HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-21, Page 8THR SIGNAL : GO1)RJCK ONT., THURSDAY, JULY I petal= BUE.EE THAN POWDael. PURE PARIS GREEN Delon 'is Aunt asp Hoo Min emir meals x Peas Rata= BING AND LICH ILA R♦T- 'Blr r'' ng.Lir' w'l.ap.`W sa. .,est PRO TU8818, OUR COUGH SYRUP is aweye Ia stems. (`IARIBBAD, ViCHY AID MIT vv lt.l la balk. 'WRIiST AND STRONGEST FLA- ' .setae Extracts. QPONOEB. A NEW CONBION- 11.J7 west lust to head- 8m ear prima PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED WITH awn, a..taem and dispatch at the Phar- macy. GEO. A. FEAR, BaOpemar to limo. Rhyme. ODUIRICH. Rasa O= dionnering Art ART. x x x x R. CROCKETT, AattsT. landscape. marine and 'portrait mistime In ell and water colon. CLASSES On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturday.. from 1 a.m. to 12 o'olork, and from f to 5 o'clock r m. Itectursl and mechanical drawing. Drawings for patents, etc. fll7DIO :-North at., Int door from the Homo e The PSoolo's Colurn. NEw PLANING MILL Bark dee door tart res. latest American pines std dm.lgs of tetras, latest improved .•chl•ery. but deep 1. peke*. latest aid most modern wormate. lowest price. in Mangles. pieotis ai. lowest tender* lensed. lowest piles endears or sash. S Having received orders tor 50 domestic refrigerators Ihave decided to build • num- ber -my prices being so low ail can afford to have this luxury in their home., and grocers mot have item. 1 have secured lastest Ameri- asa pateuta. Telephone your orders for all cheeses of wood wore JOSEPH KIDD. 13-ly 17 IMtannl..t. TA RA RA BOOM DE AY 310 window snadcs sold In May. Business is rushing and we feel gay. Every day a bergs►. day. Hoon de ay. The public res sad appreciate the fact, that we have the largest tend best .aeortment of window shades cornice poles. pole fittings. stair plate., curtain chains. Presse rods, reaOp . joist*. brackets and upholsterer*. bran Reeds is the cou•ty. Hh•de doth all widths. lace eartais.tringes.everythtngln the window line. In furniture everything from s pa kw site as to • kitchen chair...d our Stereobushing proves that our prices are right. We .lm have • large maim of useful articles required in the house. suck as washers. carpet sweepers, de* rd.. eta. and m fit you out hem las bitches to the dry wing room. um to lee worts of art to .dors IL MIS feet of Ameri- can. German and domestic mouldings is stook. sad . full line of British. German ant comms minor plates always on hand. No charge Nr centime or fitting them. SMITH'S BAZAAR & Ft; RNITU RE HTORL 2X3ly Crabb'. Block. Special Notices. fG. WARD, CONVEYANCER, . tar. and commissioner for taking and re. setTing recognizance. of ball. atd•vita oe • ierustios•. depsitlone or solemn declara- tions in or 000t-ernfug any action, snit or pro - seeding Iq the High Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal for Ontario. or In any county or Division Court. A11 transactions carefully and promptly executed. Residence and P.O. address--Du.aaanoe Oat. llMlI -tf_ NEW CHOPPING MILL 1 am prepared fedo •ll kinds of grata ohop- Mnt s shortest .Nae. Mill is running at all aepal.ery have dho eb S.4 bast Imp rPris No delay is grRhgyotz .g Mr. AaetioneM9aR JOHN GRIFFIN. COUNTY AUC- Dosser, land valuator. leas and Insasssce agent. 8.1m attended In all parts of the eon- Lorrsoeosdesosedtcited Address JOHN iN Kingsbridge. Orden left •t Tits L Otos promptly attended to. 16tf JOHN KNOT, GRA IRA L AUC- s' simmer and Iasi Valuator. Oederteb. Opt. Having had se.pHaraW experience Is the .ouoaeerl MINK M N pm • palsies te ar.harge withnt sgsatk etien W eon nlssless so trsstsd es Mem (rime left •t Martin's Hotel, or rat by moll tis ►r addrom poderidt P.O.. emuIUHi *-ended to JOHN ▪ OX,Omar" AeNl-. IOfftt Dentistry. NICHOLSON, L.D.e.-DENTAL . tears .1pMte the 'new Poet Ogles. ef•e .. Yedmfpis. L RICHARDSON, L D. 8.. emwpee doss . Mow ..d vitalised air DR. estraetlag of teeth. att.a.N_- to the preeerveties ..tlwal Ode► -Up stairs. Holm Mock. e.trases en West- 21161-1v est.11161-1v Motel A..esau•dation. kUNiON HOT1L, OODBRICH.- J well-taws' amoral sad . f.armeisr kW se takby sses es teindevery te.M•emMnhs the Rose msdiM L s sop= ora Kir THE HURON HOTEL. - Tors .papier hew has toss realrerrmad "` rl soleemerethireimavaalmf Menet 4•M . the No arra Oeaerl,►ett • u.uw.. 11ADIAeOA Rs OR S a.L IM i' ti J At . bepamF. OF HOM* ever 1. •t..m.. Vaeal*L WAIKIKI-A GOOD 0111 NERAL Pga rrPt* Dr Oahe - 8.' Bent. RENT.--COMFO*TLBLs we lo= lies= r, agart FAR* FOR SALK-THE BUCHAN- ..710s....etatt.g of papa • r Ike lIh aa4 e M romp shams Mr 11 't rMtaepe ee ile Meatear eat f .et~i seep Oe: HOU8E FOR BALL -01(11 OF Thaerm pa Ilarlit-st. dorEM n• ▪ Two MS as and mode Ikeke.aw Zan JJ J dT, BereelaLltte..ee _ 17 GOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR SAM. Qaat Woo. emaaws. ears tor eats rauldamo._ 4tW 7be how contataeas wash room. pantry eta.. and is Is good a rsawt. heuW.sbeh ell.ew.'ataM•ttwrlYmm ▪ A1.CO ]Ic FOR BALE. -N. 4 LOT SI, !ND CON - l1 canisMistHa. st W.w...sb sass.. This PMO. a.Ms lots io►ktows. okg ma Nitsp Beat. brick cotl.ae. Sidi, :to FOR BALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT eomnions= banding. Mut eels, at Fromm 'erupted no a p..t by W si tt r oar Teras Male. sear- A tee 1'. 8. SCOT!'. Brussels P. 0. Business Chanes. QTORE AND RNSIDi1ICE IN KIN - f.../ as tea ..r.-0Akre will a received by oadm.lpNto the rpe8e•a of rials. together vela*, oweilling in Minted, vow badness d. general the stock is trade. tk;ulsn to C. HEA(ER, .eisita. or JA SINNET. Hinted. 7.at Medical. TARS, WHITELY & HUNTER. 1J O Onnd Opera House. 0. 8. IS lit DRS. SHANNON & SHAANON, Pbarektnee 8uryeons. ♦000sobers, to. Ota at Dr: •Shannon's residesos, near the reel (samba. G. C. S LANSINe. J. at Maas - cow. 1761 Lrall+ N. LEW18, BARRISTER, PROC- 01ro E.►-tboat► Colear la MseR1me C..rt. of °Mario borne !Orel. 11111 MU. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, . solicitor. oammrstoser, to. Loans. Odiectlp.s sad real estate transactions oare- B ♦ 9od On. Hamil0303-1,1 ton and JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. C0.veycer. to ; Mousey to kind. Otos ever Point -Otos, fiodericb. 06.11 CAMPION, BARRISTER, E. Solicitor. Notaar, PuWlc. . t a Moe -Over Jordan's Drug Store, i8ill formerly oocnpied by Judge Dail/ ling C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Ae. R. Moe. corner of Square and West street Ooderich. over telegraph office. Pri- vate *ands to lend at 0 per esus. 3 80- GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR- euornelss,, Solicitors. tar. °ode risk. J.T .Darrow. Q.C.. W. Prosdfoot. (YAMERJN, HOLT & CAMERON, _J Barristers, Solicitor is Chancery Re, Dm Ooderieh. HM. C. Camel..., Q.C. ; P. Halt ; LONA& end lntuPano.. FJ. T. NAFTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND • t lnsur ace .Beat; at lowest rates -Cor. Sombre. sad Square. liud- mach. 71- MONEY TO LEND. --A LARGE amount of private and ether funds at lowest rotes os productive tows and Cum wa.,y. repayment he wer oomnlr.l -orw M. 0. JOHNSTON, Quadric& 33 01-11 tb00,OW I) TO LOAN. APPLY T CAMZRON. HOt.r & CAMERON, Oode rich. IT,l• MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private roads tor iave.tment at lowest rates on site-cl•m Mortgages. And) to°ARROW & PROUDr'OOT. pp RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN• •mono.. Real irate and Morey o..l.g nt- *,goat. Only Ielass companies r'epleesulea Moloy to lead on stretch loam. at 18e lowest rate of interest Ing. in say way to suit OA oorrewer. Oto..- Sao. wad doer from Square. Wes Strews Dodo. doh. MOW Artlolos for Bale 1 IME FOR SALE. -GOOD FRESH J lime kept ooestaatly on hand em the rid* R.amve lhae kilo. All orders for dor.ery will be p .eptly attended to. X. BARCR. *am 7.LOR BALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST r p.lrys-45 hi. Moe 1 11-16 1a. ben. er ems be bored to fit larger shaft. Mood as new. Will be sold et • tse.os.ble Sears. Apply at Tits SINAL moons Printing louse. North -at.. Oade ieh. g<tt. TPaveUlat Dahlia (RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ?raise strive s.d asset N Oadtmlek es fel- low. : ANINISIVIL and d leprous . L$ was. ess Mixed ~. l•.N p.m. :.NNam. Mixed papa .. ........................T.Np.m. gewur. tel.. .....................7....m Publle eon... busting. ranging. N O'rICK. -ALL PINIONS FOUND arm will eemealag set Iwli . 4 te w. N.d..r. Ise of Colborne. and the Palle Itus.rvve. 1n theg Eleebante.' I)•.*Iats. GODEH.ICH 10OHANI(Is' 1Nflri- vIWERARY AND RZADZN*F 111) ear. et Nam street ..d /a•ue lup Op.fremIse50....tdfree7tN►.m. ABOUT 1000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. LandingD.17,, frer and IAwfrew Papers, eaL gia.22.gtree um 1 U10ary sMMla/HIP TICKS elan ssd•t y wh"'w...d by •rtll a r. SD. OKAithiAN Oa0. IRIViM, OMmle8 'Mase! ISM y lrs endow reduction in gym! Goods. The bal- sas* dour Spring Stock will be sold regardless of cost for the aszt 30 drays. Dress Goods worth 10 and 12c. per yd. reduced to d0. Dress Goods worth 96 and 30c. re- duced to 10c. per yd. Sat- een. worth 20c. for 12 c. per yd. Prints worth lZc. and 16c. for 8;c. per yd. Many other lines also greatly reduced. Call and we shall be glad to show them. JAMES A. REID. Jerda.lt Meek,(Maoris*.J alts 11th. stet DOWN OF OODERICH. T11&ASLRER'8 SALT OF LANDS FON TAXES. Pommies Osrratuo, 1 By virtue of a /p m. warrant under the *..8 len of the Tows d'Jodertob and said oorporstlos. barium J mos. to ane directed. TONY, upon the lead. In the TONY, of taxes due thereon. Mat Weal tM gases. together with .11 coat., sesame I stall proceed to sell the asig lads 1tr ttgttAir.` er as much tae The Joimdgbd. tsvegedmisL s N Y CH. on S , islet. at Lots or 1Cunreal'n part of lot.; *trait. _ h 8. pt. B7tt Ig Resitting Nee 14 16 • M W. pt. 1001 '• i 1; 1111 11N3Oil 11M I11 *178 1I • **115 1116 IP 1E2 /5 32 67 le se W Iron'. der'y 14' 2 751 M 19 Reed'. Survey 14 1. 16.1 50 43 14 504240 55. 14 5 Ifii2 35 • Malt. Road 1.4 135 3 35 10 1-4 4 161 35 11 1-4 115235 it (*Tyree Street 3 14 3 W 3230 s " " I 1-4, 3 81,2 30 rs 94 15 70 70 70 N 94 s W. L MURTON. 7 131 Town Treasurer. Ooderfch. June S. 1N1. LIIRIS .2 • R°O'l I2 EER A Mc.. bottle makes S gallops of [toot Beer. • delicious Hummer drink. MAR5UAN(YS FRECKLE LOTION, 30e. SEA SALT for the Bask. 25o. Box. RATH AND BCoOI' SPONGES. HELIOTROPE TOILET SOAP. 10e J. Vi' ILao.r'r Peseealrrloo Deco Syoas. MUSICAL TREAT. -11-- P R (1 F. T. ZOELLNER AlNr IIIA FAMOUS PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA FRIDAY, JULY 22Il1, 1892. AT THE Grand Opera House. T•kins advantage of the musical excursion from Berlin and neighboring towas en Frtdy. the lied. manager Saunders. has at great ex- pense, secured the above f.moow orchestra dor one of their select entertainments. This is ens of the Anent musical orgssfsatlooe is Quads, and will glue oar ousel people ea opportunity of hearing incises music yea - dared by artists of renown. Maseger Sena - dere Mosta hit efforts fa this tine want be ep- pred tM. See Programa. ADMISSION' M. Certain at Ills o'clock- RiBlRviD 15. Carriages at 10 o Week. Reserved sopa ter sale at Fraser t Porters. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN 51 vita van OF AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S .sST•L P1MAMA MU SOUK RIOCM. •(IT -51I (IT, - OOD1tit0T, ONT. It M unlimited u helselten rmattf 1. tM Irma mummer mlie • Illown, Ie admit that 1 here 18esad ad.I: - sokmaillireseluSeeylt sse s.. pelsrnes dekrnri; smarty latest il meal. IN Ned sol f ntr.sn. y of teal! of AVOW of sy b elm, ewe ewe very tittle pate la Dee mese • stream mesa .ANTI -IV Mit VID P03D1'QA. le • lean wwweethetie that never asps.e the se wens. and dr meow' know. eelliebtast. Is a h se steam the set* sen-5e.Nuve te sola. indents amen we it r Pea•tiveey 11s,vNNe as as mw.as. et GM amoral tooth a dEsus. epsatloas well sad •*slin Esus Wmarn are waste.. DR t RiCHARDSON. Mast s..►o.smeam i . sago d sharame lord be rib M dais Oln tiro satatday N ose Ter Okr asatgn o w* lir M apt tea. XIS - day aim. dw.1 Adwrllaalme a Nona Wednesday • mask. M Ile THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. . aside mamas >~ rata' eels. 4d MIA ht• past Ills •.•r-tilmkisr.q"`'.w•e w Tea variety Moire • MY .nee t sup as. meat mils and It as spry moderate_ prima Gama Throe are as moao•a4 iri miabseil d, for eka•etvno iv u the art stadia el R_B. aY- ioaalMsgwork eaWertm lois soov s, 802 the tkoattbwtW ►aMrp+easMaa builsee ptvaa t The pesery seams r =son .04181.218t.mvbg kepis. as k ll..edel'tii 18. West .trees Mime tart seen. r .t Lesiva *sabots? ea gttnmis le...ad A .took of .s.s.a.his goods last received. prism soli *10.. 8se W adv. e. pp 7. Tits Btu emote Eltcauttoi.-Tho choir excur.ioa op the line from Waterloo sad Berlin peomt.m to bo the event of 18. .a - son. A. elaborate program has hoes pep- pered, and if the weather be fine • grad gaNteriag o.a be anticipated. STacyi sy Lrearo tsu.--last Friday afternoon during the storm, Ugbtaing struck the brick residesos of A. P. McLean, on the Huron road. The brick chimney was broken to pieces, the stove-pipee shattered, and twolouts broken to splinter., also • large a made in the cellar. The wrpeta caueht fire, but the lire was soon put out. Tuns is Riau. -Clinton New Kra : A prominent citizen of Clinton said the other day, "1 don't pee what takes people to Goderich in picnic parties, to be roasted in • treeless park, when they might loll under the shady bowers of Hayfield's beautiful groves." We suppose it is the want of the railroad, hut, like the painting of the town hall, we are "hoping" for It. A Mt ei.•.u. T1LAT.-"The Mseinerehor choruses were very excellent and reflected the greatest credit, not only on the societies represented, but especially on Prof. Zoell- ner for bringing so much music and hyrmo.y Ont of so many people who had never before sung together."-- Berlin ldaily News, Aug- ust 21st, 18&. Prot. Zoellnet' and his or- chestra will appear in the Grand Opera House on Friday everting. Tut Pint UAamurtC Oec.r?SA. - A treat ria store for our musie-lovi.g people. Manager 8.uader., of the Grand Opera House, taking advantage of the excursion iron Berlin o. Friday, 22nd July, has se- cured Prof. Zoelleer to give one of their select cc.certe in the Grad Opera House. This will afford an opportunity,to our towns people to hear • grand orchestra, something we are not privileged to hear very often. He has put the price so that everyone can go andbear the grand organization. see adv. o. page 8 and programs. A Nr i .t s. a - The practice of men and boys bathing at the mouth of the Maitland river, and disporting themeelves os the breakwater and along the beech in a nude 0amdit:os, is becoming an intolerable nai.- anoe. A number of our citizens have their pleasure boat+ housed up the river, and .r. prevented from going out on the lake with their lady friend. on this account, (then wish to enter the river for die purpose of fishing. Other seasons our town police had this matter in hand with (.irty rood results, and similar steps ought to be take. .t mos to have this nut..os stopped. A PLEASANT Eva, -T. --Lest evening, at the docs of the day's work, the employees of the Goderich (Egan Co. proceeded in • body to the office and presented D. R Monnet, die former manager and bane sup- eri.tendeet of the factory, with • b..d- .ome gold -headed cane, a000mpanid by the following adders : Yr. D. RL Yeaztn. Due Are, - - We, the employees d the Goderich Origin Company. desire to express our kindly feeling and good -will toward you on this the 000saion of your separation from s as mechanical superintendent and late manager. We therefor ask you to ac- cept this Dane se • token of oar esteem, and we hope, not merely thee yon will have it to Zook at, tett that it may be some 'rapport when yon aro going down the hill of life. (Signed by the employees). D. S. Chuff reed the address and the Dane w.. pro.ented to Mr. Menzies by F. L Sssbl.ksr. Although taken oomp(&.ly by surprise, the recipient made • neat pod ap- propriate reply, after which "He's • Jolly Good Fellow" was sung with a will. Be- fore the "boys" dispersed manager satin - dare nide the *mine announcement flat Mr. Missies, although having severed his m.ssotiam with the factory, wi11 remain in the employ of the company. LOCAL BREVITIES. C. Blackdase is prepared to give lessors to vacal or iseurune.tal meanie. The citizen's band will play every Satur- day evening on the Square, weatkmr per- mitting. The Rev. Roger Howard, of l:odsrieb, is the newly appmeted carate of All Sainte' Church, Wi.d.or. It is pomible to extract tooth painlessly sae the p•tiest retain c„nacion:ma.e. Dr. Richar,.ue dose it. come and .me him. Advertiser : Mrs. C. A. Cor and family, of South lender. have gone te Godmich heights to ruetrc.te for • weak or two. Rruasels Post : Mrs. R. i_ Taylor .ed family ted Mies Smith Ire eajoyl.hgg Dake H.ros's breams at OoderM► std vie[nhty. Thersdsy of Mat week Gee. W. Thomson showed usi a hunch of timothy w►rh mess - Med 6 ft. 2 is. is l••isb- it wow grown s tae farm of Jobe Ran, Hallow. Dr. M. Niahoeen, the W. -al• dentiet. maims the preen -ranee et the Wand teeth Mr :ea.4 .a silkier hem f 0.m. Wednesday et net week H.leraeareolab>g the B.ZMd road were ..aps.sdly galas. .d by the yeas of • port dAre sown their way to BardW to as s sappy a day'. apart Upsetter : Miss Amnia Ila., BI..My. sapeennt sewn time with segadatenese 1■ (7dmria► Nat wok. Mia Jame. Alkene head, of Goderich, was Makin old nogwaa.. Meso. is Mtaaley this mask. Advertiser froward is D. M.Csehr y pMt r bays alas Q.dmli. ►ra.k Miller, Fred ani Harold Kerrigan, (leeep Lsnes.sod - Mo. land •. 111 1110i8.g Mfg shard W pew. rhiThe gra mullet leo NM .a*Yg IM his porlasammrs of Harde't and dlsaa eraterb fel soar Mom Mrd in VYdiarM. and the peaerat meal f.r • g .Mby . nosh Wits .r t8. deemsr. 7'etd _ nets." -- 'hire.•. Mali. Ar- flak Irl# Beery Inver d ..i. ah..Y haw Ped. R.eliw sad his greed seM.let e. Ihrtgr evening as the Greed Opera ktttre. j PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Retry Cies spat 8..1p i■ Sawa. N.s Dynes* d Barrie, r is tows ta weak. i. Asp.. M.D. Allem • was is sows lows wept. J. Kasha... of Leakasw. ors h town this west. R. Prosser, of I.aekmoer. was in town this week. D. C. Taylor, of Laoksow, vetted town the week. 0110. Lawless. of Late ow, was is town this week. J. D. Mordecai', of L.cknow, wap in town o. Monday. Wm. Cassell, of Leoknow, was its town as Moeday. J. Roberto= lett ea Tuesday last for the Northwest. Jessie Urrmmott, d Ilratpana, wow i• town this week. Mr. GClabh, d X. lith! Qty. is veiling friends in Iowa. K S. Hays, barrister, of Ss.torth, sent Sunday in town, R. W. Mcleod, of Kincardine, is vieitinr in town this week. Miss Armatro g, of Stratford, was visit - in town this week. P. Malamute*, barrister, of L.ckaow, was its town this week. Mim Florence Williams hes returned home for her holiday.. Geo. McTavish, of Jae. A. Reidn store, visited London this week. John McDonald, of Hammond, Indisaa, is vesting fries& in town. Jas. Bryan, editor of The Lucknow 8s - *eel, was in *owe on Monday. Mies Ethel l'aaatter, of Stratford, is the gust of bar brother hen than week. Capt. R. Murray, of the Salve** Army, Toronto, is visiting his moths'. i. Iowa. Can. D. Mutherlaaf, of the sohr. Cataract, was visiting his family in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Belcher, of Detroit, are visiting the tatter's mother, Mrs. George Hetes. Mn. T. Healey left on Friday for Cuirass to attend the funeral of her brother, the late Jaa. Tess. Pp Raw, founder of the well -know. pub- lishing bouw, R Raw t Co„ is a guest at the Point Farm. Mrs Goo. Pasmore sad chill and Ma. and Miss Robinson, of St LOU* are the guests of Mrs. Partnere. Mrs. A. Cudgel left on Wednesday for Southampton, where she will spoil the re- mainder of the Summer. Mies Nellie MaoCormac, who is teaching at Wallaceberg, is spending ha holidays with her trieals is town. • Mrs. Tbo.. McGillicuddy sad skildren, of Toronto, are visiting relatives and friends is Uoderich sad vicinity. Rom Restall, wife and two sons, of Kin- cardine, are viuti.g in town, the guests of Mr. and Mn. F Riab.rdson. Mrs. Wm. MOCre.th, wbo had been visiting friends in Port Albert tor the part two weeks, returned home this week. Mrs Jeanie McDonald and Mos Guest left on Friday on tbe str. City of Windsor t: visit friend. in Windsor end Detroit. Hugh Bain, jr., left on Wednesday for Southampton, when he h.. smeared • Mina - tics as shore hand tor the Bade Fiat Co. Mrs. Clark, wife of W. F. Clark, V. 8., has rose to spend a few days with relatives in the vicinity of Dunlop. She is accom- panied by her young daughter. Oliver Coleman, who has been •ttesidie g the Collegiate Institute ben for the post term as • third -clam student, left on Fri- day last tor his home at Hill. green. Mrs. C. J. MacGregor and Mr.. Hyslop, of Stratford, arrived 1n town on Tuesday, and will spend four or five weeks for the good of their health. They are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo Cox, Brittania road. MARINE NOTES. The City of Windsor was in on Sunday coo her way up the lake. The schr. Mary, with 400 toss of opal for the Big Mill, arrived in os Me.day night. The scar. Ontario.pt reached here on Moedaf from T6emalos wtith lom- ber for N. Dyment. Wm Marlton has the wrecking crew working oo the Bavaria this weak and ex- pects to hase her on the Woad by Monday The fishing boat, Mapse leaf, loft hero s Monday for Sosthampten, where she will fish tor the r.m.fad.r of the ssoson. She was massed by (apt. R. Saunders, D. Wiggins and Newman McLeod. The stuupp Sea King slid ()roadie left ea Wednesday morning for Ssthampic. where they will fish for the reaiader e .i the .seas. They were gamed as follows : Sen King - Jae Inkster, captain ; L. Matthew.,engineer W.h . Whorls, Jahn Jim Re Coutts, id mod Maloolmm McIver, crew. Orcmda - John Craig., ttmptabi Wm. Meaeree, esgiaser ;Atsg.. M.rray, A. Foley, Robe. Crmigie .sod JJotSuther- land. Thi. Mame may on tag mad two boats t.hima hers, vis., Seibold, Capt. P. Wylie; Soosoh Th' Alex. f.rsigie ; Goderieb Bells, Oapt' David Mor - POPLAR ROW. Prem ear own eovvesesadmmt. Frank Mallows left on the Witt/leer, Fri- day, for Detroit, Mins Ella Peter, of lk.mpton, a the guest of hr mal, Mtn H. Morrie lira Harry Morrie returned home Friday, attar • insedien piemerat vYt is Wakefield, Quebec, and Busy ptsa, Oat. Pleasaste aMrmatie.. iDo' pike e !" asked the young man, retai.gs mNm little *mist d the -yea g wtiom he was • tt•lp. I is She rot as w8 se I Nke hick junk sol IN R...m he always gives m. tan mobs MI la est et the nems when he omen Mme mess." Z vtsta<.olls to an "At Homoe or a wedding regain+ eammitionthist trots in .pips Mon eei•ti , bat we mak. K a. easy •aNer by lumping in Moak w tiny latest ..d bast samplas he h/ marl ( U ..d ego. THE WEBi(LY MIARICIET Itgeo ff1 11114101110 alr•eg. "~'I lot ns 11 al ig ...••••._ ... u legiwingh.: al Ilek eigniala iittul • M ma wet '11:::1911114111111 iwyta ,........... . •stet •Mrtp;j pays ........... 635411 papa. •aa+t as-Ysrl We 10.aa Sherbet. The moire d lire steak at the rash it the llsatreal Stash Yards Company, Nut 8t. Castes, for the wash medlar J sly 14 ware se follows :- rq.ebd, • ..:: s eat Tlaft over otai for week •revisor *EMI 110 WII Lett an *and 111gl Theft were Lir resape of export atetk tar the week .t these yard., then bssag material champ la values, .ad het Hag cattle changing hands. Trude ter Maden stook was somewhat d.11 Owing tits ettsenive heat tiers was some Mehews•a abut baying, sad the demand ahem equalled the supply, whish was not hemp Titer. was a good demand for expo Th the average valuta Bain .Mat hog trade was fair, eke aqui , I.i.e sett. ly for light weights. We quote the following as being (sir values : a2t0 ell heed en O.pla. Nut lambs I` ver 44. 4 1c to Jo 4 s e itt sa r to ____.... The Signal once mon calla stle.tios to ill Job Printing 'ties, which are unser. passed outside the cities for the prompt and proper execution of all chiasm of printing. A perusal of this announce. mast may suggmt s.metii.g you may be in need of. sad da such amps we soli. cit your p.trofeeling oonlideet that our efforts t pew will meet with the approval d our petrous -Letter Me(aels In this line we have a very large stock of fine writing papers suit able for every clan of businem represented in this locality, com- prising laid and wove, lianas, quadrille and other papers, ruled or unruled, .k may be required -Rote ‘sada This useful Mae is kept in the full range of qualities name as leper heads. While Demo. 1ea&s are not so generally used, they fill an important place in commercial correspondence. See what we're got ander the above heals. B.\\ treads If the " pa-as-yoa-go " plan au the order of the day the demand for account paper would not bu so great ; but there are some mm who get so many dunners that they wonder if the stock will ever run out, We don't intend it to, and at present our stock is cos plete in this line with four ism Good paper and neat ruling. Siltaterl a Ms Both single and double dollars and cents columns. They cams cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to sad atter delinquent once a strath. Thq are sure to fetch hiss 'round - sometime. Now, it would bo hard to ri along without eaW Wkeep up with the Masa them we keep a lags amok • hand. We have now about s hundred thousand in stock, end the proves will range from ilk. t0 $1.00 per M. We handle cos meeei.l and legal shies exclusive has already been partially smirk erated in some Of tho beads above There is, however, a vast sa:oad of work under this head *EA le enumerate wouldtlpore thea tale up the entire spans occupied b) this adv't, but we do it all at Til ('MORAL. #‘‘. TSC &02 o3 W oar. . in the typagegghjoiLlpi ieWg Y can be aim -1g NW WitablIMMAINS in an systilisei aid& Itasnmee and Ovtr 'Phaees ub:A•be. Soulke *Ivy reasons fit. W. eu8end our *Man fit pi ere sad solicit a //slllltaee d w mslr. T W . %`‘ OX .1M mow iRs. Aiwa 160gear. OltaaM Wasp ad mai the Heti Ian M+* PSIORS tiollV of niinst