HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-7-14, Page 66
THE SIGFNAL : 00tDiiRld1, ONT., QDAY, JULY 14, 1$It
-fleas Work Oms 4i—A Wesal et Over
lb.Mew improwils.r is itltgd the ism
atttq it i W utak/ a bmilessibia Tat i. the
West she proms of •ew. bees
which lie.ter. iagtrwt Mere sainted haws
with its first o.ltiv.tfe.o estis whom the
Wrier was ase who Milt the caret to ..erre
new 1.d fends .oil If s prelim el sane
lisMy saving masers ..d brownest ...dots
with .over bad boom adopted ad the Int
VIA, rer cent—tense se the ware el it weuW have bees smolt .ester to retia
Lillie asset —To lessee the Wer% ef the
hrtidy this it OM M was. Met to restate
it. fiat the dna it&u.. Sail s a
Wela. Mater acid *..sons ea the norm_ toddy Meds to its d.spol What is -
dimmest iit then to maintain i.rtUlla
Adam Jew. master of the likes Gt.stp when ids crop of • d year win any
l.dt.we, '•I aeenviseed that 4111411141114111fertilefertileland Y gl it was ten u
tele nt
ors of the greatest Isaiah= foram* maks High prices for lead are therefore helps
15 laying to work too mast' hoots ascii good farming. Tb.ymake it .eowary to
; better sad more mtrstratory results grow ea few awes w t meed a he vows
et11 IuUow from 10 hours per dal thea by Dei • great foray.
try w work 12 us 14 howls. sap not ,
bet eight boon, when we have en
things s/stomatieelly etr.ag d will be
The Gress Awake .4 a.r...
better tan the longer day. The hours The &bleat s.d snort iateresti.g military
rived from pay labor,if devoted u wnter in the Uuted States, sad one of the
ltatellectual mural and social culturewill loremaar of war nam, at Col Theodore A.
make u much muneJ . "Life
few, tae Krsasd. Dedge U. S. A. retired lot. Col. Dodge
and Dobler aims of lila The in
question the `irate. A goeoY swo
t the rester in Europe, making • per
sopa study of an the gnat armee. and the
worthy of the t careful isvestip regat. o1 seri observations he contributes i.
d every grange noi'
part of each meeting should be devoted as interesting article to the Jul number of
to developing • method or system of . Fortin.. iotil"til"lt18"("43I seep
the work of the house, 10 lessen the work stand ready for battle in Europe, and the
.f the wde, daughter and usher. The noblest work of the world is perverted to
work in the house should not be looter ignoble uses. Europe, as Col. Dodge
than on the farm, anti ea far as poen forswar has neves
enso perfectly
natly pprepared
epae d
the drudgery and unpleasant part of_ p' _
douse keeping should be overcome by ha h Darer I hta.udclu het'ose aol3ut M.ysf
system, con rentences and labor-eartuglg
devices. Toe grange is the first end early outbreak of hostilities. lu reviewing
only great or,kz that has recti uued the the several armies of Europe l sal. Dudgu
abilities of women and pieced Eur in all frsnkl{` declares that the I:aglsh cannot
things on a plane of "nifty in all re, DOW CIA IM to be • military power. la
Wert' to {pea. t)ur tune, thought a.J
feet, England has had no war for nearly
labor should be equally given to aid het eighty years that is of more impwrtanoe
u making her duties leas arduous end thee our conflicts with the Indians in
snore zhsort ul and ide•sant, and to sur the West. Incident►Ili be remarks that
rounding the houie with the refining in.. t' srmYa.
of the fEnI trait.i
sh atxnat
earners of culture, su
education MOM.; and t
day she lowed the Frani, and her work
and devotion to run rad thn thug. wih urptec-tdutr.l feat. The la" i' that Ieso
Oka ere Then she will ever likes the They think, for instance, that the charge
of 4440 Light Brigade
at Baiaklays ws an
odd W year pr.upenty and the hapmem ; than a, per cent. of Loom that rode •'ran^
of the entire hou.eltolJ. Her earnest the jaws of death" icruhed, whereas in our 4,riUA are under the age of 'L'.
work for the gyan•ge will cause It to pros- own Civil War more than sixty regiments The greatest eucmy of suburban tele -
per as never MWre, and will make it a ' last 111 I14lete 1405 engagement more than !fO phone and telegraph poles is the wood-
0.r58•.y hes IIs WNW, beads
Onemeati- .et the lair Assornes.s 811
4{10,060 • year.
?fa grist 8t. P'ol'e estledrsl. is lora
de., was built from tram levied as Nat.
Nest to Pack the banana is said to
M the alum tsdtgmt;bM this. that • few
can sat.
11 Leads. Means were pat sad he and
ttheeywo.ld ranch frost Nat city to tit.
More thaw 110.000 persona hays baaa
divorced in the Maki .f Coseeeticst etas.
The immune* eollestad from Mot year's
ascents to the top of the Eiffel tower
ssuoated to $113,000
The regime about the Dead eaa is ons oil
the bottom plan= on the globe, &ad the 5m
is said to leap • million tom of water • day
by evaporation.
A Philadelphia funeral team 'id aprrt«
at • wedding • few days ago, and the dott-
ing driver allowed the butm to carry tht
brtdel maple into the cemetery.
The largest of turtles Is .std to by the
species kuuwo es the loggerhead, which
grows to the enormous weight of 1,600
pounds. These are found io the sen.
The btu sires of preparing shrimp for the
Chinese market is posioning important pro-
portions in California. The shrimp are
taken lu huge nets awl boiled 10 great ipa.
Au umtuelk count:any has been =wiper•
•toad with a capitol of eit,004,I0,10, sad is to
carry un business w alt the states and term
wrier of the United States en4 io foreign
Above the length of 19 or °0 feet, snakes
in the l'hillapine lslauJs Inerese greatly In
bulk for every foot to length. s0 r!st a
snake 19 feet long looks small besides one
22 feet long.
There are in London IMO common lodging
houses which have nearly 00,0101 iubabi•
tants. In them warrens are ,boat 9,SiS)
women and girls, and of this number some
rear power in the land." , pts ocent., end one ragtment Ios t Y muc
as t!2 per cent. On the sea, however, Eng -
Mahlon r"urk Cbeeply. I land.* power Is still great.
An ftstaoro of successful feeding at the - The greatest danger that Col bodge sees
Min:,esota experimental atallou u given . t., lite peace of Europe is in Kusafa s rest -
follows : Laity -four His were (arrowed oo less pushing carom .tsia. The Asiatics have
the !:.:h of April. As soon as large ,•uougb a liking fur Russia, whose autocratic goy -
the) %ere turned with the sows t0 au go ; centrent they understand better than the
acre lot, where there were teulporery sheds ! government of England. titillate does not
for shelter. Herr they,; were fed liberally seek veer, but she will not rest from her sly
with screenings. sometimes cooked, anJ i encro.chni nta cuts Mrd, and this may Pre.
when not coked well soaked moulted swore., eap,tate a general conflict. The Rosman
sod in September • little green cora. w hen , army, by the was, is one of the best in
weighed at 2j mouths old the pigs weighed , urope to • great moony respects.
41 pounds, and had cost (including feed 1 Col. Dodge devotes much space to • de-
lu sacaeot rim= Greece cruet aome-
for Rows) SO nests per head, (1.'.'•i per 100 tailed cwupsrieou of the Freozh army with thin like ,,S00,990 scree otesdeuse forest
pound.. The screenings Moet Stu cent• , the l.ermatt army, with much praise for an 1 the tea. comwro:ivelj rick in tm!ar
per beedredweight. During October both, but with a tendency to give the moat ,antis half • centur Ilan krests
they were fad cora oil the cob and compluusntary word to the Germans. Hs bare now, dhseppesr:I,�n.i the result is
. fops nude from screeuir.gv meet, end declares, however, teat the French army even Loth in the es rut: of the water she
&iter t..1 until Jemmy ;:nth nothing but was never in such good condition Y now, Y p
Dorn on the cob and 'cold water. From i and that under Napoleon it was at no tune rely and in various injurious climatic et•
Nen until Much 14th, when they were sound. � as thoroughly soun. {sets.
urboll.rein, either ard or soaked. C one treacherous factor in the whole pro. A brilliant young London surgeon has
to Ik-cde=dar, S:ti, thbe t,tal coat of feed had! Mem a the atsenoe of say great command
arousal the hostility of the ; �.turton by
pecker, whoa; seam; for the numec nus in-
secte which inh.toit the wood often 1
the pole literally honeycombed.
A small cabinet contaiutng art alarm
clock, a three candle-power letup, a medi-
cal coil and a gaelighter, all operated by
electricity from four cells of dry battery,
is among the novelties recently devised.
New Yorke* have formed a s.wiety,wit h
beam:hes In Pbiledelphta and other Amerf-
can cities, for the suppression of the "i. -
tolerable annoyance crested by the fre-
quent noisy clanging of inharmonious
church belle'.
icor $14 1 f h hal log mihtary mind ..aped as there was its his out -spoken denunciation n over -drug -
a , a.r an. the pass then
a, (L:ur of tour.., Leto,. -ou motto. died; ging and hu advocecy of diene tna:ment
14 04i .ou.d. and had east .for fserl) 1.:II ops• of cease, and a a result ti arena was
per tial pouts s, and at Ilia woo h►.a for iu modern warfare more than at any time
been sold at 3} tent., or at a teem mot of I m the past is the ability of great military removed from the melieal register. He has
taken action to have his name restored.
Insects have recently destroyed whole
forests in Powhatan County, Virginia, sad
among other trees the Eamoa, Pope's rine,
a noted landmark in tate old dominion. It
stood for years on an eminence from which
it was retake for tweuty miles or more
arouud, and towered high above .11 sur-
rounding tress. into this squeeze the juice of two lemons,
The Gila monster, heloderrne horridum, and strain through flannel :add two ounces
is the u.dy species of known poisonous luz• strong brandy, nuc dram otter almonds :
Yd in the world. It is a native of the shake Thoroughly, and put on at night with
Gila Kier country in Arizona, and ties eel• a camel's hair brush.
dose or never been seen at any great dfs. Fon .a. EetrrTIVII SKIN. --A freckle lotion
thrice trona that stream. The Indians of that I consider positively invaluable, hoth
Arizona believe the spittle, or saliva. sod as a face wash for counteracting the effects
even the breath of the animal to be deadly of sun and wind, or ea a ktioi for an erup•
poison. Nve skin. is made as follows: Blanched
South Africa hes been scourged by a lo- i bitter almond., two ounces : blanched inset
cues pmt and considerable damage is still almonds, one ounce: beet to a paste and add
his novels fur .duly Forum, in which an fo• beteg wrought. A swarm of locusts cross- distilled water .we quart ; stain after
tere.ting picture is .drawn of the forsmodt ed over one place t0 a column over six thoroughly miring. and old corrosive vuh-
$249.92. Cp to January lith the teed had
east $204. sod the total weight was 13,300
pouude, having then east *1.11 per IOC
pound., and could then have been sold at 3 j
cents, giving a total profit of (2901. L'poo
March 14th, the coat had been ?'�i' 0.40, and
and the total weight was 15,821. the cost
per 100 pounds then being 6L.;7. They
said then at 4 cents. brawn,: $1:32.80, or .
total profit of l$352.40. At any tis.e they
esdd have bens sold at s profit.
Faroe wad ,.ire Mack Notes
Milk that does not readily part with
Its cream V better for market. The Foremast Laving EnaH.h Novelist.
N'hea you grow mutton you compete Mr. Wi Item Sharp, the English author
with your ottighbnrs; when you grow wnol end critic, who rec••ntly nude a rout to
you compete with the world. the Suites, has written a personal and
The poultry -keeper who ha • geurous critical article about Thomas Hardy and
milk supply has a better "egg -food" than
any pateet••d compound he can buy.
The price et which • tartn will sell tot
is regulate,l It ite nearness to market, and
the quality 01 its neighborhood roads. To
increase the selling price of your farm, work
for good roads.
in selecting a coach stallion to breed to,,Electricity has recently been applied to
don't be fooled with the fact that be u in- of hu borne : establish the state of • horse's foot. Usage
ported. Slaey poor horses here been im- "Mr. Hardy resides in the heart of the
is to pot one pole of • battery in contact
parted. Ch .•se him for individual .Hent 'five couotiwi Wessex. His Lome i. • large with, the inside of a hoof, Nie other pole in
as well as pedigree. red bock house built after his own designs, i commotion with the iron shoe. If the hoof
Give the restlesi boy a piece of ground os situated ou the rise of • long uplandsweep i has b.mi pierced with a nail to rho quick.
which to raise popcorn or some other to the eastward of liorcester. A vast per -dm horse will feel the electric current and
sp.eul crop next year. and offer him a prespective is before one from almost any of 1 tom. irntate.l ; in the other case, the
alum if he exceeds a certain yield. Theo the windows of the house, rolling downs. i cermet cannot pass through the toot
h elp him sell It when prices rule highest acres of arable land and pastures, upland I u u reported from Santo Fe, N.M., that
and yoe have won him for agriculture. ' ranges, and dark belts of woodland, with, ,,, excavating mime Aztec ruins Dear Chace
Good roads are a profitable investment r&lleywsrd, the white gleam of the Froom ca.0. Gorernor Prince has n
is any part of the country. and niter the meandering among the dairy lands and twenty store idols of a different type from
harvesting season a over it will tr through and past ancient Dorceater." laity before discovered. They are circular
And the following estimate of the lager 111 uks� form0a duke varrtns from six ta
genius the decisive factor. Col.
declares that Germany is hampered by t e
loss or the shelving o1 her great men, and
sae does not know when the Kaiser may
fait her. Thu fact is recognised, if not
openly spoken of, everywhere in 4;.rmeny.
These and many other interesting obser-
vations, which are the result of Col. Dodge's
study no the ground of his long anluatnt-
ance with meet of the leadiug officers in all
the European armies, make his essay of un-
usual interest, not only to the military and
political student, but to the general resider
Y well.
cc lau linTO Mann 258 LBB{ OF
Au last
g V IT, 111111T018, ITO., FOR OSB aka
Flower —�A
How doss No ted t—t% dyed -
32 Lk FTllit Eta For Tulity-ilTo C8ll
tune, a beep, dark, anfidin6, dyted-
in -the -w eternal blue, and be
makes everybody feel the same way
—August Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel?—He feels a
headache. generally dull and con-
stant, but sometimes excruciating—
August Flower the Remedy.
How does he feel?—He feels a
violent hiccoughing or jumping of
the stomach after a meal, raising
bitter -tasting *ratter or what he has
eaten or drunk—August Flower
the Remedy.
How does he fed ?—He feels
the gradual decay of vital power ;
he feels miserable, melancholy,
hop:gess. and !un„s for death and
peace—August Flower the Rem—
How does he feel 1—He feels so
full after eating a meal that he car
hardly walk—August Flower the
Remedy. •
G. G. GREES. Sole Manufacturer,
Woodbury, lite ,jersey. Q. & A.
Islpber le Clang, related t. • near
Sulphur used externally is of 000siderabie
benefit in curing blotches and unsightly er-
uptions when caused by the heat or im-
purity of the blood, and °whet ned with the
regular course of sulphur lozenges cures
really obstinate end distigunug skin dis-
eases. Sulphur 0541 be applied externally
in the form of • lotion made with 100118 1
spirits, is • ounces; sulphur precipitate,
one ounce. It is. however, mote penetrat-
ing ti wade into an ointment with wool•fat,
which should Le applied at nights over the
affected parte .t regular course d treat-
ment at the ctm,meucemeut of the warm
weather does swtders Loth as regards
health and appearance.
Some .tel. F.E. kl.n.•t $p.,tsand freckles
spoil a tine, clear skin: but here prevention
is decidedly better than a cure, which
means temporary disfigttremeut mused by
the skin peeling off. awl w causing the dis-
appearance of the freckles. Few milder
remedies really remove deeply imprinted
freckles ; but the lighter surface tans
whether spread equally over the surface is
the fwm of red sunburn or a broad. tanned
appearance, or scattered in the (alta arun
spots or freckles, does frequently -y to
lotions and washes.
Srxaras t.n Fs*. i;iri• 58!.. An ad-
mirable lotion for .uuburn is made as follows:
Six grains borax, one ounce !late -water, half
ounce each oil of jasmine awl oil sat &imposts.
Lenton juice Ise' a great effect on all sun
spots, and, if .toed pure directly the freckles
form, will neon remove then.. An excellent
wash for • freckled or burnt skin is made
with hooey it than manner : tine ounce
hooey dissolved is half-pint warm water:
living English master of fiction. "No ole
eau approach English fiction eritic*llv,"
says Mr. Sharp, "and fail to perceive that
Thoma Hard u, at his best, one of the
most remarkable novelists whom England
has produced." Then follows this picture
riles wide, clearing pretty much arery limit twenty grates, which should be .iis-
thing before them, The tneelie crop In the .oiled in two tablespoonfuls of spirits of
Change Free State has Leen destroyed by wine.
the locusts, causing a lo= of over (1.000,. Fort .t HEITel) S81.. --Elder Hower water
000. is excellent as a summer lotion for • heated
make some plans to grade, plow an. rats
Nem, to get them in good cmiditiao for
winter. A great deal of farm work can be
done early in the spring if the roads art
good, but, better flan &11. strangers will be
more apt to huy land in rural districts
where well -kept roads are a specialty. The
value of property is always enhanced io
such district'.
To kill fungus growth .n the cellar, pout
twe ounces of sulphuric acid over one ounce
of common *alt. This generates hydrochlo
fie arid. 1'lose all the doors and windows
Nnsely, and do sot allow any of it to escape
into the rooms above, and do not miter it
for 24 hours. Then rentilate from she hot -
tom to the top Ithis gas u heavier tltao sir,
and potties to the botsom) without remain-
ing long in it, and if possible without enter-
ing It, as on* cannot breetbe this acid. it
kills all vegetation.
The Java' are not bred extensively, but
they are hardy sad vigoroos They
greatly resemble the Plymouth Rocks In
MAC but .re black (though the white J•vss
sod mottled Java& are also distinct breeds),
and may really be termed black 1'iymostll
Reeks. But for the prejadioe against black
bowels, the Java fowl would hold a high
place. as it is tine of the herdse.t of breeds
and adapts itself to all ch=at« The her.
are excellent layers &ad setters, sad se
mothers they are very earefel snit success-
ful with then chicks
Attending the sa1es and noting how low
rano bred cattle andel --a11 being rated at
great there was in them for beef promisee -
signifcance of his work Is gives :
fifteen inches in diameter, the upper halt
"But Nerdy brings home to the reader . wtaii
nn a d«ply carved lace and the
a sense of profound sadness. Without ever , g
ttndul obtrudin himself Y the theologian lower nal rudimentary arms t0 relief. The
or the philosopher, he touches the deepest
d ars believed to be &t least 000 yeah
chords of spiritual life, and having wrought The government of Holland has • project
his subtle music therefrom, tures away IN hand todrain the 7.o der Zee. it u r
with • loving, sorrowful regret at all the i vast lagoon of some seven hundred square
by-play of existence beneath such time
day nus behind, above, and beyond. Yet , miles superficial area and is "alias on ac -
to speak of him Y • pessimistic writer
count of asshallownessdor purposesOf
would he misleading. because inadequate. navigation, while a agricultural land it fa
He does not preach pessimism, for he has ethetmdamisl testo b.iouaitevaat lua£3k7. 3,0T00 scold
tot saving grace of having 00 'trait 4o sop the drain at £13,0,000. 1t u mm
port or exemplify. He u tok*nt Lodi pa- drainage
1teat, eesing .1 once Me good Lodi
the Nat thirty years will be required to esn-
weskne.11. In • word, the pmaistsm lda1s the whole.
se m
of which so many complain is L revelation - _ — -
rather than on exposition." The Groat 1(oder. Ctrlllay.
The railroad is the great civilise .f
The Opel. modern times, end rec.,gsinag this fact the
The mum of the opal being deemed an Egyptian Government a now sap: veyieg L
unlucky gem is probably dee to the nature aero for the extension of its astir along
of the stone area The irndeseenoe of the title Y far south as Wady Heif&. It is
the opal is cawed by innumerable whnte estimated that it will coat 1/1,000,000 M
crack. which reflect the light from • tholes- bold • narrow -gouge road from (.ngeh to
and surfae.s •fid so in.Isc. the play d Wady Haifa, which forme the presest
Dolor. It sometimes happens that, from frontier of Rg►tot, When the real
no known reason, the oracks enlarge and reaches Wad Half& 11 will not be difatta%
s. M ex
the stone splits into a number of pecetend it Tanner south to i)ongole The
A valuable opal las thus been known M establishment of rapid eommu0oation b4r
become utterly worthies.. in s short time, tam" Cairn and Upper Nuhts would ewble
end of a beautiful gem only a thimbleful the Khedive to rapidly transport u 1�vp-
el fracaleate rearms. Such acoidenu •s aha tem '-o Om frouNen of the Ees�sa,
this have probably s�111,44411111,44411rase u the ides sod all the Rrithk radii* now in RQss
thet the opal s y to own, a0lucthat seas Ise vs•
and the kilNye Y as seah an
tied after many yean feed;ng sail Peron- ap.rnitioa growl the ids+ beam* snout r ..11154 ale Ike $talars win fan
genung with all armies of cattle, Prof. J. died that tau gem bt gtirfort.ap to Wain leis . krM_ L-. and witb-
W. Santoro declares that a large percent- its pomm
eor.—St Louis lobs-be=nebeam* trait. MIK
ago of pars -bred cattle are supreme only V
ism, and are i5ferior for meat production Wasted u Mt Mteaap.
as compared with cone n esttle. ile The colored penal always sustains 1114
joins with the farmers. sad mes they ars actions by a moral philosophy which Mems
am Ionia. nor en lar out of the way In their ontirely satisfactory to him An old da
jsdpromos!oseinit to the real peol vale of fey ry
led at the local Keeley institute the
tic. re Moods, "The error has bees other dot'. "You are wit • drunkard. are
largely On the side of the breeders, and
the good ume for which 11,y sr,. Impi.g
will never ovm. eatil *0 or ;44 per cwt,
el the foesmlee raw recorded are swept al waald .aka me feel good, b.t I'm tired of
from the herd honks and out .4 the hafts pit so long. ait'l thought .abbe yo'd
breading lista with • heavier per nut. et give ea "1.1 ,,m. • hew .1 dem gold shots, w
bili rd feel nether, an' dais (kwenng his value)
Lake individual eheneeter lice fares eerier tangoing to be • imam oh tic Our*, •.'
4558.155 the MOW for any key time If mat wets to get rid of die Far Masker habit."
krgsovag It ie .osesmanly retrograding —Mingo I.t.r-Owe..
ye., urn la ! &abed the doctor in some sur -
warning the old fellow. "No..eh ;
.sobs to okod me 1110. Ole Keatnek than
Mer Tear Memel Sheen.
Here is • line of iaform&tiost that is worth
dollars to tics seas who is eoati.sally hav-
ing his russet .hoes robbed with various
same and drainage, mid that will byte/
esmfort u the mss who dislikes the stinky
polishes i. use and whom. .he= perform
present • s.burbas rose aropeei saow
Jost wash os your sh, every swain
with • damp sloth and 1., , them wigwams
ly with • soh, aka., dry fresh. They will
mho as • ssrprisirs polish, without •
tram .t .Mekoesa, ..4 will mum aamesse a
s•-Wsfiry dark enter, Was that an • weft sus-
..a-dntss pip—Nus Yob Iso
skin, or to apply before and after exposure
in the ate, and may be made from the elder
blossoms gathered when fully Mown. Place
these in au earthenware jar or large jug and
cover with hot water, which should not
reach boiling point. Naturally this will
not keep good, like the distilled water *old
by the chemist, hat when surfaced and bot
tied two or tone ounces spirits of wine sd•
deal to each bottle will help to preserve the
liquid, sad also make it more valuable as a
face wash. ---Home queen.
M=aser Cempinlat ale Nasv5see
I can recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry for Summer couple/et
and diarrho•a, as i have used it in my
family and adult., with the best results.
F. E. 1) ,s,
2_ Clear Creek, Ont.
N satey. is N vera. ,
Halifax, T.S., July 1. —Lieut. Vicon Stan-
ley of H. M. M. "Casada," son of the Owes,
nor -General, seat to barn's rester ley by
train • splendid 53 -Ib treat caught in the
Caiospelimo, N. B., which in a letter the
lieutenant mys he utnderstatnds is the big-
gest (except noel ever taken out of that
water. He rot it with the yellow in fly.
• uberel Teres we
Scores of 58= and women who 11111.0 .1
ways suffered their prejudices to Mired them
to the merits of Burdock Blood Bitters now
use and praise this wrmderfui tonic purifier
se the best firmed ksown for dyspepsia,
constipation and all blood diseases. 2
rf WLER'�
GOL / �A
Price 3S'crs
+ t + + + +
American Fruit Preserving Powder and Liquid will
do it. Try it, you will like it, you will find it leas than
half the trouble and expense of any other method, and
more reliable and accommodating.
For Cider it is cheap and decidedly the beet known
method for keeping it sweet.
It will effectly allay or prevent fermentation and
preserve all kinds Fruit, Juices, Sauces, Spice, Fruitlt,
Tomatoes, Vegetables, Etc.
Full directions inside each package.
Agents for Butterick's Patterns. July Delineator to han.l.
12 come to the funeral.
the whole procession.
Poison Papers, Insect Powder.
LIMB JUICE. ---Hire's Root Beer 5 gals. for 25c,,
a delicious Summer drink.
+ + + + + + +
Just arrived, the biggest stock of Lawn Mowers evflE
shown in this county, and the price will suit every buyer.
Garden Hose away down. Agents for Rudge Bicycles.
Everybody,knows they are the beet.
The Latest sad Bost
0UR MISS DONAOH has just
returned from Detroit and
other cities with the latest and
best ideas in Spring Millinery,
an -i will be pleased to give the
benefit of her experience to the
ladies of Gollerich and vicinity
who desire to avail themselves of
her services.
Glasgow House, March 23, 1892.
We have just received a wiry choice 1168 Of
---COIUSIRr11110 0 —
Which we 'earlobes tie Mil at blab
10 Cents per Pour& Cheaper
Than can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will ow
vine you of the truthfulness of this assertion.
sell the best OOFFE'E obtainable.