The Signal, 1892-7-14, Page 5T1IE SIGNAL : (]ODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 14, 18th. 5 THC CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TOiIONTO. .f) Sfl1I MILLION DOLLARS • .5.000.004 IL L, WALXILft, 01,000,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A OtinaftAL BAtatiei0 C Melee TeombeeTeD. FARNSIS $OTEe D socluNTEG NA, Te 111•UED FAYADti AT AL, Mien IN CANADA, ANO TNI PRINCIPAL. arise IN Tint UNITED OTATIS Q11[AT eiHTAra FRANC*, &RNIUDA. Aa GAVINSS BMW NIIART1ML111T. ,pens p/ 0LOO ANp UMVAII011 111101M9.0. AND OURRENT RATER OF ASTtIS$T hap.r[D. serniseint ADOSO TO TMS oassiotee t. AT TMS SND OF MAI• AND stwaereaa IN =OM V*A1. gpeolal Affe1tbe glom tie the OSUiotlon of Conunerolrl vapor, beg Farmers' 011ie NNoR. R. 6. WILLIAMS, Manager. DUNGANNON. ray, eanigemorea Prepared Ottr a.. u.sTim ilignaL of Iron our owe corre.lP•ad.n-• Visiting. Mrs. Alex. MoNevia, el Wood. g o, Ont., is visiting at the f4('•of 1 h tuber. t•t,,Tt.o.. _Colville Walker, wife bed re children, of (Medea, Out., are visiting tw paresis. Mr. sad Mrs. Jas. Walker, in tar renege. _ Dur - pa, T. AnJerec and 8. Marchi•a,T. l left sere on Tuesday for Manitoba with two ser load of horses_ {.At t tortes.. - Mrs. D. Scouts left kris last week, ea route tor seawater, lraoe county W vutt relative then. We nab her • pleasant visit and mete return. '•TuLai Aas LONELY HAMMTn."— W are to our village at premed three grass widowers, who look sod appear ee.mwhat loc.,a,olate. iVe hope that their lee•oesss- ler will loos be over. taxi‘ U.. 0e Sunday tui Mrs. 13th sod 14111d OalmbThe e prize hat sc will be ea heed fee IRepUoo in about two weal& II TAM AND DELIUTrl'L N Sarum.-- Iles morning of the 12th was u.Mred in by beau- tiful fair weather, which, we presume bee been unusual a tioo the pant As to the ods- braof the 12te here, rew terew e all be made in our next budget. TRS DEFTLY HAsntsD B.CIIR..-John Gay has improved the appearance of his beautiful residence by having it psast d S. • very fssbioosble style. J. Black sad his assistant did the work. It taken them to n ode an excellent job in the painting and decorating line. tl' 8TLAwazsFESTIVAL. The strawberry f..Uval1,, which wee held at T. Anderson's. Aahfiofd, on Friday eventsg last, was y attended, the weather being excellent. The prom at enjoyed th.m..lvea ft was s financially • esooe, there being abut rased, o thirty dollars ed, which will be apphied to repairs of the maw. L Da, D:RTroWaxman. - - The weather for amara shoat a week kiss been and u at present all s % imttk pew.sed bar Naga NN with • that eosld be desired for the growth of the rr youngVaries. anis Fall wheel in., in oonse- 54 Ifn S. on tits arrival, Meng she ages I9Nso., maturing spidly and give pro - daughter. We esi grstulate Mr. w 1••tt spared to them. miss of • good yield. Ws have had no vain _hare. tar abouts week, but what we presume u Slow. HAa.le Moor better for the crops, copious dews at boltu are busily enraged mg t. a,- aro,,. whack i. pewteaneed N be vwy Tittle -es Tu A 1h•NUAN, o -- s LADY. -Havood - Tka.lean the westkse ie exo•ileat for , setroth .d in e Huns !team, of the 'Ta.r making b•7 bead saving it. Interests wamade to Mrs. S. 1'eatesd, which F'slat. "1110W.—The/b6 AaW and Wawa- N>• a great tribute to her as becoming B ah Fail shotes V411 bS beta as iia agneal- a popular and fluent speaker in pblic, the Net than all bad. •t Duagaosos ea tb Stinnes of Dungannon. as deo the relatives of die lady, nosy justly feel proud of having a resident in their midst, w bo is attracting'se meob notice. • IN4CUA NEL—The monthly meeting of the directory of the West Wawanah Mutual Fire I.suramcs Company was held on Tues- day, the bth inst. All the directors were Dresent. The *company hes great reason to be o oogratalatad on the continued success attending it. Upwards of ooe hundred an plications were received sad passed, being made up of renewals and new applicatio I n. The officials aro. we pr...te, doing ex - attest work. $440"ffics O2l-1 EJO i e lath tree method and results when yrt:po.Fi s taken; it is pleasant End refresnl.:e to the taste, and acts THE Naw M rrMODurr Paa*ena - -On Sabbath last, at the evesisg service ie the Methodist church, the pastor, Revd. D. Rosters, took for hie teat the words as con- tained in 2nd Kings, 10 : 15, mad is his dis- course largely expatiated oat the fact that in order to rose= true hum= happiness as well as spiritual, the heart mu.t he right ; sot • patched one, but • Dew mos Ins seces- n ary, also among other point* he gave moos good sensible advice am to en•erisg into matnmony so that the union might be pally yet -or.iptly on the Kidneys, happy. Li'•t-r Mrd I. }watt, c'.:ltne s the sys- tem etRetnh.:ly, dispels colds, head- scttrs and foxes and ours s habitual constitute( . Syrup cf Figs is tho orly reini::v of its kind ever ppro- dt:ted, pl.:.:<::tgto the taste and ae- ce t:1L_ to stomach, prompt in its a ti :e and truly beneficial in its effect-, ! rz red only from the moat healthy ,:*.1 a7r gable substances, its MALT tY.vt1lEn,qualitieeco nmend it to ail and L :-e triads it the most pokular rcia. ly :t1. i`t•rup of 73 :-,r sale in 750 Dottita r 1 :ng druggists. At_r -t lie :t3 . ' t who taay not k- it t • :- .n : rill procure it pecahptly fear any one who wishes k try it. Ilanufa.tured only by tha CAUFORKIA FM SYRUP CO. f FIST F=A]IOISCO, OAL. Leilay..:.t.$,11:T. 1.: rtv T03=. IL Z Osa A. FIAll, AMOR AT (loD1RICR i ,Inigh 1111111101 Ease and Comfort LANES. From our own correspondent. Haying is in full blast here just now. A few of the young people of this place attended • wedding in the vicinity of Ripley Ias the 1st of July. • Wrill cos Mega and Mg/tOlt11d waw 't le le eel + l eel rasele � w. _ hnerF went. Its' MI6 GM feinek llbp tib Sunnght Soap, SLAUGHTER SALE lar Boots and Shoes. All accounts was be settled immediately. Having received an offer for my business cn block, if the stock is reduced to it• certain amount. I have decided a clearing sale. Stock amounts to over 87,000 worth of Boots and Shoos, bought for Spot Cash from the leading makers of the Dominion, and are all to be sold at leas than Coat. Now, if you want Boots or Shoes, remember this opportunity. No reasonable offer refused as the stock must be reduced one- half immediately. JOHNSTON CAREY, ON THE C3-013RRIOH. 'oot our ewe eaere icedeac I. A. Aadsueoe was visiting northward among the sugeysiios last week. H. seller and daughter. Mary, visited frame; at Bmmsailler this week. The prayer meeting u now heli at 8 r. N. instead of 7.30 r. a. an Wednesday evening. Several of the 1. O. (:. T. Na 213, were ap at Port Albert assisting the flood Tempers there with as entertainment on Thursday night of last week. John Hillier who spent the last two mooch' about here returned to Woodstock est week. During his eojoera be was a gooeral favorite with all is oar sones/ cir- cle, end his absence from it ceases a deep blank at present. A little bird whispers that the fair sea have a great pretenses for the Woodstock postmark os their letters received ICNLAIu:ED AND ON A HIosA PESCH.— Moeday afteraoos of this week there was a rsisiag on the Asbmoor Farm of Thos. Sturdy on ('ommsreW 8t., whiob saw a good turnout. The format barn having been pulled down and sew timbers )oiHsd with the old barn timbers maks the bars, sow on its new elevation of • stone found- ation, 50 by 50 ft. The aaascnlar power was led by Jams Chisholm of this place and Alex. Kirkpatrick of the Nilo. The Miter's side won the privilege of sitting down to sapper first. Tb. framing of the barn was dons by Gb.s Morris. of Gairbraid, and his staff of workmen The timbers fitted like a glove to their plates, and the raisin, was enjoyed by all as a good one, everything passing o8 a°sly. KINGSBRIOGE From our own oorrespoadest. Jobe Harry is home from Marquette. Father Discs is is Sandwich this weak. Mies F.gan kis reallie to her home is St- Jeremiah O'Connor isimproving his hew by building • large addition. D. Sullivan had a Dumber of teams lest week drawing brick from Port Albert • Mr. and Mrs. Callahan, St. Augustine, ryRs.eet • few days last week the rest of their dsaghter. Mrs. P. M. Sutlers.. Mrs. Joh. SoUiv n, .r., is visiting her relatives in Ishpeming. Mich. She will, previous to her return, visit relatives in Milwaukee. Mmes Annie Dalton, Rose Reilly and Annie Keele, teachers, are .soh spending their under their respective parental roofs. Two of our prominent bachelors arserect- iag house this Summer. Diss Rridgie Courtney and Mime Mary Hogan have returned from Lucknow, when they have bees dre.Dnakiuv. I see by THE SIGNAL of June 30th, that the Belfast correapondent tris to oortect • few mistakes which appeared in the Lanes mews of the week previous. H. says it was not .o that Pat Moran upset is milk wawos. Well, we would like to know who said it was so. If that scribe would look through the whole SI,:.AL of that date, he would not find such an assertion. Then again : He says that i said the gravel p11 was undermined, which he says was not the came. Now, I deny saying that the gravel pat was undermined :but 1 said it then, and I my it again, that the road was undermin• ed, cam.ing ht to give way when the weight of the wagon cams on the hunk. I would think by the way he writes that he must have had a hand in the job himself (for the gravel which was taken out of the pit the day previous to the aocidst was taken out near Belfast) when he tris to lay the blame on the boy who drove the team : but I think it stands to reason that • boy who is able to handle • an of milk should be able to man- age s team if the road had been passable ; but it was not, for ie wee predicted by • as who maw the pit the night prev� B os that it would be isoposible for the milk wagon to get along in the morning without an accident. Then he put* in at the isat what the would term a huge joke but it is like the rest .f his statements, fired at ran- dom. and fails to hit the mark, for any owe who has read The Laiknow Se.tasel roast - can tell who he ie aiming at. Now. 1 beg to inform the Belfast scribe that I sever pew putnpk ins, nor yet did 1 ever .ea one pgwing, hat if i ever get • Dight of the /vale to the Fist of me I will not be able to ea .gain that I never eaw pumpkins prow. New, I suppose he will try to snake out that the etenenests are false, bet, �fre a lib resist Aellisp, he is wet for what he says. Ami'h•dF sun do a Wee IAN sea perwvs •••a b learerag(beelepbdrms11eee .111-OV111.101111T• twee as weed "mew ewe to see a, bet anuses. lar brad "'+t a idea 'MI mead* ,es. Ilk*" Pt. 941•91400 IIIPPEPOPE16.111•10811 AMBERLEY. From oar own oorremosd.nt. John Dixon has rained•his new shed. Willem Kempten's new barn is about completed. Mrs Henry Brown is very ill at present. We hope to hear of ber speedy recovery. James Johnstone as preparing for the erection of • ste= wall under his dwelling. Ree. John Rene, of Cape Breton, has re caved • unasimoss call from Ashfield con. sswe•tioa- Donald Boyd is veneering his house this enamor. The work is being completed by Murdock Bros., Dusranaoa. Arthur Maeflnreey has completed Mr. Kempton's new barn, which ad°orider- ably to t he appears/we of the 12th eon. Mr. sod Mrs. Thomas Houton. oat De- BLUEVALE. Tho tate lir hoot week. The small boy is having his holidays now. Walker Urd, of Harridan, Sasd.yed here. Deo. Jsba•, of Blyth. Rent Sunday sub► bis pinata John Patterson bed JBaer" ea Bangof Ccs., � Jnr Illesser. of Y.1wMr. wit Awe - day mega ape perestkl roaf. Mrs. lob& Daman is vieiMeg her dough - ter, Ws. I!. Nees Mari. et Yreollseesk. nee. J. W. Yrtegle, formerly •t Ford- wlek paeMd bis einem in the Blaeeele eiradt en Ranch,, July 3, JewelMMahleusI�.wvwho b•• • ll t ealresst w tthhe io.,w he Tenses beieg i the deafer. 'hate esebt de bis se such Ydr swim west ewe t. W'tptglaaea s the let el July and took hi doe epee*. AN Mime ems alseeise dm Foresters was bald shoe_ The gases wee very pal. x x OldChni (CUT PLUG.) OLD GIIUPI (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as thele brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Art Miser, w.s ic- Noren he Cesesde. MONTREAL. trait, have returned to their home after pp e here their friends and acyusintaoohe a veil. John Ihzon's new shed is being pushed on rapidly. Stone work done by Murdock Bros, Lucknow, and frame work done by John Mackenzie, Isle of Skye. DUNLOP. From our own o.rreinendaL C. Oke, from near Bsnmiller, visited re- latives ben last Sunday. HAYING HDI ANNEAL HOLIDAY.—Mr. 1;. E. Coombs. of the London Free Press staff, i.epeadawg hi. Taaatioa here, the past of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tobin, Lansdowne ferns. Rwrra..ED.—Thursday of last week F:. Morris west back to Austin, Manitoba, with a car load of horses- his stay he had • pleasant visit .sing his old friends in this section. Haying in this section is on the full move, euttine starting on the 5th init., turning and raking ou the bth and building loads on the 7th. The crop about here is generally good and far ahead of last year's yiel.l. Our post office rejoins in • new plat:urn). The sawing, nailing and laying of abe plank of it w.. dons by Jas. Bogie, jr., and Joe Martin, of ('ha.. Morris' staff of workmen, recently returs.d from Goderich township. A sore Reale, stn erwralgfa. Neuralgia is one of the most common and distraining complaint* incidental to the cli- mate. It is sot confined to any particular season, for whilst most general in the win- ter seasons, yet many suffer its ezcruciatiog agony in the heat of Dammer. In late years this form of disease has become better known, and 000.equently the means of re- lief have booms greatly increased in num- bers, as well as meffisey. Among the mat powerful and penetrating combina- tions, peoed within the reach of the public for the relief of neuraigia, we an mention no remedy equal to or more certain than Poem's Nerviline. Its power over pain is something wonderful, and we advise • trial for neuralgia, or any other painful com- plaint•. A man died at the Toronto General boa - pita Tuesday night whose body from the neck down had been dead since Saturday. It is probable that wholesale arrest* of leaden of the Holmeete•d strikers will he made today while the troops are on the grounds. William Williams, 35, a farmer living near Woodstock, while returning home from the Orange celebration Tuesday nicht, was struck by the C. P. R. express and in- stantly killed. Its•. C..14 n -. Myr.- SOOT . ar.-SOOT. • Cure, Fa. . Ilan y •Dean. MrWll•,0y. 4 • year n... .,. uw t« Nr..' 1.. n...- 1.. or lino 1. pew 0.4 cher, _.• ia,r:.•inc, Obi. te g PA ALM NE'vE;- FA;L CUR C fS OLD 1�r ALi —CZTY— BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - $ I a,Cloo,OOO REST, - - E,000,0000 A SavingDe�ari!rneut has been coned in cox - vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rales. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Brasech. N OTICE_ • Slashing Sale FOR THIRTY DAYS AT ROBERTSONS. We take Stock in August and in order to reduce Stock by that time. We propose making a grand sweep of all Summer Goods. NO RESERVE. Prints, Sateens, Challies, Corsets, Parasols, Gloves, Dress Goods, Lace Curtains, Carpets, Hose, Ladies' Vests and Underclothing, Etc. THE WHOLE STOCK MUST BE REDUCED $2,000.00 BY 1ST AUGUST. SALE TO BEGIN SATURDAY. See hand bills for prices. Come and see us and bring your neighbors. Remember the place, ROBERTSON'S MOAT CASH STORE. The Poor Man's Friend - Goderich. • Which Bride has hes ;ire 1n. est Dower. — _—sew• . Miss Mackay -now e nooses of Coll nano, and formerly the daughter-in-law of Mr. Mackay, the " Silver King -. -- holds the record with • marriage portion of five mil- lions sterling. When the Barone.. Burfett- Coutts marred Mr. W. L. Ashme d Bart- lett, M.P., she was possessed of 02,500,000. The wife of the present Emperor of China, who was married in February, 1889, had wedding gifts which were valued at up- wards of a million and a quarter sterling. Amongst other present* she received on that occasion were 700 ounces of gold : 10,000 ounces (taste) of silver ; one gold tea ser- vice ; two silver wash basins ; twenty hoar with complete trappings ; twenty horses without trappings, end twenty sad cls for packhorse and mules. The mar- riage portion of the Duchess of Edinburgh was £300,000 and a life annuity of t 11,260 a year. The wedding presents of the Prin- cess Louise of Wales oo her marriage with the Earl of Fife were valued at £100.000. Some marriage portions in the United States consists of the weight of the pride in silver coins, ascertained by placing her on one ride of a pair of large sales and coins cm the other until they weighed her down. —Tit -Bit•. RH LADIES, N- OTICE T'8) An All -Round Reduction IILLINERI PRICEBK As the Bummer is now upon es I have decided to make an all-Gte�■i reduction in my stook d Millis and especially in Straw Goods. The alstiow ask M cf the latest cotyle and newsy' tem* and at the rodeo dem oentasylated will furnish great 011 Pres.., 10a IRI. 1. i, UMW, 4M4 , lee 7. MNt COAL AND WOOD Coal, Wood and Kin('ling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. FREE TRADE �CI Mi2(6/Innos t t3 The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and beat Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at ZAtBit gsalttF ebeeteat. stove and egg teat coael•ntly cm mad. @OPTGOAL.Bele nbeerses lump coal for nee la grates. stows, furnace. etc. 00i - Beet quality gennBtosb.rE► smith ler seat sow on band. neweW attentive given toessetr7 trade. WOOD. 1 beta tow est ., m.ehlnory la epos - the bis amiss bad .petttag weed. Cast sal net weed reedy tee Neve ilwttye to Nei& way she Tea want. DWI 10t chit I am asikag weed. eat and eplis, se amp e• res eel b Nag weed es the met. All my weed Y said by the wad d Ifs feet lar bet sad les•; se lead ---seise badness sheet It solraa.>= WOOD. Plea end httealeee. 4 test eem& ser est .ad OMNI INN Ie.aR1b. Ovvu*, YARD Ann COAL SHIM in old drill shed. Nelson -et., foot of Hass- lhon-dt., three minutes walk from Oolert Nouse Remore. JOHN a PLATT, The Toroth Cash Store P. O'DEA, Malaita% LICHTNINC! BUY T8311 2...IC3I3T2•TINC FRUIT JAR The best in the market. —CAR. LOAD OF SUGAR ARMED TO -DAY. — O. A.- Nalrn's.