HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-14, Page 8TSE SIGNAL : GODIRIOH, ONT, THURSDAY? JULY 14, 1892. POISON SURER THAN POWDER. PURE PARIS GREEN Cavett 'Os Aura eIlL •Xo MMTot t SAW twinttreco r PLT Pam REFRESHING AND CXHILARAT- yg Resuserrat Lime Fruit Jun* Hires' Reel Beer.. Leos Wats. PRO TUSSIS, OCR COUGH SYRUP is always in wean. OARLSBAD, ViCHY AND FRUIT N...) Salts is bulk. PUREST AND STRONGEST FLA- rslag Extracts. SPONGES. A NEW CONSIGN - testa jest tetrad- See our prices. PRRBCRIPTIONB FILLED WITH ars, nemeses and dispatch at the liar easel. GEO. A. FEAR, tiucceasor to Geo. Rhynes GODERICH. Opel Sefiar1 for dispenest trines only. Alit. ART, x x x x R. CROCKETT, Anatol% Laadscatte, ammo slid inerwait mistier In ell .need waif eiders. CLASSES On Themes'.. Fridays and tiatnrdays, from s i.e. to 11 o'clock. sad trona 2 to 5 O'c;ucl P.x. Architectural and mechanics' Mods$. Doming' nor patents. etc. STUDIO: Neetbat.Stetdoerhumtlwaquue The lteollief. Colons*. NEW PLANING MILL tlh t and door factory. Leine American Paas and designs of houses, latest improved machinery. latest drop in prices. latest sof moat modern oarsmen. lowant prices in shingles, plue orcedai. lowest tenders isour& lower pri :es on door. or sash. R Having received orders for 30 domestic retrureretor.. i have decided to build • num- ber -my prime being so low all can afford to lave this luxury in their homes, and grocers mast Lave tt em. 1 hate secured latest An eri- tan patents. Telept.one your orders for all claws of wood work . JOSEPH KIDD. 63-i3- 17 Brftamaia-aL TA RA RA 1:01 )M DE AY 300 window stades sold in May. Business is rushing and we feel gay. Every day a bargain day. Itocm de sy. The public gee and appreciate the fact. that we ha, c the largest and heat !wort mens of wtadow shades onrn we poles. pole fittings, ■air platy,, curIam chains bras.. rods. rings, Pests. brackets and upholsterers' brae goods /n the roomy. Stade cloth all widths, lace osrtaltu,tringea,ererythutin the window line. 1. furniture everything from a parior suite to a kiteben chair. and our Incre•eing business proven that our prices are rttggbt. We slso have $ large rangy ofd wsful •rticlee required in the h our. such as washers. carpet sweepers, Moth reels. etc.. and an tit you out from the kitchen to the dowing room, also to tine camas of art to adorn It. IQddr feet of Ameri- tan. tternun and domestic mouldings io stock. and a full line of British. Orman an f common mirror pates always on bated. No charge for cutting or fitting them. BM*TH liNAT.AAR t IUBJ C U STORE. *At Special Plotless. T O. WARD. CONVEYANCER, tl . tc.. and commissioner for take and re• miTIigt rersernixances of bail, affidavits of aarwtions, depositions or aolemm deelan- eda.a in or concerning any action. suit or pre- tending ro-eseding in the High Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, or in any county or Division Court. All transactions earrfulty and promptly executed. Residence and P.U. address Lunitant.on.Ont. 13tS-tf NEW CHOPPING MILL. I am prepared to do all kinds of grain chop- ping un shortest ootice. Mill is running at all • ors. 1 have the levet and beat Improved machinery for dispatch and efficiency. Prices ✓ easonable. No delay in getting y our chop hone with y ou. 13-17 JO8. KIDD. 17 Britannia -0. Aseetdonee!IOR. It)HN GRIFFIN, COUNTY AUC. 0) tiosss,,d valuator. loan and insurance agent ease attended in all parts el the coun- 1�yy. Cenespe.deaceaolicited. Address JOHN aitlrinx Et.gabrtdge. Orders left at Trot mot.a (loos promptly Wooded to. 33•tt JOHN KNOX, OEIiERAL AUC- tloneer and lend Valuator, Oodeeloh, Ont Haring had oneelderabl errorless, in **auctioneer{ trade, he Is le a posits. 011 with thoroagA satishiotion all sem entrusted to him. Orden yl}i(nt et 's Hotel. or sent by nail to hie •ddre•a 33.4111111111 P.O.. carefully attended to. J0 KNOX. Donate Auctioneer. legttt DsntI *ry. l( N ICHOLSON, LAS. -DENTA L .1 . roams ogpMso ties 'mew Pea IOAoa, 11116 - DR. L RICH ARDBON, L D. S„ ..seas dessert. Gee and vitalised air stbatn1teed for Malang exwaetlag d Neck. p ll attmtloa gives to the Mtaet .... .... ........ ...... .. .. .... amoral tooth. Oafs ---Up d Opera How Meek. eMisaee ea 1 e.6 Pante Notleeel. 1111asatloss Vacant GOOD OOIRL Fel anionnum A N.rl►a k.Ago, r Ill J. -fir. ALESSIAN WANTED- - SALARY .� m.erymm, W A�NarTvED-A 000D GENERA L PION.11ths to MRS, Prepare, far Sale as ale neat. RENT, -C O M F O R T A B L E 1 Op�Wi -,some. saves Teems. pool g »n tea BiteoaRt Crew arae.., eta Spilt C. FARM FOR 9ALL-THE BUCHAN- • la this Mi `eta.. 5 r .f 11 ••d Maas •MM�aMr ias ea thisthorn. e.eho•d Atm • 13 Ansa :ChM M C.SiA411-t VURNisHaD HOUSE FOR RENT. - 1.' The l$g s trick realms, tans m the Andrews bmr ue•d. sad d. Ileltameia road. will be rested d the maths. It is in • very ole tbestagr�eies ee to the mks and ass" of • to .W. Mire o f DItY W d Ih. pa .s s am i7. Doderioh P. (1 damask HOUSR FOR HALE. -ONE OF THE best hems on North -.t. for sale at a ,.arise.. Tee full Iota end good etabalmg. pitted bathroom and city water io the how. House heated by a modern faraaoe, A ly to JOHNSTON CARKY. Oodertch. 1641 GOOD HOUSE AND LOT FOR gain CaWm. Maras oars tor sale the residence Int lr ooettpiM by hint os 1Disabsseh, ortt....dUOeoadericb The hem ospaataaiae clears, Searmgt�rahsee�. Leta. week reemla to said toe I�lo Ayr. tee MLLOO�c A�.. Warren ., Oodreieb, Ott 1;10 R SALE. -N. f LOT 31, 2ND O0N- r aamfoa. !Oast Wawanosb. 100 acres. This i. a Sot -class far.[. Also tows tot 178, Gude- riob. also lot t93, Ooderich town. ou which thee. fa • brook cottage. Apply .to PHUT P HOLT. td•tf, FUR SALK ATA BARGAIN. -THAT commodious building on Kiagwa„ Drub moo at present occupied as a smile -64 bjr Wooers' is on gale. Terms nosy. Ap lir to 1. 8. SCOTT. Brosselr P. U. 064 MUldleal. DR». WHITELY .t HUNGER. i1J! Office Urand Opera Hook. Guderi� TARS. SHANNON & BHAANON, JJ Physiulane. Surgeons. Acooushers, kc. OIRc, at Dr. Shannon's resitiesos, sear the gaol atederlca. G. t_..$HAvvan, J. it. OMAN - NON. 1751 LegaL �1 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- • tor in Maritime Courts of Osumi* Moe -South Colboree hotel. 1313 M0. JOHNS'CON, BARRISTER, . solicitor, oantni.sioner. Ike. Loons, collections and real estate transactions care - toll; attended to. ONce--Cor. Hamiaon and St. Andrew'set., Godertch, Ont. tyE06-lyi JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Conveyancer, kc. ; Money to lead. Ocoee over Post-Omoe. Goderlch. 46-tt ' CAMPION, BARRISTER, /. Solicitor, Notary Public, • t a Once -Over Jordan's Drug gore. the rooms formerly oecupted by Judge Doyle. •!M C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c. ▪ (lilee. corner of Square and Wert street Gerich, over telegraph *Woe. Pri- vat. fdunds to lend at 6 per cent. Feu - 'ARROW oft PROUDFOOT, BAK- rfuers, Attorney� a, Solicitors. c Oode Melo J �7. (,!arrow, C., W. Protdlwt. CAMERON, HOLT d CAMERON, Hamsters, Solicitors is Chancery, ken (Cameros,erioh. M. C. Cameros, Q.C. ; P. Holt ; Dudley Holmes. ideas". 1 n16 I S/YPas"ee. L' J. T. MANTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND C • accident lasaraooe meant : al lowest rates. office-Oyr. \detb.et. and tiquare. God- erich. 74- ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE LTA. amount of private and other food* at lowest rates on productive tows and hem property. Special terms of repayment to snit the burrower.- -No oommiaaion. -Cell or write M. O. JOHNiTON, Godench. 23 01 -rt $ 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON, HOL O t CA11[ERO.1. Gods Hob. fi��t.,, ONEY To LEND. -A LARGII "FA amoent of Private "'wags et lowest rales on er-class for e st np to (JARROW t PROUDFOOT. pop RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IN• to etlra•oe. Real Estate and Money Laing .[gent Only firm -class companies repreeenled. Money to Lend on etraigh loess. at the lowest rate of interest going.0 any way to suit the oorrower. Orlon -Sao• o•d door from :quare. West threat. Gode- rfoh. 16t:-tt Antilles kw Acle LIME FOR 8ALE,-000D FRESH time kept wosla.tly e" head at the Falls Reserve lime kilo. All seders for deliveff will be p umptly attended to X. BLECIt San VOR SALE. -TWO 18 IN. CAST 1: pulleys 1i In. tam. 1 11-14 la. bore, or era be bored to 0t shah, Good se new. BIW bseld •t a Apply at emm ling Ung neveNorth-stn, caw Travelling Said. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Trains arrive and depart at. Gdde•leh as fol lows: atntva Yell and Express 1.30 poet. Hall _aid Hspeam • 1•.M p.m. �lxoa ................... ......•... , -ILO pa.m.m. IteMw Sepia :..::....::.tea me pa Hotel A000gamedation. UNIONHOTEL, GODERICH. This well-kuewi em rah a.d fanners' Wal has been taken pemamlen O by Salts brothers sad refitted la every te.peet masking It see of the postage sad malates hoop.. la tea trod. Nov location. Exoolint atablteg.� Roes moderate. IeAULTN BHOrt.. Proart4 nes 461 f pin HURON ROTIL. - THIS 1 wait knows sad perdu bora bee wetted. sarpsd sad IonpywVe11 and le new ween Ns Nene is 4s emam edea for smagetZsttM t `a a...fa Ib. Iteusea Ao /oeleteea. IANADIAN ORDER OF HOME -0oderleh (heels. No tillimpery MA War 8111111•L4C� Mh7pldaa�atilla ik • Berra am. our 1\v OTiCE - ALL PERSONS FOUND l� trspssalag es my land. by sksetlae. basihp, rearing. e•mpraa, ashlag or other wise will be peeemeted accordant, to law. dao► leads are the Hart tarot in the towashlp 1'alliol_--- a.4 L C and the proper[; known as the a In the townships of Goderleh Wrest. X.BtKyCHH.LiR. EleHlanie/' matt uta. ODERI09 111011A NBA' iNBTI• TUTS LIB¢ART AND REABINV. er�ewB, ow. poly rest street and Sous sup Ops. hem 1 to m P.r., and iren 74.514 P.m. ABOUT 2000 VOLS 1N LIBRARY. La.diteyvr/lnilHermosa, tad IUeutrerted e KEYHERSHiP TICKS?. (1KL Sa is &matlms bee two df Library aid Read1. . Lil=rnM seam resolved by reom. RD. SHARMANldos(, Gm, VT 1I, Gads teb Mase& IR\ tee. H.wetmy • TO iu Maine .1amm mom be left► 7Vit Opine net Wer than 6sSsrdey nen. The Oen iter eitemegele lett be left net Mee then MM - day non. Camel Ageertimmeneells .peep pup to erten Witney* alt Ma 8PECIAL VALUE. We are showing a line of Flannel- ette in light and dark colors at 7o per yd. worth l0c. Gray Grottoes, narrow width, 3c per yd. Yard wide 4 and 5c. Extra heavy 7 and 8c per yt Wets in 30 yd. ands, fine and heavy only 13.00 each. The balance of our new Sprig stock of Lace Curtains, which was acknow- ledged to be the beat value in town, now at Dost price. Our prices in malty linea of Dry Goods are lower than other stores, sad never higher in any case. Every article sold we guarantee to be the beat value obtainabl3 or [Honey re- funded. Inspection and comparison of prices invited. (:oohs shown with pleasure. JAMES A. REID. J oedas% Moos. Ooderlah. Jim gob. lett. rilOtvN OF GODERICH. Tllti_t8i. RER'S SALE Or LANDS nut TAXL:4. F'oovrxcc or ONTAHLO, ) By virtue of a Town or (0OtianitH. warrant under the hand of the Mayor of the Tows of Oo erich and the sal of the said corporation. havens date, rich day or June, llet. to nee d.rected, commanding .eto levy upos the lauds in the fotluwog list of arrears of taxes due thereon. that unless the said taws together with all costs are sooner paid, 1 shall proceed to sell the said lands� payment as mock )) by pa the thereof as bn of the tsxmasa at the TOWN 1. is tee DKCRICH, on ember. 1802. at Friday. the Mea day d _ the hour of two ocloak TArlollowing feet enlefenfa-L f l.ete er lConcwsslo. er hart ed lot., Street � LiL 14 Banning Nos. 1-4 14 111 IS/ M tU 8. pt. 6; y 1.0 3P 11 3 1M 3:1 t, .1 Ari W • pt, 14 1n. 21 3 75 14 m Teti 1-4 19 12 2 0 in Wilson's Sur'y 14 3 75 2 36 19 head'. Survey 14 le 15 4 50 43 •• 14 58424» 6% " '• 14 3 802 36 14 115235 1-4 (33231 1.4 1 2%5 es 361230 J61230 1 341;230 39 43 31 07 6 10 1216 m •r 6 15 6 70 6 70 6 70 3 91 6 94 391 %V. L. HURTON. 77-131 Town Treasurer. Oslsricl. June 33. 1e12.. Ziniesters' Nosloe. E�CRCI'TORS NOTICE OF SALE.- Tenders will be received tip to Saturday, 1'eth July. for the stook to trade of the late Jams Saunders, consisting of fatscy hoode. wall paper. jewellery. cutle�rJ; add plated ware. ea bloc. at a ransom the d1pt1•r. 7'ba stock is mostly new and well bought, sad would be* good chance for a perste wl.►ing to continue the business. Stock sheet era he seen at the store of the undersigned and all particulars ALECK SAUNDERd, Executor. el ft 'enders Wanted. TENDER$ WANTED. -TINDERS will be received up to ariesi e. Weise* day. rich fast., nor the creative d an lees pipe fence around t he amends of the Oederleb Cot- katata tn'di'ute. 8pecteatio.s may Im seem sad other infornutiota obtained at the aka sf the undersigSne y. d. �.W. J. R. HO Oodericb, July 1111 (M. Inetit�' For Berries BULL FOR SERVICE -THE Holstein ba1L I18 of ikamark. No. 180t3s, 11. F. H. LA. for service at Ridgewood Perm Terms SI. to be paid at lime of service. A fine opportunity to improve your stock with • superior bred bull. Also • Holstein bail calf of ver superior breeding. for sal.. IWOT. tOUNO , Manager. 67-1Itow Stook Roy Salo FOR SALK -A GOOD MILCH COW, war .str d. Apply to JOHN WALK- Jr.. et Neenah & Wallet'. gerlsge Wmbi. ant HiRE'S RGGT BEER • A Sc.. beel makes 5 pilo.. of Root Beer. e Manua Bamms drat. MARQUAND'e 1R=CKLE LOTION, 50e. BEA HALT for the Bath, 7R.. Box. BATH AND BUGGY SPONGES. HELIOTROPE TOILET SOA P. 10e. J. WILsofl's Panactur,iog Dano 9Tone, ?seawater : A terribly .adds death oc- carved is the vilare of 1..,water on Satur- day eosin, last. The deceased lady was Mrs. Pafford, relief of the late Ira Fulford, an old pioneer of Teswater it appears that Mrs. Fulford was returning fro., • visit M relative. in W ingham by the late train. `lbs was met at the statism by her brother, N. W. ,lohaton. sod his wih, who accompanist her part of the wayimam She seamed to be perfectly well w,s. they parted, hut it was not more that tun ogle - alai afterwards ween she was lowed in a dying state at her own door by her brother• is. tow, Jesse Falford. Medical aid was at Dore procured, but all efforts proved Nolo Heart failure is losed to have beta the rause. Mrd /Vila Imes a large somber of Mauves fa telt ensued 'lbowater, and [:tee$ . L kens sod ISO Q1 __ ty. ^epi .S to etM meet. All are entitled to the beat fiat their soawy win hay, a every family should have at ones, a bean d the bet family remedy. Syrup of Fes, to cleanse the system whoa ambito a su.. Per sale fa 78. beetles by an Mediae druggists. ion THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. 1 eYltrfieseny tin► •reMa' "Ora 4nf "NS US pint 6. la sleet mad a :� 1Ma.Mt��.d an Sam. ea▪ ekl.1M Puna, Mac PIk.21%. wa !nn. •a1.sMtat s�aQ�akme la wont M alma at The wea is Wl a Ile l to pbp.�ap�6• maaddeww. t�aml-� d"...�bytact&7}afpa trMtms @Wma 1. salt PrY' nam r W MMatt1..,aae .. Ibis ansa Mink Samisen we: tae ra TM --emwi1•*ga Fast - -1 be Tule AL dpas ahem preserring tattles add oat the whets 1st. sad I hove lemes a mpaMed to lay in • ..w meek osesiodan orsalta Ina. tannin. ed and Ise hanks. wbll& wW be mid as ha teen at peke teak. Pee adv. ea pyla 7. Hors, Swam How r Freak Addauo, wino sod child, of Toronto, are the paste of his perste a town. Frank ha. been • resident of Toronto for shoat twenty ears, sad has for • period uoaupted the re- paooatW position of alecbaniaslmsssger of Tr, Moo.iary Tema He u alway. f.dg to visit the old " home. " lhuxua ('HCan'N PANAMA. The Orange- men of (oderiab met at their lodge rot,-, Hamilton -at., Sunday moron"( Int, sod marohed in procession to North.* 0otho• diet church, headed by the midst band. Aa address dealing with the issue. of 168880, and the results thereof, was delivered by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Howell, M.A. Auctidi T.tl.l.t 1Hi11.-d)u Tuesday List • von in the hands of Sam Curran, a boy of about fourteso years of age, was acci- dentally discharged. A vreat part of the shot took select under Currraa's arm, and a portion of it bit another lad, William Sproule, oa the neck We learn that both boys are progressing and likely to be around arm shortly. THE L*TLoT SLAM -The Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada will meet this year in London oo July 18 for bus mess, election of officers, etc. Those who are posted pay that the following tieotkemen are likely to be elected to the principal offices : Hos. J. M. Gibson, ,rand manic: Dr. Clarence R. Church, t):taws, deputy grand muter ; R. W. Barker, Loudon, grand senior warden. -- Ottawa Chars". A Srecttitlr(L G.irio to %,.. ' )ver 260 friends of Inverness camp, Sous ut Scotland gathered at residence of Chet A. P. Mc- Lean, Tuesday of last week,and enjoysd the hospitality of that gentleman. Piper Mc- Kay and the town band under the leader. ship of F. Smith, furnished music on the oo,anon. The guests were right royally entertained by Chief Mclean and the ladies of his household. 1%1.,. xvr SHow BLLtt-Mrs. Owen Ilitchoox attacked the show bills which die - graced the dead walls of Brantford, in her recent antpaigu under the auspices of the Royal Templar.. The mayor who was in the chair, immediately promised that the in- decent posters should be torn down or cov- ered up. A sister Templar asks, would it not be well it our mayor would take a hint and hare some of the bills defaced, that figure around eke streets of our town FALL fixowa-Th. Northwestern Fur will be held this year at Goderich,.o Wt dos - day. Thursday ...L Friday, September 28, 29 and 30. The South Huron Agricultural Society will hold their Fall show at Sesforth on Tuesday and Wedeseaday,t ktober 4 and 5. The East Huron Agricultural Society will hold their show at Brussels, on Thursday and Friday, t ktober 6 and 7. The Stephen and Colborne show will beat Exeter,on Mon- day and Tuesday, September 2b and 27. The Clinton show will he held on 1Yedreeay, Thursday and Friday, September 21, V and 23.1. The Western at London, from September 15 to 24. The Industrial •t Toronto, from September 5 to 17. Hi rouse S. Ha.AI0i.-The following are the name of the pupils of the Separate t.hool who obtained the highest marks at the recent examination :--4th l lass- Amb- rose Lyon, Fred Shannon ; Sen. III Claes- Edward Tighe, Eugene !lean; Jun. 111 Class -Margaret Webb, Mary Dan, f',os- st. McCornac, Mary McEvoy, John Mc- Donald, John Nealou ; Sen. if Class ---Mary Tighe, Bridget Slattery ; Jun. 1I Chime - Mary Payne, William McDougall ; Part Sec. end-CeliaMd orrac, Carl Campton ; Part First - Walter McIntosh, Isabella Cur- tin. Certificates of merit were awarded by Mr C. Donovan, M. A., for application, attendance sad good conduct to Misses Margaret Lynn and Margaret Webb. let prise in music, a silver medal, awarded to Miss Cons Holt, 2nd Miss Margaret Lynn. A FATAL. MjKa•t,--The funeral of the Iota Mm. E. Sutherland, of Woodstock, who died suddenly Thursday last from the effects of taking carbolic acid instead of Jamaica singer, took place on Saturday morning. The funeral was largely outmoded, allowing the high esteem in which the lady was bold. Mrs. Sutherland was the mother of Mr. Alex. Sutherland, st Thongs street, this city. The poll -bearers were her six sons from London, Po.tuc, Minh., Cleve- land, 0.and Wood.took. Deceuoad also leaves th, me daughters -Mrs. McCallum, of Poetise, Ma .; Mrs Mef illivrs , of De- troit ; Mrs. Norte., of Ged Mia Sutherland was 74 yeses of age. Her hu - toad, with whom she emigrated to the oonaty of Oxford M years age, still survives Iter •ed has lived 1. the county ever sines his arrival hire. Mr. Sutherl•ad has worked nineteen years on the G. T. R. at Wocobtock statins. -London Advertiser. Haag n A l.lnat.' -One day last weak the Stises@ of Wiarten were alarmed by the most unearthly noise ever heard this side of ps.dem,ouient. it was tee times wets thea the Grit yell of despair which was heard .11 over Canada • year ago last March, whoa the news spread that Mir John Maodsald •ad the Torii were again sustaie.d in pow. er. Meme people thought it mast be • Vu- lvae anemias beaded by 'Ra. Winn, with Bir Pieta/wet Cartwright, Ned. Ferrer, and Da. MaOilliesddy, def T'e, Oonaser-g Mao. Yat., singiag sweat hynems of Unrestricted Restproaty, to hill a Csascka to sleep while the great Americoa eagle quietly stowed (ls.ad• sway in it aspaoiom. where Charlton. 1 .MtBw, Goodwin, •1, want to creep. HK no: it was some of them dire thi g. at all. It was the sew whale of the Rufhla Fbh Cs% tag the "James" said to have beer promoted to that vessel by Mr. M. C. Oseser.s, the debated tris el West Hies., a myth the sh.r. el Lake Hares, las Ossr Bays tremble with fear waw the C et the Berea (frits' yells .f deepen w beset remendiag rem, eer reeks. Our geed kissle, Mr. D. Comma, aeries the street, Maw. that the soma of the whistle, r,1_10 • doido '. boy, mak a 100 power beaky atatehmaal IV bras bras Newa A W au. -Patau Lat'm>•e Minas, -Tho iaeraaas mate& ea Twd.y, July 11Th, bee - Wawa the leaver, d S.d..th. tied the Hare.., .t Oedert.k, was ate of lhe hod and sa.et esti-M- yeses ever pinged boon. The leas pons, whin► lasted ens hear sad Mesa ml.atea, was es geed as exhalant d lateema as h.s hete wNa.ma1 ie this taws is a Isar that. The bas nes mirk* d tib time hawses the bre the Har.... if saytWg, having the bent: of it The messed and third limns est short dattta•iss, wen 10t. tg. Heavers w a meet (seder s. d *ding fellows, and the game v as by l the aurae, d any r. -.Lk ply, etc., a great contrail M the sea ea the I.M. It will M inn kr 11. kalbwi.g list of the teams that the Beavers played their fall team, while the Hares played two msn who hod sever played is a meta before : Oodsrioh, 8e•tsftk, Mt -mem Haircut'. T. Morrow. Goal. G. Abell. C. Rend. Point J. Smith. W. Thompson Cover point. B.Jaokso. U. McIntyre. 1st defame. W. M L H. Hays fl d " C. W. Bleekterd 3rd " W. P• se. A. Ni.heines. Pentre N'. Snt D. 'Champion. 3n1 home. O. Neal. N. Bowbeer. 4w1 home. T. Stephan. J. Mcleod. 1st home. 14. Jackets. R Mauna. Outside host.. G. Baldwin. A. McVisr. !nettle boot. J. Boll. D. Joh.ete.. Field :swoon. R. ,.octan.. R.S. Williams. Umpire. Mr. Wright. Referee --J. Lorry, St, Mary's L. Mttrltalt. TIM.. TIM L. 1st. B. Jackal Beavers. 1 hr. 15 m. lel. tt. Jackson 10 m. 3rd. A. MeV mar. Hurons 5 tn. For the Beavers Abell, in geed Smith, Mc- Ik e:tall, A. Jackson sad , utberla,. 1 played the best game, aid for the Hurons, Mor- row, in tool, Reid, the two Thompr.us McIntyre. Blackford, Hays, Mc and McVicar played well and tried hard to win. TOE ROTA!. Teemse+•ll.t' a A PM'?ttr. The members of Eureka Council, R. T. of T., and their frieods treated themselves to so outing Friday afternoon hest, which wss much enjoyed by all w ho participated there- in. Shortly after one o'clock Capt. Wig• one' sail boat, which had bass aetcred ofor ah the occasion, Left the dock with a good- ly number of people on boar! for Abraham Smith's grove, a short duteous up the lake, and during the afternoon and eceaine a large number of row boata were utilised by those who oould not get away earlier, in reaching the grounds. The weather was pretty warn, hut there nab an excellent supply of cool spring water at hand. which, together with an abundance of lemons, etc., made existence a pleasure. The e$Nci iso committee of management appointed, had provided swings, croquet, hall games, tog• of -war and other amusements, which were heartily indulged in by the young ladies and gentlemen present. The young ladies of the council hal also prepared numerous baskets of substantial eatables, as well as delicacies, which they know how to pre- pare so well and to which ample justice was done. Several of the young Dulles favored the piomoers with some choice • %oral selec- tions during the afteraoou which was much appreciated. There were also • couple of musical instrumento on the grounds which were nude to do gon.l service at intervals. Perhaps the most interesting event of the day was the tug-of-war in which both sexes took part, sad which resulted in a tie. \bout nine o'clock Capt Wiggins' Speedy Messenger again came to anchor and those who had no other craft to sail in, got on board and were landed safely at the dock spin. We believe the young people of Iturek• Council are all earnest temperance worker., and give themselves to any work taken up for the furtherance of that object with real : but they shoo believe in having a sociable gathering .taxsioually, which they endeavor to make a success of also, and their ptcaic Friday loot was no exception to the rule. LOCAL BREVITIES. The town opened will meet next Friday evening for the transaction of general bust - Ikea Rev. J. A. Anderson will deliver a ser- mon to the Foresters next wady morning in the Presbyterian church. Gderich Orangemen celebrated the 12th at Kincardine this year. They report big crowd, a fine day and short ratios.. It is' possible to extract teeth pamleesly and the patient retain oomsiousnee,. Dr. Richardson does it, Dome sod see hint Dr. M. Nicholson, the Wast -et. dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth a specialty. (:as administered from 9 ALIO for the -unless extraction of teeth. On Sunday Iast,Petter McEw•n lost one of his valuable horses It was trying to get • drink at an old teak, the covering of which was not very strong, when the animal fell in and was killed. Don't forget to hear the celebrated Whyte Bros. and Mrs. Hitchoox in the Tem peraoas Hall this (Thursday) evening. A rich musical and literary treat is in store for all who attend. Doors open .t 7.30 ; to oom- manoe at 8 o'clock. Stratford Herald : Rev. L B. Wallwia, H. A , the new pastor of the Watsioo..t. Methodist church, preached his first sermon last sunday, and created • favorable im- pression. He speaks with fusty, sect sad ability and gives evidence of being • worthy euooessor to Rev. Mr. Hinck.. Waterloo Chromiole An excursion ander the wispiest of the choirs of the various churches in the county will take place as Friday July 22nd. Tb. objective point will be Ooderieh, whsle a messier. the City of Windsor, will be is waiting to give the exoaraiesiste a few hours' rids as the lake. Paters will be out in a few days, giving rates and hill particular.. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Min Correll was in Clinton last week. Tyr. Slaw, of (limo", was in town Taint week. Mn. Jas. Martis left ant weak for Boston, Masa. Albert Reid, of Brantford, is visiting in tows. D. prune, of Stratford, was u town ail week. lira. Moore is visiting her father Mr. Jae. Read, x 1. 1. sh MIntais away as • trip to the D. Meirorvie, of Clinton, was is taws es Friday last Mrs. Harry Toombs is viainiac friends 1. Cetlragwel. Wm. Seymour. of Detroit, is vaiti.R the old tows. Miss Sestale, of Soderttt, a vanem Min Lae Rama tfvet hM MeR d °hinge, a visiting Ma- w.: k. trtlil:' of 84. Lease. a.krelttg cal- herb a•eaehed. S lb. '::: • .. i is •NI ..............._,- Y •• es•§ Termite hive Meek .lashes. Jr LA 12.-Remipb wmd ~mpasellaisr light at the western satin tm,bot sly 37 leads, with • very small ~ rigid over from last week. Tad. gage oonerete' of 686 sheep, 414 1.B, It calves and the remainder cattle. M a b b1 .apply, the market was is better .kaps than ea either of Lia sear dry. last week, bat .till trade was dell and Beene. The aiteadaax R sie large. a number of the local multa,ea tea drovers taking a holiday to celebrate* Twelfth o1 Jul1 lent week's receipt. were: 2.021 cattle, 2,tt64 sheep and 1,129 hqt Weigh fees. 867.44. Iesalrreal Live pee. ■.rtes. ' Jute' 9. -Thera were about 400 head d butcher.' cattle, 350 calves and 660 lad lambs offered at the East Ed Alibates today. Then were anomaly any pe beeves offered today and by lar the low number are halt -fatted sad lesaiah (termed besets, mem of them brio( .ho4atjar Ion loan i. Oeeb for kilning p presser A M head of the hon .atonals worse sea r ya per lb., with pretty good de.k at bun 414 to 4lc .1o., a ameba of t, oohs ems ware e oL41 at from 3to M Ott per lb. Thee woes Wee numbs of Aimed' dry news on the market and they brought from 120 10 f`10 each, or from 21c te v pet lb.. and en nal soall•w•g,yar:tnga were Wali at about 110 Wash. Calves Wer. mama more pleatuel than fur • long time past and priors are loa er, mailing from 8226 to 48 each. Leo Photo' bought three good calves for Elk and five good lambs at 84 each. -htppke are paying from 31c to 4c per lb. for air sheep ; common 1•mhe are declining in pace, when( from fit f3 each. Fat hove a, •dvsnciogat ion pries madto bnag from S}c to 54c, per !h J. M. Best, d $entomb, was la Nn during dee week. R. I3. Comities, of St. Thomas, spot Stucky is town. Geo. Morris, of Guelph, was virtue( m town this week. Mrs Wm. MoCr•th is visitig at Pwt Albert this week. Mies Carrie Commodity, Auburn, te Tenn relatives in town Mies Tilly Rotes, of Detroit, is , Letting r her home in town. (4. B. Cox, of British Exchange. war . Toronto this week. Mea Toms, of Stmcoe, u the guest of hs. cousin Miss Sybil Mrs Harry Reel and infant, of Bdib, are vesting in town. John McIntyre, of Saltlord, has gone ss • trip to Itritiah Columbia. C. C. Koss, barrister, of Toronto, is risk ing at the family residence. Mrs M. McGuire returned lost week from • visit to relative in Detroit. Rube. Ellis, of Toronto, is visiting at W reaute,ce of via parent. in Sd•for& Mrs. L Matthews left oa Thursday per str. City of Windsor for Kiae.riios Mrs. Nisbsgail •ani foody have gose u Staples, Ont, to visit relative. there. Miss Maggie Matheson, of Hiavy, r visiting her aunt, Mrs. Neil McIver. Mrs Heard, of Detroit, is visiting Yr parents, Mr. and MR Jamieson Reid- Miss eid.Mion Bro•dtoot, of Seaforttt, left on Tor day after spindles noose time i. tows. Mrs. W. T. Whitely, of Clinton, was the guest of Mrs A. Smith the past weak. Thos. Jarvis, of Saltlord, is hoer spin after a residence of several weeks is Tact.. Mr. and Mss. Wen. Pro.dfoot ham re- formed home titer a week's visit to Buffalo, N. Y. W. A. Lawre ce, of the Beak of Hand - tae, Lackner'', was visiting in tows bet week. A. M. Robertson, of Newbafgh school, has rot -armed to town for the 1111h - days. Miss. A. Rude•..n retuned on Monday from • month's visit to Walkerton asf other towns. Tho.. Mclean returned os $sturdy free Chicago be holm a good position 18 the Mr. sad Mrs Vs Rams.,, of (Clapp w tirt•aog the lady's perste Mr. sad An Joseph W illisms. Mrs. Oliver ad wa, of (:alt, ars flit week the guests of the former's paresis, lit W Mrs. Crs.man. D. J. Mcleod, of Hameb.e, wb W bees viaitee relatives in teem los. Werk left ea If rkky fee Sadorti. Min Drysdale, d, .toter,( O. dderiah (or a short time0.and i, and s die (net of her aunt, Mrs. D. Frear, West Laws - Mrs T. ShilIls aglaw and MrW. law, d $e•torth, have hose couple of weeks with Mrs. • sea. Mrs. Jae. W, V le WOW Mob in Part Haran, Mich. Me dM e• fed y her miens, Miss May hely d lei Med. Mesas C. ((snow, T. Great gat to Hones see encamped • few wk. sr do river. They are the deet to pied, leer tones this omen. Mr. Gad Mn, Brlgdo amid Moir tea. dei(►tis, d Toro.b, are eposdiag eAet Sommer i• (iederieb. Gad w er jsjisg ifwti. God mtmsa very e10a lir. Brigden Y Mb hoad bt Lb. wdl-k.. TerwM A(rvfar (e Water Taste wmka., tand nermr r�d� resestly Cemmptie.._dornM,.bis of toy lyth.ab•wt ee mudsdt for time Coder very abeam diene' sems is* to the *se soretis boy a '- reels Rz-•Iderm". L A. Made.atd we, • *sera 1.1 week at•endiag to woo• s in•erMep that he holds to Hmrs. I)ar8Wwyhs..Lir w..4501ret MAMA `reel, God sis uaarra begs.upshot d.., }•YM ms 11a .ad..tlnai the 8. 1' erllMnh b iiseh vey elecreli