HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-21, Page 6$ ( .. midi: b� diftOrtrult ddt Litt 21, 1$12. • TALKS FOR THE FARM. WNITEWA$N MAY ea APPLIED AD - VAN TAGEOU$LY JUST NOW. Mew N /lake Use Arebel* eta Teat It MD Diet Deb 0 -T\ta . That t►. 1atelll- geat Dalrrw Mill net De -new t• Wog e.a4ty. i4s tifammili the animal mast,dams ell at emoore.q roy `h. gteml.■ttn`in :: . me an in a .audition to ly tit tweet tionkln.' Aa it is readily .wen us �W. and Mtrf be picked o/, it shoe* M �M wail caged by tMe or uthatwflp\ it is nut Sant Is peek mL the aunt mad throw it the ground, as the rae wig dig to terms. The ninewgg♦teyd t--(1) Sow char woad ; (Y) etmp minntae m•sulutwad (1 al b1 Oars .sawn la Wheat. �►uu of water), mien es as b wan "11'bitowaehi■g" is in 111141«,11 at all times Wm evenly, thea annual b • boor b en the farm, but especially aduring the may. cur add ewe lad platter or dseked wassailer ao4 about the poultry protium* in lime and mix mail dryOm gallon is about particular . ter lour bushels. -Som* pr All the out -buses, coop., tamnA ani ie..wan R esIaMon a.d • 1e.av otog oven Om trunk. d train nam dead • thorough l.616, ----ria d wae wady 3( More washn'ng t wdx • year, •d the whole pia hereto 747). >h 1►. six loss d appearance.baudwood •ohm la ten paws d water: hat foliage of the troy d1 surroundings, but is considered I.y arnr too, glaring and hard o■ the eye. This can easily he r.uie dual by the addltiou .,t • little dry coloring ss may suit ares 1 u ' Poultry houses •ud troops should be white- r4 with °Dorsi wt��, 15► Ilmirea'tei the in hot water f!g° F. unison y made w take on • more moth mot 1 hit ask a Lisa. or. t•lcn 40 Iba. n ow and attractive White makes • the tin, -• utrad with the grant this dad • day, from time b te, and the water pound will be • suiatiw about the rune etr.agth as the preceding. (4) brim strum enough to float am do* 1 k very wall if the seal oiler m k for rev washed inside awl out. All the nest bots seal grata a�•1 and .dher fixtures should revi%e a coating. (or BYe mnnuter, or 13L' F. for tift.en min - The ordinary- lime hail water loath far. the uta., destr •ys meat spore. with ut injury desalt anlage od early w••sbimg off, amt alio to the goon. A temperature of 3' Serve .r Sticking to and narking anus clothes or bduw t v st hu has o t 14 results. akeep nericau Poultry Yard, three excellent re- it may he readily dipped into any d the I m fey rltmgg whatever runs againit. N e clip front the I lb. seal in a sack mote "f vse 1n•terial spa for ;leaking whitewash that will not i aolatiou. talxnuwenole . rub ot1 : I 1 e;.. r 3re6 galls nappy. .., tie water, d lime, keepin1 jut furlcvered w ith i I the Year. Whin gardin is . , water during itroe , to mnuvc the weLnaeut that►11 tag to the iwo Areg~ne ter feel ely like an* near ' • tom, set add W it a peck of salt dissolved in satin water; three pounds of ground rima boiled in water to • thin paste ; one- half proud powdered 3p•uieh whiting, and • dermal of clear glue diseolv-e1 iu warm *&ter. Mix the different ingredients thoroughly and let the mixture eland for severs!. bar-.. When rea.Iy to 1100. apply it hot. ft • les quantity is deemed, use the same Ioropol uo s. f A good whitewash for use apou oat - side work may be prepared as .dlstre t 124111eglIti■' mobilo* and ter spare, Blake ii I.oildlW water one-half iushe) of ingbi n' r in. all hand daft lime .mod 'dram as l efiore. Add to this two Thp *rd oldLien pound,..d sulphate of zinc and one pound of Minuet ft a would. •m in malt dd issvnl In water. 1f any color but y lost, white is denied raid about three purls of Ej 6e6m od y yrr,p.t n . the desired coloring natter, such as Jpaint--D,,tr,Ut Tribune. ern use in preparing their print.. 1 el►0w beau Lilo ereanh cr Whim in the aero ' The d.>wer bells Their fairy notes is rin4ln'! Sow beets an' parenip..how, their Imam Cucumbers too i. 1*e.11110' The earth o'er 'tater pate/we heaves, An' an' bean+ 1. Woocuinmushy' crook -neck mush AD' ems, b'1. omit C.nol�l'a11y le tannin'. ochre will rake a t Dor, brows, re.ls, an.1 various shales of grecs are eq all) (mode obtained. 3. Anc•ther excellent waah, lasting almost as well ,.. orduar) laiut, rimy he prepared for outside work ae follows : Slake in boil. ing water oue half bushel of lime. Strain on .. t0 remove all so.linlent. Add two pounds of .ul hate of zinc. etre pjound term nom salt. and one-half rime! whiting. thor- oughly •1•,a.dveil. Mix to proper consis- tency w 111) skimmed milk and apple hot. 1f wi.itc it not .leaned, add enough catering out t. -r lo produve the desired .hw1e. Those who iie.t. tried this recipe consider it muck sneerer, , let in appearance anddur&behty, t.. er•liary washes, and suns lave not howl• Steel to declare that it compares very favor- ably 04th good lead paints. It is •h cheaper than paint and and give. the teases and yards to which it is applied • very attributive •ppearaaoe. Thiess W. De Its 1De. 1. We .lo not ...rounder that we know everything about butter mekung, as smme- tbing new a tieing discovered ,every m eiIh. 1,ot only frau our own work •re we con- tinually leeniing, but els.. from the obser- vation and rew,arch ..1 others. W.• .1.. out keep a cow that maks AM than .ten pound* .4 butter tq_ay'eat 3. Nor put the dry .waw on • starvation ration : 4. Nor expect a cow to make something oat of nothing: 5. Nor keep our cows in au ice-lpouse, hog pen or dungeon : g. Nor •Il,w them to go • whole year without csr.ling or brushing them. 7. Nor depend upas pasture alone for a supply of suuun0r fee.t. re. tt'e .1.. not allow the milk to stand very lug in the .table to alrooh foul odors. le We do not neglect to strain the milk at ecce after milking 10. Nor est the milk in deep cans in well water without changing the water at lead twice, or without ice ; 11. Nor mix sweet crest with cream to he churned les than twelve hours before chnrniui . IThe cream is ripened in one 010 - eel w in. 1. hold0 the cream for the whole churning) : le. Nur add scalding water to the cream; n or guess at the temperature with the finger : nor take two or three hours to chum 13. Nor gather the butter until the "dasher stasis on top," and then dip it out of the buttermilk ; 14. Nor sold cowrie salt by guest ; nor work the butter 11110 gramme. 15. And finally, we do not send our but- ter to market wrapped in .d.1 rage that may have assn other service in the home. - Ontario Agricultural College Bulletin. SMUT IN CANADIAN WHEAT. SAWS Sesta Notes. As sown as the crow begins to do extra work give her extra food to sustain her system. Lambe au nov-ahk pens hake excellent dewtrevers of plantain. owl other weals on the lawn. Feel the horse three tunes daily and never between meals, no matter how much he may whinny. Water before. feeding. Oar Ovale l.e•INed Lees la Kuntaad se This 4eeeme1. From all * 4ouuts our wheat is curling date poor repute in the old aointry markets. What with .xonplaitita deet fanity imps tion a.l smut it would sane that unless some action is speedily taken the exert trade in whoa will be .va11 much more meri- ouel- harebeappat than it is now. ('resident Baird, of the Tonto Bowl of Ttwcle, rule two statements the other .lay which •heuld 01)011 the eves of every cue to the imprtam•e of soloing smut in our wheat. lfe said Kugl..:. importers of 1'.ta.lian wheat had Ura seamen demanded a relate of two and three shillings a quarter from ('anadien shippers on account of the presence of gnat in Ontario wheat. and he added he believed that if nor wheat hail hese free from molt we should h•oe hal a goad steady export dern.d tip to the present time. A I•nlletia of the Agricultural College, Guelph, published a .duple of years ago, ueaa of meat and the remedy it say., In the course eieD interesting dem•riptinn of Re habits, sem wheat is atfe•tel with smut the gpidna are shorter and more swollen reD *seal awl Frans • greenish. dark coke. 1loriet.me they ate embed. These sainted gram are completely tilled with EOSIN sinI tt bta'k spews, having an unpleasant sash, mad presentee( under the names/or • s*iswhmt roughened appear .sell, 710 repn.ltwtive bodies called .q d.. or @parities an ,wedard meta& ti,. wheat plat, hat when they masse ho cvmt.et with the young host they had it. way Into it* tissues, ad runup the Seen hetween thed Mmores they Aim reach the seed and ares ie tiny Ord 1t has loom .•akn'ated that me grin may oom- 14n so., w reek' spores ,melaand n'thin the them skis and not etpmsd es In the mamma anis of whom and est& investig.tin. that the tenable b is from rho groaned sad t that the mala .1 the at- tmt tti.wi..•ly* law the h11.st om4 wemtsllb ID the grab t that awed �mtte MG• I Mit_ rswia m mad .f aM whale 1~ I•Iea f! Theo TANN* rose man to that MOW nee Forty -aim per amok c t the days i• Io- M am mid to be wet. Wer cWiIss h■• hams nes arum than 10,000.000 amp • youc be hese they r>* eeltsets d the p.- -. y.. tatea A hies of 1,409 hese wig pwdme threat fifty pounds of honey annually. Life is shorter in the valleys and tow- heads than among the hills and mooniaim. 01 every hundred baby girls that are boon la Clair about thirty are pat to death. Then are 8011 mountains in the parted Stats, each excelling 10,000 feet In height. Lamsm has lour cites in which the vote at the women le larger than that of the ansa. Theta are 40,000 oil wags in the Limited States aid their daily output m 100,000 barrels. A man dowa in Georgia has built a num- bs at houses which aro occupied by widows free of nat. The total .umber of matches made yearly tiroegbomt the world represeuu s value d .1811, 000,000. Hyphenated nines are in m reasing anions New- -York fashionable people at • rate that atgg.ata a fad. The (.&dabupe bees lay their homey u Madden of wax above am large *e • pigeon's egg, anti not in comb. It is stated that 40,000,000 of Quest vie - torte's subjects in lath& Dever know what it n4 to have enough to eat. The beg battle skip Teta. will have cost Uncle team 13,000,11N[t after her gnat shall have beim put 0o 1ro•rd Kowa law recently tl7 calebr'•tal the 900th &anivereary .of the ionad•tion of the tint 1 ohristian IishoFei, he Volhyni., under the reign of St. Vladimir. In the tone of Heart' VII. parliament paesal • law which deo..yret that on and after that date pima shoe J not be sold for sore than lir. R.l. per 1.454). English medical authorities are conning to 1 the conclusion that the smoking of pure opium is trot nearly so injurious to Chinamen as has been supposed. Of fourteen tint -Claes racers now on the Atlantic, four are 4.ertran built, one hails • froth France, ate from the Clyde, two fres Belfast, and our from the Mersey. The p,pulati.•ri of the United Kingdom may roughly he divided into two psrta, 0110. fifth and four-fifths. The one-tifth contains ' the rich. the four-fifths contain the poor. There are fifty-three telephone companies in the United States, .1 belonging virtually to the Bell monopoly. They ha:. 241 ex - 1 changer, 478,746 telephones and .1,46.5 sai- 1 plryes. I.k Mameschusetta man has invented a re- cording device for seals Upon a roller is plwwl r piece of paper, upon which a mark - or records the weighing of the scales se jdesired. Mr. F. H. )(app. of Milledgeville, Ga, 1 is reported ter hare received a diploma and gold tne.bl from the Inventive society of 1 L'&ris, France, for a bread -raiser she ham in - tented. 1 The most violent thunder storms in the world recur in French Guiana The • thunder there in an ordinary storm midmost deafening, while peal follows peal in quick � w«xeashu. The olden Knglish crown u the ancient imperu l diadem oriole for (larks IL to reprl*ce the one worn by Falward, the eon- : know, which was broken in and sold durhlg Ithe civil war. Japanese jugglers are deft smoker Several of them will sit before a curtain and, from the tohacoo smoke which Sues from their mouth, will form • succession of jreadable letters. 1 A New Porker has aisle a clock from 34,1410 pieces of wood, c onpri'ing over throe hundred varieties. For sixteen years he has had sailors twinging him rue woods from every quarter of the glebe. 1 Comparison u( the results of the sunshine recorder at Greenwich. England, for four- ' teen years shows that thrnughout the year the average daily amount of sunshine m little mon- than three hours. If the sun gave forth sounds Mud enough • to real the earth, such mounds. instead of ' reaching um in the space of shout eight minutes, as light does, wool) only arrive after a period of nearly fourteen years. If wool is left on a suckling ewe till after the seal shearing time and her lamb is meantime weaned. the wool will start • second growth and will show • joint or ' break in the fiber that will injure it'ari- 1 cooly. In Australia there are caterpillars fries six inches to • foot long, and when a young lady has ups of theme drop on her lick heir she says @s ething in • seven -octave voice with • calliope attachment rung onto it. It Or very generally agreed anwrng mats - abate that the tortoise is the longest lived I of all animals. Many have attained the age of 250 years, while one is known to have reached the unparalleled age of 4.10 years. 1 An America paper says that • church in ' the sown of Bergen. Norway, is Milt entire- ly of paper. It can seat 14100 people in comfort and has been rendered waterproof by a solation of quicklime, curdled mi an! white of egg.. 1 The gambling tables at Monte Curb netted toter proprietors lad year over 000,000. Baron Camilo Blanc and Prince es d m Rndziwill, who parchaaprta.aad the interest d Strictly choice cattle are not in exoe the deand •t any time. There m always au extra `crier ready for an extra choice .a- n.l this ap. plies W everything that pi - may he roams!. hie reason why fowls pay- u because they are aeoomnsdsts w turn waste prodncta lute al.k slcommodities. odities. Poultry on • large male fails, "wing to the• fact that there are not wasproportion wastes enough to use in prortion to the number of ),Inds kept, an.)) cash rinds n. have to he used for theEvery farm tan with profit uwnurin a tunabflo le ck, but there i. a limit beyond which it. will not pay most of t1. to. go. Hematite usually receive more atteitiou in summer and fall than i. given themo earlier. The nutter of profit t.. 1.e derived from therm depen.s or the use to which find they are put. Bantams but little sale • market. rket. and t.o their eggs are o small b 'Sip, Int in proportion to their sue they lay larger eggs than do other breeds and at no greater not for food, while their eggs are fully equal to. larger eggs for use at ro home, and in that respect they afay aa profitable as the larger breads. Hogs re.1nire a great deal of water and it would Ire lwtter w•islom to qwc them thepure, cad water than d, stuff them with foul "swill" as so man) farmers do. Pure water, clean quarters and fh..bs maize the hest pork. selected • are electel in the way in inouh- cient water mere than any other domestic animate. Formerly it was quite common belief that sheep could get along without water when on pastures and "oat 01100' in the winter, hut se one now who maks sheep raising a profitable Wiriness lets them go without good water and plenty d it. Proper watenng u certainly -more mowed cal and humane than losing the benefit. tenni feeding because of neglect in this line. A young calf allowed w suck its dam gob a little warm milk many timer. • day. It will fatten faster than we have ever been able to. fatten calves by any process of hand feeling. One difficulty is s that the milk, even if no create tute been taken 0f, is usually net m. warn as that direct from the cow. The gnat point in handfeed- ingi. regularity. Whatever fond m given should he warmed to new milk heat, and fed at two meas, twice per clay. The calf eau better than with d a noon -day meal. athe fool Inas plenty of time to digest before the etownsn01) is attain lorded. in this wayhealthful digrstiou ie promoted, and if the calf if kept till six months old it will he better am than if allowed to rely on its dfor food. Coe aatlew Is Using P.I.e. 1'rincl Roland a, are now the There is no .e in iperIlr wan I principal owners of the eoueern. 1 10rit a eft the The statistics of the crease house in Sam sm .Itdon Fruition ahrw t t aim 0f ,:10,000 and n1y labeled I wail reflected year as duty o n Ma - pane trees a' pit Ing en ee are oilmen 111: I the he r he kept in • safe place, polo last the Posses." Ito not didnhute the poises I.Portatlous of anwkin fps• 0t that port with the hands. Always keep to the wind &lone• with the tat" at i1.2 a pend. This vunl tide of pint. or trees when rpplying meana an imprtstiou of 492.011) pounds. the powder .w Iuiuil. i)o not use tb.al Op* hundred and fifty of the songs and upon leaves or fruits which are sown to be ballads of Buena are sou in be pnMuhed m eaten. There m seldom. if ever. any .1*nger Czech by the editor of • Prague newspaper. in eating vegetable and fruit after they In emery instance the Bohemian translator have been exposed to the am mrd rain for Ins proeervrg the metrical form of the • law weeks. as sever) ponds or beaMla of , origgi+nal, • fest of •pp•rastly very great treated (mita or v.getablee would haus to ' skill. he communed at one time of one imc 1 1 The )0..0.40s hMter pn+teotei %gsines victual t.. incl • ahfb.-ient '1""e the poaissa the evil effects of the excesere hart than te (nota.* menu. result.. Ted LIN hie white brother* in two ways Th. t.. eiremgih of the diluted mitten om • few I tare of his cotta, is exeepticaally well plants first to seeertaie if it will injure 1 dap tad to ino,srage. foe per* iestlam, ad the leaves. Never apply it to trait trees 1 his natural temperament DMus not incline while in Morar, as the Anson will kill thehim an borrow i,.mble Iargaly. s formation hoan necessary to the fowatio n of parka 1 i Fre srgemt artificial none in the world front t forma t . Ira. of the B•rtioldi Motets of /Ihy-lfee Tease • 4)eeo.. _f hb.rty oro Bmfle'• Mood, New York bar- L-ncfofl is ea 1•• sad es boa. This resew 140.0 was wade fres Queen I� p Iw.ken map rock, sad &■d Anurias■ ee- wane T>t alae Anel rageeml Ah -Ro-u yeva ,e Her excellent, it not th gives , over �, pM1 gwrelr of maiNit were used b premia. that she will mead .rut the century amrnualadantum the rmml . ss ()Warn Mal I. .... 7111 .kwy of the professor Millie, of Table, rents /1Ms ssewe when the news was homed herd Awa stone d Mur dant scrawls to the thecae is interest The w1�111-11r61�/ �' l robust, mast. Fi hndre i o.r'-hue d mad .ell m[' lame .bek at a Ki1tg dint at Wisdom' ail On@esemlg.r* were ( J at moo despatched to Kane■ a.in b same l fin' r~� e( her of the event. It was midnight whew f,rwrar.:. Aundleesl mils frvrsa the mess ej f The shot was en A.0 that, the el«1'm■ r eawas awakened ad ohs i1 hid newts nmd •ham siMt acd me st one* into the mesa to mat the alasV ■ • n, wide pleat*, it slid mot offset the eyes, area had sio■l. r not the flask Men covered with it it t■i�t weig�r*. attired in •• Mite a slaw 1 t hnrww over h.r r*, y nightcap of, end her test b Lith Lipara Ms have Mem ss seem ter •,nudes � los' �rL, !at pte!{� Yet is se�lo to bion stesiea for Tai a y4wna*M iM 1.ssmt�tlM li -af lawn thousand silos and lie have air hem Prises AIWA w 'leder plain d mew "German Syrup We have selected two err Croup. three lines from letters freshly received from pa- tents who have given German Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because they tome from good sub- stantial people, happy to finding what so many families lack -a med- icine containing no evil drub which mother can administer with con- fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. no. 4 WIt.urs,or Mra. Jaalp. Kraig, Alma, Nob. I give it Daughters' College, to my Hillstrom when Harrodsburg, Ky. I troubled with Croup have depended rpm and meter saw any it in attack. of Crop preparation ant like with m• little da rt. It is simply mi- tea, .Maid it .iia- raculons. valuable remedy. Fully ;ane -half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee's Ger- man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child- hood, whooping cough, croup,'iph- thetia and the dangerous inflamma dons of delicate throats and lungs. Si 99 A KENTUCKY RACE WAR. Marron a.aeavertaeg te evens. the a*eem- Nse of Sue et Their Dame. Paducah, Ky., July 12 -Shortly after 9 o'clock last aerating two or three hundred D egrees armed with Winchester ries cow greg*ted 1n the vicinity of the jail prepared for an attack. Company " C," o! the State guard located ben, was ordered out, and the sheriff organized 75 armed men. The uudentood cause of the uprising was the hanging .•f Charles Hill, • negro, who muddied Lyda Star some weeks ago, but the immed;ate cause, as state.' by • negro, was the arrest of a colored man named Thomas duress. At 11.30 o'clock the martial and nays returns.; to the jail. When the mayor promised that no violence would be dope the primmer in the jail, the Degree promised to disperse, ad began to do so. The marshal addressed the crowd of waits, mm and told them to go to their homes, as the neggroes were dispersing and no rioleace mod be feared. In • minute the crowd will reduced to the mi1tu and about forty *rmed citisens. At 12 o'clock • band of seventy-five negroes suddenly ap- peared marching down Sixth street, and they opened fire apo° the men collected at the jail. Edward Elmer, • young man about twenty years old, was .hot through the abdomen. He is dying. The fire was returned by the militia and the armed can- es, and the spews beat a retreat. The militia also retreated to the court house, where they kept op tiring until the negro.. had .disappeared down the street. It u thought some of the negro.. were wounded, although It was impoasil.le to learn my par- ticulars. The police arrested and hoe g1 id in the city jail over fifty negroes who were found carrying arms, and they are ordered to prevent any attempt to release them. Excitement runs high, and .t one o'clock this morning the streets were still filled with people. t' res etemerwl ee0Itty. A. W. Beard, Iron Hill, Que., writes :- "I used Dr. William"' Pink fills for gen- eral debility and found them • wonderful indicia ." Sold by .11 dealers or went by mail at 50c per box or 6 boxes for 9250. Dr. Williams' Med. Co., lad Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of linde io■s. 1 SES HOT TO PRBSIKTZ 456 LBS. OB' FRUIT, 11111T0111, 1110.1 TOR 011 DO o�- 32 tbs. From EI� For Tuutyho Co 1 American Fruit Preserving Powder and Liquid will 4 do it. Try it, you will like it, you will find it less than half the trouble and expense of say ether method, and more reliable and accommodating. For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the best knows method for keeping it sweet. It will effectly allay or prevent fermentationand Kamm nne..pts. Iran The Atchison Globe. t.leatd'. V.ssueel entre Garnet In (ewe. Perhaps the dirtiest thing in the world is the imide of • boy's pocket. No pretty girl or ma of wealth ever got of a joke that was not applauded. Very few competent men lack "hacking." Demonstrate that you understand your b,li.am and capital will not be at all timid. preserve all kinds Fruit, Juices, Sauces, Spice, l Tomatoes, Vegetables, Etc. Full directions inside each package. FRASER & PORTER, • ,teaseel 51ert Defet. The best cure we know of for eomntipetion led headache is the pleasant herb drink called Ione'. Family Medicine. Its mid to be Oregon grape root, combined with ample herbs, and is made for nes by pour- ing baling water on to the dried roola and herbs. It is remarkably efficacious fa all blood disorders, and u now the aoveretgp remedy with Ilium for clearing up the ool- prioe. I ruggiala sell the pgw &teka 5ps lad el. (grow) •. Leve u ■11. The editor of • southwestern religious paper reosntly received the following letter: "Dear Sir : When my subscription aspires I dean to atop taking your paper. The ally proctie.l &nide 1t has hal for the Met mea months was a recipe for g.tting rid of red at., lad on making trial of it 1 4md that it is no good. A peps ; hat gives bad advice abort rod data 'may be poet as tar of the track in its tbeoleey. and it ain't worth • blame to me." Could we see whelp sed when we are to meet •pin, we would be more Seder whims we lid our friends good-bye Louisa de la Ramos. prfece-iticP' WILD RA S1RAWBER +COLJG ERa G H Buss CHOLERA - DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY SUMMA CFS Alias fi.DRENorADULTS WOK ars. SOLE AGENTS, GODERICH, ONT Agents for Buttisrick's Patterns. J aly Delineator to band. YOU XTLL OWE FLY 12 come to the funeral. TANGLEFOOT STICKY FLY PAPER CATCHES the whole procession. Poison Papers, Insect Powder PURE PARIS GREEN. LIME 'MM. ---Hire's Root Beer 5 gals: for a delicious Summer drink. 25c, W. C. G000E, - THE CHEMIST, AGAIN ON TOP WITH EVERYTHING FOR THE GIRD IN THE SHAPE OF IMPLEMENTS. + + + + + + + Just arrived, the biggest stock of Lawn Mowers shown in this county, and the price will snit every buyer. Garden Hose away down' Agents for Budge Bicycles. Everybody,,knows they are the best. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. EN ever The Latest and Best OUR Miss DONAOH has just returned from Detroit and other cities with the latest and beet ideas in Spring Millinery, and will be pleased to give the benefit of her experience to the ladies of Goderich and vicinity who desire to avail themselves of her service& MRS, R. B. =TH. Glasgow House, March 23, 1892. NP1TIPE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just received a very osis lot of NEW TEAS! BLACK, GREBN AND JAP Wbiob we guarantee to sell .t least 10 Cuts per Pound Cheaper Than ala be bought flt+omA trial oaks' will vises you of the tru el this awst'ti s. sell the best 00 obtshi►bie. R161113 PRICE .& BON • 5 b