow* pul.h.bef ctthe-r the melte of hie treat- ment•r the exact waN a which he hod "Moil It. woa?m SUMS. H. Gallavardin anise on this fact, that md.0 the influence of total darkness came of enulilr.i do not present the of npperation. and that mnssluen there is no marking. It is true that little patient showed on either side of the upper paten of her nose • few almost ili tpetoep. table scan, hat he attributes this toilio fact that the patient's roam was not lin amt - yen drawee, owing the family. lack in ragtag. aud but tau total dukes could be obtained mm etely either in rich families or in b.- , mil to this way we would no longer ye to regret the serious ravages that are will made hy smallpox. If we apply this to ►raga.• only it ie fair tome, says M. (l.Uavaritn, thee we :nightpreserve from hath the 8,ofu French citrons who ewc- atorh web year from, this din.•.., and this a • adult not to lie disposal at • period w hen the h;rth-ewre u so wotionably kr r. There is n.. reran why this treatment by told darkness should mot be triad, especial - 1, r pharmecrutitaI ttwtfment eon be ear- ned on at the sand bate le may way that is hared, hut i •m very muse skald the re- e ks will not justify them great en�est• nor ; however, there mese b re ese w6 tb. proem should not he tememmemded. a:.. i.TLaa'rmp ongvOar About a year ago some not over scrape - ea manufacturers conceived the idea at airing a .alt of tin with the dough from . itch they hake their gingerbread ; in this try it mems that they are able to use • • loweSour. to employ moires.. as nail of honey, gad to turn ort ea sainfoin that is exactly like those of the best.0itiy. Sherrie gingerbread da.gk pre,.red wk* rye awn and molare. diose not rine, but Who while coiling of atter having lel tom hy the action of the heat of the ma, the addition of some peotaehe of tie pad a soft mom which to the naked 7e @bcws even a more member end Seer tand .maxi pme pleasing thee that if f the e Leat quality of At the rover of tet representative of end the hest kerb' mranfartarere of piterliread, s Ranee the Rae d'Hjgieae et Is Is ro oe t h ie' the matter his been Mdc etre in � ttothe of hygiene France b the Coma l'Ifygeene .ie m Siena, who liter Maria. 1M. ro+ehet for the former and M. Mahe for dee latter hare decided to go to law avoid L fab.tieation. The sweat d prole - Mende •,f tin used b this Pecans u rat est -atniti attt. It varies from ffo0 gramma L. kilogrammes pee 100 k(logrostas@ a 4. whi.-h gives 200 kilograms d e•t•ei real No iit wee .hoesOrlin maw avry thioexperiments ry leutnokkonde of tin ign enbetanee the, i m"°lh poisonous. The esbkr ted Preach 'omen t phare i that akin takes bby We meth the symptoms of pofinee•11Malep "tea, hare the greater with neer ke late, eke nada of o°bre frie w. al larder who were •11 i"y vest atter t er 'fig a anion ah 'r � rah �lhy mistake awinewt of _lion♦gleed d m�llnailed with pretOchk"•fdee Oa WNW a mastery Alen we take into oomed.eMem that es meet of the decrease is prise the deomer %11 Sollobread. prepared is UM = oh i to ou . to atent d its reassemble �yby mt all d1Nme . children e.m .sly wish that Ib eco prohibited, ea the with `rh maouMelt,•• is Ns, sad eines tide ewly goad b meek -lhistom talks. quality. -N. T. lgmrdi a sty .fade by O'•eeete. Ii 61144 i' • marines gawp of rooks seermai r term t1t. o-dew.ibd "N. As frreg•Lr mom el ream w w s.. hide, reeemye • Amid. 111, - whoa ens is • lerph 1 third W tee dr, I ma • 4 ‘41111 it IOW ▪ ••• M this re, um WS •nim ad it IN b • mewl mai in Simi M%► THE OSV CM Teta IMAo. 1.ehe bilge ; ddei 1illl Aad �� Aad der Me Ike serf Admits mbar Th1. binmaimuby ,� Why M. Meets hire poem growing, mei mid Ws; Drthey mil within their lei, Limier unna Dewier & baler athee eshere• emb ea w r anal iKq they e� mor reg, ThoughIlea ret r• lir mama • .4 � posse at `��� Ire. trod mposd the weft. 'aa•th the enn had 1M wimp of the swift years Feet bet gent) o'er W biers, Yah1 see tote sleepers y me But Io them l ltjoy meikod beet Per law Ile et ere mad know that Iib is -Richard Burda. UOMTWEKGHT REMARKS. The New York version. -"T . earth is the Lead's" but the downtown aid. -walks babas to the wholesale trade. --Teas Sift- itP I meet *ave backed the wrong bars," acid the amateur equestrian, at he landed ea the top of hie hat in the rad. -Bouton Uoarromiel Belinda H -Pumps--Ibou like the hop at the 8aaview Hour ! lamps- -No, 1 think they serve a very inferior quality of beer tees." -Brooklyn Nagle. The ideal resort woukl be • place where you had to sleep trader blankets in July and dele'1 have to sleep under blankets in Jamaary.-Buff k. Bxprem Or.., --Mia Passe will catch cold if s*e Me on the purse much longer. Rosalie - No she were. fthe's been trying for years to tme.b eom.thing. -Judge. The Biter Bitten. --(Isissbreok-What do you think of that cigar! Grintrhaw-It's eo good Pm sure yeti must have given me the wtoag one." -New York Sun. Hyaer-Rather a thankless teak dent it, writing poetry for the papers ! lRyaer -Th.akoa! No, indeed -- thanks are about the only return I pt. -Ex. Mrs. Nowhere -Charley, dear, I need one hundred dollars. Mr. Newlov.-Ib you, darling!! How .ymp•thetec you are ! That's just what I need. - Exchange. "Now, chid the new reporter, .a his eye followed the track d the blue penal, "I msdss.t• ed what m aurae by an editor's Mme of thought."- Washington aur. "Father." said Ferner Begoshs "I'a goer to bate smother chill" "Be y! Well, jes' wait • minute till Ig+t the arra deed up fur ye, will ye!"-Werhime- tan Star. Teacher -By reptiles we mean inch creatures ea creep along the ground. Can you name owe ae ea example, Adolf Adolf Watt. -Yee, 1.7 libltsn .ether.-d Mand-Ile yam mimosa tint all the creemeree that go oat between acts go eo gee real erre-enough men! Mayr -No, indeed, at moel the time it. Daly arras. "--Chicago Inter -Ores. ■aPTT Tours. Hew happy is the youth who knows When It is time to jog, And jeer In Ilene dots get the gats Between hint and ,lee dog. -New York Herald. Harry-Blowate proved to his wife, that he didn't marry bar for her money. Jack - How ! Harry -To show bar *ow little he oared for it, he spent every cant she 1.04. - Truth. The average man devotes his eagagemeat to with* be w.s rich enough to have • else home for his trite and is spending what g amey he *as On momemso for bar.-Ata*d- een Globe. "Where's Robinson!""Left town" "Well, la's been hustling like the 014 Sorrell for a long time ; 'spots he's gone to take • nit !" "No ; M's pas to Camnda to avoid •Heel. "-Ki. 11 r Hamper (pl.yfu ly)-I don't see why • big dog like that should be •fetid el • little girl like you. Little girl -Wes been Mt*.r so long, I guess he Bra I'm kis -Good Newt "Maud, run over to Mrs. De 8welle's and tell bar her chimney is on fin." "I cam', Nestle's u w edneed•y and Mrs. De 9w.1le's day u Tkwr.lay. I !1 go to-aor- row."--Harpr's Beam. The Western Bad Man.-Arisama Ab. - Didn't ye* shoot kin wises he Malted yah! Reveling Hunk --New, their was matin' ✓ ound that I road shoot from behind - New York Herald. Husbead-..-What's that! Been aYopp , red bought .100 worth d silks! e aaTd roe were ging for • drive Wife -Yes, Gash ft Co, advertised . gnat drive in dry pods -New York Weekly. Terwilling.r-Miss Playa doesn't like poo, da fell.. She saye you,re a emanated ssa pogiajy. Jerolan-The reams Miss Payne doesn't like me is bsesu.. I as sot a popinjay. -.t M..'Mbune. T►ese.r-goer-TThe bye scene in your play isn't half e errand ea N mad to be We seism. The same people de it, ton. lhsyar-Yes, but the lovers were married • fav menthe ago. -11t-Mts. i/ttde Sadie - 0 ale Harry, Miss B rows •a'Mr. Swift wsee to the parlor, sad the Me her bend os *iw sbomkler. Omsk Harry -That', all right. She baa lien as hint. -Ewe. Fleid'e Windlasses. "George Writings= meet base been a mem body wise he wee bsmgorat.d Prod- imm," said Mrs. Wilkins. '•1 saw as en- gtavimg el the some the oder flay, teed Weida.= wee le asst t ou urn "-Har- per'e Baer. "A gentlemaa," said tis '• wee gestlesaa may be es a seas who ma buy another men • etre without = derimr .bthelitether NYwill.vee rskurw tie eamPUsasnt."-ledisespeMr Jared. 1 mit seiinng,, said the yoag body when invited to waging ; but she complied epee *deg farther preMed. When site Md Ser Pogg thanked her, and aided Wad de teeth, rn saver doubt a4bdde• ward traps."-Bostou Treanor*. 110 Probable Came. -Mr. Spktioassbis sp Irem w pra• )--I wand. plra.r`.m aver net brew.iceet W. pits lir1a Egiel l o paper stye ibMew lido-aake.4soltsae•-taml- mg very egly.-Nee Yee* Weekly. The mwrd .041-I bare *ad notion diet Ow cowl .met em may league b■ the masamm. lid wimier-Will. who rill diem ! S.mN...i...r-toy,. le g .mer. MrInteramem wt The mlasiebees wile (b-dmmtrlai se1abm) -Mks Jit.., I am arry totem from yew ere net et year . saileverb, a hwow "low B Se&merit ler We bei la M! Elba Jame (--mdse', emfleee lepIa M► -Tam's i Menne m, fie dm,l--T cILLETTs tlTS10NOSST. amid he A0 (weave ens a.wmarsw IL w.ilhinadfollIPOPInlb vt..esw.m. THE POETS CORNER. teeth r le mid Mir L4.dam. 11 t.mibi word listen to ate, dears, 811e would freebie that faded gown, She wo••ld aowthees take r hour's reit And sometimes • top to town. And it ab.ttldm't be al1for the children, The fun, and the cheer. and the play ; With the patient droop of the tired mouth, And the " Mother baa had her day ! True, mother baa had bee , desire, When you were her babies three, And the stepped about the farm and house As busy as ever a bee ; N hen are rocked you all to sleep, dean, And soot you all to echoed, And wore meson out, rad did without, And lived by the Golden Rule. And so your tun has Dome, dean, Her Bair is rruwicg white ; And her eyes are pintos the faraway look That peers beyond the night. One of these days in the morning, Mother will not be here, Ah• will fad. away tam silence - The mother .o ttue and dear. Then what will yon do in the daylight, And what in the gloaming dim ! And father, tired and 1001. ane then, Pray, what will you do icer low ! uYth want to keep your mother, You must mike ber rest today ; Moat give her • share in the trolic And draw her into the play. Aad if mother would ►uteo tome, deers, She'd buy her • gown of silk, And buttons of repel velvet, Aad t demi as white as milk, And she'd let you do the trot .ins While eb sat still in the chair ; That mother a heald have it hard all through It strikes me isn't fur. -Margaret K. Sangster. nonage at.Mee Dun Arcot, - I had for ureas been troubled with dyspepsia •lid ink headache, aid found but little relief until I tried your Burdock Blood Bitten, which made • rN- f.ct cure. It is the beet m.ddci..Ielk and in my life, axed I will never be wielbot it. /Urns Dale, 8 Climb*, oat. 111 iJnlo ,-- a r: t1'e Bowe n oft rrnI'.,, f' at sys- tem, al. i. . 1 ' '_ to en est the sou - con. resting A.!‘.: . • 1f i *eb, curing lid • . ?,-.....?!..13. Headiteil„ ' -' iitburn, Cos:.ti:tl:3:.,f.. - . •.:.id :.1.'n. Drop :y-, I:e.. ' : Ago. - Mee. Sa:: A'1.. .., : :(..—. Eme- nds., Platte: t:.• .: • , 3 : •. r t t, !fer- vour:us, Lx:. ' e •.• • d 1)....111: ;ail thaw and aaaay cl:. r . •.:t: - CSC, Amb ld to the 1:�tr'i immic.ucsct Ala COD r. a 1...7.s. F.., L.. r ► d r'! T•t.b- . MINIM Aasrkss 417.7c our $'cicntific lumina ��ppM ? •M t''wrwa en eP.7W. b grana .• ad W.sae•, Y.aok- Cleeg;mw a lemeawe. • new mad Tssttos081j of le Cisaturkm to (luaus of Nosafrails. Tar e w mw �� e.0 Msaorty. 'te"' DUNN'S BAKING POWDER INf�BF9tiRiEND LARGEST SALE In PAIRADA. OODARJOH Steam Boiler Works. PINTA MIRAED 100.1 A. S. OHRYSTAL, Irssess - ie0*rwiml a Meek ¥need e5ar.ua et .il kinds of BYttioa- ary Marino, 'Upright A Tabular wor:L=T.6, Balt Plans, Anoka Sleeks, ghost Iron Works, she., M BACK -ACHE UO0000hKIf)nN-' WILL CURE YOU "Sa•ha•h• mseses d4• M- asts aro /a as • Wises* per meet Is desossit `Alfjiter gent try to how a Asolthy *It, Mitheat pssomn �/�� g* rood galas idea t/• 414..p. aro 8%94 WVam Z0'tetZ01/r is dortea leo Hi Oldest tnmh1s nor/, /s tad I,..4 user /a!; awd t4* afoot dao- •roos it= -DI..•4.t•a mad o abaft' ocelot aloe• poles EIda., m PM ow test" 611111111 Of ha err R. B. i .'.'.'"AND 1.LNGANNON. SPECIAL REDUOTION SUMMER LINZS AND -- SPRING STOCK During Stock Taking. DRY GOODS Remnants anti all alai lines at tat people's prices fur cash. The Stock is large and ntirli be reducer: in order to matte roe& for Fall iutportation•. A choice selection of 4allies and Bedford Cord (,food suitable for present wear, eway,,elow cost --10 yds. for Z;1. The ,test v in art muslin in the trade, choice patterns and designs. YV RRRRy` t A fjidi supply of family groceries al- 7,5ya on hand. FA18T. Are you going to paint your how, fence or gate, or anything that re- quires improving in this line. If mo, then I can supply you with the material ; prices as low as the low - eat, quality considered. IL B. 11OLL8NL, GENERAL MERCHANT. DUNGANNON. PLANING MILL ESTAIUSNED 1151. Buchanan & Son, *ar0►acransts SASS, DOOR and BLIND: Dealers in s11 kinds of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES hod builder's material of every description School Furniture a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL SUMMER 000BS LATEST STYL%S. Remnants to bo slowed get. Par/.,, ••d oho.; daps.. H. DUNLOP, Tb. Wester Tailor. MoLEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR AND o?mmt Tanana maets4 8peci fic and Antidote for Myers, weak rad impoverished blood, dye- pmptio,eep'-, palpitation of . imatt,li des—doseswtpfaiet, mearagi•,lee of memery ptuM jaw.dMa,k� ..d � dieseme, 8t Yip.' dames, female irreg. mleritim •.d reseral debility. LABORATORY. BOORRMAB, OATARIO. J. M. McI.EOD, Proprietor sad Maaefretrrer. MoLmno'e t4Ta'ttr Rarna ale. sae w W W 1 Ito Iowa.. . fop ee tb Are .r@ between Owe. Henri •ad Rrsassl., Dmf•m sod Tamer. mry - PATENTS! OWL TWE MAW AM CSPIISI T$ 8' "i• » a lgDtb rr plPeteOda wirsis "Wee ea Arts TAhs.e or�:� ton , alas. omatywettete • A MW m •a►., asoma Oases-eOtttestes Paced Cidkatrassen.k.O 1• f4 �. - I ..1 A a ` `+,.. •1 CHEAP fOODS. As Ibe Summer is advancing and we are anxious to clear out a lot of Dress Goods to make room for early Fall trade ; we will give you your choice of about 40 pieces of good plain sound Drees at a shade under wholesale price. If any of the above Goods are of any use to you, come an examine them. They are very cheap. A few linen of Summer under -clothing cheap, 2 Ladies' Vesta for 20c., and other lines equally good value. - -T That we have the greatDON'T FORGEaeuxeteurtvarhooff hcounty. 200 sets new Lace Curtains direct from the makers in Glasgow this week, making over 500 sets since early Spring. Chinelle Curtains, Rugs, Mats, Table Covers and Linel- eums and Oilcloths, 4 quarters, 6 quarters and 8 quar- ters wide. COLBORNE BROS., GODBRICH. Great • Carpet Warehouse of the County. } f I Ii M+ t )i j, - I 1. 4. 1 THE AGNOY' 708 THE CELEBRATED WIOONSON INDIAN T bi AT— CAMPAICNE'S Bost Tea iaiTowa, Only 40 cents per lb. Some goods slightly damaged by the late fire, at your own price. THE BEET THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TttE BEST TBE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TBE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TME BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE am THE BEST reg BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE Boni THE EMT THE SENT THE BEAT till SUIT ! EiT nil ras TH 111 BT THE MIT THE THE THE THE MIT THE Earp I8 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL IS IS THE OBIAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 IS THE OH1APEST AND THE SION4L 18 IS THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 I8 THE OBEAPEBT AND THE SIGNAL I8 I8 THZ CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE SIGNAL A 4�3AFt IN ADVANCE! 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